Vree Saucer Mk.2:
CLASSIFICATION: Mk.2 Saucer (Cruiser)
LENGTH: 200 meters+
TONNAGE: 30,000 metric tons [?]
CREW: ?????
POWER SOURCE: Quantum Gravitic Reactor - Power Output Unknown (in
the High Terawatt range)
WEAPONS: 8 Anti-Mater Cannons
DEFENSES: 2 meter re-enforced armor
This is the standard Vree starship, measuring some 200 meters in diameter. Powered by a quantum-gravitic drive system, just a few steps behind those used by the Minbari, the Vree MK.2 saucer is one of the most powerful ships in the space-ways.
Like all Vree ships, this class saucer uses a gravimetric drive system, rather than Ion engines or other forms of conventional propulsion. This gives the Vree ship a higher acceleration time, as well as superior maneuverability to other ships, as seen during the Shadow War. In addition to these advantages, the Vree ships also have a gravitic defense field system, not unlike that used by the Centauri.
In addition to all the aforementioned advantages, the Vree ships also have an extremely powerful and deadly weapon at their disposal - the Anti-Mater cannon. Using waste from the ship’s main power core, an artificial Quantum Singularity, the Vree ship directs a shower-like burst of Anti-Mater at an enemy target, destroying everything in its path. As the Vree are not a technologically advanced as the Minbari, their Anti-Mater cannon does not have the range or power of those on the Sharlin class War-Cruiser.
One major advantage the Vree have exploited over the past 500 years, is their teleportation technology. This teleportation technology does not operate using conventional theory (i.e. taking an object apart molecule by molecule and then putting it back together), but instead “phases” an object through some sort of dimensional slip. The range of this teleportation device is limited however, and requires a great deal of power to operate.