A Collection of My Verses and Poems
based on Gnostic thoughts

Volume Five

Dr. J.S. Chiappalone

Presented by:

Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Printed and published 1998


Dr J S Chiappalone

P.O. Box 28

Malanda, Queensland,

Australia   4885.

Copyright:   1998 Dr J S Chiappalone

ISBN 0-9587319-2-8


242       The Key

260       To Live, Love!


To a welcomed visitor

who often visits me

Is this Volume Five

dedicated sincerely.

And whom am I referring

to so secretly.

Why it's no secret

it's dedicated to my dearest,

Charming, jovial, and very

wise friend known to me

as Phoebenalei.

242 The Key


As one strives for wisdom and

understanding on life's tedious journey,

the compassionate heart is often

blunted by the unrelenting harshness

seen in all lands and fields everywhere.

Many are shocked into insensibility or

else forced to resign into submission,

for the imposed load and the threats

of Evil are often too much to bear,

whereas others seem blind to the

ubiquitous injustices and unending

iniquities and seem not to give a care,

as they seek illusional pleasures in a

way which appears, in the midst of so

much suffering and misery, in so much

hopelessness, inappropriately cavalier.


Everywhere we turn now, in this world

doomed, it seems, with despondency,

we see dissention, violence, rage, rape,

pillage, exploitation, genocide, anarchy.

For how long, for how long, can this

world in such a sorry state, on the

self-destruction edge, continue to be?


From a spiritual point of view, why

must the heart and mind of ones

yearning for Love, Peace, Beauty,

be confronted threateningly with such

terror, and its sister, Fear, with deceit,

with corruption, and incessant cruelty?


Why does war forever disturb the

chance for Peace? Why is precious

Love repaid everywhere with hate?

Why do we in undue haste into misery

from some hope rush to reincarnate?

Why is Kindness of gentle souls

replaced with premeditated Malice?

Why are we all forced to drink from

Evil's overflowing poisonous Chalice?


Why is it that as brothers and sisters

we cannot anywhere on this suffering

planet live in Peace and harmonize?

Why is it so many unjustly lie and

cheat us, no matter how well we treat

them, and lie before our very eyes?


Why are the cruellest, most evil ones,

full of gluttony and lusts, placed into

positions of Power ever so perversely?

Why are ones seeking non-violence

and harmony forever viewed by the

rabble as targets of exploitability?


It is in the quiet moments between

bouts of the constant war for survival,

in this Rat Race, which we all

recognize painfully and easily, so well,

as part of this unending, tortuous hell,

that such questions seep from, we

know not where, into the frightened

but inquiring, joyously awakening

mind, primed for Light and Truth,

even in the midst of Ignorance and its

Untruth, past what appear to be the

infinite layers of Evil's programming,

imposed upon us all to stop such

questioning really, and past the

emotional taunts which come to us

invariably if, on this subject we dwell,

and attempt to begin our journey out

of this corrupted earth, this flawed,

polluted, exploitative, noxious hell.


The jeers, the mockery, of those whose

role it is to protect the status quo in

view of questions, ever unreasonably,

are ineffective safeguards for the

Iniquity, for the once awakened minds

of Spirits True surge to quench the

thirst of what Truth could really be.


No amount of mocking then will

prevent an ardent, true seeker from

reconnecting, with such stimuli, to

realms of Truth's Pristine Purity.

The tinsel and useless toys of the

entrapment are seen as indeed

worthless, in Light of Greater Reality,

as answers to such questions are

provided esoterically and Gnostically.


In fact, in the formatting of one's mind

to even think of asking these very

questions, has one truly begun the

proper spiritual journey. That is now

my considered and valid conclusion,

for True Answers to the Problem of

Evil, the confusing existential paradox,

are provided as a very valid solution.


To ask "Why?" then, not "How?" or

"When?" but "Why?", is of the greatest

importance in this realm which seems

to exist to make Truth and Love die.


Yes, Yes, begin with "Why?, Why?",

and with the answer you will expose

the fraudulence of the Great, Big Lie.

Always then, ask "Why?", if you wish

to spiritually survive and not, in

Darkness and its Deceit, its base

Ignorance, its rancidness, in its

fraudulence, of unworthy despair, die.


The answers to these questions easily

you should see. We are two immiscible

creations of opposing essences forced

together. One is Divine and the other

counterfeit, created spuriously by a

Mind of Evil, of darkest Iniquity.


In such dire, foul circumstances, in a

pressure cooker, where True Ones, the

theomorphs, are suffocated tragically,

Peace, Love and Harmony, Divine

Essences for sure, can never, ever, be.



Review all that around you in this

world you see in the Light of this

Gnostic Key I have revealed to thee,

and all situations, be they physical,

emotional, psychic, spiritual, with all

their stress and incomprehensibility,

with all their madness, will make good

sense to your Higher Mind really.


We are immersed in a War of

Essences, trapped ever so inexorably,

by the Satanic King who, having

fallen with ill conceived Pride,

wanted to rule in all profanity,

thus he created, for counterfeits

and the trapped True Beings, this

dimension of Untruth: Virtual Reality.


If you see every bit of friction, every

episode of exploitation, of cruelty, of

violence, every call for war, as

reflecting this constant battle between

these warring essences, then not only

more prepared to survive will you be,

but also will you be ready for other

words which describe the certain End

of this Evil and murderous Tragedy.


It is time to separate the Two

Creations forever and unerringly.

Those of Pure Hearts will be rewarded

and will go to realms of God's Purity.



Those of Evil? Transmuted forever

in vast suffering vats shall they be,

and hence they will be unable to

repeat the malice anywhere in the

purified creation, or reproduce gore.

Indeed, they will not exist. Having paid

an ultimate price, they exist no more.


If you are at initial steps of your self-

realization, ask "Why?" then, and the

answer, if you are sincere and want the

Light, you will receive quickly, surely,

in the form of this valued Gnostic Key

which you will appreciate instantly.


But as I said, only those of Pure

Hearts, with Love True, will accept

these Truthful words now willingly.

Only they will be viable, and liberated

from this prison by this Gnostic Key,

to live in Bliss truly, truly free.



260 To Live, Love!


The scenes we see before our eyes are

but illusions of Evil's virtual reality.

Minds and individuals here today, gone

tomorrow; shuffling is the Passing

Parade of players on the world's stage

as are the ever-shifting sands of deserts

with the timeless wind, also here for

an instant it seems, gone tomorrow.

Thus, some gain anew, thus some lose;

hence in story, our pain and sorrow.


Phantoms dance on the horizons of

our minds as fading memory recalls

the objects of our love in bitter-sweet

melancholic threat, or perhaps regret.

What should in the mental tussle win?

The burden of our loss or the memory

cherished of those we loved and love?


Do we kid ourselves to say the past

exists for us again in realms above?

Or is existence in Truth beyond the

kaleidoscope of scenes which flicker

in and out of our minds and are more

secure in another atmosphere whence

permanence is an order of that reality?


As you also no doubt suffer, tell me!

What is it that exists having passed,

once loved, now even beyond recall,

as memory fades as a must in us all?


Do kindreds in our affection still exist

when they are remembered less well?

Or was the past all an illusionary, and

temporary, incandescent dance of this

suffocating, fraudulent, dank Hell

which, conspiring with fracturing Time,

teases Memory in what was real, what

was false, even as spurious thoughts

enter into unsettled minds to dwell?


The love we feel, for whoever may

have been, is real, and ours to always

feel, as psychic radiance of Love wills.

Let such Love live, for as it does, the

Will thrives and survives, as does all it

wills, beyond the Fraudulence's ills.


Is it not Love which sustains the

valued memory of cherished ones whom

forever more in us survive? And is it not

that Love in memory which also keeps

us vibrant, joyous, hopeful and alive?

What would we be but shells, empty,

without love, without loving memory?


It is Mind which, thus sustained by

Love, us connects to God's Eternity.

And anchored thus are we, even as the

scenes before our eyes wax and wane

with phantoms of Evil's impermanency.


It is in Mind where exists immutability.

Falter not then, to entertain hesitancy!


Now it is time for us this Mind to see

and where it is to be found accurately.

Is it mind of body, easily wrecked by

injury, drugs or destructive disease?


No, of course not! It is Mind of Spirit,

Higher Mind of Essence, if you please.

It is Mind beyond puerile physicality,

Mind in God's Love and immortality.

Hence you see, with such a Mind you

and I are stuff of God's Infinity.


And no matter how the scenes before

our physical eyes change, the link to

Minds of Love manifests a permanency

which gives to us hints of purity, and

Love's strength and incorruptibility,

beyond this degenerate, depraved,

defiling, exploiting, rotten hell we see.


It is Love in memory that connects us

all then to a Reality of permanency.

Thus it is that we exist and reside in

Mind with Love, in a Greater Reality,

beyond the illusion of this depravity.


Hence, indulge in the memory of

former ones loved in the Passing

Parade, for such connection to them

sustains both them and us in the Love

of the Light, securely and happily.

The Higher Mind is of Love, is in Love

immersed, and is worth all the pain,

the suffering, sorrow and the misery,

imposed upon us by temporary loss, by

the separation, by the cruelty of Time

fractured for that purpose in enmity.


This advice now I give to thee, freely:

"Love, and love well, with the Essence

True, and alive forever you shall be!"

For Divine, Eternal Existence Love is

the Open Secret, Love is the only Key.



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