January 1998, Newsletter # 17

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Annwn News

* Radio Shows on American Radio "Sightings on the Radio" hosted by Jeff can be heard by using the Web. Go to our web-site and listen in!

* Newsletter: For various reasons, Newsletters will continue on the web after June 1998, but may not be mailed out as a letter. Hence, arrange now with a friend or colleague to get your copy off the net, or arrange to read it at your local library. Hence, there is no need to renew your subscription unless you wish to do so in support of Annwn Publications.

News items highlighting the deteriorating conditions:

- HIV-AIDS:The UN reviewed its figures for HIV-AIDS, saying it had grossly underestimated its previous figures. Realize that these figures are guesstimates and very poor ones at that. Whenever a captive audience has been tested anywhere, especially in the Third World, 50-65% of that group have been found to have HIV-AIDS. This confirms the figure we gave earlier. The claim is that the infection rate in First World countries such as the US and Australia is decreasing. The reason why the rate appears to be falling is very, very simple to explain: Fewer are being tested! Knowing it is not compulsory, knowing there is no cure and knowing there is great social stigmatism to being an infected person, people are simply not attending for tests. Hence the spurious figures!

- Environment:

i The FIRE danger around the globe cannot be exaggerated. It is killing off plants, animals and humans as the air becomes more polluted and as the planet warms. One report complained that fires were behaving in an unusual manner. Could it be they are being guided to do their job by Deva consciousnesses under even more Superior control? Indeed, sooner or later all will need to awaken to the Greater Reality.

ii EL NINO the vengeful child - climatic event of the century.

- New Diseases: A fungus which grows on Eucalyptus gum trees has been identified as causing, in children, a form of cerebral dementia similar to Mad Cow Disease.

- Food Poisoning: Tests on fish reveal that all fish caught in Australian waters is grossly polluted with mercury, far beyond the safety limits imposed. It is unsafe for human consumption. Hence, food is not only decreasing but also adulterated beyond the point of safety.

You get the picture of what is going on. Know why this is occurring and you will be well-prepared. Refuse to accept it and the canyons of Terminal Madness of the Endtime await you. The is no other explanation for what is going on other than what is here revealed. That is not a boast but a statement of fact!


So what do I think 1998 has in store? Environmental catastrophes, bushfires, wars and increasing diseases are what will affect people most. Massive earthquakes are overdue!


Dear Readers, It is always nice to hear from you but realize we cannot answer all letters personally.

I want to make one point clear to you all, just in case there is any misunderstanding: Our message is about SAVING all the beautiful things of the world and all the beautiful spirits in people, who are still viable, and destroying that which is no longer spiritually viable. There IS much beauty, of course, but the tragedy is that the Earth, and the majority, have been spoiled by the out-of-control Evil. Genuine seekers are elated to realize their existence will be set right. The need to "move house", as it were, is just a small, small inconvenience.

The ones who are really terrified by this news are the ones who know who they really, really are, and suspect that they are not viable! As most of you have by now realized, no one on the planet has the information we have. Whatever information is present in "the ether", locally, is information we have released. You will have noticed actions are accelerating around the world and there is a distinct separation of what is Good and what is Bad, more so than ever before. That is all part of the Clearing Process. Anyone who would want to keep this evil system is either very ignorant or - and this is more likely the case - evil!



More and more people claim they are being visited by other consciousnesses, other beings who are then giving them all sorts of advice. Many of the people with these experiences conclude they have been blessed with visitation from Divine Messengers. But this is certainly not the case at all. It is the presumption of egotistical elitism that rationalizes in this way. Do you not think Higher consciousnesses would, especially at this critical time, have better things to do than tell you about your need to change houses, or what to shop for, or what colour shoes you need, or what friends to have? Most of these visitors are lower astral beings, discarnates, evil aliens and other impostors who have nothing better to do but cause trouble. Think of this next time you create a bubble of illusional self-importance about your communication with direction for you in your time and space to affect others - usually deleteriously.


The comments about what Malaysia's PM Mahathir said about the Zionists, and what I explained, has resulted in bucket-loads of hate mail to me, so much so that more comments are warranted:

* If that was not the truth of the situation, who would bother reacting? It would be seen as untruth and dismissed by all. The fact is it is the truth of that particular matter and upsets the deceivers no end, for it ends their charade!

* Anything the Zionists do not like, they label as Anti-semitic. But that ploy no longer works. Too many now see through them and their mendaciousness. As the New Statesman recently wrote (I am paraphrasing): Israel and the Zionists have been allowed to get away with wholesale murder. It is now time to put pressure on them to at least comply with such things as the UN resolutions made for Israel to toe the line. This reveals, in no doubt, that the Financial Being is mortally wounded and that Jehovah, the Evil Mind protecting this aspect of the evil essence, is not only exposed but now totally ineffective.

* Besides, why should such a report cause them to hate so much? It exposes the Zionists' evil nature.

* If things were not as I describe, there would be no need to destroy all this evil abomination. That is exactly what is being done whether people believe it or not!


Lawyers are like priests, they come

between you and the Judge.



To see the futility of this physical existence because you have broken the barriers of the illusion is very different from suffering the collapse of the supposed meaningfulness of your life, and being resigned to advancing futility with no understanding. To know why is of paramount importance, and the answer will save those with it from sinking into the realms of Terminal Madness. Already the Counterfeits are reaching the point of resignation and futility without knowing why or what else is in store. This sense of uncertainty, of abandonment, of incalculable foreboding is what will cause collapse of the barriers of their fraudulent paradigm and allow them to cascade, even if totally unwilling, into the gulfs of haunting madness. It will not be a pretty scene.

Add to this the inexorable diseases which will cause spongioform encephalopathies from drugs, meat, milk, cheese, fungi spores, etc., etc., and you have a scenario of zombies walking a darkened Earth at its endtime.

Earthquakes are still very much scheduled for many areas around the globe and as you have noted, accidents of all types, especially airplane accidents have increased dramatically. All this decade has been a window for earthquakes. They will come when it is the most appropriate time to do so!

Climatic changes are now unpredictable and if a nation is not affected by drought and fires, it is rain and floods. Madness is obvious everywhere in every consciousness, every aspect of nature. Soon, horrible, horrible War, on a scale never before seen will engulf the entire globe.

Many are confirming, in their own minds, the accuracy of the Newsletters and the facts I gave out about the nuclear spread in the second US radio show. The West is no doubt breast-beating to allow a nuclear strike, in due course, on the nations in the Middle east it has judged arrogantly, ignominiously as aberrant. But ones which already have nuclear bombs, such as India and Pakistan, and who have been more than slighted, repeatedly, by the West, are not going to just stand by and take what is dished out, believe me!

Many are excited by a coming eclipse which is really a so-so event and the insinuation of its significance is New Age drivel. People are going more crazy, not less so. Events have been accelerated since late November and have nothing to do with astrology which is part of the demiurgal (evil) system, even though it is accurate in forecasting, to some extent, mundane matters under that old system.


Who is responsible for the Correction?

Jehovah is the demiurge, the creator of this universe, this dimension of illusion, deception and evil which is being corrected as he is. Hence, he cannot be the ultimate Power, the Ultimate God. He is the Evil Mind, the evil spurious demigod, born of the Celestial Error.

If this was God's world, He would be silly to destroy it.

If it is Satan's world, it would be silly for Satan to destroy it.

If it was God's world and Satan was destroying it, then it would reveal a Satan stronger than God. That is a no, no, an impossibility. There is only one valid conclusion. This is Satan's world of Evil and the Real God is destroying it! End of argument!


Because it is relevant, go back and read what I wrote about the Middle East in the November 1996 Annwn newsletter under the heading: From My Diary.


True Beings on hearing our Message ask "What can we do to help? What assistance do you need? How can we play our part". Evil ones ask "Why can you not give us more, much more for free, without us having to do anything?" Beware of these sponges. Note that the True Beings thrust out to help others. The evil doomed ones suck energy into themselves to fulfil their greed and selfishness.


Have you obtained your copies of the poetry books yet?

I must admit, I am very pleasantly surprised. I did not think so many of you were so keen on poetry. Volume Three is ready - $30 posted to anywhere!



One galah wrote stating I cannot be a Gnostic because I used such words as Avatar in my books. IS that not like saying I cannot be of Italian origin because I speak English? OR that you cannot be of the Christian faith because you know, and have used, the word "Shalom"?

Hello, Dr C., I am re-reading and re-reading your poetry books which are helping me to find a peace within me that I haven't felt for a long time. Thank you for this gift of love. It is a joy every time I pick the books up.

Tammy Hurley, Arkansas.


Dear Dr Chiappalone

If I was to choose 1 word to describe my experience after reading "A Collection of My Verses and Poems based on Gnostic Thoughts by J. S. Chiappalone", it would be heart-warming. I was connecting to my true nature as a Divine Being, to my Family of Light, and my Divine Mother

and Father. I found my vision extending to the future and my life in the New Dimension. It was helping me to separate from everything of this world. I have read all of the Annwn Publications but the uniqueness of these books was their personal nature. I experienced the beauty and love within the words expressed, and the power that comes from the Truth revealed. I found myself reviewing my own life as I read different poems and seeing what weaknesses or programming and indoctrination needed to be exposed and destroyed. The lessons on love, life and death, patience, our future life in the New Dimension, expanding our vision, and the many evils of this world were all helpful to me. The humour which I particularly enjoyed reminded me not to be too serious. The several poems reminding us that the end is nearer than we think impressed me to destroy any complacent attitude toward preparation for our final exit. Living each day as if it were our last, as you mentioned in one poem, is helpful in the mental preparation. The poems "Can It Be" and "Identity" are favourites. There was such an excitement in knowing true justice will be served to all. Thank you for sharing these works.

V.C., Perth, W. A., Australia.


More about the Poetry Books:

Dear Dr C., Thank you so much for the poetry books. I was so excited reading them. These are the most precious jewels - pearls of wisdom. As I read each poem, my heart was touched as it were by a Divine force. My spirit was uplifted and my thoughts were focused on higher realms of Light. These beautiful poems are like a master leading the reader through the dangerous minefield of this sick dungeon. I had a wonderful experience while reading the one about the final call to board the spacecraft.

I seemed to hear or feel the words as coming through a microphone. It was so real. I cannot find words to describe my feeling of joy at reading these poems. Thank you for these beautiful gifts.

B.N., Mitchum, Vic., Australia.


Dear Dr. Chiappalone,

When in my previous reflections on your helpful exposure of Zionism I listed types and classes of people whom I feel must be included in the number of holocaust victims. I was not aware of the great number of Slavic ... children born in Germany during the war and that the Nazis not only had sought to exterminate Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and others, to them "Useless Eaters" such as the physically and mentally handicapped, but that they did also their utmost to destroy all the babies and toddlers born to Russian, Polish and Yugo-slav ... mothers. An article by Mr. Herman Hermans in the Dutch Ex-Forced labourers' Newsletter of May/June 1997, titled "Racism and Child Murder in Nazi Germany" is dedicated to all those who were born in German captivity.

Hermans lets his Dutch readers know that we seldom, or at least speak too little of the nine to ten million men, women and children of Slav nationalities who were treated as foreigners of a very much inferior race. Uncountable numbers of Russians, Polish and Yugo-slav women: "Ostarbeiterinnen" were brutally rounded up, transported to Germany and put to work in agriculture and industry. In the eyes of the Nazis these people were of no value as human beings, but only as slave workers who were allowed only the barest, meaning totally inadequate, food, housing and care of any kind.

Mr. Herman's article is meant to give an idea of the less often mentioned method of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

In the transition camps pregnant women were aborted against their will. In the work camps no food for babies and toddlers was made available. Mothers and children did not even get a mattress or straw to sleep on.

The Reichsfuhrer ... SS issued more than 150 decrees stating under which conditions these women should work and be treated. However, like all such Nazi decrees they were all screens in bureaucratic language meant to hide the brutal intent of the racially deluded Nazi system personified by senselessly fanatic men and women. Such documents only fool the researching historian who relies on them.

At first, six months pregnant women were to be sent back to where they had been taken from. But this decree was later on cancelled and pregnant women were compelled to keep on working until they were close to giving birth. Near the thousands of agrarian and industrial complexes so-called maternity wards and nurseries were built or improvised where the women gave birth without medical help and care, in the most primitive and unhygienic circumstances. While on paper they were allowed 26 weeks of breast feeding, in practice they had to go back to work in nine to sixteen days.

The babies that survived their birth under such dreadful conditions were taken away to the so-called nurseries where they soon starved to death, of diseases and lack of care - if they had not already been murdered right out. Few lived as long as three months. No love or sympathy was to be extended to such mothers and their children. "Even the lowest German was worth more than any member of such inferior races", it was said. Under no circumstances other than for the purpose of medical training and research were these mothers to be admitted to German hospitals, and their children were not to be brought in contact with German children. The explicit aim was to kill all children of such Slav parents, and, of course many women died in the birth process as well. How many children were killed in this way can no longer be ascertained. So many of the thousands of transit camps, work-camps, barracks, so-called maternity wards and nurseries have been dismantled, have disappeared without a trace, been wiped off the Land ... Registry. Archives have been "cleaned up", grave sites have been bulldozed and lists of graves have been adjusted. Mr. Hermans, who himself was a forced labourer in Miedersachsen, names a number of places in that state where the evidence of child murder still can be found, and he points out that what is found there illustrates what happened in so many other places in Germany.

In a Russian cemetery, situated next to the city garbage dump in Wolpburg (Volkswagen) are buried at least 174 Soviet Russian and Polish babies. In Ruhen, according to a preserved list of deceased children, few of the 274 reached the age of three months. Another death list mentions 365 babies of which 60 died in 1944. In Velpke a monument indicates that in 1944 76 Polish and 15 Russian babies were buried there. The Volkswagen Works doctor, Korbel, who was responsible for all this has been condemned to death and been executed. In that area, in December 1942 large "maternity clinics" were established for "Ostarbeiterinnen" ... which indicates that many births and child deaths must have occurred there. But in 1980 it was no longer clear where these buildings had been.

In Hildesheim there was a camp for two thousand male and female Polish and Russian slave labourers and a maternity ward and children's day care. Because of the great camp population it can be assumed that many children were born and died there. There were many, many more such camps all over Germany. At least 62 children were buried in Unterlus ..., 15 in Bergen and 30 in Mienhagen-Papenhorst.

At a cemetery at Oldenburg a memorial indicates a mass grave of at least 324 Soviet Russian citizens - among them 111 children and 81 women. At three other cemeteries at Oldenburg another 54, 40 and 40 unknown are buried. Even after the April/May liberation the death rate among children of Slav labourers was very high because of the deprivation they had suffered.

And, Mr. Hermans thoughtfully reminds us: "While we speak of the persecution of the Jews, and of the history of our own (Dutch) forced labourers, which has not even been fully studied, what happened to the Slavic ... slave labourers (Ostarbeiter) and how they were supposed to cope with and work out their horrific experiences after they returned or were forced to go back to their Stalinist homelands, has not become the burning question that should have been asked.

Had the Free World, had the world-wide war documentation, after the Spring 1945, any interest in those people? Or were we too deeply immersed in our own grieving and were they and what they suffered too remote from us to be included in our sorrow?

Or was it considered politically inopportune to include them in our concerns" --- and to count them in the number of Holocaust victims? There is no sense in talking about the Holocaust as if it were something that never happened before, happened only to the Jews under the Nazi regime, and should never happen again. The history of the world, of mankind has never been anything else but that of a slave labour camp and slaughtering fields, with the one holocaust after another and the final one on the way.

We gape at the monuments to the few textbook remembered wars but the horrors and suffering of those wars and the ones long forgotten, and the many more that never came to the historians' notice, are beyond the range of our very limited awareness.

Having been robbed of our higher consciousness, and having been cast into a nightmarish deep sleep we behave like brawling schoolyard kids, denying our own evil involvement in this big ... Evil-created world while blaming everyone else for the regular outbreaks of death and destruction while the evil creator of this hell hole, and his minions do everything to keep us brawling and to prevent us from waking up to the TRUTH. Name and address supplied.



More About ETs - An extract from our book on Aliens and UFO:

Aliens of all types who are here are capable of bending light beams so that things are not what they appear to be. Genetic engineering had been carried out for a long time, but it is only now that some of the information has been leaked to the public. Let us not forget that genetic engineering was one of the means of total destruction of Atlantis a long, long time ago. Some of the technologies used by the aliens do not even fit our frame of reference. Therefore, it does not make much sense to us at this stage, but nevertheless, their technologies are far superior to any that we have had or have seen on earth.

We hear a lot about virtual reality associated with computer technology these days. This information is not new to those from another star system. By manipulating the light beams, the aliens can produce holographic images and experiences that look real and feel real. This does not mean that all the episodes of alien abductions, alien encounters, near-death experiences, religious and mystical experiences, etc., are not real. A tangible object can be easily produced with special technologies, by stimulating the brain and by reforming the molecules. Thus you can appreciate how easily a human mind can be manipulated. It is also a very frightening thought when you think of mass programming and mass control of the mind by subjecting people to various sounds, undetected by the normal range of hearing, and by the various light particles projected on this level.

It must be mentioned that many of the aliens of the Light using a human body, have had their human bodies abducted or manipulated by the bad aliens. There are many reasons for this, of course. On this level when you are using a physical body, very often all your abilities are inhibited. The aliens, without using a human body, can experiment and can do all sorts of things to the body using their own technologies, but I suppose that a lot of the aliens who are the workers here have had their bodies examined, manipulated, scarred by the bad aliens in order to be consciously aware of the activities of the aliens in this physical dimension. It serves to remind them of the reality of the battle between the good and the bad ones. I have had my own experiences, too, of allowing my body to be abducted by the bad aliens and while I was there I was able to analyze the implants they use on others. I was able to activate my own device to tap into their operation and to decode their secret codes. I have always managed to escape. What I had discovered is a very elaborate plan to destroy the human race by various means. The plan involves the recruitment of many human beings as their aids. It revealed the double life of many well known figures of the world. It makes a mockery of humans. If people were to awake from their hypnotised state they would be shocked to see that those they regard as holy and good are, in fact, the ugliest, evil people.

Different types of aliens put different markings on their victims. One group has the mark that looks like an inverted 8. Others look like a smudge. Some of them have horizontal markings, usually on their hands, on their back or buttocks. Marks can be anywhere on the body. Some of them might have little patterns formed by dots. Whatever pattern a victim has, that pattern denotes the victim as the so-called "adopted property" of that particular group of aliens. Does not that sound disgusting? To the evil aliens, humans are like animals being branded for identification. Some aliens operate signals by reflection of light, signals which look like holographic drawings. Such symbols guide them in their travels, in their communications and in the administration of their duties.

The plasma crafts as depicted by the holographic projections are actually scout ships. More and more people are beginning to witness the incoming and outgoing of various types of crafts. These spacecrafts can change form at any time and they can reduce in size whenever it is necessary. This may sound far-fetched but the technologies that the world has not known, that are far superior than any of the ones that we have known here, can do many, many things, undreamed of at this level. A lot of these spacecraft travel in vertical lines, one above the other, sometimes in threes, sometimes in sixes; they can be in any number.

This place where I came from is a place of Light. The inhabitants are those akin to little fairies and angels - pure Light and Love. Only a few privileged ones are allowed to visit. Beings such as Babaji of Haidiyakhan often reside there. There are those of us who are really very tall -- in my original form I am over ten feet tall.

When we first gave out the message in 1985, what we did was set about a polarization of energies. The message, via various means, was a way of placing the energy amongst certain people, particularly those who are very negative, rapidly weakening their opposing efforts, by energy confrontation. The confrontations of energies continue to take on a spectacular form. Since then, an energy has been introduced that will make each side - those of the Light and those of Darkness - confront each other.


Chapter 11: Virtual Reality

My discussion on this reality as a virtual reality is not as far-fetched as it may sound initially. It is anticipated that virtual reality in computer technology will become very well accepted in the near future. The projection of illusory forms is something that is being done by all types of aliens - good and bad. Some of you may have heard of UFO accounts in which some kind of illusion has been projected and it seemed as though an object was projected to appear to be in the middle of nowhere and then suddenly disappeared.

Sometimes even UFO entities can disguise themselves by assuming animal forms or mentally projecting illusory forms of things like trees or kangaroos, or of someone who looks like someone you know. They can appear as apparitions, and unless you are aware of what is happening, you cannot tell the difference. So, false perceptions can be induced by the aliens, but of course, activities like this are usually confined to the ones of the dark side with evil intentions.

Even the UFOs themselves can be disguised in some other forms. They can be disguised as a car, a bus or other motor vehicles of some type; they can be disguised as a big cloud; they can be disguised as a house; they can be disguised in many other forms. Thus an alien being can come in the form of a dog or a cat or a bird, and visit someone at night or during the day without anyone suspecting it. An alien, disguised as a dog wandering around someone's house, could be seen as a stray dog or a dog coming over to visit.

Many illusions which are created by virtual reality do take place in many of those alien encounters and alien abductions. Some of the things people encounter which resemble nightmares, could in fact be illusions created by virtual reality. Often in encounters like that, they can give the experience a dream-like quality also. Of course this can also happen in an out-of-body experience when one feels that everything is in a dream-like state. So, aliens do have the technology, the ability to create illusions in many forms, physically on this level, and also they can create illusions in people's minds by thought implantation, by projecting the thoughts, using a type of light beam and directing it into someone's mind to create whatever illusions by programming them into the "light". That light itself contains whatever the aliens want the person to experience. It includes all the colours and interpretations that have been interpreted by the person's mind. But everything is inside; the whole program is already created and what they do is project into the person's mind. That person will get that replay. Alien beings or UFO beings are able to appear and disappear simply by changing the molecules and sometimes they can also use certain devices to do that.

Crossbreeding between the aliens and humans has been going on for a long, long time. Hence, sometimes in the era gone by, often these aliens would come as, what the modern day people call, fairies or angels and some of them would do some good things and some of them would do bad things. So we often hear of good fairies, bad fairies, good angels, bad angels, whereas in fact, the bad ones are often the bad aliens.

In much of the literature of various cultures one often comes across stories about humans copulating with demons or some other form of monsters, but again those humanoid beings are really the aliens and they are generally motivated by lust and they copulate with cooperative human beings. Sometimes they rape them.

Sometimes people have seen beings with an insect-like face, that have limbs, and sometimes they might have wings, but these are really alien hybrids created by alien technology. The aliens used them for various purposes. They are like the domestic animals humans keep. Some of them are kept as pets by the aliens. Some of the alien abductions involved probing, scientific experimentation, and sexual exploitations by the evil aliens. They use all information collected about the humans and animals for scientific research, particularly in genetics. They are also trying to study the emotional reactions of humans by inducing certain sensations in their bodies and also by watching them going through certain experiences. Often these experiences are being programmed in a particular way using sounds, colours, different types of lights. One "camp" I ventured into was a nursery for human hybrids. The human mother who had been used in this experiment in interbreeding with the aliens was allowed to visit her baby in order for the aliens to watch how the baby and the mother interacted, and not because the aliens were really interested in forming a bonding between the mother and the child for the mother's sake. When the event is over, usually the aliens allow the memory of it to be remembered as a dream, often with the images of the hybrids and the aliens changed to look like humans. Apart from that, one of the things they are after is of course, the energy - via the fluid which contains a particular type of energy they are after, which helps to sustain them and is actively sought by those aliens. So some of those fairy tales, folklore and myths of different cultures are really stories about the interaction between humans and aliens from other planets and solar systems.

As times change and as people are more exposed to the idea of UFOs, the abductions take on a more scientific flavour. Instead of coming in the form of some mystical figure, or religious figure, or some fairytale characters, they now have a more space-like form. Some of the space people come from what are called parallel worlds, and these have certain powers which enable them to walk through walls. They are able to operate their flying machines in a way which defies the laws of physics here. And again, this is not something that is extraordinary for those beings from another planet, another solar system, another galaxy.

There are many stories about Medjugorje where the Virgin Mary had supposedly appeared to children and given a message of repentance and salvation. Such events are created by the evil aliens to distract the people from the truth of what is really going on. The bad aliens can program the mind. They can implant thoughts to fool people into believing various things. They give half-truths to fool people.

Evil always does that. It tries to create a falsehood, so that when the real thing comes, people become sceptical and suspicious. They do this with cults, and with UFO sightings. Many different cults create adverse publicity for those groups which are, in fact, genuinely trying to do the right thing. Hence, people become cynical and sceptical towards all cults.

Aliens can manifest phenomena as seen in the Bible. The mana which came from heaven was an alien manifestation.

A globe of light gliding through the air is another sight often seen by UFO observers and there are different sounds heard - roaring sounds, in a low or high pitch. These are indicative of various interactions between the aliens. There could also be a battle between them. Sometimes one can hear a very loud roaring sound coming from a certain direction which then fades. Out of nowhere it can be heard, as though it comes from somewhere around the house and then fades away. Balls of orange light (or other colours) attacking one another is indicative of a space battle between aliens.

This is a build-up of energy, a vortex of energy, which occurs whenever there is a war between two very powerful forces. This is an energy war which can be created by different alien beings in human bodies. It could also occur when space battles between different factions occur and the aliens can also make it invisible so that the battle might be invisible to the human eye and yet the war is happening.

Aliens probing can cause various side effects on the victim's body and health, depending on which area of the body is being effected. For example, probing around the eyes or in the eyes, can often result in severe eye dryness or pain in the eyes. The severe dryness in the eyes does not seem to be resolved by any of the normal medical treatments in this world. Victims of alien probing often suffer the side effects of nausea, severe headaches, etc., and these headaches can sometimes last for a long, long time, for weeks or months. They might have severe burning sensations in the eyes, and the nose can be very affected almost like a sinus problem. Often they seem to have wounds that appear not to heal, and even when they heal they seem to leave behind scars, often a pinkish or purplish colour. They are usually roundish shaped scars, although sometimes they can be a sort of oval shape. Sometimes the marks seem to be a perfect circular shape. Some people might have a dryness in the mouth or a severe, constant thirst and yet medical tests do not seem to find anything wrong with them.

Increased violence and evil acts are promoted, or at least helped, by these bad aliens. They are made worse by them, again by thought implantation and by programming through television, by mass hypnosis, through invisible sounds and images. This is particularly true of many relaxation tapes that are flooding the market everywhere. You do not need to be a New Age person or someone who likes soft music to acquire those tapes. The tapes are made so cheaply nowadays that most people can afford them for whatever purposes - for meditation, for relaxation and so on, but there is a sound imbedded into those recordings which programs the listeners in a particular way. In some, programming is consciously done with the cooperation of human beings. It is also being done without the consent of tape producers. The aliens can insert the programming through undetectable sounds. They put it in while the tapes are being made and even the producer of the tapes might not be aware of it, but the sound is there. Those inaudible sounds will program the listener and they can also cause deterioration of the mind and injure the spiritual bodies. They can cause psychological problems or whatever is the agenda of those evil beings.

There are many evil beings on this planet, the greedy ones in particular cooperate with the bad aliens by adopting ideas that are sponsored by the bad aliens so that these people can make a lot of money. But in doing so, they are selling their own human race to the bad aliens. But evil beings will do this sort of thing anyway to their own kind.

Cattle mutilation is a common occurrence in America and also in other parts of the world. It is the work of the bad aliens. Many of those victims of abduction who initially had a negative feeling toward their abductors, over the months, have become more positive toward them. In fact, they have developed a form of loving relationship toward them. This is really programming and hypnotizing at its worse. I have seen this done to them and I know this is still going on. More horrifying perhaps is the fact that mutilation by evil aliens is not confined to animals only, but is being carried out on humans as well. Though human mutilations by evil is not as widespread as cattle mutilations, the figures are not by any means insignificant. Such nefarious activity will no doubt increase in the near future.

Sometimes those abductees are being taken over by the evil aliens. Hence, in reality, the evil aliens have usurped the human bodies. This is different from the Amoebas who use bodies which have been prepared and nurtured for the purpose of being used as vehicles of expression for the Amoebas. These evil aliens often attack all those who are investigating them and those whom they consider as dangerous to their cause. These beings usually go to the people's home and attack them when they are asleep. In other words, they attack those whom they believe to be working against them. So, if you are one of those New Agers who believe in a beautiful celestial light, think twice when you see some beautiful light, whether it is blue or green or pink or whatever colour. Do not be too quick to embrace that light. You might feel good, but just ask "Do I feel good because that being of the "light" is the light of goodness, or is it because I am being programmed to feel good about it?"

A lot of these alien beings have come and given messages to these gullible people. The messages always tell them how good the planet is, and what wonderful potential they possess; or they might be saying things like, "Well, you know, the planet is going bad and needs help and we are here to help you. Therefore you have got to do this, do that". They show concern; they show a willingness to help them and this is how they get their trust and sometimes they might say, "Well, this planet is wonderful; it is going into a wonderful future. You don't know how lucky you are". But that is not true really. The bad aliens want you to believe it in the way they want you to believe it for their own selfish, ulterior motives. In other words, it is a trap.

I am saying all this, not to urge paranoia. The truth is that things are worse than what I will share with you here. The inside story is that the evil activities sponsored by the bad aliens and created by the bad aliens are, in fact, worse than what one suspects. All these bad aliens have a common agenda which is quite frightening to those who are not prepared for that sort of information. It is very evil. Some aliens from the good side have taken on human bodies in order to stop the demonic activities of those evil beings from other realms and dimensions.

Here is more about virtual reality. The whole Milky Way is completely artificial. A lot of the experiences we and others have, are created by a form of virtual reality. Light beams, or something similar are directed at someone in order to create an illusion, so that when the light is directed at you, you experience the sort of reality and experiences that are intended by what is programmed into the light. So a particular invisible light directed at you that is programmed with the experience of being in the presence of say, a spiritual being, will allow you to have that experience, that reality, and you will feel that reality and those emotions that come with that experience. It can be a frightening experience with you being in the presence of a monster and it can be a very real experience for you, but all these are illusions caused by a sort of virtual reality.

Virtual reality is the attempt to simulate a reality in such a way that the person involved in that reality is virtually there. So you see, realities can consist of real or unreal worlds and experiences. Like a computer, the keys to virtual reality are simulation and interaction, also known as immersion. The more immersive a virtual reality is, the more real it will become to the user. The ultimate aim of computer virtual reality is to create an illusion - the effect that the user is not here in this physical world but somewhere else.

The most prevalent form of this is in computer games, for example. In computer games the users becomes lost in their make-believe world. Even though these worlds are illusionary, the users will still live within these worlds as long as they participate in the illusion. Just look at anyone playing one of these games, and you will see the person's total concentration is engrossed in the computer world. They "live" in this world during this time. The effects on the mental and emotional bodies are the same as if that world was real. The thrill of the chase, for example, the horror of death and the excitement of discovery are all there making the world more real.

The users become accustomed to the limited senses and control that they have in that world in order to participate in the illusion. From the illusional point of view, it can be seen that this physical world that we live in is a virtual reality for the spirit. The spirit is immersed in the physical world. Worse still, it is immersed and entrapped - it all seems so real; this world seems so real. Our life seems so real as long as the spirit is participating in the illusion, and it is almost impossible to remove the spirit from the illusion without help from outside of the virtual reality. And this is why those spiritual beings from the realms that are not affected have come in - to rescue those trapped in this virtual reality.

The ones to be saved have been identified. The destruction of this whole galaxy, this whole virtual reality has to be done without adversely affecting the ones who are severely contaminated by evil but still salvageable.

The spirit accepts the limited senses of the body and begins to associate itself indirectly with the virtual reality interface, that is, the physical body, in the same way that game players associate themselves with the character in the computer when using the computer or character interface. The senses of the interface become the only senses of the user. The interface gives the illusion its apparent reality, no matter how degrading the interface may be to the senses. Generally speaking, interfaces are limited compared to the reality in which they are used. It is easy to downgrade experiences and senses, but how often are experiences or senses improved and heightened? If we, spirits in the physical, have experiences beyond what is provided by the interface, it is not because the interface has necessarily improved. It is most likely that the spirit is becoming more aware of the illusional aspect of the virtual world and more centred or focused on the true reality.

I suppose this is what we call awakening on this level. Thus, the virtual reality seems less real even though the spirit is still participating in the illusion. Those who are awakening can relate to what I am saying here. The spirit becomes less engrossed in illusion, although still remaining a part of that illusion. And you cannot help being a part of the illusion until you are truly out of this realm of virtual reality. You are forced to participate in it to a certain extent, and to a greater extent in some instances. It can be a shock to "change" realities quickly, especially if the two realities differ greatly.

Going from the gross denseness of this physical world to the pure spiritual reality could potentially harm and perhaps even kill the spirit. The spirit is so accustomed to the interface of this world that it could experience overload trying just to comprehend the experience. That is why very high beings coming from a higher realm have to tone their vibrations down in order to survive and in order to not damage the physical body which is not able to sustain the high voltage energy of a higher dimension, and also so that the higher spiritual vibrations of those beings who come from the higher realm cannot be adversely interfered with too much. We are talking about spirits experiencing overload trying just to comprehend the experience in this dimension of illusion of virtual reality. They are accustomed to lower physical vibrational energy. The change will introduce a very high vibrational energy compared to that of the physical interface. Hence, there is a need to gradually remove the spirit from its interface until the time when the shock of changing realities will not greatly affect the beings, the consciousness. Once the spirit has sufficiently removed itself from the interface, the connection to the interface can be severed and the spirit will at last be removed from the virtual reality. In other words, the spirit or consciousness trapped in this reality can be removed from this dimension of illusion or "the world of illusions".

The consciousness, the spirit, still may be shocked but the shock is such that the spirit is not permanently damaged or harmed in any way. That is why many attempts are being made to minimize harm to the spiritual body so that the rehabilitation or healing process can be swift and successful when those who are to continue shift from this physical dimension of illusion to the spiritual dimension of the new dimension that has been prepared for them in the near future.



From An American Correspondent: As of the present moment, the US population is still totally lost in the illusion. A year-end study just reported that Americans are at a 30-year high in "satisfaction." There is, with each passing year, less attention is paid to anything in the news. Diana, the hamburger scare, and the hoopla over Iraq were the top three news stories of the year. Clearly, the media propaganda machinery has been working overtime this year with its "manufactured" news and pseudo-events. About 8% of the public has heard of Tony Blair; only about 25% paid attention to any national government news coming out of Washington; only 4% were interested in what happened in Zaire. So, until their bubble is finally burst, Americans grow more and more stupid, insular, unaware, self-satisfied, and indoctrinated. Stories such as the massive financial collapse in Asia only have interest if it appears that the US stock market is affected. Yet, the allocation of $100 billion dollars by the IMF in the Zionist plan to destroy all of the rising Asian economies and then buy them out for pennies on the dollar (and control them all) is creating barely a stir here. The politicians only complain that they aren't sure they are getting their money's worth. The sheep are grazing and sleeping. It will be good to see this ultimate bastion of Maya disintegrate. When I think of the enormity of the illusion that passes for reality and truth here, every day, it is astonishing that the whole thing hasn't collapsed until now from the weight of its own evilness. The US has a president who has decade long affairs, exposes himself to women, cannot keep his private parts private, and yet the media are saying his presidency will be remembered glowingly as the "boom years." It is just amazing -- unless these really will be the BOOM years!!!


Our books, tapes, website, essays, lectures, etc., are all stimuli to help ones who want to see beyond the indoctrinations we have all received, and who want to find their own truth within. You will have guessed by now most are disinterested demons and robots and most others are drugged, sleepy, dopey, morons who don't know what day it is and don't much care. I think the best we can hope for is to be of assistance to the few who want to be helped.

You would not believe the hog-wash so-called experts write that is passed off as pseudo-intellectual scientism. Unfortunately this is what we have to contend with. These are the people who control education, society and publications and have no metaphysical or spiritual sense whatsoever, and cannot see beyond their dripping noses. I once read that when Wilder Penfield concluded that consciousness had nothing to do with the anatomical/biological brain he was treated like a despised leper. Everyday I see more and more reason why the whole show has to go!


Thoughts to Ponder:

* Patience is not apathy.

* The battle is won before the first shot is fired due to the pre-battle preparation.

* Not seeing Evil does not mean it does not exist, it means you are spiritually blind.

* Being fooled is not a measure of your character but a measure of the wickedness of the perpetrators.

* Disappointment can only occur in the temple of expectation.

* The moment you think you are indispensable, you are redundant!



As many of you have gone to lengths to point out, EVERYTHING on the news and special programs has somewhere within them the elements of social and economic breakdown. The fabric is becoming weaker and weaker.

* The thrust to poison the world with chemicals such as pesticides, weed-killers, fertilizers etc, is accelerating at break-neck speed. It seems to be a malignant race to see who wins outright the final destruction of humanity - the coming diseases or the increased fatal pollution.

* Plant pollen carried by wind or bees can lead to gene transfer of the pollen.

* 155 million transgenic cotton plants with their own caterpillar-killing toxins have been planted in Australia.

* In Australia the release of genetically modified organisms has been gaining momentum rapidly.

- In N.T.: transgenic cotton;

- W.A.: lupins, canola and salmonella vaccine;

- S.A.: potatoes;

- Victoria: tomatoes, salmonella and carnations;

- N.S.W. cotton and canola;

- Tasmania: potatoes;

- Queensland: sugar cane and bovine herpes virus.

* Anglican Bishop John Shelby Spong on Australian Radio: From the Red Sea splitting to give a safe passage for the Hebrews and drown all the Egyptians following and from the incident where Joshua stops the sun in the sky for the sole purpose of providing more daylight and consequent opportunity for the Hebrews to kill their enemies, the Amarites, one could conclude that God was in the employ of the Jewish foreign office."

- "The baggage that has gathered around the Christian faith through the ages is quite destructive."

- God, is not a magic Mr. Fixit in the sky

- "Jesus himself was a heretic to the standards of religion in the first century in which he lived."

- People are leaving churches and joining the "secular city". "They are tired of going to church and parking their brains at the door." The churches should come to grips with the issues of our day.

* It is now estimated that each day 100 species of plants, animals and insects are lost altogether. Most scientists now concede that it is this loss of diversity that is looming as the single greatest threat to the world's environment. Land clearing is the main cause of the loss of species.

* Australia clears 600,000 hectares of native vegetation p.a., a scale comparable to that in the Amazon.

* According to Dr. Denis Saunder, CSIRO, Wildlife & Ecology, "with regard to mammals, we have probably the worse environmental record in species loss in the world". Half of the clearing is occurring in Qld, for grazing.

* Land clearing is a significant contributor (1/3) toward Australia's emissions of carbon dioxide and methane

* Neal Ascherson, of the "The Independent" on the death of Diana:"It was a deeply irrational event in which I am not sure the crowds knew what they were doing or why."

* As if you did not know: Alexander Downer has presented Australia with a White Paper on foreign policy linking diplomacy with trade interests. Critics say running foreign policy from a purely domestic perspective is shortsighted. The paper went on to say that aside from national security it was essential that our foreign policy protect our jobs and our standard of living, that we should emphasise trade deals with individual countries and must pursue a special relationship with China. Does putting domestic interests first mean playing down human rights violations via valued trading partners? Does it mean "trade at all costs" regardless of what is going on in other countries such as Burma? Does the desire to maintain jobs in the care and clothing industry, for instance, mean cutting back on the pace of trade reform? Will this keep us at odds with other nations over the greenhouse targets?

* Sheep Ahoy: In a determined thrust to keep their sheep, clergy are resorting to subterfuge: a Cafe Church, a music church, an ethnic church, a youth church, a charismatic church. Can you not see it coming: A drinkers' church, a sexology church, a single parents' church, a rich church, a poor church, a misogynist church, a misanthropic church, etc.? Would it not make a great trivial pursuit question?

* The Triumph of Stupidity: Our Deputy PM, Tim Tam Fischer has called Senator Hill, Saint Robert Hill, for his ability to escape any severe obligation at the Kyoto Global Warming Conference, and thus allow ourselves to die faster than we thought possible!!

* At the next conference, if there is a next one, I bet some politician will think of declaring: "We will counter our pollution of the air over our land by breathing less."

* You don't think this is the plane of Archons, minions, robots and sycophants? A November report stated the average Australian works 5 months yearly to pay taxes!

* HIV-AIDS or its equivalent is now in all forms of life everywhere on the planet: animals, birds, plants, humans.

* Alien culture as you have probably noted is now impossible to keep out of mainstream press.

* The story of Australian businessman, Tim Gatlin, who suddenly disappeared and left behind a mysterious trail linking him to a four billion dollar international banking scandal highlights the fraud and incredibility of the authorities in their dealings with financial institutions. It was suspected that he was involved in shipping nuclear material. Three years of dubious international deals set off a chain reaction that ultimately destabilised the Thai economy and brought down that government. Now Australia is involved in the bailout of Thailand.

* Non-lethal micro-wave weapons can be used to disable anything with electric circuits including computers, cars, even tanks, planes, helicopters. They can trigger electric fuses which could explode missiles and land mines by remote control. There are laser weapons used to disorientate and acoustic weapons to make one's insides vibrate and cause involuntary bowel/bladder movement.

* Super-resistant bugs can eat and destroy petrol.

* In Northern Ireland during the most violent protests plastic bullets were used extensively - thousands injured, 17 killed, 8 of them children, one permanently blinded.

* Good Ol' USA: Within the last four years at least 32 people have died after being pepper sprayed and restrained by police in California. None were committing violent or serious crimes at the time of arrest and only 4 were committing any crime and none were armed. It is alleged that pepper spray has been used by police after victims have already been subdued.

* The electric belt discharges 50,000 volts of electricity into the wearer and is used to control unruly prisoners/suspects.

* Sticky and aqueous foam in the face can suffocate.

* The electric stun gun or tazer and a version which shoots out electric darts cause temporary paralysis.

* Microwave weapons - wrong frequency - boiled organs.

* Psycho or Influence technology is designing weapons to control what people think, from propaganda radio broadcasts to drug-assisted subliminal conditioning which is a serious threat to political freedom. It can alter what one sees, believes, or perceives. It can induce certain kinds of experiences by affecting certain parts of the brain and influence people without them knowing. "The ultimate kind of control is controlling people without them knowing they are being controlled". Microwaves could be used to affect the minds of large numbers of people. Most of this research is classified.This is alien technology for humans!

* Form reversal: Crime wave in South Africa. In a 3 months period there have been 1,856 hi-jackings, 1206 murders in the area surrounding Johannesburg. The police are swamped and in crisis. The elite have become prisoners in gilded cages. Less than 5% of crime is successfully prosecuted. Crime is threatening their democracy. A special task force is now being used to fight crime on the streets. Many youths have become habitual criminals and drug users. Mandela is an archon who has presented a fraudulent front for the deterioration to occur even faster!

* Double whammy: Palestinians on the Gaza Strip are being suffocated, not only by the Israelis but also by their own Palestinian Authority which has created many problems for them. There is no real democracy in Palestine and Arafat is more removed from the people than ever. The clique around him is powerful and cannot be criticised without dire consequences. The fear is that Palestine will become just one more Arab state ruled by a small, powerful, autocratic elite. Much of the aid money has been misspent and misused; positions have been misused. There are reports of Palestinian forces beating, torturing and even killing their own people. It is a tragic irony after their Israeli treatment; they have gone from one system of oppression to another one. O what a wonderful world!

* In China, workers are wondering why the socialist paradise the Communists once promised is turning to dust. The archons are too busy making money.

* Job security: 3000 people annually die from injury/illness in Australia directly related to their work - one of worst records in world, costing more lives than MCA.

* Bosnian elections marked by fraud/boycotts. What's new?

* Big Bigot Redneck Ruxton called for the resignation of the Governor General because of his Republican views.

* 6.2 million people in Australia lack literacy ability. (1 in 3)

* US enterprises smuggled arms to the Irish Republican Army. Favourite song? "We're in the money!" Undertakers want cut. QE2 ship crew smuggle arms across Atlantic.

* The Asian Currency Crisis: The faster Malaysia and other S.E. Asian countries fall in their currency crises, the harder Australia will land - watch and see, watch and see. Our dollar is down to peanuts - bananas for (banana) Republic cannot be too far away. What does this currency crisis mean in metaphysical terms? These countries are being pushed against the wall by the avaricious Western nations who can profiteer from their programmed actions. They are pushing these Asian Countries to an impoverished stance, so that the only way these can fight back is to go to war. This is the chess game evil archons are programmed to play to bring WWIII into being. This animosity is a very powerful tool to increase evil's hatred in those who are bellicose.

* Dr. Mahathir, PM of Malaysia, stated that poorer nations cannot survive in a system where the strong take everything and urged other nations to join him in changing the rules that govern current currency trading. These Asian nations are falling into a black Hole of inevitable hostility and war from which none can survive.

* S Pacific Isles condemn Australia on Greenhouse standards.

* Magpie attacks on people are becoming vicious - I sincerely hope it is not as a result of the poem I wrote about them, contained in Poetry Volume One!

* With set-fee funding patients are evicted out of hospitals faster - you'll hear more when more die of complications.

* Airplanes fall out of the sky with increasing frequency: Remember my prophecy about air travel?

* Madeleine Albright, accused of being pro-Israel, is a pronounced failure!

* Fires in SE Asia, California, every corner of Australia.

* Big Brother is not trustworthy: Image-altering technology can dub in voices, making it look like people are saying things they are not saying, in actuality. It can change the background so that a person, the president, for example, looks like he is giving a talk from one location when he is in fact somewhere else. Do not take images at face value.

* New crackdown on U.S. medical fraud and waste. Will it kerb the evil minions and archons do you think? I doubt it. They have the loopholes worked out before the laws are even written!! In the past year $17.7 billion was paid out to Home Health Care Providers, 40% of which was fraudulent.

* Brazen Cronies Always Get Jubilant Results: Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Janet Reno pleased with fund-raising scam whitewash. Minion must suffer : Rep. Congressman Jay Kim (of California) and his wife pleaded guilty to accepting $230,000 in illegal campaign money.

* Angola is the most heavily mined area.

* Oil refinery fire in India killed 40.

* Conflict between Mayor of Brisbane and the churches who are refusing environment levy. Mayor says, "Bishops live on million dollar properties, why shouldn't they pay their own way and help clean up their own mess?"

* Extending Goodwill? More Israeli settlers moving into Arab sector of Jerusalem - provoking Palestinians.

* 2 million in N Korea died of famine - worst this century.

* 700,000 people will be affected by worst drought in PNG.

* Not all penguins are docile: Writs filed by 35 former residents of orphanage, Rockhampton's Sisters of Charity, with charges of physical/sexual abuse, seeking damages.

* Study shows doctors are prescribing far too many antibiotics. 12 million or 20% are considered unnecessary. New strains of bacteria are spreading throughout the world. If they are not cut down, the world will be facing a public health disaster from resistant bacteria. This was a problem 35 years ago when I was a Medical student. Don't you just admire the Archons for their swiftness and efficiency in dealing with humanity's problems?

* Love? What's that? Many dalmatian dogs have been abandoned after the Disney movie encouraged many to purchase them but later found them difficult to handle.

* The tiger is in crisis and may not survive the next decade. It is being murdered so its bones can be used for Chinese medicine. Tiger, tiger, of the night, now you've totally gone, you've died of fright, from these robots who are not right.

* British newspapers drawing up a new code of conduct for journalists - better than a Simpsons' joke?

* S. Pacific Forum unhappy with Howard putting jobs ahead of the survival of the Islands.

* Profits before people, before Principles, before everything!! U.S., Russia and China have gone against world-wide opinion on land mines and the 100+ countries that signed the ban treaty in Oslo.

* Clinton refused to endorse agreement of states with the tobacco Co. He wants it to go further to lead to less teen smoking. Obviously his cut this time was not enough!

* Australia going for broke: Credit card debt at an all time high with Ozs owing $13 bi. on credit cards/overdrafts.

* U.S. businessman, Roger Tamaz, admitted to Congressional committee that his ONLY reason for donating $300,000 to the Democratic party was to buy access to Clinton. He wanted his support for his MidEast pipeline. He got into 6 events with Clinton even though the National Security officials sought to ban him because of embezzlement charges against him. He said he could have bought a game of golf with Clinton but it would have been too expensive. He says he was only playing by Washington's rules.

* The U.S. spent one half billion dollars in order to have U.S. astronauts in the Russian space station MIR. Now let's see, ... , at 10 cents a dose, for each child to be saved, with that money we could have saved ....

* Banks are issuing too many cards to people who are a bad risk, especially in the US of A.

* Arafat warns Israel: "Patience has limits."

* In the U.S. fatalities from drunk driving, 17,000 last year, are on the rise and light sentences are not working. Up to 40% of all drunk drivers were repeat offenders. From state to state punishments are inconsistent. There are not enough jails to hold all the drunk drivers.

* Jurassic junk: Scientist wants to resurrect a Woolly Mammoth from DNA obtained from frozen animals.

* Problems in OZ-Law? Chief Justice Brennan has accused the government of undermining the law, condemning attorney generals for failing to defend the judiciary and help repel the recent attacks on the judiciary.

* Amnesty International has accused a fundamentalist Christian Sect (Lord's Resistant Army) in Rwanda of abducting children and training them to fight. 8,000 children in the last 3 years as young as 11 have even been snatched from schools and wherever, to become part of the army; the girls to become sexual slaves.

* Melbourne businessman, Joseph Goodnik, claims to have support of Israeli P.M. and Australian government for financing more settlement construction in Hebron.

* More and more "NUTS" will emerge claiming they have messages from all sorts of sources to save the world. "Mother Mary" apparitions, all due to the Evil Aliens is a favourite one.

* In Peru the fish (the main export industry) have disappeared and fishermen are unemployed.

* Riots are taking place over water supplies in Jakarta.

* Realm of Perversity: The surest way to protect one's assets from a partner is to not get married. Pre-nuptial agreements are not honoured by Family Courts!

* Might of the UN: it is the US government that provides the military force; it is the US that finally makes the decision whether there will be a military confrontation.

* Anti-logging protesters are suing police for forcing pepper spray into their eyes during a peaceful protest.

* There has been a sharp rise in racial hatred or discrimination complaints which have doubled, according to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Pauline Hanson wants the commission scrapped.

* Scientists are saying they have discovered parts of the brain that seem to predispose one to a religious experience -- the so-called God spot.

* The Queensland police are accused by the Criminal Justice Commission of withholding information on paedophiles. The suggestion is that the wall of silence has taken over.

* Holier than thou:

i US took Nazi gold;

ii Australia claims the high moral ground accusing Chinese athletes, but many from OZ have abused performance-enhancing drugs, as have all nations.

* Tens of thousands of people hit by floods in Somalia, wiping out crops and dozens of towns. Starving Africans ate anthrax infected animals. When there are no sick or dead animals to eat, can cannibalism be far away? No! Cannibalism is already being reported in North Korea!

* Social Breakdown: A report compiled from the Bureau of Crime Statistics indicates that 300 new juvenile offenders take to the street in Australia each week, the main cause being parental neglect.

* National authorities say that organised crime has joined the lucrative abalone smuggling trade. With the blackmarket price so high, abalone has become as valuable as drugs.

* Another exposure of racial issues: In America, school funding favours the so-called "gifted student" programs. The identification of gifted students has been with I.Q. scores, with those over a certain threshold considered gifted. In Atlanta, Georgia, it has been found that only 1% to 2% of blacks are called gifted, while the figure for whites is 27%. Accusations are, that by juggling test scores, and in some cases refusing to test many blacks, that the whites have diverted funds and programs unfavourably -- a defacto segregation.

* Of the top 100 economies of the world, 47 are actually corporations. They have a greater individual wealth per corporation than 120 countries in the world.

* Of the 16 major fisheries around the world, 13 of them are on the brink of collapse unless something is done.

* Prof Mack, Prof. of International Relations, Australia National University,: " .. this whole process of globalization is something which in a very real sense is out of control.

* There is not the slightest evidence that skin colour is related to intelligence.

* Ernst Zundell of Toronto: "Zionism is Jewish Fascism".

* Victoria, a State of Australia, run by Premier Jeff Kennett will pay harshly for having this pseudo-dictator as its head.

* The perversity of Evil is in its ability to keep producing the Winnie Mandelas of this world and its evilness is exposed in its ability to keep them going regardless of developments.

* Nationalism, Patriotism and Racism - where is the difference? The Olympics are all about proving one Nation is greater than another. The success of athletes is, no doubt, proportional to the amount of national funding they receive, which is governed by the need to prove nationalistic superiority. It is Racism very poorly disguised as sport!

* According to M. Archer, prof. of Biological Science at the University of New South Wales and award-winning scientist: "Australia is headed for what seems to be a certain biological catastrophe far greater than ever before. The message from the record should be a slap in the face for anyone smug about current efforts to establish conservation areas, particularly for mammals, because most, if not all, seem doomed in the long run to failure."

* Report on Terrorism: "Norm Olson, former Commander of the Michigan Militia, reckons, `The CIA is the mastermind of death and destruction around the world under the aegis of the Council of Foreign Relations, godfather to the CIA, enforcer of the New World Order'.

"The report also listed seven countries that it alleged also sponsored terrorism: Iran, Cuba, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. All seven refuse to bow to pressure from Washington. But that's just coincidental, isn't it?"

* Get Your Burgers: "As part of a campaign to limit imports of poor quality foodstuffs, Mr. (Vladimir) Zhirinovsky said his party would demand the expulsion of ambassadors from Britain and Belgium, `the main exporters of poisonous beef'." In front of a McDonald's restaurant in central Moscow on 27 August, Mr. Zhirinovsky declared that the golden arches were a symbol of Western decadence. `This is not real meat', he said as he ripped apart the burger."

* GUN CONTROL: "Recently the Washington Times reported that a UN committee passed a resolution calling for member nations to adopt measures to limit the private ownership of firearms in an effort to consolidate central government monopolies of firearm ownership.".. "We are left to ask, `Is the UN being used by powerful elites to disarm civilian populations, so they can keep all the power (and guns) to themselves?'..."UN officials offered reasons why global gun control is necessary:

"`In North America, for example, firearms might be closely linked with robbery and homicides.'" Ian Goddard, an `anti-authoritarian' activist, responds that `in Washington, D.C., with one of the highest rates of homicide in the US, private gun ownership is 100% illegal, giving armed thugs free rein to exploit an unarmed population. Since firearms are the last defence of private property, armed thugs profit from gun control.' "Another UN reason for global gun control is that `in Africa and the Balkans ... gun trafficking is tied to civil unrest.' They don't mention that Western multinational corporations made most of the guns." The US-based group `Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership' published research shows that `gun control' laws cleared the way for seven major genocides between 1915 and 1980, in which 56 million persons, including millions of children, were murdered. In the case of tyrannical government, a monopoly of gun ownership by the authorities would strengthen their position, making it virtually impossible for the people to fight back." Well done, "Honest" John Howard. There is a good side to Australia's gun control fiasco. Many consider the useless, nonworking guns were handed in and the majority are still out there!

* QUOTE: John Swinton, Chief of Staff, New York Times when asked to give a toast at the New York Press Club in 1953 included the following: "The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

* Good one Pat, (I don't think): Pat Robertson, television evangelist and head of the Christian Coalition: "A segment on the 8 July, 1997 broadcast of `The 700 Club' featured news of the Mars Pathfinder mission, and employing the historical event as a starting point, Robertson launched into a diatribe against those who entertain the existence of space aliens and UFOs. In a rambling discourse, he said that if such things exist, they are simply demons trying to lead people away from Christ. The threat is so serious, according to Robertson, that people who believe in space aliens should be put to death by stoning - according to `God's word'."

My Answer: Hello, Pat, hello? - Jesus is an alien Pat. All Superior consciousness is alien, Pat! You are the demon, Pat! Soon you'll be a little Patty of excrement, in Hell, Pat!

* Monsters of the Antarctic: "Dr. Lloyd Peck, head of Marine Biology for the British Survey, announced that the frigid polar environment has brought about a sort of "gigantism" among a number of diverse marine life forms: sea spiders measuring up to 13 inches across, which is 1000 times the size of the common European sea spider. Isopods, aquatic insects comparable to wood lice that normally grow to a length of 1.2 inch in warmer seas, are as long as 6.7 inches. Other giant creatures include 10-foot sponges and ribbon worms over nine feet long. Peck explained that two primary conditions of the Antarctic are responsible for the evolution of these monsters: cold and isolation." Now for the real reason: the area is drilled with alien bases and their effluent has mutational potential. Want proof of the existence of such effluent? Go to the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, Cal. USA, but don't stay there too long!

* Crop Circles are alien graffiti and nothing more!

* Greed to Infinity: If the archons had their way they would exploit any and every celestial body for resources to increase their destructiveness.

* Dangerous Children - demons in child bodies are being exposed everywhere. They characteristically want to hurt others, especially animals. One example: a group recently went on a rampage and stomped penguins and birds to death - sick, sick world - getting worse by the minute!

* An even sicker scenario: Paedophilia: A Four Corners Report: Inside The World of Franca Arena - for the children. Controversial NSW MP Franca Arena resigned from the Labour Party on 7 November, the same day a Judicial inquiry found her claims of a high-level paedophile coverup were completely false. She stated: "If he (the NSW Premier Bob Carr) expels me, I want to tell you this, it will be a badge of honour to be expelled on the paedophilia issue. How many children are still getting abused? It makes me so angry and so upset to think of these children and every day I get letters from them." Arena has boxes and boxes of heart-wrenching letters from abuse victims. After decades of denial, the fight against child sexual abuse has become a potent political cause. Arena claims the Commission set up to inquire into paedophilia did not go far enough, that it found paedophiles in the clergy, in education, in most areas but did not find a single paedophile in the Parliament, in the Judiciary or in high-profile business people or anybody important. She says "it is really amazing isn't it, that all those people are just so good and well behaved and none of them have actually offended against children". She adds, "Well, if you believe that, you believe in Father Christmas". Arena claims that she has been swamped by claims that many public figures are paedophiles. She claims her mission is to flush them all out. As most of you know, she later accused NSW Premier Bob Carr, Opposition Leader Peter Collins, and Royal Commissioner James Wood of having conspired to suppress the names of prominent paedophiles. All parties issued outraged denials. Arena has always campaigned for the underdog and her career has been dedicated to fighting prejudice. She is now being accused of running a smear campaign.

Dr. Jean Lennane, Psychiatrist, a supporter of Arena, states that "the impression I get is that in certain circles sex with children is a sort of gourmet activity rather like good food, good wine and having a very flash car. It's sort of a badge of power and success and it seems to be alarmingly widespread - in political circles, in legal circles. People don't tend to know names of business people. Personal safety is a concern of members of Dr. Lennane's groups, Australian Child Protection Alliance (ACPA). Dr. Lennane says, "I think it is pretty remarkable that an organisation like ACPA which has been in existence some three months already seems to have a large amount of information about what is going on. We have no resources, no staff and yet for their 68 million dollars the Royal Commission couldn't come up with any names except of a few paedophiles who were either overseas or dead."

Four Corners pointed out the questionable aspect of some of the specific allegations that were made. Arena says many of the cases she has turned over to the police have never been touched and should have been pursued. "All the stuff probably went to the Special Branch and the problem is the Special Branch files are still in the hands of the Police Commissioner. We don't know what happened; we don't know what is in there; we don't know what prosecutions should take place. When will we ever know the truth?" Arena asks this question in response to the allegation that she had no evidence and had lost credibility, "If there was a coverup, do you think the people who did it would admit to it?" The cost to Franca Arena has been very high in her crusade to do what she is convinced is right. She received a reprieve from NSW Parliament expulsion after members of the coalition backed down from government support. Paedophilia problems are far from over!

* Italian police have uncovered an international paedophile ring smuggling Chinese children to the West.

* Police have evidence of a paedophile ring in Britain.

* You don't think governments protect paedophiles in high places? What about in far away places? It has been uncovered that all the time paedophile Dunn was in hiding in Honduras he received his pension cheques in his own name and may even have had to front up in person to collect the money. The government is being accused of a disgraceful dereliction of duty. "They found him to give him his pension but they couldn't find him to capture him." They will drag their feet in this matter. Why? Dunn could spill the beans on many politicians and their nefarious activities!

* Bookkeeping Cop: The Courier Mail alleges former police commissioner, Terry Lewis kept crime files for "sexual political blackmail".

* The Media at the Endtime: Talk-back radio is becoming ever more strident, television less responsible and tabloid newspapers more sensational. Media Watchers are setting up. But who will watch them? American media millionaire, Steve Brill said, "When it comes to arrogance and power and lack of accountability, journalists are probably the only people on the planet who make lawyers look good." According to Matt Miller, US Syndicated Columnist, the media is "one of the most powerful institutions in the country, but at the same time one of the most unaccountable. You know public officials are elected. They have to answer to voters every two years or four years at the polls, but media now is equally powerful, if not more so, in setting the agenda for American political and cultural debate and yet they answer to no one. Both political parties do it the same way. They spend lots of time and energy focused on managing the news and very often the mainstream media end up acting as stenographers for power. In other words, they simply report what public officials say and do."

Brill: "I think the real issue is that there is not any real consciousness of any standards at all, that really good, serious journalists get mixed in sometimes, even in the same television network, with really sleazy, terrible stuff ... Sometimes in the guise of news, promotions are introduced which is pure advertising." In answer to why the US has not had a media watchdog up to now: "the assumption has been that the general public isn't interested. If I were running a journalism school the first thing I would do would be to kick all the lawyers out, especially in the US."

* Education: Working on the principle that dumber, less educated people will be easier to manage and will swallow the big lie that "Australia is the Clever Country" the incumbent government is making education more difficult and costlier for everyone - thus showing its egalitarian platform and sentiments. Another "Good One", Honest John! The public want more money put into education and more equity of access so the government is doing the exact opposite! Odds of Howard's re-election? 20 to 1?

* Toy Rage is no joke regardless of your age.

* South Africa: It is clear that roles of blacks and whites have been swapped there and the Evil increases daily.

* Old Man River: The flow of one of the world's greatest rivers, the Yangtze in China, has been stemmed. Whenever rivers have been thus assassinated, the consequences have been dire. Remember the Snowy River and salination, the Mississippi and the floods, The Nile and its problems, the Jordan and the resultant animosity, etc., etc.?

* Asian markets have been manipulated by the West to destroy them, so the big dealers and wheelers, whom I identified in our books, can move in and buy the countries for a few cents in the Dollar as they did in Post War Europe, and more recently, in Yeltin's damned Russia, where the big wigs bought the country's resources for as low as two cents in the dollar.

* Financial collapse will embroil all nations in due course. The "Clever" Country's peso is down to 63 cents to the US dollar as I write this. It will continue sinking, of that you can be sure, inspite of the lies from "Honest" John Howard.

* Instant Karma? In Mexico, the bodies of three plastic surgeons, who may have killed a drug lord by bungling an operation on him, were found dumped in concrete-filled oil drums on the outskirts of Mexico City.

* O Sole Mio - Solar Radiation has changed for the worse as far as biological life on the planet is concerned and more radiation is reaching the surface because of Ozone depletion, weakening of the Earth's magnetic field (due to its imminent death).

* With the threat of military action hanging in the air, thousands of Iraqis took to the streets, denouncing the US and declaring undying support for Saddam Hussein. How many Americans would die for Clinton? Would he be a first casualty of "friendly fire" in a conflict, even if seated securely in the Oval Office? According to some political analysts, the number of scandals in which the Clinton administration is embroiled is a record which will never be broken. And just beythe way: More problems for Pres. Clinton when an abandoned car at a repair shop in Little Rock, before being junked, was found to have in its trunk six years' worth of bank documents in addition to a cashiers check made out to Bill Clinton for $27,600, the exact amount of a White Water loan repayment. Clinton had stated he had never borrowed money from his partner, Jim McDougal, who is presently in jail over the Whitewater scandal and whose documents these were. It appears that a courier for McDougal had "forgotten" he had left them in the car. Is Clinton an alchemist of sorts, turning lying into an acceptable artform?

* Archaeologists are claiming they have uncovered the remains of a 5th Century Byzantine church and with it a large stone on which it is claimed the Virgin Mary rested a few days before giving birth to Jesus. The plan is to turn the spot into another tourist moneymaker. Soon they may seek to use gas analyzers to identify the molecules she breathed in her last six labour contractions. Stay tuned!

* The Polish priest who criticised the number of Jews in the Warsaw government has stood by his remarks. He said he would ignore a gagging order imposed on him by his Bishop. There seems to be a Jewish revival in Poland.

* Endtime Political Tectonics: China and Russia have signed an Eastern border treaty during Yeltsin's trip to China.

* Somalia, Ethiopia, New Guinea, North Korea, Albania, Haiti, Iraq, Irian Jaya are the first to face death by starvation.

* Window dressing with taxpayers money: A national campaign is under way to stamp out racism among police.

* See my Poem #63 in conjunction with this item: A US news program report: There is a growing awareness in places like Duke University and Harvard of "the Faith factor" in healing. At the Georgetown Medical School, Dr. David Mathews has found that prayer changes both physician and patient. There is hard evidence that Faith is strong medicine. A study has shown that people with faith suffer less depression; another that they are far more likely to survive heart surgery and another that they have stronger immune systems. Some doctors are now persuaded that the mind can influence the body. People who are more religious do tend to be healthier. 30% of the medical schools in US have started offering courses in spirituality and medicine. In some hospitals medical students are now making the rounds with Chaplains. Many physicians remain sceptical however and maintain there is no proven link between faith and healing.

* WWIII locked in and ready to manifest: The US mood is increasingly belligerent toward Iraq. UN bases remain on alert. Tariq Aziz, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister is saying they will not be scared and requested a chance to talk with the Security Council. Madeleine Albright has said that no matter what Saddam did, the sanctions would not be lifted. The US is engaging in the largest build-up of military strength in the Gulf since Desert Storm, at the same time talking diplomacy.

* You will remember I wrote, and stated recently on public radio, that so many people will suffer from Mad Cow Disease (MCD) that governments will practice mandatory euthanasia just to try and cope. Well this prediction is being fulfilled. People who are about to undergo operations in Britain are being told to consider stockpiling their blood due to growing fears that the country's blood banks may be contaminated with CJD, the human equivalent of MCD.

* France bought trouble long ago with its colonization policies. In bloodied Algeria both sides blame France for their problems.

* Being essentially of the one essence, that of Jehovah, Zionism and Catholicism are re-embracing in the Endtime.

* As if you needed me to tell you: Insurance companies are peerless, dishonest thieves.

* Many countries have given up the jury system and depend on judges alone or panels of judges. This may appear to be a progressive step but actually it minimizes the chance of someone fair sitting in judgement.

* More and more Near Death Experiences are of a Hellish nature. Scientists previously gave the spurious excuse that the brain gave wonderful scenarios to ease the pain of death and that the experiences were not of an after death state at all. Now they are at a loss to explain why the brain with these harrowing experiences is attempting to frighten itself to death. Besides, how can a degenerating brain having reached the point of death and decay still function so well to give such clear visions and reception? One would think at that stage it would be a dysfunctional blob of jelly. The fact is many who do have Near Death Experiences and recover have heightened brain function subsequently. This cannot be if the brain was so far gone that it was in the last stages of self-destruction as the false scientific explanation contends.

* Pakistan has A bomb + American hatred = a lethal mix!

* Africa Doomed: Have you ever considered that the destruction of Africa by various means is on the West's agenda to eventually inherit its resources which the indigenes, according to Western Archons, the Africans cannot exploit fully? One month after the end of its civil war, Congo's devastated capital Brazzaville, is on the brink of a new "humanitarian catastrophe", UN officials want more aid money (which never seems to be enough and never seems to reach those in need - I wonder why? The Belgian Senate has come up with a strong indictment of the UN over the massacres in Rwanda three years ago about which it states both the UN and the Belgium government knew that genocide had been planned three months in advance, but they failed to act.

* The reasons given by two Islamic radicals who were convicted for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing which killed six people, injured more than a thousand and terrified America's largest city, are an accurate condemnation of the evilness of this plane.



1 During talks in London, PM Blair criticised Israeli PM Netanyahu's policies including the building of Jewish settlements on Palestinian territory, a position backed by the UN General Assembly when it condemned Israel's refusal to stop construction.

2 Jews abroad are turning against his policies, threatening to dry up the flow of donations they make to Israel.

3 Clinton has refused to see Netanyahu (in the US talking to Jewish groups trying to calm growing tensions over the orthodox monopoly on religious life inside Israel). Reform congregations raise millions of dollars for Israel every year. More Jews live in the US than in Israel. A "leak" states that Clinton had lost faith in the Israeli leader.

4 A previously secret report into the assassination of PM Rabbin reveal that an informer for the Secret Service knew of the assassination plan but did not pass on the information. It also revealed that he had been ordered by the Secret Service to carry out provocative acts to increase his credibility among extreme right wingers.

5 Orthodox rabbis in Israel see Reform Jews in the US and their interference, as a threat, and have said that they are worse than Hitler.

6 There is a gulf growing between the Orthodox Jews and the other groups such as Reform and Conservative Jews in Israel. A pending conversion law is creating extra conflict.

7 700,000 Israeli workers took part in a five-day strike over pensions and privatisation, causing widespread disruption and paralysing much of the nation's economy.

8 The Israeli Parliament has passed a law preventing the Palestinian Authority from completing the census of its people in disputed Jerusalem. PM Netanyahu speedily pushed the bill through, apparently fearing the finding could undermine Jewish claims to the city.

9 U.S. Rabbi Laundered Cash for Drug Dealers. New York (Reuters, Dec 23, 1997): A rabbi and his brother pleaded guilty to money-laundering charges for funnelling more than $3 million in Colombian drug proceeds through a Brooklyn synagogue and yeshiva. The men were charged with being part of a group of Orthodox Jews who laundered the $3.5 million from Colombian and Dominican drug dealers in 1995 and 1996. By channelling the cash through Congregation Eitz Chaim and Bobover Yeshiva and another organization, Chaim Shel Shulem, all located in the heavily Orthodox Jewish Borough Park section of Brooklyn, they were able to move the money to Swiss bank accounts and then back to the dealers. This is believed to be a very small tip of very big evil iceberg.

8 An Israeli defence lawyer claimed pressure from Australian Jews following the Maccabiah bridge disaster, distorted the country's legal system, in that their demands prompted charges (finding scapegoats).

Terminal Madness of the Endtime:

* Murder has become a common way of settling business disputes in Russia.

* More efficiency in torture sought: Australia has begun privatising its detention centres.

* Water is another reason for war: Forget Jordan and Israel. Bitter fighting is growing between the "water haves" and the "water have nots" in Western Australian cotton towns.

* Corrupt scientists are being bought by Governments to diminish the reality of Global Warming, especially in OZ.

* The Malignity of Capitalism is being exposed as the Asian Nations slump and increasing disparities in wealth and threatening the interests of workers and consumers alike. It is true that globalization as a whole has made societies richer but at the same time the distribution of wealth becomes more and more unequal. It has gone so far that world leaders talk of a 20% society in which 20% of the world population will produce all the goods and services that are needed for the world population that the world population can afford; the other ones will be left behind.

* Admitted poverty: 36% in Britain are below the poverty line; probably 30-40% in USA and Australia. Prof Deepak Lal, Economist, University of California "morality has nothing to do with trade". Ralph Nadar, Founder, Centre for Responsive Law "global corporations do not give a darn about democracy ..." Alan Oxley, Chairman, APEC Studies Group "globalization has created a much more stable and prosperous world ... we will have much more stability, peace and harmony." - tell that to Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, the Banana Royalist-Republic of Australia and all the unemployed therein. And just by the way, bullet-proof vests or body armour is becoming a (necessary) extra as well as a fashion statement and a multi-billion dollar business in the US with 2,000 stores across the country selling them and mail order business increasing.

* Malaysia's Mahathir is calling for market controls. "We are seeing the effect of absolute power today, the impoverishment and misery of millions of people and their eventual slavery."

* US President Clinton admits that the economic meltdown in Asia is having a global impact.

* US shopping malls are experiencing more and more shop vacancies. Australia no better.

* More Peace breaking out? The army is going around to 120 US cities training local authorities on how to respond to chemical or biological attacks. The commentator said that these possibilities were more likely to come from groups of terrorists within the US than outside. The how-to is freely available on the internet.

* Amnesty International reported that of the 600 Tamils that disappeared after being arrested by Sri Lanka Security Forces, nearly all were tortured to death. At the same time, the Separatists Tamil Tigers were also accused of gross human right abuses.

* The US Pentagon has identified 25 countries that have or are developing weapons of mass destruction (biological and chemical) including Libya, Syria, North Korea and Iraq, which they claim is the worst. Rotate what is officially said 180 degrees and you will be closer to the truth of things.

* Fear Rises as Madness Reigns: A recent survey of parents of school-age children revealed that nearly half of them feared their child might be attacked or kidnapped on the way to school. While the risk of such an event occurring is minuscule, the fear of it happening has altered the way many families lead their lives. This mistrust of society manifests itself in other ways. The security business is booming as people lock themselves away, afraid of the neighbours they no longer know, or strangers they believe may want to harm them. Some commentators believe we are living in a rising culture of fear and it is beginning to affect every part of our lives, to where we live, to whether we catch public transport and with whom we choose to have sex. Or are we living, as some experts would have it, are we living in an increasingly hazardous world, a global community where we face increasing risks, from leaking nuclear power plants to genetically engineered food and virulent new diseases, including attitudes in our food, microbes in the air, global warming, about a fast changing world over which we feel less and less control? So are these worries that beset us appropriate or are more and more people simply becoming neurotic? For the media, bad news is good news. Night after night our homes are invaded by images and stories that play on our fears. But is our world a riskier place than it used to be? It is said that it is not crime that has increased as much as the general public's fear of crime. Australians spend almost two billion dollars a year on personal security. Politicians exploit the public's fear and play it back to us at election time. This spiral of alarm feeds on itself. Dr. K. Roiphe: "The fear gives us limits that religion did in the past (speaking of sex, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and on some level gives lives more order." Dr. F. Furedi: "Young people are far more scared about living on their own... All that has changed is that we are more scared about the unknown." Dr. B. Adam, Sociologist, University of Wales: "I happen to think we don't worry enough".

So, where does this increasing fear come from? It comes from the subtle levels where consciousnesses know exactly what is in store for them. The basis of existence is no longer physical. It is spiritual. And the ones who are doomed are refusing to face it. They are in denial. The more they deny, the greater the Fear. Watch and see!

* THE LAND RIGHTS DISPUTE with the Aborigines has resulted in unprecedented clashes between the churches and the government. Church leaders have labelled the legislation racist, claims which prompted Warren Entsch, Liberal MP, to call on country people to boycott their churches. Mistrust and hostility between Aboriginal leaders and the Federal government is deeper than it has been for many years. Throughout Australia the issue is dividing communities. In the last few weeks we have witnessed a series of events which have sent the reconciliation process off the rails. In a heated speech a respected Aboriginal leader labelled members of the Howard government "racist scum". The Prime Minister, incensed by the charge, vowed to push on with his ten-point plan and talked of a double dissolution over the issue. Governor General, Sir William Deane, declared his support for native title rights and said he would "weep for our country" if reconciliation cannot be achieved. Church leaders and the government are on a collision course over the issue. And yet, if you listen to the New Agers, Peace and Harmony are supposed to be engulfing us all, much to our embarrassment of having such Good Times and so much Love and Joy (in this Hell). Many believe that the fact that Pauline Hanson's inaccuracies were not pointed out and repudiated quickly enough by the government led a number of people to believe she was right and it reinforced their own ignorance and prejudice. Noel Pearson, Cape York Land Council, says: "We are on the verge of no less than a legal apartheid." This matter will never be solved!

* Tony Blair, British PM, is defending allegations of financial sleaze. At issue are donations from Formula One which just happened to be the sole exemption to a tobacco advertising ban. As you will remember Soul-mate Bill Clinton showed the way with his White House antics, so well defended by Janet Reno, she of the "I will take the responsibility for the murders in Waco" fame. Boy, is she in for a hot time!

* Slavery is thriving in Nepal where 200,000 people are forced to work as slaves.

* The Power of Impropaganda: The US Secretary of Defence went on television with a five pound bag of sugar, supposing it was anthrax, to explain the dangers of chemical and biological weapons. The propaganda in the US to build up acceptance of possible military strikes in Iraq must be working, if reports can be believed that 4 out of 5 Americans (84%) support the use of military intervention. Of course such reports are fakes. Do you really think they would give the public a voice? Both Iraq and the US are getting their military forces in place. Clinton has stated that if Iraq continues to obstruct the Weapons Inspection team, "I wouldn't rule out anything". Roll on WWIII.

* Yankee Go Home: In spite of Madeleine Albright's concerted effort to coerce Arab nations to support the US stand against Iraq, even Kuwait is not willing to condone military action. US action is uniting the Arabs, the Asians, the Europeans, the Sino-Russians, - all against the US. All Arab countries (even Iran and Iraq) are mending fences and joining up against the West, especially the US and Israel. The Ayatollah Khamanei, Iran's spiritual leader, with no praise for the West is urging Muslims everywhere to help overthrow Israel. The Islamic summit in Iran has wound up with a statement condemning the expansionist policies of Israel. The 55 Muslim nations have called for the liberation of all occupied Arab territories including Palestine.

* Doctors in Dilemma: About 50 migrant doctors went on a hunger strike in NSW. They say they are shut out from practising medicine in Australia while visas are given to foreign doctors to come and practice here and they are forced to go on Social Security at the same time as many rural areas are crying out for doctors. Both doctors and governments are abusers of the system. They come from countries which can least afford to lose them such as Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, South Africa, etc., and they come to increase their wealth in a First World Country. If they were really concerned about the welfare of humanity they would remain in the country which educated them at great expense and help it out. Australia lets them in because they usually have assets which enrich the country but does not want or need their services for it is over-doctored anyway. It is just that the distribution is inequitable. Selfishness appears to be the basis for both sides in the dispute. These migrant doctors do not go out into the wilderness to practice, rather they congregate in the ghettos of large cities and dispense sleeping tablets and analgesics at $20, or so, a pop. As usual, the reality of the situation is different from what both sides wish to portray. Of course, if you approach them, both sides will voice hot air outbursts, claiming it is the wind of altruism that drives and buoys them. Do not believe them. I am aware that the government was warned about this problem almost 40 years ago when I was a medical student. But in its expedient self-interest, wanting rich migrants to enrich the country, it ignored advice to address the problem. Have you known governments to act otherwise?

* When governments address problems, the actions are not always what we expect or want: There is suggestion that the massacres in Egypt and Algeria are partly government sponsored so that more repressive measures in those countries can be justified. Governments are going mad too, and from past experience, we know they are capable of the worst atrocities against the people who elected them.

* Sir William Deane, Governor General, stated that "to say church leaders are not qualified to talk about the disadvantages is an insult to the people asked to swallow it." - a diplomatic slap at Howard's criticism of the churches' criticism of the WIK legislation. My opinion: religions have impoverished so many over the centuries, they are expert at creating disadvantaged and disadvantages.

* Why is Premier Kennett surviving so well inspite of the attacks on him and the disclosures of rampant corruption in Victoria everywhere? He is an Archon in a privileged position at present - but not for long!

* Fairness dispensed our way: 2 Oz athletes who tested positive to banned substances were reported once in the press. When Growth Hormone solutions were found in the luggage of a Chinese swimmer, a media storm erupted which fed the media sharks for days. Hypocrisy rules!

* The Coward Government: The Iraqi diplomatic representative in Australia sharply criticised PM Howard for his vocal attack on Saddam. He said it was outrageous for him to call "the Iraqi government tyrannical and repressive". Howard is not just a political coward but a very ignorant one at that, being happy to express ignorance and stupidity whenever it suits him. In a speech to Jewish groups he stated that Australia's Foreign Policy is based on the invincibility of Israel. This was reported by Radio Australia. Why would he make such a stupid remark? Because he is a Zionist Sycophant and is also very stupid. Good one, "Honest" John. Chances of re-election? Down to 1 in 50.

* Governments in General: A report quotes Alan Rose of the Australian Law Reform Commission saying: "The worse parents in the Australian community are those substitute parents, that is, the states and territories of Australia." The report accuses state and federal governments of abusing children by neglect. The legal profession and the harsh way barristers treat children in court comes under attack as well.

* The present PM of India is accused of helping in the assassination of the former PM Ghandi.

* High Flying Hypocrites: Channel 9 in Melbourne, owned by Kerry Packer, reputed to be the richest man in OZ, refused to run an anti-gambling ad, which could interfere with Casino gambling, also partially owned by Mr. Packer.

* Blatant Hypocrites: Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Bill Skates, and his Police Minister are accused of corruption with video details of pay-offs to the ministers and the media. The tapes clearly detail a culture of corruption. This evidence is especially disturbing in view of Bill Skates' election campaign promise to clean up politics. Yet Bill Skates has stated he intends to sue to ABC for running the story. Sir Mekere Morantu, Former Governor Bank, PNG stated, "Corruption is very widespread in the country, from bureaucrats to political levels; very few people are not corrupt. Pay-offs are a part of public life."

* The Czech Prime Minister resigned over a financial scandal involving illicit funding.

* The Landmine Ban Treaty has been signed by 125 countries except for the US, China and Russia who refused to sign.

* The former Italian Prime Minister has been given a sixteen month jail sentence for corruption.

* The poor of Mexico claim the drug barons have done more for them than their government.

* Arafat has hired Australian judges and lawyers to rebuild the Palestinian legal system. By the way, from a minuscule population in the Australian community, Jews are said to compose some 35 % of the Australian legal profession.

* Is Pauline Hanson clairvoyant in anticipating her assassination by producing a tape with her post-mortuum message? There has been a rise in racial incidents and discrimination complaints since Hansonism began.

* Minions of the Ghoulish Molock: A gallop poll in 1994 revealed 5% of Americans prayed for harm to befall others.



* New pathogenic micro-organisms found in rivers along U.S. East coast - killing fish and now attacking humans, affecting the brain, causing sores, memory loss, headaches, pneumonia. No one knows how to prevent or treat it.

* Blue-green algae are now a human health hazard.

* Outbreaks of measles are taking place. It is not just due to the lower vaccination rates. It is due to the changes in the virus and in the host due to many factors including increased radiation and altered immunological responses.

* Respiratory illnesses will increase due to Indonesian Fires

* Demonic inventiveness? PMA is a new drug on the streets, more toxic than ecstasy which can attack the nervous system. 6 have died from it so far.

* What a Wonderful World of Genetic Engineering: "The book, `The Human Body Shop: The Engineering and Marketing of Life', by Andrew Kimbrell documents the wide range of Frankenstein monsters, chimeras, that are now being produced. There are chilling stories of the exact research that mated human genes with pig genes, and the creatures that resulted. There is the issue of how genetics is going to be used in population control." According to Kimbrell, insurance companies and Fortune 500 companies are already using genetic screening in order to screen out workers who might be a liability because they may be predisposed to a certain cancer. He says that `Jurassic Park' is already happening and the US is spending taxpayer dollars on experiments which involve putting human genes into the permanent genetic codes of other animals! With the experiments going on they are now creating well over a hundred thousand of these animal/human chimeras every year. Some of these experiments raise some really grotesque issues of animal suffering. An AIDS experiment was done in which the entire human AIDS virus was put into mice. Several months later, a group of AIDS scientists, including Dr. Robert Gallo and others, published a report in Science Magazine saying that the AIDS virus had melded with native retroviruses in the mice to create a super AIDS virus. And Dr. Gene Marx, in an accompanying editorial in Science Magazine, said that his super AIDS virus may well be transmissible through air. We are talking about a potential human health catastrophe created by their putting the entire genome of a human disease into an animal in their attempt to create a research animal, but instead, through this hubris, creating a whole new human disease. And what makes this even more unfortunate is that these corporations and researchers are now attempting to patent these animals. Now, there are over a hundred and ninety of these animals that have been genetically engineered with human genes and other genes, patent pending at the US Patent Office. Very few people know that right now the most successful genetically engineered pharmaceutical is Human Growth Hormone. This was a $400 million product last year. Genentech and Eli Lilly are selling this product to parents whose children are short. Grenada BioSciences in Texas actually has attempted, in Europe, to patent a woman who would be genetically engineered to produce valuable pharmaceuticals in her mammary glands. The US Government researchers at the National Institute of Health are trying to patent brain genes in the hope of actually owning the patent that might be responsible for intelligence.

* According to federal statistics, one out of five children in the US are raised by parents who abuse drugs or alcohol.

* It is now possible to tell a genetic defect before genetic screening. WIth in-vitro fertilisation, when the embryo is just a few days old, by removing a single cell and using the latest genetics engineering, analysis can determine if the embryo will develop into a diseased child. Although it is presently only possible to test for 1 genetic defect, it is only a matter of time before the number expands. Are we entering the time of designer children? It's been done before, badly, in Atlantis. You know what happened to it!

* R U still kissing ashtrays? A National Health Medical Research Council report states that non-smokers who live with a smoker are 30% more likely to get lung cancer and 24% more likely to get heart disease. It is also associated with adult asthma.

* If you had any doubts that allopathic Medicine was run by the Pharmaceutical companies, then that doubt would be dispelled if you knew how much the drug companies program prescribing habits in medical robot-doctors!

Whenever doctors pull rank and say they are the ones who know what they are doing, ask them to explain thalidomide and HIV-AIDS, and Mad Cow Disease (MCD), and antibiotic abuse, and 50, 000 Australian deaths per annum, from iatrogenic disease and so on. Related to this topic: who can forget the medical criticism of natural therapies when one patient died from anaphylaxis after taking Royal Jelly? But no one mentions the deaths from pharmaceutical side-effects. Why not? The archons are in control, that's why!

* As a general rule: the more foreign and artificial the compounds or substances you introduce into your body, some with unknown side-effects, the more likely will it be that you will compound problems. Gulf War Syndrome which will wipe out the population of the USA and then some, given enough time, is a classical example.

* Unidentified bacteria killed 4 infants in Boston's Children's Hospital. They do not know where the bacteria came from or if it is a new strain. Remember my prophecy about new diseases causing deaths even before microbe classification?

* Fruit bats from PNG have been identified as carriers of the Equine Morbiliform virus which can affect humans.

* Russia is undergoing a frightful epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases. It has the world's highest abortion rate and a serious spread of syphilis.

* Measles, meningococcal meningitis, Legionella and Dengue Fever outbreaks are affecting OZ.

* The Queensland blood bank in testing donors, has revealed that many of the donors were infected with hepatitis C.

* Another deadly virus which looks identical to small pox, but is a new disease called Monkey Pox, has originated in the Congo. Doctors have proved that the virus travels from person to person and so far has affected 500 people.

* A new strain of influenza out of Hong Kong, known as Bird Flu, is creating great concern. It will spread from fowls to dogs, cats, rodents, humans. Ignorantly, Alan Hampon from WHO stated, "If a new strain of influenza virus does get into the human population and it spreads, then the world is facing a major world-wide epidemic." A Philippine woman became the first victim of what has been called the Bird Flu out of Hong Kong.

* The World Health Organisation says it has found no evidence that the deadly Hong Kong Bird flue can be spread by humans. (Evidence is available to the contrary.)

* Buddhists have done a week of religious rites to appease the souls of the deceased poultry. But they will be ineffective. This "poultry flu" will take off.

* Diet drugs, Redux and Fen-pen, have been ordered off shelves because of heart danger. If I know anything about drug companies - they will be back under another name and label - or else they will be dumped on ignorant third world markets as laxatives, or some such, until the companies recoup developmental costs and then some.

* The British government is to ban the sale of cuts of beef on the bone because of fears that BSE (Mad Cow Disease) can be transmitted through the bone. The UK beef farmers are staging further blockades, angry that cheaper Irish beef is being imported because of fear of Mad Cow Disease, further enhanced by the ban on bone cuts of beef.

* European scientists have recommended the banning of lamb on the bone because of the danger of BSE or MCD.

* New research shows that it is dangerous to be outdoors even under shady cover. Skin can start burning in less than an hour, even in the shade.

* US scientists have developed a way to implant fruit and vegetables with vaccines so "they inoculate you while you eat them". I wish to alert you to the fact that they will use drugs in food and drink this way to facilitate programming in, and control of people. They want zombies, clones, who mindlessly slave away, not thinkers!

* Already rabbits in Australia have become resistant to the virus that was released in an effort to subdue them.

* About 700 Japanese children have been struck down with epileptic-like seizures after watching a Pocket Monsters cartoon based on a computer game. They seem to go into a hypnotic trance, have convulsions and chronic nausea. It has been termed a kind of photo-sensitive epilepsy seemingly caused by repetitive light flashes in the film.

* US news talked about a doctor who gave "complementary care" along with surgical procedures - included hypnosis, relaxation, yoga, massage, imagery, subliminal relaxation tapes during surgery, etc. which helped pain, depression.



* Recently reported is that there are about 30 million people in the world today who have HIV/AIDS with 16,000 new infections every day. Multiply these figures by 100 and you will have the accurate figure. In Sub-Sahara Africa, 1 in 5 adults have HIV/AIDS. The UN is acknowledging that previous predictions were grossly understated. Each year 600,000 children are born infected. It is now recognised to be a world epidemic.

* According to results of the 1997 Skin Health Report, Australia is now losing more lives to skin cancer than to HIV/AIDS. 19% more people died from skin cancer in 1995 than in 1990. During the same period there was a 38.3% increase in deaths from non-melanoma skin cancers. In Far North Queensland the incidence of melanoma is 65 per 100,000 population compared with 20 per 100,000 in Tasmania.



* A New Casino opens in Sydney. Just what Australia needs! Gambling, a social cancer of sorts is sponsored by glutinous Australian Governments as never before. According to the 7:30 Report, Australians suffer more gambling losses on a per capita basis than any other people in the world. S. Australia's Premier says they made a mistake with poker machines in the State which have led to compulsive gambling.

* Damned if you do, damned if you don't: Saddam Hussein has thrown open his palaces to the UN weapon inspectors but the offer is denounced as a trick of some sort. The offer of Saddam to provide access to his palaces is given to International experts but not to UN inspection teams.

* Setting them up Uncle Sam's way: UN officials claim that Iraq has 1000 spies operating worldwide using electronic eavesdropping in order to "stay one step ahead of the UN team". The sanctimonious tone of the US news presenter rang hollow in view of what other nations' secret services have done, and especially the CIA. See Nicaragua within.

* Global Warming a Myth? The average global temperature 20,000 years ago was 9 degrees C, this year it is 14 degrees C, and it is predicted that in 100 years it will be 17 degrees C. 1997 will be the hottest year on record. As you well know, I contend Earth will not last 20 years!

* The God Vulcan is awake and well: There are presently some 300 bush fires battering NSW and Victoria. They are creating a state of emergency in parts of central NSW. Many of the fires were started by the unprecedented number of lightning strikes.

* Australia: Champion of the under-dog? Now that's a laugh:

1 The National coalition of Youth Workers and lawyers have flown members into Central Australia to protest juvenile mandatory sentencing laws, in which juveniles are being jailed for minor offences - jay walking, failing to pay fines. Children in the Northern Territory are going to jail for not wearing bike helmets and then not paying the $25 fine.

2 Australia is claimed by others to be an International Pariah, thanks to PM Howard's stand against having targets set for Oz to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

3 Suicide among Aboriginals is twice as high as the rest of the community and four times as high for Aboriginal men between the ages of 15 and 30, according to the National Conference on Suicide. Idiots like Pauline Hanson and Honest John Howard (by default) have said the indigenes are having it too good. That is why their life expectancy is about 25 years less, I guess. They must be living just too high on the hog!

4 A study confirms police harassment of Chinese in Sydney.

5 India has lodged a formal complaint with Australia over an alleged spying incident over the Bay of Bengal.

6 The Australian Government is accused of stacking the High Court with its appointment of an ultra conservative.

7 Claims have been made that baby trafficking, an adoption racket, is widespread in at least one state, Southern Australia, involving doctors and lawyers arranging illegal adoptions. One doctor has been charged in an international adoption scheme.


* First World Motto? Greed is Good. Hundreds of documents have been uncovered in the Austrian capital Vienna which show sensational information on the sources of stolen Nazi gold. Included is the revelation that the postwar Austrian government turned over to the Austrian National Bank tons of gold that clearly belonged to Italy.

* Again too little, too late: 1 A ban on fox hunting.

2 R. Mugabe, Zimbabwe's President, is declaring that he will confiscate land from white farmers and redistribute it to black. The whites are to be moved off the land without compensation, creating a wave of panic among the whites.

* Justice for the People: In Singapore, criticism of the government is silenced by potential financial ruin in defamation suits causing people to fear challenge.

* Sub Lord Of Mammon: A more serious crime than bribery is shown on released video tapes in which Bill Skate is shown saying, "I can be very ruthless -- I don't need money, but if I tell my gang members to kill, they kill -- there's no other godfather, I'm the godfather." Also shown was his involvement in an abduction and murder.

* Murphy's Law on Justice: Do the worst possible: In the US more and more it is adult justice for juvenile offenders. 12,000 teenagers a year go to adult courts and are given long sentences in real prisons. A study showed that juveniles become more dangerous in adult institutions.

* Teenage Demonism: 14 year old boy emptied a ten-round clip from a sophisticated hand gun and murdered his friends following a morning prayer meeting. Three were killed and six were wounded. The boy was reported to seem stunned by his violent actions.

* Leopards do not change their spots: Winnie Mandela, accused of murder, intimidated witnesses. One testimony was retracted and another witness got "sick" on the stand when her "footballers" marched into the courtroom. A defiant Winnie Mandela vehemently denied all charges presented in eight days of evidence of a catalogue of brutality, torture, assault and murder. A plea from Archbishop Tutu finally brought forth a most reluctant apology of sorts.

* Neutrality with costs: It's been confirmed that up to 3/4 of the gold sold by Germany during World War II was channelled through Switzerland. In fact, it looks as though the Swiss acted as Chief Banker for the Third Reich.

* The World's Jewish Congress has called for a short term moratorium against Swiss banks accused of hording gold looted by the Nazis from Holocaust victims.

* Slowly letting go of the apron strings: The Tasmania Parliament has voted for a Republic.

* The UN Security Council has agreed to renew the "oil for food" in the amount of 3 billion dollars, for Iraq, and may increase it, much against the wishes of the US. The UN inspection team is still being blocked from certain areas and there is a black market operation in oil shipments out of Iraq and smuggling goods into Iraq.

* The Vatican has refused to open its wartime archives for the next 50 years. (This was in relation to Nazi gold. The biggest crooks always win out in this evil system!)

* In South Africa, the former President has refused to appear before the Truth Commission and branded it a circus. (Well, he is right in that respect!)

* A senior pilot was charged with stealing fabric from TWA flight 800 in an effort to provide proof that a missile was responsible for its explosion.



1 The Chinese ethnic population in the Philippines has accused President Ramos of failing to protect them from a wave of kidnappings. More than 1100 Chinese - one every two days - have been abducted in the last five years, and the government has failed to do anything to stop them. The police and military are suspected of being part of the kidnapping syndicates offering protection and arms supplies. (Ransom demands offer a significant means of income.)

2 Crime and police corruption are rife in Mexico. One person in four has been mugged in the capital city in the last year alone. Police stand by or even take part as criminals attack. When the military was called in to take charge of the police, things got no better. Fear rules.

3 The UN is accusing rich and poor nations alike of closing their doors to asylum seekers causing many to be forced back home against their will or to be caught in conflict.

4 Northern Ireland back in full swing - in the worst way!

5 Paid telemarketers are being exposed in their telephone attempts to talk people out of their money in the name of charity by assuming identities people would trust.

6 Government departments are investigating charges that US major airlines may be engaged in unfair practices to bully smaller airline from the market so they can eventually boost their own prices.

* The US FDA is adding meat to its list of food to be irradiated, saying radiation has NO bad effects on food.

* New Zealand's first woman Prime Minister is a Marlow Morgan Clone. Poor Kiwis ...

* Russia's Zhirinovsky has called for US President Clinton to face an international court for crimes against Iraq. He has also called for the lifting of US sanctions.

* The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is not a financial Fairy Godmother. It is a raping, rapacious Predator.

* Seals and sea lions are starving off the US Western coast islands because the warming of the water up 5 to 6 degrees F. has caused the loss of their food supplies.

* Porky Xenophobia: Oz farmers protested the Howard government's decision to approve pig meat imports.

* Environmental Suicide Lauded as Great Victory: The Kyoto conference on global warming has ended with Australia one of three countries permitted to raise its greenhouse gas emissions. (to 8% above its 1990 level) This has created some hostility from environmental groups and some other countries. Greenpeace says Australia will become a greenhouse ghetto. Several industrialised nations have agreed to form an umbrella group to trade emissions (to buy and sell pollution quotas).The US is under attack also with the Senate saying the agreement is "Dead on Arrival", that they are unlikely to ratify it.

* History and Myth, Hollywood style, continues: Greeks are upset at how Hollywood has portrayed Hercules in its film.

* 1 out of every 5 US seniors suffers from depression. Older people 75 years old and up commit suicide twice as frequently as the normal population. So what is this thing about living longer and longer?

* There is a Hum over the New Mexico desert which is reported as a sensational vibration that is sensed more than heard, which causes irritation, pressure on the ears, and poor sleep. Many believe that it stems from a secret government underground Defence Department experiment. The Pentagon, of course, denies this, but a team of scientists is investigating what has been called the Taos Hum. (It's from the alien bases underground!)

* Bushfires, bushfires everywhere; will get worse, not better.

* Turkey has cut diplomatic ties with the European Union after being spurned as a potential member.

* 5 Russian-made planes crashed in 12 days.

* Climatic Madness is a Reality.

* In California signs of a pending volcano eruption.

* Japan's economy is in danger.

* 15% of US women have fertility problems.

* Two new lambs have been cloned with human genes for milk and others have been cloned with human genes to help haemophiliacs. Human cloning is around the corner.

* The Crown Casino in Melbourne has lost $40 million in the last five months, mainly to oriental high rollers. Who will bet that management has been rorting the system?

* A law suit has been filed in an Egyptian Court against the British Royal family, charging that they plotted with the devil to kill Diana and Dodi. Headlines in a newspaper reported that bullets had been found in the wreck.

* The millennium bug is estimated to cost Australia $10 billion. In the Auditor General's report he found the majority of public agencies are simply not dealing with it. The report concluded that: "... the possibility exists that core functions of Government and the interests and confidence of clients and other stakeholders will be adversely affected with wide ranging potential consequences". The likely outcome could be disrupted services and increased risks to personal security and safety.

* It has been claimed that Princess Grace of Monaco was the High Priestess of the Order of the Solar Temple just before she was killed in a car crash.

* South Korea is headed for bankruptcy.

* A gold scam, in which fake gold certificates were used, failed to retrieve $9 billion from the account of former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos.

* He did a Postal: The latest example of a string of violence among postal workers in the US: a former Denver postal worker who had been fired a year and a half before, took 5 office workers hostage in a standoff with police. Between 1986-1996 there were 29 murders committed by employees or former employees of the Postal system with another 11 wounded and 4 suicides. However, other industries have experienced even more violence.

* Arafat's wife, Sophia, has blamed Israel for the suffering of the Palestinian people.

* CSIRO has found, using new telescopic technology, more than 100 galaxies hidden behind the Milky Way. It states that dwarf galaxies make up the lion's share of the universe.

* Russia's Zhirinovsky has come to the aid of the Iraqi children by sending a UN approved plane with 5 tons of medical supplies to Baghdad. Earlier, a US aid agency defied UN sanctions and sent Iraq $50,000 of medical supplies and gifts.

* Iraq has announced that the US is planning an air strike over areas not open to the UN Inspection Team and will use biological or chemical warfare in order to later contend that the areas had dangerous chemicals stored there all the time. The US denies this, of course, but has no comment about plans to bomb without the use of chemicals.

* The Hamas Palestinians strongly reject Arafat's concessions toward peace with Israel and say they will only settle for Palestine to be as it was pre-1948 (when the state of Israel came into existence).

* A UN approved joint humanitarian mission by Icelandic and Italian charities arrived outside Baghdad, complete with Santa, toys, gifts, medicine and a message to stop the sanctions, stop hurting the Iraqi children. Iraq has announced that it has to cut milk rations because it has not received its quota from the oil for milk agreement. It blames the US for deliberately creating obstacles and criticised Turkey for renewing the use of its base for monitoring flights by the US and Britain.

* Turkey is attacking Turkish Kurds with air raids into Iraq. Where are Clinton, Bush, the other hypocrites?

* For the second time in a week, Kurdish refugees needed to be rescued. 120 Kurds who sought refuge in Italy were rescued by the Italian Navy after the crew abandoned ship.

* The Dead Sea is dying.

* "Investors" are moving in to take advantage of South Korea's economic plight and snap up firesale bargains. Those marauders bought Russia at 2 cents in the dollar. We all know what happened when they carved up Germany after WWI, now it will be repeated with the former USSR, Asia, China, etc. The Evil archons cannot help themselves. They repeat the same mistakes.

* Boris Yeltsin became committed to reform and promoted an inner circle of young reformers, the main one being the Deputy Prime Ministers, Anatoly Chabais and Boris Minchov, who vowed to revive the economy and share the recovery evenly, in order to counter balance the former Communist Prime Minister. But the rich have once again grown richer at the expense of the poor. The reformists' promise was to take on the capitalists, who became enormously rich from buying state assets. In return for being allowed to swallow up the country's resources, they paid for Boris Yeltsin's re-election. Chabais pledged that the days of shady backdoor deals were over; from now on privatisation would be at fair prices in open tenders. The reformers look as corrupt and partisan as the money men. In November, Chabais and 5 Kremlin senior officials were found to have taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from a leading bank which coincidentally had just won a controversial privatisation. The common person has absolutely no benefit whatsoever.

* In Kenya there is much voting controversy with strong accusations of bribery, murder, corruption and intimidation by the ruling party. It has been accused of buying voter registration cards after hidden voter cards and books of ballot papers were found. Some polling stations did not even open or opened late, often did not have the right forms or ballot boxes. The Commission overseeing the election states that the level of fraud is staggering. It is claimed that the government has perfected the technique of vote rigging. Officials deny the charges, making counter charges themselves. What else is new?

* Vietnamese make up 1% of the Australian population; some have become stateless as no one seems to want them.

* The universal distress signal SOS no longer exists in our computer age in Britain, France, Germany and the US. In a year's time it will be also phased out in Australia. Souls too will be cancelled.

* In the US, although the overall number is down in main cities, there are on the average 1.6 million violent crimes including 20,000 murders with 76 law enforcement officers killed every year.

* The gambling mecca, Las Vegas, Nevada, is the fastest growing place in the US.

* In Chiapas, Mexico, military refugees from war attacks are streaming in from the country-side.

* President Clinton's defence fund is going out of business with his owing about $3.5 million in legal fees.

* The rate of population is declining globally.

* US consumers are feeling very confident. Dream on drones!

* The Dow is up 23% for 1997. 60 million Americans are richer than they were a year ago, 7 years of gains and the best 3 years in history. Apparently, people paid no heed to the warning signs of imminent collapse.

* Even the bars will be smoke-free in California with the New Year, with the law of no smoking in workplaces.

* Justice for all: French riot police clashed with a group of 60 homeless who stormed 2 luxury hotels in Paris.

* Recalcitrance: Inspite of all the friction, plans are to go ahead with new Jewish settlements in a Palestinian area.

* $2 million dollars worth of fireworks exploded over Sydney on New Year's Eve. Your life is richer now, right?

* During 1997, 140,000 different Bills were introduced in the US, with 25,000 becoming law effective with the new year. How is it possible for anyone to keep up with them all? Just as well 40% of the population is illiterate!

* Archbishop George Pell of Melbourne wants a return to old-style religion and is campaigning for more traditional Catholic practices and training. He is centring his attention on the young and education. According to a Catholic spokesman, "His attitude tends to alienate the mainstream and intelligent Catholics". It is felt that this could bring about a re-emergence of long-buried divisions between the conservatives and liberals of the Catholic Church. Inquisitions with burning of heretics, Simony and Monastic brothels, with wine selling, will follow shortly.

* PNG Prime Minister Bill Skate caught red-handed for corruption, has been given an award on the British New Year's honours list - he has been made a Companion of the most distinguished order of St. Michael and St. George for services to the community, public life and politics.

Axiom: The bigger the crook, the greater the honour in this evil system!

* All in the game: Authorities say they have uncovered a plot to murder the president and other top officials of Niger at the behest of the former Prime Minister.


Variety may be the spice of life,

but vicarious Lust is the life of the Spice girls!


Two lawyers were walking along negotiating a case. "Look," said one, "let's be honest with each other." "Okay, you first," replied the other. That was the end of the discussion.


A Letter From Jerry

Dear Dr Chandelier

Jerry here. I just watched Itinka Itsallova win the last event, the Women's Highjump, at the Athletic Championships on TV, and having a few minutes free before the next show, I thought I would write to you instead of disturbing Beryl who is reading the 1983 CIA manual called "The application of Mental Torture in Guerilla Warfare". Are we not glad this is such a fine world and knowledge of how the mind works is being put to good use?

But, enough of frivolity, Dear Doctor Charred-Pontoon, I think you should have a question and answer section in your letter. We need a source for answers to difficult questions, badly. For example, Mathema, you know, the lass who visits occasionally, asked me a curly one the other day. You know her, she is Statas' oldest daughter. They are descendants of that famous Italian house painter Titanic (BSIM Painter-artist Titian) and have kept that name.

Anyways she asked me if I knew if the highest prime number really had 65,087 digits and whether it could be classed as a pterodactyl or a polydactyl. I said "How the heck would I know? I'm no psychic or biological numerologist. I have not even seen it in the flesh once, although I think I caught a glimpse of it on a TV special of Sightings once!"

All the same Terry and Polly Dactil who run that garage up the street would have been shock absorbed to hear that.

Anyways, Mathema Titian would not be put off and asked how many arms and legs this monster would have. I said they must have counted the tail to get an odd number, or else it suffers from congenial malediction (BSIM congenital malformation). She went on and on, wanting to know if it was Hindu or American, or Mini-Allegro (BSIM mythic-allegory) because it had been cast as Prime. Mathema also wanted to know whether it only watched Prime TV. Geesh! I hope you or one of your readers can provide some answers. I had enough trouble in Primarily Scalded clashes. (BSIM Primary School classes.) Later, I did meet a fainting, pale misogynist at a Skull and Bones meeting (BSIM palaeontologist) but he was pretty secretive about his ideas and contusions (B conclusions) he said, because he wanted to run for presents (B President) some day. Beryl, I don't see the need for that correction, I don't see the difference, seeing if they succeed they hoard up a lotta, lotta loot and presents.

He said in shouted whispers ... -- I think that's what's called an oxen mooring - I know all about them, I learned about them in the Bible when I read about what to do if your ass falls into a ditch (Exodus 21:33) ... (BSIM oxymoron). Still not as cool as oxy-acetylene. -- Anyways, he said, he said, ... where was I? Oh yes, he said that he did not want to get into Astra's logies (B astrology) like that other farmer Rags 'nold Regano man (B former President Ronald Reagan).

I tried to pin him down to an opinion but he just ranted and raved. He was very irrational, and for me to say that he musta been. He obviously suffered from mythology (B misology). And he would not look straight at me. He said he was practising for when he won office. His wife had told Beryl once he had suffered from sorry eyes (B psoriasis) since he was a juvenile. I said juvenile what? Not getting an answer I suspected the best for an aspiring prostitutional, but really I know nothing of his criminal past. I guess that was practice for political office too! Later I heard he pined a hill down with a bared broom (BSIM He pinned someone called Hillary down in the Boardroom.) I know she's right, even though he did appear the haughty cultured type (B horticultural type).

Well anyway whatever did happen, it seems it was apparently OK, because it was a prostitutional money-raising affair by polite Tahitans and lie-yers (BSIM constitutional, by politicians and lawyers) and as you know from the papers, anything goes there at those functions, and anything improper is passed off as an unremembered occurrence, that never happened, even if sound-taped, videoed and/or viewed by thousands of witnesses. Writing as I am about gigolos, whores and other sordid things, I instantly thought of governments, I wonder why? And recently I arrived at the conclusion there are only 3 things which appear infinite: Space, Time, and the number of lies governments tell, stating they have a right to do this, because they have been given something a man ate via people to govern the way they see fits best! (BSIM a mandate by the people).

Well, the way I see it, we, the poor suffering people get the fits at how they chew up rights, and eat main jibs (BSIM men's jobs) and wee men too, until then there is nothing left. Well, Dr. Cheaplatoon, I got bad news the other day. My niece, Exposia, is suspected to be suffering from polymorphic light reaction and has been asked not to wear her topless bikini. But to brighten things up, I thought I would give you some advice. You doctors are so stingy with your words, I thought I'd give you an example of free on. (Beryl says I mean a free one, and that freon, she says, is a gas that rises and destroys the ozone layer). Well, I've always thought what most doctors say was a load of hot air anyway - no offence - just like what comes out of politicians. Boy, that air sure destroys everything: jobs, nursing homes, traffic, the economy, tax systems, trade, immigration. But listening to publiticians does cure constipation, because it give all the s ..., Err, Yes Beryl, dear, I'll keep it clean.

Farewell then, aspiring Doctor poet from Queensland,

the world's capitol for banana bending and for melanoma.

I hope Itinka, our highjump winner, was spot on,

and it soon will be, well and truly, all-ova.

Bye for now, Jerry.


In answer to a recent letter I wrote: The Destruction of Evil is an act of Love not of Hate. It is Evil's nature which contains works of resentment, hate, disease, covetousness, non-contentment, envy, lack of esteem, destructive power, control, strife, etc. Evil does not respond to Light or Love. Murderous churches with their slaughtering Inquisitions, Crusades, were not about Love at all, but were about Hate and exploitation as they are today. That was, and is, demonic! Wake up! I am not here to convince anyone. For sure, doubters have a great deal of trouble explaining away the pragmatic empiricism I am accentuating.


If for no other reason, humanity would be condemned by its cruelty and abuse of lower life forms, especially the animals it has stocked to eat.


Poem from Volume 3:

Thanks to the Christ Light

A Light bright dispels the Night;

Instead of Darkness, now a wondrous sight.

Christ, in all His Glory

has come to complete the Story,

And Rescue the trapped True Beings

thus commencing rightful New Beginnings,

in a place I can now mention,

None other than the New Dimension.

New Green Energy everywhere is seen,

Transmuting Evil and washing clean

the souls of those who, on Truth, are keen.

O Wondrous Light,

O Glorious Sight,

O Christ King of Might,

Our unending thanks for rescuing us

from this nefarious blight.



Until next time,...

J S Chiappalone. Copyright 1998 .

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