Newsletter # 19 - March 1998,

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Annwn News

Hello again to all our readers.

These newsletters are about exposures and about assisting you to find out what is going on. They are to assist you to understand the world and your place in it. They often reflect the very nature hidden within you as you read the words for the energy of the words themselves expose that nature. If that nature turns out to be opposed to the energy expressed herein, well so be it. You now know even more certainly what you are.

Indeed, the Middle East has certainly grabbed our attention once again and I have included extensive notes on it in this newsletter. This matter is important as it exposes the evilness of the plane in an unmistakeable manner, allowing us to prepare for what is to come. Through it we can see the confrontation of essences and the way mass programming works. It leaves no one who is even slightly spiritually awakened in any doubt that this planet cannot continue. Through this Middle East fiasco we can also see the fragmentation of counterfeit consciousness and its self-destructive nature.

* Tapes of the third Sighting on Radio interview Dr Chiappalone did on February 15 are available: $13 post paid.

* Please note all four volumes of "A Collection of My Verses and Poems based on Gnostic Thoughts" by J.S. Chiappalone are available. $30 each post paid.



Notes about the Middle East and its sequelae


So much has been written about the middle East Problem, I realize I risk boring you further with these points. Be that as it may, I thought it would be relevant to give the facts as I see them from a metaphysical perspective, always keeping the question "Why?" well in the fore.

One needs to go beyond the deceitful words of history books and see the political duplicity in world politics to understand the evil destructiveness governing this doomed planet. I have tried to simplify a very complex matter into a few sentences in order to gain some perspective in this process which will end up as WWIII. To those who shout "simplistic" on reading these thoughts, I say "Be patient as we get to the bare bones of the issue, something which would be impossible if we become lost in the mire of side-issues, and there are indeed many, many of them!"

Why is Iraq being assassinated? Kuwait was a sheikhdom literally seized by Great Britain in 1899 to prevent Germany extending its Berlin-Baghdad Railway to the port of Kuwait. It did not exist as an entity as such until 1922 when a line was drawn on maps to separate it from Saudi Arabia. A compromise Neutral Zone to the west was in existence when the border with Iraq was created in 1923. In the next 40 years, the oil fields were seized by British and American Zionist interests. British Petroleum (BP) which caused the Biafran Civil War, and was responsible for the 10 million deaths in Nigeria, all due to its greed for oil, was the real owner of Kuwait, in equal partnership with the Gulf Oil Corporation of the United States.

As late as 1961, The Iraqi Prime Minister claimed Kuwait as an integral part of Iraq. But with independence given to the sheikhdom by Britain, which had established a protectorate over Kuwait on the outbreak of war in 1914, and with British troops stationed there to prevent an Iraqi invasion, Iraq was forced to back down. When Kuwait was admitted to the UN in October 1963, Iraq had to live with the mess. It was a problem Saddam Hussein inherited. Seeing Saddam Hussein did not become President of Iraq until 1979, it is obvious that he inherited the problem of Kuwait.

Oil was discovered more and more in the Arab lands and, after WWII, development was spectacular. The burgeoning West was hungry for it and virtually stole it from the Arabs. When an organization was formed to protect the interests of Arab petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) in 1960, the Arabs, within a short time, set the price of a barrel of oil to somewhere 3600% higher than what they had previously been paid by the pilfering West. In other words, the West was stealing the oil and paying the Arabs a pittance! The price of a barrel went from 50 cents, set by the West, to $18, set by the Arabs within a short time. It has since fluctuated as you know from $10 to $20.

Up until 1951, British Zionists, with their American partners, also controlled Iran whose awakening politicians realized they would rather have the country and its wealth for their own people. Hence, in that year Iran nationalized its oil industry. The British and Americans were indignant. What they had fought so hard to steal had been taken away from them by the people who owned it. The cry was "How dare they?!!"

By 1953, the CIA-led coup in Iran installed the puppet Shah of Iran. This demon sold out his country and people for a few pieces of silver. His demonic suppression of his own people who objected to the exploitation and injustice are legendary. As you may know, he was overthrown by another coup later. The Iranians knew all along who was responsible. The US owned responsibility.

Greed has no limits. The history books, written by western sycophants, will tell you that Iran prospered under US influence as its wealth was stolen from under its nose. Nothing could be further from the truth. But when the Ayatollah managed to get his country back, Iran was demonized, as we all know. This happened to all countries which tried to get out of the British-US stranglehold on them: Cuba, Libya, Iran, Iraq, etc.

In 1972, Iraqis woke up sufficiently to nationalize their oil industry which had been fully stolen (there is simply no more appropriate word) up to that time by British interests. While these countries who dared take back their countries became pariahs to the West, they prospered in an unprecedented manner until targeted by sanctions, or were bombed, effectively by the West. Now you know why the Ayatollahs, Saddam, Gadafi, Castro, etc., are demonized so vehemently by the British and the USA, but so loved by their people who see them as heros, restoring their countries back to them, the rightful owners, and restoring to them a semblance of self-respect. The nonsense used to demonize them is truly nonsense. Even if they had engaged in political assassinations, suppression of uprisings, repression of dissenters, etc., have the British and the Americans done less? The US government, mainly via its CIA, murders freely, trains terrorists, assassinates its own presidents, as we saw with JFK, poisons its people with drugs, submits them to illegal and amoral radiation experiments, biological experiments, and even burns dissenters alive (Waco). If you think the British did any less you are naive. They were the first to use poisonous gas on the Kurds in the 1920s.

Back in Iraq, the country prospered and Saddam was the Golden boy of the Middle East for the West during the 1980s. He and his regime were used by the US to attack Iran, for it suited a long term Zionist plan (enhanced by Henry Kissinger) to have the Arabs weak and divided. However, Saddam Hussein soon discovered the depth of Zionist duplicity and made the mistake of revealing his realizations. Kuwait, owned really by Britain and the US (George Bush's Zapata Oil Company had a share in the pilfery) was cheating on oil selling arrangements with Iraq, taking out far more than its share and disadvantaging Iraq. Saddam spoke out openly about the wrongs of Zionism in the area. This did not suit the US which had developed the poorly kept secret (envisioned before, but enlarged by, Kissinger) of eventually taking over all the oil in Arab lands by a series of intra-Arab wars and depletion of populations, using Israel as the base.

I know this sounds silly, as if it is a Boys' Own Magazine type of conspiracy, and far-fetched at this stage, but it did not appear that way in the 1970s when the plan was developed skilfully. Besides, is truth not always stranger than fiction?

The problem caused by Kuwait's dishonesty caused a rethink in Iraq and caused the old problem to fester. The wish to reclaim it back into Iraq's borders, as in 1961, reappeared. Hussein exposed his intentions to the US, telling the US Ambassador all, and was deceitfully told the US would not interfere in intra-Arab local politics, even if Kuwait was reclaimed. That this is so, is easy to demonstrate by what happened. No amount of lying by the US administration, which is so good at it, as we are all confirming daily, will cover these facts up.

The reassurance given to Saddam was a trap. The US had been planning to curb his growing power ever since it realized he could think independently and could voice his opinions. The last thing the Zionist US wanted was a powerful Arab leader of a powerful Arab country!

Desert Storm had been in the planning stage for 10 years or so. The entrapment worked marvellously as Saddam apparently took the bait and invaded Kuwait. The Gulf War Massacre of 1991 was then supposed to look like Justice being dispensed by an indignant US on a dangerous madman.

The disgraceful coalition then formed, with odds of 1000 to 1, or better, in its favour, and this was supposed to destroy Iraq and allow the West to take over the oil, in due course, via some form of political puppetry.

Saddam survived. The genocidal sanctions were to kill off the 20 million or so people, or at least so greatly debilitate them that a coup with a US puppet installation would be easy. Somehow the starved population of Iraq survived and respected Saddam even more.

In the meantime, the US and Britain, unknowingly, fatally poisoned their troops with deadly prion-infected vaccines which will in this coming decade - if the world lives - destroy their populations. This very infectious Gulf War Syndrome is also in Australia. No one is safe, and with Mad Cow disease and HIV-AIDS, this trio will certify the death of all human biological entities within the coming decade, if, as I say, Earth still exists that long.

The continual harassment of Saddam and his people was to provoke him into a fatal move, as it now appears.

The strike planned in February but postponed by Kofi Annan's agreement - at least until the day of writing this essay, March 2 - was supposedly to destroy the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Where are they? Why could they not find them after 7 years of inspections? How come all others who visit the sites into which Saddam has prevented US spies from entering have found nothing which the US claims exist? Don't tell me intelligent journalists and other scientists from other countries cannot tell the difference between a Scud Missile and a toilet brush, or cannot tell deadly anthrax cultures which have to be handled very carefully, with sterilized gowns, gloves and masks, from ice-cream served up at dinner functions.

Who is fooling who? This unjustly imposed suffering on the people and gross demonization of a former Golden boy are seen for what they are and all see the hypocrisy they represent. How could this man Saddam become such a hated enemy of the US overnight when previously he was the pin-up boy for them? How, you ask? Easy. He saw through the duplicity and spoke up about it. He saw the Zionist agenda, which is the US's foreign policy, and exposed it.

The American people are being kept as mushrooms on this matter. Why are Britain and the US so vehement in their hatred? Apart from the fact that they are the major representatives of Zionist policy, it is they who were exposed the most, in cheating these people. It is they who think they have the most to lose by being caught stealing. It is they who are really the most evil in an evil game. Inspite of any protestations to the contrary, Canada and Australia are but Zionist run puppet states and also sent troops intending to kill Iraq. This is inspite of the fact that very few persons outside of government in Australia support the government decision to send troops, as can be judged from various media feedback and personal contact.

As you can see, the whole issue has become clouded purposely through propaganda, nationalistic hubris, impropaganda, simple lies, complex lies and gross deceit. For its gross evilness, humanity deserves everything it now gets.


On the third US Sightings On radio Show I did on February 15, 1998, I gave a 98% chance that the US would bomb Iraq within 3 weeks. When Kofi Annan's mission to Baghdad ended in an agreement, the bombing was postponed, much to the chagrin of the US hawks who wanted to bomb at all costs. It was known by us that postponement would complicate the matter further in many ways and would result in even more concentrated destructiveness in the near future.

Why was there a postponement? The US saw it was in a no win situation with much of the world opposing its murderous intent. Kofi Annan, a lackey of the US, was sent in to save it some face. But the destructive evil programming still acted on the US ego and psyche, and that is why so many Congressmen were angry and abusive towards Annan and the UN. Hence, in a way, the UN has been weakened further by US anger. It too has been a lackey of the US, manipulated at will, as we all could see, and now it is being divided and weakened by the schizoid US adminstration.

US President Bill Clinton has been weakened even more by his about-face. Many in the Administration and Congress are even less happy with him. Be warned, Bill Clinton, the Ides of March fast approach! With the war off the front page, his affairs, of lying, cheating, being profligate in all endeavours, being involved in drug-running and murders, will take centre stage again.

Kofi Annan: Inspite of all the talk of Peace-making and heroism, this man is still a lackey of the US and Zionism. You will remember he was elected after the US forced Boutros Boutros Ghali, an Egyptian who was well aware of the Zionist dirty tricks, out of office. This is an example of how Evil self-destructs. In kicking Boutros out, the US and the Zionists helped cement the path to their own demise, for Ghali has been vocal in telling those who would listen, in this case the Arabs targeted by the US and Zionism, that the UN is nothing but a cut-throat political extension of the Zionist-US hegemonic thrust for world domination and for the seizure of Arab oil-rich states.

There is no paranoia here, for actions prove this to be so. Besides, the not-so-secret Zionist push for control of the oil-rich Middle East Countries (of which Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc., form a part) as expressed in the Kissinger sponsored policy for the region goes a long way to explain the following:

*  the animosity towards Arab states by the US and Zionism,

*  the US sponsoring of coups, and inter-Arab wars, as we saw in the Iraq-Iran war,

*  the entrapment and purposeful destruction of Iraq

*  the senseless US imposed genocide we see in Iraq,

*  the sanctions against Iran to destroy it,

*  the destabilization and fragmentation of Lebanon,

*  the half-century of genocide to destroy the Palestinian identity, etc., etc.

*  the unjust sanctions against Libya for the Pan Am bombing (Lockerbie) committed by the CIA in collaboration with Mossad (Israeli secret service).

*  the armament of Israel, its kid glove treatment, its US protection, even as it flaunts directives and resolutions from the UN which in the case of Iraq have caused harassment by the US, genocide, and unprecedented repression.

Boutros Ghali's exposé of the UN has resulted in Arab countries awakening, as never before, to the duplicity of the US and in their arming themselves for an inevitable confrontation with the West. This confrontation appeared to come sooner than they expected with the February risk of bombing, and not being fully prepared, the Arab states pressured Saddam to reach an agreement. These Arab Countries realize they are simply buying time. Their unwillingness to support the US proposed Gulf Murder Corporation, Mark II, explains where they stand in a way words never could.

Besides, if Saddam was such a threat to them with his non-existent weapons of mass destruction, being border neighbours, do you not think they would be the first to realize the threat and want to do something about it? They did not react. Why? They know there is no such threat. They know it is a manufactured excuse for the US to exert its power and punish. They now see it is a step towards conquering all of them. They see the damage and pollution of the area from such a war - no, it would be a massacre, for Iraq has no way of being any sort of opposition - as being damaging to the countries of the region and their populations, and as being a part of the plan to eventually kill them off also.

Hence, these Arab states realize the frame of reference for an inevitable war in the region has been enlarged. It is no longer the US-Zionists against Iraq, supported by sycophantic Zionist-run lackeys such as GB, Canada, Australia and NZ.

It is now a case of West versus East, of Arabs versus Zionism, of Judaism and pseudo-Christianity versus Islam. Of that there can be no doubt. Muslims rightfully see themselves as the targets and they have the will and means to fight back. They have, with Annan's agreement, bought time to prepare for the Final Battle - even though they do not fully realize that is what it is.


What's with Iraq's Palaces? After seven years of snooping into every nook and cranny of Iraq, why has UNSCOM only now made these structures an issue? Richard Butler, in charge of UNSCOM, an Australian whom I described as a vicious Zionist, had been paid handsomely to manufacture this dispute and allow a confrontation for further bombing. His body language as we see him on our TV monitors - pale, and drawn, and losing weight, tells us that all is not well with him and he is already suffering the guilt of acquiring his 30 pieces of silver. You can not spend any of it here now Richard Butler, and you cannot take it to Hell with you.

The aim of intimate Palace scrutiny was to set up monitoring devices in these palatial structures so Saddam's presence could be pin-pointed and he could then be assassinated by the US. It is as simple and as transparent as all that! If the inspections were resisted, it was proposed that the bombing would kill him. But, as I indicated, with Annan's agreement, the stakes are much, much higher, and it is no longer US Zionism vs Iraq. Saddam's work is all but finished and he is no longer needed in the scene really.

Saddam now will not be able to sneeze without written permission. But he is no longer the patsy. The paradigm has enlarged to far, far greater horizons and consequences. The focus for WW3 may well produce a new leader, a new "demon" land, a new conflict. All the same, if Saddam is assassinated or is removed, the replacement will cause even bigger and more desperate problems in the region, regardless of whether it is a US sponsored puppet or not.


ZIONISM VERSUS JEWS: Once again I will explain what I mean by these terms. I have done so at length in my publications and will continue to do so in order to avoid misunderstanding. I realize there will be malicious minds who will read my material and label me anti-semitic no matter how clearly and well I explain my thoughts. Such minds can be nothing but evil, cursed and doomed by their own evilness, as we shall all see shortly.

By Zionism I mean the special counterfeit consciousness created by Jehovah to control this dimension, including this Earth in all ways. "Jehovah" itself is the last incarnation of the Evil Mind spawned by the Celestial Error - concepts with which readers of our books are intimately familiar.

Jehovah has always been the spurious impostor, called at times Satan, the Fallen One, Yaldabaoth, Saklas, the Fool, the Devil, as revealed by all Avatars - by which I mean Messengers of the Highest Good - including Jesus the Nazarene. I will not go further into detail, and if readers are interested in more detail they can research our books.

This specially created evil consciousness which I have called Zionism was placed predominantly into the Jewish race and more recently into the Japanese race. This is what is meant by the claim made by Zionist Jews that they have made a covenant with Jehovah. Not all Jews have Zionist consciousness and not all Zionist Consciousness is in just the Jewish and Japanese races. It is distributed in all races all over the globe. This consciousness controls the world, as we have explained in our books. And it does this mainly through finances. It is the Zionists who have bankrolled regicide, wars, Inquisitions, holocausts, etc., etc. It is Zionists who bankrolled the Nazis and caused the holocaust which in turn caused so much suffering to many including so many non-Zionist Jews. As unbelievable as it may sound, Zionist Nazis were the ones who inflicted most damage on racial, non-Zionist Jews.

I have been to Israel and have lectured to Jews. Many are not Zionists and abhor the Zionist policies of open genocide against the Palestinians.

They want peace and love and the chance to be Just and call others, regardless of race, brothers and sisters. But they are suppressed by the Zionists in control. The US is run by Zionism, in its worst possible way, as are Britain, Australia, Canada, and many other nations. Most Jews are programmed by racial traits to appear to be just like Zionists, but when it comes to the crunch, even though their psyche is ridden into the ground by the perversely evil racial programming to which we are all subjected in some way, they are able to break away and demonstrate they are not Zionists. I have personally seen this many times.

Although this classification of Zionism is metaphysical, as is the notion of "True Beings" and "Counterfeit beings", demons, Gnostics, etc., one can, to a fairly accurate degree, discern Zionist consciousness from the actions of individuals and nations under its control. Hence, we see this Zionist consciousness unmistakeably in Clinton, in Britain's Tony Blair, in former US President Bush, in Australia's PM John Howard, in the former PM Bob Hawke, in the former British PM Margaret Thatcher, in Benjamin Netenyahu, etc.

If you disagree, prove me wrong. If they disagree, let them prove me wrong. Their actions are proof enough.


Why are the Palestinians so pro-Saddam even to the point of going against their own police and their elected leader Arafat? Why would they not be? They have suffered over 50 years of genocide, have had their land stolen, their young men murdered, jailed, tortured and assassinated, their livelihoods reduced to less than poverty, their voices suppressed, their dignity stripped, their hopes slashed and their aspirations camouflaged as nothingness by an uncaring world. They are victims of Zionism, why would they not then support Saddam who had sworn to fight the very Zionism that tried to destroy him and them? In this Arafat has been exposed as a Zionist lackey. And he is, make no mistake about it.


Who is the hypocrite? The scare mongering and propaganda - certainly inflamed and grossly exaggerated by Richard Butler - (now do you see his role?) has been about weapons of mass destruction and Saddam's willingness to use them. So many including unbiased UN, US and Israeli analysts and experts have said that Iraq has none of these things and no means of delivering them to anyone even if it did have them, that the charge rings very hollow indeed. If Saddam had such weapons and means, why did it take so long to claim he had them? Can you not see it is a false claim?

Recently, photos of mothers and their children allegedly poisoned by gas were shown to Americans to try and convince them Saddam is the devil himself by doing this poisoning. It was supposed to justify the bombing of millions of Iraqis, many of whom would be killed (thus depopulating the area and facilitating its annexation by Zionists in the future).

As I stated on the Sightings Radio Show, fraudulent photos can be created easily with computers and all video and photographic evidence will be treated as suspect by alert minds.

The culprits in this poisoning of innocent populations are none other than the British and the Americans.

*  It was the British who poisoned the Kurds in Iraq in 1922.

*  It was the American CIA which poisoned the Kurds and Iranians in 1988. It supplied the Iraqis with motivation, the helicopters, the mechanisms for spray the gas, the gas itself, the training, the vials, the directives and the will.

Let us expose these hypocrites further:

*  Who supplied chemical and biological weapons to Saddam? Was it not the US?

*  Who armed Saddam to the teeth to fight Iran? The US.

*  Who used chemical and biological warfare in the jungles of Vietnam against helpless women and children? The US.

*  Who conducted radiation experiments against their own populations? The US and the British - Australian Zionists at Naralinga.

*  Who secretly, apart from the Zionist Nazis - no, that is not a contradictory term if you have metaphysically understood the explanation of Zionism - conducted vile, illegal, immoral and unethical, medical and biological experiments on human guinea pigs, on prisoners, on unsuspecting populations, on pregnant mothers and their foetuses, on mental defectives, on blacks? The US did. As a doctor, I personally find it disgusting that they would infect people with syphilis, as they did with blacks and watched them die untreated so that the course of the disease could be mapped. They did this with I131 on pregnant mothers and children, and allowed radiation clouds to affect populations to note radiation effects. They are not of divine consciousness, they are ghouls.

*  Who unnecessarily dropped the most powerful and most awful weapon of mass destruction - the atomic bomb - on civilians? Why, it was the US! As we revealed in our books, Japan had been pleading for more than six months to be allowed to surrender, but the Zionist USA, with the lust for murder and with the lust to show just who was boss ignored all pleas so that it could drop its bombs and intimidate the rest of the world. With the proliferation of atomic arms we now see evil seeds can only produce evil!

*  Who fire-bombed Tokyo and Dresden and all those other places killing millions of civilians? Why, it was the US.

*  Who has succeeded with their genocidal policy against the indigenous American Indian? Why it's the US again!

The retort is that others started the conflicts. But if you know enough true history you know that answer is not always so! The explanation is not always that clear-cut.

*  Who strangled the Germans so that they had no alternative but to fight for survival? The Zionists.

*  Who cut off Japan's resources and fuel supplies, ensuring pugnacious imperialist expansionism? The Zionists.

*  Who sacrificed ships and men of Pearl Harbour in order to enter a war it had planned for over 5 years? US - Zionism.

If you are a student of metaphysics and have read and understood our publications, you know the answer as to why they act this way, forever creating wars. The instigators have admitted the fact that war is good for their Zionist economies. We all know, do we not? that the US administration admitted some time ago - in this generation - that it needed to be involved in a major conflict, a major war every 5 years to keep its economy healthy. As a student of mine you know Jehovah, via Zionism, sponsors wars to reap energy through the resultant suffering.

Just to complete this picture: Who has or had imposed genocidal sanctions on North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Libya, Haiti, and many other places? Has it not been the Zionist USA which has played tin-god with the lives of these people. And was it not Zionist Israelis who have decimated the Palestinian populations?

But, let us concentrate on Iraq for now. Feeling cheated that they were unable to get their evil way and bomb the daylights out of Iraq, many US congressmen, including Ben Campbell, the republican from Colorado, claimed the US did not start the crisis, but that it must finish it.

That it did not start the crisis is a lie - a whopper - that cannot be let to pass. I think it will be fruitful to again examine the situation to expose fully the US's duplicity.

*  British Petroleum and Gulf Oil Company of America illegally separated Kuwait from Iraq to keep oil interests to themselves. George Bush's Zapata Oil Company bought into the deal at a later stage and this explains, in part, his anxiety about rescuing Kuwait.

*  Kuwait (really the US and Britain oil moguls) had been stealing Iraq's oil by slant drilling into Iraqi reserves.

*  The US used Iraq to attack Iran who dared kick out the US's slimy lackey (the Shah) placed in charge after a coup by the US. Why Saddam allowed himself to be used this way is complicated and I may explain the facts as I see them later.

*  The US planned, from earliest days, to destroy Saddam and Iraq, once Iraq was exhausted from its fight with Iran. Hence really, Desert Storm was in the planning stage for a decade before 1991 when it actually occurred.

*  The Trap: The US told Iraq that Kuwait was cheating on its oil deal. It was actually the British and US doing it. Iraq was being set up.

*  Incensed, as they suspected he would be, Saddam asked them what he should do.

*  He was reminded by the US that Kuwait was a minor item and of no consequence. In diplomatic jargon, this meant Saddam should solve the problem himself.

*  To clear the air and to avoid any possibility of misunderstanding, Saddam played the fool and asked the US what would happen if he forcefully took back Kuwait and made it part of Iraq once again.

*  Here is the sting: He was given consent to act as he proposed, via the US ambassador to Iraq, who publically confirmed she had told him the US Administration had advised they would not interfere in this inter-Arab matter.

*  Saddam took the bait and invaded Kuwait. You know the rest.

*  In the duplicitous nature it has developed so well, the US via George Bush, declared Hitler was back, in the form of Saddam, who invaded the sovereign state of Kuwait unexpectedly and brutally.

*  The world in all its stupidity and unawareness, in its willingness to be duped, bought the propaganda.

*  But, it was as hollow as an empty oil drum.

*  Just like Pearl Harbour, the US sacrificed Kuwait so that it could trap and destroy Iraq and Saddam.

*  Kuwait was the unsuspecting patsy.

-  Do you not think that the US, with all its spies and satellite monitoring, would suspect invasion from observed activity, especially as Saddam revealed the possibility?

-  If the US really wanted to save Kuwait as it claims, why did it not warn Kuwait to at least be alert to the possibility?

-  Why did it not warn the world this could happen?

-  Why did it not send troops before the invasion?

The only answer is that it was a trap all along!

*  So, it did cause the trouble after all!

*  And in its subsequent action of destroying the people of Iraq, and the country, it revealed its malignant pre-Kuwait invasion intent of destroying Iraq, the Iraqi people, and taking over the rich oil fields sometime in the future, inspite of the pronounced hypocrisy from Bush and all his sycophants and all the denial by the other Zionists.

*  At this stage we must ask: Who are these evil Zionists trying to fool again? Of course they caused the crisis!

*  They did it, o so well, in 1990-91! But the evil control they have on populations is breaking, as we can all see from the opposition to the murderous US administration.

*  Here is the bottom line: If I know all this, and you know all this, do you not think the Arabs and Muslims around the world know all this? Why do you think Russia's President Boris Yeltsin, and more importantly, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, are so angry? They have been stung by Zionist destruction of the Soviet Union and now see it happening in the Muslim world. They are activated to resist, as are the Nations of Islam, as are all Arabs, as are non-Zionists, as are people of worth. Roll on WW3.

*  In all of this, as action in the Security Council of the UN is demonstrating, Russia is far from finished and China will come into the fray.

*  A Jihad, a Holy War, as the Muslims see it, against the West is all but inevitable.

*  The US and Zionists have made the world, and especially the Arabs - Muslims, who are now primed to fight to the death - acutely aware of their profligate ways with which humanity cannot live. The fact is, they, the Zionists are in power, for the moment, and with such a trait humanity cannot survive.

*  What has transpired has confirmed the view Muslims held of the West - that the USA, in full control of the West, cannot be trusted. It is indeed a WDB - a world-dominating bully.

*  Evil will destroy all things, even itself. There is no future for this planet. Such a conclusion could not be seen more clearly than in the fiasco of the Middle East.

*  Another point that may need addressing is the so-called fact spread by the Zionists that Saddam is a demon willing to destroy at will. I think I have amply shown, in fact, that it is the US and Zionists who act this way, not Saddam. The Western Media spuriously does say many untruthful things about Iraq and Saddam. But words are cheap. Actions are what count. Which nation then is in the habit of attempting to assassinate or actually assassinates Presidents on a regular basis? We all remember, do we not, the assassination of Lincoln, McKinley, JFK, and the numerous foiled attempts. Were they in Iraq? No! They were in the good ol' US of A. The hypocrisy stinks.

*  I am not intent on USA bashing although it ends up being that way. I am intent on exposing the fraudulent basis of this plane, the lies and deceit and why it cannot possibly continue this way.

*  I have addressed the question of the poisonous gas photos and their use in the region of Iraq. An explanation of Saddam's full ontological identity, or who it is who is overshadowing him - I suggested he was being overshadowed in the Radio show - will have to wait for another time.

*  The fact that he sent a few Scuds to Israel during the Gulf Massacre of 1991 is used also as a sign he is willing to use such weapons. But - and it's a big but - who was it that in an unprovoked attack, as a provocative act of WAR, bombed his energy plant. Was it not Israel? So, it is OK for them to do such things, is it? Who has killed his Palestinian brothers and sisters for over 50 years? Is it not Israel? Is that OK then? He warned Israel he would repay them for those atrocities. He identified Israel as Zionist headquarters and that he would attack it if he was attacked. In fact, it was in retaliation was it not? Because the Zionists control the Western Media so effectively, we are made to forget these facts too easily. But now, in unprecedented fashion in the media everywhere, Arabs and other non-Zionists are exposing the hatred of Zionism and the USA as never before!

By the way, Israel is a minor outpost of Zionism inspite of what you might think. In true Metaphysical terms, Miami, Florida, is the Headquarters. Before that it was Switzerland. Other satellite outposts include New York, Washington, DC, and Rome, Italy - the Vatican to be exact! Yes, indeed, that old codger the pope, is a Zionist right to the black depth of his counterfeit soul. Nearly all popes have been Zionists. That explains their silence in the face of war atrocities - especially to 20 million Russians not of their religious ilk and the many non-Zionist Jews sacrificed in WW 2.

*  It was interesting to watch US Defence Secretary William Cohen explaining how a bag of Anthrax can be released from a light plane over a city to kill hundreds of thousands of people. You could just hear poor, suppressed nations saying "Is that so? Our cows have anthrax. We have a few light planes. Hey! That gives us ideas. We can now join the big league!" Well done Cohen. Your demonstration is ensuring that evil will destroy all things, even itself.

*  The demonizing process attacking Saddam has reached the point of lunacy. The many programmed journalists in our newspapers are calling him the devil-incarnate, a lunatic, a liar, a braggart, Satan, Hitler, etc., etc. Overnight he went from being the Golden boy of the CIA to its greatest threat. Is it not amazing how the media and the CIA, used by the evil powers-that-be, can manipulate minds to form opinions? But all that appears to be coming to an end. The fact that Saddam did so much for his country elevating its standard of living to one of the best in the Arab world is purposely buried. The hate and venom from these prejudiced Western journalists and politicians are unmistakeable.

*  Fragmentation of all aspects will occur as a result of this agreement Kofi Annan brought home. Already the US is threatening the UN - its biggest means of controlling the world thus far. Arab states are more openly critical of Israel's flaunting of UN resolutions, the US's hypocrisy, etc. Anger at the injustices is rising.

*  Ones associated with Clinton, who is weakening by the day, will also weaken and this includes British PM Tony Blair and Australia's own PM John Howard.

*  It's Time: The US will now fragment in all ways possible: Politically, economically, financially, socially, religiously.

*  The imperfections of evil will be exposed even more amply when the masks Kuwaitis and Israelis are using against nerve gas are found to be defective.

*  The level of tension and paranoia will be increased, not decreased, as a result of the US-created fiasco.

*  Zionists will receive exactly what they gave others in due course. Had it been love, mercy and understanding that is what they would have been repaid with. But it has been hate, exploitation, cruelty, vindictiveness, oppression and genocide. Hence, you know the outcome!

*  The US, having its ego now continuously bruised, will become even more of a cantankerous bully. Having lost the court decision about the Lockerbie Pan Am flight bombing and being exposed as a lying hypocrite about the Alviano flight tragedy, it will act even more recklessly, in an open manner.

*  Finally, I need to repeat that in this final scenario each will receive what it deserves. The Zionists will be subjected to what they dished out. Why do the Arabs hate them so much? Why do the Australian Aborigines hate the whites so much? Why do the American Indians hate the white invaders so much? Why do the American blacks hate the whites so much? Why do the Irish hate the English so much? Sure, it's evil programming. But it has been instilled into the victims of abuse, genocide, suppression and the upmost evil.


On March 3, a resolution was passed by the Security Council of the UN concerning action towards Iraq if it is again obstructive in its dealing with UN inspectors. The passed resolution is described as a rebuff to the USA. The hate for Saddam and Iraq in Zionists is even less disguised, and the determination to bomb, to me at any rate, appears greater than ever. The talk in the talk-fests is what to do with Saddam. The talk is about assassinating him, bombing him, sending in ground troops, setting up a puppet state as the American-Zionists did in Germany, Japan, Panama, Guatemala, etc., etc. The talk then is of further killing, of Saddam's murder, more violence, more repression, as if, as if, these Zionists know best, as if they own the world, as if their decisions are inviolate and never wrong.

This point is then a good place to briefly review the stupid and tragic complications of US and CIA manipulation of politics in other countries around the world.

The CIA, enacting US Foreign Policy, has left death, genocide and destruction in many areas as these facts reveal. They also demonstrate that the US has been a very poor selector of winners. In fact, ... , in fact, it has backed mainly losers:

In Central America, official US military intervention occurred in the following places:-

In Cuba during 1898-1902 and then in 1961;

In Panama during 1903-1918 and then covertly in the mid 1990s when many, many Panamanians were massacred in murderous raids by US gunships;

In Nicaragua from 1912 to 1933;

In Honduras in 1903; 1912-1925; Since 1983 the US and Honduras have "shared" military activities.

It started a civil war and inserted a puppet government in Guatemala in 1954;

In Mexico during 1914;

In Grenada during the 1990s;

In the Dominican Republic 1916-1924; 1965-1966;

In Haiti during 1915-1934 and then in the 1990s.

These actions were for domination of the US's backyard, regardless of the freedoms and civil rights of the citizens of these countries and regardless of the deaths caused in them by brutal US action. No exaggeration of its demonic behaviour is possible if the facts are truly dug from the mire of camouflaging rhetoric.

In San Salvador and Nicaragua, covert CIA operations helped organise death squads during the late 1980s and early nineties. Terrorists, assassins and traitors were trained on US soil, as they still are.

In Chile, the CIA helped to organize the financial destabilization of Chile, and finally to organize the coup which overthrew Allende's democratically elected Communist government (1970-1973), and then installed the military dictatorship of General Pinochet. Actions of financial destabilization are common and were repeated by the Zionists in the Soviet Union and more recently in the countries known as the Asian Economic Tigers. No country is safe from their avarice.

In the Belgian Congo (Zaire), the US (and Belgium) helped Tshombe overthrow rebels led by Gizenga in the 1960s. The butcher Mobutu was placed in control by the CIA.

During the 1980s and 1990s, in the Mozambique, the US channelled arms and supplies through Zaire and South Africa to overthrow the so-called Marxist government.

In Angola, it was the USA which armed U.N.I.T.A.'s rebels to overthrow the government during the 1980s and 1990s.

In the 1990s, the USA attempted all sorts of ruses to destabilize Nigeria as GB had done with Biafra in the 1970s.

In Greece, the CIA financed the Junta of colonels which overthrow the democratic government of the 1970s.

In Australia, it was USA and CIA finances and influence which led to the sacking of Gough Whitlam and his government which threatened to pry into US Military affairs as they were in bases on Australian soil.

In Poland, the CIA and Vatican helped to finance and organize `solidarity' and undermine the communist government in the 1980s. Various publications give irrefutable proof that the incumbent pope was a stooge and spy for the CIA during that period. He had also assisted Zionist Nazis against his own people and non-Zionist Jews during WW 2!

In Italy, the CIA and Vatican, with the help of the Mafia, created the Christian Democratic Party to control Italy from the 1950s to the 1990s. Silvio Berlusconi, the jerk who became Italy's government leader for a short time, on his "Clean Hands" policy, and was subsequently convicted for corruption, was not only a CIA lackey but also a drug-runner for them. So much for "Clean Hands"!

In Indonesia, the CIA helped Suharto overthrow Surkano, in the 1960s. We all know what a thief Suharto is. He makes the Philippines' Marcos, another US puppet, look like an inept petty crook. Due to US insistence, Holland gave Dutch New Guinea to Indonesia as a reward for destruction of the Communist Party.

In Vietnam, the CIA supported Diem, in the South but when Diem lost support, the CIA helped with his assassination. In order to establish its drug-running, the USA murdered 2 million Asians, losing 50,000 of its own collaterally damaged minions.

In The Philippines, the CIA supported Marcos, but when Marcos became a liability (with US bases threatened), the CIA, in characteristic about-face, supported his overthrow.

In Iran, the US and its CIA were involved in the overthrow, in 1953, of the Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh after he nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company which was part owned by US interests. After Mossadegh's murder, the CIA supported the former Shah to full dictatorial power.

In Iraq, during the Iranian/Iraq War which commenced in 1980 after Ayatollah Khomeini called for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the US built up Iraq's military capability so that the War could be prolonged and both sides weakened and destabilized. To ensure this, they also supplied some arms to Iran.

In Pakistan, the US supported the military oligarchy and sent billions of dollars worth of arms to supply Afghan forces via Pakistan in the 1980s. Both sides of Pakistan disputes were armed by the CIA and the Pakistanis, awakening to the fact that the USA was really intending to destroy their country as it did so many others, with evil-brewed internal turmoil, became fiercely anti-American.

The US is yet to taste the flavour of this Pakistani wrath, but it will, and soon!

There are doubtless many more intrigues that we, the simple lay persons, are not aware of. However, some of the `baddies', the real cop-outs, the unmitigated losers that the Americans have supported include the following:

Singman Rhee in Korea; Chiang Kai-Shek in China; Marcos in the Philippines; Battista in Cuba; Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti; General Pinochet in Chile; the Shah in Iran; Diem in Vietnam; General Noriega in Panama; Ciller (another drug runner) in Turkey and Silvio Berlusconi, the Mafioso, in Italy. I am sure you would have very little difficulty in expanding the list if you searched the history books of the last half century or so.

In summary then, let me highlight what is painfully obvious to all of us:

*  The body language of the Zionists is that of hate.

*  Their words are that of venom and murderous war.

*  The delineation of intent of the US and Britain versus Russia, China, France and the Arab world as well as Muslims everywhere is more clear.

*  The build-up of troops and equipment in the Gulf instead of reduction screams preparation for war.

*  The vaccination of troops NOW is preparation for War.

*  The talk by Clinton and all his minions is of WAR!

We are heading for War, War, War. And then, that will virtually be the END, there will be no Earth. There will be no humanity any more, more, more!

Any readers who wish to argue with my opinions will do so, not because they know better or because I may be wrong, but because they are evil and want to protect this evil system at all costs. I remind you once again then that all will receive exactly what they deserve, and evil ones are cursed by their own evilness.


Poem # 234 from my Poetry Book Volume 5:

Doomed Humanity

Who will cry for thee, O Humanity,

As you sink inexorably into greater Enmity?

Were you not sustained by the blood of Iniquity

and made of the Shadows of a parody?

Indeed you were and that is why none of worth

now truly are moved to cry for thee.

Fragmenting with treachery, your lusts no longer

fraudulent happiness seem to easily buy

and your spirits are low, low, low, not high.

Thus it is you collapse in fear, for now you die.

Who for thee in this Endtime will cry?

Certainly, O Humanity, not I, certainly not I.

The Milk you give, so-called of human Kindness,

is but numbing venom to compound this mess,

In which are held innocents seeking true Happiness.

You served not Love but pain, and emotional distress.

You shield poorly from Gnostic eyes, your nature true

with fraudulence and stolen colours of corrupt hue

parading sycophantic robots and demons who

only to depravity and to the fires of Hell pay due.

O Humanity, thy base is one of falsehood

and so now will you perish as you should.

Sparks of Light hidden in your midst

have now by redeeming Light been kissed.

They never were a part of you,

they never were of Evil's hue just like you.

Humanity, you are a fraud, a despicable mockery,

a mixed assortment of callousness and impurity,

passed off as a godly creation in sham and falsity,

camouflaging those of Light trapped nefariously .

That is why now I cry not for thee,

As you sink into the Terminal Madness fatally.

This mixture of robots, demons and those from Purity

separated like wheat and chaff must be, must be

for each will receive what it deserves unerringly.

Thou art doomed, cursed by your own evilness,

condemned by thy own evil actions O humanity,

as those evil portions are transmuted and the Light

particles still viable are removed expertly.

That is why now I cry not for thee, O humanity.

What a sorry sight now as the evil ones scream

in horror and taste justly the final terror

they imposed on ones of Love and Light so horribly.

What right did you have to exploit my brothers and

sisters of the Light in such a way O Humanity?

You had no right, but you practised your evil as if a

Day of Reckoning would never from A True God, be.

How wrong you were, O Humanity.

Thus it is now I cry nought for Thee.

Sink into your Gloom and Doom then

for there is no Hope or Light for thee.

In the Halls of Heaven shall never again

be repeated the deceitful word "humanity",

for it was nothing more than a transient

evil whim of the erroneous Profanity.

Be gone therefore, be gone, O Humanity!

To Ones of Love you have caused enough fear;

For you, none of Peace, of Light, shed a tear.


Each being must awaken, no matter how painful that may be, to its ontology and what its final fate will be. Each will receive what it justly deserves, nothing more, nothing less.


The Gay and Lesbian Parade, claimed to be a huge success as it rolled through the streets of Sydney, is tolerated by the evil powers-that-be because it generates good money! The aberrants claim their acceptance is the result of the breakdown of the barriers of prejudice. But where would such a thing end? Is Paedophilia next, or perhaps Bestiality, Necrophilia even? The whole system is corrupt and ridiculous. I have explained the metaphysical reasons for the perversity in earlier books and I refer readers to those sections. I am condemning the whole evil-created system, not a section of the population. Those who complain that "God" created men and women for heterosexual sex, and not the deviants, are hard pressed to explain the presence of these aberrant sexual beings when they claim that "God" made the world and everything in it! They cannot have it both ways.

If they condemn these people of aberrant sexual behaviour, and do not extend love and care to them, then they are hypocrites. To excuse away their rejection, they would then have to admit that "God" did not create these people, hence that would validly lead to the conclusion that "God" is not the creator of all things.

Who then created them? Is it the "Devil"? If they claim that it is Satan who created these deviants, then their own words would support the concept that there are TWO Creations in humanity, and this would confirm the Gnostic Principle of the TWO Creations, even though their explanation would suggest an ontological anomaly.

In this argument they cannot win. The system is perverse because the evil creator of the physical aspect and the counterfeit consciousnesses, Jehovah, is "itself" perverse. The beings demonstrating aberrant sexual behaviour may be True Beings ontologically, as can be the most docile or ferocious animals. And they are often placed in such bodies to make them suffer all the more, and drain them of their Inner Divine energy all the more. That is really evil perversity for sure! Most times these deviants are demons, of course, and are destructive in their behaviour and polluting, corrupting ways. These are the satanic consciousnesses which Jesus had said it would have been better for them not to have been born, and once born, better to have been cast into the sea to drown before they manifested further their diabolical ways.

Like the tendency to be dishonest, well seen with looting in times of social dysfunction and anarchy, sexual depravity is ingrained in counterfeit humanity. Many horrendous stories are related of the sexual perversion that openly occurred in places like Sweden which liberated its sex laws in the late 1960s and 1970s. It was reported that it was unsafe to leave pets out in the lawn unprotected as they would run the risk of being sexually molested by passing humans. Indeed truth is stranger than fiction. There can only be one solution, and you very well know what that is.



Margaret Facchini of Pascoe Vale, Victoria, writes: "Thank you again for another wonderful poetry book (#3). Your deep feelings of love and especially your guiding light shine through those beautiful poems bringing me an inner peace. Poem #185 `What I saw', triggered an experience I had - I was taken I know not where, but I remember the incredible colours of the trees and plants, I have never seen anything even remotely like the colours that were there, so beautiful, so alive - what a shock to awaken and look out the window -how sad I felt, trees and plants looked dull and somehow lifeless - I shall not forget this beautiful experience. I must also mention how great your radio show tapes are. This is exactly what I have been wanting for a couple of people - you get the message across so well. Best Wishes, Margaret.


A Poem from Tinara

A soft, sweet fragrance fills the air,

The candle-flame flickers imperceptibly.

And in the gentle silence of the moment,

I know, I sense, that He is there.

In the warm liveliness of Summer's days

Soothing breezes caress green fields.

Tiny birds singing, flowers heavy with bloom

Each in celebration of His joyous ways.

Clouds slowly drifting, drifting by,

The river murmuring its own secret words,

Sunbeams dancing, shimmering white

Form receding shadows under a golden evening sky.

Carried on the wind His voice calls to me,

Vibrant colours burst with His message of joy.

I open my heart to the sweet melody

And smiling, I too, sing to Babaji.

Tinara, Germany, Feb 1998.


Debbie Stone from Boulder, Colorado, writes: Dear Doctor, I love the poetry. It is just amazing how much my life has changed (thanks to your help) in the last 4 months. The last 2 months have been absolutely incredible. Thanks again.


Caroline West writes: Thank you very much for the latest poetry books 3 and 4. I have had so much pleasure reading these poems, I could not put them down. I read them and re-read them, and I found often, reading them out loud is a powerful experience which enables me to remember and absorb them more clearly. "And they called me Dr and Sir" is a favourite one of mine. It gave a very clear view of the corruption, the dishonesty and the hypocrites in society. And, I loved the poem "The Parting Parent" which was full of love and reassurance. But all of the poems have a special place in my heart, for no matter what the message is, the Love within the message is clear and felt deeply. A few weeks ago I saw a big blue butterfly in my garden and I was instantly reminded of your poem "A Butterfly fluttered by" and I felt privileged. The poetry books open doors into new dimensions of beauty, wisdom and Light. They are honest and personal as well as thought provoking. Thank you for bringing to light the plight of true beings in the little creatures. I have always respected the lives of the small creatures, but now through the gnosis contained in your poems, and verses, I look upon them in a different light, with a greater awareness of the kidnapped True Beings' plight. Thank you so much for making these books available. I will continue to read then as always I know I'll find something new as greater realizations of the Truth contained within them enrich my life."


On the other hand, hate mail has also continued. But if any person thinks that by attacking me, by attacking these writings or by attacking any other True Being, the destruction of this very evil planet will be somehow delayed or prevented, he or she is very, very, wrong and must also be very, very stupid.

Someone called Brand at [email protected] wrote: "I just had to change my family vacation plans from February to April. So many Americans are travelling that I couldn't get reservations anywhere. I suppose this shouldn't be surprising, since my fellow countrymen are enjoying the most prosperous lifestyles in the history of mankind, exceeding the wildest dreams of man. I do have a concern, however, which accounts for my email. Tell me, will your prediction of the end of the world be fulfilled before April!!!???"

My reply: "I must admit you must be one of the most stupid twits I have ever answered. With 70% of the world not getting enough to eat, with Americans fear-riddled and living on Prozac and Valium in record doses, with 40% of them below the poverty line, with the wealth of America coming from the hard labour of abused blacks and hispanics who are treated like slaves, you have the hubris to flaunt your supposed good fortune. You are a classical reason why this place will go!

Americans racing around the place like decapitated chickens is not the longed-for happiness of humanity but the illusional escapism of idiots who don't know what they are about. You are condemned by your own ignorance. You are the type of fool no one would ever want to call brother!

I guess from your point of view, Clinton declared California a disaster area because the Californians are so happy to be flooded out of house and home.

Your prosperity must be the reason why the US is the most violent society on Earth, why you have the most numbers in jail, why you have the biggest drug, alcohol and juvenile crime problems in the world. Gee it must be good to be so prosperous. Your happiness must be the reason why New Yorkers wear body armour to go out at night and why Americans have locks on their locks which lock the third set of door locks in their homes. But I think most of us would pass on that type of prosperity.

You are living the illusion of a very ignorant sheep. I have been to all of America. I have seen how the suffering blacks, the impoverished whites and native Americans live in trailer parks in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, etc., - far worse than the third world. I have seen how grandmothers in their 70s have to pump gas in the night hours to make ends meet and to stay alive because they have no one to look after them. I have seen Americans begging in San Francisco, and Chicago and New York. I have seen blacks dying from minimalist diseases, and I have met bigots such as you also. But I have never met one as stupid as you who wanted to confirm it in writing as you have. The end may not come by April, but it will come and soon, and then we will all smell the results from your reaction to this inevitability even from here, 10,000 miles away.

Indeed, there is no greater fool than the one who prides himself of his own cultivated ignorance. There is no greater trap than that provided by such ignorance."

Dear readers, realize that it takes a very special type of insensitive sod to be oblivious to the suffering of the world.

Further correspondence from this foul mouthed nut is not fit for publication but you can well imagine. This is a classical example of the inexorable Terminal Madness of the Endtime, of which I have frequently spoken, into which these fools are falling.

To support what I wrote above in my reply, consider these points about America the Super Power, America the not-so-wonderful from American sources:

Lynn Curtis presenting results for the 1998 study by the Milton S. Eisenhower Foundation stated that

*  child poverty had increased 20% since the 1980s in the USA;

*  The child poverty rate in the USA is 4 times - 4 times - the rate in Western Europe!

*  Unemployment in the inner cities of America was at depression levels;

*  The rich are getting richer and the poor a lot poorer;

*  The Middle class is becoming poorer;

*  The neighbourhoods and schools of America are re-segregating as hateful racism rears its ugly head.

*  The incarceration of blacks in the USA is 4 times - 4 times - the rate of incarceration in pre-Mandela South Africa!

*  The Bias of the Criminal Justice System in America is unprecedented!

Robert Woodson of the National Center for Neighbourhood Enterprises reported that:

*  Blacks under black sponsored programs are the worst off.

*  A black child born in 1998 in Washington D.C. or Harlem, has a lower life expectancy than one born in Bangladesh!

*  70% of black children in the USA are born out of wedlock straight into a life of Third World poverty!

Need I ask again what fools like this fool Brand have to crow about?


Let me elevate the mood again with this letter:

Greetings from Boulder, I just wanted to let you know how wonderful your poetry is. I have never really enjoyed poetry and always wondered what the hub-bub was about. Now I know!!! Your poetry is the BEST I have ever read. It all makes so much sense and it has so much meaning. I cannot tell you how much you have helped me in relieving all my emotional turmoil and putting my racing mind at ease. Your poem "All Aboard" was just excellent. I felt as though I had been outside that spacecraft and I could visualize where we were to put our discarded baggage. I could see beings line up to pass through customs with the evil energy detectors. I could see myself inside the spacecraft observing what was going on outside. I have never read anything similar to this poem - but it definitely connected within me. Speak softly, wisely is definitely one I will be reading everyday. We all know that the poem is simply the TRUTH!!! Of course!!

I realize the time has come for ALL of us to confront evil NOW!!! I want to do my part! Thanks again for ALL you, Amitakh and your children have done for me and others. I look forward to more poetry and more news on the upcoming events of PLANET EARTH!!! Bye for now. D.


The hate mail continues. The hateful ones are coming out of the woodwork to expose themselves. On Fri, 13 Feb 1998 Phil Mathews at <[email protected]> wrote the following: "How it infuriates a bigot when he is forced to drag out his dark convictions" - Logan Pearsall Smith. "Congratulation. The above quotation graces the home page of which has just added your cretinous site to its Holocaust Denial list. They are considering you for inclusion on the anti-semitic list as well, I suspect, if they can stomach reading your turgid prose enough to come across it. That would make you a twofer!! This is just the beginning!"

From previous communication I know this is a very vicious and also very, very stupid Zionist. My Reply: I am no bigot and my "convictions" are bright and of Light as you will unmistakably see! I have never denied the Holocaust - I, like many others, object to its abuse and gross exaggeration by Zionists. I am not an anti-Semite, which is itself a pejorative term. I am very much anti-Evil and Anti-Zionist which are one and the same thing. Indeed it is the beginning of the end for Zionism and the beginning of a New Era without Evil ones like you! You are full of hate, I am full of facts. Who is the demon then? You are obviously agitated, demonstrating the signs of Terminal Madness I have written about. Thank you for confirming the fruition of this prophecy of mine. You have nowhere, nowhere to hide. You are doomed as all evil ones are! Save your energy to accept this realization, otherwise it will go far worse for you as time dissipates. Jehovah is dead! You have lost your evil protector!


Dear Readers, as you can see easily, it takes a very deeply perverted perceiver to misconstrue what I have written as being of bigotry or as being hateful. I know my writings and those published generally by Annwn Publications have helped so many of you that the process has been well worthwhile. The writings have liberated many from the shackles of the deception, and from fears, and their obvious resultant Joy is marvellous.

However, even if only one non-Zionist Jew, trapped by his racial programming, has been awakened by our words, it will have been worthwhile. Also, you must understand that even if no one has believed any of it, Truth remains Truth. And against that there is no argument. If what I have written was not the truth of things, the world and these venomous creatures would not be destroyed as I say they will be destroyed, and very, very soon at that.



News items and commentary on the news

* Two new books about to be published are said to be dynamite for the Whitehouse administration: They are: "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton" by British journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, and "The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton" by Emmett Tyrell Jnr., an American. These are said to contain evidence of his drug-running, cocaine taking, implication on murders, involvement of his administration with Don Tyson and the Dixie Mafia (drugs), with the Oklahoma bombing, with the death of Vincent Foster, the cover-ups, especially about Waco, the execution of Jerry Parks, etc., etc.

* Anti-Blair sentiments have begun already with the worst march in Britain for 15 years against his Labour party.

* I saw Clinton's message of accepting Kofi Annan's agreement. If body language could kill ... Really, I think that now if Saddam blinks, hiccups or burps even accidentally without written permission, the bombing will be 10 times worse! It is not a good sign to have things postponed.

* On February 11, 1998, President Suharto of Indonesia lamented that in fact he was certain that a foreign plot existed to destroy his country's economy and that it was out to reduce the value of its currency! So, Malaysia's PM, Mohammed Mahatir was not that far off the mark, hey? He was not paranoid after all? The fact that the Zionist swoopers rushed in to buy the countries up at fire-sale prices confirms exactly what these leaders are saying. Denial that this is so is idiocy.

* Right Wing Republican Bob Dornan, one of those behind the scenes determined to bring about Clinton's downfall, said in relation to Clinton's high standing in the polls: "No member of the Fortune 500, no Australian CEO could ever withstand the hammering of these scandals. What is he? Is he surrounded by some force shield because he's the president of the US, the only leader of a superpower in the world? The man is morally corrupt. I've come to believe he's EVIL!" And: "He (Clinton) has a Johnny Cockran type lawyer and do you know what the name is? Hilary Clinton. What kind of a woman (referring to Hilary) would not feel cuckolded, mocked, embarrassed, who would not try to protect Chelsea from this? She has made a deal with the Devil and I use those words knowingly. She has made a deal that, for her reach for power she will let this man drag her through the gutter. He's already crushed her heart beyond belief." And: "I believe he suffers from a mental disorder, that may make him drag it out until his name is lower than the belly of a snake, as they say in Arkansas."

* A segment of the tape that Jerry Falwell reportedly made, called "The Clinton Chronicles" was shown saying Clinton was hooked on cocaine when he was governor of Arkansas and that Hilary had a sexual relationship with Vince Foster who committed suicide. It was said Hilary went to his office afterward because she was looking for any incriminating material. Also mentioned were the accusation of drug running and murder.

* According to Katie Couric of the US Today Show, "The new news schedules demote stories that are serious, complicated, abstract and unsettling while stories thin on news but thick with inbuilt entertainment are elevated. We're like lemmings, one person does it and if it's a good, juicy story, then everybody just follows suit."

* Morley Safer, CBS News: "So much crap passes for information now." The live soap opera about OJ Simpson didn't deserve the obsessive coverage which cost regular programs many of their viewers.

* George Negus: "We are not sure any longer what is important...we seize on anything that comes along and milk the hell out of it." A culture in journalism is to "Go, get it". "News has become more of a business than a public service."

* The Lewinsky scandal was the 37th scandal in this administration, providing voluminous material, jokes, gags for comedians, talk back, the man on the street, etc. Gennefer Flowers has indicated that the most powerful head of the most powerful country is a sex addict.

* On the US Today show, Bay Buchanan, had this to say about the women of the country and their reaction to Hilary: "Once the facts are out and indeed if this situation is true, they're going to realise she knew about the Gennefer Flowers situation; she allowed her husband to lie about it, she allowed them to trash Gennefer Flowers - they've trashed many, many women and the women are going to recognise this is a pattern, not only of the President, but of the First Lady as well and that she is complicit in his activities at this stage. They see her step forward and keep covering for him time and again."

* From EXPOSURE magazine Feb-Mar 1998 issue "Money, Human Rights & Guns - The Australian - Indonesian Obligation by Bob Doring: Mr. David Hale, a well respected New York international economist now based in Zurich stated in an interview on the world economic situation that a very disturbing and alarming situation had recently developed due to the fact that billions of dollars of any country's money can now be transferred almost instantly. This has created great instability and can actually cause a country's economy to rapidly collapse. The Zionist George Soros is the one-man-band who reports to the IMF and other international financial institutions on his observations of any country's economic situation. His personal recommendations have the unparalleled ability to make or break an entire nation's economy. Dr. Mahathir Mohammed was condemned and censored by our government (and others), for his supposed anti-semitic statement that "it was all a Jewish plot and conspiracy" - He should have said a Zionist plot and conspiracy and been 100% accurate!

* Evil duplicity knows no bounds: A horrific situation exists in Burma under the military rule of S.L.O.R.C. (State Law and Order Restoration Council), which has enslaved a whole nation in forced conscripted labour projects. One of these is the Burma Project, funded by the Soros Foundation. These Zionists never let Principles interfere with their greed!

* Our former Prime Minister Bob Hawke, who stated publically his biggest regret in life was the fact he was not born a Jew - but he is an ontological Zionist - is also engaged in highly profitable business deals in Burma. When Hawke was on a recent Late Line ABC television program, he was asked to comment on the Chinese Tienamin Square Massacre and other human rights abuses. Instead, in rehearsed obfuscating tactics, he launched into a ranting tirade against the National Rifle Association (NRA) and American gun laws. .

* It is the Japanese government which is financing and promoting the United Nations treaty for total global citizen gun control. Clinton intends ramming gun ban laws through congress as John Howard did in Australia. Although the NRA has control of the American government's Upper House (or Senate), lately Clinton has simply been ignoring the Senate and the American Constitution.

* Charles Heyman, editor of Janes International Arms Review, recently stated that his organisation believes Indonesia will definitely invade Australia within the next 30 years - or sooner! This view was likewise supported by a similar statement from Robert Kaplin of the Kaplin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies ... This joker is vigorously calling for troops to go in and assassinate Saddam!

* 70% of Indonesia's economic wealth and power is in the hands of only 4%. 100% of the military and police power, and the main balance of the economic wealth, is in the hands of the Suharto family, along with the ruling military Junta who effectively run the country (this comprises approximately 3% of the population.)

* Any business wishing to establish itself in Indonesia or Burma, has to donate at least 15% of its shares to the Suharto family or the ruling military Junta. Further bribes are constantly demanded by all of the other corrupt government departments and officials. The Suharto family alone is said to have milked and squandered more than $10 billion in such bribes. Our Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Tim Fischer, less than 12 months ago claimed Suharto would be "remembered as the most famous Statesman of the latter part of the 20th century ... for his economic achievements". The Statesman of a country with a revealed debt of $32 billion and a real figure which could be much higher. Yet it was OUR government who was ordered by the IMF to donate several billion dollars of taxpayers' money in "loans", to bail out Indonesia's collapsing economy, along with that of Thailand and other S.E. Asian nations. It now appears they will have no hope of ever repaying.

* Our former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, signed the secret "Joint Defence Treaty" with Indonesia (which has been accepted by the present Howard Government). China has already lodged a protest on this Oz/Indonesia agreement, as it regards it as a threat and an act of aggression.

* Politicians, as weird Birds of a Feather, milk the public together: Paul Keating is now `working' almost full time for the Suharto family - in what capacity no-one seems to know. However, he does own a palace type villa in Indonesia, as well as villas in France, Switzerland and on the Hawkesbury River. This does not include his many other assets and millions of dollars in banks. According to a recent interview with Graham Campbell, "Australians have yet to realize the tremendous damage Paul Keating has done to Australia".

* An alarming amount of Australian crown land is under Pastoral lease to Suharto & Indonesia. Ontological Nepotism appears to be THE occupational qualification for life in international politics.

* Some in Indonesia's military have expressed a deep hostility towards Australia.

* Howard's Way and the Gun Laws: According to official Queensland police statistics, in the twelve months since these laws were introduced, armed robberies have increased by 25%, violent assaults 11% and home invasions 5%. What did we write in earlier newsletters?

* Toughest gun laws in the world have come into force in Britain inspite of strong opposition from the gun lobby.

* Speaking about Iraq, Bill Clinton said "One way or another we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them" while hypocritically insisting "all of us would prefer a genuine diplomatic solution".

* Boris Yeltsin repeated that he believes an attack on Iraq could well spark a World War. He has been openly critical of Clinton saying among other things, "He is behaving too loudly on this". Later he said a military solution is impossible. "We won't allow it."

* The height of hypocrisy: Clinton responded to the option of `taking Saddam out' with "No assassination, if you will, it is against American foreign policy interests; As the CIA has shown, the truth is the opposite!

* Parts of New Zealand are suffering severe drought.

* France is scrapping its trouble-plagued Super Phoenix Nuclear Power Station.

* Cashing in on the Second Coming? In France, churches and advertising companies have locked horns over a series of advertisements which compare the launching of a new car with the arrival of the Messiah. The Church is taking the company to court.

* Once again Australian authorities claim that the US is moving into Australian markets and is not competing fairly.

* French Diplomacy at its best: French schools are not permitting Muslim girls wearing veils into their classrooms.

* Gender Apartheid: In Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, women are not allowed to work or even attend school.

* The World Bank again admitted it got it wrong with Indonesia. Critics claim it helped the corrupt regime.

* 4.8 million Germans are jobless.

* The Tide is definitely turning. CNN News seen on OZ TV on February 11, 1998 showed the active genocide of the Zionists against the Arabs in the middle East generally and the West bank in particular. They are shown starving the Arabs out, stealing their lands, destroying their houses, stealing their pastures, destroying their animals and threatening to destroy further Arab villages. It was there on our screen as the Zionist Jews insisted they had a right to expand and the implied right to drive the Arabs out. We have known about this genocide for a long time, but what is remarkable about this report is the turn around that has occurred. CNN to date, owned by Ted Turner, who has been described previously as both a jerk and a joke, has been a Zionist mouthpeace in this world of Iniquity. He and his station are now revealing the rottenness of Zionism against these defenceless and trapped Arabs on the West Bank and Gaza strip. That is definitely a sign that the tide has turned, as we said it would. The real nature of Jehovah's Zionism is being exposed as it must be for the Endtime.

* Creation of self-delusion by the Media: On one day, the news headlines on the Australian News service included this: Australian brother-sister skating partners ecstatic with result in Nagano Winter Olympics. Naturally enough I thought,like many others must have, that these skaters had won Gold perhaps in the previous evening's competition at their third Olympic attempt. When the details came the news reader repeated that the pair were delighted with their performance and were happy to retire on their laurels. The last sentence of the report had the real world result: They had moved up from 15th in the first round to 13th as a final position. Ah! What would we do without media hype?

* Once more Evil vs Evil: Paul Collins, a disgruntled and very evil Catholic priest, in his book "Papal Power" claims that the Pope has far too much power, that the Absolute Monarchy model is totally deficient and that the notion of the Pope as oracle and superstar is repugnant.

His book has come to the attention of The Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith in Rome - once responsible for the Inquisition and now charged with maintaining church orthodoxy. Its officials have called him to account. Collins, who was interviewed on the program, acknowledges being very critical of the Vatican, saying that the Roman Curia should be abolished and has no place in the modern world. He says the church has "got to stop being a feudal institution". He does not know what the consequences will be for him although he says excommunication would be a disastrous response for him, or he could be expelled from his religious order and/or his book could be declared heretical. He says he doesn't mind confronting the powers that be but wants the whole thing brought out in the open, not kept in the secrecy that the Vatican apparently wants. He wants the book assessed by a broad range of Catholics and all done in the open in full scrutiny of public opinion. The program which looked at possible future popes quoted this from Nostradamus: "When there is a Jewish Pope it would be the end of the world." There is one Cardinal who apparently is Jewish.

* An exposé on Four Corners, which the Victoria Police tried very hard to suppress, told of drug running and corruption in that force. A witness claims it was drug squad members themselves who were paid by criminals to steal the files which incriminated them. It was pointed out that corruption was allowed to flourish because of flaws in the system of policing the police. An unwillingness to deal with corruption has led to lack of accountability, systemic abuses and a perception that police are above the law. Information on drug squad activities i.e. raids, was leaked to targets. One of the thieves stated they had been given the key by police. Kickbacks are claimed to be routine. Informants within the department are in trouble. One police officer told of being labelled, harassed, his car vandalised, and eventually hounded out. There is a Brotherhood which ensures that one does not take action against fellow police officers and destroys those who try to expose what is going on. Ethical standards are supposedly overseen by the Ombudsman, but the Ombudsman usually only reviews investigations done by police who often do not inform him of operations and may deliberately deceive him. He becomes effectively a rubber stamp and Public Relations arm. The Police Ethical Standards Department (ESD) is called window dressing and a public relations exercise. Some refer to it as the Double Standards Department (DSD) because low level abuses by junior members are treated harshly while senior officers are so unaccountable as to be effectively above the law. Also exposed was the existence of a Secret Police Cell or the Operations Intelligence Unit which conducts covert surveillance on dozens of community groups and individuals. It has gone to great lengths to preserve its secrecy even from the Ombudsman. Very few knew what they did. Files were secretly removed and hidden away. The Commissioner refused to talk with Four Corners and tried to stop others from talking. There is fierce resistance to investigations with an arrogant refusal to accept any criticism. Many senior officers now in top positions have a questionable history, some accused of misconduct in the past. Most questionable is head of the Drug Squad, John McKoy, who is reported to be considering taking defamation action against the ABC. As we reported in a previous newsletter, I have made it onto this notorious police list. Being identified as against these evil archons is a declaration of one's goodness!

* It is reported that Woody Allen after reporting for jury duty and asked by the judge if he harboured any biases about the Judicial System, replied that "The Courts do not serve Justice". He was sent home.

* After a 6.1 earthquake in Northern Afghanistan about 20 villages were destroyed with an estimated 4000 dead and 15,000 homeless in freezing weather.It barely made Western News Services.

* Netanyahu made it clear that Israel "will not sit back and be a soft target this time. We reserve the right of self-defence." This hothead is a "Little Lucifer" for WW 3.

* The demonizing process, having worked so well so often before, is being used by Clinton's lawyers against Independent Prosecutor Starr.

* In Germany, Neo-Nazism is on the rise. The movement is targeting the young jobless. More than 1000 marched in Dresden. They want German jobs for Germans, not foreigners, and readily intimidate with knives, etc. What hypocrites these Germans are. When they needed extra workers, they had no second thoughts about routing the Turks and others out of their countries and cultures to exploit them on the factory floors. Now, like prostitutes, having done with them, they want to discard them like they do trash. So much for European civility.

* Climate Rage joins Road Rage, Toy Rage, and now Computer Rage. Death tolls are mounting from storms in Cuba and Argentina. There is chaos in Argentina with the worse floods in 100 years. There are record snow falls in such US states as Kentucky and Ohio leaving many without power. Wild storms resulted in 1 death and thousands of homes without power in Southern New South Wales.

* There have been calls for the closure of all US airbases in Italy after the cable car disaster in which 20 died as a result of a reckless pilot cutting the cable. We have not heard the last of this.

* A special apology by the Mayor of Brisbane to the stolen Aborigines children highlights the shortcomings of the Coward Government which has been whipped by Amnesty International for its callousness.

* The US public housing scene is one of so much crime and drugs that the government has introduced a One Strike policy which permits the rapid eviction of suspected trouble makers, even if they have not been arrested or convicted. Their families are also thrown out with them.

* Philippine Gall: Imelda Marcos has declared her candidacy in the upcoming Presidential elections in the Philippines.

* War of the Worlds: Insects are infesting cotton crops.

* Clever country, Oz, practising Alchemy - turning itself into a sewer: There are 14 legal casinos in Australia and they are attracting many high rollers who are criminals. The casinos are a place for doing deals and laundering money. They have been called playgrounds or country-clubs for crooks. High roller Asians are flown in.

* Esmat Abdel Meguid, Arab League Secretary General: "And here I say that the use of force will NEVER, NEVER and I repeat NEVER solve the problem." The Arabs are furious about the double standards - not being tough enough with Israel.

* Australian Muslims and church groups are not happy with Howard's pledge of support for the US war effort. The Arab community thinks Howard should have used his influence to push for a diplomatic solution rather than rushing in to support the US as soon as he was asked.

* The Dow Jones Average has hit a new high well over 8000, but many Americans are losing their jobs as companies keep moving out of the country to take advantage of low wages and conditions elsewhere. Hundreds of companies are eliminating US jobs; almost 1/4 million job cuts have been announced in the last 4 months and they will continue because of world competition, even with a boom economy.

* The 27th police shooting death in Victoria in the past decade has taken place.

* In Indonesia, social unrest is brewing; the silent anger of the people is becoming less silent with more people ready to go to jail by speaking out against President Suharto. Amien Rais, Chairman of Mohammadiyah, a Muslim group, claims that elections are not just or free, that the only way to get people's trust is for Suharto to stand down, that corruption is careening out of control and that Suharto IS the problem. It has been reported that Suharto's personal fortune is worth at least $24 billion.

* In the San Francisco Bay Area, homes have been levelled by acres of mud. Statewise more than 1000 homes have been destroyed along with many acres of farmland.

* The Catholic church says Australia should not be involved in the killing of innocent Iraqi civilians. The Muslim Community feels it could be singled out for abuse.

* British Defence Secretary George Robertson told the House of Commons that Saddam has built up big stocks of the nerve chemical Agent 15, which is designed to stupefy enemy forces. The bigger the lie ...

* King Hussein of Jordan said he could not support an attack that would affect Iraq's ordinary people. "The people have suffered enough", he said.

* The Mushroom Club is mushrooming: Belarus possesses two tonnes of weapons-grade plutonium and enriched uranium, making it a nuclear threshold State, official Belarussian television reported.

* Ontological siblings: Australia's biggest magazine publisher, the Packer family's Australian consolidated Press, will fold four of its magazines into a new joint venture with the US's biggest publisher, Time Inc. Managing Director, Colin Morrison, said "This is an expansionary move for both of us. We (ACP) believe that we must have alliances with some of the big global players to achieve the growth we need."

* Australia Fair: In addition to looting during the Townsville floods, there have been fraudulent claims for flood relief.

* Money, Money, Money: The former deputy chief censor, David Haines, is now making his own pornographic films. Senator Brian Harradine has branded him Lucifer Incarnate during their battles on Senate committees.

* The very prestigious Harvard University may be losing its image as it tries to cover up some goings-on in its hallowed halls of ivy. There is a recent murder-suicide, 2 student suicides, 2 more admitted to the theft of $US 127,000 from a cancer charity, another student rejected when it was discovered she had killed her mother. Since 1989, Harvard students have been convicted of fraud, insider trading, attempted blackmail, rape, armed robbery and another murder-suicide.

* Malaysian PM Mahathir expressed regret that his country had to withdraw offers to help Lebanon's reconstruction because of the region's currency crisis. He attacked the "self-righteousness and hypocrisy" of those who accused South East Asian governments of being corrupt, lacking transparency and indulging in cronyism and nepotism.

* Dirtier Laundry to come? Fayed is now saying that the car in which his son Dodi and Diana were killed did not accidentally crash and "there was a conspiracy and I will not rest until I have established exactly what happened."

* US Army Sgt. Major McKinney heard a tape recording played at his trial in which he seems to be coaching one of his accusers on how she should answer questions.

* US Interior Secretary Babbitt is to be investigated over the possibility he misled Congress regarding an Indian casino proposal. (A competing Wisconsin Indian tribe made a significant contribution to the Democratic party.) This will make the 4th Independent Council investigation of the Clinton Administration.

* Severe cosmic storms are expected once again in the year 2000. They could affect power grids leading to shutdowns.

* Pro-Iraqi, anti-Israel and anti-US protests by Palestinians on the West Bank continued inspite of Arafat's order for them to stop. "Death to America" and "Hit Israel with chemical weapons, Saddam" and "Our blood, our soul is sacrificed for Saddam" were chanted as Israeli and US flags were burned. Only people subjected to extreme evil show such desperation. Also on the West Bank, 1000 demonstrators chanted "Death to Clinton, death to Blair". Israeli leaders sternly warned Palestinians they were making a "great mistake" in showing support for a sworn enemy of the Jewish State and said the protests could further jeopardise the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace process. What are threats to martyrs? Arafat spokesman Marwan Kanafani, an obvious fool, said the pro-Iraq rallies were expressions of solidarity with the Iraqi people and not attacks on Israel.

* There are claims that the Russian Intelligence Agency may have tried to infiltrate the Weapons Inspection Team and have been working with the Iraqis to thwart the efforts of the Inspection Team. It has been confirmed that Russia signed a 1995 deal to sell Iraq sophisticated dual technology that could be used to make biological weapons. US Secretary of Defence, William Cohen, refused to comment on either item. They do highlight Russia's strong opposition to the US position against Iraq.

* Precursor of the Oklahoma bombing?: Terry Griffiths, a survivor of the Sydney Hilton bombing 20 years ago, is now saying those convicted were scapegoats, that an Australian military group as well as some NSW police were involved. He says he has gone to the Department of Justice but they refuse to listen to him.

* Forest fires in Borneo are burning out of control - again.

* 60 Minutes recently exposed the cruel exporting of children from Britain to Australia during WWII. Thousands were lied to and told they were orphans when that was not the case. Many families in Britain were never told what happened to their children. Names were often changed. The first wave consisted of 30,000 child convicts and then they came from British orphanages. It is estimated that 83,000 "Orphans of the Empire" were transported to Australia, many ending up in Western Australia and in orphanages run by the Christian Brothers.

* Both Britain and the US sold chemical weapons to Iraq.

* 35 Bedouin families are forced off land they have been on since 1950, their homes bulldozed, in order to make way for Israeli settlers.

* Already in the Gulf are 26,000 troops with another 3,000 on the way, 16 Navy Ships and 325 aircraft. There was a secret battle plan scheduled to start Jan. 20th but not carried out. A new 2,000 pound bomb may be used that can penetrate underground bunkers as deep as 40 feet.

* Hamas fuelled the current crisis by warning that it will strike Israel if the US strikes Iraq.

* Egypt, Libya and other Arab politicians in Baghdad staged a noisy demonstration in support for Iraq and Saddam.

* Polls are made of statistics you can manipulate to prove anything you want.

* The Clever Country ain't so clever. Students are losing interest in attending university. Entrance standards have had to be lowered just to fill spaces.

* It is interesting that much military equipment has been kept in Kuwait and maintained from 1991 in anticipation of the present situation. Bombing will also destroy all the UN monitoring equipment making monitoring even more difficult after.... The Iraqi people are preparing for the worse. Many who once were for the US now think the US is against the Iraqi nation.

* 6,000 people rioted in Indonesia. The loss of jobs, pay cuts, food price rises all contribute to an atmosphere of frustration leading to more rioting.

* Advice regarding e-mail - "Don't believe it's private and don't believe the delete key." E-mail correspondence between Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp is being retrieved from their computers.

* NSW Bishop Bruce Wilson warned there would be blood on the streets in rural Australian if the country goes to a racial election.

* The European Union is critical of Britain's support of the US with Iraq, saying it should have consulted with the EU.

* Maria Shaw, former Democratic fund raiser, has been arraigned for disguising illegal fund donations from members of a Buddhist temple.

* Jimmy Carter, former US President, has said that a bombing attack would weaken the US in the eyes of the international community and make Saddam look like a hero.

* A demonstration occurred in Sydney against US-planned bombing of Iraq and John Howard's inclusion of Australia in the plan. They asked that food and medicine be sent to Iraq, not bombs.

* From a US correspondent: I can see why there was such a massive cover-up and denial of Clinton's sexual perversions, so that he would not appear at all to be an immoral person before he goes and bombs and kills more innocent people. Furthermore, if the American public were to lose their blind confidence in him and in their economic future, the US stock market would collapse as quickly as the Asian markets. The whole thing is supported by the most perverse lies, deception, and evilness. Best wishes.



Real Life Courtroom Q&A:

1   Lawyer: Was that the same nose you broke as a child?

2   Lawyer: Now, doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn't know anything about it until the next morning?

3   Lawyer: What happened then?

Witness: He told me, he says, "I have to kill you because you can identify me."

Lawyer: Did he kill you?

4   Lawyer: Was it you or your brother that was killed in the war?

5   Lawyer: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?


The Winter Olympics:

1   Analyzing techniques are so good, the US did not dare use drugs for enhancing performance as usual. That is why its athletes were also-rans.

2   Germany - notorious in its previous use of drugs has perfected a homeopathic performance enhancing combination, explaining its super-human efforts.

3   Three, yes 3, of Australia's bob-sled team had been disqualified for steroid abuse before the games- but are you really surprised at how the media did not attack them in the same way it attacked the Chinese?

4   As one commentator said " Were these events always this boring?" They are big business - even postponing the bombing of Iraq until after the closing ceremony. Murder by appointment! How forgiving should the Light be to these liars, cheats and heartless murderers?

More of the News

* Yes, it is true, Boutros Boutros Ghali was ousted from his Secretary General position in the UN when he tried to force Israel to comply with UN resolutions!

* In Clinton's press conference on the settlement with Iraq, he said that the inspection team has "volumes and volumes" on what has been "discovered and destroyed". But I don't recall any media stories about discoveries, etc. And it would seem that if anything was found the UN and the U.S. would make a big deal about it -- the same way the police announce any big drug busts.

* Interesting that Waco is coming back to the forefront. Strange Universe (a US TV show that we in Oz do not receive) had a very powerful main segment about Waco. It was based on the government's own infrared video, taken from above during the last seige, showing the attack on the "compound" from behind the buildings, out of sight of the media cameras, which were positioned by the government two miles away. The video shows bursts that are clearly automatic weapons fire, from at least two different positions, into the burning buildings -- while the FBI said they never fired a single shot. Veteran TV producer Dan Gifford was approached two years ago by a man with the infrared video, which came from the FBI and was part of the evidence in the congressional hearings - though nobody must have looked at it very closely. Gifford has since produced a documentary called "Waco: The Rules of Engagement", which shows that, at the kitchen and dining area in the rear - the only way out for the remaining Davidians - they couldn't escape because two men were firing machine guns at them. Also caught on the video is a tank apparently firing into a window at the rear, with primary and secondary flashes. And, in the documentary film, the analysis of the video is done by the man who helped design the infrared video system for the Dept of Defense. The documentary was shown at the Sundance Film Festival, the major festival for independent films, originally set up by Robert Redford, and the producer, Dan Gifford, has been taking it around city to city. Strange Universe continued with an interview with one of the nine survivors, who said that the only reason he survived is because he walked out the side where the [media] cameras could see him. They interviewed the survivor at the Waco site and he pointed out a large swimming pool structure that was built by hand by the Davidians the summer before the seige, which would counter the idea that they were planning to kill themselves. Strange Universe tried to get a reaction from government experts and the FBI, but their calls were never returned. They also called their report an "exclusive" so maybe other media will be picking up on this as well.

* The Weapons Inspectors are incensed that the new agreement includes diplomats going along on their inspections. One report revealed that the inspectors have been belligerent and pushy and they have done things to embarrass and put down the Iraqis. It may be that they won't get by with that and other subversion such as planting "evidence", and that is what has them so worked up. If they are on the up and up it would seem that they would welcome diplomatic witnesses.

* Interesting! Russia has revealed it has 20 biological warfare missile sites - aimed at the U.S., even though it always claimed to have had none.

* The USA has the BIGGEST national Ego and you know what ego eventually does: It self-destructs.

* Hate is brewing in US Congress in an unbelievable fashion. Hateful of the UN which has been the US's lackey for so long - fragmentation as never before is occurring!

* As I said in the Sightings Radio show, when they do bomb, after a postponement, it will be worse for all - it will all come at once!

* Uncle Sam, you are the biggest hypocrite: To an international proposal that all countries are subjected to unannounced spot checks for biological and chemical weapons production, the most forceful opponent has been the USA!

* Mossad, the Israeli Secret Service is going under!

* Oprah beats the beef men - more trouble in Evil vs Evil.

* Jordan is reconsidering its peace with Israel.

* An interview with the biggest whistle blower in Australian history, Trevor Haken, now in a Witness Protection Scheme and disguised because he is a marked man, revealed that better than 50% of the NSW police are corrupt in one form or another and "I say that without reservation". As a result of his work and his 10 day testimony before the CJC, close to 100 of his police colleagues were exposed and his 25 year career ended. Trevor stated that if anyone thinks the corruption is any less in any other police department, they are very naive. At 19 he took his first bribe. Only the corrupt ones got promoted. When he was in the Drug Squad he saw how really bad it was. It was all justifiable to them. They took money from the bank robbers, from the drug lords, etc. but instead of giving to the poor, they kept it. He said it was a common practice and it is still happening. Asked if anything has changed since his involvement in exposing corruption, he replied, "I believe certain areas have been changed but I don't believe the hard core have changed or can be changed. They are there for the duration". The big money is in drugs. "Stamping out drugs was not the serious side of the Drug Squad. Jobs were done but it was always the undertone of looking to see what was available. It was basically like a supermarket." Money would be divided up, $13,000 being his biggest one time hit. Senior officers, including those extremely high up, were involved. He said he regrets ever getting involved with the NSW police. "I was part of a situation that existed from day one." Trevor told of one officer under his command who said he did not like taking money but he knew if he didn't, he would not be accepted in the group and would not have a future. When he was asked about his own future, he replied "There is no future." His present existence is like living in an open prison.Trevor stated unequivocally that if any of the officers had found out what he was up to he would have been killed.

* 18 months ago M16 conducted a joint operation with the CIA to stage a military coup d'etat in Baghdad. It was crushed by Saddam Hussein who executed up to 80 Iraqi officers and arrested hundreds of others. It is one of the biggest fiascos in the history of British foreign intelligence since the war. The extent of M16's involvement in the failed conspiracy was revealed by the Los Angeles Times in an article based on interviews with CIA officers critical of the lack of support from the Whitehouse for their efforts to overthrow Saddam Hussein."

* Legal action against Matt Drudge who has attacked Clinton often on the Net is seen by some as a malicious abuse of the legal system in order to bludgeon a strong critic of the president into submission, into passivity and to chill the free speech rights of anyone who assists him.

* IMF policies have doomed countries to be further depressed. George Soros has made billions from the world's financial system by blood-sucking these manipulated currencies.

* Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard: "The IMF reminds me of a dog chasing its own tail. They don't quite seem to understand that failure of each of the forecasts is related to misdiagnosis. "They have not been able to face up to the fact that not only are they not restoring confidence, they are doing a real job of undermining confidence, particularly in Indonesia."

* Larry Chimerine of the Economic Strategy Institute. "The IMF is part of the problem. I think they have misdiagnosed the problem in Asia."

* A currency board could help Indonesia.

* It is hard to make a case that lives of the Indonesian people have been helped by the IMF.

* A Queensland Gold Coast police officer has been given a jail sentence for official corruption and perjury.

* An Israeli journal article suggested that the Israeli government is planning to target Saddam.

* Iraqis pray for peace and Albright tells them the US cares for them more than Saddam does. So, that's why spent uranium has been used to cause their deaths via cancer around Basrah - to get them away from Saddam's control! It's not genocide, neither are the murderous sanctions. It's not clearing the area so the oil fields can be taken later when all the people are dead, like Kissinger's rotten policy of expansionism proposes so clearly, it's wanting to send them to a better place. My O my, the perversity is unlimited! And we thought the anti-American sentiment sweeping across the Middle East where thousands upon thousands of people are defying the authorities to protest openly in Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon was about securing justice in the face of American murder and unjustified aggression! Why, next they will want to say that if the losers of the war had used the US tactics, the US leaders would have been charged successfully with War Crimes against humanity, as they would have been in Hiroshima, Dresden, Tokyo, Panama, Nicaragua, etc., etc., ad infinitum! Just as well the US is the champion of Human Rights - or so it says!!

* Thousands marched through Sydney urging the Australian government to mediate rather than support a military solution to the Iraqi situation. The Catholic church and the Democrats, etc., asked for a peaceful solution. Muslim and Christian communities claim Australia should not be involved in this war.

* Several hundred people marched in protest to the Whitehouse in the US against its stand against Iraq.

* Dark NZ: The Auckland area had been blacked out except for emergency services for more than a week.

* Russian conscripts are refusing to serve, preferring to serve a 6 month jail sentence instead. The military have not been paid for about a year.

* PM Howard is now foreshadowing a total sell-out of Telstra. Another promise broken - my he is consistent!

* A report kept secret for 37 years until now, reveals that the infamous Bay of Pigs fiasco failed because of the CIA's incompetence, arrogance, ignorance and leaks. Sleep well the world is being butchered by the best butchers!

* One ALP Senator openly opposed Howard's decision to support the US against Iraq.

* Repeated by many: The Arabs are convinced by the crisis that the West has one standard for them and another for Israel. It is obvious to them that the West will never deal with Arabs fairly. As a result, Iraq will have much stronger support in the Middle East.

* It's OK, they're American: During the Japanese Olympics, the US ice hockey team lost a game and later trashed their accommodations.

* An Al Bundy El Nino:

- The Mexican town of Tijuana has been hit by storms and floods with at least 1 killed, 3 others missing and hundreds forced to leave their homes, as the storms moved South.

- California storms over the last month have caused an estimated $750 million damage.

- Thousands of Peruvians have been made homeless after a string of devastating floods blamed on El Nino - 12,000 houses destroyed in one village along with the people's livelihoods. Cholera is a problem.

- Some are saying that there were so many tornadoes in Florida they actually lost count of them. 36 Florida counties have been declared national disaster areas. A string (at least 12) of monster tornados, blamed on El Nino, has created havoc in Florida, the worse ever to hit that state. So far there has been more than a billion dollar's worth of damage, more than 40 dead, more than 300 buildings have been demolished including whole caravan parks. Winds have reached 330 km/p/h.

* Feral peacocks are creating a problem in McKay, Qld. The birds are calling the harassing humans the ferals!

* Destructive Religious programming: (Oops, what other kind is there?)

- A Jehovah Witness is in trouble with his church after, against his wife's directives, he allowed a blood transfusion in order to save her life after she gave birth.

- Rev. Henry Lyons, leader of the largest black church in the US (8 million Baptists), was arrested in Florida along with a black woman, and faces Federal racketeering and theft charges - using church money to buy houses, cars and jewellery.

- And, to balance the books, some religious intolerance: In Istanbul, the wearing of long beards and scarfs is prohibited; students protest.

* Indonesian currency has collapsed losing 80% of its value since Christmas. How does that happen? The likes of the Zionist George Soros decide they do not want it. Food prices and unemployment continue to soar leading to even more stress in community relations. Anger of the mobs is conveniently vented toward scapegoats, the ethnic Chinese. Some Chinese are buying their safety with desperate acts of charity. From riches to rags - take note, it will happen everywhere, even the US and OZ! And then? And then? Anarchy!

* Better Service for the People: The ANZ bank is chopping 1700 fulltime positions. 40,000 jobs from the 4 major banks have been lost in the last 5 years. Electronic banking is changing the face of the industry. Well, at least if you complain to the ATM it will not answer back!

* UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said in dealing with Saddam that Saddam never raises his voice and is decisive, that he is reasonable. The US administration hated it.

* British (In)Justice is not just for the poor Irish: In a British Court of Appeal, it has been shown that a wrong (coloured) man was hanged in the 1950s. He was a good, really good, scapegoat!

* A state of emergency has been declared in Peru where severe flooding has left 1/4 million homeless.

* Freedom of speech used to stifle Freedom of Speech: Sydney Bloomingthal, a former journalist and recently appointed Whitehouse adviser, is alleged to be pointing journalists in the direction of negative stories regarding Independent Prosecutor Starr in order to intimidate and stop people from speaking out about the scandal.

* An Israeli citizen, Mossad agent, is under arrest in Switzerland's capital with warrants issued for four others in an Israeli diplomatic disaster in which Mossad agents bungled spy operations and were caught planting electronic listening devices. Israel won't apologise. Mossad is finished! It is starting to make the CIA look competent and that really does take some effort!

* Hundreds of past and present students of the University of Indonesia, regarded as the birthplace of the country's economic system, defied the ban on public protests in order to call for an end to corruption and manipulation which they say led to the present crisis.

* Squander Land revisited: More than 3000 CES staff will be out of work as employment services are privatised. $1.7 billion in taxpayers' money is being pumped into the projects but nearly 1/2 million of unemployed will not qualify for services under the new rules.

* Will the Cleverness of the Clever OZ never end? Parents and teachers protested around Australia accusing the Federal Government of slashing funds to state schools.

* Much ado about murder: Serious consequences are being planned by the US Congress to be carried out long before Saddam does anything. Administrative sources indicate there are several covert plans being considered to destabilise the Iraqi government, although CIA attempts have failed miserably in the past.

* The US will lift economic sanctions on Colombia. Suggestions that this is due to the fact that the US has eliminated all non-cooperating drug running competitors in its drug-running monopoly are too close to the truth to be commented upon!

* In your face Hanson: The Business Council of Australia is calling for an increase in the immigration of skilled workers.


Medical Update

* Unprecedented Australian worm attack and death: After the death of a Brisbane toddler, the warning has been given that snails carry dangerous larvae that can lead to lethal infections with no cure known.

* There is a super flu warning with the concern that a mix of virus could create another new flu.

* More than 1/3 of final year high school students are smoking with girls the worse offenders.

* Artificial muscle has been developed.

* Warnings come from leading plastic surgeons of poorly qualified doctors doing plastic surgery and thus putting patients at risk. Archons losing money and control to the minions?

* 2 Chinese nationals in New York were arrested and charged with selling organs from executed Chinese prisoners.

* Good scare story while it lasted: The "anthrax" that the two men arrested in Arizona were supposed to have had turned out to be a common form of a bacteria used every day in the US by veterinarians as a vaccine.

* A calf has been cloned in Virginia, called Mr. Jefferson.

* In Britain, concern has been expressed that CJD (Mad Cow Disease) could be passed on by blood products and it is recommended that precautions involve not using British plasma.

* The acne cream, Accutane, now has a warning "to increase physicians' awareness of reports of depression and suicide among people who have used it". Warnings about possible birth defects had previously been given.

* Claims have been made that Queensland has the country's worse alcohol and drug abusers, and in some cases the worst in the world. There are 900 hospital admissions weekly and 71 die each week from drug related causes in here. North Queensland consumes the most alcohol in the world and won the "dirty ashtray" award 2 years in a row for smoking the most cigarettes. Cannabis is the state's second largest cash crop. 1/3 of youth deaths are drug related. But, don't worry, road behaviour is even worse!

* In 1996 the South Australia Health Commission reported that of the 1,094 cases of whooping cough reported for that year, 87 per cent of those for whom vaccination status was available were fully vaccinated against whooping cough. This does not indicate a failure to vaccinate, but rather, a failure of the whooping cough vaccine to protect." (Source: Australian Vacc. Network)

* Inhumanity spreads wantonly: The RSPCA is waging an intense advertising campaign to prevent the needless deaths of millions of animals in the live export trade.

* Chickens are back on sale in Hong Kong.

* Ascetics in arsenic: Water from wells in Bangladesh is contaminated with arsenic which is affecting the people.

* All Bangladeshi bands must be heavy metal bands: wells in the country's villages are a source of arsenic, some with 16 times the contamination over the WHO acceptable limit. 50 million people are at risk. The wells were supposed to be the salvation of the people. Now they choose whether to drink contaminated river water and die of diarrhoea or the well water and die from arsenic poisoning. Alternative attempts are being made but ...

* Warmer waters from El Nino have deleteriously affected marine life and the food chain therein.

* Mad Cow Disease has been linked to a serum used to suppress human kidney transplant rejection. Serum has been recalled in more than 20 countries, including Australia.

* The Oprah show discussed a drug that is easy to make, called GHB, which is clear, odourless and renders the victim unconscious with no memory of what took place. It is being used to drug women and consequently rape them.

* It is estimated that Americans spend $47 billion a year on illegal drugs, that 13 million people use them and that 4 million are addicted.

* It is reported that some water supplies in Britain may be infected with the prion that causes Mad Cow Disease.

* 40% of US waterways are too polluted for fishing or swimming.

* Lung cancer is now the #1 killer of women in the U.S. and new studies are showing that women's bodies are more vulnerable to the carcinogens -- and the tobacco industry is targeting women in ads and funding women's crisis centers and other non-profit centers, to buy silence from advocates.

* More exposure on the harvesting of organs of Chinese prisoners and of decisions to execute prisoners who would make good donors. Blackest hearts change sentences to execution -- just to make money!

* Iraq bought Anthrax from the USA by overnight courier!

* In the US 1 in 4 is obese.

* The US spends $40 billion a year on weight loss drugs.

* Iatrogenic diseases: The danger of prescription drugs is greater than we think, especially from the interaction of more than one drug which can cause among other things, extensive brain damage. The pharmacists are the last defence when they fill orders for drugs that interact. A study showed that some pharmacists went ahead and filled prescriptions for two drugs that could cause a serious interaction response, with little or no warning about the effects of taking them together.

* Increase in psychological disease: The RAGE of the day has extended to Computor Rage. Many are not able to get their computers to do what they want and often the frustration ends up in screaming, yelling, etc., at the computer.

* While the US claims it is the Super Power of the World safeguarding Civil Liberties and Freedoms of all types, just consider the fact that it has poisoned the North American continent so much with chemicals and radioactive toxic waste, no biological entity will survive for much longer, even if no other pollution occurs, and it has ensured the death of All with its manufacture of Gulf War Syndrome - non-sexual AIDS!


Well, things are getting so grim, let's escape into Courtroom Jokes again: Real Life Courtroom Q&A:

1   Lawyer: Were you alone or by yourself?

2   Lawyer: What is the meaning of sperm being present?

Witness: It indicates intercourse.

Lawyer: Male sperm?

Witness: That is the only kind I know.

3   Laywer: How long have you been a French Canadian?

4   Lawyer: Do you have any children or anything of that kind?

5   Lawyer: I show you this exhibit and ask you if you recognize that picture. Witness: That's me.

Lawyer: Were you present when that picture was taken?

6   Lawyer: Were you present in court this morning when you were sworn in?

7   Lawyer: Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?

Witness: By death.

Lawyer: And by whose death was it terminated?

8   Lawyer: Do you know how far pregnant you are now?

Witness: I'll be three months on November 8.

Lawyer: Apparently, then, the date of conception was August 8?

Witness: Yes.

Lawyer: What were you doing at that time?

9   Lawyer: Do you believe you are emotionally stable?

Witness: I used to be.

Lawyer: How many times have you committed suicide?

10   Lawyer: So you were gone until you returned?

11   Lawyer: She had three children, right?

Witness: Yes.

Lawyer: How many were boys?

Witness: None.

Lawyer: Were there girls?

12   Laywer: You don't know what it was, and you didn't know what it looked like, but can you describe it?

13   Laywer: You say that the stairs went down to the basement?

Witness: Yes.

Lawyer: And these stairs, did they go up also?

14   Lawyer: What device do you have in your laboratory to test alcohol content?

Witness: I have a dual column gas chromatograph, Hewlett-Packard 5710A with flame ionization detectors.

Judge: Can you get that on mag wheels?

Witness: Only on the floor models.

15   Lawyer: Have you lived in this town all your life?

Witness: Not yet.

16   Lawyer: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?

Witness: Yes, I have been since early childhood.

17   Lawyer: Do you recall approximately the time that you examined the body of Mr. Brown?

Witness: The autopsy started at 8:30 p.m.

Lawyer: And Mr. Brown was dead at the time, is that correct?

Witness: No, you dumb ass, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy!


Humans breed, kill and devour animals, claiming they are a lower form of life. Engaging in such outrageous evil, why then do humans become upset at the thought that aliens may do the same with humans whom they perceive as lower life forms? Some aliens do exactly this as is being revealed by certain alien abductees. Some aliens are as evil as humans and are doing things just as evil as humans do.


Look at how the robots and demons rush to paint themselves, have plastic surgery to reshape, cut off, enlarge, straighten parts of their bodies, etc. They are never satisfied. Even their own evil creator cannot satisfy them. They are war-mongers, malcontents and trouble makers. They are envious of those with the Inner Nous and Inner Peace.


Poem # 91 from my Poetry Book, Volume Two.

Shout with Glee

A soldier in the midst

of man-made war

is often dirty, unkempt,

with a spirit sore.


But that is not how you,

a warrior, in this

War of Essences should be.


Think of the glorious,

Happy time ahead,

in the New Dimension

beyond the victory ,

when shared delights heavenly

will make us

forever live happily,

without Evil's

pain and misery.


Now that, surely,

is a cause for you

to sing and shout

with glee!



Until next time,...

J S Chiappalone. Copyright 1998 .

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