Newsletter # 31 - February 1999

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

New WebSite Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright J.S. Chiappalone


NEW SECTION: We have started a new section on our website called "The Daily Journal" with news, short articles, and comments on news as it happens. Sections of it will be repeated in the newsletters as space permits.

LECTURE CD-Rom: In response to queries, please note the CD-Rom we have advertised is an audio Rom with over 20 hours of spoken lectures. A normal audio Cd would only have had 70 minutes or so on it.

1999: Also, as many of you have discerned, and written to us in detail about, 1999 will see massive exposure of the demons, and distinct separation of the 2 essences. The evil ones cannot hide anywhere. Their reactions and panic will be unmistakable. And violent, inappropriate reactions will result.

Relationships are disintegrating with the freeing of the True Beings trapped in disadvantageous, perilous positions.



The system is breaking down inexorably:

* Marion Watson, given an Order of Australia 12 months ago for community services to drug users, has been charged with drug-pushing, peddling and use! She has a $480 a day heroine habit to support! Not only do the biggest crooks get the best jobs, they also get the Highest Social Honours - but not any more. They are being unmasked for the Endtime.

* Britain and the US were hit hard by bad weather one week after criminally bombing Iraq. Coincidence or instant start of very, very bad karma?

* For 10 minutes or so on Dec 30, 1998, I heard Morris West, the Catholic apologist, author of "The Devil's Advocate" and other books, giving a lecture on Radio National. Who is this man? He is just another pimple on the many faces of Jehovah! What was really interesting was the break which occurred in his voice every time he told a porky pie (a lie), and he told quite a number in the 10 minutes or so that I listened.

* Terminal Madness of the Endtime TV style: Of the 5 TV channels available to us in Far North Queensland, 3 are commercial and they are inundated with the most banal and atrocious US sitcoms which are supposed to be funny. They are obviously written by writers who have suffered penis envy and men not quite out of their anal phase. So bad are they that the commercials are more entertaining. Channel 2, the government channel, is reverting to atavistic 1940s British war propaganda films in search of a lost identity, as SBS, the multicultural channel with less than 2% of the viewing audience is flying the Zionist flag more and more, especially with its news. One would think one was living in down town Tel Aviv, not Australia. And if you have noted, 96% of the ABC Radio's presenters are US Zionist Jews, you are not mistaken. OZ is following the fate of Canada and complete Zionist subordination! That is NOT a good thing!

* On 28 Dec, the entire Arab world, through the pan-Arabic council, unanimously condemned the bombing of Iraq by the U.S. and Britain. (The CBS announcer commented that Saddam had accomplished what had never happened before -- the "unanimous agreement" of all Arab nations. But it would seem that wag-the-dog-Willie is to be blamed for the galvanising of anti-US sentiment and resistance.)

* As you are no doubt aware, religions are losing their strangle-hold on their sheep flocks. They are starting to panic. Recently the Vatican has hit Oz Catholics over the head with its crosier for not toeing the line. The Catholic Church in Rome sees Australia's tendency to egalitarianism, social equality and multicultural liberalism as dangers to its authority. What more proof do you need to be convinced that the Catholic church, indeed as all pseudo-Christian religions and all other structured religions for that matter, thrive on ignorance, suppression, untruth, indoctrination and subordination of their captured sheep who are really victims of brain-washing? The Pope's concern has been that various people are starting to think for themselves far too much, that they have opinions about real problems confronting them in the real world, and wants them to be repressed back into the Dark Ages where Church rule and Papal Infallibility were the norm. In 1854 Pope Pius IX declared the ridiculous Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be an article of faith which carried punishment if not believed! Freedom of Speech and freedom of the press were rejected by the Catholic Church's Syllabus of Errors and the encyclical Quanta Cura. Equal status for all religions was rejected at the same time and the Catholic Clergy was forbidden from reading newspapers and periodicals. Has the Church really advanced much from those putrid days?




1 Bill Clinton

Defending the murder of 4 more Iraqis by US warplanes, Bill Clinton, on Dec 29, 1998, called the murder "self-defence". It is defence of criminally and illegally imposed No-Fly Zones on a weakened Iraq, massacred by the 1991 Gulf War. The spurious excuse given for the Zones is that Saddam is a threat to his own people. Admittedly, he was forced to act against CIA-inspired insurrections within his borders. Would any ruler do less?

What if a subversive group in California tried to break the country up, would the US administration act?

- Remember Waco? The US Government fried 80-odd men, women and children because of spiritual intolerance.

- Remember Jim Jones? The CIA murdered thousands because Jones was acquiring political credibility which the incumbent archons found threatening and intolerable.

- Remember Pan Am Flight 101 which was blown up over Lockerbie? That was executed by the CIA directives because one of their drug-running operations was going to be publicised.

But let's examine the excuse given by the USA for its genocidal actions against this tiny nation - namely, that Saddam is cruel to his people. The facts are otherwise.

* Until the Gulf Massacre, his country had a very high standard of living, judged by any measure.

* It was the envy of most European Nations.

* The people were happy, wealthy and well-educated.

* The Medical Services and other social benefits were second to none (compare that with the disastrous scenario in the USA, where to be treated for a major illness necessitates going bankrupt if one does not have some form of Medical Insurance).

* Israelis admitted that Jews from Iraq who migrated to Israel were the wealthiest and best-educated as a foreign, collective group.

These facts could hardly be so if Saddam was a repressive, abusive, butchering dictator that the Zionist-controlled Western Media tries to portray. These facts are supported by the fact that so many Iraqis are prepared to defend Saddam and their country with their lives.

Do the American Administrators really care about the Kurds in the North and the Shi'ites in the South of Iraq? Of course they do not! If they did, they would not have abandoned the former to the merciless, murderous Turks who have cruelly decimated them further, and would not have genocidally poisoned the latter, the Southern swamp people and the Shi'ites, with fatally radioactive, spent-uranium shells, as they did in the 1991 Gulf Massacre!

The USA claims of protecting the Iraqis from Saddam are bunkum. Admittedly, ratbags can be found anywhere to support their falsehoods. After all, the basis of Humanity is quite evil. A few dollars will always find disgruntled dissenters and criminals to bad mouth anyone, Why should power-hungry, CIA-bribed Saddam opponents be any different? In defending the indefensible, Clinton, exposed as a liar to the whole world, is seen as a Child of the Lie.

2 John Howard

The incumbent Australian Prime Minister is also a prime example of the mendacious species of archons. Did he not promise a safer, happier society with the eradication of firearms which he legislated? Did not many accuse him of stupidity and, in fact, state the crime rate would be increased by such an asinine move, as has proved to be the case? Look at the figures I gave in Newsletter #30 and what I said about gun control in newsletter #4. He knowingly lied, did he not? And he will be seen to have lied about many things in due course, one being the beneficial effects of the GST - Goods and Services Tax he is hell-bound to introduce. He, too, is a Child of the Lie.

3 Henry Kissinger

I saw this arch villain being interviewed on TV shortly after the latest Iraqi massacre. He, in his well-controlled, modulated monotone, insisted the bombing had achieved very little. In not so many words, his thrust was that the whole of Iraq should be decimated, the twenty million or so people should all be slaughtered and the fields and cities of Iraq left fallow and barren. He ever so clearly demonstrated the mentality of archons, the would-be Masters of the Universe, with hatred and murder in their hearts. This is the man who did so much damage to the world while he was in charge of US affairs for so long. This is the man who, in great measure, has initiated the trouble about to hit America. The respect afforded him by other Zionist sycophants and the programmed, drugged robots, is a measure of their blindness and stupidity. This vicious, malicious Zionist, a sycophant of the evil demigod Jehovah, and who also happens to be a Jew, represents undiluted Evil! Indeed, he is a prominent Child of the Lie.

4 Benny Begin

This Zionist Jew who has resigned from Netanyahu's party to stand for elections is also a Child of the Lie. He has called the Palestinians hoodlums. These "hoodlums", as he describes them, are the victims of massive land theft and of the genocide imposed on them by hateful Zionists. They have suffered a real HOLOCAUST. Their crime? Wanting to live in their own land as they have done since time immemorial. All prosaic excuses for the illegal occupation of Palestine by Zionists have been dismissed. Even the Jews existing there before 1917 did not want the Zionist Invasion. However, the excuse now is that their god Jehovah gave the Zionists this land, and it says so in the Bible. That claim is certainly worth examining, so read on what follows in Newsflash #12.




Again on the news of December 16, 1998, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reasserted the fact that the area of Palestine is land inherited by the Jews. This promise of inheritance is supposedly contained in that compilation of nonsense called the old texts which form the pseudo-Christian Old Testament, called the Torah, Pentateuch, and what have you, by Jewish Scribes.

It is amazing how religious assertion and dogmatism are used self-servingly when it suits manipulators such as Netanyahu who, as indicated by his crass animosity, demonstrates he has the spiritual viability of your average decomposing terra cotta garden gnome. His remarks came in his speech about the Wye River Accord, which is not only dead, but fatally entombed in the dishonesty, ill-will, bellicosity and rancidness of demons. It has since been set aside by Israel. Netanyahu's pronouncement to the world was that Israel was being magnanimous in giving back some land which Jews again stole from the Arabs but which Jews maintain was promised to them as an inheritance, by Jehovah.

This mendacious demigod, Jehovah, the Chief Archon of Israel, is the Evil Mind, identified abundantly by all Gnostics through the ages. It is the essence arising from the Celestial Error, which exists temporarily in Errancy, and is to be corrected by the Process of Transmutation. What we on Earth are undergoing at this time is part of that Correction Process.

Jehovah, the Evil Mind, Father of Lies, is the one referred to in the Gospel of John 8:44, which I have said is one of the few genuinely plagiarised passages left intact. And coincidentally, that is the one the Zionists have been attempting to erase, in their attempt to rewrite texts and obfuscate Truth. But, they will fail.

Jehovah is the demiurgal king of Spiritual Zionism - the evil, cancerous essence which has infected Creation and is requiring the massive changes we now see, for it is time for this planet to be totally destroyed and that segment of the evil essence, which has controlled it, and all its supporters and sycophants, counterfeit or otherwise, to be totally obliterated. This is what the Endtime means.

But now in this Newsflash, I want to address the question of the Jewish inheritance of the severely blood-stained, and cursed, Middle East, spuriously labelled the "Holy Land". Even the quickest and most cursory readings of the Biblical texts reveal Jehovah as a belligerent, lusty, jealous, mendacious, destructive, murderous, cowardly, threatening, deceitful brat. And that opinion can be realised just from reading Genesis, even after the Zionist scribes butchered it to spuriously claim it is the "word of God", which it is not, of course.

Apart from the lying nature of Jehovah, who made this false promise of giving the land to his chosen people, the Jews, a promise which he cannot keep anyway, Zionists rely on these texts to validate their claim of inheritance of the "Unholy Land". It therefore behoves us to examine these texts closely to see if their claim, with their own distorted, manipulated words, holds up.

You will find it does NOT, and that they have been bluffing and fooling those who are gullible.

This claim for the land, even with the evidence the Zionists provide, would not stand in any court of any land, and I can assure you it is an invalid one in the spiritual realm where Jehovah is known to be the usurper, the fraud, the deceiver.

Abusive, aggressive, militant Zionists claim sovereignty over the land of Palestine, citing their belief that Jehovah, their god, gave it to the Children of Abraham. Even if that is believed, it is no reason for evicting the Palestinians and other Arabs, because they too are Children of Abraham!! They therefore have as much right to the land as Jews do. For the sake of brevity, I will ignore the many concubines Abraham had and their children - so much for marriage and morality!

But, if the Zionists want to argue that the inheritance was only for the Children of Israel, it is proven from their own story in their own book (Genesis) that Jacob (later known as Israel) stole it with deceitful trickery spun by his mother Rebekah. He stole the inheritance from his brother Esau, the rightful heir, who then married a daughter of Ishmael (son of Hagar the Egyptian, fathered by Abraham also, and was also thus the father of that Arab lineage. It is all clearly written in Genesis.

For this trickery, Rebekah called on the curse for the evil deed to be upon her and her lot - and it is. There, the Zionist Jews have called upon themselves the inherited curse of their own evilness, and surely this will destroy them.

Isaac, when told by Esau, who was very emotionally sore, that he had been tricked, refused to correct the Error. Instead he perpetuated it! "Your brother came with deceit and has taken away your blessing." (Genesis 27:35).

So, Jacob (Israel) is the cheat, the thief, the liar. What sort of god would reward him for this criminality, as claimed in Genesis 28:13? It would have to be none other than an evil demigod to reward such treachery. Esau was justifiably angry.

So, with this argument, the land rightfully belongs to the Arabs and not the Jews, who stole it deceitfully then and again this century! Read the sections of Genesis for yourselves. But wait, we can examine this same Bible - the Bible of the Jews themselves - to understand the jealousy and hatred of some Zionists towards their dispossessed brethren, the Arabs. In this same passage of Genesis, Sarah, the mother of Isaac, supposedly blessed by her god, Jehovah, in her barrenness to bear Abraham a son, demonstrates the jealousy and hate which allowed her to cheat Hagar and Ishmael. She asked Abraham to cast them out into the wilderness. And her god, Jehovah, according to these texts, supports her in her jealousy and deceit against Abraham who was not pleased in having to throw out his own son and the mother of his child. What sort of god would do that? Only an Evil Demigod would.

What sort of Nation could this jealousy, deceit and hatred conceive? Many say the very nation of Israel we see, where belligerence is the rule, has biblically-inherited hatredness, guaranteeing its self-destruction.


I must add that reading these Biblical texts is like reading nonsense. They do not follow logically and are not logical in what they reveal. It does not take a great deal of insight to see the metaphysical concepts, such as the battle of essences, the warring 2 creations - a True, theomorphic one and a false one -the demigod tricking lower minds and rewarding evil, with perpetration of the Error, etc., buried in words of men who self-servingly rewrote that which they did not understand. Reading this garbled nonsense gives rise to far more questions about ontology and existence than it answers. For example, if Abraham and his tribe were of the god in Genesis, to whom did all the other people in the world, revealed in those very pages, belong? The Bible texts are as untenable as they are confusing.



"Please, Dear Sir, please give me one more chance."
"Why should I do that?
So many chances have you now squandered
that of your sincerity I have wondered."
"Oh, please I beg of thee,
I will change and reject my wicked ways and
embrace the Righteous path and seek Purity"

"It seems I've heard all this before, repeatedly!
I really must say to you
`Away from me, you of hypocrisy!'
This indeed your last chance shall be.
You have the knowledge of all that is True;
you know what is to be rightfully done
for you to declare your Personal Battle
against the Darkness you have won.
I care nought for you really,
for you have deceived me many times completely,
and have drained me of much needed energy,
all those times you failed miserably
to evict Evil from your being effectively.

Hence, now I leave you to your self-made ploy,
and no longer with my sentiments shall you toy.
I ask that you by your own efforts make the final
attempt to win against Evil and escape the misery.
And even as I do this, I shall not tell
fully what it is in the future that I see.
But already dark clouds I see gathering around
your periphery, and you are comfortable, all too
comfortable, within them it seems to me.
They seem to nurture the Dark Elements within
your nature and you take no exception to this really.
Thus, deep down, have you decided what your fate
will be, even though you speak words of wanting
more chances to seek spiritual Purity.
That is the hallmark of Hypocrisy.

You speak to me, ever so piously,
yet you cannot look me in the eye satisfactorily.
Your false confidence, when you are in front of me,
is nothing but shameful pretence and mockery.
And I note to me too close you cannot come near,
for my energy into your blacked heart does tear,
and whenever the chance arises, I have noted you
take a path so we shall not meet,
and that tells me more than your false words
could, that all is not well within you,
and thus your future course is certainly not neat.
Inspite of your claiming that you know who I be,
you show no true respect really,
and think you can repeatedly fool me,
even though you claim you know I can see
into your heart and mind perfectly clearly.
This practice of self-deception by you
does not, in any way that I know augur well.
You know this and on further esoteric explanation
or deserved admonishment I will not dwell.
You scheme nefariously and lie openly,
and that way of Untruth you'll again soon be,
even immediately I finish delivering these words
to you for the very last time ever so patiently.
Like many who have chosen Darkness you will
plunge into the cesspool eventually
even as the sound of asking for more chances
rings in your ears and in the ether fraudulently.

Go! Go away from me. I know you seek that which is of Depravity
and mock even this concept of Finality,
having rejected what I said Gnostically.
You think you still have a chance?

Well go then, and show us all if you really
can use what little time remains wisely.
As I dismiss you I see you formulate thoughts in
your head which you have entertained ever so
constantly and destructively that you know better
and hold me further in contempt hypocritically.

But that you will deny readily the moment I
finish speaking with words of Truth's Reality.
And in wanting to prove your superiority you will
claim I am wrong and will entertain mentally ways
of beating me, even though you claim you have
allegiance to the Light and its Power which are
distributed to deserving viable ones by me.
Often have you asked for Forgiveness and Mercy.
But even though I have told you repeatedly,
you have failed to realise that these are only
of benefit to ones with hearts of Sincerity.
Besides, your call for compassion from ones like me
is a call to drain us of our valuable energy.
Hence, it is really another form of energy pilfery,
and not a real cry for assistance from Divinity!

And your reminder to me that I am a being of Love
and should therefore love you regardless of the
circumstances marks you as one of the Enmity
for no True Being would even think of asking for
such Love, feeling it spontaneously and readily.
You instead, unable to respond to that energy,
attempt blackmail, or at least to embarrass me,
by reminding me, of such matters, so stupidly.
Do you think I would forget of Love I be?
Do you think I need to be asked by you to
Love a Child of Tranquillity and Eternity?
I repeat: Your asking for such Love brands you,
with your very words, as one on whom such Love is
wasted, for you cannot respond to it adequately.

I have given of all Things, with which I have been
charge by the Source to be distributed, freely.
It is those who cannot value what I have who are
dissatisfied with their lot in this Endtime.
The ones who are appreciative are fine.
Besides, I have given that which is of inestimable
value truly - a chance for Life in Eternity.

Contrast that with what is given by ones such as
you; regardless of its value, it's given not freely,
but with poorly disguised strings and conditions
which mar the gift, and reduce the situation
whereby one such as myself is made to resent the
moment whenever it was accepted graciously,
even though I needed it not, and took it only to give
you the chance to express your true sentiments and
reveal yourself in your true colours, all the
while giving you the chance to grasp Honesty.
But, of course, in that you failed miserably.

Remember well and clearly, it is through me you
will see the Joy and Peace of Eternity.
No other road or path, no other way, can there be.
And to entertain some other method of surviving
spiritually is the Foolishness of Failure seen
in this doomed world so abundantly and clearly.
No smile, offering, nor words, have ever fooled me
or bribed me to think of others less than truthfully.
Those who practised their deceit in their way were
simply revealing what their end would be eventually.
Know then that I know what is offered in Sincerity,
and what is given in blackmailing mockery,
for the secrets of each Heart I see lucidly.
But I know it is pointless to go on, for I have told
you this very thing many times, and you will want
even again, for the last time, to argue ignorantly."

"Oh, my goodness, you have me all wrong Sir.
I do not think ill of anyone, and would
never entertain thoughts of Iniquity.
I do not come near and look not into your
eyes out of great, great awe, respectfully.
You are mistaken about what you see around me.
And I am concerned one such as you, with so much
knowledge and authority could be so wrong really."

"There! You have confirmed what I said exactly
and your remarks are further back-handed insults to
me which seal your fate completely.



M.P. wrote: "The daily news items are also great! Reading these items really helps me to understand the complex situations in world events."


"Thank you MANY times over for the books, tapes, lectures, visits, workshops, seminars, conferences, personal comments, newsletters, web site, radio broadcasts, and now the daily journal! It has been a wonderful 12 1/2 years since I have come across your information." A.S., California


"Hello Dr C, I enjoyed the Physical Immortality Essay very much. Thought that you might be interested to know that, Linda Goodman, the world's most popular Astrologer, who also taught Physical Immortality in her book Star Signs, died back in 1997. Regards" JMcF. Victoria


From Waldvogel Yves, Nancy, France: "Dear Drs J and A Chiappalone, I finished the reading of the 4 books from "Thoughts of a Gnostic" yesterday evening. Wow! Great stuff! It was very intense, and uplifting! I was very elated each time I read the books so that I couldn't put it down until it was finished. The books are providing us with very high-powered, useful, enriching, enlightening, invaluable hints, insights, clues, tools , etc., to enable us to take more steps to win our personal battle so that we can be part of the solution and not stay behind. They are stressing the need to cleanse more and more the mind, to get rid of all the needs, desires, attachments, wants, etc. related to our lower being and which are harnessing us to the obstructing past on which we are lingering more than once.

These 4 books are spurring us to rededicate ourselves even more to the Light, to be more wary of and watchful on any foolish behaviour which would prevent us, even to the last, to be a viable evacuee when time is ripe. I sensed that the energy behind the words is very crystal clear, ever increasing in its energy content with an ever-increasing multi-levelled effect on our lower being providing that this being has developed the True Will which will lead him to the Path of True Happiness.

These books are very energised and I was like a full-charged capacitor after reading because I had much trouble to find my sleep. If I had a comparison to give, I would say that these books are some kind of link or bridge between the Mind and the Heart, unlike others like the Poetry books which are better apprehended by the Heart. These priceless Pearls of True Gnostic Wisdom are nurturing our True Beings forcefully and buoying us up so that we won't sink definitively in the academic sea of untruths from this evil doomed orb called Earth.

All your books are, in fact, a great Boon to True Beings as well as a beacon in this gloomy decaying virtual reality. Without them, more than one,and I, for one, would have given up the Good Fight and sank in the pangs of the Terminal Madness which I see even more clearly each day around me. (especially in road rage, growing impatience, violence, racism, etc. in France ).

Thank you heartfeltly for nurturing us with all the Knowledge,Energy and Caring so that we can fit more easily and quickly in the final stages of this War of Essences in which we are right now. If I had only one thing to remember and to practice daily as much as possible, it is what you called SCLOMP. I don't know if I am spot on, but I sense that there is something very big coming upon us all very soon because time is running out all the more. Anyway, I am not frightened at all and I am gaining a little bit more self-confidence and become more self-reliant. I guess it is also of paramount importance in the preparation before evacuation. I will do all my best in order not to be left behind and hope to meet you again soon, if not in Australia, then on a spacecraft bringing us all out of this rotten hell. Last, but not least,let me wish you all the best as well as a Happy "slide" in the coming New Dim. . . err, I meant Year."

Yours Gnostically. Yves


L.S. writes: "Dear Doctors, I enjoy your new gift of the daily journal more than I can say. It uplifts and restores my spirit more then anything else I can think of. Thank you so much, you surely know what we need at this time. You have the truest most necessary information and gnosis I can find. I pray to the True Divine Father and Mother each day to surround me with the White Light of Love and protection and I ask The Father to send me the New Green Energy to give me courage and understanding of what is to come. My prayers are answered! You Doctors sure are a handsome couple!! Lady Amitakh is beautiful !! The inverted triangle on your hand, Doctor Joseph, is a very ancient symbol of The Mother Goddess. It was a symbol of Inanna-Ishtar from the old Sumerian-Babylonian religion. As you know, Inanna-Ishtar descended into hell on an initiation journey to rescue Her own True Spirit as well as to rescue others who also believed in the possibility of eternal life with God. She is The Triple Goddess of Life, Death and Transformation. I don't know if your symbol has the same meaning, but that's what I thought of when I first saw the picture,today. has interesting daily stories.It looks like BiBi Yahoo is copying Clinton's Iraq game plan to use in Syria-Lebanon. I'm waiting for the games to begin! It will be wonderful to leave this rathole. Sincerely, L.S."


N. B. writes: "Dear Dr. Your Poetry Vol. 7 contains such a wonderful energy! Thank you. The Daily Journal is a excellent addition, too. Thank you for the Daily Journal - your insights are so helpful and we surely are appreciative of the daily connection to the clearing/awakening energy. There is a lot happening all over this doomed planet that the media either ignores, downplays or distorts or all of the above. The US media is very obviously trying to maintain the status quo and keep the sleeping masses confused, ignorant and ill-informed. It's really sickening! Very best wishes to all."



* The USA is very obviously feeling the behind-the scenes plotting by other nations against it, otherwise it would not soften its hard stance against Iraq, and state openly, as it did on December 22, that it would allow more Iraqi oil to be sold, inspite of the present world oil glut.

* The US is swift to apply genocidal sanctions to countries it targets. What will happen if those countries who do not agree with it, and can live without USA produce and goods, boycott it? Why, it's "Hello, 1930s. Hello, USA financial collapse. Hello, depression. Goodbye, for a time, USA bullying." Too remote do you think? Wait and see. The US military power has been possible because of its economic dominance and ability to bribe and exploit. Remove its economic base and what will we get? We will have a self-pitying, struggling USA which will want to lash out even more severely and precipitously than before, and therefore, it will bring on WW 3 faster, for violence is the nature of Evil!

* Clinton has the taste of blood in his mouth. On Dec 21 he made a clear threat that he would bomb Libya if it did not comply with his wishes for a trial over the Lockerbie affair. See the hypocrisy of this threat to violence in this so-called righteous indignation of a President whose country thumbs its nose at World Court decisions which go against it! Every day the US and Britain are reinforcing the axiom that, on this level, Violence is the answer, and that Might is Right. What results can one expect from this?

* Being the Endtime, the true nature of all beings will be exposed. These vile, murderous rapists and pillagers will be seen as vile, murderous rapists and pillagers. Those viable will be seen as viable. Those unworthy to continue will be seen as such.



Would the archons in charge ever want to change the System - never! It's perfect for them and all of an evil essence. Here is a short example of what I mean:

A male prisoner, aged 27, who has spent all of his 16 years in custody except for a few months, since the age of 11, because of rape and sexual assault, raped a female prisoner and lack of supervision is blamed. Obviously this man is possessed with an abnormality which is destroying his life. Bizarre sexual programming such as this is very common, but the "system" does nothing to help such people. Surgical, chemical and hormonal sterilisation or subduing control could assist such victims of malignant, out-of-control evil programming to have more chance for a more normal life. But, as you well know, in protection of "human rights" such procedures are banned and illegal in most places, even if the victim of the programming whose life is being ruined requests it. What is going on here? Can you not see that the system uses these people for maximal exploitation? Not only are they locked away for long periods and made to suffer, thus giving the system energy, but they also cause great suffering to victims of rape and sexual abuse, hence the system gains from that too.

A cynical view of things you think? Well, tell me the reason why such ungodly behaviour in such a godly system is not corrected? The affected sexual deviates are a great financial burden to communities when needing to be prosecuted, jailed, supervised, etc.

They often attack inmates, as we see above, take drugs, get STD including HIV-AIDS and generally cause a great deal of harm. The effects on their victims cost the community and the individuals dearly, also.

In clear cut cases, treatment is warranted, but it is not given for such deviation is a fundamental basis of this demonic system. The same goes for prostitution, dishonesty, con-men, so-called white collar crime, paedophilia, drug abuse, alcohol and tobacco abuse, etc. Sure, the effects are different with variation depending on the practice, but the cost is enormous to communities.

An even clearer example of this hypocrisy is the arms sales that goes on. Manufacturers and their governments instigate wars so arms sales will increase, even while they put on a show of promoting peace accords. Look at Clinton and his showy push for peace, or George Bush before him. Behind the scenes they promote arms sales. Even Hillary has been quoted in these pages previously as being involved. But they tolerate any inconvenience and regional differences because the paydirt is ENERGY expressed from the deviants, the other abusers, and their victims. Many objections to treatment are raised, but the system could be improved in many ways. But it won't be. Thus the archons feast on the noxious absurdities of an evil system which are anathema - toxic - to spirits of Justice and honesty. The system is the greatest abuser of the individual! Surely this you now see? Oh, what a wonderful world.



Since the publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, the use of pesticides has been deplored by environmentalists. Exaggerated fears have produced policies that unnecessarily limit the use of pesticides. U. S. pesticide laws need to be reformed, not to be made more stringent, but to account more accurately for both the risks of pesticides as well as the risks of doing without them. The centerpiece of pesticide regulation is the so-called Delaney Clause. It is also the most controversial. Enacted in 1958, the Delaney Clause prohibits residues of any pesticide or food additive in processed food that may have caused cancer in rodent lab tests. As a result, the Delaney Clause bars the use of pesticides for many food products in cases where there is no identifiable risk to human health.

There is a wide consensus within the scientific community that the Delaney Clause imposes an unreasonable standard. This view is shared by Carol Browner, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The central problem with the Delaney Clause is that its standard has no relation to actual hazards to human health. For this reason, many scientists recommend replacing the Delaney Clause standard with a negligible or "de minimus" risk standard. Another problem with current pesticide regulation is the bias toward older, less-effective, and potentially more dangerous pesticides.

New pesticides must be submitted to an expensive registration process that can cost as much as $50 million and take eight to ten years. This discourages companies from developing newer, more efficient and safer pesticides to replace existing pesticides that are already registered. The current registration process should be streamlined so that society can take advantage of these benefits.

It is important to remember that pesticides are used for a reason. They reduce the loss of agricultural products to weeds and insects and increase agricultural productivity. Because of pesticides, America has a far more abundant food supply and lower prices for food products. Eliminating the use of chemical pesticides would dramatically reduce crop yields. It is estimated that corn production alone would decline by a third if synthetic pesticide use were eliminated. For most applications, there are simply not available alternatives to the use of chemical pesticides in farming. Thus, reducing pesticide use could actually harm public health by reducing the availability of fruits and vegetables. The risks of an unbalanced diet are greater than the risks of pesticide residues on food.

Pesticides are not only responsible for a more abundant food supply, they can play an important role in environmental protection as well. For one, by increasing agricultural productivity, pesticides make it possible to devote less land to farming, leaving more land for other uses. In developing countries this means less pressure to clear forests and destroy wildlife habitat to create farmland. Soil erosion is a serious environmental concern. Innovations such as no-till farming, which relies upon the use of pesticides, can greatly reduce the extent of soil erosion.

If the use of pesticides were eliminated, so too would the environmental benefits of practices like no-till farming.

Q: Would reducing the use of pesticides lead to a safer food supply? A: No. Scientists clearly believe that minuscule pesticide residues on food pose no real health risk to human beings. However, if reducing the use of pesticides led to a decreased availability of many fruits and vegetables, it could actually lead to a less safe food supply. Scientists like Dr. Bruce Ames of the University of California at Berkeley make it clear that people are at greater risk from not eating fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet than they are from eating foods with negligible pesticide residues on them.

In 1996, the National Academy of Sciences confirmed this conclusion. Q: Some groups say that children are at the greatest risk from pesticides on fruits and vegetables. What should be done about this? A: No one wants to place America's children at risk. That is precisely why the federal government should not try to eliminate the use of pesticides. Children's health is dependent on many things, not the least of which is a healthy and balanced diet. Forced reductions in the use of pesticides would mean a reduction in agricultural productivity and higher food prices. Some products, such as commercial apples, could not be grown without the use of pesticides.

Q: Don't many pesticides cause cancer in lab animals? A: Yes, but so do all sorts of natural compounds. Where scientists once thought that testing chemicals on rats was a good way to determine whether those chemicals could cause cancer in humans, scientists now recognize that rat tests are flawed. Feeding large doses of chemicals to rats until they die is no way to identify risks to human beings. If it were, we would all be at risk of getting cancer from eating celery, peanut butter and mushrooms, as well as drinking coffee.

Q: What is wrong with organic farming? A: Nothing is "wrong" with organic farming, just as nothing is necessarily "right" with it either. Consumers who prefer to purchase organic foods should have the freedom to do so. But those consumers who find that organic products are more expensive or less appealing should also have the option of purchasing non-organic foods. The extent to which organic farming is used should be determined by the marketplace, not by government policy.



Time to Water the Tree of Liberty
by Dr. William Pierce

Hello! Today we'll talk about a subject we've spoken about often in the past, and that is freedom, especially its prospects for the future. Unfortunately those prospects are quite dim at the moment. I'm afraid that most people wouldn't agree with me on that, and I think that's because most people equate freedom with comfort, with having plenty of money to spend. As long as they can go to the mall and charge whatever they want on their credit card, as long as they can watch whatever ball game they want on TV, they believe they're free. More than that, if their TV tells them they're free, they believe it.

Not everyone, of course. But for most people what is real is what they see on TV. If they don't see it on TV, then it doesn't exist -- or at least, it certainly isn't important. If it were anything to be concerned about, then certainly Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather or Peter Jennings would tell them all about it, with the proper expression of concern on his face and a serious tone of voice, so that everyone would know it was important. Take the people of Canada, for example. They really are not very different from the people of the United States -- except perhaps just a shade more authoritarian in personality on the average.

When our ancestors down here told King George III to go to hell, that we weren't going to pay his taxes any longer, the ancestors of the Canadians kept their mouths shut and continued paying their taxes. As a result they never really had the sort of iron-bound guarantees of freedom of speech and freedom of the press that people in the United States have had. But they always assumed that they had those freedoms anyway. If you ask the average Canadian today whether or not he is free to say what he wants and read what he wants, he'll tell you, "Of course!" And he'll believe it.

As a matter of fact, Canadians do not have those freedoms. Canadian publishers may not publish any book deemed Politically Incorrect by Canada's Jewish minority, and no Canadian bookstore may display or sell such a book. When the Canadian police find such books, they seize them and burn them. Did you ever see the film "Fahrenheit 451" or read the 1951 novel by science-fiction writer Ray Bradbury on which the film is based? In 1951 our freedom was in much less immediate jeopardy than it is now, but Bradbury saw the ominous trends even then, and he wrote about a future in which books were illegal because many of them contained facts and ideas which upset people, facts and ideas which caused people to worry and to think, facts and ideas which made people uncomfortable.

So the government outlawed all books, and people received all of their information and entertainment through television, and then no one was uncomfortable. Squads of thought police sped around the cities on trucks which looked a lot like fire engines, looking for concealed books. Whenever they found any, the books were doused with kerosene and burned on the spot, and the owners of the books were arrested. Now, the Canadian thought police are not as obvious about their mission as Ray Bradbury's thought police in Fahrenheit 451 were, but their mission is, in fact, exactly the same. I'll tell you about a recent run-in I had with the Canadian thought police.

The sponsor of this broadcast, National Vanguard Books, is in the business of publishing and selling books, among other things. We sell books to people all over the world, including people in Canada. But whenever a Canadian orders a book from us we have to sneak it into Canada, so the thought police won't grab it at the border. Sometimes we are successful, and sometimes we aren't. A couple of years ago the problem wasn't so bad, and the thought police mostly seized copies of my novels: novels which make some people uncomfortable. But children's books and history books and scientific books usually got through.

But their list of banned books -- books the Jewish minority in Canada don't want the Canadian people to read -- has been growing. Now the thought police will seize almost any book which has anything in it that might be considered Politically Incorrect. In September we sent a package of books to a customer in British Columbia. The thought police in Vancouver opened the package and seized two items, which, according to the Jewish list of illegal books they go by, are classified as "hate propaganda."

The two items seized were a copy of a magazine published by National Vanguard Books called Free Speech -- a magazine dedicated to the preservation of that precious commodity; and a scientific book titled Heredity and Humanity by Roger Pearson. Dr. Pearson is a well-known anthropologist who has taught at several American universities. He was the chairman of the anthropology and sociology department at Queens College and then chairman of the anthropology department at the University of Southern Mississippi. He currently edits several scientific journals.

He is the author of a well-known anthropology textbook. But anthropology is one of those fields of study which has been subjected to the scrutiny of the enforcers of Political Correctness. Like history, anthropology deals with various types of people, their characteristics, and their relationships, and these days in order for a history book or an anthropology book to be deemed Politically Correct the author must be very careful what he writes. He must be very careful never to suggest that all types of people are not equal in every way. Dr. Pearson wasn't sufficiently careful. He was more interested in the truth, more interested in accuracy and factuality, when he wrote Heredity and Humanity than in being Politically Correct.

And so the Jews have put his book on their Index Librorum Prohibitorum, along with our journal Free Speech and thousands of other books which they believe might make some people uncomfortable or make them think. When the secret police in Canada find such a book, they seize it and burn it. Usually they're very secretive about this sort of thing, in contrast to the book-burners in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, but in the case of our customer in British Columbia we were able to obtain the police documents listing the seized items and classifying them as "hate propaganda. " You know, when the Jews in Canada got their book-burning legislation enacted, they did it under the pretence that it was to protect children from pornography.

They got a whole regiment of publicity-hungry Christian preachers to beat the drums for this legislation under the pretence that it would keep sexual material out of the hands of children. So the report form the thought police use in listing and classifying the books they seize has nine separate classifications for the police to check, nine little boxes to check at the bottom of the form, indicating the type of book. Those classifications are: sex with violence, sex with degradation, sexual assault, sex with bondage, sex with juveniles, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, and -- the last category -- hate propaganda.

But, you know, it's only that last little box that really counts. That's what this Canadian legislation was all about. It wasn't to keep books on necrophilia out of the country. The Jews don't care whether or not you read books on necrophilia or bestiality. The entire purpose of the law they got their ever-obedient Christian servants to push through the Canadian parliament for them was to allow the thought police to classify Politically Incorrect scientific books by anthropology professors as "hate propaganda" and keep them out of the hands of Canadians who might be made to think if they read the books.

This is by no means the first time our books have been seized by the Canadian thought police, and National Vanguard Books is by no means the only publisher whose books have been seized. These book burnings take place every day in Canada. It's just that this time we were able to get our hands on the thought police's documents, where they actually claim that Professor Pearson's anthropology book Heredity and Humanity and our journal Free Speech are "hate propaganda. " Truly the situation in Canada today is much worse than it was in Europe in the Middle Ages, when the Church maintained its Index of prohibited books. The books the priests and bishops burned were virtually all books dealing with religion in some way, books they felt threatened their monopoly on that subject.

The books the Jews burn today are almost any books which might cause some of the couch potatoes to think -- and then, perhaps, to rebel. And of course, the Church didn't try to make a secret of its book burning. As I mentioned earlier, most Canadians have no idea that this book burning is going on in their country. They are too busy with their ball games and funny papers. But even if it were explained to them in detail -- even if the Canadian thought police roared around in fire engines looking for Politically Incorrect books to burn in public the way they did in Fahrenheit 451 -- would the sports fans and mall shoppers of Canada really care?

No more, I suspect, than the contented and comfortable television viewers in Ray Bradbury's 1951 vision of the future, a future in which book-burning was a respectable profession. By the way, if you have any doubt that what I have told you is actually happening in Canada today, send me a stamped, self-addressed envelope, and I'll send you a photocopy of the Canadian thought police document I obtained after their latest seizure of our books. If you're a Canadian, you may want to show this document to any friends you may have who're interested in such things as freedom.

Who knows? Maybe I'm wrong in assuming that Canadians are all sheep. Perhaps there are a few Canadians still willing to water the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants. And what about the slightly more rebellious population of the United States? Would they care? The Jews in the United States are proceeding on the assumption that they will not -- that is, that a majority of the voters will not, even if a few dissidents kick up a fuss. Certainly, the voters who make up the Clinton coalition -- the Democrats who elected Bill Clinton twice and who still think he shouldn't be impeached -- couldn't care less about preserving freedom of speech. Some of them, in fact, are positively hostile to free speech and are collaborating actively with the Jews in an effort to stamp it out.

Feminists, for example, are prominent in the Jews' campaign for "hate speech" legislation in the United States. Part of their zeal may be the touchy-feely feminine notion that people in general ought to be protected from "offensive" speech, which is any speech which hurts their feelings. A more important reason, however, is that feminists, like homosexuals and members of other government-favored groups in the population, want to hang on to the special status which 35 years of so-called "civil rights" legislation has given them, and they are afraid that any criticism might endanger that status.

They understand that their present favored position in society is entirely artificial, entirely dependent on government support and government enforcement, and they are afraid that if dissenters are allowed to speak and influence public opinion, the government might be persuaded to stop enforcing feminist demands for special privileges. Blacks and welfare recipients are not as alert to these issues as the feminists and homosexuals are, but most of them have at least a dim understanding that they do have a community of interests tied to government support and government enforcement, and they would agree that free speech poses a threat to those interests. And, alas, among the non-Jewish, non-feminist, non-homosexual, non-minority part of the population there are far too few Patrick Henrys these days. Two generations of watching Jewish television not only has softened the spines and the minds of heterosexual White males but, in fact, has convinced a substantial portion of them that it is more important for people to be comfortable than to be free. Many Americans have a vague notion that there's some sort of Constitutional right to feel good, to not be offended, and that when this Constitutional right to not be offended conflicts with the right to free speech and a free press, then some sort of compromise ought to be made. Really!

That's what a lot of White American males believe! They believe that, because that's what television has been teaching them subliminally for two generations. And added to that during the past five or six years, since domestic terrorism has gained more relevance, is the notion that free speech is really a little dangerous: everyone will be safer if we accept some limitations on free speech. That unspeakable piece of filth we have in the White House has explicitly encouraged that notion.

After the Oklahoma City bombing Bill Clinton was on television telling everyone that people who criticize the government are to blame for such acts of terrorism. And a lot of White males who these days think and act like old maids took his warnings to heart. So with the American population thus softened up, thus prepared to give up their freedom, the Jews are pushing their Fahrenheit 451 program forward.

All of the big Jewish organizations are involved. The Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith have been most noticeable in their campaign to censor the Internet, for example. The Jews of the Anti-Defamation League have just gotten a big pat on the back from the media Jews for developing what they call a "hate" filter for computers. Parents, they say, can install the filter program on their children's computers so the kiddies can't read "harmful" or "offensive" material on the Internet. And down here, just as in Canada, the Jews have a rabble of braindead Christians running interference for them, under the delusion that they are helping to protect children from exposure to sex.

Of course, parents are entitled to censor their own children's use of the Internet as much as they want. But with the Jews that's just a toe in the door. They also are peddling their filter to public libraries and to school officials, so that they can censor the Internet reading of all library users and school students. And the Anti-Defamation League is persuading some big software manufacturers to bundle its new "hate" filter with other software that is pre-installed on computers before the customers buy them. Of course, it's easy enough to deactivate such censorship software -- unless you're one of those millions of technically illiterate Americans who has never been able to figure out how to program your VCR. Of course, the Jews, including the Anti-Defamation League, protest loudly that they're all in favor of freedom. They don't want to stop anybody from reading anything he wants. They're 100 per cent in favor of the First Amendment, they'll tell you. They're horrified by the very idea of burning books. They just want to protect children. But it's not true. This sudden and uncharacteristic interest of the Jews in protecting children from pornography is phony. What the Jews want for the United States is exactly what they already have imposed on Canada, on Britain, on France, on Germany, and on a dozen other White nations.

That's why they have their number-one step'n'fetchit, Bill Clinton, making speeches about the need for "hate speech" legislation. Now, to be sure, the Jews have other allies in their censorship plans besides corrupt politicians like Bill Clinton and the feminist-homosexual-minority special privilege groups and the couch potatoes who always are ready to trade freedom for the promise of more comfort or more security. There are White gentiles who have been sold on the idea that multiculturalism is here to stay. Some of them who are in business actually have a vested interest in multiculturalism and growing diversity in the population.

They are happy with these trends because they profit from them. Others may have no vested interest in multiculturalism, but they are too soft-minded to think about the hard decision which will be required to reverse these trends. And they realize that a multicultural society is a fragile and unnatural thing, like a house of cards. Any breeze of dissent can cause it to collapse. And so they believe that it is necessary to protect it from dissent, from any speech which may offend any component of the multicultural society and result in destabilization.

Perhaps they are not by nature enthusiastic enemies of freedom, but they nevertheless are willing to sacrifice freedom in order to avoid the bloody disintegration of this malignantly multicultural monstrosity of a society which is supplanting the White society we had in America prior to the Second World War. You know, there are interesting and occasionally even amusing developments in the Jews' program to take away our freedom. Some of their feminist and homosexual allies, whose motivation is to protect their privileged status from criticism, have targeted Christian groups for censorship, because of the Christian opposition to abortion and homosexuality.

Some of these Christian groups are perfectly willing to censor other people and, in fact, already have let themselves be used as dupes in the Jews' phony drive to protect children from pornography on the Internet, but they are not happy about being censored themselves. A current instance of this infighting involves The Learning Company, a large manufacturer of computer software, on one side, and on the other side the American Family Association, a Christian group which emphasizes so-called "family values" and disapproves of homosexual behavior.

The Learning Company has a program called Cyber Patrol, which it developed at the behest of and in collaboration with the Anti-Defamation League. Installed on a school or library computer, it prevents students or library users from accessing any Internet site which the Jews of the Anti-Defamation League consider Politically Incorrect. Of course, the Jews have blocked both of the Internet sites at which you can access this American Dissident Voices program or see the books distributed by the sponsor of this program, such as those seized and burned by the Canadian thought police. But in order to keep their feminist and homosexual allies happy they also have blocked Internet access to the American Family Association.

Many Christians are unhappy about this Jewish censorship of the American Family Association and are currently organizing a boycott of all software, children's books, and other materials published by The Learning Company but are being very careful not to mention the word "Jew" in their boycott efforts.

I believe that a boycott of The Learning Company -- and every other company which collaborates in any way with the Anti-Defamation League or other Jewish enemies of free speech is a worthy endeavor, but it's nowhere near enough. To protect our freedom, to keep the United States from following the same path that Canada is on, we need to water the tree of liberty with a great deal of blood. The time for that watering is close at hand.


Israel Demands Removal of Auschwitz Crosses WARSAW, Dec. 21, 1998 -- (Reuters) A senior Israeli official on Friday pressed Poland to remove crosses erected by radical Roman Catholics near the former Nazi German death camp Auschwitz, which he said bordered on anti-Semitism. "Polish officials very sharply criticized those who erected the crosses. This is a controversy and misunderstanding which fringes on anti-Semitism," Israeli parliament speaker Dan Tichon told reporters at the end of his three-day visit to Poland. Over the last five months radical Catholics have put up more than 200 crosses around a 21-foot (7-meter) cross, under which the Polish-born Pope John Paul II prayed in 1979. Poland's center-right government and Catholic Church want the Papal cross to remain at the site but want the additional crosses removed. The crosses stand in a field outside Auschwitz, a camp where 1. 5 million people, mostly Jews, perished during World War II. The radicals have said their action is meant to defend the large cross from removal as wanted by Jewish groups, who seek to eliminate all religious symbols from Auchwitz, the Holocaust's largest graveyard. "We are against all the crosses erected at the site, but we hope that in the first stage all but the big one will be removed," Tichon said. "There will still be time to talk about the large cross." The government has started legal action aimed at regaining control of the field outside the camp, now leased by a little known War Victims' group which encourages the cross planting. 1998 Reuters)


Sent by Nancy Irwin:

The Gross Hypocrisy Of Biological & Chemical Weapons
By Zoltan Grossman Dec 17, 1998

400s BC. : Spartan Greeks use sulfur fumes against enemy soldiers.
1346: Crimean Tatars catapult plague-infected corpses into Italian trade settlement.
1500s: Spanish conquistadors use biological warfare used against Native peoples.
1763: British Gen. Jeffrey Amherst orders use of smallpox blankets against Native peoples during Pontiac's Rebellion.
1800s: Blankets infected with smallpox deliberately given to Native Americans, causing widespread epidemics.
1907: Hague Convention outlaws chemical weapons; U. S. does not participate.
1914: World War I begins; poison gas produces 100,000 deaths, 900,000 injuries.
1920s: Britain uses chemical weapons in Iraq "as an experiment" against Kurdish rebels seeking independence; Winston Churchill "strongly" backs the use of "poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes."
1928: Geneva Protocol prohibits gas and bacteriological warfare; most countries that ratify it prohibit only the first use of such weapons.
1935: Italy begins conquest of Abyssinia, using mustard gas.
1936: Japan invades China, uses chemical weapons in war; German chemical labs produced the first nerve agent, Tabun 1939: World War II begins; neither side uses bio-chemical arms, due to fears of retaliation in kind.
1941: U. S. enters World War II; President Roosevelt pledges U. S. will not be first to use bio-chemical weapons.
1943: U. S. ship damaged by German bombing raid on Bari, Italy, leaks mustard gas, killing 1000.
1945: Germans use Zyklon-B in extermination of civilians. Japanese military discovered to have conducted biological warfare experiments on POWs, killing 3000. U. S. shields officers in charge from war crimes trials, in return for data. Soviets take over German nerve gas facility in Potsdam. The Nazis had stockpiles of nerve gas, against which the Allies had no defenses, and had also been working on blood agents.
1947: U. S. possesses germ warfare weapons; President Truman withdraws Geneva Protocol from Senate consideration.
1949: U. S. dismisses Soviet trials of Japanese for germ warfare as "propaganda. " Army begins secret tests of biological agents in U. S. cities.
1950: Korean War begins; North Korea and China accuse U. S. of germ warfare--charges still not proven. San Francisco disease outbreak matching Army bacteria used on city.
1951: African-Americans exposed to potentially fatal simulant in Virginia test of race-specific fungal weapons.
1952: German chemical weapons researcher Walter Schreiber, working in Texas, exposed as a perpetrator of concentration camp experiments, and flees to Argentina.
1956: Army manual explicitly states that bio-chemical warfare is not banned. Rep. Gerald Ford wins policy change to give U. S. military "first strike" authority on chemical arms.
1959: House resolution against first use of bio-chemical weapons is defeated.
1961: Kennedy Administration begins hike of chemical weapons spending from $75 million to more than $330 m.
1962: Chemical weapons loaded on U. S. planes during Cuban missile crisis.
1966: Army germ warfare experiment in New York subway.
1968:Pentagon asks for the chance to use some of its arsenal against civil rights and anti-war protesters to demonstrate the "efficacy" of the chemicals. "By using gas in civil situations, we accomplish two purposes: controlling crowds and also educating people on gas," said Maj. Gen. J. B. Medaris. "Now, everybody is being called savage if he just talks about it. But nerve gas is the only way I know of to sort out the guys in white hats from the ones in the black hats without killing any of them. "
1969: Utah chemical weapons accident kills thousands of sheep; President Nixon declares U. S. moratorium on chemical weapons production and biological weapons possession. U. N. General Assembly bans use of herbicides (plant killers) and tear gasses in warfare; U. S. one of three opposing votes. U. S. has caused tear gas fatalities in Vietnamese guerrilla tunnels.
1971: U. S. ends direct use of herbicides such as Agent Orange; had spread over Indochinese forests, and destroyed at least 6% of South Vietnamese cropland, enough to feed 600,000 people for a year. U. S. intelligence gives swine-flu virus to anti-Castro Cuban paramilitary group, which lands it on Cuba's southern coast (according to 1977 reports).
1972: Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention. Cuba accuses CIA of instilling swine fever virus that leads to death of 500,000 hogs.
1974: U. S. finally ratifies 1928 Geneva Protocol.
1975:Indonesia annexes E. Timor; spread herbicides on crops.
1979: Washington Post reports on U. S. program against Cuban agriculture since 1962, including CIA biological warfare component.
1980: U. S. intelligence officials allege Soviet chemical use in Afghanistan, while admitting "no confirmation. " Congress approves nerve gas facility in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Iraq begins eight-year war with U. S. arch-enemy Iran.
1981: U. S. accuses Vietnam and allies of using mycotoxins (fungal poisons) in Laos and Cambodia. Some refugees report casualties; one analysis reveals "yellow rain" as bee feces. Israel bombs Iraqi nuclear reactor, leading to Iraqi decision to build chemical weapons.
1984: U. N. confirms Iraq using mustard and nerve gasses against Iranian "human wave" attacks in border war; State Department issues mild condemnation, yet restores diplomatic relations with Iraq, and opposes U. N. action against Iraq. Bhopal fertilizer plant accident in India kills 2000; shows risks of chemical plants being damaged in warfare. President Reagan orders over a half million M55 rockets retooled so that they contain high-yield explosives as well as VX gas. (The Army now claims that many of these rockets are "unstable" and leaking nerve agents. )
1985: U. S. resumes open-air testing of biological agents. U. S. firms begin supplying Iraq with numerous biological agents for a four-year period (according to a 1994 Senate report).
1986: U. S. resumes open-air testing of biological agents.
1987: Senate ties in three votes on resuming production of chemical weapons; V.P. Bush breaks all three ties in favor of resumption.
1988: Iraq uses chemical weapons against Kurdish minority in Halabjah; U. S. continues to maintain agricultural credits with Iraq; Pres. Reagan blocks congress' sanctions against Iraq.
1989: Paris conference of 149 nations condemns chemical weapons, urges quick ban to emerge from Geneva treaty negotiations; U. S. revealed to plan poison gas production even after treaty signed.
1990: U. S. , Soviets pledge to reduce chemical weapons stockpiles to 20 percent of current U. S. supply by 2002, and to eliminate poison gas weapons when all nations have signed future Geneva treaty. Israel admits possession of chemical weapons; Iraq threatens to use chemical weapons on Israel if it is attacked.
1991: U. S. and Coalition forces bomb at least 28 alleged bio-chemical production or storage sites in Iraq during Gulf War, including fertilizer and other civilian plants. CNN reports "green flames" from one chemical plant, and the deaths of 50 Iraqi troops from anthrax after air strike on another site. New York Times quotes Soviet chemical weapons commander that air strikes on Iraqi chemical weapons would have "little effect beyond neighboring villages," but that strikes on biological weapons could spread disease "to adjoining countries. " Czechoslovak chemical warfare unit detects sarin nerve gas during air war. Egyptian doctor reports outbreak of "strange disease" inside Iraq. U. S. troops use explosives to destroy Iraqi chemical weapons storage bunkers after the war.
1992: Reports intensify of U. S. and Allied veterans of Gulf War developing health problems, involving a variety of symptoms, collectively called Gulf War Syndrome. U. N. sanctions intensify civilian health crisis inside Iraq, making identification of similar symptoms potentially difficult.
1993: President Clinton continues intermittent bombing and missile raids against Iraqi facilities; U. N. inspectors step up program to dismantle Iraqi weapons. U. S. signs UN Chemical Weapons Convention, but Senate blocked it.
1995: Japanese cult launches deadly sarin nerve gas in Tokyo.
1996: Congressional hearings on Gulf War Syndrome focuses on Iraqi storage bunker destruction, rather than other possible causes, and does not call for international investigation of symptoms among Iraqis.
1997: Cuba accuses U. S. of spraying crops with biological agents. Iraq expels U. S. citizens in U. N. inspection teams, which are allowed to continue work without Americans, but choose to evacuate all inspectors. U. S. mobilizes for military action. Senate act finally implements Chemical Weapons Convention, with a provision that "the President may deny a request to inspect any facility" on national security grounds.
1998: U. S. again mobilizes for bombing campaign against alleged Iraqi bio-chemical weapons sites, after Iraq questions role of Gulf War veteran as U. N. inspector, and restricts inspector access to presidential properties and security.


Poem 403 from my Poetry Book Volume 8:


In the private study of a President
of a Third World Country:
"Thanks for your time Mr President. I'm sure more than
happy you'll be with the package that I, a senior
International Monetary Fund representative,
have put together for your lovely country.
As there's just the two of us, I'll talk freely."
"But Sir, as I have stressed many times before,
we are in no need of your time, or money."

"Hear me out. Here today, to make lots of loot
is a great, not to be repeated, opportunity."
"Opportunity for whom? Not for my country
or its populace it seems to me,
if I were to judge the IMF's woeful performance
in other nations seen around the world variously."

"It'll be different for you, you'll see."
"OK. I've given you this time slot;
what are we with your words to see?"
"We are prepared to lend you millions X+Y+Z
so you can build roads and super highways speedily."
"But we don't need those. We are mechanised poorly and
have no such need of them at all really!
Besides, we have no skills, no machinery
to build such roads expertly."
"No worries. We will provide everything that is needed,
even the sand and concrete and railings, and whatever else
is needed from our best factory."
"But that would mean all the money would go back to you
and your own workers quickly,
and we'll be left with nothing, of necessity.
Why would we want such a situation, tell me?"

"With huge roads deep into the countryside, we can clear
the forests and buy the land to grow cash crops, then
transportable, on those roads readily."
"Who will buy the land? It is already owned by the
peasants who with it, and its fauna, are happy.
They grow what they need and are well fed, contented and
in harmony with nature's bounty."

"We will buy it cheaply and exploit it maximally,
and in this, for you, there'll be a commission fee,
placed in any Swiss bank chosen freely.
Then we'll treat the land with super fertilisers and
pesticides, and other weed killers, and noxious chemical
sprays which kill unwanted local flora so we can grow
things such as coffee and tobacco
which will render profits handsomely.
And we'll use the latest techniques and machinery so peasant
labour will be used minimally."

"Besides that, how are you going to get your
produce to the export sites readily?"
"We would lend you money to build an airport and buy big
trucks so we can move the goods freely.
There, in that you will have the opportunity to
find drivers whom we will employ routinely."
"What pay do you propose for these drivers?"
"Why, we'll give them the going rate and lend them money to
buy trucks if they want to, so they
can be owner-drivers of negotiability."
"Well known is your ploy where you cause them to fight one
another so that the rates are
so low they can barely pay their loans,
and all one hears from them are miserable groans."

"Well, that's the commercial world, as you must know, and its
flag is the skull and crossbones.
But one moment; I've other news briefly.
You should know that with our satellite's spectral imaging and
both infra red and radar topographical assays of your lovely,
lovely country,
we've discovered oil worth exploiting commercially, and vast,
vast deposits of coal, and of iron ore,
which would increase wealth for us galore.
You, in secret, would be compensated handsomely."

"But what you say means a bribe for me,
and my people will be dispossessed and not
even have land to feed themselves or enough work, goods,
food, to keep them from poverty.
Besides, you would mine the ore and remove the oil as you
have done in many other countries, as
I have heard, quite surreptitiously, and account to the
indigenes, or elected local politicians placed in charge, not at all
fairly or adequately,
so much so that your actions are rape of our resources
amounting to daylight robbery!
And if by chance some wish to see what you are doing, to
force you in some way to account, you could very well use
force, as some multinationals have done in many, many poorer
countries, with hired armies, to keep the local people away from
oil sites, mines, and secret factories and installations where
their country's wealth is stolen avidly."

"Again I say there is good recompense for you,
and we request your co-operation secretly.
Besides, this is progress Mr President;
these financially sound schemes can be,
and have been repeatedly, skilfully,
sold to investors with facts and figures
citing modern economic rationality."

"But, but, what are a few dollars to me really?
I want no part of this vile treachery!
My people will be worse off, and on top of all that they will
have a debt for the money you lent to build roads which are
only of value to you.
Neither they nor the country will gain
anything at all from the revenue,
for I know how you multi-nationals work; you'll set up shelf
companies in the Cayman Islands or Bali,
and avoid paying any tax to our coffers justly.
If even in an insane moment I was, God forbid,
to have any part in this sordid pilfery,
I would have a revolt on my hands quickly,
as the peasants would be forced from their homes, and
lands, and would be restricted from farms owned by
foreigners seeking profits greedily."

"But Mr President, we will lend you money to build an
army to fend off the peasants from our farms in your
country and thereby protect democracy."

"What democracy? What you propose is piracy!
It is not True Democracy for all people at all.
It is the greed-ocracy of the free market, of the moneyed
gentry, who are rapacious carnivores of all things on this
Earth, including good Spirits,
that they plunder criminally and mercilessly!"

"Well, it's how for us the system works.
The market rules supreme, inexorably."
"Phooey! I know how you work. You will get us deep in
debt buying things such as roads and airports and
machinery we do not need, and then on your stock
Exchanges pass the word that you want payment from our
country in your dollars, and
that no speculator is to buy our goods or produce,
or is to want our weakened local currency.

In that way, inflated will be our money,
and we will crash quite severely,
so that repossession, as stipulated by lender
contracts, will mean we become poorer really,
all the while needing to find money to pay the 20% and
30% interest on loans given nefariously.
As the value of the little we have is reduced savagely, you
will once again come with your greedy investors and buy
our lands and the few things of worth at 2-3 cents in the
dollar, like you did in so many places,
including Russia, previously.
Away with you. My people are relatively happy,
and do not need the further burden of Iniquity pandered by
your IMF and World Bank which I consider one and the
same: a thief, an enemy."

Back in the IMF Offices of the First World of Finance,
Dishonesty and Iniquity:
"Tell us how went your probing initial
meeting with the latest President."
"Not well; not well at all. Hope away I've sent.
He is obviously a fool who thinks there is some
honour in loyalty to his people and in honesty.

I saw many books there in his study with the words
in the extended titles `Gnostic philosophy'.
He must be some sort of thinker who views the world
differently, not realising that to gain
maximal wealth is all existence means really.

We must execute Plan B.
Send in some drug-pushers to sell their wares cheaply, and
as we undermine the youth, provide vaccines and syringes
contaminated with hepatitis C.

Send over as tourists, hundreds of HIV-infected
prostitutes and gays - you have enough money
from our budget - so as to infect the populace,
and with time, within a few short years,
depopulation by this devastating illness will make
takeover by us of that resource-rich area far, far more easy.
Use all fronts, and all schemes, we have developed over the
years, which we have seen work so expertly.
Set about the rumours Mr President is a Communist
wanting to give all the land to the peasantry,
and send the CIA in to bribe some drunken louts,
criminals, and malcontents, and arm them to cause trouble,
and assassinate the President, if they can, and his
supporting cohorts, quickly.
And then send in the usual agents to look for
candidates for our masquerading puppetry."

So, what are we to make of
the IMF and World Bank Business?
Why it's just Modern Banditry!


Again I repeat that I have never doubted the poll support for Clinton is fraudulent. Many seen on TV appear to be paid `rent-a-crowd' morons. Amazing the number who are black - someone said it is because they are grossly immoral in general and see nothing at all wrong in perverse sexual predatory behaviour. There seems to be some evidence for that - in Africa, Aids has been spread fast because of the immoral copulation by people anywhere, anytime, with anyone, without the slightest restraint. Truck drivers apparently are serviced by millions of prostitutes as they get the trucks filled with petrol. India is no different. Well - they are paying the price now.


California's entire lemon crop and half the orange crop have been destroyed by the record cold. It was estimated 3/4 Billion dollars damage occurred. Prices of oranges have tripled, and other produce is expected to be affected. Later oranges sold for 6 times their previous price! California supplies 80% of the U. S. oranges and orange juice and losses are expected as high as 85%.


I retrieved the material reproduced below in italics from a Catholic splinter groups' website called "Holywar". Note how malicious the quoted Fathers and Doctors of the Church were. Their rhetoric is completely blown away by their own doctrine of "Christ coming to die for the sins of the world". If He did that, the Jews who murdered him would actually be servants in the Divine purpose. Of course Jesus did NOT come to be slaughtered in order to ransom evil men and women. So, you see, the Catholic position is just as untenable as the Judaian one.

Judaism Question #2 Don't you know that the Jews of today aren't responsible for the death of Jesus??? Answer to Question #2 You say that you do not hold the Jews of today responsible for the death of Our Lord, but Holy Church does. Remember that it was the Jews themselves who took collective guilt upon themselves for crucifying Our Lord. They cried out to Pilate, "Let his blood be upon us and upon our children. " As such, the Jews of today bear the same reproach as did the ones physically present 2000 years ago. "Ungrateful for favors and forgetful of benefits, the Jews return insult for kindness and impious contempt for goodness.

They ought to know the yoke of perpetual enslavement because of their guilt. See to it that the perfidious Jews NEVER in the future grow insolent, but that they ALWAYS suffer publically the shame of THEIR sin in servile fear. " (Pope Gregory IX, Epistle to the Hierarchy in Germany,1233 A. D.) "Crucifiers of Christ ought to be held in continual subjection. " (Pope Innocent III, Epistle to the Hierarchy of France, July 15, 1205) "It would be licit, according to custom, to hold the Jews in perpetual servitude because of THEIR crime. " (St. Thomas Aquinas, De Regimine Judaeorum) "Jews are beheld scattered throughout the whole world: they have been punished for no other reason than for the impious hands THEY laid on Christ. " (St. Sulpicius Severus, On Chronicles, Book II) "Judas is the image of the Jewish people_THEY bear the guilt for the death of the Saviour, for through their fathers THEY have killed Christ. " (St. Augustine) "Jews are the slayers of the Lord, murderers of the prophets, enemies and haters of God, adversaries of grace, enemies of their fathers' faith, advocates of the devil, a brood of vipers, slanderers, scoffers, men of darkened minds, the leaven of Pharisees, a congregation of demons, sinners, wicked men, haters of goodness. " (St. Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio in Christi resurrectionem)

"Poor Jews! You invoked a dreadful curse upon your own heads in saying: `His blood be on us and our children'; and that curse, miserable race, you carry upon you TO THIS DAY, and to the end of time you shall endure the chastisement of that innocent blood. O my Jesus!. .

I will not be obstinate like the Jews. I will love thee forever, forever, forever!" (St. Alphonsus Maria Liguouri, The Passion and death of Jesus Christ. ) "If someone should kill the beloved son of a man, and then stretch forth their hands still stained with blood to the afflicted father, asking for fellowship, would not the blood of his son, visible on the hand of the murderer, provoke him to just anger instead? And such are the prayers of the Jews, for when they stretch forth their hands in prayer, they only remind God-the-Father of their sin against His Son.

And at every stretching-forth of their hands, they only make it obvious that they are stained with the blood of Christ. For they who persevere in their blindness INHERIT the blood-guilt of the fathers; for they cried out: `His blood be upon us, and upon our children. '(Matthew 27:25). (St Basil the Great, On Prayer, Sermon 9. ) In conclusion, we believe and teach that it was the Jews who murdered Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that their descendants, who call themselves Jews today, can never be absolved from the crime of deicide until they convert and are cleansed in the waters of sacramental baptism. An active Jewish proselytism and strong Judaizing tendencies among Christians alarmed the Church Fathers. To the Holy Roman Catholic Church all forms of Judaizing are heresies!

What we see here is Jehovah wearing one mask (Catholicism) attacking another mask of his (Judaism) in order to obfuscate and confuse, cause friction and energy gain for himself from true Beings caught in the action.

He has always worked this way. That is why religions - taken over completely by him in some mask or other have been murderously violent tools of war.

Realising a house divided must fall, many conciliatory moves a afoot between Zionism and pseudo-Christianity, but alas, they are all too late.

As we see, pseudo-Christian churches are collapsing and Zionism is being exposed as evil everywhere on the planet. - ed.


From Associated Press: October 1998 statistics in Russia:

44. 3 million (approx. 30%) live below the poverty line, placed at $32 (US) per month. Most pensioners have to live on $22. 50 per month. The nation's average salary is $67 per month. It is even worse in soviet Georgia where a retired army major receives $10 per month. Russian state and military workers still often go months without a paycheck, despite hunger strikes and countless public protests. Though wages are delayed, if they don't report for work they will be fired.

Hoping they will be paid some day keeps them on their jobs. By contrast the average entry level technician/engineer working in the U. S Silicon Valley has a salary of $3300 per month, equivalent to about 50 average Russian salaries -- and he/she gets paid each month!]



On cue, as I said it would happen, Zionism is being exposed everywhere. Note in the report below that even a military man can tell the difference between Zionists and Jews, whereas the reporter is too blind to do so.

Russian Communist Leader Condemns Zionism

By Anna Dolgov - Dec 24, 1998 MOSCOW (AP) _

Russia's Communist leader, effectively endorsing the anti-Semitic rhetoric of his allies, accused Jews on Wednesday of bringing on the "extinction" of Russia's people and the country's economic woes, according to a news agency report. Communist Party chief Gennady Zyuganov - a prominent politician who finished second in the 1996 presidential election - also suggested that Russia's Jewish community condemn Zionism, the Interfax news agency reported. Zionism, a movement supporting the Jewish state of Israel, is often used by Russian anti-Semites to refer to a supposed Jewish conspiracy against other ethnic and religious groups. "Our people are not blind. They cannot fail to see that the spread of Zionism in the state government in Russia is one of the reasons for the current catastrophic condition of the country, the mass impoverishment and the process of extinction of its people," Zyuganov said in what Interfax described as an open letter. Zyuganov's most blatant public expression of anti-Semitism to date, the letter was addressed to President Boris Yeltsin's national security chief and the justice minister. No one was available in either of their offices or the Communist Party on Wednesday evening to comment. Zyuganov's letter came in response to demands by Russian liberals and international Jewish organizations that the Communist Party, the largest party in Russia, condemn virulent anti-Semitic remarks by two of its members.

Under Zyuganov, the party has taken on an increasingly aggressive, nationalistic tone. Anti-Semitic rhetoric has grown with the nation's economic troubles - the traditional spark for scapegoating. Several prominent Russian businessmen and politicians have called for banning the party, saying it had evolved into a fascist grouping. In his letter, Zyuganov outlined the "aggressive, destructive role of Zionist capital in the collapse of Russia's economy and the pilfering of its national wealth," Interfax reported. At the same time, Zyuganov insisted that he condemned anti-Semitism and was only calling for fighting an alleged Jewish conspiracy for world domination.

Virulent anti-Semitic statements have been emerging from increasingly higher levels of the Communist Party in recent months, culminating Wednesday with Zyuganov's letter. In speeches this fall, Communist lawmaker Albert Makashov blamed the country's problems on `zhidy', or `yids', a derogatory term for Jews. Communists in parliament blocked a resolution condemning him. This month, prominent Communist lawmaker Viktor Ilyukhin accused Jews of waging `genocide' on Russians. He also said that Russia's post-Soviet collapse would not have occurred if Russia's government was not made up `exclusively of one group, the Jews'.

Yeltsin's governments have contained a number of Jews and other minorities in prominent positions, but they have always been outnumbered by ethnic Russians.

You will note the donkey who wrote the piece, Anna Dolgov, is hostile, and has no understanding of the clear distinction between Jews and Zionism which Communist Party chief Gennady Zyuganov makes. - editor.)



"Yes, the president should resign. He has lied to the American people, time and time again, and betrayed their trust. He is no longer an effective leader. Since he has admitted guilt, there is no reason to put the American people through an impeachment. He will serve absolutely no purpose in finishing out his term; the only possible solution is for the president to save some dignity and resign."

William Jefferson Clinton, 1974.


sent to me by Nancy Irwing:


'Twas The Night Before Impeachment, when all through the House, All the Congress was stirring, even Conyers, the louse. The Articles were hung by the Capitol with care, In hopes that Saint Bubba would be trapped in the lair.

The Republicans were nestled, all smug with The Feds, While visions of perjury danced in their heads. And Barr with his rhetoric and Hyde with his trap, Had just settled in for a long evening's nap. When out in The Gulf, there arose such a clatter They clicked on CNN to see what was the matter. When what to their wondering eyes should appear But Tomahawk cruise missiles flying like reindeer. With a Presidential address, so lively and quick, They knew in a moment, it must be Saint Slick! More rapid than eagles, his supporters they came, And he whistled and shouted and called them by name: "Now Conyers, now Gephardt, let's forget about The Vixen! On Barney! On Maxine! I'm no Richard Nixon!!!"

"From Capitol Hill to the Washington Mall, Now dash away, dash away, dash away all !!!" And then the Republicans heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As they scratched their heads and were turning around The resilient Saint Willie scored another rebound. No longer was he eating from his humble pie, While assaulting Saddam with his bombs from the sky. A bundle of weapons he had flung at Iraq, It looked once again like Slick Willie was back.

His eyes, how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry. His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, And the hair on his head was as white as the snow. The stump of a stogie, he held tight in his teeth, And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath. He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump - a right jolly old elf, And the Republicans wept, in spite of themselves. And a wink of his eye and a twist of his head Soon gave them to know they had something to dread. He spoke the right words and went straight to his work Hard to believe that an Intern once called him "The Jerk." And shaking his finger and thumbing his nose, By "Wagging The Dog," up the polls he rose. He turned to his spinmeisters and gave them a whistle, Then they cheered-on Slick Willie as he launched another missile. They all heard him exclaim, with Impeachment out of sight, "Happy Ramadan to all, and to all a good night."


The Cold War is dead, but the one coming is very, very hot!! MOSCOW (AP) -- The military declared 10 newly designed nuclear missiles ready for combat Sunday in its first deployment of the Topol-M, developed to maintain Russia's position as a global nuclear power. The single-warhead Topol-M, whose range has been reported to exceed 6,200 miles, will be the new heart of Russia's missile forces, and 40 are expected to be built by the end of 2000 taking the place of heavier, multiple-warhead missiles. The missile is designed to be fired from a vehicle, and its mobility makes it more safe from preemptive strikes than silo-based missiles. The 10 Topol-M's were deployed in the Saratov region, about 450 miles southeast of Moscow, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported. The deployment was a major step for Russia's cash-strapped government, which doesn't have enough money to maintain all its armed forces, and decided to concentrate defense spending on developing the missile. "This is a very important event, because even in the difficult financial conditions of 1998 we have managed to find funds for financing this top priority area," said Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev, according to ITAR-Tass. Russia is facing its worst economic crisis since the Soviet collapse. A parliament committee is drafting a bill that would guarantee funding to the strategic missile forces until 2010, regardless of the country's economic situation, the Interfax news agency reported. The measure would ensure that Russia maintains nuclear parity with the West, according to Roman Popkovich, chairman of the Defense Committee of the State Duma, the lower house of parliament.


An excerpt from our book "The Kingdom of Zion"


Zionism and Nazism actually have a great deal in common. They are a desire for national identity, national socialism, "self-determination", and "freedom" from those who might be called "troublemakers". In fact, they are both philosophies of imagined racial superiority and purity, which have rationalized all of their actions in the name of some greater "good". And, they each conceal a deeper evil at their core. Tracing the start of Nazism in Germany, historian David Irving observed, "As Goebbels orchestrated the rise of the Nazi party, part of the problem ... was that much of what he said was true. The Jewish community not only dominated the legal and medical professions in Berlin, they also dominated ... crime, ... drug dealing and narcotics. Moreover, three-quarters of the pickpockets in Berlin were Jewish".

Irving adds, "In every new scandal in Berlin, it seemed, Jews were at the base of it ­ ripping off the banks, ripping off the taxpayers, and ripping off the government. And again and again, they seemed to be getting off scot-free". "Goebbels repeatedly explained to foreign diplomats that the problem there was the usual one, in which the Jewish population disproportionately controlled all the lucrative professions." Goebbels, who respected Jews as he grew up, eventually came to hate them; he became the author of "the final solution". As Irving points out, it was "not Adolf Hitler nor any of the other Nazis".

The Nazis were quite aware of the real problems that existed in Germany, but they kept acting and over-reacting in the wrong ways. Irving says, "We must not overlook the fact that the world's Jewish community lost no time in striking at Nazi Germany. We all too readily talk about the book-burning and about the Nazi boycott against the Jews as if those things happened in a vacuum. They didn't. The Nazi boycott against the Jews on April 1, 1933, was a foolish reprisal by the Nazis in retaliation for the Jewish boycott against Germany".

The fact is, the Jews had a strangle-hold on the Germany economy. "As soon as the Nazis came to power, the world Jewish community announced an international boycott campaign against Germany. Jews would not buy any German products. ... Today, all we hear about is the Nazi boycott against the Jews, which lasted for a single day."

The Jews controlled banking and business in Germany; they controlled the economy, much as they continue to do throughout the world, to this day. And, anti-Semitism was a force that had stirred often in Europe. The Jews had historically been evicted out of most of Europe, and there was a reason for this. If they were "divine benefactors" aiding and uplifting those they came into contact with (like Jesus), there would have been absolutely no basis for this act of rounding up the Jews and banishing them from country after country. Rather, people were quite aware of the evil ontological Jews, the Zionists, in their midst.

The people were well aware that the Jews were getting unbelievably wealthy by controlling their money and their business, and they resented it. This set the stage for what happened in Germany. The Germans did not originally plan to slaughter the Jews; they were trying to do what had been done many times before, round up the Jews and then deport them ­ anywhere else they could go.

Ironically, the political Zionists created much of the need for this plan, and even supported it financially. The political Zionists exerted all the political force they could to make sure that the US and other nations did not allow Jews to emigrate from Germany before World War II. They fervently believed that if they allowed their Jewish brethren to leave Germany (which was all the Germans really wanted), and go to other nations, then they would not be able to claim Palestine as "their land". They made sure the Jews stayed in Germany and suffered the fate many of them did, just so that Jews would be made to go to Palestine and create Israel, after the war. This is how perverted and evil the Zionist thinking was.

We must understand the mind-set of the Jews. With their "chosen people of god" attitude, they never had any desire to assimilate in any country in which they were. The Talmud declared that a Jewish man should say a three-part prayer that:

(a) he is not a "goy" because they are nothing,

(b) he is not a "boor" (or peasant) because they have nothing, and

(c) that he is not a woman who needs to believe nothing, and who is not rewarded in the afterlife.

Such dogma drives many non-Zionist Jews nuts, or to escapism. But, the Zionist Jews consider it their spiritual obligation to fleece the sheep, to hold themselves above all others, and to take what they want in this world as their "reward". And, they have done this, religiously and secularly. Taking over Palestine by acts of terrorism against innocent men, women, and children, was the self-righteous act of fanatics and terrorists. And Israel has practised active genocide against Palestinians ever since. The Jews, in their refusal to assimilate or mix with other peoples, forcibly expelled the Palestinians from Palestine, who fled in fear of their lives. I visited Israel early in the 1990s and was distressed at the unashamed, cruel treatment of Palestinians by Jews who were cocky beyond belief, declaring America would always back them up in anything they did.

With this mind-set they practised their open genocide and were starving the non-Jewish indigenes to death. I was saddened by what I saw and my inability to assist the down-trodden. But I also saw the evilness of men, for here was a perfect example of them having learned nothing from history. If ever there was to be a group who would understand suffering, and lessen it, it would be the Jews. But obviously, that was not the case.

Contrary to what most Westerners, especially Americans, might imagine (due to Jewish control of the media), Israel was established as a racist, apartheid state, not a true democracy. It never was and never will be a bastion of democracy, freedom, equality, morality, or goodness. It was created with, and has continued to evolve into, a Nazi-mentality. The Jews in Palestine even allied with the Nazis against Britain in World War II, to instigate the creation of Israel. In other words, they used anti-Semitism and Nazism to achieve their ends. Haim Bresheeth, in an article in the British RETURN, observed: "The first point to note regarding the appropriation of the history of the Holocaust by Zionist propaganda is that Zionism without anti-Semitism is impossible. Zionism agrees with the basic tenet of anti-Semitism, namely that Jews cannot live with non-Jews". He concludes, "the role played by Zionists in this period was connected to another role they could, and should have played, that of alarming the whole world to what was happening in Europe. They had the information, but politically it was contrary to their priorities. The priorities were, and still are, quite simple: All that furthers the Zionist enterprise in Palestine is followed, whatever the price. The lives of individuals, Jews and non-Jews, are secondary".

As we have seen, the lives of non-Jews "do not matter" according to the Talmud. The Other Israel, edited by Arie Bober, observed, "A Fascist-chauvinist mood is growing in Israel, following the classic patterns which are not necessarily characteristic of any particular nation. Expressions like `the supremacy of the nation,' `the sanctity of our historic values,' `the cradle or our ancient culture,' `the eternity of war and the sanctity of blood,' have gained wide currency. They are emphasized in print and in speeches, on radio and television, in the press and in schools, in the Army and in youth movements. There is also a growing clamour for `strong leadership'; and a `strong leader' as well as for preserving `national unity.' At the same time there is an increase in administrative and police repression against Israel's Arab citizens. Hundreds and thousands of Israeli Arabs are subject to restriction of freedom of movement, house arrest, detention without trial, searches and harassment and are denied the legal right to organize themselves". In fact, non-Jews are not even considered true citizens of Israel; their presence is tolerated but not welcomed.

Such Nazi mentality ­ and behaviour ­ are familiar to Jews, yet surprisingly few people realize how the Jews have used this mind-set to oppress the "less fortunate". Even back in Nazi Germany, the Zionists used Nazism as a means of achieving their own objectives, regardless of the cost in lives of their "less fortunate" Jewish brethren. In many cases, they continued to do business with the Nazis, and even made deals with them which cost many thousands of Jewish lives, to enrich the Jewish elite. And, contrary to all of the propaganda, the model for Israel is closer to Nazism than it is to democracy.

What follows is an accurate account of how Israel was established, in an article in the Israeli Ha'ir by Guy Erlich: "Since its establishment, the State of Israel keeps a conspiracy of silence concerning massacres committed in the War of Independence. `The time has come' [Yitzhaki] says, `for a generation has passed, and it is now possible to face the ocean of lies in which we were brought up. In almost every conquered village in the War of Independence, acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as indiscriminate killings, massacres and rapes. The only question is how to face such evidence.' According to him, these massacres had an enormous impact on the Arab population, by inducing them from the country. `For many Israelis it was easier to find consolation in the lie, that the Arabs left the country under orders from their leaders. This is an absolute fabrication.

The fundamental cause of their flight was their fear from Israeli retribution and this fear was not at all imaginary. ... Sometimes the report tells about blatant massacres which were committed after the battle, sometimes the massacres are committed in the heat of battle and while the villages are `cleansed.' Some of my colleagues, such as Me'ir Pa'il, don't consider such acts as massacres. In my opinion there is no other term for such acts than massacres. This was at the time the rule of the game. It was a dirty war on both sides. This phenomenon spread out in the field; there were no explicit orders to exterminate'".

The article continues, "The historian Uri Milstein, a myth-shatterer, corroborates Yitzhaki's assessment regarding the massacres' extent and goes even further. `If Yitzhaki claims that almost in every village there were murders, then I maintain that even before the establishment of the State, each battle ended with a massacre'". Let's recapitulate: the Jews did not have explicit orders to exterminate the Palestinians, yet they massacred, tortured, raped, and killed them. Sounds a lot like what the Nazis did, doesn't it? The Jews felt that they were just engaging in a little "ethnic cleansing". Historically (as we read in his Bible), Yahweh has asked the Jews to exterminate many innocent men, women, and children of other ethnic backgrounds, so this was just another "justified" and "righteous" action. So, the question arises, just what is Jewish morality? Do unto others first before they do unto you? Or, hope that what you do unto others doesn't come back to you? Once again, we see that what happened to the Jews is merely what they have always done to others. It's called Nazism when it is done against them, it is called righteous Zionism when it is done by them. Evil by any other name, is evil.

In another RETURN article, Tony Greenstein wrote: "As a self-styled `national' movement, Zionism claims to represent all Jews, irrespective of their wishes and wherever they live. Support for the Palestinian national struggle and opposition to Zionism, and its concept of a `Jewish people,' is interpreted as hatred of Jews as Jews, i.e. anti-Semitism. Jewish anti-Zionists are dismissed as `self-haters'". Greenstein observes, "It is a conjuring trick which has mesmerized many an audience, but as with all such illusions has gradually lost its effectiveness. The problem for the Zionist movement is whether the equation of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism can still be useful in intimidating its opponents". As we shall see, the Holocaust itself is used to intimidate opponents to the evil Zionist global agenda, and to silence any opposition to the injustices, oppression, and abuses perpetrated by Israel and the Jews. In the typical modus operandi of evil, the truth is reversed or selectively applied to support further evil. Israel is the pre-eminent racist, religionist, separatist, apartheid state in the world. By acts of terrorism, massacre, and forcible relocation, it removed hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people from their towns and their land, and denied them any right of return. Whatever villages, towns, homes, farms, and other properties were considered useful were taken over by Jews; everything else was bulldozed and destroyed, all with the US's support and sanction. We see these things even today in 1997 in the daily News on our television screens.

We must ask the question: What did the Jews learn from the Holocaust? Nothing, except how to better cover up evil with lies, how to portray the Palestinians as sub-human "wanderers" who did not really have any towns or property rights, and how to scapegoat others for what the Jews did to them. Les Levidow, in RETURN, wrote: "Zionism often portrays the Palestinians as agents of an international Arab conspiracy dedicated to destroying Israel. This mentality can be understood by analogy to other colonial episodes in which the colonisers experienced the colonised as persecutors. In the case of Zionism, Haim Bresheeth describes how the social identity of the `New Jew' was created in the image of the European neo-colonialist model, except that Palestine's original inhabitants (if acknowledged to exist at all) were to be expelled rather than merely exploited". The reversal of truth is a hallmark of evil.

In reality, the international Zionist conspiracy of world domination is the fact. The article concludes, "Moreover, Zionist paranoia bears parallels to European anti-Semitism, in two senses. Palestinians are almost racially defined as anti-Jewish, as persecuted German Jews were labelled `anti-German.' And their anticipated attacks on Jews help displace subconscious guilt about Israeli pogroms committed against Palestinians".

Again, the Jews mainly fear what they have done to others. And, anti-Semitism ­ the common, worldwide reaction of people to the Zionist conspiracy of exploitation and oppression ­ supposedly "proves" their morality, goodness, and righteousness. How perverse. But, as we have seen, lies and bluff are all Yahweh and his evil elect know; they are incapable of REAL goodness, truth, and rightness. The truth is anathema to them.


Poem 251 from my Poetry Book, volume 5


To conceive but once the thought of
a Greater Reality is enough to shatter
the illusion of this noxious depravity,
and seal its fate as one of temporal
inadequacy to be eradicated totally,
forever, so no more Evil there will be.

Once a mind conceives the Greater
Reality, dissatisfaction results from the
many mechanisms of the Virtual
Reality, for one sees Truth is scorned
as its seekers are held in mockery.

Thoughts on awakening to this are
quickly honed to those of one's future
Home after the timely Liberation,
promised to those of Truth but not to
those of Falsehood, of the Enmity.
And that is as it should truly be!

No one, except those of Evil, could
conceive existence in this Hell to be
but an incarceration temporarily.

Fly, fly, thoughts of Love and Hope,
to our True Abode, and prepare the
Feast for True Beings, including me.
I sense not long now the Ringing of
the Bell of the Final, Glorious Victory!


J S Chiappalone.

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