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Self Hypnosis. Rules and suggestions to follow.

If you are going to practice self hypnosis techniques, you must follow these rules to have success with your sessions:

1- Don't practice self hypnosis being tired.  Being tired you won't get the minimun required concentration, so the self hypnosis session will be a failure and no influence over your subconscious mind will take place.

2- Don't practice self hypnosis after eating; like the first rule, after eating, you lose focus and concentration.

3- Wear confortable clothes that allow you to breathe without problems.

4- Don't practice self hypnosis in states of stress, agressivity or depression because it may improve  these states.

5- Don't exagerate the first days. with self hypnosis happens the same than with fitness and other sports, if you work a lot the first days, probably you will stop very soon and abandon it; so begin your journeys with sessions of maxim 10 minuts; with two sessions of 10 minuts each day is sufficient. Preferly the first session in the morning just after waking up, and the second session in the night, just before sleeping.

6- You must feel emotion; that's one of the key to the success influencing the subconscious mind. For example, if you are trying to quit smoking, combine your self hypnosis affirmations and at the same time try to feel the most repugnance for the tobacco you can; before the proccess, try to imagine scenes that can evoke in your mind the feelings; in the example to quit smoking, try to imagine ash-tray full of bad smell ashes and cigarette ends, imagine it and feel the smells and the visual repugnance to force an emotion of repugnance and refuse against the cigarettes; if the self hypnosis is for enhancing natural skills, the process is similar, you have to awake good feelings, if for example, you are practicing self hypnosis to enhance your personal magnetism, you must remember some ocasion where you felt very pretty and beautiful, remember the feelings that you felt, how pretty you felt and the happyness it gave you. Repeat in your mind all those moments, live them again.

7- Self hypnosis proccesses may be done using or combining one or more of these methods: continuous repetition of one or more sentences like a mantra, for example, "I hate smoking". Visualizations: it is done using images that represent what you want, and symbols, using archetypical symbols of powers that have an enormous power to awake slept energies of your mind. The most powerful system is the symbolic, after the images and the less eficient is the repetition of a sentence, but you can combine two methods, even the 3 methods to perform a powerful self hypnosis session.

8- Wording and visualization. It is very important that you always choose the sentences and visualizations in present time, not use the future; so use "I hate smoking" better than "i will quit smoking", that's another basic key for success when influencing the subconscious mind; if you talk to your subconscious using the future, it will never begin the self reprogramation, so the key is that you must talk to your subconscious mind like if what you want was real now.

9- Use clear and short sentences, especially using impacting short expressions.

10- Exagerate; your subconscious mind doesn't understand of modesty and humility.

11- Use your usual language.

12- Try to avoid the negative sentences; use better affirmations, if possible, so if you are using self hypnosis to quit smoking, use "I hate smoking" better than "I don't like smoking", if possible.

13- Some persons may take profit using the wording "You" instead of "I", especially persons with low self esteem.

14- Finish the sessions hitting the ground with your feet.

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