3D Astrology

By Achernar

This was the way we began - quite a few years ago now.

Relationship Horoscope

Relationship Chart - Mr. and Mrs. Achernar

11th Feb 1949 at 04 - 41 - 30 GMT near Samarkand

We invented the Great Circle method of calculating Relationship Charts properly and we published our methods in 1987.  

Both Astro*Carto*Graphy and Local Space techniques have been around for many years now and they seem to have gained general acceptance.
Astro*Carto*Graphy places the emphasis on locations on the Earth where planets are rising or setting, or on the Midheaven or the Nadir.
Local Space techniques stress the importance of Azimuth, (or the compass direction) of planets, as seen from a given place on Earth.
There are other possible areas of exploration in the way the planets may manifest in certain regions of Earth.  For example, it is possible that an individual born in tropical regions might have a planet directly overhead at the time of birth, (or within a defined orb of the zenith), or an individual might travel to a place on Earth where a planet was overhead at the moment of his or her birth.  Their experiences might shed further light on the manifestations of such a planet.
I have concentrated my research on what I call Interplanetary Lines.  The idea is that if , for example, the Sun was directly overhead in one part of the world, while the Moon was directly overhead in another part of the world, one can construct a Great Circle round the world passing through the two points where the Sun and the Moon were overhead at the time in question.  The same can be done for any pair of planets.  My hypothesis is that anyone born under such a Great Circle, or who relocates to be near such a Great Circle, would be in tune with a blend of the two planets concerned.  Astronomically, the two planets would be in conjunction or opposition in the Horizon Chart, and this might be expected to have some significance astrologically.
Various examples of the technique are presented to whet the appetite for further research.  My own investigations suggest that Primary Directions, Secondary Progressions, Transits and Relationship Chart techniques are valid for interplanetary lines.

See arcs of circles as straight lines in Gnomic Projection !

Interplanetary Lines

Along with developing the Astrology of Interplanetary Lines in the Horoscope, we decided to use the gnomic projection, so that great circles on the surface of the Earth would appear as straight lines.  On this particular map, the green line is the Interplanetary Line where the plane defined by the triangle Mercury and Venus and the Earth's centre intersects the surface of the Earth in a Great Circle.  This is the Mercury-Venus Line.  The blue line is the Moon-Jupiter Line, the aqua line is Mercury-Pluto and the red line Venus-Pluto.  The yellow circle is centred on where we currently live.

When we relocate to a position close to an Interplanetary Line, we feel the effects! Northern Scotland has a Moon-Jupiter effect for us, The Algarve Coast of Portugal a Mercury-Pluto effect and the Canary islands a Venus-Pluto effect.  The only time we have been near our Mercury-Venus Line was when flying over the icesheets at the tip of Southern Greenland - a very Mercury-Venus experience!

Planets and Lines

This map of North America shows some planets along with the Interplanetary Lines.  The prominent yellow line from top right to bottom left of the map passes through the Moon and Jupiter circles (yellow and purple respectively).  Yellow circles are at the Zenith Point and purple circles at the Nadir Point.  They are drawn larger than life for visibility.  We have a clearly depicted Moon-Jupiter opposition here.  A purple line runs from the top right of the map to the bottom of the map, passing through the purple circles indicating where Mercury and Venus are at the Nadir - they are in conjunction, and overhead on the opposite side of the world.  The other yellow circle is Pluto, and the remaining purple circle is the Sun.  Midpoint fans will note that Pluto is roughly equidistant between the Sun and Mercury/Venus.

You will also notice that Pluto is rather to the North of the general line of the other planets, which are closer to the Ecliptic.  Many of the Interplanetary Lines tend to run close to the Ecliptic, as one might expect.

One has to be a bit careful when looking at Interplanetary Lines, because there is the possibility that a Local Space Line or a Cartography Horizon or Meridian Line passes through a location, but we believe that looking at Interplanetary Lines can be helpful.  It is certainly interesting!

These maps were produced using Achernar Astrology, though the quality of the images has been reduced to give reasonable file sizes.


Last Updated: October 23rd 1999 

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