Configuration of Tele Hypnosis Pro for self hypnosis, to quit smoking

This is the suggested configuration of Tele Hypnosis Pro when you use it to quit smoking.

OBJECTIVE: To feel good and healthy and decrease the need to smoke.  To decrease the risk of a relapse. Note: This configuration must be used just after the moment you quit smoking. If you still are smoking, see the note below.

CONTENT OF AUDIO COMMAND:  "I hate smoking, i felt terribly bad when i smoked a cigarette; now that i don't smoke, i feel very very good and healthy; now i enjoy a healthy life; quit smoking is the best decission i have taken in all my life"

TEXT COMMAND: it should be short and impact message similar to the audio command. The first text command should be "i hate smoking".


ADVANCED OPTIONS THAT MUST BE ENABLED: Pre Hypnosis, one of the two amplifications: reiki or extreme, elemental power of earth.

SYMBOL TO USE: The astrological symbol of Saturn.

COLORS TO USE: First frame: black, second frame: indigo

TIME TO PERFORM THE OPERATION: Should be used during about one month or more if the person smoked many cigarettes a day, and after, all the times the person feels the need to smoke a cigarette. There is no a concrete time because it depends a lot of the will and self control of the person, and the rate of dependance of the person about the cigarettes.

TIPS: Begin the operation to quit smoking in a night when the moon is in decrecent phase. Also, try to quit smoking in one of these days of decrecent moon, and just after begin this self hypnosis operation.

Note: The configuration of Tele Hypnosis Pro suggested above is for self hypnosis to quit smoking;  it must be used  just after the moment that you have quitted smoking.

Tifareth: magick-radionics software, electronic magic spells