The Borg culture has evolved into a collective consciousness, and thus the concept of the individual is alien to them. Borg lifeforms are known as 'drones' and each drone is merely an extension of the whole collective ( Dr. Beverly Crusher ).

    Every drone has it's specific task and is cybernetically enhanced for that task and nothing else. If a drone is killed or injured another drone of the same type replaces it and continues it's original tasks from where the first left off.

    Borg drones are equipped with personal force fields which - after the Collective has adapted to a weapon - can deflect energy away from any drone.

    The drones which form the collective mind are either assimilated members of another species, or artificially gestated Borgs which are placed in maturation chambers after they are born to mature them to adulthood where they can become active drones.

    The following table shows each different type of drone and what tasks it is equipped for.
Drone Type
Drone Directives
Assault Drone  - Supply enhanced combat operations
 - Patrol
Astrogation Drone  - Calibrate warp matrix
 - Increase efficiency
Bio-med Drone  - Reabsorb damaged biological components
Countermeasure drone  - Nullify resistance to reconnaissance operations
Cyber Drone  - Analyse suspended animation principles
Guard Drone  - Compute defence effectiveness
 - Maximize
Interlink Drone  - Expedite aptitude dissemination
 - Enhance
Multiplexor Drone   - Monitor multiple threat acquisition
 - Target
Procurement Drone   - Locate technology
 - Identify
 - Assimilate
Quantum Drone  - Investigate parallel space/time
 - Analyse
Sabotage Drone  - Scan navigation / defence systems
 - Attenuate
Survey Drone  - Identify exarelics
 - Examine
 - Classify
Tachyon Drone   - Neutralize concealment systems
Tactical Drone  - Control offensive capabilities
 - Co-ordinate
Talon Drone  - Add biological distinctiveness to collective
Transwarp Drone  - Expand transportation network
Unity Drone  - Study biological organisms
 - Analyse
 - Correlate