CLASSIFICATION: Dreadnought (Battleship/Troop Transport)
LENGTH: 1,127 meters [1,188.7 meters]
TONNAGE: 6.11 million metric tons [6.2 million metric tons]
CREW: 250 [125]
TROOPS: 10,000 [6,000]
FIGHTER(s): 32 SA-23E Starfuries [28 SA-23E Starfuries]
POWER SOURCE: 4 Tokamak Corp. 620 Fusion Reactors - Power Output 160,000 Terawatts
DURATION: 18 months before re-fueling [12 Months]
WEAPONS: 44 Heavy Plasma Cannons - 6 Particle Beam Guns
[44 Heavy Plasma Cannons - 6 Particle/Laser Cannons]
DEFENSES: 8 to 10 meter re-enforced armor - 22 Mk. I Defense Grid Energy Projectors
[8 to 10 meter re-enforced armor - 22 Mk. II Defense Grid Energy Projectors]

Nova Class Battle Cruiser Side View
Nova Class Battle Cruiser Top View

The Earth Alliance's Nova class Battle cruiser, some times referred to as a dreadnought, is one of the largest Earth Alliance war ship seen to date. First developed some 15 years ago, Nova Class Battleships are roughly 1,127 meters or 3/5 of a mile in length, and are the design basis for the Omega class Destroyers. The maiden voyage of one of the very first Nova Class Battleship, was into Minbari space and played a strong role in the tragedy that began the Earth/Minbari war.

Modern Nova Class Battleships are powered by four Military-Type, Tokamak 620 high energy fusion reactors, with a power output of apptoximatly 160,000 Terawatts (160,000,000,000,000,000 watts). Battleships are driven by four Ion/fusion drive engines, and can also open their own jump point into Hyperspace.

Exact armament for this ship is open to debate, as the ship can be retrofitted with different armament depending upon the vessel's given mission. Standard armament appears to be 44 plasma guns and 6 particle guns. One Nova Class Battleships can carry enough equipment, personnel, supplies and firepower to take out the defenses of an entire military installation, single handily. One of the disadvantages of this however, is the fact that the main guns are powered via charged plasma directly from the fusion reactors, leaving little power left over for maneuvering or standard ship operations.

Nova Class Battleships carry a crew of roughly 250 to 400 duty personnel and 8 command level officers. Battleships have a payload of some 24 attack fighters, 16 bombers, 200 ground assault ships, 500+ armored cavalry, and can carry a payload of over 10,000 ground assault troops into any given war-zone. This massive pay-load ability is due to the fact that all available room is designated for the weapons and tactical equipment and the transportation of military personnel... not comfort.

(Pictured above is the "E.A.S. SCHWARZKOPE", one of the newest Nova Class Dreadnoughts in the Earth Alliance Navy.)

NOTE: Weapons are in per. second or per. bolt. ratings. Power can be higher depending on length/duration of fire.

(All readings are in Terrawatts)

Particle Beam Guns 600 120 6
Heavy Plasma Cannon 2 100 420 21

(Pictured above is the Nova Class Dreadnaught "E.A.S. SCHWARTZKOPF", stationed outside Babylon 5 recieving repairs)