LENGTH: 9.56 meters
TONNAGE: 48 metric tons
POWER SOURCE: 3 Fusion Batteries - Combined Power Output 800 megawatts
DURATION: 20 minutes before re-fueling (at maximum sustained power out-put)
WEAPONS: 4 40mm Pulse Cannons - 2 30 mm pulse cannons - 1 Particle Laser (optional) - 6 fusion missiles (optional)
DEFENSES: 4.2 centimeter re-enforced armor - 1 grappling claw

Starfury Front ViewStarfury Top View
Starfury Side View

The SA-23 A/E Mitchell-Hyundyne Aurora Class Starfury is a single-seat non-atmospheric fighter craft utilized by the Earth Alliance for short range defense operations. Of all the fighters in the known universe, the Starfury is the predominant fighter of all the younger races (excluding the Minbari), combineing superior agility with a massive weapons pay-load. A standard Starfury is some 9.56 meters (31.38 feet) long from nose to tail, 17.87 meters (58.63 feet) from side to side, and 8.08 meters (26.52 feet) from top to bottom. This figure takes into account the size of the ship, including the fighter’s rear jet foils.

Starfuries have a maximum linear thrust of 1 km/s^2. Tactical combat speeds are generally between 5,000 / 50,000 KPH in dogfights, thus standard cruising speed is 5,000 KPH. [NOTE: Maximum obtainable speed for a Starfury is 2,160,000 KPH. Acceleration distance for a Starfury at 1 km/s^2 to 2,160,000 KPH is 360,000 km. Although a Starfury can obtain a velocity of 2 million+ KPH, it's power cells and the pilot would be dead by the time it reached this speed].

Starfuries are armed with four 40mm JC-266 unidirectional Pulse Cannons, and two rear firing 30mm J-240 Pulse Cannons guided by a Duffy 1018 MJS smart targeting computer with a sweeping range of 70,000 kilometers/s^3. Pulse Cannons are "Pure Plasma Projection Guns", with a low-end power output of "20" megawatts (20 million watts) per bolt, and an estimated range of some 300,000 kilometers. The SA-23 E Starfury can also be armed with at least six fusion missiles and is armed with an, as yet to be identified, beam weapon. This beam weapon takes a lot of power from a Starfury, and is for use against Capital ships only. Also, Starfuries can sustain maximum power output for 20+ minutes. Maximum includes full life support, auto-repair, all weapons, and full throttle. Under normal power output condition, Starfuries can sustain flight for several hours. Unlike in classic Terran designs, the pilot sits almost perfectly vertically in the cockpit, operating the vessel by a combination of hand, foot, eye, and voice-activated controls.

One of the most intriguing facets of Starfury operations is the launch sequence. The pilot enters the cockpit by a short ramp, wearing a pressure suit. As he prepares for launch, the bay is de-pressurized. When all is ready, the fighter pivots point-down into launch position, and is launched by the inertial forces created by station rotation. After it clears the station, the main engines fire. Other variants of the vessel exist. These other Starfuries consist of one that is a two seated fighter, with one pilot in front and back. There is also a Starfury that has the ability to bend light around it's self, thus rendering the fighter cloaked. There does seem to be many other Starfuries, but they have yet to be declassified.

Size based on model released by Revel-Monogram & the B5 Security Manual. All weapons and tactical information provided by many episodes of the TV show, as well as some information from Sierra’s CD ROM guide.