Newsletter # 23 - July 1998,

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Annwn News

Welcome again to the pages of Annwn Publications. Remember, if what you read here is not for you, there is nothing stopping you from going elsewhere for your information about the state of the planet.

Bernard Burry of California has kindly produced Volume One of Making Sense of the Madness "What's Going On", on 14 tapes which we are pleased to offer for sale at $US 75. Apart from the 14 tapes in a professionally created folder, you will receive a meditation tape produced by Amitakh and a tape of one of the shows - your choice, of any of the Sightings on Radio Shows. To order these tapes, please send your order to Annwn at the above address.

Letters to the editor: Please note, unless your email has your proper name and a valid legal address, I will not even think of answering your letters!

To all those who send more questions about these words we have written than they have ever thought existed, I offer this advice: If you are sincere about awakening, start reading our books, and other publications thoroughly. Start listening to our lecture tapes, radio shows, etc. Then if you still have questions, by all means send them to me. Too many readers want no-cost-to-them (in time and effort) answers, a quick fix solution to their confusion. The onus is on the searcher not the teacher for them to gain knowledge. There are very few questions which are not answered by our published material. So, do your own work in this matter. After all, it is for your benefit, not mine. To those who say they are too busy, I say "rubbish". If something is important enough to you, you will make time.


1                                          Emerging Perceptions

As I mentioned in the last newsletter, the physical realm is all but gone. So too is the lower mind which it sustains and programs. Hence, live in the Higher Mind and seek the spiritual plane. It is there that the future, of necessity, resides!

*        Ultimately the realizations of the veracity of this Message and of identities will strike all, whether they want to accept the realizations on the outer mind or not. The effects of such realizations will depend on the ontology of the consciousness and on the destined path it is to take. Those of evil will be struck by Terror in their black hearts and will feel the Gloom of Doom as those of Light, of Love and Truth, soar with new-found Joy at the thought that they are being liberated from this infernal illusion and are finally going home!!

*        Each will manifest the effects of such realizations reflexly and unerringly, so much so, that all of us will be able to decipher where each stands on the scales of judgement. It is not a judgement we make of others, but rather an unerring observation of the reality of the fate of consciousnesses.

*        Refine and fine-tune your spiritual body so that you will receive instructions given to you from Higher Consciousness as the turmoil of the Endtime increases. I know many have already received personal messages about aspects of their lives which will assist them in these troubled times. If you are not properly tuned in, you cannot satisfactorily receive that which is sent to you. It is your responsibility and no one else's to help yourself! And also, your effort cannot be transferred to another. Each must work for its own progress.

2                                         Oz enters the Self-Destruct Mode

Being unhappy with their lot and the rate of deterioration of the nation, and the world, many Australians (23%) voted in anger and revolt in the recent State elections in Queensland and supported the racist, divisive and ultra-Right One Nation Party.

A number of points are worth highlighting as this destructive phenomenon will not stop, not here in Oz or in the rest of the world where more and more support will be given by frightened, impoverished, disgruntled, ignorant people to those of extremism.

That PM Howard did too little, too late, to stop this cancerous political spread, is stating the obvious. I have explained previously that he and Hanson, who is the up-front puppet of the One Nation Party are being manipulated by the same evil alien essence and are essentially working to the same end.

The One Nation Party does not represent unity of peoples. It represents division, malice and hatred. It is intended to be that way. I previously advised you in these pages that Hanson is a puppet who is being used by the Evil aliens to program people (demons and robots) who have implants in them to respond in the way they have responded. What these aliens want is turmoil and much emotional energy so that they can use this energy to fight the Light and its Corrective Process. The turmoil created is obvious and it will get worse, here in Oz and in other places where the clones such as Hanson, Marlow Morgan and others are doing their nefarious puppet programming. The attempt by the evil aliens to fight Correction is all but futile really and the process will simply expedite their demise and that of this planet.

What has shocked politicians and commentators is the extent of support. But if you have been alerted by what I wrote, you would not have been taken by surprise. Interviews of intending voters in other states of Oz in fact shows that support is even higher for this deranged, destructive phenomenon in other states.

More and more people will become bellicose as they suffer more collapse of all aspects of their existence. The inexorable decay of all the planet in the modes I indicated in the Essay on Terminal Madness of the Endtime will consume all and they will protest loudly, forcefully and ultimately violently as the Madness grips decaying, fragmenting minds. That this is so is now self-evident truth and we witness it daily on our TV screens and in the reports of radio and daily newspapers. These will not get better. They cannot get better, and with no understanding of the processes of Correction, of Finality, of Planetary Destruction, of Evacuation, of sorting out the wheat from the chaff, the demented masses will slump into the violence of madmen. Yes, indeed, this is Australia and the US I am writing about, not just about Burma or Indonesia. I have warned you of these events nigh on 15 years now.

A major point of concern in the State Election was the massive and unstoppable deterioration of public standards and now as governments struggle with diminishing funds and uncontrollable throngs, their effectiveness and stability will be reduced so that deterioration will be even more. Add to this the poverty from world wide financial collapse, the deteriorating health of nations and increasing animosity expressing in the forms of racism, xenophobia and blaming others, and what we have is a volatile concoction for World War and total destruction.

3                                         Alien Sexual Effects

A report on Radio National confirms, to me at any rate, the evil alien effects emanating from Hanson. The newscast reported that men, regardless of age and intent became sexually aroused just by being near Pauline Hanson. This is a hallmark effect of Reptilian consciousness in a particular body. They work with sex energy and sexually program those with whom they come into contact for that is the energy they crave. There is no other explanation that makes sense for this sexual programming witnessed by all who come into contact with Hanson and who have alien implants to respond in that manner. Of course, the success of One Nation heralds gross deleterious changes for this struggling nation. It will sink even faster into the dust of decay. Minority groups such as the Aborigines have been alerted in no uncertain manner that they have a fatalistic enemy to contend with - not just Hanson, who is simply a bubble-headed puppet, but 25% of the population of this doomed nation. This % will grow daily much to the chagrin of those who would prefer more reasonableness. However, the divisive effect of this nefarious programming is working its malice as nothing which we have ever seen before, and political parties will fight between themselves as their members fight each other and as groups in the community become more polarized, strident and eventually malicious and physically violent. You can safely translate what I have written here about Australia to any country on Earth. None will be spared.

4                                          Mega Moron of the Month Medal

This new award I have invented shall be selectively bestowed on a personality I choose every month henceforth. For July, 1998, it goes to Joseph Di Pietro of the USA who sent me quite a lengthy email outlining thoughts he has written in a book telling us nothing is happening, that we live in a wonderfully healthy, stable, peaceful world, where all are immersed in abundance, all are well fed, in harmony with the birds and the bees, where all of nature, in fact, and other things could not really be better. To the award winner for this month, Di Pietro, I can honestly say "You are a disgrace to all real authors who produce real facts and figures which enlighten sincerely searching minds. Your waffle obfuscates and misleads with spuriousness that can only come from the maliciousness of Evil".

5                                          About the Terminal Madness Essay

Reactions to the Essay on Terminal Madness of the Endtime have proven the veracity of what I wrote in that essay like nothing else could have done.

There are 3 main groups of course: Those who are confused, frightened, ponderous, and want more time to digest that which was written. They will eventually fall into the 2 well demarcated groups of

Group 1:        Whole-hearted supporters and believers;

Group 2:        Hateful, fearful deniers.

Group One have come forth with Joy as they feel the Love in the message and realize it is an answer to prayers. With the words they become better informed as their awakening allows a faster connection of their Inner Being with the Light they have sought. The realizations they make are invaluable and this is reflected in their joyous letters of support.

Group Two, with their overt madness, confirm the reality of the Terminal Madness of the Endtime as nothing else could. Even from their inarticulate letters it can be seen they are deranged. If you read the letters posted on the Sightings website, you will notice they could only complain about my style of writing or some of the words, or unfamiliar phrases etc. Some tried to mock, but their attempt at humour rang with reverberation of their fear. Even though the essay has only been published a few short weeks, world changes since its posting have been sufficient to allow those who would perceive truly that there is the emergence of self-evident truths stated in the essay.

In all modesty, I suggest that sceptics and believers alike print out the essay and have it handy to tick off the changes as they occur around the globe which confirm what I had written therein. This will save me the time of having to continually batter sceptics with the voice of an "I told you so" recording. The speed of change has taken many by surprise, but we have often said that the longer changes are delayed, the quicker they will eventuate when finally they begin. The analogy I used in one of the radio shows I did for Sightings on Radio with Jeff Rense from California was this: The planet is like a wooden house devastated by termites. It may appear sound while the paint is still intact, but it is rotten in the inner core and once the collapse begins, it will be phenomenally catastrophic and quick.

While the physical changes will be overtly obvious for all to see, the psychic and spiritual changes may not be initially. But as minds fragment, as scapegoats are sought, as mental disease affects more and more people, slowly people will reach the conclusion that there is indeed something extraordinary affecting their minds and life. Slowly but surely, the realization of Finality and of the doomed planet will sink into the most recalcitrant minds and that alone will be enough to send them reeling into the madness of evilness.

Already mundane news and magazines, as well as medical reports, are writing on the conundrums of why people are depressed as much as they are, of why they lack hope for the future, of why they feel a sense of foreboding, of why there is no business confidence, no joie de vivre.

The symptoms are ascribed to false causes at present. Many blame instability in governments, in their jobs, in their shrinking profits, in their deteriorating health, in the belligerence of communities, in individuals, in their children, etc., for their inner feelings of anxiety and depression.

Monetary collapse around the world which we had forecast goes beyond the corrective processes of previously burgeoning currencies. The collapses are a symptom of unstoppable loss of confidence in the system and a contagious pessimism for a future no one without this information I am giving you understands. As a final fling, as a pre-death excitatory phase, many are self-deprecatingly forcing themselves to sing the praises of their own deception as they inflate stock markets unreasonably as we saw in the last few months with the Dow Jones Index in the USA. But these programmed puppets of the illusion are themselves starting to realize they are fighting a losing battle and are more than a little anxious that they will be sucked into the black hole of financial decay affecting one third of the world already. Inspite of contradictory talk of how well things are going, the archons are worried as never before. And if you really understand what is going on, you will know they have valid reasons to worry, valid and grave reasons indeed.

Axiom: Take whatever archons and politicians say as meaning the opposite. Here are a few examples:

i        George Bush (representing all politicians: "Read my lips -No new taxes!" = "We are in for a tax hike."

ii        John Howard: "The economy could not be in better shape!" = "We are heading for a recession/depression."

iii        Neville Arthur Chamberlain: "There will not be war!" = "The bombing starts as soon as the bombs are loaded."

iv        US Administration about Veterans dying from Gulf War Syndrome: "There is no such disease and we are in full control!" = "We have no idea of what is going on and have no idea of what to do - besides you are expendable!"

v        Oliver North: "I acted in the interests of National Security!" = "I lied, cheated and murdered for the government and made a lot of money from it besides. Suckers!"


I write this short essay knowing full well the risk I run of boring some of you who are a little more enlightened than the spiritual donkeys at whom it is aimed. Nonetheless it is necessary to expose these Dark elements who are stirring as never before as their fear mounts.

This Newsletter, all our books, lectures, poems, etc., are all about Gnosticism, metaphysics, a Greater Reality, and about shedding Light and exposing the Untruth. They are about preparing those who are worth preparing for the eventualities of Planetary destruction while at the same time exposing the Evil Archons, demons and robots of the plane.

In using the Motto of "Take it or Leave it" I could not be fairer about the opportunity this presents to readers. However, as you will see, evil Zionists are even objecting to that motto.

Exposure of evil means exposing lies and mechanisms no matter where they occur and no matter under which name they operate. Hence in our books, we have exposed religious, scientific and mundane processes. The basis of classification of consciousness is not racial, religious, genetic or national, but ontological. This fact appears to be beyond the comprehension of the Evil ones who are liars and obfuscators.

I have previously written that ontological Zionists, who may or may not be Jews, are the Children of Darkness, children of the Lie, of Jehovah the Devil, are the archons and demons controlling this world. And I have given innumerable examples of this in our books. The fact that many are Jews is irrelevant. However, the Zionist Jews, being of Darkness and Untruth, are unable to see the Truth of this revelation and attack with all the hatred and animosity they can muster - which is a great deal, for that is the quality of their evil nature.

They do more than that as you will see. Many non-Zionists are realizing that this is so as the final world scene is being played out and we all see who is who and is doing what and where. Clairvoyance and the ability to identify consciousness ontologically is returning to us all as interdimensional barriers break down.

In regards to Jewish affairs, one of the Great Lies is the magnitude and significance of the Jewish Holocaust of WW2. I have never denied that many were treated atrociously including Poles, Russians, Jews, Gypsies, and many, many others of diverse races. War is a horrible thing. But I have attempted, through articles and the book "The Kingdom Of Zion", to place what happened into some sort of metaphysical perspective and show how victor's history has been used to distort Truth and manipulate people with these distortions.

It is the exposure of just one more mechanism of evil, just as the illegitimate establishment of the state of Israel was - by the murder of the indigenes and the theft of the land in contravention to the Balfour Declaration of 1917. These evil Zionists (again I say this is an ontological classification) have always used these evil methods.

In the case of WW2 and the Holocaust, they have destroyed valid evidence and presented their spurious stories. They have "created" evidence which suits their version of events, and having had extensive dealings with judicial processes, I know this process of creating false information and evidence is very common. They have passed laws to silence people in Germany and other places so their version cannot be disputed. They have attempted to bury the truth. In the case of Palestine, they used the same mechanism, but it has failed. Inspite of the millions of Palestinians they killed, there are enough left to remember the Truth of things, and give their version. Why do I mention this? I mention it because we can extrapolate from it. If the attempt to silence the Palestinians and to obfuscate the truth of how Israel was established is so obvious and evil and corruptive, even while dissenting Arab witnesses are alive, do you not think they would use the same evil mechanisms about the Holocaust? They stand condemned by their own evil, and are cursed by it!!

If they lied so much about Palestine, why should seekers of Truth not suspect they have lied about the Holocaust?

If they have lied so much about Iraq, why should they be believed about the Holocaust? They are children of the Lie. They are liars. Liars don't tell the truth. They tell lies!!

The Zionists bring hatred and shame to all Jews. They are the real anti-semites. They are the hateful demons controlling this plane. However, this Holocaust business is a very small percent of my writings. And while ignoring everything else I write, the mechanisms for obfuscating Truth, owned by Zionists around the world, which are there to protect the Great Lie they represent, have honed in on this section to, in some way, try and expose me as a "crack pot", their term, not mine. If I was really a crack pot they would not fear my words so much.

It appears these evil ontological Zionists - the word "evil" is really superfluous because there is no other type of Zionist - object to many things, but mainly to the essay we have posted on the Website about the Holocaust. We place it there as a flyer for the book "The Kingdom of Zion". Although I am assured by many scholars, including non-Zionist Jews, and was assured also before publication, that the veracity of the facts in that essay are indisputable, the Zionists are in a frenzy.

They label anyone who gets anywhere near the truth as "anti-semitic", as if that alone is enough for writers such as myself to disappear into smoke. How wrong they are. Initially I entertained the hateful emailers and wrote back urging them to read the books and our other works. But they appear to have refused, for they work best in Total Ignorance. I soon realized it was pointless arguing with these fools unless one wished to be classed as one. They see black as white and v.v. Why is that? It is because they are of the Anti-Truth. They are of the Evil Essence, they are of the Great Lie. They are of the anti-Christ!! That has a far more serious implication than being erroneously, but pejoratively, called an anti-semite. Whenever any who try to shed light are called this, they should realize they are getting very close to the truth.

Why should these Zionists object so much?? Why do they not believe their own diagnosis that writers like myself are "crack pots" (to them) and move on??

The answer is that they cannot afford to! They must protect the Lie of their existence and all lies in that existence, at all costs, because that is all they have!! They have nothing else. They have no Truth, no Love, no Light, no future, no compassion, no Joy!!

After posting the essay on the Holocaust, I learned that by the second email the dissenting ones sent, most were Zionist Hate-mongers who then degenerated into name-calling and "F ... " words in letters, some of which I still have in my computer. I have reprinted some of their erratic nonsense in various newsletters in the Mailbag section.

Realizing they are a lost cause who would never see Light no matter how brightly it shone, I filter them from my PC to go directly into the trash bin, for they are nothing but abusive time-wasters. However, from correspondence of genuine seekers of Truth I know what Zionists are still on about and they stand condemned by their own lies.

They have distorted my words - they do this to all the ones they target - and claim I am against Jewish people. Have you ever heard such nonsense?? They attack my personal beliefs and abilities and, of course, from what I can gather, distort what I say and write. Indeed, they judge totally in Ignorance, as fools do.

When I learned about the "Hatewatch" listing from a genuine seeker of Truth, I emailed "Hatewatch" and asked them to show me what they labelled "my anti-semitic writings". They send back snippets of my own essay. When I replied that these were facts, not anti-semitism, I heard no more. These people are hatemongers, make no mistake about it. When I heard about the Norwegian Gnostic website - it is not True Gnosticism - it is an obfuscating, Zionist-controlled destroyer of Gnostic truth, to confuse and discourage any from finding snippets of truth - I emailed them and asked them to show me where my writings are anti-semitic. I never heard from them.

From one avid reader I received enough information to know these evil vipers are misrepresenting what I write. But thank goodness it is all here in black and white and can be checked out by any who are interested. They attack my abilities, clairvoyant or otherwise, and my belief in Ufos. (Well, seeing the majority in every poll I have seen taken believe in Ufos, there is nothing strange there.)

Most of all, they are incensed by my prognostication of the End of the World. You see, if I am right about Planetary Change, I might be right about them - and they fear with the Gloom of Doom!!

However, they do not provide one bit of proof that I am wrong. All they can do is argue with self-serving false evidence about the holocaust, about this and that, - missing the Big Picture entirely. They are unable to disprove one fact of what I say as, for example, I posted in the Essay on Terminal Madness. So what have we here? We have these Evil ones denying the Truth of what is happening, and very threatened by exposure of their well-planned and embellished lies. They are so fearful, all they can do is call me names and label me anti-semitic. Is that not childish?? It's more than that of course, it is undiluted evil!

Of course they will argue till the last day. And they appear very convincing. They are very rich and resourceful and manipulate facts and create false evidence as they please. Who can forget the spurious story they put out about Jewish skin being used to make lamp shades? They would have used that to blackmail the world if a pathologist did not prove conclusively the skin was animal skin and the story a purposeful Zionist lie! The Nuremberg Trials are a great example of how they manipulate facts. Many non-Zionists resigned in disgust at the injustice and evil they witnessed during those trials.

They are great at charging others as war criminals and yet they have been the greatest war criminals in history - even killing Jesus the Christ for daring to tell the Truth!! They are the murderous Liars exposed by Jesus in the Gospel Of John, Chapter 8. They are incensed by this snippet of Truth of John's Gospel in an otherwise eclectic and grossly distorted, plagiarized book called the Bible. Hence, they, the Evil Zionists, have attempted to expunge the Gospel of John from modern Bibles and have, in fact, published or intend publishing, in Oxford I believe, a version without the facts in the Gospel of John which they find offensive. Who are the deniers of Truth then? Who, then, are the re-writers of history?? In doing just that they are providing living proof that Jesus was right!!

You know they are the archons, the Sons of Darkness, of the Ghoul, Mammon, on this plane, and that they control virtually every aspect of the physical existence. They control the media, education, finances, banks, governments, universities, industry, food production and distribution, the judiciary, medicine, the cartels, etc., etc. Doubt that and you are not fully informed. If you have had any experience with the media, you will know how they manipulate facts and distort, maliciously and purposely. These Zionists do it at every opportunity. They are liars, Children of the Lie, and cannot tolerate Truth. Never forget that Evil is being totally destroyed and transmuted. That is the whole point of the Correction we are undergoing.

As we demonstrated in "The Kingdom of Zion", they have followed, to the letter, the path prescribed by the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Once these implicating texts were discovered, lying again in defence, they call them forgeries. Well, upon such so-called forgeries is their own destruction based!!

What are these people in the flesh? They can be of any race, of any nationality, of any colour. But many of them are Jews. That is a fact of life. Stating that hardly makes me anti-semitic, now does it?

Many of the Jews I have met in this work I am doing are gentle, loving people. Many others I met in medicine and the judiciary are like the majority of the population. I have been blessed to know some of the ones on this path seeking truth and love and they are certainly not ontological Zionists. The Evil Zionists I have met, whether Jewish, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Vietnamese, Anglo-Saxon, French, German, etc., etc., are hateful, spiteful, greedy liars. And I have an email section full of their rantings.

They control this world mainly by finances. Now that the Financial Being is all but dead, they will lose their advantage and be reduced to an equal level where they will be trodden into the dust by the Terminal Madness of the Endtime suffered by all those of Untruth!!

Either they or I can be correct, not both. Only one version of the truth can be correct. Either my words are true or theirs are. None of us will have to wait long to see who is correct. In the meantime, those with Truth, Honesty and Love in their hearts claim they see these qualities in these writings. And I know this is so, for I have seen it innumerable times. In those evil Zionists, - again I say, this is an ontological classification -I have seen only denial of Truth, hatred, venom, ill-will and murder in their hearts. I am here on this plane to witness their total spiritual destruction!

They are Hell-bound (is that not a good phrase?) to prove me wrong. They cannot do this, of course, because what I say is becoming self-evident Truth daily. But they are programmed to protect the Untruth, the Great Lie they represent, until their very end. This being the case, we can call them recalcitrant fools, deniers, liars and stupid robots and demons as well. They have been so used to getting their way (even though the Jews as a race - the non-Zionist ones -have suffered terribly) in this Kingdom of Mammon where they have reigned supreme, that they now cannot reconcile the fact that they are finished - physically, mentally and spiritually - forever!!

What will be, will be. And no amount of their spurious argumentativeness will change that!

Their latest "push", from what I can gather, from a copy sent to me by one of our valued readers, is to "educate" me their way. For that "educate" read "program, pollute and indoctrinate" with their evil lies and Untruth - they have as much chance of succeeding in that as a snow flake has of existing in Hell!

The Zionists are all about hiding the truth. As you know from all the other aspects of my writings I am all about revealing the Truth. If they were right, nothing would be happening to the planet. We would all be working in ignorance under their yoke and we would continue to be exploited as previously.

The fact that so many things ARE happening as I enumerated in the Essay on Terminal Madness and in all our books suggests that I am right, that things are developing as I say they will, and very fast at that.

The answer of who is right seems to be a forgone conclusion if you perceive truthfully. Who are you going to rely on to tell you what is really going on - The Children of the Lie who can do nothing but lie or the Revealer of Truth, as I have been, in all modesty, countlessly noted to be?

I repeat: The world is fragmenting in all aspects. You can prove this for yourselves. It is not as the Zionists say it is at all. They lie. It is as I say it is, for the very reasons I give. And one of those reasons is that the Zionists are liars and murderers of truth and men. There is no other reality outside of these words. Deniers live in an evil illusion, and are terrified by the Greater Reality I bring, for it shatters their illusion. Hence, their actions are fragmentary, and of insanity, as they sink into the Terminal Madness of the Endtime. They will be seen to be the "crack pots". They will be seen to be the insane ones. And they will fear, more and more as each day passes, with the morbid fear of the damned, for that is what they are: damned! Time will prove me right as nothing else can!

So as to leave you in no doubt that these Zionists are trouble-makers and hate-mongers, liars and guardians of untruth, who use deceitfulness and mendaciousness as their tools of trade, consider this final point. When Phil Mathews who started all this embroglio first wrote to me via email and I tried to reason with him, he was bordering on illiteracy, and I have the emails to prove it. In fact, some of you may remember I commented on this very fact that he did not know how to spell or construct a proper sentence. From those initial times he has obviously obtained professionally prepared letters from the hate promoters, such as Hatewatch and other nefarious Zionist groups, and he is passing them off as his own. How is that for deceitfulness and dishonesty? The comparative differences between his real letters and these prepared letters from the greater archons are too obvious for even a child to miss. But, being first class liars, they cheat as they always have cheated.

Are we supposed to believe that these people will tell us the truth of something which benefits them and disadvantages everyone else when they cheat with such obvious ploys?? We would be real "crack pots" if we believed them, would we not be?

Their time is up. They are not fooling anybody, not even the non-Zionist Jews they have trapped in their midst. That is why there is so much friction between Zionists and non-Zionist Jews everywhere around the world, especially in Israel. But, pity Zionists not. They have had countless chances to alter their evil nature and they have refused everytime. Now they pay the price of being cursed by their own evilness.

This deceitfulness of ontological Zionists did not begin this century or with the distorted story of a holocaust. It has been part of their nature since the dawn of time in this dimension. In this epoch we have their Old Testament to prove they are pilferers, plagiarizers, re-writers of history and liars. The Old Testament is stolen Gnostic material, distorted beyond recognition almost. I have given details in "Death of an Evil God".

The Cabala is stolen Gnostic mysticism and then distorted to suit. Zionist history in the Old texts is rewritten nonsense which is at variance with other sources. Now you know why Jesus called them liars and murderers of Truth and men. These people who want the rest of humanity to be blackmailed by their spurious version of events are of the same evil essence. Now do you see why Evil must be eradicated from creation by the process of Correction I have explained in detail?

They use the story of the spurious aspects of the so-called holocaust to exploit maximally. Writers such as myself have no reason to write about this topic other than to expose the evil and bring the Truth to light. There is no gain, personal or otherwise, apart from exposing the untruth. They, instead, have a vested interest in keeping the illusion, the fraud, the Great Lies, alive as long as possible for they feed on the suffering and guilt they impose with their untruth.

If they care so much about the spurious figure of 6 million, why do they not exert 3 and one half times the effort to keep the memory of the real 20 million Russians who perished? Why can the Poles, the Gypsies, and others, not be honoured along with their dead? Because they do not want their lie mixed with truth is the real answer. Enough of these spiritually cancerous Zionists. Their end has come!

Why did it all happen?

Zionists never address adequately the reason why Jews have been hated and scorned throughout history and evicted from many lands, the former Prussian Empire being just the latest. The Jewish population gets the blame for the miserable actions of the ontological Zionists in their midst who, by the iniquitous use of their evil usury, usually manage to destroy the societies they infiltrate. This was no exception when the countries of the Prussian Empire let them enter their boundaries in unprecedented numbers last century.

With a malicious stranglehold via the control of the judiciary, education, finances, universities, etc., the Germanic people felt the stranglehold of Zionist control and on top of the perceived harshness of the Treaty of Versailles which was forced upon them with the loss in WW1, they felt increasing resentment to the people who were destroying their society as they saw it. Thus they referred to the "Jewish Problem" in their courts, education, banks, religious institutions etc. Problems such as this do not occur in a vacuum. Hence the backlash to Jews generally, when it should have been to Zionists in their midst. And in turn, the evil Zionists were quite willing to allow the non-Zionist Jews to be used as pawns to gain their nefarious ends, including the establishment of Israel. They blocked all offers of help from others for the evicted Jews so that they could usurp Palestine.

What they did to the European states with their usury they have done now or attempted to do to many other nations using more subtle methods, including always their practice of USURY via the World Bank, the IMF, etc., etc. They are more subtle now because they use shelf companies, puppets companies, Nominee Companies, etc., but those in the know still know who is behind their shenanigans. Many including Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Malaysian PM Mahatir, have spoken out against them and paid a heavy price. But, having a stranglehold on many countries does not mean that the populations of those countries will not revolt when the time comes. As financial collapse occurs, the masses, affected by the instability of inadequate supplies and suffering the Terminal Madness of the Endtime will turn on the archons. The tragedy is that not realizing the ontological Zionists are to blame, they will turn on Jews indiscriminately.

I remember well earlier this year that many people resented the fact as reported by the "Jewish News" that 80% of Jews in Australia were millionaires and that it was a wonderful time for Jews to be born, as more and more of the Australian population irretrievably sinks into stark poverty. Such insensitively expressed arrogance in a country where Zionist interests control almost everything will give rise to a backlash of holocaust proportions when the time is ripe. The phenomenon of Hansonism, already being labelled anti-semitic - it should be anti-Zionist - as we witnessed recently, much to our horror in the recent Queensland state election, is a sign of this anti-Zionist thrust to come. Are the stupid and very evil Zionists going to blame me for that too?

The members of the Counterfeit Creation are in self-destructive mode, as are the Zionist archons.

Axiom: Do not argue with fools, for in doing so,
you will run the risk of being taken as one!

Axiom: Do not take any evidence presented to you at face value, for this is the Plane of Illusion, Dishonesty and Deception, and it will be more than likely false evidence!!

The discovery of VX tainted Iraqi warheads by the US in June 1998, almost 8 years after the Gulf War is a classic, classic example of the creation of False Evidence and a damning tribute to the Liars of this Depravity!!


Poem 295 from my Poetry Book, Volume 6.


Well, well, will you not now look a while and see?

The Evil Zionists as a "crack-pot" want to label me.

Now let me see, let me see, let me think properly.

Surely this, a correct label, for me cannot be.

Indeed, from what I have experienced, I have

absolutely no doubt, no doubt whatsoever, that

I have been honoured by an indubitably Higher Order

with the guardianship of many a Gnostic Key

with which to make sense, for those who would listen,

of all the Worldly Madness and solve each mystery

which plagues us on this level, making life a misery.

And with the Gnostic information of this valued Key,

many are undoubtably enlightened, listening to me.

Now if that is so, hardly a "crack-pot" can I be.

I am, as I see it, of service to gentry who sincerely

seek the Truth and Wisdom of a Greater Reality.

Now I ask you and you must answer wisely, sincerely:

"Can one do that easily, delving in crack-pot-tery?"

I don't think so. Hence, my valid conclusion is that

these evil Zionists have labelled me in the fancy of

their full Ignorance, wanting to attack me pejoratively.

Apart from the Keys, and the knowledge they contain,

I expose very Evil Beings no matter where they be.

And I do this with these writings ever so efficiently

as you can tell from their unjustified attacks on me.

If they were not evil and malicious, they would not

reveal themselves as being such demons of Iniquity.

Hence, again I say they are wrong, wrong, wrong, in

labelling me a "crack-pot", as you can readily see.

The final part now we have reached very promptly.

If I am not a "crack-pot", just who could I be?

Well, the answer also depends on your nature really.

If you are not evil and are still a viable consciousness,

who can live spiritually in Love, Peace and harmony,

I am the one who can give you the information to

survive in this hell, this stinking Ghoul's Depravity,

until it is time for ME to transport you out of here,

into the Dimension New, prepared for ones like thee.

But if you are EVIL, if you are a Zionist, regardless

of race, of no other nature can you possibly be.

I am, for you, the worst nightmare in your history,

for I, and the Message, with which I have been

charged, pronounce your spiritual end invariably.

Hence, transmuted into nothingness you shall be,

all due to your own evilness, which will cause you to

suffer many times what others suffered from thee.

No "crack-pot" I know could claim to have in a matter

of such profound seriousness, such responsibility.

Those who persist in offending, being of evil's malady,

have been warned many times of what is now to be.

They can no other blame for their fate which is final:

a horrible, self-imposed, painful transmutability.

Alas, all the greater is the tragedy of their travesty

in that they, instead of listening to my message really,

seek only to mock me and my proposition of Reality.

I will just let them be; let them sink into the Terminal

Madness of the Endtime, into the realms of Depravity.

Let them suffer the nightmares of their iniquity.

They are but Shadows of a vile, malicious Parody

which can never again appear in God's Reality.

And for this due thanks are offered to the Highest

Mind by those of Light, of Purity, and of Honesty.

All that now remains is for all of us to witness the

end of this Celestial Error which was doomed to end

from its nascent days in fateful, painful calamity,

taking with it all the Counterfeits it spawned to whom

it falsely promised that which could never ever be:

Rule over the Theomorphs trapped in the bowels of

this vile, evil Enmity, built corruptly and dishonesty.

What fools these failed shells, theses Shadows of

Corruption, of Deceitfulness and of Malice were really.

What fools they still are, in wanting to argue with me

that this, which I describe, cannot be, even as the very

mechanisms I prophesied are engulfing and rushing

them inexorably to meet their fatal Doom in Destiny.

It was all a matter of timing can you not see?

No other way was it ever planned or going to be.

No other way shall it be.

All of Evil have a fate that is sealed.

They shall all end in tragic circumstance,

self-imposed by their deceitfulness and Evil ontology.

Nothing can I add, for it is indeed a fait accompli!!

Finally, allow me to say that I write this poem not

because I am upset by the childish name-calling

Zionists engage in, but rather because I believe

wholeheartedly that the Truth must be presented at

all times now, clearly, unambiguously, triumphantly,

so that all may see It, no matter where, or in what

circumstance on this doomed orb, they physically be.


A Malicious, Nazi State with institutionalized racism.

Having been maliciously called an anti-semite by Zionists who are of the essence of Untruth, I shall use all opportunities to expose their nefarious ways. This is just another example:

An Arab father, in wanting the best eduction for his daughter has gone to the Israeli Supreme Court to gain the right to buy a house in the Jewish town near him. He was told Arabs could not buy houses or land there, hence in order to have this racist attitude which is Jewish LAW overturned, he has taken the legal action to the highest court in the land. The individual case is not as important as the significance of the evil spirit of the Zionists is. It has allowed the whole world to see how racist they really are when it is they most times who cry "Foul and anti-semite" about others attacking them racially.

The 1917 Balfour Agreement, which acted as the legal foundation for the entry of Jews into Palestine, expressly and clearly stated that the social and religious rights of non-Jewish groups in Palestine were NOT to be prejudiced.

And yet they were, and are, in a manner which is barbarically evil. While thousands upon thousand of books such as Exodus, and hundreds upon hundreds of films of that ilk present grossly pro-Zionist propaganda and are supposed to blackmail us into feeling sorry for the Jews and Zionists, the reality was, and is, quite the opposite. Zionists have pursued a rough genocide against the Palestinians, bombing their villages, raping their women, murdering all they could find, in order to clear the land for themselves. This is well documented and it highlights the evilness of their thinking.

These Zionists are so racist and such liars, and distort the truth so much, how can anyone believe anything they say? How can one believe their Old Testament which is rewritten garbage? How can one believe anything they say about the Second World War Holocaust? One cannot. They are of the same ilk called liars and murderers of men and the Truth by One of indisputable Truth and Light - Jesus the Christ, no less.

Zionists are the racists, they are the manipulators, they are the ones who use usury to destroy families and nations. They, acting against the better interests of non-Zionist Jews everywhere, are the true, evil anti-semites.

Just a cursory read of "The Zionist Connection" by the non-Zionist Jew Lilienthal will provide you with all the evidence you need to conclude that statement is accurate! I have explained my definitions of Zionists and Jews in these newsletters and I urge readers to read them if they are not familiar with those definitions.

Being exposed for what they are - evil, and knowing that all evil is being destroyed, what do you think will happen to these Zionists? Indeed in fulfilment of a prophecy buried deep within their own culture, of which they are well aware, the masses will, in some day soon, rise against them and tear them to pieces for their mendaciousness and spiritual malignity.

They have only themselves to blame!!

A Recent poll in Israel highlighted by the ABC's TV journalistic program "Foreign Correspondent" on June 2, 1998 revealed that Jews thought the greatest threat to Israel came from other Jews. While the classifications of Orthodox, Ultra-orthodox and Secular serve some purpose on this level to demarcate the factions, it is not sufficient to fully explain why the conflict between Jew and Jew exists. For a complete explanation we have to recognize the fact that some are non-Zionist Jews while the others who oppose them are very vicious, anti-semitic, Zionist Jews.



On the Notion that Zionists are the most anti-semitic effect and the most destructive element for Jews, consider this book review of the book "Adolf Hitler -- Founder of Israel". While it is a bit hard to read, as it is a translation, it is rather informative. It describes Hitler's background and early life up until his end. The premise is that Hitler and all of his top associates were part (or fully) Jewish, including Hermann Hess, Reinhard Heydrich, Joseph Goebbels, Hans Frank, Eichmann, E. Braun, etc. The author, Kardel, says that the anti-semitic indoctrination of the German people was conducted by Jews (none of whom admitted to their Jewish ancestry), under assumed names. They published magazines and books etc. condemning the Jews. Apparently their motive was to try to purge Europe of the "undesirable" Jews, the "Sephardim" or Eastern Jews. The Western Jews or "Ashkenazi" were the Zionist elite in Germany, and controlled the economy and banking. Hitler got the Zionist Jews, especially the international bankers, to finance his efforts, long before WW II, to relocate the Jews to Palestine. They paid countless millions, and the indoctrination against the Jews was escalated (by the Zionist Jews in Germany) accordingly. During the war, the Gestapo worked closely with the Jewish Hagana and Mossad to smuggle Jews into Palestine, as the British rebelled against the idea of letting the Jews have their Israel (the British wanted to try to maintain control over the oil in the region).

So, the story in this book is essentially that Hitler did his best to try to relocate the Jews to their own homeland in Palestine, which efforts were thwarted during his lifetime, but which succeeded shortly thereafter. He was said to have thought he was doing God's will in ridding Europe of the Jews, who were seen as pests and parasites, and in trying to separate the races. (As I have previously said, the problem was actually deeper than a racial issue.)

A direct quote from the book: "The birth of the man, who is celebrated at Christmas, has the greatest meaning to us, the National Socialists. Christ was the greatest protagonist of a struggle against the worldwide Jewish enemy. He had the nature of the most superb fighter who ever lived on this Earth. I will conclude the work of Christ which he could not finish."

Hitler was well aware of the takeover of Russia and the Soviet states by the Jews in their Bolshevik revolution, and knew that all of the top communists were Jews. This was the main focus of his efforts, to keep the same thing from happening in Germany and the rest of Europe. He actually admired and had no interest in ever fighting England, France, etc. His focus was the Jews from the East (many of whom had relocated in Germany after WW I). He wanted to send them all back "to the desert."

As an aside, the book observes that Hitler was slowly poisoned by his (Zionist Jewish) physician over the years, with strychnine and various drugs, which visibly ruined Hitler's health and changed his personality (and he became quite addicted). The doctor made millions selling medicines and phoney lice treatment powders to soldiers, setting up drug companies, etc. He was allowed to keep all his money after the war, when he declared himself to be the "patriotic resistance fighter" who destroyed Hitler.

As I have said repeatedly, many make the
mistake of equating Jews with the evil
Zionists, without discrimination, and this
can cause and has caused, many, many problems.



As the Australian Dollar slid to 62 US cents, the government released figures of economic growth being 4.9 to 5%. Within 24 hours the dollar lost another 2 cents. This currency loss is a true reflection of the drowning economy. Figures governments release are often false and rubbery. Dishonesty reigns supreme! Since then the dollar has gone to 60 cents - then 58 cents. It was 80 US cents 18 months ago! And growth forecasts have been revised downwards as the reality of a failing economy bites. Western Australia is already officially in recession.

The talk now is that Japan and Eastern Asia are in a depression which will engulf the whole world in due course. In mid-June, as you well know, the US pumped $4 billion into the Japanese economy to prevent the yen sliding further. This is really a pathetically inadequate attempt to prevent the inevitable. It is like painting a patient's lips with a redder lipstick so she will look better as she bleeds to death, exsanguinating from a ruptured spleen. It is all a dressage for show. Besides, do you really think the US wants the yen to survive? They are only worried in case it affects the US economy - which it will. Had they been serious about sustaining a reasonable yen, US business and the Administration would not have attacked it relentlessly all during the last decade as they did with their xenophobic call to industrial action (mainly aimed at the Japanese) for a better America!

As the $AU dropped to US 58 cents, currency speculators in New York admitted in TV interviews that they were responsible for the drop and that they wanted to maximize their profits after the losses they sustained in the Asian Tiger collapses. So, Malaysia's Prime Minister, Mahatir, was right after all! We all remember well how he was attacked personally for daring to suggest this was the case, and how the archons denied any such thing. They branded him anti-semitic to shut him up, and all the while he was right and the deniers were guilty!

Now that it is in the open, the currency speculators, led by the likes of George Soros, the Zionist I had referred to previously, as had Mahatir, have no qualms about saying they are the destroyers of currencies and the people whose countries they target, and have no qualms about admitting they do not care about the social consequences of their actions. They said so in those words in the interviews.

And as the Japanese yen drowns, the US was initially hubristic in the extreme, saying it has nothing to do with it, and that the Japanese will not be helped by them. Again I ask: Do you remember the grossly xenophobic attacks on Japan in the US less than 10 years ago? And do you remember how the yen was targeted by the US and the IMF for being so much better than the US dollar in what its value represented? Match what was said and done then to what the US says now and you have a big, big, lie and great hypocrisy.

The Financial Being is dying and all are involved. It's only a matter of time before world-wide collapse. The fear is that China will devalue its currency and steal markets from the West, the US and Japan, thus causing further economic downturns. It will happen inspite of what assurances nations give and the resulting economic decay will be fertile pathological grounds for WW3 which is fast approaching with the military threats in Kosovo, the Zionist malignity in Palestine, the rise of Islamic Militancy around the, as yet unsettled, dust of the Pakistani nuclear bomb, etc.

It has emerged that Israel gave technical assistance for India's development of its nuclear and missile capability - to counter the Islamic States, no doubt. And the push by the US to befriend Iran is an all too obvious act of hypocritical duplicity, trying to curtail Pakistani goodwill in the region, now that the Pakistanis have nuclear status. But it is too little, too late.

Iran will not be used by the US against its fellow Islamic neighbour Pakistan, as Iraq was used by the West against them. Besides, the horror of American sanctions and arrogance has carved deep wounds into the psyche of these people who will seek vengeance when the time is right, especially as their minds fragment with the Terminal Madness of the Endtime.

The apparent about face with Iraq, and the suggestion that the lifting of sanctions is months away, and the wishy-washy, chilly-warm suggestion by Butler that a solution is possible to the arms hunt, is also an exercise in expediency as the US tries to find a way out of the mire of a nuclear capable Middle East, and a way out of a war it cannot win.

But, of course, it will be pushed into it, by its economic failure at home in due course, and by the perverse arrogance of Israel against the Arabs. Israel is already being seen as an embarrassment to the USA. Sooner rather than later, the Zionists will push beyond the limit in the area and war will be on for one and all. The US will have no alternative but to enter the self-destructive fray. By then a non-cerebrating Yeltsin will have been deposed and a Russia hostile to the West will need to be countered. Such moves, already signalled by the stance Russia is taking in the region of the former Yugoslavia, can only heat up the contest which no one will win.

As the World enters financial self-destructive mode, it will precipitate into military self-destructive mode as an unavoidable sequential corollary. Fragmenting minds in impoverished bodies are easier to motivate to fatalistic action than when those minds are satiated by the illusion of wealth. Alas, as more and more sink into poverty everywhere around the world, - apart from, for now, a privileged few - the illusion of well-being will be burst with painful consequences, and scapegoats will be sought. Intra-nationally they will be found within minority groups in the countries affected as the recent horrifying Hanson Divisive Effect has demonstrated in Australia, as the riots against the Chinese demonstrated in Indonesia, etc.

Beyond national borders, xenophobic tendencies in those who feel they have been unjustly treated in the past will give rise to militarism which must, perforce of Terminal Madness of the Endtime, be vented as war on "them out there who done us wrong"! The reality of all this is obvious to true perceivers. Canada has a record low dollar and South Africa has a record low rand. As I stated previously, Europe and the remaining countries will follow. The US cannot, will not escape! The IMF and World Bank are already lamenting the fact that they cannot cope with the financial disasters and that they simply do not have enough money to assist every country which needs their exploitative assistance. The fact that they are a basic cause of currency collapses and destruction of indigenes in the countries they exploit escapes no one who truly knows the behind-the-scenes moves.

Note that there appears to be no reasonably logical explanation of why this financial collapse is occurring around the world. The trigger is the currency speculators practising their dirty tricks as they always have, but the continuation for the deterioration, the degree, and the ubiquitous nature alarm them, for they realize the processes are out of control and they have no means to regain control. The real reason is as esoteric as the process is unstoppable.

In this last month, in a complete turnaround, Alan Greenspan of the USA has been crowing about how strong the US economy is. It is all "Pride before the Fall". Even now, in June 1998, 33% of world is either in recession or in depression.



I now want to use another more mundane example of the fraudulence and dishonesty of this plane and demonstrate how it abuses truths to fool people. This type of example may well be part of your experience in life. We should not have to tolerate such dishonesty, but realize that the world, being as evil as it is, produces such examples in every sphere of endeavour, as you very well know. Just think of drug companies, lying politicians, corrupt Judiciaries, mendacious lawyers, deceitful Insurance companies, the murderously lying Tobacco Companies, etc., etc.

The Australian National Heart Foundation has been in the practice of giving approval to various food items which then display a tick on their packaging and claim such approval (and all the health benefits implied) on their packages. This practice is probably common to many countries around the Western World. One would think this is all about health and heart disease. But that is not the case at all. It is all about money and fierce retail competition fought on the dishonest bases on which all the realm rests!

It appears that companies BUY the "approval rating", at quite a cost by the way, and recently this has developed into a fracas because the implication has been, indirectly through advertising, that those food stuffs which did not have the National Heart Foundation's seal of Approval were somehow inferior. That is certainly not so. All the "approval tick" means is that the product's manufacturer has paid money for the "approval tick" which it can display on its packaging. But this is certainly not made clear to the consumer who is not expected to know the degree of healthiness in comparable products, even though many do.

I will illustrate the point using Kellog's "Cornflakes" and its rival "Weetbix". The former has the National Heart Foundation's tick. The latter does not. The former had gone to great lengths to demonstrate, by using its "tick", that it is a superior food. In fact, it is a very poor second best. It has a far more injurious simple sugar content, far more injurious salt and far less fibre than Weetbix which is a superior food for those reasons. Kellog's advertisements display the Heart Foundation's approval and have knowingly pointed to the fact that Weetbix does not have it, as an implication of superiority. The reason "Weetbix", until recently at any rate, did not have it, is that it had not paid the huge amount of money to get it. The advertisements always suggest Kellog's Cornflakes are better because they "taste better" and not that they are better - which they are not! Of course they taste better. They are full of injurious sugar! That does not mean they are better! So, we have misleading advertising, dishonest misrepresentation, confusion of consumers and success of the liars over the truth. As I said, such examples are in every sphere of human endeavour on this plane. Now do you see why I and all other Gnostics call it fraudulent and dishonest?

If the system does this with simple breakfast cereals, imagine what it does with more serious stuff. Imagine what it has done to gain more of your time, money and energy. The exploitation, the dishonesty and the deception are horrendous, injurious, murderous even, and never-ending. Now do you see why it must all go? If manufacturers do this with simple cereals, imagine what they do with drugs, with vaccines, with medicines, with unsafe products. You know what they did with tobacco. The British Surgeon General revealed tobacco smoking caused cancer in the 1950s, yet the tobacco lobby was able to confuse the issue for half a century, and even now it is winning, having abandoned monetary settlements which were minuscule compared to the profits and damage it has reaped. Is it not nauseating to know that some still sing even more loudly "What a wonderful World", as humanity sinks slowly into the slime of its own ignorance, corruption and depravity!

On my first visit to India almost a generation ago, I was shocked that stores openly sold a drug called BTZ, an anti-inflammatory, which has very serious and often fatal aplastic anaemia as a side-effect, to any purchaser who requested it. There were no restrictions and no warnings of its side-effects which also include the possibility of gastric ulceration which is quite common. The people were catered for, in their full ignorance, in the interest of profits. Do you think the drug company concerned cared? Do you think they care in the West? Do you really think they test all products to a satisfactory level? You do? Well wake up! You are dreaming. Come back to the real world where dishonesty rules and the rush for profits is the supreme contest among Evil sycophants!

As a rule of thumb, it is a good idea to be suspicious in proportion to the glossiness of the advertisement for a product. Politicians win because of the money they spend on campaigns, not on the worth of their words. Al Gore is said to be bending backwards to Zionist interests in Washington, inspite of what he would want to believe, because he knows he cannot even run, let alone win the Presidential election, without their monetary donations to his campaign.

These aspirants beg corruption and fraud even before they start, for they know in this world it is not truth and honesty that wins but untruth, greed, dishonesty, and the unholy dollars these provide. And the bigger the lies they can muster, the more they know they will be believed, for the plane thrives on corruption and dishonesty.

One other example: General Electric (G.E.) had the warmest and most appealing of all the advertisements on US television as I remember years ago. In fact, it may still produce them in that genre. G.E. must have thought it was a pity then that a documentary was produced which exposed General Electric as never before, as the most hypocritical violator of pollution laws in the US, having dumped innumerable drums of toxic waste everywhere around the US, which were spilling and poisoning people's lives in umpteen places. Yet from the advertisements, you would think General Electric was God's industrial gift to Mankind from whom nothing but bountiful goodness flowed. The archons who run these industrial giants and most other companies, institutions, governments, etc., etc., are evil rats and they will never change. And even after a few of them are caught sometimes, they restart to deceive people once again at the very first opportunity. The number of examples similar to the actions of G.E. are innumerable, as you surely know, and I am sure all of you could write books on the personal experiences of this deception you have witnessed in your lives! It is all the more tragic because governments and officials whom the people elect to protect them actually protect the crooks who bribe them with a few dollars. Indeed, Mammon rules, but not for much longer.

Having started off with the mundanely simple subject of cereals, I have attempted to highlight the basic dishonesty of this plane. Multiply such dishonesty in all the feats of human endeavour that affect your life and mine and you see how this existence is an affront to the True God and His Truth.

Life is lived this way and when unawakened, we are forced to accept it as the best of all words, as the unchangeable status quo. Tradesmen cheat you if they can, lawyers cheat every day in corrupt courts of law where judges are bought and sold too. Used car salesmen are more esteemed than real estate agents, politicians and sacerdotes in some areas. The whole of this Counterfeit Creation is built on matter which precipitates to a basic, selfish dishonesty, made ever so essential in the competitive evil world of reproduction, survival and nurturing.

In the highest physical strata of humanity, this tendency, even when survival is secured, expresses itself in the form of avarice and hoarding, to the detriment of others. It is called clever, cunning competition of the market place when it is between cereal producing companies, but it is still dishonesty and the purposeful manipulation of Truth. It is still the triumph of Untruth over Truth and that is the problem and basis of this existence. When it comes to selfishness and wealth accumulation en masse, from a tribal or nationalistic sense, this same principle precipitates into WAR - religious-based, territorially-based, oil-based, or any other resource-based. Hence the genocidal actions in Palestine, in Rwanda, in Sierra Leone, in Sri Lanka, in East Timor, in the USA against its natives, in Australia against its aborigines, in South Africa against its indigenes, in Canada against its natives, in the former Yugoslavia against its Muslims, etc., etc., are based on the same principle we see behind the mild-mannered cereal commercials on our idiot box and their so-called friendly competition. Let this be a reminder to you, of the nature of the ruling essence of this realm, when you sit down to eat your cereal breakfast, so that you will not forget why I, and many others, call this doomed place HELL!



*        Terminal Madness of the Endtime and deteriorating conditions affect animals everywhere also: In Yosemite National Park, the Black Bears are getting more aggressive about getting food from humans. They now have learned to tear the doors off cars in search of food. Last year they did half a million dollars damage and park officials are expecting considerably more problems this year, compounded by the increase in the bear population.

*        Road rage: A truck broke down in a toll booth, another driver, incensed at the delay, fatally shot the driver.

*        Backing Losers: Have noticed an increasing number of moves by Newt Gingrich to gain Netanyahu's favour (and thus the aggressive Zionists). His latest act was to attend the parade commemorating the Zionists taking control of Jerusalem, and commenting that the U.S. (meaning President Clinton and the State Dept.) should stay out of Israel's affairs and not try to dictate the peace process.

*        A Los Angeles investigation showed 1/2 of the auto repair shops in LA cheat with charges for unneeded work. The results were the same for both local repair shops and the national repair chains. Many free inspections resulted in finding $500 or more of "unneeded work".

*        Looks like things are happening to get Clinton fully exposed soon, with Monica supposedly now ready to cut a deal. The Washington Post is reporting that Clinton hired investigators when the news of Monica first broke several months back, in order to dig up any dirt on her to discredit her if she turned on Clinton.

*        Russia is a basket case no matter which parameters are used to assess it and it is being mismanaged by Yeltsin - an even more serious basket case, while the Russian Zionists laugh all the way to the bank as they strip everything of worth from this country's heart and soul!

*        "Violence, Racism and Xenophobia are indelibly embedded in the psyche of the English, as is well revealed by the English football hooligans." No, this is not a bit of pommy bashing on the side. It is an extract from the editorial of the Economist, an English publication, condemning its own evilness.

*        The scientific debate about consciousness rages as never before. The deniers that consciousness is totally a separate issue from the body insist they in all their ignorance are the enlightened ones. Have I not told you repeatedly this is the plane of Ignorance and perversity?



*        Viagra news: California's Kaiser Medical (world's largest HMO) has announced that it will not pay for Viagra. And the governor of the state of Indiana has announced that the state Medicaid will not pay for Viagra. These two announcements caused the stock of Pfizer to drop. Meantime there are now 16 deaths caused by Viagra.

*        Prostitutes in Italy are advertising the availability of Viagra for older clients in the hope of increasing their income. Viagra there is controlled by the Mafia already, as are drugs such as somatostatin which Prof Luigi di Bella of Modena, Italy, prescribes for his cancer sufferers. Where there is a dollar to be made, you will find corruption and dishonesty. What else is new?

*        Signs of the inexorable fracture are unavoidable: Queenslanders have been warned about the health hazards of rodents- rats and mice - which are swamping the state.

*        The Courier Mail of June 8 reported increasing drug abuse by doctors in Australia is becoming a great concern.

*        A more virulent form of Foot and Mouth disease is causing fatal encephalitis in children of Asia.

*        New Disease: A new virus has crossed the species barrier. Researchers at the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute in Camden, NSW, have reported a new virus (in the family of Paramyxoviridae) affecting stillborn piglets. Infected workers suffer fever, malaise, chills, severe headache, myalgia and rigors. (Medical Observer, June 12, 1998, page 13.)

*        Doctors in San Francisco and elsewhere are reporting that the protease inhibitors used to fight AIDS seem to be causing growths of fatty tissue. Some of these have been quite large, the size of apples, and are usually on the surface. The largest type is referred to as a "buffalo hump".

*        Allen Greenberg, head of a major investment firm (his bonus last year was $20 million), and supporter of many pro-Israel charities, has given $1 million for providing Viagra to men whose low income or medical plan coverage precludes them from getting it. He said that all men deserve a successful sex life.

*        In the US, drug and alcohol arrests on campuses have risen for the 5th straight year. In a previous newsletter I said the breweries and drug companies want us all drunk and taking drugs. That is because the populace is easier to manipulate and program, pollute and indoctrinate when it is drunk, stuporous and stupid. Consider these sobering statistics: Alcohol and drug abuse cost the USA $246 billion in 1992. That worked out to $965 for every man, woman and child in the country. For 1995, cost was $276 billion. Alcohol abuse represents about 60% of the cost, while drug abuse and dependence are responsible for the rest. The study which gave these figures indicates that emergence of health problems from the cocaine and HIV epidemics during this period substantially increased drug-related costs to society. Some of the costs of alcohol abuse included lost productivity due to illness or early death, health care costs, property damage and crime. For drugs, more than half the costs came from drug-related crime. Much of the economic burden of alcohol and drug problems falls on the population that does not abuse alcohol and drugs.

*        A 3,000 student demonstration turned into a riot at Michigan State University following an Administrative decision to ban alcohol at tailgate parties during the football season because there is a feeling that binge drinking is out of control.

*        Painkillers put millions at risk of ulcers. Gastro-intestinal complications caused by the painkillers lead to approximately 76,000 hospitalizations and 7,600 deaths annually - a death rate comparable to that of asthma, cervical cancer or skin cancer, reported Dr. Jay Goldstein, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

*        Dog Food: Rubbish is being passed off by major companies as supposedly quality dog food under the lax US requirements. Some are of the opinion that vets and the vet hospitals get people to buy the WORST foods - often at a premium plus a kickback for the vet - and thus the vets guarantee that the animals will have skin problems, hair loss problems, and worse. It is really a self-serving racket that is causing the animals to suffer unnecessarily and costing huge vet bills as well. An example: Science Diet, which many vets sell for $38 a bag (with a $12 kickback) is mostly corn, soy, and peanut shells. Soy suppresses the skin's ability to heal and thus a flea bite turns into a hot spot, etc. Corn and peanut shells are mostly bulk. Consumer Reports Magazine rated it the worst, but the vets rate it the best. Another example: Ethoxyquin, which is used as a preservative in many dog foods, was developed years ago by Monsanto as a preservative for rubber and latex. It has been proven to cause lumps/growths which can become malignant. Yet, despite calls by the breeders and others, the manufacturers continue to use ethoxyquin in their products. As far as I know, Ethoxyquin is banned in Australia and is listed as a poison on the US Poison Hotline. Some children have been poisoned eating ethoxyquin-treated dog food.



Again I repeat the warning I gave on page one: If letters to the editor do not have your name and a valid legal address, I will not even think of answering your letters! The time for catering to pusillanimous fools is well and truly over!

To one chap who said via email that he refused to take my Essay on Terminal Madness of the Endtime seriously because I had not mentioned Jesus specifically, I wrote this reply: What do you think the word "Christ" in the essay means? Alfred the Great? Who do you think would destroy evil - Bart Simpson? Why are you restricting yourself to words and the indoctrination of pseudo-christianity? What if you were a Jew or Muslim in a previous life? Next you will want to tell me that, inspite of all the scientific and medical evidence, and BIBLICAL HINTS - Matthew 16:13; Matthew 17:11, John 9:2 - reincarnation is not true. Go away and think some more! It might help you a little. The fact you cannot discern the energy therein is not a good sign!!


S.M. of New Mexico wrote: "Hello. Just finished reading your latest newsletter. What a gift of insight and understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you."


From Luc S.: Dear Lady Amitakh and Dr. Joseph,

My brother is 23 years older than me and rushed to join the Navy at 17 1/2 when Pearl Harbor was bombed. For several years he has researched Pearl and its wartime history. He is trying to get Admiral Kimmel and General Short cleared of blame for the ill-preparedness of the Navy's losses and the damage of the planes and loss of civilian and military personnel by the Japanese attack. I'm sure you're aware of FDR's (had to be an evil consciousness) role in expediting the U.S. entry into WWII. While getting research from the Net for my brother, I learned how the U.S. public was lured voluntarily into war by the "surprise" (not to FDR) attack on Pearl Harbor. I was stunned by the similarity, to my way of thinking anyway, of how the Navy is in a position, again, to be used as a "catalyst" to lure the American public into WWIII in the Middle East. One of our vessels could be sabotaged by the CIA or whoever, and the "surprise attack" could be blamed on Iraq, Iran or any other of the usual suspects. Of course they can manufacture any "evidence" (evil-dence) they need with their (CIA) expertise at "virtual reality". The public who formerly wanted nothing to do with any more genocide in Iraq could be fooled into wanting grisly revenge for a "sneak" attack on the illustrious Navy victim.

We know the American, Israeli and British agenda is to take over the oil and mineral rich Mid East; they just have to justify their war actions to the rest of the world. I'm sure Iraq is not capable militarily of hurting our fleet one iota, but U.S. propaganda says otherwise. Many fools and demons wouldn't care if Iraq was innocent as has been proved for 8 years now, they just want the "uppity rich" Arabs and Iranians to be destroyed. Let's hope my fantasy life is all hogwash, but something is gonna start it.

I've noticed how Iraq and Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Arab North Africa, Syria, the poor Palestinians and other are mending their fences, trading, communicating and getting cohesive again after years of destructive infighting. Even Lebanon is trying to oust Israel and make them comply with a 20 year old UN directive to evict Israel from their bogus "security zone". Believe me, a nine mile zone between Hezbolah and Northern Israel is not gonna help one bit when the stuff hits the fan. I long for the Justice that is coming for all of us. Israel fears true Divine Justice with good reason. I hope true beings in Israel and the rest of the Mid East are cleared painlessly; I pray for them.

When I was young and learned of the Jewish holocaust and age old anti-semitism I asked my Dad why people were so mean and hateful to the Jews. He said it wasn't because they were all responsible for Christ's death (as I was taught in Catholic school) but because wherever they lived they insidiously took over, were greedy, grabbed all wealth for themselves and hated all non-Jews. He said all Jews were blamed for the actions of some Jews. I thought Dad was just a little prejudiced because his parents came from Zahle Lebanon in 1897 as Melkite Christians, to escape the Turkish hegemony and religious persecution. Dad had Jewish, Irish, Italian friends mostly growing up on the west side of Chicago. He seemed to judge people on personal merit, not ethnic background.

In those days you cherished and protected the girls and other guys in your neighborhood. A few minor fist fights with the guys from Italian Taylor Street occasionally, but no knives, guns or weapons and no vendettas. Bang, boom, it was over.

Well, it really is a pleasure for me to talk to you both in this way. Even though we haven't formally met, I feel I can "talk" to you. Sincerely with Love and gratitude.

Luc S


Peter Ober of Colorado writes: "Dear Dr., I have just received the latest newsletter and, as always, your words still the hunger for truth within me like nothing else! Please, please, continue mailing me the newsletter."


To another correspondent I recently wrote:

The Hopi and the Aztecs, Mayans, etc., all have a time between 2007 and 2020 with an average around at 2012 as an end-of-world date. I am very sceptical of "oral" history and traditions because they always accommodate "modern" updates. Buddha's teachings were oral for the first 500 years after his death and what was written for the first time has little resemblance to his teachings. On the subtle levels all evil beings are terrified (of the Truth and this message I bring). In anger they have called many names, opposite to my nature. In fact, many have called me the Anti-Christ!! Risible is it not? Was Jesus not called a mad man? Inspite of all the writings and all the correct prophecies, deniers and evil ones, in ignorance, still call me insulting names, although they dare not read any of my words! What hope is there for this plane?

The financial changes have come remarkably swiftly after I prophesied the Financial Being is fatally wounded. Is that not so? The speed of change is unprecedented, and the inability of the world systems to self-correct will have catastrophic effects. What many say about our books is wonderful to hear, but it really reflects what is in each reader, as much as what is written. One should be aware of this effect also: As we release information - as I did in the radio shows or through our books and newsletters, astral beings pick up the information and feed it to minds around the globe. That is why many come out with very similar prophecies and information AFTER we have given them. We have sometimes given misinformation to catch the Evil ones out - don't forget that we are in the midst of a WAR.


James MacArthur writes: "I enjoyed the essay on Terminal Madness which is extremely illuminating. Nothing else I've read to explain what is going on in the world comes near its accuracy, scope or authority. To the person who suggested that someone "knock some sense" into Dr. Chiappalone and who called the article "asinine" I say: By writing an admittedly emotional, and content-empty attack on the message of Dr. Chiappalone's article, you have fallen upon your own sword. You have exposed yourself as one of evil who will soon be no more. And that is what your admitted loss of composure is really about, and why your whole letter was one of smug name-calling. You show your ignorance in several ways:

1        You put quotes around "Dr" suggesting that Dr Chiappalone is not a Dr., when in fact he is both an experienced medical doctor and has PhDs as well.

2        You admitted you had to "slog" your way through the article, when any 12 year old can follow what is being said.

3        You are using the same approach Scientology uses: "When you don't have an argument attack, attack, attack."

4        You say that Dr. Chiappalone "seems to have engaged in an [sic] universal garbage collection of ideas, thoughts, philosophies, religious and pseudo-religious dogma, 'New Age' psychobabble and a variety of other inane and useless information ...", but I searched for over 25 years through the garbage of thoughts, philosophies, religions and New-Age and I never once heard of the world being "totally destroyed" or that "the majority of beings on this planet are of an evil ilk". What Dr.C has written explains why in fact the thoughts and philosophies are all incomplete and thus bogus.

5        You have attacked those who have found Dr.C's writing to make sense by calling them "unsuspecting populace". I have met many of them, and I can tell you for a fact that they are far from "unsuspecting" and would see through the likes of your maliciousness in an instant.

6        When you call Dr.C's work an "obviously bitter, jaded, highly-negative and unstable world-view" and "question his grip on 'reality'" you are judging solely from a single article that you could hardly "slog through". By contrast those who have met him, have heard him lecture, or have heard him on tape or radio have found him to be quite rational, up-beat and a pleasure to listen to and learn from. And he has a grip on reality that is un-surpassed.

7        Finally, you put forth the silly philosophy of "its all or nothing" which assumes that all are alike and everything would be okay if we all just got along. That empty idea has been around for centuries and hasn't changed a thing. And anyone who is even a moderately-aware observer knows that we aren't all alike. Is everyone just like the 13 year old who shoots his school classmates to death and then thinks it was "cool"? Obviously not.

By responding as you did you have exposed your true ilk, and happily the likes of you will not be in existence much longer.

*        Is it malicious to help people see that a philosophy is an empty trap, as Dr. Chiappalone is doing?

*        Is it malicious to save Truth-searchers time, money, and precious energy by helping them see that certain ideas are wrong-headed and are not solutions at all to what they claim? I think not. As one who spent at least 25 years searching intently for some Truth in many, many New-Age dead ends, I know where the maliciousness lies. It lies in New-Age leaders and gurus who want your money, your time, and power over you. It lies with those same leaders and gurus who, in turn, give you very little of substance or give you a philosophy that causes you ultimate loss. Maliciousness lies with leaders and gurus who use their charisma to coerce sex with their devotees. And it lies with leaders and gurus who don't actually practice what they preach - either in their personal lives or in their organizations. I have seen this maliciousness first hand, and what Dr.C is offering is not maliciousness but a chance to see this maliciousness and to be free from it forever. And this is in fact an act of true love.

One last comment: In the 12 years that I have known of Dr. C's writings and teachings, it has never failed that those who angrily attack him or his work or who smugly take cheap shots, are evil beings who are reacting to an energy and a message that spells their end. I am encouraged to know that as more and more of them are exposed, the end of this evil mess comes closer. And I look forward, with a very happy heart, to the day when all evil is gone and we can get back to the joyful existence that was originally intended -- truly "going Home". Sincerely, James MacArthur, Ca, USA


Anne M. Klinkner wrote: Could you please give your opinion as to why all of the "saviors" mentioned in the Annwn site documents, excepting for Guinevere are male? "The representatives[saviors] in our era of recorded history include such beings as Rama, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Manichaeus, Haidakhan Babaji, the real Sai Baba, etc." Does this not reflect the invasions of the Kurdish tribes from 6000 BC to 1200 BC and their attempts to change existing religious beliefs to reflect the new patriarchal paradigm? What part did the Goddess civilizations that were systematically and repeatedly destroyed have in the scenario of Dr. Chiappalone writings? They (matriarchies) did not glorify domination, destruction, rape and theft as the later civilizations did (which surely contributed to their demise). It seems to me that the forced change in civilization from Matriarchal/Partnership to Patriarchal /Domination was a major victory for Evil on Earth. AMK

My reply: I will take it that your query is honest and genuine, in which case I will give an appropriate answer, for it is an excellent question Anne. If you read more of our writings you will understand that the "Son" energy goes out into the world, under the protection of the "Mother". While these concepts of Higher Consciousness (beings) are anthropomorphisized into gender types, realize that basically the energy and consciousnesses are not of a gender basis. The True Gnostics honoured the Mother as Supreme. In fact, Babaji although called the "Holy Father" is also known as the "Mother". It gets a little complicated, but I know you understand.

In Greek mythology Zeus was always preciously guarded by his "Mother". Spurious religions and other menaces did, in fact, try to destroy the matriarchal systems as we see in early Catholicism, etc. I have a section in Volume 3 of Making Sense of the Madness - Death of an Evil God - which explains this illicit masculinization of religious culture. Please read it if you want more. But you are right in your concerns. Alas, as Nietzsche said "Words falsify reality". Metaphysically it gets even more complicated because the energy of the "Son" and "Mother" combined form the ultimate "Supreme" which we humans call the "Father" - but of course, "He" cannot exist without the other two. It is the role of the "Son" to avenge the "Mother" and "Father" as in the Egyptian myth of Horus fighting evil, in the form of Seth, to avenge Isis and Osiris. However, without the "Mother", the "Son" can do nothing. I hope this helps you somewhat. Regards


One can only be complete by being a part of a Greater Being. Being just the lower self, one is greatly deficient. One can only become part of the Greater Being by letting go of that which separates one from his/her Higher Consciousness. Selfishness, desires, attachments, all cause the separation.


Just Who is conducting the Corrective Process in this evil plane? Just Who is of the Christ Energy and who is of the Anti-Christ energy? Is Earth really God's creation? In order to help you find the correct answer, this poem, #149 from my Poetry Book Volume 3, may assist those who genuinely want to be assisted.

149 Author of the Correction

"Dr Chiappalone, I don't believe what you write.

Are you just out to give all of us a fright?

How can this wonderful, wonderful

world end so quickly,

Having been created by God

so well, so expertly?

Only an evil mind would

even think of destroying such

Abundance, and Pleasure, and such Beauty.

No! I cannot believe you.

Even though signs are grim that

something very serious is

happening to the globe,

both afar and in my vicinity,

with what you say,

you'll not convince the likes of me."

"Recalcitrant one, Being of the Ignorance, Agnostic,

You will never be convinced of Earth's end

and the reason why is even clearer for me to see.

No doubt you are of the evil ontology,

like the majority, and firmly programmed

to reject the Truth, at every opportunity

without thought, damagingly, robotically, reflexly.

However, I will out of concern for others

delve a little in what you say and expose

that it is all, of evil essence, pedantic sophistry.

And as I do this, all beings, including you,

will see that you really deal in covert Ignorance,

and its overt arrogance, maliciously.

Alas, without prejudice, you warrant

being called stupid as well,

and so, on the distorted logic you manifest

I will, for a little time, to assist others, dwell.

Know that this physical dimension in which

the Earth, and the physical part of Humanity

find themselves, is not a wonderful,

wonderful world at all.

For most within its confines,

they are an exploitative, ill-conceived,

violence-provoking, unmitigated Hell,

Created by an Evil Mind outside of the

Divine Influence, as revealed

by all Gnostics, such as Zoroaster, Manichaeus ,

even Jesus, and as more pristine, undistorted

Gnostic writings, to those who truly

seek the truth, clearly tell.

It is of an evil energy, exploiting trapped

True Beings relentlessly, everywhere,

and they do not fare at all well!

You say this world warrants respect

and preservation because of its Abundance,

its so-called `Pleasures, and its Beautiful Things'.

Well, let us see clearly what analysis of

these, mainly frauds and illusions, brings.

Misery is the hallmark abundance in this place.

Most are extremely poor in the Human Race.

Pleasures are from emotive excitation,

from deleterious evil programming and pollution,

which destroy the spirit of those

not evil, because energy is

stolen in the resultant, inevitable,

emotional perturbation and confusion.

What little spoilt and unspoilt beauty we see,

apart from programmed Virtual Reality,

is the brilliant, former work of the Divine Mother,

which has been trapped nefariously.

The only abundance, as all can see,

if they have the Gnostic vision,

is Evil, with its never-ending exploitation,

with its pain and misery,

with its suffering and sorrow.

The abundance is of degeneration,

of putridness, of rapine despoliation,

and of death, all of which, us,

on every day, in some way, do harrow.

But let me be brief, for I have explained

these very things at length, in my books, before.

Let me go to the fallacious rhetoric

you spoke when you had first the floor.

Yours is the mendacious nonsense with which

sacerdotes in evil ways, as they expertly know how,

force trapped ones and sycophants to Untruth bow.

I know that you, like most others,

see well the signs of the world's physical end,

But, being evil, you will deny them forever,

and that will go unaltered to the very end.

I know this to be true and thus I do contend.

I have enumerated the Endtime signs many times -

irreparable pollution, rampant disease,

Global warming, the Greenhouse effect,

Ozone depletion, unmitigated hate,

ubiquitous war, earthquakes, floods,

and what have you, on and on.

Those truly in the know,

having contacted Higher Consciousness,

have an excellent spiritual view

of what, in this dimension, is really going on.

Let us see why then, you are foolishly wrong,

In repeating the usual, distorted, stupefyingly

mendacious chants of Evil's song.

Firstly, if this place, with all its horror,

was the True God's handiwork, surely

He would be proud, in some ways,

and not now want to totally destroy it?

But it is being destroyed, and we know it,

for in the Endtime signs we unmistakingly see it.

The valid conclusion would have to be that,

if it is really God destroying this realm,

then He must not be the protecting creator

of this gross imperfection.

Whoever built this mess would want to save his

handiwork without exception.

It remains to be said therefore,

that this Earth and all the physical dimension

are the spurious, imperfect works of Evil,

which personified, many call Satan, the Devil.

Against this irrefutable, Gnostic argument,

because of the pragmatic, empirical bottom line ,

no other valid reasoning can you level.

Secondly, if this was a dimension

created solely, purposefully by the Divine,

and if the destruction we now see

is being done, against the Divine Will,

by Satan, the Malicious Devil,

we would have to say that destructive Evil

is more powerful than the Power Divine.

That would certainly not do, for

It would be a situation, for those of Love True,

and of Honesty, certainly not, at all fine!

The valid conclusion, if this were so, would be that

Satan then would be more powerful than God!

But, simply from our definition of language,

anyone who says this would have to be

classed as a dimwit, dope, a sod.

It was Satan who fell from Grace

and it is God, again by definition

of language's rule of the very philological

derivatives we use, Who will erase

this Arch Demon, this Saklas, this Satanic fool.

No other explanation can one accept.

Any other reasoning would not be fine or right,

otherwise it would mean that evil Satan,

the Error, the temporary and very destructive

Evil Principle, would paradoxically everywhere rule.

Thirdly, if it is Satan, Evil,

destroying this Globe and all the dimension,

what would be the acceptable reason?

This question an urgent answer begs.

The suffering in this trapped dimension yields,

through emotional trauma, the misery and

suffering of disease, through distress, and physical death,

so much energy, which Satan wants, and essentially needs,

that he, Satan, in destroying it, would be slaying,

in a fabled, allegorical sense,

the very goose which lays the golden eggs!

Why would he wreck his best

exploitative mechanisms, the best things,

for him, not for his victims, he ever had?

He is jealous, vindictive, egotistical,

cunning, rapacious, and very greedy;

these things from the Bible, and other,

so-called sacred texts, we see.

Indeed, he is even murderous and deceitful,

But he is not stupid, just immutably bad.

Fourthly, unless you deny the existence of Evil,

And many evil ones paradoxically do,

one would have to agree that it is up to the

Highest Consciousness, called God, by definition,

to correct this degenerate, anguishing mess.

If God eventually does not, or cannot,

correct this horrible abomination

in which we all suffer, as we obviously do,

Then the contradictions are not hard to guess.

If he sees the Evil but does not correct it,

allowing us to suffer so,

then He would be classed as malicious.

If he sees it and cannot correct it,

then he is not omnipotent,

and that, by definition, would be suspicious.

A malicious God could not be of Spirit Good,

And an impotent one could not act as God should.

But my indelible Gnostic knowledge reveals that

Not only can He do it, He will do it,

He is correcting this mess now.

The facts are as I say.

We see He is correcting it,

via all the signs I have described

many times before.

There is really nothing left to say.

I have been privileged to see the result

of all this in the Final Score.

That is why I am so confident to reveal

the things I say, namely, that you are of Darkness,

are wrong, and, being a counterfeit creation

of the Error now undergoing correction,

and refusing to reject Evil repeatedly,

because of transmutation, you, like the other

counterfeits, like this doomed Earth

and all the evil physical Realm,

soon will exist no more, no more,

and of that, I am, with certainty, sure!"


Alright, Albright, I don't think you are alright!
continued from the last newsletter:

4        "To a student who asked [Albright] whether the United States was not spending too much of its resources on being the world's policeman and too little on more pressing domestic concerns, Albright asked him in return to estimate what share of the federal budget goes to foreign policy. When he guessed 15 or 20 percent, Albright pounced. 'It's 1 percent, 1 percent of the entire budget,' Albright said." Her reply was conspicuously disingenuous. At best, she was referring to the budget of only the State Department, concealing what everyone knows, even the teenage student she browbeat -- US foreign policy expenditures must include the Defense Department, the CIA, the National Security Agency, and a host of other government agencies. Together they consume more than 50 percent of the budget. (There is also a Black Budget which goes into the trillions - editor)

5        In February 1996, as UN ambassador, Albright reacted with righteous indignation against the Cuban pilots who expressed satisfaction after shooting down two planes of Cubans from Florida which were headed toward Cuba. "This one won't mess around any more," one of the pilots is reported to have exclaimed. "I was struck by the joy of these pilots in committing cold-blooded murder," Albright said, accusing the Cuban pilots of "cowardice". What, one may ask, does she think of the American pilots who, while bombing and strafing helpless retreating Iraqis in 1991, exclaimed: "we toasted him" ... "we hit the jackpot" ... "a turkey shoot" ... "shooting fish in a barrel" ... "basically just sitting ducks" ... "There's just nothing like it. It's the biggest Fourth of July show you've ever seen, and to see those tanks just `boom', and more stuff just keeps spewing out of them ... they just become white hot. It's wonderful."{6}

6        On October 8, 1997, in announcing the designation of 18 additional foreign political organizations as terrorist supporting groups, Secretary of State Albright declared that she wanted to help make the United States a "no support for terrorism zone". It could be suggested that if the Secretary were truly committed to this goal, instead of offering her usual lip service, she should begin at home - the anti-Castro community in Miami, collectively, is one of the longest-lasting and most prolific terrorist organizations in the world. Over the years they've carried out hundreds of bombings, shootings, and murders, blown up an airplane, killing 73 people, fired a bazooka at the United Nations, and much, much more. But Madame Albright will not lift a finger against them.

The State Department designates Cuba as one of the states which harbors terrorists. The United States can well be added to that list.

7        At the fabricated "Town Hall" meeting (in which the officials came not to listen, but to tell) held in Columbus, Ohio, February 18, 1998, concerning Iraq, Albright was heckled and asked critical, and perhaps uncomfortable, questions. At one point, her mind and her integrity could come up with no better response than to make something up: "I am really surprised," she declared, "that people feel that it is necessary to defend the rights of Saddam Hussein." At another point. a besieged Albright was moved to yell: "We are the greatest country in the world!" Finally, unable to provide answers that satisfied or quieted the questioners, she stated that she would meet with them after the meeting to answer their questions. But as soon as the meeting ended, the Secretary of State was out of their, posthaste. Her offer, it would seem, had just been a tactic to try and pacify the hostile crowd.

8        And here is Madame Albright at her jingoist best, on TV the day after the Town Hall, again in the context of Iraq: "If we have to use force, it is because we are America! We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall, and we see further into the future."

9        Madeleine Albright, then UN Ambassador, informed the UN Security Council during a 1994 discussion about Iraq: "We recognize this area as vital to US national interests and we will behave, with others, multilaterally when we can and unilaterally when we must." Ms. Albright is thus stating that the United States recognizes no external constraints on its behavior, when it decides that a particular area of the world is "vital to US national interests". It would of course be difficult to locate a spot on the globe that Albright and the United States do not regard as "vital to US national interests.

10         On more than one occasion while U.N. ambassador, Albright yelled at U.N. Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali that he must not publish the report about Israel's bombing of the U.N.-run refugee camp in Qana, Lebanon, in April 1996, which killed more than 100 refugees. The U.N. report said that the attack was not a mistake, as Israel claimed. Albright -- who has surrounded herself with alumni of Israeli and Jewish lobbies -- warned the Secretary-General that if the report came out, the U.S. would veto him for his second term. The report came out, and so did Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

These were from W. Blum, author of Killing Hope, and taken from reports in the Washington Post, "60 Minutes", Los Angeles Times, NBC "Today" show, Middle East International (London), and the New York Times.



As I have often written, this plane is one of lies, deception, distortion and undiluted evil which functions to serve Evil. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the distortion of history. Below are aspects of recent history taken from various sources of the Web which many try to suppress. In many cases, they complement the views I have expressed in these pages. Note that the more one is attacked on this level the more likely it is s/he has revealed aspects of truth. Reading these reports strengthens the belief that this plane and all its activities must end - the sooner the better!

Zionists charge any who question their version of events as revisionists. But, in seeking Truth we must ask "Is Victors' History accurate and valid?" You will see from these extracts that not only are there other points of view, but also that the real revisionists are not always the ones who object to the obfuscating process practised by victors and those in control -the archons and their subservient, sycophantic minions. Remember also at all times the metaphysical principles which have profound effects on the actions of people. The fact that so many in control want to distort history so maliciously enhances the concept that they the rulers and archons are in fact the Anti-Christ Energy - the progeny of the Lie who live and thrive in the Depravity, Darkness and Deception of this Plane of Ignorance and Darkness.

Do not be overwhelmed by the enormous weight of spurious history or by the maliciousness of those who would conceal truth for nefarious gains. None of us on this level can know all the facts and figures that exist. All we need to know is how to discern the essence of Good from that of Evil. The inexorable process of corruption we see should not compound confusion but rather expose the corruptors in all their evilness.

1         U.S. Holocaust Museum Nominee John Roth Compared Rise of Reagan to Rise of Hitler: New Evidence of More Extremist Statements by Prof. Roth, June 11, 1998

NEW YORK- Prof. John Roth, the newly-hired official of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, not only has compared Israel to the Nazis, but has compared the rise of Ronald Reagan to the rise of Hitler, and has compared poor Americans as well as Palestinian Arabs to the Jews in Nazi Germany. Professor Roth, of Claremont McKenna College in California, was recently named the first director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's new Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies--despite his November 12, 1988 op-ed in the Los Angeles Times comparing Israel to Nazi Germany and the Palestinian Arabs to the Jewish victims of Hitler. Prof. Roth's defenders claimed that the Los Angeles Times article was the only extremist statement he has made or written. But the national Jewish weekly Forward (June 12, 1998) has reported new evidence of a number of additional extremist statements by Roth.

Morton A. Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America and a child of Holocaust survivors, said: "It is now clear that Prof. Roth's odious comparison between Israel and the Nazis, in his 1988 Los Angeles Times article, was not an aberration--it is part of a pattern of reckless and offensive statements that Prof. Roth has made about Israel, the Holocaust, and the United States. Someone who has compared Israel to the Nazis, compared Palestinian Arabs to the Jews in Nazi Germany, compared poor Americans to the Jews in Nazi Germany, and compared the rise of Ronald Reagan to the rise of Hitler, is clearly the wrong choice to be director of the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. His writings show that he has a shallow understanding of the uniqueness of the Holocaust and does not really comprehend the actual factors that led to the Holocaust."

The new evidence of Roth's extremism: Compared the election of Ronald Reagan to the Rise of Hitler. In the Fall 1980 issue of the Claremont College publication Current, after the election of Ronald Reagan as president, Prof. Roth wrote an article titled "Ronald Reagan and His American Dream," in which Roth stated that in the wake of the election, "I could not help remembering how forty years ago economic turmoil had conspired with Nazi nationalism and militarism--all intensified by Germany's defeat in World War I--to send the world reeling into catastrophe that virtually annihilated the Jews of Europe and altered the face of the earth forever...It is not entirely mistaken to contemplate our post-election state with fear and trembling. Economic upheavals, following in the wake of a war lost in Vietnam, are spawning American nationalism and militarism --and some other things, too--that may well unleash destruction of their own."

In comparing poor Americans to Jews in Nazi Germany, USA Today reported on October 11, 1988, that Prof. Roth charged that "presidential candidates have little room in their rhetoric to address the problems of the poor," and then added: "In Nazi Germany, he says, educated professionals allowed themselves to ignore what was happening to the Jews."

He also suggested moral equivalence between U.S. and USSR: In the book Ideology and American Experience (published by the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy in 1986), Prof. Roth suggested a moral equivalence between the United States and the Soviet Union, when he wrote of the US and USSR: "Perhaps neither side can overcome the blindness that hides its own self-deceptive pretensions to know the truth."

He implied America might be "the enemy." In the book The Politics of Latin American Liberation Theology (published by the Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy in 1988), Prof. Roth wrote: "The United States and its people, Christian or not, should begin their response to Latin American liberation theology by asking honestly and self-critically: Is the United States the great enemy?"

He compared Israel to Nazi Germany and Palestinian Arabs to Jewish victims of Hitler. In his Nov.12, 1988 Los Angeles Times article about Israel and the Nazis, Roth asserted: "Kristallnacht [the nationwide anti-Jewish pogrom in Germany in November 1938] --the event itself, the conditions that brought it on and, even more important, the results it produced - should provoke reflection 50 years later. For early November, 1988, has its portents, too. Some of them can be seen in Israel's election returns, which signify a turn to the right, religiously and politically."

"Kristallnacht happened because a political state decided to be rid of people unwanted within its borders. It seems increasingly clear that Israel would prefer to rid itself of Palestinians if it could do so. Not many other nations in the world want the Palestinians, either. As much as any other people today, they are being forced into a tragic part too much like the one played by the European Jews 50 years ago. During this year's remembrance of Kristallnacht, my thoughts are on Palestinian plight at least as much as on Israeli security."


2        The Jewish Mentality Book I by M. A. Hoffman II.

The Campaign for Radical Truth in History

Turning the Tables: A Revaluation: All learning is based upon curiosity and curiosity is the unfettered exploration of that which is interesting. The weird halo of immunity which surrounds the Jewish nation is a highly interesting sanction and no scholar must be faulted for defying it. To pretend that we must approach the Jewish studies with some special reverence and reserve, fearful of causing offense, is a totalitarian expectation. It will undoubtedly be the first reaction of a mind-zapped populace to immediately regard the investigation of the negative factors within the religion of Judaism as a horrible one, "bound to lead to another Holocaust." That the fanatical chauvinism of Jewish partisanship has been absorbed into the body politic of the masses of non Jews to such an overwhelming extent is a high tribute to the power and effectiveness of Jewish propaganda. But this writing is not an attack but a defense.

Below Hoffman uses the term "Khazars", ones thought by some scholars to be the historically remote ancestors of eastern European and Russian Jews from mediaeval times. You, the reader, will be better informed, in my opinion, if, when the word "Khazars" appears, you mentally think of ontological Zionists - editor.

Khazars attack Christianity every week in a newspaper column, magazine article, radio report, film, television show or book. Few people regard such attacks as a prelude to the further decay and eventual destruction of the Gentile people of the West. Such Jewish attacks on Christianity are regarded as the "normal criticism" any creed must endure at the hands of truth-seekers, scientists and dispassionate scholars.

Within this framework is the presumption of immunity for Judaism. According to the mindset promoted by the System's public schools and private universities and the Established "media" organs of mass communication, Judaism alone among the religions of the world is immune from scholarly criticism. First because it is perfect, being the creed of God's Master or "Chosen" Race and second because, even if it were as flawed to the degree that secular agnosticism asserts that every religion is flawed, it would still be wrong to expose it as such because to do so will lead to another "Holocaust."

If one looks beneath the sham appearances of this late 20th century, that is to say beyond the shuttered provincialism of Jew-worship, one glimpses the outlines of war. A relentless libel is directed at the Christian West, or what remains of it in the ruins, in the aftermath of a half-century of constant propaganda against it. It must be relentless to insure that no smouldering spark shall leap up to illuminate the perpetual dark night of the modern era.

The story of the crucifixion of an honest man at the behest of the Jewish religious and political leadership, whose heroic commitment to the truth above all else, testified to his divine patrimony, has been for 2,000 years a permanent stumbling block to the ascendance of Jewish world supremacy. Therefore every attack upon the historical reality of this story and the person and morality of Jesus has been launched by the Khazars. Where that has proved insufficient, the new state religion of "Holocaust" Newspeak (absent from dictionaries before 1978) has been established by all Western governments and by all hireling priests and preachers. By this means Auschwitz is made to replace Calvary as the axis mundi of Western history. Though the tale of the destruction of the Khazars during World War Two has been wildly and shamelessly exaggerated out of all proportion to what actually occurred in that time, there is no doubt that Jewish people were murdered in the hundreds of thousands and that this was a horrible crime.

But what is never factored into the equation as the indictment of the West is prepared on this basis, is the fact that Hitler and his National Socialist German Worker's Party rose to a fury of indignation against Jewish people directly as a result of what Jewish communists like Trotsky (actual name: Leon Bronstein) and Lenin and the thoroughly-Jewish Bolshevik communist party in Moscow had done to the Christian peasantry of Mother Russia, which the Germans regarded as every inch a "holocaust." (The Jewish extraction of Lenin's mother has long been known to many Russian historians and party bureaucrats with access to inside information. Cf. "Who was a Jew? Why, Lenin of Course!", Jerusalem Post International Edition, Jan. 26, 1991, and Dimitry Volkogonov, Lenin: A New Biography).

Both the Jewish historian Arno Mayer in his book Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? and the German professor of history Ernst Nolte have noted the essential link between what the Jewish communists did to Christians in Russia as the basis for retribution against Jewish people in German-occupied territories.

As Prof. Nolte points out, the Jewish communists in Russia founded their ideology on the demand for extermination on a huge scale. In September of 1918 Jewish communist Grigori Zinoviev advocated the extermination of ten million Russians. In 1919 Lenin called for the deaths of millions of Christian peasants -- the kulaks. " ... for Hitler, Bolshevism was a genuinely terrible vision constantly before the eyes." (Ernst Nolte, "The Holocaust Must Be Seen in Context," The Independent, Nov. 5, 1988).

The horrors of Jewish Bolshevism is a vision almost never seen on our telescreens or newspaper pages. The media of mass communications have been dominated by Khazars and their sympathizers almost since its inception. (Cf. Neal Gabler, How the Jews Invented Hollywood and William Cash, "Kings of the Deal," The Spectator, Oct. 29, 1994).

The myth is that Jews were regarded suspiciously in Germany in the 1930s and eventually punished solely due to sheer Teutonic or Christian cruelty and irrational hatred. Policed entirely out of the agenda is the fact that while Nazism was rising in Germany in the 1930s, Jewish Communist commissars were administering death camps and gulags for millions of Christians trapped inside the borders of the Soviet empire, a fact never revealed in "Holocaust" studies or movies.

While Khazars cry the loudest whenever any group or force obstructs their ambitions--these cries being infinitely magnified by the unprecedented brainwashing abilities of the electronic visual media--it does not necessarily follow that Khazars are in fact the most persecuted or long-suffering of the peoples of the world. The full, graphic account of what the Jewish Communists did to Russia and Eastern Europe has yet to be told.

Another objection to this writing will be that it is, by definition "neo-Nazi" and "crypto-fascist" simply because it does actually dare to do what Jewish historians and writers do weekly to Christianity: criticize it.

3        Winston Churchill: The Politically Correct Exterminator

Then there is the "extermination" issue. If one attempts a revaluation of the Communist propaganda about Germany which has been absorbed into the body politic of the capitalist West, one is met with the cry of being "an apologist for exterminators." Such lofty moralizing does not even begin to signify anything unless it is consistent. The same critique, then, must be launched against all those "conservatives" and pseudo- "Christians" who defend or admire Winston Churchill. If Churchill is absolved, one can expect some revisionists to also absolve Hitler.

For it is no less a democratic icon than Winston Churchill who advocated the extermination of the civilian population of Germany through air strikes on all German city centers. On July 8, 1940 Churchill wrote that what was needed against the Germans was, "an absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers on the Nazi homeland..." (Source: Geoffrey Wheatcroft, Spectator, Sept. 29, 1979).

In 1956 Churchill told President Eisenhower, "I am, of course, a Zionist, and have been ever since the Balfour Declaration." (Herbert Mitgang, "The Official Churchill in One Volume," N.Y. Times, Nov. 6, 1991).

This campaign of Allied extermination of the German people had been inaugurated on May 11, 1940 when the Royal Air Force (R.A.F.) was the first to bomb cities, in this case, German cities: "Churchill ordered a series of night raids on Berlin for the specific purpose of diverting German attacks from the airfields of London. After Berlin was attacked six times, the German air force was ordered to attack London, and, as Churchill anticipated, the pressure on the airfields was relieved. Thus began the blitz." (Benjamin Colby, Twas a Famous Victory, p.173,).

But it would not be until Arthur Harris became commander-in-chief of the R.A.F.'s Bomber Command in February of 1942 that Churchill's plan for the extermination of the German people by fire was attempted with total commitment. "Harris was ... single-minded in his aim: the systematic destruction of German cities ... His new campaign was inaugurated on March 28, 1942 with the 234-aircraft attack on Lubeck, a medieval town, strategically insignificant but in Harris's words, 'more like a fire-lighter than a human habitation.' Lubeck was burned to the ground, the first of many ...

"The Ruhr towns were attacked from March to June 1943, Hamburg from July to November, Berlin from November until March, 1944 ... Using much more sophisticated techniques of electronic navigation, of marking and of bombing, the city was first broken up by explosives - 'cookies' designed to blow open doors and windows - and then rained with incendiaries. Repeated raids overwhelmed the civil defense and fire services. Bomber Command attacked Hamburg on 24 July, again on 27 July, with American attacks in between. The raid of the 27th created a vast firestorm, destroying 22 square kilometres of the city and killing an estimated 42,000 people. Fifteen months later Harris would boast that Bomber Command 'has virtually destroyed 45 out of the leading 60 German cities ...'

"One undefended city after another was devastated from end to end by explosion and fire, 'browned' as the repellent R.A.F. phrase had it ... Darmstadt was a beautiful old town in south-west Germany, economically insignificant and untouched until 11 September 1944, when it was 'browned' and 12,300 of its inhabitants were killed ...

"The most famous target in this last phase was Dresden in February, 1945 ... But Dresden was no different in kind from the other terror raids before ... (A month later) Wurzburg ... a town of complete (military) unimportance ... 16 March, 1945 ... Bomber Command razed the town to the ground in slightly less than 20 minutes. Wurzburg, like 600,000 German (civilians), had surrendered unconditionally.

"What was especially reprehensible was the way in which Churchill tried at the end of the war to disassociate himself from the bombing ... After the war Churchill could still write--privately--to an air marshall: 'We should never allow ourselves to apologize for what we did to Germany.' But he had the instincts of a professional politician, and foresaw a reaction. On 28 March 1945 he drafted a memorandum: 'It seems to me the moment has come when the question of bombing of German cities simply for the sake of increasing the terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed.

"... it (is) impossible for an Englishman born after the war to travel through Germany without a sense of shame ... seeing medieval Nuremburg which Allied aircraft burnt to the ground and where Allied prosecutors had the effrontery to accuse Goering and Kesselring of bombing Coventry and Rotterdam...' ( Wheatcroft, Spectator, op. cit. Also cf. Max Hastings, Bomber Command.).

Christopher Mayhew, former President of the Oxford Union and a British soldier stationed in Germany wrote: "Have you seen a blitzed town? London isn't blitzed. Norwich is practically undamaged, a prosperous peaceful town. German towns are blitzed." (London Review of Books, June 20, 1985, p.8).

4        Franklin D. Roosevelt: Another Accomplice in the Attempted Extermination of the German People

Americans too are culpable. As historian Ronald Schaffer has documented, President Franklin D. Roosevelt approved and encouraged the mass murder of German women and children by the U.S. Army Air Force. A top Roosevelt staff adviser, David T. Griggs, stated the administration's military policy explicitly when he wrote that the effort of the U.S. air forces "should be directed to the disruption of the German economy and the terrorization of the German people." (Ronald Schaffer, Wings of Judgment: American Bombing in World War Two, p. 94).

It was American P-5l Mustang pilots who swooped down along the banks of the river Elbe as masses of terrified German women and children huddled in the daylight aftermath of the firebombing of Dresden. The pilots machine-gunned these pitiful survivors en masse.

In the decay of language that is a signpost of the Orwellian dissolution of independent thinking in our time, the word holocaust, which by original definition denotes death by fire, is now assigned almost exclusively to the deaths of Jews, allegedly by gas. 600,000 German civilians deliberately burned alive as Allied policy, receive no such "holocaust victim" status. In fact, it is regarded as some sort of blasphemy against the canons of "The Holocaust" civic religion that anyone other than a victim of Hitler is described thus.

But anyone who takes the time and trouble to read the official Strategic Bombing Survey, prepared by the U.S. War Department, under the section "Morale Division-Medical Branch Report: The Effect of Bombing on Health and Medical Care in Germany," will find horrific photographs and testimony which testify that the "holocaust" victims of World War Two also included the German civilians and in the Pacific theatre, the civilian residents of Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

One survivor of the holocaust against the German people was Helga Hudepohl who wrote, "I was in the isolation ward of a clearly marked children's hospital in a rural area some 50 miles out side the city (of Berlin), 7 years old and ill with scarlet fever, when the hospital was bombed to bits and pieces by Harris' jolly group ... Had there really been a fair 'Judgement at Nuremberg,' Harris would have been one of the accused and have been sent to the gallows as a war criminal." (Letters, N.Y. Times, Jan. 18, 1992, p. 22).

The deliberate extermination of the German people through air power resounded among military forces on the ground through the mouthpiece of the chief propagandist for the Soviet empire, the Jewish Communist communications genius, Ilya Ehrenberg. While any college kid can invoke the name of Joseph Goebbels as eponymous with propaganda, Ehrenburg's contribution to this infernal science is virtually unknown.

It was Ehrenburg who urged the troops of the Red Army, as they advanced upon the eastern borders of a prostrate and defeated Germany, to rape and kill every German civilian they could find. Every German girl over the age of eight in the German village of Nemmersdorf was raped. German women were nailed to the sides of barns.

At Yalta and Potsdam Truman and Churchill approved Stalin's call for the forced deportation of millions of ethnic Germans in those territories ceded to him. This resulted in the mass deportation of all Germans from lands east of the rivers Oder and Neisse. Thousands of German civilians were crammed into railroad cattle cars by the Communists. Those Soviet trains arrived in Berlin with a cargo of dead and dying German children packed like sardines. No "holocaust" movies have been made about the plight of these hapless children. They were of the wrong nationality and religion.

In Czechoslovakia in July, 1945, German women and children were tossed from bridges and more than 2,000 massacred. By the end of 1946, German civilians in the British-occupied zone were receiving as little as 400 calories of food per day - half the ration the inmates at Belsen had received under the Nazis.

When the post-war expulsions and pogroms were over, two million German civilians were dead and fourteen million driven from their ancestral lands in one of the greatest acts of population-transfer in modern history.

We are told that World War Two was "the Good War" against "Germany, a nation conceived in hell itself" (Leslie Gelb, NY Times), "the greatest evil ever produced on earth" (Simon Schama). But in so far as our psyche can disengage itself from Jewish demonizing, the reality is that WWII was a total war, an "unlimited, unconditional war" against not just Hitler and the Nazis but German women, children and defenceless elderly who were held to be collectively guilty.

President Roosevelt stated, "The German people as a whole must have it driven home to them that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of civilization." (Robert Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, pp. 472-473).

To teach them these "decencies," Mr. Roosevelt sanctioned the policies of the extirpation of German women and children through air force bombs and pal "Uncle Joe" Stalin's awfully decent Red Army. Can there be any bloodier a killer on the earth than the do-gooder liberal? Roosevelt's mentality was first echoed in the U.S. in Abraham Lincoln's abolitionist legions who were going to punish the South for its "sins."

Maximillien Robespierre, leader of the French Revolution and the "reign of terror," wrote: "It is necessary to exterminate all those vile and scoundrelly beings who conspire eternally against the rights of man and against the happiness of all people."

A Jewish N.Y. Times editor, Judith Miller, along with most of the kept press, indicted the Ayatollah Khomeni of Iran for demanding of Iraq only "unconditional surrender" during the Iran-Iraq war. (N.Y. Times, May 17, 1992, p. E-3). In the Jewish mentality, only the enemies of Judaism must be fought unconditionally. From this mentality was born Menachem Begin's Beirut, Lebanon, August, 1982 and George Bush's Baghdad, Iraq, 1991. In both wars the indiscriminate bombing of the civilian population was central to military strategy, all in the name of sticky-sweet, fairy godmother platitudes coupled with the dehumanization of the Palestinian and Iraqi people. In both wars the mass murder of civilians by air power caused only a ripple of mild protest.

Dynastic Christian autocrats of antiquity, equated with "persecution" and "religious superstition" by the pundits of our enlightened era," never implemented any such mass murder military policy as we saw the Allies commit in World War Two and the Israeli air force perpetrate on Beirut in the summer of 1982. (Tony Clifton, God Cried).

The groundwork for the military policy of total war emerged in Abraham Lincoln's war against Southern independence; especially in the conduct of Generals Sheridan and Sherman. In the Old World, the British war against the Dutch-South African "Boer" civilians was an augur of the forthcoming "blessings" of the 20th century. The British can be acknowledged as the inventors of the first "concentration" camps where thousands of Boer women and children perished.

But while Lincoln was martyred and subsequently canonized as a secular Federal saint, his military practice was reversed by his successor Johnson almost immediately and with the exception of the most foaming abolitionists, the Southern people were soon viewed by their Northern brethren, as much wronged. A similar revulsion occurred in Britain in the wake of the pacification of the Boers.

Hence it would take the Jewish mentality, ascribing to its opponents absolute evil unmitigated in terms of reprisals for any previous Jewish crimes, to create a lasting marriage between modern policies and resources for total warfare and the permanent dehumanization of the people against whom those policies are directed, be they Germans, Palestinians or Iraqis.

It is not only Khazars or their proxies who slaughter civilian populations. World War I was a more than adequate example of the penchant for slaughter on the part of senile monarchs and corrupt politicians and generals, Axis or Allied. But it took the Jewish mentality to paint such slaughter in the terms of a perpetual morality play wherein any crime is permissible provided it is directed against those who have dared to raise their heads against Judaism and who, by Jewish theological definition, can be the only criminals.

5        Hitler and "Jewjitsu"

The larger question arises concerning whether Hitler really was an enemy of the Jewish people. One does not refer here to a parochial sense of the war years themselves but rather to their long-term consequences. Hitler as a German nationalist who had assigned himself the task of revival of Western civilization amid the decay, saw in the isolation, separation and if necessary, the destruction of world Jewry, the salvation of Germany and European culture.

But the sum effect of his effort was that Hitler was the real founder of the Israeli state. By losing the war against the Khazars he guaranteed them the public relations bonanza of all time and these masters of guilt-inducement took the ball all the way to nationhood.

Hitler's faith in the benevolence of the Judeo-masonic government of Britain and the Jewish ghetto known as the Vatican revealed that he was another one of those naive schoolboys the right-wing in the West routinely produces. Moreover, his government was riddled with spies and traitors and he gave the most important post of the entire German military, the Luftwaffe, to Göring, who by that time had degenerated into a fat clown out of a comic opera. By 1944 the German people had a popular saying, that, "There was no roof over the Reich." This is not to in anyway disparage the heroism of the individual pilots and commanders of the legendary Luftwaffe's defensive fighter force, which was the best in the world, but rather the criminal incompetence of Göring.

The chief supporters of the revival of Hitlerism in the world today are the Jews. Because they hysterically denounce any honest historical discussion of the virtues as well as the faults of the man and his regime, they are thereby building up immense pressure within the young, who are understandably discontented and therefore, attracted to that which Hitler represents. When a corrupt society wholly condemns a single individual as the "wickedest man in the history of the world," those discontented elements of society who are convinced that the system under which they live is profoundly evil, will naturally gravitate toward this forbidden, near-mythic figure of evil. Their logic will be, "If this stinking society says he was bad, he must have been good." The failure to demythologize Hitler, not just in terms of Hannah Arendt's "banality of evil," but by making an appraisal of the man independent of the function and requirements of Allied and Jewish propaganda, would show him to have been both good and bad; a product of his times set within the context of the mass murder-machine the Jewish Communists had got going in Russia from 1917 onward.

6        The Inner Dynamic of Judaism

Physical persecution of the Jewish people has always and everywhere failed in European history as a tactic for confining the kind of internal influence Pharisees have in native societies. Pogroms and persecutions are completely counterproductive when dealing with the Jews. It must be remembered that Judaism is an inherently self-destructive, paranoid creed and the various bickering factions within Judaism are at any given time on the verge of civil war. The only factor that can truly unite the Khazars and make them a single force for power on the world stage, is physical persecution and attack.

Without such attack, they inevitably crumble from internal strife. This is why their Sanhedrin secretly promotes and funds violent persecution of Jewish people when such opposition is not present among the resident peasantry of a given nation. If you want to heal the world, leave the Jews alone, physically. They will destroy themselves or convert and reform. The problem is, they won't leave us alone. Whenever we get the thing they fear the most going - when we get going what they have - community - that's when they unleash every force in their arsenal against us.

Under the current system, a critic of Talmudism and Phariseeism must always be labelled as a fascist. The term is used by people who don't know what it means. The most basic concept central to fascism is the utilization of the power of the state through centralization, to achieve certain sanctioned ends: the unity of the nation, the advancement of technology, the solution to the problems of unemployment and housing. Fascism as a system of organization has nothing to do with opposition to Jews. The founders of the Fascist party in Italy were Jews. Right wing Zionists of the 1930s and 40s consciously styled themselves Fascists. The Israeli government is allied with the fascist Phalange Party of Lebanon, whose militia police the "security zone" in occupied South Lebanon on behalf of the Zionists. The most successful fascist government was Franklin Roosevelt's administration whose "New Deal" economic program marshalled the full resources of the state to operate businesses, conduct commerce, confiscate wages and earnings.

The neo-Nazi invective is equally empty and like "fascist" has meaning only as an insult intended to intimidate people who tell the truth fearlessly. It is a manufactured attribute imposed on critics of Judaism by Jews who insist that to expose their religion or its government in occupied Palestine to free and irreverent inquiry is tantamount to being a militarist, a racist and a lover of dictatorship - and this from a militarist, racist, dictatorial Israeli regime.

The greatest weapon against the Zionists is exposure, to have the widest possible study, analysis and dissemination of their authentic teachings and practices in every field of human endeavor. This will not only protect non-Jews but will also help in the conversion of the Jewish people themselves.

Unlike the Allied mass murderers who hold the German people collectively culpable (as historian Daniel Goldhagen has decreed), one cannot and must not hold the Jewish people as whole collectively guilty, but only their leaders, religious and civil, i.e the latter day Pharisees.

The New Testament "blood taint" can no longer apply because the original Jewish race of 2,000 years past is as dead as is the Roman race with which it was contemporary. There is no pure "Jewish" blood today, only a racial melting pot of Khazar, Black and Oriental races designated as "Jewish" on the political expediency.

The greatest allies in the struggle against the evils of Judaism have been in the past and will be in the future, authentic converts from Judaism (for example Nicholas of Donin and Johannes Pffeferkorn). The emphasis here must be on authenticity, however. The current "Jews for Jesus" movement is a telling example of a sham conversion since this group militantly supports the murders and racism of the Zionist Israeli state in contravention of every Christian principle. They have attempted to make Christ into a Pharisee. This is an abomination and these are no true converts. "By their fruits ye shall know them."


From the "Destroying Deniers Dept."

Average World Temperature rose 0.6 degrees centigrade from 16.5 to 17.1 C from January to May, 1998. Goodbye Gooney Deniers!!


GLOBAL ROGUE STATE by Edward S. Herman

Dictionary specifications of "rogue" include three elements: viciousness, lack of principle, and propensity to engage in unilateral action. This would certainly properly characterize Saddam Hussein's Iraq: viciousness and lack of principle were displayed, for example, in his attacking and using chemical warfare against both Iran and Iraqi Kurds in the 1980s; unilateralism in his assaults on Iran and Kuwait. But consider that the United States used chemical warfare on a far greater scale against Vietnam in the 1960s, and its overall attack on Indochina was as vicious and far more devastating than Iraq's on its local victims. As to principle, it should be noted that the U.S. aided Saddam Hussein during the 1980s and protected him from any international sanctions, finding his possession of "weapons of mass destruction" intolerable only after he stepped out of line and ceased to be of service. The U.S. is also at least as prone to unilateral actions as Iraq, and commonly ignores an international consensus and international law when they stand in the way of a preferred option (as discussed below).

Retail and Wholesale Rogues: The difference between the two countries in respect of roguery is that the U.S. is a superpower with global reach, whereas Iraq is a relatively weak regional power. The U.S., we might say, engages in wholesale roguery, whereas Iraq is a retail rogue. But nobody in the mainstream calls the wholesale rogue by such a name, any more than they would label it a terrorist state or sponsor of terror, no matter how close the fit. If a country is sufficiently powerful, it naturally assumes the role of global policeman, and as such it designates who are terrorists and rogues. This role is accepted and internalized not only by its own media, but by politicians and the media of its allied and client states. As La Fontaine pointed out in his fable "The Wolf and the Sheep," "The opinion of the Biggest is always the best." Under the rule of the Biggest, the law and rules of morality only apply to others, not to the ruler himself. This double standard rests on sheer power. It is effected through a variety of processes involving the mainstream media, which ignore or play down outrageous behavior and law violations by the ruler, but wax indignant at comparable or lesser enemy actions. Cuba's shooting down of a Cuban refugee plane which flew over its territory was excoriated by the media, but disclosure of multiple U.S. attempts to assassinate Castro caused neither indignation nor reflection on "who is the terrorist." When the global rogue justified terrorizing Nicaragua in the 1980s by the "national security threat" posed by that tiny power, and bombed Baghdad in 1993 following an alleged Iraqi plot to assassinate former president George Bush, on the ground of the right to "self defense," nobody important responded with laughter or indignation. The absurd rationalizations were reported "objectively" and the violent acts were accepted and normalized.

Misusing the UN and World Court : Nothing illustrates the global rogue's lack of principle and propensity to unilateralism better than its treatment of the UN and World Court. When the UN or Court have failed to serve its purposes, the global rogue has assailed them, refused to pay its dues (in violation of the law), withdrawn from UN organizations (UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; ILO - International Labour Organization), and simply ignored a UN consensus or Court ruling.

The U.S. has used the UN as a cover for its own agenda, but not allowed the UN to function where its positions were inconsistent with that agenda. he most notable recent case of using (and misusing) the UN was the 1990-1991 assault on Iraq, and the sanctions imposed on Iraq which continue to this day. Here the U.S. was deeply upset over an illegal occupation in violation of the UN Charter. And by the aggressive use of its power to coerce and bribe support (well described in Phyllis Bennis's valuable Calling the Shots, chap. 2), the global rogue was able to get the UN to give it a free hand to crush Iraq and keep it crushed thereafter - with a cumulative civilian death toll in the hundreds of thousands. The rogue actually violated the UN charter in implementing the UN resolution giving it a free hand, by resolutely refusing to consider any peaceful settlement and insisting on a military attack. Its use of weapons like uranium enhanced shells and fuel air bombs, the slaughter of large numbers of completely helpless and fleeing soldiers (along with many refugees), burying many of them in unmarked graves, and bulldozing sand over Iraqi trenches killing hundreds more, violated the rules of war, under UN cover.

With Iraq, the global rogue was teaching a lesson to a retail rogue who had crossed it. Clients of the global rogue are treated differently. South Africa, which illegally occupied Namibia, and used it as a jumping off place to invade Angola and support Savimbi (an Angolan politician) and also attacked and terrorized all the other front line states for several decades, was perhaps the number one retail rogue and terrorist state of the last half century. Its occupation of Namibia was condemned by the Security Council, General Assembly and World Court from the late 1960s, and it was ordered to withdraw. But it refused to obey, and no attempt was made to force the termination of that occupation. The U.S. was "constructively engaged" with South Africa, and collaborated with it in its support of Savimbi the Angolan politician, and attacks on Angola and the front line states. Another important case has been that of Israel, which occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, and although Security Council resolution 242 called upon Israel to withdraw it has refused to do so for two decades, without penalty. Israel was also condemned for its collaboration with South Africa and maltreatment of the Palestinians in a long series of UN resolutions. But as the U.S. supports Israel, its occupation and abuses are beyond the reach of UN authority. The U.S. has vetoed some 40 resolutions condemning Israel, and successfully prevents any action constraining it or protecting its victims. The votes are usually in the order of 150-2, but this near unanimity cannot offset the power of the global rogue. In the case of the World Court, the U.S. used it effectively against Iran and other states, but when the Court ruled in favor of Nicaragua in 1986, calling for U.S. reparations for the "unlawful use of force," the U.S. denounced and simply ignored the ruling. In a telling revelation of the subservience of the U.S. media to the global rogue's prerogatives, the New York Times editorialized in support of the U.S. refusal to accept the Court's ruling, calling the Court a "hostile forum." As regards the UN, also, the Times and its media confreres have followed the official agenda, finding the UN ineffectual and wrong-headed when not serving U.S. interests, but finally recovering its proper role, as in the Persian Gulf war, when it functions as a U.S. instrument. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, and virtual U.S. control of the Security Council, the U.S. now regularly bypasses the World Court, and, of course, the UN General Assembly, in carrying out its agenda. Thus it was not only able to use the UN as a cover for war and retribution against Iraq, it has successfully used the Security Council to impose sanctions on Libya for refusing to turn over to the U.S. and Britain two suspects in the bombing of Pan Am 103. Libya denies that the Security Council has jurisdiction and objects to any trial by the biased protagonists, but the World Court has deferred to the Security Council, so this U.S.-dominated body now has a free hand to designate rogues and terrorists. No client of the global rogue has been subjected to sanctions under this regime.

Global Rogue Aggressions: Ignoring both minor bombing raids and the numerous subversive efforts not involving military forces, since the end of World War II, the United States has committed acts of aggression against Guatemala (1954), Lebanon (1958), the Dominican Republic (1965), Vietnam (1954-75), Laos (1964-1975), Cambodia (1969-1975), Nicaragua (1980-1990), Grenada (1983) and Panama (1989). I would argue that the Persian Gulf war was also a case of U.S. aggression, as the U.S. took advantage of Iraq's aggression against Kuwait to smash a regional power that had defied it. In short, the U.S. has been the number one international aggressor over the past 50 years.

In the case of the Vietnam War, the global rogue was able to ignore the 1954 Geneva Accords, place a puppet in power in South Vietnam, invade and bomb all of Indochina, killing as many as four million people over two decades, without the slightest interference from the UN or World Court.

In the case of Panama, the rogue invaded in 1989 to capture its leader, Noriega, allegedly for drug dealing and authoritarian rule. But Noriega had been on the U.S. payroll for years while dealing in drugs and ruling by terror. The real reason for the invasion was Noriega's refusal to collaborate with the U.S. in its illegal attacks on Nicaragua. Again, the U.S. veto and overall power allowed this multi-levelled rogue operation to go forward without impediment.


Terrorism and Sponsorship of Regimes of Terror: As noted, the U.S. has been able to label its targets and victims "terrorists" as well as rogues. Terrorist groups supported and sponsored by the U.S., like Savimbi in Angola, the Nicaraguan contras, and the Cuban refugee network - which has operated out of the U.S. itself - are "freedom fighters," not terrorists, by right of sponsorship. The CIA and U.S. military forces have been outstanding direct instruments of terror: William Blum in Killing Hope lists 35 individuals or groups known to have been targeted by U.S. agents in assassination attempts, some (like Castro and Kaddafi) repeatedly, and with quite a few successfully killed. Larger scale U.S. terrorism has been carried out by its military establishment, with vastly larger civilian casualties, and the establishment terrorism expert J. Bowyer Bell acknowledged that a legitimate question had been raised as to why the "use of American B-52s over Hanoi was an appropriate military exercise, while the Palestinian use of incendiary grenades in Rome was not." Bell never answered the question, but we can do that easily: the Biggest defines what is terrorism as well as who is a rogue.

U.S.-protected clients have also been in the forefront of world terrorism: the massacre of some 600 civilians by the Salvadoran army at the Rio Sumpul river in 1980, the killing of over 600 by South Africa in the Kassinga refugee camp in Angola in 1978, and the Phalange-Israeli massacre of over 1,800 Palestinians at Sabra-Shatila in 1982, each equalled or exceeded the collective total of the Western favorite - the PLO, Baader Meinhof gang and Red Brigades. These are just single episodes by regimes that did a lot of killing. U.S. sponsorship of the National Security State in Latin America, and of regimes like those of Marcos, Mobutu, the Shah of Iran, Suharto, and the Greek colonels, involved the support of serious state terrorism on a global scale. "The real terror network," described in my book of that name (South End, 1982) was a creation of U.S. policy for its own backyard, designed to get rid of obstacles to market expansion and U.S.-amenable rule by terror. It is the genius of the Western propaganda system that, in the face of this reality, the U.S. was and is today portrayed as the steadfast opponent of "terrorism."


Economic Terrorism: The economic rules of the game also apply mainly to others, not to the Biggest. During the 1980s, when the Japanese auto industry was badly out-competing that of the U.S., quotas were imposed by the U.S. in a protectionist system that was applied also in the steel and other industries. This was the same period in which the U.S. was engaged in "aggressive unilateralism," bullying other countries into opening their markets on the ground of sacred free trade principles.

Far more gross has been the U.S. use of food warfare and trade/investment boycotts against political targets like Vietnam, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Nicaragua and other states that cross it. These boycotts have caused serious hunger, disease and death in the victim countries, although it is often hard to separate the effects of food warfare from those of U.S. direct and proxy military operations. In Nicaragua in the 1980s, the two together helped reduce household real incomes by some 50 percent, contributing to widespread malnutrition, a weakened health care system, and eventually the desired ouster of the Sandinista government. The U.S. policy of "destructive engagement" with Cuba has also substantially affected the Cuban standard of living and health conditions. The American Association of World Health recently reported that food warfare against Cuba "has contributed to serious nutritional deficits, particularly among pregnant women, leading to an increase in low birth-weight babies. In addition, food shortages were linked to a devastating outbreak of neuropathy numbering in the tens of thousands." Caloric intake fell by one third between 1989 and 1993, and curtailed access to water treatment chemicals and medicines has also taken a heavy toll.

The U.S. boycotts of Cuba and Iran and threats to retaliate against foreign companies doing business with them - a form of secondary boycott - violates the global trade rules that the U.S. helped put together, but it exempts itself, usually on the ground of "national security," and its power allows it to get away with self exemption. And the mainstream media, so indignant at the Arab secondary boycott of companies doing business with Israel after the 1967 war, make no comparisons and berate the U.S. allies for disloyalty to the Biggest. Other countries are also expected to make national economic adjustments to reestablish equilibrium that the Biggest doesn't choose to make. A large U.S. trade deficit, for example, could be reduced by policy changes by either the U.S. or by Japan and other major allies. Japanese and European expansionary policies would increase their incomes and prices, and thus enlarge their imports from the U.S. and reduce their exports. On the other hand, the U.S. deficit could be reduced by U.S. contractionary policies that would curtail U.S. imports and increase U.S. exports. The U.S. may expect others to carry out painful contractionary policies, but it naturally does not entertain the possibility that it should be subject to similar pain. From 1945 until today the U.S. has expected the foreign countries to do the adjusting.

Possibly the most important form of economic terrorism carried out by the global rogue has been its contribution to the ongoing aggressive imposition of the neoliberal model of economic life on peoples everywhere. The U.S. has not been alone in pushing this program, which has the support of the community of transnational corporations across the globe, as well as many states whose governments are in thrall to this powerful community. But the Biggest, home of a sizable fraction of transnationals and effectively dominating the IMF and World Bank, has been the leader. The imposition of this model has stripped countries of autonomy and weakened the ability of national majorities to organize and seek change through traditional political processes. It has been associated with a massive upward redistribution of income and wealth and immense misery to the hundreds of millions of losers in the new class war.

Such abuse of power and exploitation by imperial top dogs is not new, as the earlier reigns of Britain and Spain make clear. What is new, however, is the hypocrisy in the exalted self-image of the U.S. as the redeemer nation, bringing "democracy" to the world, as it fights against "protectionism" and the demon retail terrorists and rogue states, constructed to provide its sense of exoneration and purity.


My Comments: All these facts, these injustices are burned into the psyche of national and racial groups and burn within for vengeance. They will wreak havoc upon individuals and groups when fragmenting minds seek to lash out as the deteriorating circumstances such as those of the Endtime demand such a thing in those minds. The quick fix solution of venting the rage on scapegoats and on "them" whom they perceive as having done them wrong will bring on anarchy as never before. The racial strife everywhere and the skin-head football hooliganism of late are but a hint of what is to come!


From the "Trust Us, we know what
is best for you" department:

This is another example of a globalist organization using "science" to deny scientific realities today by projecting that "everything will be just fine" by the middle of next century (exactly as we have seen the World Health Organization do with disease). Notice how they put the problem in terms of "not being able to detect" improvements due to scientific limitations, as if it were all just some kind of measurement difficulties. This is false hope for the fools!

June 22, 1998: UN: Ozone layer at all-time thinnest by 2001. GENEVA (Reuters) - The earth's protective ozone layer will hit its all-time thinnest by 2000 or 2001, the World Meteorological Organization said Monday. Despite forecasts that international measures to halt the decline will help the layer improve by the middle of the next century, the ozone layer is at its most vulnerable now and things will get worse before they get any better, the WMO said. "We could expect this ozone depletion to be stronger than anything we have observed up to now," Rumen Bojkov, the leading ozone expert at the Geneva-based U.N. weather agency, told a news conference. The ozone layer is a protective fragile shield of gas that absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun but has been increasingly pierced by holes caused by man-made chemicals. The holes are blamed for causing skin cancer and cataracts. Bojkov said the holes were forecast to stay for the coming 20 years before a recovery by the middle of the next century brings it back to the 1960s levels, according to scientific models. But he said detecting any such recovery would take at least another 20 years because of scientific limitations. The WMO also said its research showed that the role of the chemical methyl bromide as an ozone-depleting substance was less than previously thought. The fumigant used in agriculture was seen as the most important ozone-depleting chemical used worldwide.

It called on countries of the world to implement measures agreed by the 1987 Montreal Protocol -- an international agreement on limiting substances that deplete the ozone layer. Under that agreement, developed and developing countries agreed to phase out CFCs -- chlorofluorocarbons which are commonly used in aerosols and refrigeration systems. Many experts doubt the targets can be met, although CFC use has dropped dramatically in many industrialized countries.

It is as if the staff on the "Titanic" are arguing about whether they should make an appointment to debate the need to shuffle the deck chairs as the ship sinks!!



Many have asked me these questions: "Who are you to have such information? Where does the information come from?" My advice to you is this: the answer to these questions is not as important as the answer to these questions you should ask yourself: "Who am I? What relevance is this information to me?"

Regarding the first two questions, I could give any number of facts relating to who I think I am and what the Source of this information is. But on this level, at this time, I would be in no position whatsoever to prove anything I say. At the same time no one is in any position to disprove what I say. So really the answers I could give are irrelevant.

But the questions you need to ask yourself and the answers you can supply are not only relevant, they are of paramount importance, for on them depends your eternal fate. This fate can in no way depend on the answers to the question of who I am and where I get my information.

Your answer to your own interrogation is going to be that you are Good or Evil. My identity has no bearing on that. This information is relevant to you or it is not. Again that has no bearing on where I got it.

So you see, your fate is in your hands and no one else's.

This information is relevant to you if it mirrors the knowledge within you. If it does, the source of where I got the facts to awaken you to your inner truth is irrelevant. If it does not mirror your inner truth then it does not matter who I am or where my information came from, does it? In this case you would pursue the path according to your own volition.

If it does resonate with your internal truths, then you will follow that knowledge within you to prepare for the future, for you will believe in yourself. Then you can identify the source of the knowledge, your truth, as the God Consciousness within you. And that, after all, is the only truth you should acknowledge and follow, for did not Jesus Christ Himself say the Kingdom of Heaven is within?

Once a being is awakened by the Light, s/he has no need for external agents. It has no need to ask my identity. The being knows that on some level it knows all and is not threatened by my identity, knowledge or message.

But evil beings are threatened, even though they ask repeatedly who I might be. But being evil, no matter what answer is given, they are not going to believe it. So why give them any answer? I don't.


Take Care At All Times

A seeker who is on the spiritual path would be foolish indeed to consider himself/herself less subjected to programming, pollution and indoctrination without taking proper protective steps. In fact, when one aligns with the Light, greater efforts are made by the opposition to block progress. You would be wise to remember also that many are extremely programmed, polluted and indoctrinated while they put on the airs and graces of being "in the Light". Such deceivers are more likely to be of the opposition waiting to trap, exploit, injure and block unwary genuine seekers.


For us stuck in this physical dimension, the dimension appears to be all-important. But really, how important is this physical dimension? The answer is that it is not very important at all. Most of the True Beings (consciousnesses) have been removed from the human class. The animal and vegetable class are also well advanced in the evacuation plans. So really, the physical dimension is going to be left to self-destruct. Its importance and significance to consciousnesses outside of it are nought.


The Marriage Gamble

In youthful exuberance, sometimes in mature reflection, with or without the counsel of others, one chooses a partner. Who can tell in early days whether in time that partner will reveal itself to be a warlock/witch/demon? The very system that blinds us to the true nature of others has been purposely designed that way so that we can be trapped and exploited while we succumb to the apparently pleasant, but eventually possibly spiritually fatal seduction of the senses.


The Targets of the "Demi-God"

It is a fact that beings of Light are targets of the evil demi-god, the Evil Mind, - known by many names. For the beings of Light it is a situation of total spiritual war in this world, in this dimension. Therefore, it is important to be clear about the Evil Mind's targets in this War. The demi-god's target is the True God of Light and particularly the True Beings. The Demi-god of this dimension does not need to bother too much about those who are already safely in his control. But those who have defied him and who have committed themselves to oppose him are his major targets. That is why it often seems that temptation, attacks and problems in life increase when we are awakened to the Light. This is no illusion! This is not a psychological effect or paranoia. We do pass from apparent security into the firing line.

The ultimate aim of the evil demi-god is the liquidation of the beings of Light. In a world where Good and Evil are genuine options and where people seem to have a measure of freewill to choose, temptation is inevitable. The true God of Light does not tempt us. When pressure is allowed to come upon us, the Divine within us prompts us to overcome temptation and pressure, and be all the stronger for it. But when the evil demi-god of this world brings pressures on us, he wants to break us; he wants us to give up our resistance against him; he wants to milk every drop of energy from us for evil purposes; he wants to overwhelm us and for us to be all the weaker afterwards. To achieve his selfish, evil aims he uses all sorts of tactics - lies, threats, torture, temptations, impositions, suffering, confusion, etc..

Temptation comes to everyone, no matter how strong, how good, how weak, or how wicked one may be. Remember the story of Jesus' temptation by the Prince of Darkness recounted in the Bible? Clearly, we can all identify the reality of temptation in our lives. The important thing is not to give in to temptation when it confronts us. It is not the fact of temptation, but the giving in to it which is serious. Evil is powerless against us as long as we do not give our will over to it. The evil demi-god is powerless until we say "yes" to him. Hence, as long as we do not give our will over to Evil, Evil cannot truly win even if it means we have to suffer humiliation, injustice and pain.

If we give in to Evil, it becomes harder to combat the next time. However, this does not necessarily mean that it would become easier the next time if we resisted. It may be a case that we become exposed to a stronger degree of evil than before. But as we become stronger in the process, so too are we able to resist stronger attacks from evil.

The evil demi-god does everything he can to prevent beings responding to the Divine message of the Light brought forth by the Light's messengers. Evil does not want people to awaken to the Truth. Thus, when one awakens, one becomes a target of Evil. Evil and its archons and minions are always out to crush the beginnings of true spiritual life. Evil discredits the Divine message by mixing truth with untruth, by lies and falsehood, by inflicting fear of punishment, etc.

The evil demi-god achieves his end by all sorts of disguises. For example, those around you who appear to be nice, helpful, kind and open would say to you that all religions and beliefs lead to God and therefore, it does not matter what you believe. For a start, belief in the existence of two creations of Good and Evil is neither a religion nor just a belief. It is a fact, a reality. The statement that all leads to the same God is saying that we should not take things seriously, for ultimately there is no need for discernment, for all leads to the same goal. This is false. This is evil because it distracts the unaware from the Truth, from their liberation.

Another common utterance of untruth is this: There is no evil. What appears evil is only a privation of good, only states of awareness and evolution which resulted in the perception of evil by people. Indeed, this is a disguise of Evil. Evil wants to keep beings divided. Evil does not want beings of Light to speak up against falsehood. Evil does not want beings to know the Truth. One extremely effective common tactic in stopping people from responding to the Light is via the programming of sex and seduction. This is done by encouraging and seducing true beings to fall in "love" with and marry a partner who has no intent in being in the Light. What partnership is there between the beings of Light and beings of Darkness? None at all. But Evil knows that if it can control one member of a marriage, it can influence the pair and various aspects of their existence. If seduction fails, coercion is another of Evil's favorite tactics. In order to keep true beings from the Truth, persecution in various forms, and social pressures, fears, loneliness, economic, health and family pressures can all be employed to coax people into the seduction to Darkness.

When we reject evil and serve the Light, Evil will attack us relentlessly but as long as we do not "sell" our Divine blue-print to Evil, Evil cannot win. Evil utters untruths about you and comes forth with its false witnesses and the so-called evidence. This is done in the hope of blocking you from the Divine path and progress. Evil wants you to give up trying. Evil wants to break you and throw you off balance through lust, through threats of loss of job, or loss of your loved ones.

Evil tempts you with doubts. These can come in many forms and disguises. Fear is a very effective tactic laid upon the true beings and fear can come in many forms. Fear is an extremely powerful weapon employed by Evil to trap and control people. Jealousy, laziness, false asceticism, depression and discouragement are effective tools against true beings.

At the present time the attacks on minds are intense and will continue to intensify. Evil is out to confuse. It sows all doubts and fears to paralyse and confuse us. Evil torments the mind of individuals. The Evil force invites one to doubt the Divine's goodness and truth. It casts doubt about what is right and whether or not to act in obedience to our own intuition.

Live not from emotions but from your being, from your inner awareness. Determine how you want to use your energy, abilities, resources, and available time. You need not be concerned about what others think.

Maintain friendly, supportive relationships with those with whom you choose to share your energy, your life, while maintaining your spiritual integrity. If that is not possible, you have to choose whether to compromise (i.e. to give in) or to stand by your true-self. Each is responsible for his or her own decision. There are many decisions one has to make in life. If you think you can always make a decision without someone else being unhappy with you, you are wrong. You have to choose what is right for your highest good.

If you compromise with Evil, you are lost to Evil. It is the responsibility of each true being to make the important decision to follow the Light and to make a total commitment to the Light. The decision has to be yours and no one else's. But remember, we are never alone.



Poem # 162 from my Poetry Book Volume 3


Some hypocrites have nothing better to do than

bad-mouth any they know, especially those they envy.

If you happen to be caught by ones who want to pollute

you in such a way with their malicious calumny,

tell them to buzz off, as you have no time for them,

or their evil ways, or their obvious trouble-making idiocy.

Without an audience these nitwits soon lose their power

and are exposed fully in their imbecility.

As a rule of thumb, never believe what others,

no matter who they are, say anyway.

Check it out. You will find most people who

like to spread yarns and rumours are liars

and deceivers of the worst kind on any day.

Do you really want the likes of these people

as friends when they increase friction and ill-will?

Life is hard enough as it is, without this

type making it more confusing and difficult

and adding to the deprecating bill.

What they are really doing is internally stirring

you so that you will be destabilized and lose energy.

And is that not what evil is all about?

Of course it is, and that is definitely

not how you want to ever, ever be!


Farewell until we meet again ...

J S Chiappalone. Copyright 1998 .

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