Newsletter # 22 - June 1998,

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Annwn News


A big, bright "Hello" to all our readers everywhere they may be and Goodwill to all those of goodwill. In these troubled times, may we all receive what we rightfully deserve!!

Changes galore are occurring around the world so swiftly it is difficult to fit everything into one's mental mosaic. The details are not as important, as the recognition of the general trends of what is occurring. Focus at all times on the Bottom Line which we have revealed to you, and you will not become destabilized, or as confused, as those with little understanding.

Great to hear from so many of you who want to remain connected to these pages, and not simply be a passive retriever from the website of the ever-expanding, and mostly useless, information Superhighway which the World Wide Web represents. Poetry Book 5 now available $30 posted airmail to anywhere.

This reality of information overload leads me to a number of points I wish to discuss:

1         Many of you hunger for information with which you can make some Sense of the Madness "out there", in the world and in your own thoughts. That "something" in the world, of the world, for the world, is radically amiss is not hard to perceive. What is difficult to fathom is the extent of it and how it relates to our personal lives, physically, mentally and spiritually, even apart from the more mundane parameters of economics, relationships, occupations and education. This difficulty can only be resolved to some extent by having the right answers. Answers for Light Beings differ from those of Darkness who cannot get the Light's right answers. For Light Beings, right answers are the ones which allow them to function optimally in both favourable and unfavourable circumstances. While beings of Evil may have answers, right for them, it is not Truth they have. Hence, answers may differ in degree and significance to you of Light from the answers of others. Hence, your answers are the best ones which fit you, the unique consciousness, that you are. I am emphasizing this truism because it is so important. It is not tautological when you realize its importance. The reason why so many of us have floundered in ignorance in so many lives is because we have forgotten this very obvious axiom and allowed others, especially the spurious religions, to dictate what truth is, what it should or should not be. Even now the New Agers, and the assortment of gurus whom I prefer to call Snake Oil Salesmen, around the globe, are attempting to do the same thing!

2        More and more people realize something dramatic is happening all over the globe, in their lives. Forget the few who are programmed, polluted and indoctrinated to suspect nothing, see nothing, and want to see nothing. These deniers are baneful Shadows of Darkness who will soon disappear in the radiance of manifested Truth. Forget the sceptics, the mockers, and the rabble drowning in their own insanity and illusion. Forget the fornicating, sodomizing sacerdotes and their hypocrisy. Forget the mind-constraining bigots in the New Age and Cults; forget the financially blackmailing Zionists and their malicious, threatening and punishing Jehovah with his mechanisms of doomed Virtual Reality. Look instead to the coming Light and its enlightenment. See the ubiquitous and inexorable fragmentation of this collapsing, closed, Counterfeit Creation, and all its systems, and understand clearly what is going on.

You need to understand what is going on because:

*        You will be affected by all the deteriorating circumstances which will affect the whole globe.

*        Proper Knowledge is going to assist you at this time like nothing else can. It is the only thing which will prevent you from slipping into the murkiness of the Terminal Madness of the Endtime which we see unmistakably affecting all levels of consciousness on this fracturing plane, including the insects, animals and humans, devas, astral beings, discarnates, evil aliens, and sordid parts and projections of fracturing consciousnesses of other levels and dimensions! Readers of our books and former publications are familiar with such concepts.

*        You must realize that you, and all whom you know, will be affected to varying degrees, by all aspects of the dimension as it deteriorates in preparation for:

i        Separation of the consciousnesses of the True Creation from those of the counterfeit creation,

ii        Total destruction of the non-viable components,

iii        Evacuation of viables.

You need to prepare for the changes which are many, and which are unstoppable. The knowledge of them and how it will affect you will be the greatest gift you will have ever received on this plane, for it will allow you to not only see the Plan of Correction, but it will also allow you to keep your head, your rationality, when all others around you are losing theirs. Now, is that knowledge not something worth having?. Of course, the things to come will be emotionally painful. But again, with the proper knowledge, the pain of separation, of loss, of decay, of inevitable change of states of consciousness will be lessened by the knowledge of knowing what is going on. By focusing on the Light at the end of it all - the Bottom Line, yes, the Light at the end of the Tunnel, for those who like cliches, we will be able to focus on the "Good Times" ahead.

The facts and figures, data and information, references, essays, opinions and messages we publish in these pages are to prepare you, stimulate your own mind to attain its own truth, provide the Gnostic Keys you may need and highlight not only the pragmatic steps of disintegration, but also give you some insight into the metaphysical explanations behind various world changes and the consequences we all are witnessing daily.

-        The fact that some doubt is irrelevant to this information we publish.

-        The fact that some deny is also irrelevant.

-        The fact that some become abusive, even malicious, is all irrelevant.

Why do I say that? Because, even if not one consciousness were to believe this information we publish, Truth will still be Truth and the Correction will occur without hesitation. In other words, what is occurring does NOT depend on what people believe or don't believe. It does not depend on what they want or do not want. It is clear, to those with some understanding, that what is happening to the Earth, to Humanity, and all living things, all consciousnesses, in this doomed bubble of Virtual Reality, depends on mechanisms beyond this plane of consciousness, beyond the human psyche, beyond the Darkness, the Ignorance, the deceit and the stupidity of this corrupt plane. The fact that it is describable in such a way is the very reason why the Final Correction is proceeding.


This phrase, which I have coined, is both a description of certain aspects of life on this planet, in this generation, which I have described as the Final generation of the Planet, and an indication of the ultimate explanation of what is going on. I will explain this assertion with what follows.

Each of us in some way is being affected by overt fragmentation of the hitherto apparently homeostatic biological systems of Earth. Some are bothered by financial loss, others by deteriorating job prospects, many by illness, pollution, racism, the rage of others at work, on the road, at school, etc.

Even the most cursory examination of the various aspects of existence confirms fragmentation of governments, religions, families, communities, nations, ecological systems, financial institutions, educational institutions, diverse races, cultures and so on. However, the biggest factor which will affect each and every individual is the mental fragmentation which s/he may or may not suffer. Indeed, the majority will suffer this Terminal Madness of the Endtime, but some will not.

It is not sufficient to simply describe aspects of symptoms of the malady affecting the Earth, humanity and all living creatures in its ecosystems. One needs to make an accurate diagnosis and then find the prognosis. Finding out why this is all happening means there must be some solution to this mess. And indeed there is a solution, along with many other spurious postulations of what is going on. I hope to briefly examine these aspects.

To know what is going on and why, we need to consider the fragmentation which is occurring from all three perspectives: the physical, the psychic or mental, and the spiritual perspective. Failing to do so can only lead to an inadequate database upon which any conclusions can be based.

A        The Physical Perspective:

The physical fragmentation is the most obvious for us to see, and while we do rely on data supplied by various collectors, we are also affected directly enough in our lives to reach our own conclusions. This is important, for many who supply public data often give us false conclusions of what it all means.

The biological fragmentation from a physical perspective is of an inexorably terminal decay of the planet.

i        Ozone depletion is allowing injurious radiation to reach us with destructive consequences. Plankton and krill are dying, thus causing the seafood chain to collapse. This has been noted and our seas are all but sterile, dead. Cataracts, skin cancers, especially fatal melanoma, suppressed immunological ability - all due to the radiation - are also side-effects.

ii        Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect are well documented and it is only malicious, vested interests who for the want of greedy profits are disputing these even as the antarctic is melting, as record annual temperatures are noted and as oceanic warming is causing the disasters associated with the El Nino Effect. This elevation of temperatures is also allowing the development of a toxic pathogenicity in all strata of consciousness. Hence,

a        tropical diseases such as Malaria and Dengue fever are spreading, as are Japanese encephalitis, Hanta virus, TB, etc., from other reasons including the breakdown of public health measures, poverty, antibiotic resistance, etc.

b        Toxic algae are poisoning waterways and killing coral reefs.

c        Previously harmless symbiotic or parasitic microbes are becoming pathogenic and causing diseases such as E.Coli food poisoning.

d        Warmer waters are acting as culture mediums for cholera, pfiesteria, salmonella, campylobacter, etc.

e        The changes have given us climatic madness.

iii        Pollution, most of which is from human endeavours and their destructive scientific technology, is not only causing terminal decay of systems, but also sterilizing humanity, animals, amphibians and insects. Excessive use of chemicals, antibiotics, poisons, radioactive material, etc., etc, has bred superbugs, superweeds, and iatrogenic diseases from which people are dying. The air, water and soil are polluted to an irredeemable level. Gastrointestinal diseases are increasing, as is asthma from dirty air. Salination of soils, albeit ignored by most, is threatening crop failures in many locations. Acidification of rivers, waterways and estuaries is destroying the nurseries of what fish and crustaceans remain.

iv        New diseases such as transgenic ones and an increased incidence of zoonoses indicate both increased virulence in microbes and a breakdown of the victim's defence. Malicious experimentation with genetics and vaccines, with the development of protease-resistant protein strands called prions, has given rise to the spectre of humanity's doom in the form of HIV-AIDS, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE or Mad Cow Disease) and Gulf War Syndrome, which I contend is a variant of these, even more infectious, and faster acting. The activity of prions alludes to supramental manipulation of this level. However, details of that I will leave for another discourse.

This list of physical decay can be greatly expanded with much more detail, however these few facts suffice to indicate that some major problems exist in the physical plane.

B        The Psychic (Mental) Perspective:

Mental fragmentation is, from my perspective, equally as obvious.

i        People are abandoning religious institutions in droves for they are not mentally satisfied with the answers. In other words, whatever dogmatic paradigm was restraining them appears to be no longer sufficient in view of the physical deterioration, and these institutions are collapsing.

ii        Governments are changing, or are under attack, repeatedly, demonstrating they have no answers to the ills which plague their nations and also that the mental lability of voters is becoming destructive instability.

iii        Financial collapse in nations, although minimized by some sections of the media, is an indication of perverse attacks by currency speculators and profiteers whose mentality is fracturing, thus allowing them to act in such irresponsible ways. The collapse of the Asian Tiger economies will be followed by Japan which is teetering, China, other Asian nations, Australia, Europe and the USA. I am aware of the talk of supreme wealth and economic buoyancy in the US, but readers are warned that the talk is all hot air. The US is unofficially bankrupt and the economy a bubble of spuriousness, built on false hope, which is about to burst. Warnings by financial archons such as Alan Greenspan and others have been ignored with the hubris of minds self-satisfied in the efficacy of their own illusion. That, too, is a measure of the fragmentation of the mental plane.

iv        Most systems are in crisis - health and medical, hospitals, manufacturing industries, exports, imports, and so on. This is a symptom of individualistic mental instability as well as the decay en masse, for individuals are making gross errors of judgement affecting the things they manage.

v        Individual mental decay is reflected in such things as Road Rage, Computer rage, increased incidents of suicide, especially among the youth, hostility, suspicion, paranoia, racism, tribalism, minor and major wars, accelerated divorce rate, pornography, prostitution, paedophilia, etc. Both humans and animals are behaving in an increasingly erratic manner. Is it not madness of individuals which gives us the continuing Gulf War Fiasco, the Genocide of Palestinians, India vs Pakistan, Shri Lankans vs Tamils, etc., etc.? Is the threat of nuclear annihilation, which will shortly precipitate into the eventuality of a nuclear World War 3, not from fragmenting minds? Patience is also all but dead in most.

Apart from metaphysical reasons upon which I will not elaborate here, this madness of minds is reflected also in the increased violence by children and women. More school shootings and the like will occur, for the progress of Terminal Madness of the Endtime is accelerating and unstoppable.

vi        Inspite of apparent wealth in the West, of unprecedented longevity, entertainment galore and technological assistance, most minds are not imbued with a joie de vivre, but rather they are threatened by a very real sense of foreboding, an anxiety of inexplicable origin, a sense of doom even. This explains why the sale of psychotropic drugs is at record levels, as are illicit drugs and why escapisms are sought so avidly -just think of the recent "Viagra" craze! Of course, many shun or ignore such feelings or else put them down to poorly performing aspects of their lives, such as relationships, jobs, health, etc., but the mental moods reflect in their actions and manifest in their body language, for as a human thinks, s/he acts. Hence, the rise in hatred, impatience, racism, violence, etc., etc., which is ubiquitous. All these things will become worse as minds fragment even more. Not all minds are like this, in fact, some are bright and joyous with an understanding of what is going on.

This then, to ask "Why is it so?", is the crux of the situation!

As the physical actions are manifestations of the mental function, so too is the mental function a manifestation of the spiritual. Many who have denied the existence of the spiritual plane, even in most rudimentary forms, are now suffering the most mentally.

C        The Spiritual Perspective:

What we have is a spiritual separation of consciousnesses into "viables" and "non-viables". What I mean by that is that some are not fit to continue existence and some are. We, on this planet, as is occurring or has occurred on every other physical manifestation in this physical universe, are in the process of being sorted out - yes, as per the distorted biblical paradigm, if you wish - and the viable ones are being readied for evacuation from this self-destructing orb.

Many around the world have been contacted via various mechanisms to prepare for such an eventuality. These mechanisms, include dreams, clairvoyant episodes, direct visitations, spacecraft contacts, astral projection and tuition, spontaneous regression, projection into the fixed future, etc.

The spate of UFO activity consists of various groups of aliens, most of whom are evil aliens to be eradicated by a process called transmutation, to which the non-viables are also subjected. Some are the "Elohim", so-called, who have come to evacuate the viables. I realize this may be straining the mental restrictions of some readers, however, space does not allow expansion of these concepts and if they are interested, I direct them to my books and newsletters found on the web at:



The reason why some minds are fragmenting and manifesting the Terminal Madness of the Endtime is because on the spiritual level they are aware of this sorting out of consciousness and of their failure. This possibility, if they have denied the spiritual aspect, does not fit into their restrictive mental paradigm and hence, their minds cannot cope and they are going crazy. In other words, having denied the possibility of this judgement, of this sorting out, of this finality, of this call to account for their actions, inspite of countless warnings, they cannot now realign their minds with a Greater Reality, and they crack with the pressure.

This concept of which I am now writing is not metaphysical, or of personally religious polemic, or of hypothetically theosophical, or philosophical ideologies. It is the information, manifestation and very process of the Greater Reality which exists beyond the Virtual Reality of this plane and the Real Process which is destroying the Virtual Reality of this universe which has been a fraudulent and counterfeit creation. It is minds who cannot accommodate these concepts, which are forced upon them by the ensuing reality, which are going crazy. And their sense of foreboding, of doom, is a realistic and accurate reflection of their failure, and the fact that they will shortly exist no more. There is no simpler or clearer way I can say this. All have had infinite chances throughout their existence to avoid such a fate. Those who have failed have done so by embracing the Essence of Evil which has created this mess.

Why are some happy? They are happy, even though they may be initially apprehensive. They are happy because they eventually realize this is the end of this horribly sordid mess, this den of iniquity, of pain, of suffering and gross exploitation. That this is such a noxious mess may not be all that obvious to deniers sitting in their nice apartments or homes, reading this on relatively expensive computers. It is easy to be deluded when living in an illusion, especially a self-created one within another illusion, but think of the billions who do not have enough to eat, have inadequate housing, have inadequate medical care, or education, no clean water, etc., etc. On the latest figures, some 40% of American citizens, and citizens of my country, Australia also, are disadvantaged in one of these ways. Hence, many are happy, for they realize their prayers have been answered. It is the end of evil and they are going home! And, in case you doubt the correction of this abomination, and think it is not an answer to prayers, let me remind you of these words from the most frequently recited Western prayer - the Lord's Prayer - "... and deliver us from Evil".

As the spiritual aspect filters down to these lower levels, where we are in the physical dimension, inter-dimensional barriers, purposely placed there by Evil as self protection to prevent the fragmentation and eventual correction of this gross error, are collapsing. That is why we are witnessing the incidence of increased phenomenology and experiencing it ourselves. Clairvoyance, a natural ability which we all have, is returning to us all. Near Death experiences, Astral Travel, spontaneous regression, seeing other levels and dimensions, ghosts and apparitions, etc., are all due to interdimensional collapse of barriers.

Some are perversely cashing in on this phenomenon and they call it "Remote Viewing". My advice is that you ignore them. Some are also stupidly, cunningly, blindly attempting to lead the sleeping, gullible blind.

Those whose minds cannot expand to accommodate the Finality of the plane, their failure, the psychic phenomena, etc., are going crazy. The fact that they are forced to confront their own evil nature and submit to a Superior Authority, who will hold them accountable, terrifies them with the gloom of Doom. They have only themselves to blame.

The reason why most clairvoyants, New Agers and Remote Viewers as yet cannot get valid answers of what is going on is because they are part of the doomed fraternity and are struggling to prevent this Greater Reality impinging on the plane. But their resistance is futile and the Truth of what is occurring will become more and more self-evident as time passes.

Finally, I would like to briefly address some of the spurious explanations of what is going on.

i        Deniers are the ones who say nothing is happening. Alas, those sporting the Arrogance of Ignorance are the most strident deniers and objectors to this information. Forget them. Most are the programmed and very ignorant fools who will suffer the most in due course. A few are as yet unawakened "viables". It is amazing how many sacerdotes, religionists, scientists and academics fall into this category of denial. This clearly demonstrates the pernicious effect of spurious educational indoctrination. Their rationalizations, in career and linguistically specific mumbo-jumbo, are hubristic and really spurious and mendacious, and they fall short of full explanations of what is going on. Their short-term band-aid solutions only give rise to greater problems and reveal their ignorance and incompetence in the face of what is upon us. They lose all arguments by weight of what is happening, even as they deny it is so, and by my "Bottom Line" which is that "it is all happening exactly as I have described, for the reasons I have given".

ii        Religious Fundamentalists: These rely on distorted texts, all originally plagiarized from Gnostic origins and then butchered, which form the basis of all religions. Many do expect Christ (the Christ Energy - although some expect an individual) and the Endtime, but they, being indoctrinated with the deceitful spuriousness of dogmatized religion, are grossly confused, for the eventualities they witness do not tally with the distorted texts. Some are trapped "viables" in these ranks, but the majority are failed fools who would not recognize the Divine Light they claim they are awaiting if it burned so brightly in front of their eyes that it perforated their corneas!

iii        New Agers - the Gurus for the gullible: In denying the existence of Evil, this correction and the Endtime, these sods are already floundering in the unreality of perversity. Some, even psychologists in their ranks, claim Earth and humanity are preparing for a quantum leap into a heaven unknown. That is as mendacious as saying, and far, far more ridiculous, that a cachectic, cancer-riddled patient in his last hour of life will get up, get dressed, and run the Boston marathon in record time. It is impossible. The Earth is as good as dead! The spurious healing, by the New Agers and their ilk, for the doomed Earth has been futile, and an obstructive affront to the True GodForce, which they are NOT a part of, and which is performing the Final Separation and Correction.

Maliciousness appears to be prospering on this plane at this time, but that, too, is an illusion. It is simply being exposed everywhere, in preparation for the destruction of all things of an evil essence which give rise to the maliciousness, along with the deceitfulness and gross hypocrisy. As the mechanism of this plane's unstoppable expiration proceeds, the Joy of Theomorphs, of the salvageable "viables", will grow with the truthful, spiritual understanding of what is going on.

Over 90% of this physical universe has already been corrected. The recent light phenomenon, noted by the Italians and Dutch astronomers, depicting the engulfment of massive galaxies by a huge black hole was a view of correction many billions of light years ago in that sector. It is now Earth's turn, and while I have restricted this short essay to earth and its creatures, realize that all planetary bodies, even our sun, are undergoing decay and termination. Indeed, the Terminal Madness is manifesting in erratic cosmology, and soon the absurd Celestial Error, created of Evil, which had trapped theomorphs in its bowels, will be no more.

These changes are unprecedented. There are no other valid explanations of what is happening to humanity, to all the fauna and flora, and to the whole globe. All other explanations are spurious and, as far as I am concerned, this information, manifesting more and more as self-evident truth daily, is not negotiable or debatable.

No matter how many people, for now, want to dispute these facts, and no matter how vigorously they wish to argue, this time IS a time of the Earth's and Humanity's end. It is the Endtime for Evil here and a new beginning elsewhere for those not of Evil.



Where then do such assertions leave the spurious notion that Humanity's future is in its own hands? Exactly nowhere! And that is where this false notion truly belongs. Having said all that, I must remind you that you, as an interconnected physical being sharing a common thought-pool encircling the whole globe, will be subjected to all the physical and psychic manifestations of change which will affect the globe. The spiritual effects are automatic, and are being supervised from beyond this level of consciousness. All will react according to their ontological nature and, as I have said many times, cannot feign a response. Those of Light will go to the Light. Those of Darkness will sink into the Gloom of Doom, which is of Darkness, and all shall receive exactly what they merit! But even while each gravitates towards its side in Essence, the physical and its mind will be involved in the physical and mental changes, in the mental decay.

You may suffer financial loss, be caught in natural disasters, suffer illness and even die. These things are inescapable.

*       All air is dirtier and respiratory diseases are on the increase.

*       Food is contaminated and food poisoning affects all. Pollution and genetic manipulation are increasing allergic reactions to previously innocuous foods, drinks, etc.

*       Prions in meat, fish, fungi, vaccines, will affect all.

*       Infections are spreading fast. Insects and microbes are more virulent and vicious to our biological mechanisms and will affect us all.

*       Ozone depletion, a joke for some not so long ago, is allowing radiation into the lower layers of the stratosphere where all living things are affected: plankton, krill, microbes, plants, crops, animals, humans, etc. The effects are many, including cataracts and blindness; skin cancers, especially deadly melanomas; decreased immunological protection; enhancement of other noxious entities; overgrowth by weeds, algae, fungi; death of fish, of coral seas, etc., etc. Hence we see dying seas, dying plants, animals and humans.

*       An HIV-AIDS-like illness is affecting all aspects of the globe, all levels of consciousness: plants, animals and humans, and in these pages I have highlighted the mechanisms and incidences as they arise around the world.

These changes are inevitable, unstoppable and all of us, whether we have the right knowledge or not, will be affected. We all have to die. We all have to get out of the physical dimension which will be destroyed. How else are we going to go to other levels and dimensions? Prepare mentally now, that you and all others, even your relatives, acquaintances, pets, plants etc., will be affected. As the physical aspects deteriorate, the mental plane will also undergo fragmentation.

*       We will see archons in charge make ridiculous decisions.

*       We will see exposed, the maliciousness of evil archons and the destructive effects of these on individuals, families, communities, nations and the whole world. Yeltsin's antics, and Clinton's, Netanyahu's, George Soros', and many, many others are a manifestation of this.

Their mental fragmentation, a manifestation of the decrepitude of the mental plane, where the evil alien consciousnesses who are also mentally fragmenting and are programming the individuals and masses of this plane, will have repercussions as we see - violence, anarchy, financial collapse, wars, nuclear threats, genocide, etc., etc. These effects will occur far more rapidly and their consequences will be greatly magnified in the ensuing months and in the few short years left for Planet Earth.

You, as an individual, as a member of a community, depending on stores, farms, dairies, suppliers, banks, etc., etc. will be affected one way or another from a physical perspective as well as from a mental perspective.

Being interconnected as we all are on the lower level of the mental plane by the mental mechanisms of the physical entity, we are all subjected to, susceptible to, and bombarded by, the thought-pool around the globe, whose colour and flavour are dictated by the thoughts of the majority. As the majority consists of demons and robots of the fracturing evil essence, just what sort of thoughts do you think will predominate? Of course, they will be thoughts of the desperate robots and demons. Hence, we have a predominance of Terminal Madness of the Endtime with pornography and paedophilia to the fore, as revealed by our newspapers and the Net. Bestiality, necrophilia, etc., cannot be far away.

While these are perverse escape mechanisms the demons and robots are trying to use to escape the reality of their impending doom, there are also thoughts directly related to that impending doom. Hence, a sense of foreboding is pervading the mental plane, a sense of doom, of catastrophic loss, of a need to face someone or something to whom one is ultimately accountable. The fact that most robots and nearly all demons have really denied this eventuality, drives them now perilously close to the Terminal Madness of the Endtime I keep writing about.

Many, most in fact, cannot cope, and they seek escape through drugs, sex and suicide. These fragmenting thoughts, encircling the ether of the plane, can and do, impinge on unprotected minds. Hence, if you are susceptible, you may suffer anxiety, mania, depression, even suicidal tendencies, anger, rage, a feeling to escape from these pervading thoughts which are not yours. You may suffer, if your mind is not protected, the pains of the Terminal Madness of the Endtime, of the doomed masses undergoing mental decay, even if you sit alone on top of Mt. Everest. These will not be pretty times. That warning was given to Humanity from earliest days, as has been the truth of the takeover of these dimensions by Evil, and the need to have a Final Correction of the corrupt Counterfeit Creation.

These truths, which are the basis of True Gnosticism, have been buried by layer upon layer upon layer of lies and Untruth by the demons and robots of the counterfeit creation, by the ones Jesus called the liars and murderers of men and the truth, the progeny of Jehovah, who is Satan - the Devil, the consciousness of Darkness. To say that is not so, is to call mendacious, not just me, but Jesus Christ, whom most of us revere as a manifestation of the Highest Consciousness. And to do that would be a very serious and very grievous error. Of course that is exactly what the ones of Darkness do, what the ontological Zionists do, and that is because they are of the Anti-Christ energy, the evil essence of Jehovah, Satan, Saklas the fool. Mentally prepare now for these inevitable changes. These then are the facts of Rightful Knowledge, for me at any rate. This is the Godly knowledge which the True Gnostics spoke and wrote about. I say True Gnostics because even today, as in old times, there are many impostors!

Humanity is NOT in control of its destiny. It never has been. It is a physical puppetry programmed mainly by other levels of consciousness, as we have explained in our books. Thoughts come from other planes into minds of individuals which then produce actions which cater to the interests of those levels and beings doing the programming. As this is an evil plane, under the control of evil beings, the manifestation has thus far been for the benefit of Evil and the Untruth, and to the detriment of those of the trapped theomorphs of Light and Truth. We have explained these concepts at length in our books. What is now occurring is unprecedented on this level. It is the Correction of the Celestial Error of Evil by Superior Consciousness far beyond the level of Humanity's consciousness.



When we first gave out this information of Correction, of Separation of consciousnesses, of planetary end, there were very few quantifiable facts to support the assertions of planetary termination or of ontological differences, etc.

However, over the last 14 years or so, it has become obvious that the nature of the information, the knowledge we are sharing with you can be divided into the provable facts of planetary disintegration, on both physical and mental levels, and the metaphysical aspect which, although more self-evident than when we first gave out the information 14 years ago, is still an Inner Knowing in some, and cannot be proven on this level until the End Point is reached.

The reason why it is more self-evident to individuals on their own "inner reality plane", is because they are more awakened spiritually, and aware, in a way they certainly were not 14 years ago.

This then leads me to this notion: Those who disagree forcefully and do not believe this information have the chance to provide evidence that I, and my information are wrong. Will they take up the challenge or will they simply disagree and not believe, using irrationality to argue, and because it does not suit them to agree?

Do they have the evidence required to prove global warming is not occurring, that ozone depletion is not a fact, that excessive radiation is not bombarding us all, that HIV-AIDS in humans is not devastating whole nations, that prion diseases are not appearing, that pollution of air, soil and water are not a major health hazard, that new diseases are not appearing with monotonous regularity, that old diseases are not returning, that the seas are not dying, that algae is not poisoning waterways, that climate has not gone crazy, that salination of soils is not devastating farm land, that people are not becoming more overtly malicious, depressed and suiciding in record numbers, that animals, insects, amphibians and humans are not being sterilized by pesticides and other chemical pollutants in the environment, that financial collapses are not occurring?

Let them come forward with their evidence that these terminal changes are not happening!!.

And while they are at it, let them present their evidence which disputes my points and disproves the fact that people all over the globe have been contacted by aliens, are seeing alien crafts, and are being told to prepare for evacuation since the planet is to be destroyed.

I, for one, would be very happy to examine such evidence. However, I know that the true evidence is to the contrary, that it confirms all I say. In many instances I have tabulated it for you in these pages.

Do you remember that in one of our earlier books I wrote that sceptics should tabulate the prophecies and tick them off as they occur? I wonder if any did? I will guarantee that if any took that advice, they would certainly not be sceptics any longer!!

All the evidence points to the fact that these
things are occurring as we said they would occur!!

Having said, as we did, that they would occur when there was no physical evidence for their occurrence 14 years ago, and having seen the changes occurring in quantifiable terms, lends a great deal of credence to the other aspects of the prophecy we have shared with the world.

The veracity of that aspect of our message is simply indisputable when the evidence is examined carefully. Surely that must increase the chances that the second, more metaphysical aspect, may be accurate? If any of you have evidence that this second aspect, of Separation of consciousness, is erroneous, by all means come forward with your evidence.

Many of you know within your being it is correct. And many of you have said as much on hearing it for the very first time. The fact is that the metaphysical explanations we have been asked to give make a great deal of sense, to those who are prepared to expand their awareness, and they explain clearly what is going on. This is experiential endorsement of their veracity.

The fact that purposeful exposure has revealed evil intent in so many people, has revealed so much hypocrisy, greed, deceit, exploitation, irrational victimization, etc., etc., and also the struggle between (truly ontologically different) people must surely allude you to the possibility of opposing essences in the consciousnesses within human bodies.

The fact that there seems to be a curious but automatic separation of people into those who seem to believe what is going on and for the correct reasons, and those who do not, is a great pointer to the separation of the two creations and to the ontology of consciousnesses.

Indeed, metaphysical explanations of these changes may be a little too esoteric for some, but the fact that obvious differences in people are occurring as never before, and in the behaviour of all living things, must surely point to some unprecedented change in the psychological and spiritual anatomy of individuals. Even when no spiritual component is accepted, the psychic and manifested cerebral functional changes are sufficient to suggest major transformation of mental processes on a grand scale. The fact that some are elated at the thought of these changes, while others have a sense of foreboding and doom, reflects the psychic expectations of such individuals, even if they do not, at this stage, want to admit that such things are possible.

Again I say that if any of you have evidence to the contrary, any evidence that contradicts the physical, mental, psychological and psychic evidence I have tabulated and presented, then step forward and let us see it.

To disagree and say you do not believe, based on your emotional instability from fear and trepidation, and from complete ignorance of what is going on, is not a valid reason to argue with these facts. As the old adage goes, "Put up or shut up!"

Of course, as time flies now in the next few, short months and years remaining, these self-evident truths will become even more obvious to all, especially to those who, because of guilt, and their ontological evilness, wish it would not be so. They will cringe and be forced into silence by the validation of all I have presented.

They will, in varying degrees of disquiet and distress, sink into the dank ranks of the Terminal Madness of the Endtime and the mental fragmentation of the eternally damned, all due to their own doing.

If they have evidence to the contrary - ask them to step forward and present it. I am open to them until the last second of their existence!

A few, the failed ones of course, may think I am being too forceful writing in this way. Well tell me then, how does one present evidence of planetary destruction, of evacuation, of Final sorting of consciousnesses, of relocation of the Just into more pristine circumstances, and of destruction via transmutation of those of Darkness?

Should one use playful words, obfuscation, meandering, supplications to goodness? Of course not. We are dealing with "viable consciousnesses" who need straight answers now in order to prepare and prepare well and quickly, for time is short. And we are dealing with evil, "non-viable" beings who have not responded to the Light in the countless chances they have had!!

The ones of Evil are immutably evil. Their time is finished. They have no more chances. Hence, to them it must be told as it is, with no hedging, no cushioning, no compromise. They are finished, period! This decision is final. There is no court of appeal. No error of their fate could possibly have occurred. Each is receiving exactly what each deserves.



A very generous dose of good old fashioned scepticism is always a good thing to have whenever new information, facts or knowledge are presented. Scepticism is a very important safety mechanism and the time spent in the sceptical phase is often very rewarding if you use it properly. How should it be used? It should be used to critically examine, in detail, that which is presented. If you are not cognizant with the quantity and quality of the data offered, suspend judgement. Go and learn all about it, then reappraise the situation.

This advice is "common-sense" but it is amazing how many people do not use it and get trapped in many spurious ventures due to many reasons, not the least of which are programming, pollution and indoctrination from peer pressure, race, nationalism, religion, education, geographical location, and LAZINESS.

However, once the correct data has been analyzed and the correct evidence comes to the fore, scepticism can become a block and a destructive factor. Then, when all the correct evidence is in, with which one can make an adequate assessment, and reach a valid conclusion, to retain a position of pernicious scepticism is no longer stubbornness and ignorance, but foolishness which is disadvantageous to the persistent sceptic, for s/he closes mental doors which would allow proper progress on the correct path to real, valid conclusions.

There is another even more powerful and pertinent factor why scepticism in an individual persists, but that factor relates to the ontological nature of a person and has more to do with the inner machinations of the knowledge one acquires from physical and non-physical sources. That is a personal phenomenon and not subjectable to external analysis. That is the process by which many manifest a faith in something which allows them to believe something as being true for them, inspite of what is apparently presented on this level. I shall leave a more detailed examination of that mechanism for another time. It is however, the valued and valid mechanism which allows less educated members of communities to bypass all their outer minds instantly and "know" when information is correct or not correct, in essence.

This mechanism of "Inner Knowing", we have seen manifest often in people around the world who light up with joy on hearing the information we present. They simply "know" it is accurate, for them, even though they have never heard it before in this life, and have little or no idea of actual medical, religious, financial, geographical, biological, psychological, economic changes or other world changes, nor do they have any data whatsoever which indicates, suggests, or confirms, physical termination of all physicality.

In the face of valid evidence, the rejecting sceptic becomes a social boor and an intellectual obstruction, to himself and others, and is an object of derision, the very opposite to what he wants, for he wants to keep all others trapped in his constraining paradigm of ignorance as he tends to ridicule, treat with the arrogance of ignorance and derision, condemn even, that which s/he cannot understand or accept.

Hence it is that those who laughed at Columbus and called him a fool for insisting the earth was round and that he would go to the Far East by sailing West, are now mocked by us as the real fools. The same scenario we see with Pasteur and his postulation of the existence of microbes, with the Wright brothers and their postulation of the possibility of heavier than air machines which would fly, with Marconi and his wireless radio relays, etc., etc. And so shall it be with this information when the dust has settled. The pejorative ones now will be seen as the ignorant fools of a vanquished virtual reality which will exist no more, in which they also will perish.

As many of us will readily concede, there are many concepts and realities beyond the physical mind and many things of a phenomenological nature which defy reductionism into the restrictive banal rationality of the lower, and really, very ignorant, minds, even when they are in ones whom we call, from an epistemological perspective, extremely erudite.


Poem # 255

May 7, 1998

Horus, our much loved and cherished

pal, subject of poem 76 died just today.

He had been with us nigh on 12 years

and with his charming antics we're

glad he shared our lives in his way.

The lympho-sarcoma responded not to

treatment and his distress did show.

but once he settled quickly his outer

mind, he knew it was his time to go.

Death, from snakebite, as a burden

Horus and the rest of us had borne

when his consort, Athena, exited,

leaving Horus so sad and forlorn.

You may think animals, even very

sensitive pets, such as our Horus,

do not suffer really the emotional

exploitation of this vile, vile Enmity

but you would be wrong as any pet's

owner will tell you. All of them have

to fight the fears of this plane instilled

into the body and its mind maliciously.

In his final battle on this evil plane,

there he lay at the hours of his end,

almost paralysed, fighting for breath,

and the body's panic, as his spirit

made plans into higher realms ascend.

But when approached no matter how

weak, the tail would gently wag to

show his love and care to us he'd send.

He had been with us in many lives

before and this you may not wish to

know for it may confront your thoughts

of what animals are, and do, on Earth.

But this Horribleness can we face only

if with Truth our lower minds girth.

Should one let the valued memories

of 12 years shared with love and

happiness be crushed by sadness

felt reflexly when the Angel of Death

does call as it must for all inexorably?

No way! Let the sadness be dispelled

into the foul bowels of this depravity.

I have but warm, loving thoughts and

memories of laughter and fun shared

with Horus, and still in spirit embrace

him happily, as on the days we would

share our time and our playful energy.

That is how for our True Loved ones,

for all ones who leave us, it shall be.

How well I remember that happily

Horus would leave his food, which he

cherished delectably, to come on a

motor ride to town anytime with me.

He was hooked on classical music and

would sit for hours in the back seat

listening to every note, calmed, silently.

Mozart and Frederic Chopin were his

favourites. I ask you, "How could that

be if he was just an unaware body?"

He had a Higher consciousness in a

way similar to all trapped physically.

Sure, this iniquitous system does make

us unjustly pay in its own cruel way

for the slightest insight and moments

of Joy which we snatch from the fray.

But even as in sadness its dues we pay

Love shared forever with us shall stay.

That, the Evil realm cannot take away!

Horus, I'll miss you, sure, for my

body's eyes will not see you anymore.

But I am not stooped by spirit low.

I am buoyed by the thoughts that soon

we shall together, once again, roam

Elysian fields together, in Godly glow,

where there are no fees to pay in this

most unjust and evil exploitative way.

Horus, to be with you and all the other

valiant warriors of Light I long to be

and I know the faster my work is done

the quicker we will share the Joy and

Bliss of the Divine Everlasting Day.

I draw strength from your courage as

you faced your death so admirably

and pray it will be thus in time for me.

I have seen once again, in death, the

sham of separation, the fragility of

emotional lability, a scheme to burden

us with unjust sorrow, pain and misery,

and have resolved even more fervently

to fight and destroy this abomination

which treats even us of Light, of Love,

of Peace, Harmony, so disrespectfully.

Go now, go valued friend, into the

arms of Mother, and share her Bliss.

I and all the others still in this Hell

look forward to sharing Happiness,

and even as I toil against Evil's time,

I too long to soon, once again, in my

arms, in Joy and Felicity, thee caress.



The bombardment of the minds of genuine seekers with spurious information is no longer a laughing matter and many suspect correctly it is a ploy to drown them in irrelevant trivia (and pornography it seems, according to Net censors), in the obfuscating darkness of the Ignorance and Deception of this plane. Rightful Knowledge is a "Godly" gift for us, especially in these harrowing times in which every day that passes we see the polarization of people more clearly if we truly have eyes to see. The majority are sheep, robots, shells, quite asleep. The battle is between the Children of Light, of Truth, and the children of Darkness, of the Untruth, of the Deception, who are being inexorably exposed by the hour. Their exposure means only one thing: destruction!

FINANCE -- Usury is still a Sin

Heard David Hale on Radio National and I could not believe what he was saying. He is a financial IMF guru from Zurich. He blames poor countries for being poor because of their "dysfunctionality". Reading between the lines he meant that those countries did not allow themselves to be exploited by the West, as the West, and especially the IMF and World Bank, wanted. He cited Papua New Guinea as a prime example. What he is really saying is that people of these countries should not have the right to govern their countries the way they want. They should be open to all the exploitation of the archons that is possible. They should allow themselves to be ecologically raped as the archons, cartels and multinationals see fit.

That is what free market reform and economics mean. It means opening up the markets of a country so the corporate raiders, the sharks, the ones with the most money can go in and buy what is of value and destroy the livelihood of the indigenes. They do more than that. They lend money at an exorbitant interest rate for infrastructure development which is of greatest assistance to their mechanisms of exploitation of the country's products and produce, further impoverishing the indigenes whose governments have to pay the massive interest owed on the loans using money from failing economies. Countries like Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, and many others are strangled by the debt they owe to the international financiers, the IMF and World Bank who were only too keen to entrap them. Now you might understand a little more why we called the IMF a rapacious beast.

We are not supposed to know how these cartels and multinationals destroy the ecosystems of even the richest countries as a side-effect of their technology, abuse of nature, pollution, short cuts and expedience, etc., etc.

The USA is a polluted mess. We are not supposed to know the instances when external industries such as the "Big Australian" - BHP - mined in PNG, and the resultant ecological pollution which destroyed rivers, fish, people's lives etc. The civil war on Bougainville was all about self control and an end to gross cartel exploitation of the island's resources. We are not supposed to know that the wealth generated is apparent for the people and not real at all. In the last newsletter I explained at length how the US, supposedly the richest and most successful of the successful nations is really bankrupt. People there are fully employed, that is for sure. But 30-40% of them, if not more, work at such menial jobs for such low wages that they cannot make ends meet.

*       Some USA Home Truths: More on dysfunctionality:

-       Which is the most violent country on Earth, according to its own statistics? Why it's the Good Ol' USA.

-       Which country has the highest jail Population? - the USA.

-       Whose population has the greatest number of psychosomatic and psychological problems. Bingo! You have just won a treble if you said the USA. And so it goes. What Hale was really saying was - "Hey, we want more chances for the IMF and World Bank to exploit everybody so the few of us running the show can become even more filthy rich and you can be reduced to ratty pawns in our economic game". Let us go further. Whenever there is gross dysfunction in a nation, how often has that been due to outside interference by a Western Power which has tried to exploit that country, such as occurred in Libya, Nigeria, Rhodesia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, East Timor, Somalia, Panama, Grenada, Cuba, India, Sri Lanka, Nicaragua, Malaysia, Germany, etc., etc., etc.

Pick any nation you like. At some point it will have this external dysfunctionality-imposing factor. And yet, when such countries were left alone, to mind their own business, they flourished. Until they were targeted by the West, that is, like Libya, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Japan (pre WW2), etc., were. Now can you see the significance of the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) push and its importance to the IMF and its cronies?

What is occurring now is post-modernist Colonialism, with similar enslavement, with a new name, Economic Rationalism.

Hale did shock the interviewer on the Radio Program even more by saying that in the next 12 months there could be an Australian dollar sell-off, and a devaluation, "a la Indonesia", could occur. He backed up the scenario, which frightened the interviewer, by stating Moody's and others were considering degrading Australia's credit rating and by stating that even with a fall of exports of 17% due to the Asian Tigers' crash, we in this Clever Country "aint seen nufink yet".

Whether this was ostentatious pontification or a little scaremongering is not the point. It does reflect what these IMF scavengers are thinking and they cannot help gloating on the suffering they cause. That is what they are there for: to cause the minions to suffer as they exploit them to the bone! Stay tuned, the news will be as I have predicted and the Financial Being will die a horrible death!


*       As if you needed to be told: Front page news on May 5, 1998: OZ trade result: worst on record! The $Au lost 2 cents (about 3%) overnight. The Asian Tiger crash is blamed. How long ago was it that Honest John Howard, the OZ PM, was saying there would be no effect? Has USA Pres. Clinton not been saying there would be no effect on the US? Watch and see how wrong they've been!

*       For ALan Greenspan and James Rubin to warn Americans that the effect of the Asian Financial Collapse has not yet begun to bite in the USA means the effect when it does come will be catastrophic. The bubble of illusions in which Americans live, sustaining their bubble economy will crash around their heads and inflict massive injuries - watch and see. These are the same people who have been conned to pursue a relentless path of profligacy - spending as much as possible even when they do not have anything. That is a recipe for disaster when the bubble shakes let alone bursts.

*       TV Cleverness in OZ. The only TV station probably worth watching in my view, Channel 0-28 or SBS, has 2.1 to 2.4% of the Australian audience. It indubitably has the best news service, the best documentaries in my opinion, the best movies, the best sport commentaries, and yet it can only attract one fiftieth of the audience. What's going on? Is it not the power of robotic programming over reason? Of course it is. If people watched SBS they could learn something and then they could be even more reasonable. Goodness, they and the archons would never want that!

*       As always in this demonic world, Profits come before Principles: The Queensland Liberal Party has decided to give its preferences to the Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party candidates in the forthcoming election if necessary ahead of the Labour candidates in order to keep Labour out of office. This is an affront to all non-racist individuals. You will remember from past newsletters I exposed, as many others have, Pauline Hanson as being a brainless, racist puppet whose imbecility has helped further wreck this nation. Many, including visiting American anti-discrimination expert Jane Elliott claim that Hanson has served a useful purpose in highlighting the racism in Australia. But, she has done more than that. She has unreasonably inflamed the feelings and increased both tensions and acts of violence which far outweigh any benefits of further exposure of a problem all non Anglo-Saxons in this land know well. I have given you the metaphysical reasons why Hanson received such exposure. Her voice programs the demons and robots who responded to that frequency, in order to incite violence and emotionalism, thus feeding the evil alien consciousnesses who are sustained by it. It is an old mechanism repeated innumerably around the globe.

*       The above exposes the Liberal-National Party politicians as being very selfish, putting the chance for re-election ahead of principles and ahead of the feelings of the majority.

*       In relation to this racial Hansonism, our PM Honest John Howard is demonstrating definite gross signs of Terminal Madness of the Endtime. Radio National quotes him as saying in the Australian-Jewish News that the people who are members of the Racist "One Nation", whose platform is revolting and very grossly Racist, are not racists, that they are, in fact, decent people. Now do you see why he is the leader of the "Clever Country"? If these people who support the party because of its racist policies are not racists, one may well say that all those baptized as Catholics and have the Pope as their spiritual guru are not Catholics. Come on, come on, Honest John. Not all of us are that "Clever".

*       A report on May 3, in Observer, concluded Australians were as racist as anyone else and more than most.

*       Hello "Vain Demons' Land, newest Banana Republic" (formerly the Commonwealth of Australia). Exports are down 17% in twelve months. I can still hear Honest John Howard screaming: "The Asian Collapse will have no effect on us. We are too strong an economy". Surely this remark must make any short list of "last words"!

*       As IMF-sponsored rising prices in Indonesia devastated the poor and impoverish them even more (they were revolting in the streets - what else could they do?) in a manner archons always use against the oppressed, the IMF was being exposed as a "debt collector for Wall Street and the rich few" often acting against the National Interest of countries it devastates!! Indeed, on American Radio I called the IMF and World Bank rapacious beasts. I was being too gentle. What we are seeing is the start of gross civil strife in Indonesia, even with Habibie in charge, and the beginning of the end of the Australian economy. The US will not miss out. It was sickening to watch the IMF's managing director, Michel Camdessus, speaking on Australian TV on how such measures of austerity are necessary, while praising Honest John, our PM, and our Treasurer, an equally evil archon, Peter Costello!

*       More on the IMF: Our daily papers of May 11, 1998, quoted Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad who was attending a summit in Cairo. This man has intestinal fortitude and tells it as it is - truthfully!!!. He stated: "Several parties advised us to call for the help of the IMF but we have not done so, not because we don't need the help but because the conditions are such, that we would rather live in poverty. There is no guarantee of success, the conditions imposed by the IMF are very damaging. (Indonesia can vouch for that!) You must raise interest rates, squeeze credit, increase taxes and open to foreign investment without limits. It would kill our companies." It has already as you know, killed South Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Russia, etc., etc.

Many other examples exist around the globe of financial manipulations and skulduggery. Once the masses awaken to this, violence will be inevitable. Why am I exposing the essence of Zionism so much? It is the Anti-Christ energy. It is THE enemy of the Light. (For a definition of Zionism please refer to earlier newsletters.)


This Wonderful World of Overt HYPOCRISY.

Case 1:             India and Nuclear Testing.

"How dare you try to be like us? How dare you dare to change the pecking order?" Are these not the questions the likes of the US, Russia, China, Britain and France are asking? Remember how relatively mute they were when France poisoned islands, fish and waters of the Pacific? Of course, France is rich and very powerful, so against it, these other nuclear partners watched their Ps and Qs. France had its ego dented with its cowardly capitulation in W.W. 2, and has since tried to bolster its own worth by showing how good it thinks it is in World Power terms. This is an example of National Ego that each country fosters to varying extent.

India has only hunger and gross poverty to fight back with - until now, and hence, is a soft target for vituperation. But, things will change. While no destructive technology should be allowed in the hands of any archons and demons, especially the fatalistic nuclear genii, India, on the scale of merit, has at least more reason to have such weapons than the US or Russia, or France or the UK. It has threats in the form of China, the rapacious monster to its North, and Pakistan, with the tendency to Islamic Fundamentalist extremism, to its West. It does not have anywhere near the conventional armament of France, the US or Russia and no Big, Bully Brother Umbrella to look after its interests like the sycophantic UK, OZ, Canada, etc., have in the US. Besides, unlike France and the US, India conducted tests on its own soil, poisoning its own environment and people. In some ways, that is a lesser evil than what the others did.

All of a sudden the bullies have been reduced in size, and the balance of Power has shifted. The Mighty are not so mighty as of May, 1998, with the Indian Nuclear tests. Pakistan will follow and then, Islam will be an even greater threat to non-Islamic factions!

Case 2:             Retaliation by the Rest.

O yes, they took it hard, they did! The US has cut $121 million in aid - equivalent to 12 cents per Indian, if you must know; hardly a life-shattering punishment. And Japan cut another $20 odd million, another 2 cents per person, off. You will see these countries, already suffering the effects of the Asian Financial Collapse and loss of sales - local collapse in Japan - will not follow up with more drastic actions. They have too much to lose in monetary terms! Hypocrites prefer profit and not Principles!

Case 3:             Indonesia and its Riots.

Suharto capitulated on protecting the poor with his subsidies and paid the consequences. He resisted the IMF push to remove them knowing that was how he controlled the impoverished masses. But the IMF has, with Western push, got its own way and the consequences are clear. The hypocrisy stank in the midst of the riots, as foreigners, including our own Foreign Minister Downer, recited empty words and useless platitudes asking for calm and constraint..

They caused the riots by punishing the poor in order to enrich the rich, and the IMF, and then they want the poor to lie down quietly and die, not to complain or to even yelp, just like the Fascist Zionists in Israel expect the Palestinians to do after stealing their lands, their homes and their livelihoods! Just who is fooling whom?

Case 4:             Jews Versus Zionists

While on this subject of Jews versus Zionists, let me point out a very interesting advertisement which non-Zionist Australian Jews took out in our Major national daily newspaper at the time of the 50th anniversary of the illegal founding of Israel, in support of the Palestinians. This gesture, with all its symbolism, honesty and essence of Goodness highlights the fact, as I have been saying, that Jews are not necessarily Zionists. Many are true beings in that race, of course. Many have a conscience and feel for the rights of others. These are the ones distressed by the malicious, immoral and illegal treatment of their Palestinian brothers and sisters at the hands of the Zionists who are evil in essence. This treatment is justified by these demons by claiming they suffered the WW 2 Holocaust and therefore have a right to do this in the Middle East. Letters I have received, which I have on file, use this excuse as justification. Have you heard of anything more hypocritical and perverse? If these doomed demons really suffered as they say they have, they would be the most sensitive to the suffering of others and would try to eliminate such suffering as much as possible, not impose it. Make no mistake about it, in this noxiously perverse system, many of these Zionists causing so much trouble around the world are reincarnated Nazis. No, I do not have x-rays or laboratory tests with which I can prove this on this level, but I know it is so, as many others who see them in essence do. Here is the Advert. from "The Australian":

We, as Australian Jews, take the occasion

of the fiftieth anniversary of the

occupation of Palestine to recognize the

struggle of the Palestinian people for an

independent state.

Below it are a list of names headed by Prof. Dennis Altman.

With my laudation of such an expression of brotherly love (what else can it be?) by these Jews, for another race, which they are supposed to hate, vilify and murder, according to Zionist Jews, I again repudiate the spurious anti-semitic charge made by trouble-making Zionist Jews and affirm that they will drown in their own poisonous hatred, ignorance, and malignity, for they are cursed, as all evil ones are, by their own evilness!

Case 5:             The Recent Australian Budget

and Honest John, Peter Costello, the Treasurer-Joke,

I cannot believe the robots of the Clever Country are falling for the sleight of hand in this budget. The incumbent government cut all fair and reasonable aid to the disadvantaged and poor, to students, the sick, the incapable and the infirm, in order to show a budget surplus. Anyone can do that. In your household, if you stop paying insurance, do not eat well, do not make repairs, never go out, do not see the doctor or dentist when you need to, do not buy electricity or gas, wash with cold water, do not buy clothes when needed, do not feed your kids well, of course you will save money and show a surplus. But is that wise? Are you not really disadvantaging someone in your household, if not yourself? That is exactly what the government, under Honest John Howard and Peter Costello, the treasurer, have done. And the hypocrisy gets stinkier: In order to increase their chances of re-election, they gave back a little of what they stole from the people (after all, the money governments have IS ALL the people's money) and promised further tax cuts in the future. Remember well, these are the ones who have broken a record number of election promises in record time. If they did get in again - and you know the odds I gave which still stand - they would introduce a Goods and Services tax so fast, the poor would not have time to die of malnutrition. They would succumb to tax-ic shock!

Case 6:             The Rosy Picture

Hypocritical Propaganda is at full force following the budget, telling us spuriously how good the country is doing. Howard is telling us if he had not implemented the fiscal measures he did implement, Australia would not be in such a strong financial position to ride the collapse of the Asian Economies. Just who is he fooling? Stating these things as Costello also is, he is playing on the minds of the people of the so-called Clever Country as if they are cretins and fools.

*       The Australian dollar is going down for the count. It is worth 62 cents (May 28, 1998) and unofficial bank talk has it that it is expected to fall to 54 cents! How can that be, if the economy is as strong as Howard says? Remember when the $Au was worth 120 US cents?

*       The latest report has bankruptcies in Queensland doubling in the last 36 months. Where is the boom?

*       Housing applications have plummeted - but in a strong economy they are supposed to go up! Where's the boom?

*       The unemployment rate has dropped 0.1 % - big, big, deal. Many are quick to point out that it is mainly due to job seekers giving up or getting off registers for various reasons, one of which is the government's scheme to temporarily divert them from the lists. When I practised medicine, I noted, like many others did, that near election time all applicants for various pensions were gleefully accommodated, dropping the unemployment figures. Once the government was re-elected many were called up for review and their pensions rescinded for whatever reasons - clever hypocrisy!

*       Towns such as Mount Morgan - a mining town in Queensland are reporting 36% unemployment with the % rising. Where are the good times for such towns?

*       Youth unemployment is 50% in places, causing many to despondently suicide. Australia has the world's highest rate of youth suicide. Where is the economic strength among the young?

*       Hypocrisy apparently is not enough: As the wharfies' debacle demonstrates, LYING is a key function of the political manifesto. Lie, cover up, direct courts and judges; is that the democratic way? Ugh. Pity those who want to keep the status quo.

*       Australia's Treasurer, Peter Costello, an arrogant, insipid archon with the black heart of all deceitful archons, is exposing himself daily. Can anyone so loved by the IMF chiefs, as he is, be any good?

Case 7:             Hypocrisy of Drug Money and the US

What hypocrisy! 12 of Mexico's 19 largest banks are charged with laundering US drug profits -- yes, US drug profits. It is obvious to all (except the Justice Department) that the US is the culprit, the buyer and seller of drugs, the major profiteer. The bankers are clearly the biggest crooks, since all other crooks have to take their money to the bank. All who have examined the scenario conclude that the US banking system would collapse without drug money! This appeared on Reuters, on May 18: Mexican banks charged with laundering drug money. The United States charged Monday that officials from some of Mexico's biggest banks were involved in helping launder U.S. drug profits reaped by Colombian and Mexican drug lords. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and Attorney General Janet Reno, at a joint news conference, said a three-year undercover operation had resulted in the indictment of officials from 12 of Mexico's 19 largest banks. They said it was the first time that Mexican banks were "directly linked to laundering the Cali and Juarez cartels' U.S. drug profits." The U.S. Customs Service led an undercover "Operation Casablanca" which penetrated the financial schemes used by drug traffickers. "Today, we have hurt the drug cartels where it hurts the most -- in their pocket books," Rubin said. One indictment in Los Angeles named three Mexican banks -- Confia, Bancomer and Banca Serfin. More than 100 people were arrested, including Mexican bank officials, and $35 million was seized, as well as more than two tons of cocaine and four tons of marijuana. Rubin and Reno said no evidence was found that officials from U.S. banks were aware that any money transferred from Mexican to U.S. banks as part of the laundering scheme came from drug deals. (Remember, the bigger the lie ... ) Recently, U.S.-owned Citibank announced it would buy Confia.

Separately, the U.S. Federal Reserve announced that, as part of the Justice and Treasury Department investigation, it was issuing cease-and-desist orders against five foreign banks -- four from Mexico and one from Spain -- ordering them to toughen up their rules against money laundering.

[Drugs and Big Brother: From San Francisco KCBS radio, 17 Apr 98: In San Francisco, supposedly to help fight drug dealing, all phone calls made from pay phones on city property and in city buildings - including public buildings - are now recorded. There is also a proposal pending for the same for all pay phones on city streets and side walks.]


Case 8:             Tony Blair

British PM Tony Blair is being slowly but inexorably exposed as the evil archon that he is - like a soul-mate of Clinton - as the sycophantic demons and robots claimed on his election. Apart from Britain's arms-running to Sierra Leone which he has tried to laugh off, it has been revealed he, in contravention to stated policy, has permitted sale of hand guns to any nation which has the money to pay. The Foreign Minster Robin Cook is taking flack for the Sierra Leone scandal, but he confessed that the Foreign Office, which has been described by British newspapers as a den of Liars, failed to inform him. Cook is being targeted because, inspite of all his faults in his private life, he has on more than one occasion sought to be just - something the archons cannot tolerate. What makes this worthy of the medal of hypocrisy is the fact that Britain so often claims the high moral ground on matters of social justice, human rights and fair play. Alas, being the Endtime, all need to be exposed and there is simply nowhere these demons can hide. And remember, the British Empire was not built on goodwill and brotherly love. It was carved out of avarice by the efforts from invasion, murder, subterfuge and exploitative evil greed!

Demon on a Mission: "Like all great politicians, Tony Blair has the killer instinct", writes Anthony Bevins, political editor of The Independent, in an assessment of the British Prime Minister's first year in office. "Some of his colleagues believe he has the capacity to be more single-minded than Churchill, tougher than Thatcher." What won't he do for money? Reports that former dangerous Soviet nuclear waste could be flown from Georgia to Scotland for reprocessing is causing a stir in Britain. Blair's agreement to this and the secrecy surrounding the agreement has caused outrage, especially among the Scottish who live near the plant. Remember, Thatcher fed beef to beef to start off the Mad Cow Craze. If Blair is "tougher than Thatcher", are the British not doomed?



*       India thumbs its nose at the US by conducting tests without even telling the US.

*       Israel, in similar fashion to the dog biting the hand which feeds it, is also not only thumbing its nose at the US, it is also trying to act like the tail which wants to wag the dog.

*       Other nations are becoming less respectful of the US.

*       The elected head, Clinton, hot-footing around the world, reflexly indicates that the US hegemonic force is waning.

*       Even more defiantly, Pakistan, inspite of all the international pressure, especially from the US, in exploding 5 nuclear devices, did exactly what the US did not want!

The early signs of fatal collapse are there. I have previously said that the US will suffer economic, geographical, climatic, financial, social, civil and, military disasters, etc., in unprecedented proportions. When a being falters and his/her lifeforce begins to falter, those of us who have clairvoyant vision can see the dulling of the aura - the magnetic field around the person, long before any physical changes become apparent. Nations are beings in that they have a collective consciousness. The consciousness of this US has a very dull aura and its power is waning. That is why other nations are becoming bolder and it is shrinking in effect. The path for it is inexorably downward. Watch and see, watch and see!

As this newsletter is as much about Metaphysics as it is about current events and world changes, Ufos and Aliens, Destruction of the Planet, Gnosticism, etc., let me say that the predominant energy guiding the US is the evil alien energy with whom the US administration on many levels, including this one, signed a pact.

This evil energy is the Zionist energy - not in a racial, political or religious sense, but in a metaphysically ontological sense - energy which exists around the globe. It is the Anti-Truth energy, the Anti-Christ energy. It too will wane everywhere. And as the US is predominantly guided by that energy, it will spiral downward with it in all the categories I have mentioned. Many times in our books and in these pages I have impressed upon you as students of metaphysics to perceive the energy behind individuals, countries and the various world moves that occur. This fragmentation of the world is very obvious and appears to be playing in slow-motion, once you see the moves precipitating from other levels.

By the way, refer again back to the last 3 newsletters for my fuller definition of Zionism, which is an evil consciousness whose effects are catastrophic and obvious everywhere it gains some sort of control.

*       America has lost its freedoms and ideals because it has been hijacked by Zionism.

*       Canada, whose free thinking citizens are lamenting the takeover of their country by this perverse force, are now paying a hefty price as they realize they are not even free to read classical books such as those of Mark Twain.

*       Australia is in a stranglehold, as Zionism controls every aspect of life here, to the detriment of the non Zionist indigenes.

*       The IMF and World Bank, the Zionist arms of exploitation, have managed to exploit and take over almost all the countries they were out to help.



1         Rich versus Poor:

As undeniable proof of the fact that this realm is the Kingdom of Mammon, note that nearly all human activity is referred to an economic bottom line. Quality of life, justice, beauty, health, enjoyment, righteousness, etc., etc., if mentioned, are always connected to the bottom fiscal line.

Refugees are being taken into Australia from Indonesia because of the anarchy there. These are not poor, suffering people. They are rich business people who can afford to escape and have lots of money to bring into the country. When East Timor was invaded and devastated by Indonesia, its refugees, seeking such succour and a new home, but being poor, were scoffed at, and blocked from entering by mammonic Australia.

And where the bottom line is Money, greed thrives: As Indonesia fragments, note how the evilness of mobs produces violence, destruction, looting and murder. If these people, many of whom are paid agitators posing as students to start the action, were really after a better way, they would demonstrate in a better way. Do these demons and robots of the counterfeit degeneracy really deserve anything better? And the IMF chiefs, in an attempt to absolve themselves, as evil archons are wont to do, claim the austerity measures they forced upon the poor are not the cause of the fracas. If the gross destruction of people's lives, by the corruption they enhanced over 30 years, is not the cause, what is? Sort of reminds you of the absolution the Catholic Church Inquisitors gave themselves whenever they criminally and unjustifiably executed any so-called heretics and stole all their wealth, does it not?

Indonesian indigenes are targeting Chinese Indonesians and blaming them for being too prosperous. This indicates that the essence of Mammon - wealth accumulation - is also a self-destructive device and in self-destructive mode now, in the endtime. So you see, if greed, which inexorably goes with money, did not get Mammon's thrivers, the envy of the poor would, and has!! This will be seen more and more world wide. The poor nations will attack the rich for being rich. Such irrationality is a sign of the mental fragmentation from the Terminal Madness of the Endtime. "If we cannot have it, why should you?", is the mentality and it destroys.

Envy, another of the deadly sins, disguised as racism and v.v., is part of the evil framework and as we see very, very often, rage and madness are directed towards any who are racially different, in times of stress and social unrest. The Chinese are the targets in Indonesia, as the Turks are in Germany, the blacks and hispanics in the US, the Koreans in LA, the Jews everywhere. Most often, as the evil system would have it, it is the innocent True Beings in these racial groups who suffer the brunt of the viciousness. As you know, this is just another aspect of the mechanism which makes them suffer and extracts the Divine energy they have within their being which the evil system craves.

2          MAI will not Go Away:

A team of Australian academics has recently spoken out against the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investment) complaining that it is anti-democracy and anti sovereignty. Their recommendation is that the government should reject it forcefully. This MAI represents, in a most blatant and horrific manner, the evil tentacles of Mammon, and his Zionism, via which it controls. Canada's government, totally under the control of Zionism, is now being sued, as a result of one of the conditions of the MAI, by a petrol company for $US 250 million for refusing it to use a distillate additive in petrol. Can you not see that the power of the archons via the MAI could be absolute and bring any government, nation, people to their knees? This is frank evil in all its outrageousness.

Why is it so blatant? At this Endtime, Evil is being allowed to self-destruct, and it is doing this by whatever mechanism it chooses, however it wants. Why do governments fall for the MAI? Well, apart from the government archons usually being of the same cloth as all archons, they are promised money from the exploitation, thinking this will keep them in power, regardless of the real effects on the country. This is what has happened with the foreign investment money governments greedily chase. The results of investments, leaving the country as profits, bleed the country concerned dry, impoverishing most citizens with a few exceptions.



1        The German People's Union, gaining power hourly, is cause for alarm. I alluded to stirring in that area in the last newsletter. Dissatisfaction for many reasons in the country is allowing extremists to overtly show their fangs. Parallels to the 1930s are valid. It is a case of Evil versus Evil, and the situation will get worse. In the meantime, it expresses as racism and anti-semitism, when it should really be anti-Zionism.

2        In fear for its people there, and its vast investments, Japan is musing on a show of military force to go into the area. Hello 1930! Animosity will have its way. Now that India, Pakistan, China have nuclear capability, do you not think Japan will want its own, for reasons of "National Security"? Who can argue against "Reasons of National Security"? One can get away with bloody murder using that phrase: Ask the CIA, FBI, Randy Weaver, the WACO victims, Oliver North. How long before Iran follows India and Pakistan? - Not long at all is my contention! And then ...

3        India and Pakistan are closer to a fight than ever before. The hu-ha about the nuclear detonations are window dressing. Do you really think these nations, any nation, would tell the truth of what they are doing, have done or will do? Like all other nations, they are duplicitous, conniving and deceitful.

4        The Middle East: Palestinians are being shot even as they march in their own land. Israel, in the stranglehold of militant Zionism, is as fascist as Germany ever was. The world has just about had enough of it. The reason why the Zionist US is even more concerned about Pakistan now, with its atomic power, is because Pakistan is Islamic and far more militant towards the West, Israel and the US in particular. No matter what financial blackmail Pakistan receives, it will do no good. Pakistan will test nuclear bombs. What will be, will be! (I wrote this before Pakistan exploded the devices.)

5        Iraq: With Pakistan's Nuclear devices, Saddam Hussein has suddenly grown 10 foot tall, and the US-Israel Zionist Nexus knows it, and fear greatly. This is reflected in the Clinton aura and body language since the Pakistan tests. He is but a ruined shadow of the former Archon. He is spiritually crippled and it shows.

6 The Rush: Every nation, especially poor ones, will feel obliged to arm to the teeth and resist the bullies!

What I have highlighted in these 6 points above are trigger points for the initiation of WW3. Stay tuned.


*        The Coming Australian Federal Election: Australians of Chinese origin, having forgiven Australia's PM John Howard for his openly expressed anti-Asian views, helped him with votes to gain office when he claimed he was of a differing view, rue the day they were deceived by his lies. In his indirect support for the racist Pauline Hanson and her One Nation Party, Chinese groups have withdrawn financial and voting support in protest. Bye, bye John Howard.

*        Clever Humanity? As fish catches became scarce in the 1980s, better techniques to locate schools of fish were developed. By the early 1990s, the techniques were so good, the remaining few schools were located and harvested. In glee, the scientists said "See, the oceans are full of fish!" and harvested with great abandon. Having decimated those few remaining loci, the seas are now all but sterile!

*        Expedient Dogmatism: Because of the burgeoning divorce rate, it is known that the Anglican Church is considering removing the "till death us do part", clause. So much for the immutability and religious rigour of dogmatism. In an attempt to keep some of the fast disappearing customers, expediency is the word. But then, has that not always been the case? The Catholic Church, in trying to gain support for its Palestinian Crusades, gave a Carte Blanche to all conscripts so that they could rape, pillage and murder with a guilt-free mentality. Ha! Where would the demons be without religious barbary?

News of the dying Financial Being

1        Westpac bank's CEO, Bob Joss, warns Australian exports are set to crash in the next 12 months. This is just one indication that, inspite of all the deception by those of the illusion, such as politicians and the PM who have been mendaciously talking up the economy and trying to convince us all we are in the "Good Times", truth will become self-evident in all areas of existence on this plane.

2        Alan Greenspan and others are warning of coming hard financial times for the USA

3        In the USA, the top 200 CEOs' AVERAGE annual compensation is $7.4 million. In California, those making less than $26,000 per year pay about 12% of their pay in California taxes. Those making over $100,000 per year pay about 8%.

4        Womens' Lib? US women still only earn 74 cents for every dollar that men earn.



Those of you who have reported back about first hand experiences with the recalcitrance and utter mendaciousness of counterfeits, both demonic and robotic, know well the mechanisms they use. They lie, and lie, and lie. And when caught out, they lie some more. You should be thankful for this opportunity, to have the situation of this plane presented ever so clearly to you, to allow you to realize there is simply no hope for these creatures of Darkness who see, and want to see, black as white, and v.v. You are assisted by such exchanges to see that there is simply no other solution but the Bottom Line I have provided for the woes of this world. The only answer is to eradicate them totally and forever from the face of Creation!

I want to thank all of you who have sent me copies of letters and emails you have received as replies from the rats of the deception and counterfeit creation. There are too many to publish. Let this be a real eye opener to you and a good lesson on how they distort truth and lie. Now do you see clearly why they must go - totally and forever? They twist words and the truth even as you stand there in front of them correcting it. They see, as one of you pointed out, white as black and black as white. How can anything be resolved while they are still in existence?

The message I have for this plane is that they, of evil, all the counterfeits, will be totally eradicated in order for existence to return to anywhere near a "normal" basis. It does not matter whether anyone believes that this is so or not. It will just simply happen. And that, for the Counterfeits, is a very big, BIG, scare!

I also want to make it clear to all readers that those of you who have joined the fray have done so to protect YOUR interest in the matter, not mine. I am quite capable of looking after my own battles. Here is another very important prophecy I am making upon which you can bank:

As those of Truth get stronger, all of Evil, of the Counterfeit Creation, especially the Zionists who are of the anti-Christ energy, will become weaker and weaker until they perish forever

Surely you must now be aware that I am not simply presenting this information to stir the "hornets" and be a target for their overt and malicious vituperation. This is a very serious matter. This energy is to expose them and line them up for total destruction! Again I say that this is a very serious matter. They deny the possibility of the changes I declare, not out of any knowledge, but because they fear with the morbid fear of Doom! And for that, they only have themselves to blame. The fools will mistake this information as something they do not like, and want to attack me hoping the facts I present, and I, will go away under the load of their abuse. But we won't. We are here to do a job - a job that is a fait accompli. They have nowhere to hide. There is no escape and all will get exactly what they deserve. No more and no less. Indeed, that is a promise or a threat, depending on what and who you are! Take these words as drivel by all means if you are Evil and want to reject them because you are Evil - but do so at your own peril. You have all been warned.


J. Stewart of Victoria wrote: "Please continue to send me this wonderful and informative magazine and newsletter. I am happy you have decided to keep sending. I felt a deep sense of loss when I believed there would be no more after June. Enclosed is a cheque to help with costs.

Max Thomas of Maroochydore, Queensland, writes: "Dear Doctor, the highlight of each month is unquestionably the arrival of the Annwn Newsletter which we do appreciate very much. I confirm that books from the Centre placed in public libraries simply disappear as do other publications that may present a wider view of worldly affairs, and anything at all that refers to Gnosticism in a positive light ... "


These writings are mine; the fear belongs to "failures".

One blighter wrote that I should stop scaring the you-know-what from people writing the way I do. Now really, that is a truly stupid and illogical thing to say. Here is why:

*        If any have understood this information, and believe it to be true, they would be elated and certainly not fearful, for within the information are the Power and True Knowledge with which to destroy evil and its fears.

*        Those who do not believe this information and attack it pejoratively, contradict themselves when they say it scares them, for how can anything one does not believe in be scary? The fact is that deep down in the essence of their being, a place they think no one can see, they truly do know this is all true and they do fear, even as they try to laugh it off. They know what they are and what is in store for them. Hence, the fear is not a reflection of the material which "viables" find of great help, but of them and their state of spiritual failure! And they only have themselves to blame, not me or the material!!


K. Murrell wrote to Phil Mathews at <[email protected]> who has attacked this information. Subject: Re: Hatred Is As Hatred Does. From your written response to my e-mail, I observe that you are obviously an upholder of the Biggest Lie of All which makes you a staunch supporter of Jehovah, the very evil demiurge. As such, you're guaranteed to go the same way as your evil god and I shan't waste any further time communicating with you ... Initially I found it hard to believe what liars and deceivers some people can be, but now I find it more and more easy to accept that a lot of people like Mathews just lie and lie again. It's interesting to see them when they're caught out -- they just lie all the more, but to no avail. It becomes more obvious that lots of people will refuse to see any aspect of the Truth, even if it jumped up and bit them on the nose!

My Reply: People such as this P Mathews have no understanding whatsoever. Actually, I think someone else must have written the response for him because he is a real idiot and in his earlier letters he could not put a sentence together. I would not be surprised if the hatewatch crowd was answering for him! Is it not amazing how they use lies as Truth and v.v.? They see black as white.


In answer to a letter re the Jewish Holocaust I wrote:

*        The Russians have admitted building the "gas chambers" post-war.

*        No cyanide traces were ever found in the any of the walls of any of the buildings in any concentration camp - but it was found in the delousing chambers which were so small a child could not fit in them.

*        The Auschwitz Jewish Holocaust Museum has removed the number of six million from its plaque and rewritten one million.

*        Neither Eisenhower nor Churchill in their diaries, memoirs and history of WW 2 mentioned gas chambers, or any direct policy of Jewish destruction. Why? - because it did not happen that way!

*        If 6 million died, where did the 6 million European Jews that went to the USA, Australia, Canada, Palestine, South America, leaving 5 million out of 11 in Europe, come from?

*        Many photos purported to be of the holocaust victims have proved to be false; many stories spurious; many diaries fakes.

Truth must win in the end, no matter how much liars lie. They are children of the Lie, giving vent to their untruth in big, big doses before their total transmutation. If it were not so why would the whole evil show be destroyed?

Zionists are seething with hatred and steeped in denial of the Corrective Process which spells their end. This disputation about the holocaust of WW2, which some are trying to sanctify on the altar of mendaciousness, is but a small point in the big picture of what I am on about. It is but one very small example exposing the maliciousness, deceitfulness, evil and fraud of this plane. There are many, many other examples which I have enumerated often. This holocaust fraud forms a very small blimp on the mosaic of falsehood of this plane. The point is that all fraud and maliciousness is being purposely exposed to complete the total destruction of the planet. That leads us to the Bottom Line. Either I am right about all this, or the Zionists and the others of the fraud are right. Only one of us can be right. Time will tell. All the signs thus far that I have written about, as for example, in the essay on Terminal Madness, point to my being right. On whose side do you wish to be? The Truth or the Falsehood. It is your choice!


CIA and an Itchy Trigger Finger

From 2 separate sources within the USA, I received in mid-May, a notice that the US administration is planning to sabotage, via covert CIA operatives, one of its own ships in the Persian Gulf in order to blame Iraq and commence bombing. This ploy and similar ones have been often used by the US and CIA. Who can forget Pearl Harbour when US President FDR knew all about the imminent Japanese attack, sent his good ships on a Sunday cruise for the time of the bombing period and allowed destruction of the old scrap metal ones in the harbour? All those sailors who were sitting ducks perished so that the US's entry into WW 2 could be justified and expedited? Even recently it was again revealed that communications into and out of the base were cut off that day by Higher orders - in order not to alert the sailors to the impending attack. And the capable battleships which were sent on a jaunt were not called back because FDR and the Administration did not want to risk damage to their good ships. Hypocrisy reigns supreme on this level. There are many who know this was the case.

Of course, since Pakistan's nuclear tests and development of the Islamic Bomb, the balance of power has shifted dramatically and Iraq can no longer be seen as the US's quipping boy!


Letter from Jay George: Dear Drs Chiappalone, Things certainly feel like they're speeding up - a year almost seems like a month! Not only that, but it sure is getting more difficult to even merely survive in this vile system. Just when you think that you can overcome hurdles, someone or something comes along and trips you up. If it wasn't for the support your newsletters give, I think I would have drowned in this mire of filth. The energy you send is like a beacon for stray ships - at times I go off course (maybe too often) but your light guides me back onto the path. For this I thank you both, my gratitude is never-ending.

My Reply: We are all unique and your experiences are valuable. You contacted us in your teens and then were able to go out into the big, bad world and see what it had to offer. With a view of what we had said and what was out there for you as a young adult, you were in a unique position to compare and contrast with absolutely no pressure from anyone other than your sense of what was right and wrong, valid or absurd. To have reached the sort of conclusions you have made, remaining sane in a sick, insane world has been no easy feat for you, I am sure. There are so many traps and gutters to negotiate "out there", it takes one with super human effort to make it through. I realize we all stumble and fall at times, but it is not the number of times we fall flat on our faces that counts, it is the times we get up, dust ourselves off and start again. True "Triers" cannot fail.


Mike Ballard of Louisville, KY, USA, wrote:

Dear Dr., I enjoy your message very much and it gives me great comfort in knowing that there are others who know what I know, but I did have a problem with you quoting something that Jerry Falwell said (from the march newsletter). Mr. Fallwell is part of the lowest common denominator (Christian Antichrist) as far as I am concerned. And anything he has to say is dubious ... Hatred of gays is openly practiced in America and thousands are slaughtered (murdered) yearly in the name of God. To hate Gay people in America has become your Christian Right and Duty as a soldier of Jesus. I call it human sacrifice in the unholy temple of the Christian Satan. ... A recent study shows that all police depts. in the U.S. is corrupt beyond the norm and that corruption is growing ... no stopping it. A recent study of the L.A., California jail system found that over 90% of its employees are corrupt and have been charged with serious offenses within the jail system over the past 30 years but their job union has prevented them from being fired or even reprimanded. There seems to be no end to the evil and corruption of this planet. Everything is indeed self destructing and I for one will not miss this world when it is gone. I have never been happy in this place and my heart cries for release daily as it has for many, many years now. A recent book by a former Supreme Court clerk by the name of, Edward P. Lazarus, makes the claim that Americas highest court is very corrupt. INDEED! I look forward to your monthly newsletter ... Few people want to see that this world is evil, corrupt and dying. They seem to think that it is fine just the way it is. ... I agree with what you say and I enjoy hearing you speak. ... Keep up the good work and God Bless. Mike Ballard

My Reply:

Hi Mike, Don't worry, anyone worth anything is called names by the evil societies. You seem to have an excellent grasp of what is going on. It is a case of exposing all the evil and the corruption, and we see evil factions fighting evil factions. Of course they can use and abuse snippets of truth against each other. As all go more insane, they will attack even more stridently. Falwell's tape was mentioned as many in Australia have not heard of Falwell or his tape or his antics. Regards.


From Steffan M. Bertsch, Attorney:

The raging forest fire purported to be an area as large as Great Britain in the Amazon cannot be put out after months of futile battling and it is reported that authorities have called upon shaman to assist with rain dances. This is indicative of a destruction of the control systems you write about and ties to the prana/oxygen question I had.

I see things quite differently now, and my views have been especially affirmed after reading some of your materials; ... as a young man, although I was hardly involved in religion, I used to glibly state that I believed in hell because if earth was not hell, it was purgatory. (I must have known this to be true at some level of consciousness). As you might imagine, that philosophical group is disintegrating from within due to astral interference; those who remain and are able to withstand the pressure are undergoing enormous ridicule and oppression from the media and the government of Canada.

One of the questions sceptics ask is why your materials are so complex. As I see it, your explanations are simple, it is the puzzle that is egregiously complicated and outright baffling at times. One can hardly awaken without questioning his or her sanity at times due to all of the brainwashing we have received. But, who did Jesus tell us is the master of confusion? It's really quite simple. Besides, how arrogant would I have to be to ignore the warnings of Jesus, Krishna,

Mohammed, Daniel, Nostradamus, No-Eyes &c.? I thank you for simplifying the enormously complex equation.

I am certain that your books have much of value ... I really appreciate your evaluation of the Gulf War Illnesses. ... I have worked with Joyce Reily, a RN who these last four years has been a voice in the wilderness for the stricken vets regarding this contagious horror that is afflicting their family members and even friends. In America, the illnesses have even jumped species from man to animal, (not too surprising for a virus that was apparently developed from simian foamy virus, cat and chicken leukemia); many pets have contracted the illness from their masters. Dr. Len Horowitz in his book "Emerging Viruses" claims that the AIDS virus was created for the US government in Maryland, probably by Dr. Robert Gallo, that it was dropped in several US cities (NY, LA, SF, Houston &c.) via inoculations of gays for hepatitis B, and the spread can readily be traced thereto. He also showed how Zaire was inoculated with the "wonder" virus via small pox vaccine policies. Of course, America has a long history of killing Indians with small-pox laden blankets. Indians have told me that the worst consequence of the epidemics wasn't that the Indians got sick and died, it was that they turned away from their shamans and culture and openly accepted the pollution of Western thought and drugs (including alcohol) because our allopathic doctors had remedies to soothe the symptoms; the cost was many good souls. Anyway, Dr. Horowitz said that the GWI has an envelope that is either 40 percent or 60 percent identical to the AIDS envelope. He claims there is almost no chance of this correlation but for "mad" scientists brewing up death. However, the GWI works much faster from my observation. I know AIDS patients who live ten years or more, GWI people seem to live about half that time. It is my understanding that the only troops that were not inundated with GWI were the French, who refused inoculations offered so kindly by the UN in the Gulf War Theatre.

The only redeeming feature that I find in all this irregular war conducted on us is that there are many such as yourself putting out truth. The beauty of truth is that whether it is written in the USA, UK, Japan or Australia, it will be the same. We need no intricate web of deceptions to blare out the horrors, we need no co-ordination, we need no plan, and we only need a single tool--the truth! Steffan.

My Reply: Hi, You seem to have the facts in this well sorted out. I agree with what you have said above. Indeed once the whole situation becomes obvious to the man in the street, you can well imagine the "Bedlam". People with no spiritual understanding and no spiritual future will go mad, will slaughter and become anarchistic and destructive in the worst possible ways, for they will realize they are doomed..

In one of my shows on Sightings, I said about 1.2 million were already infected with Gulf War Disease in the US and the rate was quadrupling every 18 months to 3 years.

Two other aspects you should be aware of:

1        The evil aliens (reptilians who program the psyche of people like Gallo) had intended the diseases to spread. People such as Gallo may not have initially been aware of this effect.

2        Biological responses have altered, causing "abnormal" responses to abnormal viruses, prions, bacteria, algae, mycoplasmas, fungi, etc. This altered biological response (from many causes, all part of the Endtime breakdown)is what has allowed zoonoses, new diseases, and transgenic diseases to occur. The endpoint is eradication of all physical species. Hence, plants, animals and humans are affected.

*        From one perspective, this endpoint can be considered the disastrous side-effect of technology (once more).

*        From another, it can be seen as uncontrolled culling of species, by the evil aliens, of living things so they can take over the planet (I think I covered a little of this in the Sightings Radio Show of Dec 8, 1997.)

*        From a third perspective, it is the Apocalyptical Horsemen come at last. (Revelations is a distorted Gnostic Eschatological document - read carefully it reveals at least 3 re-writings.)

This is all being allowed to happen - in other words, Evil appears to be manifesting unchallenged, so it will self-destruct for it is being allowed to do just that. The scientific occurrence is merging with the metaphysical scenario described earlier.

The value of books is generally inversely proportional to the selling rate, promotion and popularity amongst the masses! An axiom: The more truthful something is, the more it will be resisted and attacked by the masses. It was very revealing to see so many attack our writings when they had not read one word, not one word! The evil ones are threatened by the energy. Ultimately the War is on the energy level. As humans, we are but pawns of either side shuffled on the game board of physicality.


From another letter from Steffan: "... The Dow (US Trade Index) makes fortunes for gamblers by plundering the wealth of the workers of the world. The Dow has soared, it is based upon air. The world money system will crash, whether the "powers" hold onto the current system, or revert to gold and silver, economic chaos is just around the corner. Your arguments of inevitability of chaos have just been placed into fragments of the media. The "world" will soon see the craziness of the money system, but most won't have a clue what happened. ... Your input is fresh and wonderful.

Re the Bible and the Koran ... Esoterically, there is a great deal of wisdom in those books. Exotically, there is a mass of inconsistent confusion."


Dear Drs. Joseph and Amitakh Chiappalone

Many Thanks. It has only been a few weeks since I heard your message on Sightings on the Radio, and in that few weeks, I have grown tremendously. While I understood that there was an unseen ruling elite that controlled the world, and that this ruling elite directed wars, finance, entertainment &c., and that this ruling elite was controlled by a disembodied realm, which was insane, I had never asked the question, "What energy is in charge of this world?" Because many of the materials you have posted on the internet ring true, I ordered Making Sense of the Madness, of which I am anticipating its arrival with alacrity. This morning I was able to digest many of your materials and integrate them into my understanding. I had been reflecting upon Nietzsche for some time; your readings directed me to re-examine his work. Nietzsche "philosophizes with a hammer" but also "writes to be misunderstood" so it often takes a while for his messages to penetrate my consciousness. When one of his blunt messages did this morning, his mallet struck me in the solar plexus, confirming much of what you write about. Nietzsche once said that if suffering is divine, hence the path to God, then those who suffer must be on the correct path, according to most religious and moral dogma. But, he took that thought a step further, as Nietzsche usually does, and said that if those who suffer are on the divine path, those who cause suffering in others must be divine messengers. I let this idea dance around in my head for several days until I concluded that ... the religious dogma supporting the theory of suffering leads to God is either based upon ignorance or deception.

From this point, I re-examined portions of the Bible with a whole new set of eyes. The serpent in Adam and Eve is wisdom or knowledge, which truly revealed that as you learn "your eyes shall be opened; and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." (This would be deadly dangerous to a being that controlled by illusion and fraud). As punishment for man tasting of knowledge, the serpent was banished to eat dust and whenever it stuck its head up, it would be trampled, and so it has been throughout history. And man was condemned to sorrow and suffering for all the days of his life for daring to attempt to reason, but, man was given a malicious consolation prize, being allowed to rule over woman. A feudal state was constructed--lord--noble--peasant--lord--man--woman. This concept is ugly to the core; it punishes the seekers of knowledge and makes slaves of an entire gender.

Yet, Solomon told us to get first wisdom, from thence you get everything. And, he also told us to treat wisdom as your sister, knowledge as a kinswoman, but, beware of the strange woman. Why would Solomon direct us to abhor ignorance and love learning if it was the tasting of the tree of knowledge that sank man into his sorrows? Would this not make this sage who is credited with the Proverbs a fool--or worse? I then put several passages together and the message you bring is clearly available in the gospels. Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not giver her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:" Followed by Matt. 24:35. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." These statements also occur in Mark at 13:24 and 13:31. And the promise that heaven and earth shall pass away is repeated in Luke 21:33. John clearly says that this world is not the world of Jesus, nor of his Father, nor of the elect. In John 14:30 is found "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." The Zondervan Greek translation says: "No longer many things I will speak with you, for is coming the (end) of the world ruler; and in me he has not no(any)thing." How much more cogently could Jesus have divorced himself from the ruler of the world? The ruler of the world is not the Father that Jesus refers to so frequently!

Further, it is promised that not only the earth, but the sun, moon and the heavens shall be destroyed. Jesus promised the destruction of this dimension because the energy controlling it is evil. Jesus knew that his message would be murdered, as had been all the messages of prophets before him because the prince of this world is a liar and a murderer and knows not the truth. Pretty simple, actually, but it took two Chiappalones, Nietzsche, and 48 years of "education" and searching for me to see what was clearly before my eyes, once the veil of ignorance was lifted.

My greatest hope now is that I can apply my awareness and cleanse myself of the pollution and corruption of this planet, and, assist in exposing the fraud, deceit, and misery that rules this world. I am comforted by the words of Schopenhauer: "All truth passes through three stages; first it is ridiculed; second it is violently opposed; third, it is accepted as self-evident." And, as Goethe said, nobody is so enslaved as those who believe themselves to be free. I see the chains and fetters and perceiving them gives me a vision of how to remove them. I have great hope. The promises of "graduation" from this "school" called earth that the new age promises are illusory. Apparently nobody graduates; they all return for another hellish journey around the sun. So, there is relief for everyone in your message, at least from my perspective. Thank you both.

My Reply:

The True Knowledge all falls into place once one has the "Key". John 8:44 is even more revealing. Robinson's "Nag Hammadi Library" has many Gnostic Truths, but realize it has many distortions from the translators who wrote without knowing what they were translating.

To awaken, in a flash, is proof that the Truth is within the

psyche of the True Consciousness and needs the correct stimulus to awaken on the outer mind. Nietzsche, as you may gather, is one of my favourite "guys". He was supposed to be "mad" from his philosophizing, but if his last letters are read, there is no cerebral dysfunction to "gnostic" minds. His clarity and meaning are beyond the ordinary (counterfeit and demonic) scholars. It is interesting, is it not, that when he died, his demonic sister who could not follow a simple cook book, "reorganized" and "added" to much of his unpublished works, and then a Zionist Jew, who would be ontologically opposed, became the expert in Nietzschean philosophy to translate and decipher him for the rest of the world. Is this not the plane of perversity? It is like Jonas, a malicious Zionist, being the so-called world expert on Gnosticism. One of total Untruth writes as an expert on the Truth! Regards


From Sightings: Yet another small reason life as we know it is doomed. Country and Western "music" is, without question, America's cultural disgrace, that is, if there is any culture here at all. These titles below tell that tale. CW is also, by far and away, America's #1 radio format. It is no wonder the few are so easily duped and controlled by the money merchants. Beyond programming, beyond brainwashing ... the great masses of people are OWNED, body and soul, by the elite. They are kept in a cage of illusion of 'freedom.'

Most people remain one simple quick step from hunting and gathering. Anything with a beat or repetitive cadence is 'product' designed to mesmerize and condition; that the beat in music is like a laugh track on a tv sitcom - which dictates to them what is funny and when to laugh. Most people will laugh at the CW titles...and they should. But there is far more to be learned from them.

American Pop Cultural Update - Actual Song Titles:

1        Get Your Biscuits In The Oven And Your Buns In Bed.

2        Get Your Tongue Otta My Mouth 'Cause I'm Kissing You Goodbye.

3        Her Teeth Was Stained, But Her Heart Was Pure.

4        How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?

5        I Can't Get Over You, So Why Don't You Get Under Me?

6        I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling.

7        I Got In At 2 With a 10, And Woke Up At 10 With a 2.

8        I Hate Every Bone In Your Body Except For Mine.

9        I Just Bought A Car From A Guy That Stole My Girl, But The Car Don't Run, So I Figure We Got An Even Deal

10         I Keep Forgettin' I Forgot About You.

11         I Liked You Better Before I Knew You So Well.

12         I Still Miss You Baby, But My Aim's Gettin' Better.

13         I Wouldn't Take Her To A Dog Fight, Cause I'm Afraid She'd Win.

14         I'll Marry You Tomorrow But Let's Honeymoon Tonite

15         I'm So miserable Without You, It's Like Having You Here.

16         I've Got Tears in My Ears From Lying On My Back While I Cry Over You.

17         If I Can't Be Number One In Your Life, Then Number Two On You.

18         If I Had Shot You When I Wanted To, I'd Be Out By Now.

19         Mama Get A Hammer (There's A Fly On Papa's Head).

20         My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, And I Don't Love Jesus.

21         My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend, and I Sure Do Miss Him.

22         Please Bypass this Heart.

23         She Got The Ring and I Got The Finger.

24         You're the Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly.



*        Mafialand: At the IRS (US Tax Dept.) those in charge of equal opportunity and criminal investigations have been found to be the worst offenders of the law and the very principles they should be upholding. Reuters reports an Internal Revenue Service manager took off with government-seized cars and another was promoted to the head of equal employment opportunity despite sexual harassment complaints. A panel of lawyers testified the IRS bullied their clients. Business owners told a Senate hearing that armed Internal Revenue Service agents with drug-sniffing dogs conducted raids based on flimsy evidence that turned their lives upsidedown. One taxpayer had a lien placed against his home in a dispute over $1.37.

(The Australian tax office has confirmed that its collectors will receive a bonus as an incentive for collecting more revenue from taxpayers.)

*        Risk of accidental nuclear attack rising: "The risk of millions of Americans dying from an accidental nuclear attack by a Russian submarine is rising", scientists reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. Citing what they called the steadily deteriorating condition of Russia's nuclear command system, the study's authors laid out a scenario of a plausible accidental attack: a single Russian nuclear submarine launching its weapons against the United States. Nearly 7 million people would be killed instantly from the thermonuclear explosions in the eight cities researchers chose arbitrarily. They selected the submarine scenario because "the Russian general staff cannot continuously monitor the status of the crew and missiles". The Russians "have had a lot of trouble with their submarine force historically." Several false alarms had already occurred in both the United States and Russia." Each country maintains its nuclear arsenals on high alert", the researchers said. "During a period when Russia is not even our adversary, this is politically, medically, and morally obscene".

*        Today, Russia and the US have 34,000 nuclear weapons between them. 1000 US nuclear warheads are pointed directly at Russia. Russia has even more pointed directly at the US. They all remain on hair trigger mechanisms ready to be launched at a moment's notice. The nuclear danger is increasing daily. (Mr. President, let's divert attention from all this and bomb someone. Let's condemn anyone who stocks up on manure and fire crackers.)

*        There are more than 1 million minor earthquakes a year around the globe. California has the most, but not the worse earthquakes. Once every 500 years there is a really big one.

*        From the US TODAY show: William Pepper, attorney for James Earl Ray and author of "Orders to Kill", said he has spent 20 years compiling evidence and amassing facts that point to a joint mafia and US government conspiracy to kill Martin Luther King, Jr. that went right up to President Johnson. A judge who was convinced of the conspiracy and was ready to move toward granting a trial for James Earl Ray, was removed from the bench and fired. The suggestion was made that James Earl Ray may have made a tape before he died, telling what he knows about the assassination. James Earl Ray died at age 70 from liver and kidney failure. He continued to deny he killed Martin Luther King, saying he was set up.

*        Many doctors suspect that the push for cholesterol lowering therapy is a drug company scam.

*        Shaken baby syndrome: A person was charged with the murder of his child and accused of the Shaken Baby Syndrome. After three years and a lengthy trial, he was finally cleared after doctors testified the baby had an undiagnosed liver disease and had suffered a severe reaction to the VACCINATION she had received just 3 days before her death.

*        DNA samples have "proven" guilt and innocence. Getting DNA from a sample used to take the labs 8 weeks; now they can extract it in 24 hours. It is said that with a DNA data base, almost every single crime could be solved. In the UK, they will soon have every criminal's DNA on a huge police computer. They now have about 300,000 DNA profiles on it and eventually it is expected to get up to about 4 million. It can link a large number of crimes together and link information from one part of the country to another. Police have solved about 10,000 cases since it has been in place in late 1995. Is this the 1984 Police State? Some fear that the plan to obtain DNA only from those who commit major crimes could be just the thin edge of the wedge.

*        From US MEET THE PRESS: When asked what Newt Gingrich was saying to his closest associates about the possible impeachment of the president, Elizabeth Drew, author, knowingly said that he was thinking about impeaching Clinton AND Gore. If both were impeached, next in line is the Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, unless a Vice President was chosen by Congress before Gore was impeached.

*        World financial leaders gathered in Washington to discuss the design for what the US Treasury Secretary calls "The New Financial Architecture". Buzz words for the new economic order include transparency, information and disclosure, but who or what will be monitoring all of this? There was criticism of the IMF but it still retains its role as lender of last resort. Could megabanks mean also mega mistakes? US Treasurer Robert Rubin's blueprint plan was put to the finance ministers:

-        Governments would need to provide accurate information regarding their budgets and national indebtedness. (Full disclosure)

-        Improve their national systems boosting the banking and judicial systems

-        Accept a new international surveillance authority over bank regulation.

-        Those who fail to meet these bench marks could pay a heavy price - like a premium on foreign loans.

The $64 question is: "Who plays policeman?"

Economic crises are not well handled and their outcomes are not desirable.

*        As the USA weakens, Europe and Russia are empowered. Blocs are real! The push for a Euro common currency is the pragmatic manifestation of a spiritual impetus to form such a bloc for WW3.

*        From 60 MINUTES: There are vast tracks of Australia so contaminated by radiation that it would take thousands of years before they are safe! When the British exploded their dozens of atomic bombs in our backyard, our men were made to stand in the open without any real protection. Thousands of servicemen were exposed to the fallout as they watched from the decks of ships, with no protective clothing. The scientists were fully clothed in special anti-radiation gear. Documents, once top secret, make it perfectly clear that British authorities deliberately deceived the public, defence personnel and even the Australian government about the real hazards of the radiation. "It's a pity", the then British Prime Minister said about the genetic effects, "but we cannot help it". Cancer deaths are tripled among Australian families. At the time, it was reported that scientists said the amount of radio-active fallout from the biggest bomb explosion so far was "almost negligible". How often have you heard such false assurance? Many men, within a year, lost all their teeth. The curse seems to have been passed on to the grandchildren. Authorities have said there is no link between the illnesses reported and the radiation from the bombs. If they keep the lid on it long enough, there won't be a problem, because there won't be any ill ones left. Documents showed that it was known the kinds of results that could be expected from radiation exposure.

*        Unions are set to disrupt Australia as never before.

*        Pakistan's 35% literacy rate is one of the lowest in the world. Why build schools when you can build bombs?

*        A State Security Court sentenced Tayyip Erdogan, Istanbul's popular Islamic mayor, to 10 months in prison for "inciting hatred" in a speech in southeast Turkey last year. Visiting Siirt, he had quoted a poem comparing Islam to a military force - a sentiment not shared by Turkey's influential army, which defends the country's secular constitution.

*        Where there is smoke there are lies: The Malaysian government warned private television stations that they could lose their broadcasting licenses for negative reporting of environmental conditions, particularly regarding what has been called "the haze". For about two months, thick smog - attributed to a blend of smoke from wildfires and air pollution - has drifted from Borneo into neighbouring regions. "They can report on the fires and action taken to put them out", Information Minister Mohammed Rahmat said of the TV stations, "but they should not label it as haze".

*        USA - Champion of Human Rights?

-        16 people face federal charges in Florida for allegedly running a slavery ring. 20 Mexican women, some as young as 14, were allegedly imprisoned and forced into prostitution.

-        Another foreign citizen was executed for murder in the US despite protests that the condemned man had been denied his rights under an international treaty. Jose Villafuerte, a Honduran, was put to death in Arizona for the 1983 killing of an American woman. As Paraguay did in the case of a man executed in Virginia a week earlier, Honduras argued that Villafuerte was denied his legal rights under the Vienna Convention because diplomats were not notified of his arrest.

*         Moonstruck: Hilton International is joining the race to put the first hotel on the moon. The 5000-room Lunar Hilton would be 325 metres high, rivalling Earth's biggest hotel, the Las Vegas MGM Grand. Hilton started design work when water was discovered on the moon in March and is working with NASA, which could ferry guests to the complex. Japanese firms have already spent $65 million planning lunar projects.

*        The SETI@Home project at Berkeley University in California will enlist 80,000 PCs to sift through data from the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, "looking for evidence that We Are Not Alone", writes The Economist. Let's hope they find signs of some sort of intelligence "out there". There sure ain't much of it down here.

*        The New Zealand kiwi is dying out.

*        How about that? A New York-based ergonomics design company has developed a thoroughly modern solution to the age-old problem of sore feet - "smart" shoes that grow as your feet swell. A smart seat that can adjust to the shape of the person's butt was incorporated into a Cadillac last year.

*        A question of Priorities: In Detroit, a plane chase involving a US Customs agent ended in a crash and the death of the pilot. It is estimated he was carrying 300 kg of marijuana which some witnesses then stole.

*        Emotional Blackmail in action: The abduction of children by their parents is a big problem in the US - it happens 350,000 times each year.

*        Sub-teen demons: A new proposal in Texas would make 11 year olds eligible for the death penalty which would be carried out when they turned 17. A State Representative justified the proposal by saying: "These children are not like they were when you and I were growing up - these kids are different."

*        Child Labour with a difference: UNICEF estimates there are some 250,000 children sent into battle. The children don't really know what they are doing and are very impressionable.

*        Kosovo: another powder keg for WW3 - indubitably!

*        Has-been Hounds Howard: Don Dunstan, former South Australian Premier, in a speech to 5,000, accused PM John Howard of trying to break unions, of deregulation and economic rationalism, in a sweeping condemnation of the Prime Minister. He predicted dire consequences if Australia continues to pursue a place in the Global economy without ensuring adequate protection of workers.

*        A Catholic man has been shot dead in Northern Ireland in the 2nd murder since the peace agreement. What price peace there? One in - ah, what's the biggest number in the world?

*        Diplomatic French Finesse in Doomed Africa: A Belgium newspaper claimed that an enquiry showed clear evidence that French authorities were deeply implicated in the Rwanda genocide, that 1 to 3 months beforehand, France, Belgium, the US and the Secretary General of the UN all had prior knowledge that there were massacres being planned on a large scale, and once the genocide started the French are reported to have continued to supply arms. It is also alleged that the French provided safe havens for the perpetrators. The French authorities of the time deny any wrongdoing.

*        When you have no defence, attack: Russell Cooper, Queensland Prison Minister, is accusing prison activists of inciting violence in the Queensland jails. He told Parliament that the prison legal service is conspiring with hard core inmates to undermine the government in the lead up to the election. The legal services strongly deny the allegation, saying they have warned Cooper of pending difficulties in the prisons because of his policies and his recent security upgrading. They suggest that the minister is seeking a scapegoat and diverting attention away from the real problems.

*        Di Delusion Destroyed: Diana Spencer has come under attack for the first time in almost 8 months. A chapter in a new book "Faking it - the sentimentalism of modern society" depicts her as a self-indulgent woman whose childish outbursts and so-called victim mentality were liabilities to both her family and her country. Co-editor Rev. Peter Mullen stated that the way she tried to cope with many personal problems was not appropriate and it was not going to do her any good to behave like that. He further stated that, "this misplaced sentimentality and self-indulgence kind of permeates British society."

*        William Baker, US author of "Down the Tube": "Right now, the only measure of television in this country is, How much money can you make? American television is so entertaining, it's almost like valium in the drinking water." (Whereas Valium eventually gives you nightmares, American TV, especially the sit-coms, makes you instantly nauseous -ed.)

*        82% of community-based childcare centres have been deserted by families who can no longer afford care - another example of Howard's cost cutting. There is concern about the quality of care those families are turning to. Some women are considering not having children at all.

*        Richard Butler, who I know, but cannot prove, that he has been paid handsomely to stir trouble against Iraq, says there has been virtually no progress with Iraq in the last 6 months, that they will not allow for repeat access for inspections, there had been very little verification and disarmament progress in the last 6 months, that they are hiding and concealing other weapons of mass destruction and the US will fight to keep the sanctions on. This demon will NOT enjoy the fruits of his labour.

*        Modern Day demonology:

-        In Sumatra, a self-proclaimed sorcerer who killed 42 women, who came to him for help from his magic, has been condemned to death. He strangled them believing their death would strengthen his magic powers. His re-enactment of the murders, which he did for a movie made about the situation, was used against him and helped convict him.

-        A man faces assault charges from having injected an infant son with HIV-infected blood so he would not have to pay child support. The son, now 7, has full blown AIDS.

*        "Peace be with you - or else": In Kentucky, ministers and priests are now allowed to carry concealed weapons in church as a result of increased robberies and assaults.

*        In Florida, a shark bit a teenager scuba diver on the chest, and he was rushed to hospital with the shark clinging to him.

*        West of Eden - by a long shot: Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Burundi, Algeria - where the violence is outrageous.

*        Computer hackers have broken into a military system in the Pentagon in a serious security breach. The group, The Masters of Downloading, claim to have stolen software for a military satellite used to target missiles.

*        Huffing Hubris: A row over who should open the 2000 Olympics has created problems between Sydney and Canberra. Although Howard denies it, the allegation is that millions of dollars in funding for the games will not be provided by the federal government unless the Prime Minister gets to open the games.

*        A Confession of Sorts: American scientists have published what appears to them to be conclusive proof of global warming and climate change. They say this decade has been the warmest in at least 600 years. The years 1991, 1995 and 1997 were the warmest for probably close to 1000 years.

*        One man's poison ... The Jerry Springer show, a popular violence and sex trash program was dropped by NBC in a backlash, but then immediately scooped up by Fox who will air the program twice a day rather than just once. There was controversy that some of the "action" (fights and confrontations, etc.) on the show was carefully rehearsed and made up, according to 16 former participants. Jerry Springer, who has been referred to as the King of TV sleaze, insists that he wants the show to be truthful, that it is the nature of TV to show conflict, that he is ring master of a circus, that the show is "a silly, sometimes stupid talk show". Here is one reported side-effect:

-        Girls Turn Classroom into "Springer" Show: NY: Four girls beat their sixth-grade teacher for refusing to turn on The Jerry Springer Show on a classroom television, leaving the teacher with bruises to her face, neck, back and leg. The students started the fight Wednesday when they told teacher Aishah Ahmad to turn on the show so they could watch the day's topic: "Bisexual Relationships Hurt Married Couples." Ahmad, 44, said the girls, ages 11 to 12, spat at, punched, slapped and kicked her when she wouldn't turn on the television set, which is used for watching educational programs. The rest of the class watched the attack, which Ahmad fought off before regaining control of her class. "I'm in a lot of pain," Ahmad told the New York Post. "How would you like it if people you have been caring about attacked you for a TV program with no educational value?"

*        The Sudan government is deliberately blocking aid to the reported 350,000 starving people of the country.

*        Scientists are now saying it is safe for the former residents of the Pacific Atoll, Bikini, to return home. 23 nuclear bombs were tested on the US nuclear test site and turned it into a radio-active wasteland.

*        Gringos beware: In Mexico today, drug-related violence has become a daily fact of life. The influence of drug traffickers has spread to all aspects of Mexican society, even its music. Narco corridos (Drug ballads) actually pay tribute to drug traffickers and how crime pays. They have become very popular, focusing on the fun, glamour and excitement of drug life. Sales of the music are up in the US as well.

*        Australian defence forces will oversee a $10 million relief program to drought-stricken Irian Jaya where 500 have died in the past 9 months and 90,000 are facing starvation.

*        The ban on Chinese swimmers who tested positive for drugs, has been lifted pending further investigation, causing the suspicion that politics is involved.

*        Was he a member of the NRA? In Greensboro, North Carolina, a boy celebrating his 6th birthday was accidentally fatally shot by a 4 year old who found a pistol in the house.

*        Venice, the city of canals, has been severely polluted by toxic waste from a nearby chemical plant.

About Iraq

*        The Iraqi Foreign Minister disappointed at the failure of having the sanctions lifted stated, "The Iraqi people have been subjected to unprecedented injustice by the policy of continued starvation and repeated military assault."

*        Up until the Pakistani bomb tests, the US rhetoric was all about taking Saddam out, how he is threatening others, the immense armoury he has (all lies) how he is hateful, and how hated, etc., etc. But next time such malicious propaganda will not work. Future moves against him will be suicidal!

*        One of the other plans the US had was to release some Anthrax, a virus that causes haemorrhaging in the lungs and is almost invariably fatal to human and animal life, somewhere in the US, and blame Saddam, hence justifying retaliatory action.

*        US officials are still ruminating, and cursing themselves that they did not murder Saddam in 1991. How is that for a mind-set with which to bully the world? The massive Iraqi genocide they caused, especially affecting defenceless women and children, is just not enough for these hateful demons.

*        The US has relied on misinformation supplied to it by defectors and traitors. Only a fool would believe such people.


*        New pictures of the sun have detected giant tornadoes twisting at speeds up to 500,000 kph.

*        At this time of Israeli 50 year celebration of self-proclaimed statehood "Israelis are turning on each other, right against left, immigrant against native born, orthodox against secular." A poll reveals that the Israelis consider their greatest threat does not come from the Palestinians, but from within - from divisions amongst the Jews themselves. Zionist Jews have always used and abused non-Zionist Jews to pursue their illegal and immoral gains!

*        By not paying dues owed by it to the UN, the USA is trying to manipulate the UN. All others are seeing through this ploy and have lost respect for both the UN and USA.



Male Hormone Therapy

Insidiously, a push to have middle aged men on hormone replacement therapy is gaining momentum. Inspite of not inconsiderable side effects, such as exacerbation of cardiovascular disease, aggravation of benignly enlarged prostate, increased risk of prostate cancer, increasing blood volume, salt and water retention and hypertension, sleep apnoea, and, in some men, feminizing characteristics such as growth of breasts, that testosterone supplementation can produce, it seems some medical archons, no doubt encouraged by drug companies, want their patients to remain in gonadal mode for a few more years.

Does this not show a dissatisfaction with the demiurge's plot by his own counterfeits? The whole point of reaching a point where the fierce fires of hormone-induced lunacy is left far behind is so there is room in the head for clear thinking and the cultivation of some wisdom, something that can hardly occur if one's thoughts are dictated to by rampant gonadal stirrings and erectile tissue endeavours. It's true that the chamber of mental function in most men is found below the waste line. so why increase the years of such enslavement? That is what these medicos are aiming at with such replacement therapy. They see loss of sex drive (libido) and sex performance as a cruelty to be avoided at all costs. Judging from the number who seek the drug Viagra with its as yet unknown side-effects, it seems that many men see life as to be lived through their gonads almost exclusively, as if it is not worth living if sex is not on their menu. And yet, all who seek true spiritual enlightenment seek to curtail the rapacious avarice and sexual lust which can plague a mind. Alas, with such pursuits as the male hormone replacement therapy for the sake of increasing sex in one's life, it can be seen that even if humanity did have a future, the archons, such as these medicos, would make sure it was a very limited future indeed.

*        The Viagra Craze: An impotency pill, Viagra, which claims a 70% success rate, is the fastest selling drug in medical history. Warning is giving against using it as a sex aid. Side effects include headaches, facial flushing and indigestion. If it is also taken with nitrate drugs, men could expose themselves to severe drug reactions. It has not been cleared for Australian use yet. Pfizer, the company that has produced it, has seen its shares soar from $69 to $115. It has made a lot of people very rich. Companies are now selling imitations which are available on the internet. There are very serious long-term side-effects of this drug and I will have more to say about it in the near future. Let the fools rush in.

*        Choose Nuclear energy - for a cleaner death: 350,000 people who were involved in the hasty cleanup at Chernobyl are said to have died. The disease rate of the 3 million who were exposed to radiation in the region have increased 4 fold in the past decade, and thyroid cancer among children is 10 times higher than 15 years ago. Kiev has repeatedly threatened to scrap the planned closure of the last reactor still in use at Chernobyl, as the international community drags its feet in honouring a deal to fund the shutdown.

*        Canadian scientists have developed a revolutionary artificial heart called the heart saver which is smaller and lighter than previously and is inserted into the chest cavity and actually attaches to the natural heart.

*        A warning that deadly diseases like Tuberculosis and Meningitis may becoming untreatable because of the overuse of antibiotics was included in a British government's report urging doctors to stop over-prescribing and for patients to stop expecting them. Multi-Resistant Staphylococcus infection is rife in many hospitals and nursing homes. There is only one antibiotic left strong enough to kill it. If that fails, scientists say it will be catastrophic. One Queensland surgeon claims he can treat it with raw honey!

*        In China, health cuts due to a shortage of funds, have caused hospitals to focus on wealthy patients. Since 1994, hospitals have had to embrace the market economy. What else is new?

*        Health officials in Britain are warning that pregnant women should not be given amalgam tooth filling because the mercury vapour could be harmful to unborn children.

*        TPA (Alteplase) is the first drug in history approved for treating strokes. It is said to give a 30% increase in the chances of surviving a stroke but only if given within 3 hours of the onset of the stroke and if the stroke was caused by a blood clot and not a blood vessel bleeding into the brain; otherwise it could be fatal. Because of the danger involved, doctors are wary about using it.

*        This could be the worse allergy season ever in the US due to the wet/warm winter (El Nino) and the prolific weed and grass pollen as well as home after home becoming mould incubators from the excessive rain and flooding. There are also high readings of tree pollen earlier than usual.

*         Sue You: Australians are now second only to Americans in big-time payouts for medical negligence claims. The Sydney Morning Herald notes 16% of awards here are more than $200,000. compared to only 6% worldwide.

*        A United States bio-technology company has started tests on a cocaine "vaccine" designed to stop users getting high. It is intended as part of a treatment program to help cocaine users beat their addiction. About 10% of people who try cocaine become addicted to the drug, according to the US National Institute on Drug Abuse.

*        A brand new arbovirus is suspected in deaths from fatal encephalitis in Western Australia as reported by "Australian Doctor" (p.4) of May 8, 1998. More of such infective agents will emerge, as we predicted in 1985.

*        A revolutionary tooth vaccine, made from plants, is on the way to protect teeth from bacteria and decay.

*        The recent massive Sunquakes will increase radiation to Earth and have massive radiational side-effects.

*        Gene Pooling? There is work under way to clone a scarce giant panda, but the plan is to inject the clone into another animal, probably a dog.

*        The first artificial cornea developed in Western Australia has been successfully used on a 79 year old patient.

*        According to the UN, international drug dealing comprises 8% of world trade. (The figure is probably much greater.)

*        A Brisbane environmental expert claims the health of Port Douglas residents is at risk because of acid soil run-off.

*        In the US news, May 5, 1998: 50 million Americans are reported to suffer from mental illness to the extent that they seek medical doctors and mental health professionals for help. They could, truly, not fit in all the waiting rooms.

*        From San Francisco CBS Radio, 1 May: "A new federal study says the quality of water in California's San Joaquin Valley is among the worst in the United States. The report, released by the U.S.Geological Survey, finds the valley's water contains nitrate, most likely from farming fertilizers. The study also shows fish in the lower San Joaquin River are suffering from farm drainage and pesticides which have caused disease, deformity and death.... Groundwater testing was done valley-wide, from Stockton to Bakersfield." The San Joaquin Valley is where most of California's fruits and vegetables are grown.

*        Dolly the sheep clone has given birth to Bonnie.

*        A tobacco company is advertising in Papua New Guinea in ways that are illegal in Australia and their sales have risen dramatically, as have smoking-related illnesses.

*        US Surgeon General: "Teen smoking among minorities is increasing, with the number of black high school students who smoke rising 80% over the last 6 years".

*        Scottish scientists have discovered that a gene may determine whether or not a smoker will develop cancer.

*        An as yet unidentified prion based disease which acts like very fast HIV-AIDS is devastating ponies in the British Isles.

*         Stephen W. Hawking, the demon residing in the semi-paralysed body which suffers Motor Neuron disease is reported to have said that due to Genetic Manipulation, humanity will become a super race by the end of the next millennium. Let me contradict this demon whom the sycophants claim is earth's greatest living mind. My prophecy is that there will be no Earth, no Humanity, within, not 1000 years, but in less that 50 years, as I said on Sightings on Radio in the USA!!


About Anger and Aliens

STEVNSALFA     <[email protected]> wrote: Dr. Chiappalone, I recently discovered your website by accident... Being in contact with many dimensions myself, I have discovered many of your "truths" on my own path. There is one thing that concerns me about your messages though and that is the anger. The truth is never furthered through name-calling and ridicule. If you are an alien sent here to "do a good job", why are YOU so angry about the state of affairs on this particular planet? You rave against emotionalism, which I myself find difficult to deal with, and yet you are the most emotionally charged messenger I have ever encountered. Is there some human factor of yourself that you are unaware of? It would be encouraging to know that aliens that are of a high degree of intelligence have overcome the foul ego (as you so vehemently advise) and have the ability to rise above the petty emotionalism of name calling and rhetorical questions that pervade your works? Have you perhaps been "trapped" by some of the negative energy yourself?

For the most part, your messages are spot on in their accuracy, but very deliterious in their tone. Perhaps an unemotional approach would serve your purpose better. Polarity is only strengthened by negative emotionalism. I don't recall Jesus ever calling anyone a stupid bastard or an ignorant moron. Really, guard your emotional chakra good doctor and your message will be much clearer. Klaron

My Reply: From what you write and how you write it, I know you are not trained in proper psychology, medicine, psychiatry. I am! But that is beside the point. Of the millions who have read my information, you, as well as evil ones, are the only ones to think there is personal emotive reasoning behind my words. Could it be that what you see is really a reflection of your own fears and anger at being forced to see what you do not like or want to see? I think so. Why else would you be emotive and falsely accuse me of "raving"?

By writing that my writings are "very deliterious in their tone" (it should be deleterious) clearly demonstrates you are insensitive to the energy in them inspite of what you appear to want to assert. YOU are as ignorant as any I've met who can only use their monkey mind. And by telling me that "For the most part, your messages are spot on in their accuracy", suggests you claim a discerning superiority which is not so, your ignorance being revealed repeatedly by what you yourself have written in such a brief email. Only the most stupid people do that, for I know you have not read many of our 20 books, so you cannot possibly know what is in them. You ARE judging in ignorance, thus proving the validity of what I have written, and the need to write it as I have, and to which you, being stupid, object!

Besides, by talking about an "emotional chakra" it shows you have the metaphysical anatomical knowledge of a New Age Novice - once again revealing that you are steeped in ignorance and wallowing in its arrogance!

By telling me, quite erroneously, what Jesus did or did not say, reveals you are ignorant here too. Did He not call the money lenders in the temple scathing names and chase them out with a whip? Did He not say some were scum-bags, or the equivalent for the times, such as venomous vipers, painted tarts and impostors with rotten innards, or the equivalent (which easily translates to scum-bags) and that it would have been better if they had not been born? Did He not call them liars and murderers, whose father was Satan?

By the way, "bastard" is no more pejorative than "illegitimate" and all of the counterfeit creation are illegitimate! You must be another that can validly be labelled "stupid moron". How can you object to that, after what you have written? Look at yourself before you try to ignorantly and arrogantly psychoanalyse others!

I've met too many of your type and will not bother wasting any more time if you write again. This is enough to expose what you are in essence, behind that false facade of sugary sweet "caring". I call the shots as I see them, even when using colloquialism and "poetic licence". You want to hide behind self-destructive ignorance. Just how many times have you tried to teach your grandmother how to suck eggs?

If you really were in touch with purer dimensions, as you claim, you would be a little more enlightened. In reality you are living in your own illusion. Bye, Bye!


I think after that sort of letter it is wise for me to remind you of the old axiom "It is best to keep your mouth closed and let people wonder whether you are ignorant, rather than opening it, and removing all doubt".


Dear Dr. Joseph and Dr. Amitakh Chiappalone

Thank you for providing the Truth about these times. It would be very frustrating and heart-breaking to watch all the disintegration without the Keys you provide. With the Keys come a freedom of the heart, and more. I am in gratitude to both of you, forever. James McArdle, San Francisco



Controlling groups objected strongly to the freedoms given to the common people by the Magna Carta: The Papacy, which saw its control of the commoners being eroded and the Zionists, who saw their opportunities for usury and its evil exploitation curtailed, were the most fierce objectors.

Following the short article on the Magna Carta in the last newsletter, whose historical information was gathered from the 1998 version of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, my attention has been directed, by a Jewish scholar and very good personal friend of mine, to the following website - - which has the original and unedited English version of the Magna Carta and which includes an extra clause, reproduced below, taken out by Zionists who regard the original version as anti-semitic:

Apparently the Magna Carta originally had this clause in it, which is not found in the version presented by modern publishers (most, if not all are Zionists) as the "official" translation of Magna Carta as confirmed by Edward I with his seal in 1297.

"10. If one who has borrowed from the Jews any sum, great or small, dies before that loan be repaid, the debt shall not bear interest while the heir is under age, of whomsoever he may hold; and if the debt fall into our hands, we will not take anything except the principal sum contained in the bond."

This was an attempt, even back in the early 1200s to keep the Zionist Jews from their usurious practices in England. As we know, the Jews were expelled from many countries in Europe, over many centuries, as a result of their monetary practices which strangled entire countries and preempted power and control from the given rulership.

I repeat, The Magna Carta is considered by Zionist Jews to be "anti-semitic". The Papacy was not the only "Zionist order" to object to protection of the common people. Why do I call the papacy Zionist? It is totally under the control of the Zionist force of Jehovah, not of Christ. For more details read our books "Death of an Evil God" and "The Kingdom of Zion", if you have not already done so!

I dare say, with this exposure of the Magna Carta, I would certainly not be surprised if the address I gave above is blacklisted by the Zionists and included in their "hatewatch" list! They are as predictable as they are evil.

These facts should give you some clues as to why the Germans found they faced a "Jewish Problem" earlier this century after having accepted the Jews as welcomed comrades the previous century. Of course, it was not the Jews as such that were the problem but the evil Zionist forces hiding in their midst which caused all the problems.

The innocent Jews became the victims, the helpless pawns, caught in the midst of the evil forces that presented eventually as Nazism in the hell that ensued. An insightful reading of any history of WW 1 and WW 2 will reveal the takeover of those Axis partners by evil forces which were also very much in action in the allies. Once unleashed, those murderous forces use whoever and wherever. Evil, being totally the product of the Evil Mind which in its last incarnation was known as Jehovah, as I have explained in detail in our books, sponsored both Zionism and Nazism which are metaphysical twins. Examine closely the practices of Zionist Israel and Nazi Germany and you will find no difference in essence. Many of the militant Zionists there are in fact, reincarnated Nazis, as I have explained previously.

I am not engaging in bashing some sections of the populace for the sake of filling these pages. This is a newsletter of metaphysical truths and of exposition of untruths, giving valid reasons why this planet is to be destroyed TOTALLY and giving the definite solution for this horrible, horrible mess, even though the medicine prescribed may be hard for some to accept.

I am exposing the truth of things which you yourselves can verify. That Zionism takes over countries and strangles them is a self-evident truth if you examine the mechanism by which they have done this in the USA, Canada, and Australia where their financial stranglehold is hard to miss, where their intolerant racist policies are exposed, even as they spuriously claim they are in support of minor groups, and where their hateful stifling of real freedoms are obvious to all who examine their practices. They control publishing, the media, TV, the governments, manufacturing, retail, the food industry, distribution, censorship, etc., etc.

In fact, they control everything, and if any are in dissention, they are pejoratively branded as "anti-semites", no matter how reasonably they, the branded ones, bring out valid facts.

On the question of financial control, in Australia, as poverty is increasing at an alarming rate, being 1000% worse after 23 years of the population struggling, as I reported in a previous newsletter, it was reported in 1997 that 80% of Australian working Jews are millionaires, according to their own figures. "How can that be?" you may validly ask, "if they do not control finances, as they claim, counter to the facts?"

They distort, obfuscate and censor, to not allow the truth to breathe. These are some of the reasons why the planet is being destroyed totally and forever!

You will have read these facts with the understanding of my definition of Zionist and Jews. If you are unaware of those definitions, go back to newsletters 19 and 20 where I published the definitions. If you choose to purposely misunderstand, you are malicious. There is no other reason. Hence, you are part of the problem and, as such, will not be part of the solution.

Zionism, in essence, is the Anti-Christ energy and the reason why this counterfeit creation is being destroyed. The energy doing the cleansing, of course, is the Christ energy. The apposition of these two opposite and unequal forces in the world could not be more obvious now. Zionism is in a War to the spiritual death which it cannot win.

The Christ Energy has won, all that is needed is for the results of this War of Essences to be translated into the physical dimension. Those who claim they can project into the future should look with real vision and they will see no Earth exists past this generation. The destruction is a fait accompli!

So, this basis can now be used to make just a little more sense of the Madness, a little more sense of the cracks which are appearing in the fraudulent scenario, which the Zionists want us to accept, on this level, as truth. Now do you understand why they demonize any who speak out against them? Now do you understand why they are unreasonably attempting to silence dissenters?

Cracks in the Zionist wall of lies are appearing for all to see. Here is one example: During the discussions on the various racial Jews who made Israel their home at the time of Israel's 50th Anniversary celebrations, it was revealed that the Iraqi Jews who migrated from Saddam Hussein's Iraq were the best educated and wealthiest of all Jews to come from Arab lands. How could that be, you must ask, in the face of the Zionist propaganda which claims Saddam is Satan incarnate, whose supposed repressive regime was murderous and vindictive in the extreme? It could not be as the Zionists claim. The fact is they are proved wrong by their own people. Jews in Iraq prospered as all Iraq's people did. The demonization of Saddam was a political stunt to destroy him, as we all now know.

Iraq had the best standard of living in the Arab world before the Gulf War. One parameter which is very telling of a country's advancement, of its financial, social and cultural prosperity, is its patient-doctor ratio. Iraq's was better than most European countries in fact, demonstrating the degree of social justice and infrastructure which its people enjoyed. That could have hardly been the case if Saddam was the demon the Zionists are trying to force us to believe he is/was.


Patience needed in the Loneliness

Once one awakens even just a little and sees the dishonesty around you, the psychic attacks, the untruths, the manipulations by archons and their institutions, the emotional exploitation perhaps by bosses, relatives, spouses and others to whom one has given one's trust, the hidden and not-so-well hidden spiritual dangers, the unnecessary cruelty, the oppression, the gross and unending iniquities, the stinking hypocrisy, the corruption of judiciaries, of religions, of governments, of the media, of educational institutions, the fraudulence, etc., and once you realize these things are not accidental, experimental shortcomings of an experientially evolving humanity, but purposefully developed mechanisms for the destruction of True Love, Light and its Truth, one should no longer entertain the implanted thoughts of temporary, physical, existential loneliness.

One should dispel the feelings of angst, imposed by the counterfeit system which has trapped one undeservedly, and instead sense the thrust of impatience to correct this horrible, horrible and doomed, grossly exploitative mess!


Evidence of Previous Correction

The Gamma-ray burst came from the biggest explosion ever seen, astronomers said. They said it far eclipsed a supernova - the explosion of a dying star -- and was second only to the Big Bang in energy. "The energy released by this burst in its first few seconds staggers the imagination," S. Kulkarni, a professor at the California Institute of Technology said in a statement. "It was as bright as at least a billion Milky Way galaxies," Stan Woosley, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz, told a news briefing. The gamma-ray explosion came from a faint galaxy known as GRB 971214 and was first seen Dec. 14. "For about one or two seconds, this burst was as luminous as all the rest of the entire universe," said Caltech professor George Djorgovski, whose findings were reported in the science journal Nature. Gamma-ray bursts are one of the big mysteries of the universe. NASA's Alan Bunner said it can be incredibly frustrating to even try to see them. "Imagine you're in a dark room and every so often a bright flash occurs, but no matter how hard you look, there's nothing to be seen before or after the event,". Gamma-ray bursts are seen on Earth about twice a day, every day. "They are the brightest thing in the sky, even outshining the sun in gamma radiation," Bunner said. Until a year ago, astronomers had no way to track where they were. The Italian/Dutch satellite BeppoSAX, launched in 1996, can track the bursts well enough to direct ground-based astronomers using telescopes.

It took months of analysis by several teams before it became clear just how big this bang had been. Kulkarni's team pointed the big Keck telescope in Hawaii at it, and then booked time on the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. They analyzed the fading light from the smudge to determine the distance. They reckoned it must be 12 billion light-years distant, a light-year being the distance light travels in a year at 189,000 miles a second, or a total of about 5.9 trillion miles. To have released enough gamma radiation and light to be seen from so far way, the explosion must have been 10 to 100 times more powerful than the most powerful supernova. Zooming in on the spot with the Hubble telescope, Kulkarni said it looked like the energy came from the type of galaxy known to be a nursery of star formation. So he thinks it may have something to do with star formation. (He is wrong- it is the process of galactic destruction-ed.)

Others think the explosion may have come from a black hole - specifically from a black hole sucking in a neutron star. As the neutron star, which is a very dense star, spirals into the back hole, it sends out electromagnetic energy. At some point two beams of energy shoot out. These are seen as gamma ray bursts when they hit the Earth. The astronomers hope the latest equipment, and perhaps a bit of luck, will let them see more such explosions and find out more about them.

My Comments: Indeed, we will see more light from such events before we leave the scene. This is confirmation that over 90% of this physical universe has already been corrected. Having prophesied these events 14 years ago, no one could validly say we are just highlighting recent discovered. Besides, I had mentioned this correction months ago on the US "Sightings on Radio" Show. Confirmation of what the event was has been received on this plane from the alien team who managed events of Correction, as described above. The Greater Reality is reaching this plane and accommodating minds as never before.


Alright, Albright, I don't think you are alright!

From W. Blum: Madeleine Albright, ethically challenged:

1        "Asked if it is not hypocritical to punish Burma for human rights violations while refraining from sanctions on China for similar actions, Albright replied, 'We have consistent principles and flexible tactics'." The same "flexible tactics" (hypocrisy) are evident in the policies embraced by Albright toward Cuba, Libya, Iraq, et al, as opposed to the policies toward Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, and Colombia.

2        TV interview: Lesley Stahl, speaking of US sanctions against Iraq: "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And -- and you know, is the price worth it?" Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price -- we think the price is worth it."

3        Albright in Guatemala, talking to a group of impoverished children: "Why would [I] and the USA care about what is happening here? The reason is we are all one family and when one part is not happy or suffers, we all suffer."

Thus speaketh the leading foreign policy officer of the country directly responsible for bringing more than 40 years of poverty, torture, death squads, massacres and disappeared people to Guatemala, without even a hint of apology or restitution, ever.

More of this illuminating report on Albright next month!


From my Poetry Book #5:

Poem # 244

The Mother's Letter

Hello Dr. C., this is my first poem for you and your readers, as you can see.

I wish to introduce myself as many of your wonderful readers don't know me.

I am Beryl, Jerry's wife, and I wish to share a few moments with you all by

referring to something I received which has indeed lifted my spirits admirably.

A letter came from the Divine Mother today, to be given to all Spirits True,

Which I shall now reproduce in all its love and glory, lovingly for you,

as it is for all Sparks of Light, Love, trapped in Evil's deep, dank Darkness

who are impatient for the Final Rescue into the Future's Happiness.

"True Ones, know that you are Lights Divine trapped in the physical, which

is temporary, vile and of no worth. I have been with you from the start

when you became trapped in the body to which falsehood's woman gave birth.

Acknowledged are your struggle, your heartache, your desperation, all the

pain, all your suffering and misery. But be comforted by My words, for it

will not be long now, the awaited Liberation of all trapped theomorphs

who have been ever-faithful to Me.

Even as you gasp for Divine Air, even as your heart is breaking in this murky

Den of Iniquity, stand firm and smile. It is but just another little, little while.

Even when you feel very sad and O so lonely, so oppressed, try to smile.

It is the hardest, is it not, in any long, tedious journey, that last, long mile?

Smile, for soon great gifts will flow to thee; My Peace and Joy and Serenity,

in overwhelming doses, even while you're in the midst of the Profanity.

Protect always diligently your higher and lower minds, your spirit too,

so when the evil ones maliciously target you, and abuse, exploit,

psychically and physically rape and plunder as always they are wont to do,

you will survive, inspite of all their attacks, to see their end,

and the Glory in a Promised, ready Dimension New.

Smile, Little Sparks; forever smile, be joyous, happy, laugh and smile,

This hell shall, with all its noxiousness only be for another little, little while.

Smile, and stop the tears that want to come, that want so easily to now flow.

Stop the haunting fears, the spirit-devouring emptiness, and smile, smile,

as you think joyously of Me and My Everlasting Love, and the coming New

Day with its Infinite Love aglow."

You of Love, of Faithfulness, of Joy, know that you can write to the Divine Mother,

anytime, anytime at all, when you are well or especially when sad.

So get out pen and paper, and your precious letter to Her now start.

Her address, Her letterbox, even Her abode, are very close to you, very close

indeed. In fact, they are just there, along with Her invaluable Grace and Love,

just there in your heart! Beryl


Until next time,...

J S Chiappalone. Copyright 1998 .

Please address all correspondence to

Annwn Publications at PO Box 28, Malanda, 4885, Qld, Australia.

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