Newsletter # 21 - May 1998,

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Annwn News


So much is happening so quickly, confusion reigns over unstable minds. Take care and be cautious.

All publications and works of Annwn Publications, including all of my works and writings, are offered to you as works to assist you in these troubled times. Our motto you know well: "Take it or Leave it!" You are the sole judge of their worth for you. It is not my business or anyone else's business what you think or do not think. No one has been threatened to believe any fact, no one has been forced, coerced or cajoled. If what is written in whatever format helps you, well and good. If you recognize it at some point as something which resonates within your being with what you want to accept as a version of the truth for you, that also is well and good for you. If you do not see it of any worth to you, move on and look elsewhere. How much fairer can I be? This information is given to help people. I do not need feedback. I know its value for me and the assistance it can give. I do not have to have its worth affirmed by others. And in saying you can "take it or leave it", I am in no way imposing it on you in any way. There are billions of words on the web and billions of books in the world. If ours do not suit you, go elsewhere.

Information is all about getting answers and insights, and this applies whether one is involved in woodwork, brain surgery or esoteric metaphysics. One seeks the answers required at the time. One does not need all the answers in a topic, one only needs those answers sufficient to allow the seeker to advance to the next stage. No one has all the answers in this world. There are far more questions than answers. I do not claim to have all the answers. I have enough for me to get to a particular point. Some of these answers may assist you. That is all I am trying to accomplish with this information. Having said that, allow me to explain that the words represent energy and as such, some of the concepts may trigger an awakening in you which allows nonverbal realizations which then prepare you in the unique way you require at this time. In other words, some answers are not outer mind answers at all. They are not needed in the outer mind which is a very limited instrument even in the most erudite and sagacious. To demonstrate just how limited it is, recall in your own psyche how many times you have experienced a vision, concept, information, a process, etc., in meditation, during astral travel, or even a dream which you fully understood but which on returning to full outer mind consciousness you were unable to make proper sense. You could not quite integrate it sufficiently to make conscious sense of it, is that not so? On some occasions you noted there were no words to describe what you saw and experienced. Is that not so? In other words, the outer mind is too limited for other supramental experiences. Many experience phenomena as geometric configurations. They know they have great meaning as they experience the phenomenon and the interplay by the figures mean a great deal in that experiential dimension, but the experience is almost meaningless in the outer mind consciousness. This demonstrates that the outer mind is not all that expansive in its ability to decipher greater realities with which we interact. Hence, portions of this knowledge are keys which unlock such psychic realities which may be uniquely yours. They then are your answers which will differ from mine and everyone else's. What we shared were the keys to unlock them perhaps. Try explaining that to a fool locked totally in outer mind logic which s/he claims is the supreme reality mechanism. One could go blue in the face trying to make her/him understand. I have gone a little into this explanation (which is really unnecessary for those who resonate with this information) for the benefit of the "Knockers" who resent this information, resent the fact that it assists others when they cannot understand it and resent the fact that it increases their anxieties and fears rather than allaying them as it does in those of an honest heart. You know why they fear. This information exposes them in their ontological nakedness whether they like it or not. And having been exposed, they see themselves exactly as they are. In that way they can fool no one, not even themselves. Being exposed truly in this way, they fear the consequences for they know what they are and what is in store for them. And for this they resent me also. They are not happy the information helps others. They resent that too. Only a selfish and a malicious person would be like that. Hence they are characterised simply by being exposed. In this mechanism which you may accept or reject as valid, are the simple answers we all seek: who we are and what is in store for us. To those who can make sense of this information, such answers are invaluable. Those of darkness discard them as valueless, but in actual fact, for them they are fatal and they know it.

Hence, always remember YOUR Truth is in YOUR heart - not in someone else's books or words. All you can gain from the external is the odd stimulus which will help awaken you to your truth within.

Having said that countless times, we still have people misrepresenting what we say and do. The evil ones still maliciously try to portray us as some sinister brain washing mechanism. How can that be when our motto is "Take it or Leave it", and our emphasis is to get people to always think for themselves? Their attacks exposed them in their mendaciousness and evilness, rather than having any relevance to what they are trying to portray. Be on the look out for such evil rats.


Bitter, traumatizing experience on this plane forces one to conclude that if one does reach a true higher plane of understanding, and the counterfeits of Darkness come to know of it, then the individual concerned must perforce face the taunts of their ignorant minds which act like black holes, destroying even the vaguest thoughts of illuminating revelations and the Light of Liberation.

You know well by now that many prosper in the Darkness, Ignorance and Depravity while those of gentle hearts, of True Divine essence, are distraught by it all, even reaching the point of wanting to give up, thus ensuring, if they do, their own destruction by the mental torture of not knowing why this is as it is.

The answer then is to know that Liberating knowledge is knowable and that one must never give up against the counterfeits who are a temporary aberration on the face of creation. These facts -

of the Liberating knowledge,

of the existence of a False creation,

of the temporary nature of this counterfeit creation,

of the need to fight it continuously,

of the need to never give up against it,

- are the fundamental tenets of Gnosticism!



On the 23-26 April, Amitakh and I, at short notice, accepted an invitation to speak at a 4 day meeting organized by Joyce Murphy of Beyond Boundaries. Suffering from laryngitis, Amitakh cancelled her segment and gave a short talk the following day to that scheduled. I filled in the time that had been made available to the 2 of us.

Over 4 hours with appropriate rest periods, I gave a dissertation on the material our readers are familiar with and also answered questions the audience had.

The Transformational Phenomenon with which we are now quite familiar was again witnessed, even more rapidly in fact in those attending. Most had NOT heard of us or this information. The polarization in most was instantaneous, dramatic and extremely obvious. A great number lit up like Christmas trees as they joyously approached me after the presentation to say how they just knew what they had just heard was true for them. They were jubilant and exuberant in their effusive happiness and felt like old friends, as indeed is the case, for most of them are the True Beings we were seeking to connect with, awaken, and prepare for evacuation.

Others could be seen grappling with the programming of the outer mind, sifting information here and there, trying to make sense of their own confusion.

A few, in minority, were exposed in their evil essence, and their countenances had the turbid, turgid darkness of anger and vindictiveness. They became black in their auras and sullen, scheming even as they stood there, on how best to attack. And attack they did, with all the irrationality we have come to know from such creatures. They asked me questions which misquoted me, even minutes after I had said the opposite to what they were implying; they attempted to argue, all out of ignorance, and eventually fell into the personal attack of name calling and unjustified abuse. The scene is all so familiar.

Being exposed in their ontological nature, which is not of Light, they tried to place the onus for their malediction on me by claiming I labelled them evil for not believing my words. In fact, I had done no such thing. Remember this point clearly: They are evil to begin with. They then reject the Truth of what I present. It is not a case of them rejecting and then being labelled evil. It is not a case of being called evil because they reject. They reject because they are evil. It is a very important point and it should be clear in your minds.

Some True Beings, on first meeting this information, reject it for whatever the reason initially, and then slowly awaken to aspects of it which resonate with their truth within. They do not feel that in the initial rejection they are evil. But the evil beings know they are evil and can never, ever accept this information of the planetary end and the call for their accountability and so they obfuscate the issue. They are branded by their own maliciousness and evil traits.

This Endtime is all about exposing Evil, about the War between Good and Evil, about the personal War each of us is engaged in and about the Final Destruction of Evil with Liberation of the Trapped beings of Light. The Plan of Correction involves destruction of all manifestations of Evil including the physical structures and counterfeit beings who have refused on countless occasions to embrace the Light. That this is so must be clear in your minds so you will not become confused. All aspects of existence in this Plane of Virtual Reality are fragmenting for this very reason. There are no other valid reasons, hence do not let others lead you astray!

On the final day of this Rainbow meet, one demonic counterfeiter yelled out: "You are wrong! Nothing is going to happen!" And this was inspite of the volume of material I had presented the previous day.

It behooves each of us, who are interested, to examine the evidence and make up our own minds. But it is stupidity and foolishness, a gross Act of Destructive Denial in fact, to say NOTHING is happening.

*       Global Warming is a reality.

*       HIV-AIDS affecting all countries is a reality.

*       Gulf War Syndrome affecting diverse populations, including the USA, Australia, and Britain, is a reality.

*       Terminal Madness of the Endtime, as witnessed in increasing violence, rage and debauchery everywhere in the planet is a reality.

*       Mad Cow Disease is an epidemic which, with these other diseases, will exterminate the physical aspect of humanity.

*       Diseases such as Hepatitis, parasitic infestations, various infective encephalopathies are reducing immunological protection of biological entities and are making all more susceptible to fatal encounters with previously less pathogenic agents.

*       Zoonotic diseases ARE on the increase.

*       Demonic activity as witnessed in rising paedophilia, female and child violence, even murder, IS increasing.

*       Suicides, reflecting psychic fracture ARE increasing.

*       Flora and Fauna loss is a reality.

*       Sterilization of humanity and other biological entities is a reality.

*       Unprecedented Ozone Depletion is occurring.

*       Ufos are being seen increasingly all over the globe. They are real as are other realms, dimensions and realities.

*       Abductions are occurring everywhere and their valid basis is unquestionable.

*       Alien hybrids, in the form of chupacabras, are real.

*       More and more people everywhere are receiving messages of Earth's finality. Their experiences ARE real.

*       New diseases, especially prionic diseases, ARE appearing and old ones are returning.

*       The pathogenicity of viruses, bacteria, fungi and algae HAS changed for the worse.

*       Salination is destroying all lands, and crops are failing.

*       Poisonous algae IS killing coral reefs, sealife, and animals everywhere.

*       Dangerous pollution of soil, food, air and water IS a reality all over the globe.

*       Inexorable financial collapse of systems IS occurring.

*       Exposure of an evil essence in all strata of consciousness is being seen by all, whether they want to or not!

*       A sense of the numinous, of impending unprecedented change, of apprehension in some, of elation in others, is occurring all over the globe.

*       Fear, anxiety and depression of spiritual failures is obvious in their erratic behaviour and in their search for escapisms even though they may blame instability of more mundane features in their lives.

*       Sale of illegal and legal drugs such as psychotropics, is exploding in a bid by those who do not comprehend, to cope with changing conditions. Their actions are a clear indication, in fact, that something dramatic IS affecting their lives, over which they have no control.

*       Evidence of massive cover-ups by governments, religions, politicians, other archons, IS mounting daily, indicating this plane has been subjected to confusion and ignorance to prevent True Beings awakening to what has happened.

*       Malicious, unjustified attacks on those, like ourselves, who try to assist the awakening of others, DO occur. They clearly demonstrate that there IS an Evil force which does not want the Correction of this horror.

Anyone denying that something is happening to the globe and all living things, in the face of this evidence and this information, deserves being called ignorant and foolish.



*       The degree and extent of evil and corruption in all societies are nauseating and, for many of fair heart, almost unbearable to witness. It is worse than seeing thousands of baby seals being clubbed to a bloody death, as they scream in pain for mercy, every moment of the day, before our very eyes. Every day henceforth, the depth of the depravity and the profundity of Evil in this planet will be exposed to such an extent that no one of Justice will have any doubt whatsoever that it must all be destroyed totally and forever!

*       To be rejected by the Evil Beings is not a true reflection of one's worth. In fact, chances are that the more of Light and of Truth something is, the more vehemently it will be rejected by the ignorance of fools of Darkness!

*       Forty percent - yes 40 % of applicants seeking work at a major Queensland abattoirs failed drug testing! Australia Meat Holdings claims drug problems plague many such plants. As I previously reported in these pages, the various Police Heads in the Clever Country have lamented repeatedly that they have failed in the war against drugs.

*       On April 15, 1998, our major daily newspapers carried a report that inefficient and insufficient border controls around Australia are allowing the illegal air-trafficking of money, gold and drugs.

*       Confusion abounds! The average persons in the street appear to have few specific ideas about what is going on in the world apart from a sense of foreboding, even futility and doom, which they explain away by reference to things in their own lives which they see going wrong. Hence they explain away their feelings of unhappiness, insecurity and anxiety by pointing to financial loss, or deteriorating relationships, physical illness, perhaps even to the incomprehensibility of weak governments whose policies place their jobs, egos and well-being at risk, even though it appears these factors are beyond government policies.

*       More on the Multilateral Agreements on Investment (MAI):The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a sort of rich man's club consisting of the 29 richest nations, has rejected the tenets of the MAI and postponed a decision in Europe for another 6 months. Led by France, which is the least sycophantic to US bullying, the objections are many, with the 3 strongest being loss of national cultural identity, the ability to make nations, who disadvantage cartels, pay by prosecution and literal persecution, and thirdly, the clause which would allow the USA to control other nations' investments in countries such as Libya, Cuba and Iran. With the slightest amount of insight, the evil Zionist agenda is once again exposed. Can you not see these are the countries called pariah states by the Zionist-controlled USA? If the Agreement is ratified, what is there to declare any country a pariah and destroy it? Indeed these are dangerous times and if you cannot see the perverse One World Order Control of the planet you are seeing less than is there for you to see.



Half a century of genocide and Horror":

"What begins badly must end badly". Thus affirmed Alfred Lilienthal, a non-Zionist Jew on the establishment of Israel, in his book "The Zionist Connection". The illegitimacy of this "nation" is exposed abundantly by him and he goes on to say that "It is hard to find a document that has wrought more tragedy to the world than the Balfour Declaration". (p27) This was the document supposedly forming the basis for the establishment of Israel. In fact, the terms were hijacked by the Zionist Movement started by Theodor Herzl in 1897. For those who want to shout anti-Semitism in an unreasonable fashion once again, let me quote from page 14 of Lilienthal's book: "The two most powerful Jewish organizations in Britain -the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Anglo-Jewish Association - as well as many American Jews - sympathized with the cultural aspects of Zionism and supported a Jewish community in the Holy Land that would secure in the enjoyment of civil and religious liberty and would receive equal political rights with the rest of the population ... Led by Secretary of State for India Edwin Montagu, who insisted that Jews be regarded as a religious community and himself as a Jewish Englishman, these anti-Zionist Jews fought the establishment of any Jewish nation!"

What do these quotes tell us? They tell us that there are Zionist and non-Zionist Jews and that inspite of all precautions, the evil Zionist element took over the Holy Land, actively pursued a policy of genocide against the Palestinians and evicted most of them from their own land, something that they were never meant to do. It is for these reasons the Arabs are so upset with the Zionists. It is not because they are of a different religion. In fact, Zionism is not religious at all as the above quote shows. It is on the basis of these facts that Lilienthal affirmed a bad end to Israel. If you want to argue, take it up with him.

I do admit I see a massive bloodbath in the Middle East which is unavoidable and it will destroy Israel in due course as WW 3 gets under way there. Evil is self destructive.

Let us confirm that this is the case from a point of view of experiential pragmatism: We all witnessed the truth of what is going on and heard for ourselves the state of dissention on our TV sets.

*       On April 30, a Zionist member of the Knesset who had been a terrorist, murdering Palestinians from the early days of the Zionist action and admitted he was proud of his demonic actions, complained the Palestinians had built a flour factory on what was Palestinian land. He claimed the fact that they built the factory was provocative and that they, the Arabs, should all be forced out of the West Bank and Gaza strip. How can there be peace with such expressed hatred?

*       Another Jewish so-called Freedom Fighter who had been in the Zionist ranks apologized for his murderous ways and said what the Zionists had done and were doing was wrong. At 85 years of age he was still trying, in his way, to make reparations. But there are too few who think like him.

*       Right there on our TV, on May 1, we saw non-Zionist Jews, who wanted to live in peace and harmony with the Arab brothers and sisters, clashing with Zionist Jews who wanted to eradicate the lot. This demonstrates clearly that not all Jews are Zionists!

*       Right there on the TV screens the whole world saw Ultra Orthodox Jews verbally attacking the malicious, militant Zionists and claiming they were heretical in creating a state of Israel before the advent of the "Messiah", thus clearly demonstrating that Zionism is not religious, in fact as many have said, including myself and the Lilienthal I quoted above, Zionism is the enemy of true Judaism!

*       Why do Zionists argue these points and become violent, hateful and vindictive when they are exposed, as I expose them in this format of self-evident truths, even though they have been displayed on TV, and all media facets, repeatedly around the world, for ALL to see? Because they are depraved liars and murderers of men and the truth, as Jesus said they were, 2000 years ago, and as recorded in the Gospel of John chapter 8. They are immutably evil demons from the stinking Darkness of Jehovah's Hell! In wanting to argue, they are claiming that not just I and all other non-Jews who hold these views are wrong, IN THEIR EYES, but also that all non-Zionist Jews are wrong, all Religious Jews are wrong, the whole world, in fact, is wrong. But we are not. We have them accurately assessed and they have nowhere to hide. The Correction for Eternity is upon them. The hatred they manifest is as much a manifestation of the fear they have within them as it is of the self-destructive evilness they can no longer hide. Sure these latter concepts are metaphysical in nature, but they are reflected indubitably in the unmistakable pragmatism of their actions of murder and mendaciousness, before the world's TV screens, and in their actions against their fellow Racial Jews in Israel, and the rest of the world, and in their clashes, which are physical, philosophical, cultural and religious, with ultra orthodox Jews.

When I went to Israel to lecture, it was obvious the Palestinians were being starved out of their own land. They were decimated by cruelty and their livelihoods reduced to stark poverty. How could a community which claims a religious basis do that to them? The fact of the matter is the Zionist basis of Israel, to which many non-Zionist Jews still strongly object, is not of a religious basis at all. It is of a malicious, expansionist regime, very similar to Nazism, propped up by the greedy Zionist USA Foreign Policy to the detriment of all who do not agree with their expansionism. That is why non-Zionist Jews and religious Jews clashed with American Zionist Jews and want nothing to do with them.

Only liars and fools would call these self evident truths anti-semitism in order to hide their own dishonesty and malice.

If we are to reduce the scenario to a case of anti-Semitism versus anti-Christianity, let me add that I had many lively discussions with Zionist Jews who insisted they were right to assassinate Jesus for blaspheming when He called Himself a Son of God. Is this not malicious in the extreme? If there is but One God as the Jews themselves claim, then we must all be children of God. The males are sons and the females daughters. Where then is the blasphemy? The heritage is affirmed by the Jewish faith which calls all Jews the Chosen People. Jesus was a racial Jew, hence he was indeed a special Son of God belonging to the Chosen Race. Again I ask: "Where is the blasphemy?" Do you not see that is an excuse they use to self-justify a murder of an Avatar. What could be more evil? And yet they are the ones who squeal whenever one points anything they do not like out to them. Every time they bring up the ludicrous and spurious charge of "anti-Semitism", one should counter with the valid charge of anti-Christ and anti-Truth!


Born Again -- from Guilt.

In the United States two women have recently been executed for their murderous acts. Fifty-four-year-old Judy Buenoano, known as the "Black Widow", was executed for poisoning her husband in 1971. Buenoano, who was given the nickname by a Florida prosecutor who said she preyed off her mates and her young, passed 13 years on Florida's death row writing letters, crocheting blankets and baby clothes, and maintaining her innocence. "I have eternal security and I know that when I die I will go straight to heaven and I will see Jesus," she recently said. But unlike Karla Faye Tucker, the pickaxe killer executed in Texas last month, Buenoano did not get sympathy from religious circles. She had collected more than $240,000 in insurance money from the deaths of her husband, a son, and a boyfriend in Colorado. Colorado never prosecuted her. The crimes dated back to 1971, but Buenoano never aroused suspicion until 1983, when her fiancee John Gentry survived a car bombing attack in downtown Pensacola. During the investigation, Gentry told police that Buenoano had given him "vitamins" that made him sick. She was sentenced to 12 years in prison for the car bombing, and Gentry's story about the vitamins led investigators to unravel a web of crimes against her family members.

In 1984, a jury convicted Buenoano of killing her partially paralysed 19-year-old son, Michael Goodyear, and sentenced her to life in prison. Prosecutors say she gave four different versions of what happened, but that she pushed him out of a canoe near Pensacola's East River in 1980. "It wasn't an accident. The guy was paralysed," Edgar said. "He had 15 pounds of braces on his legs without a life jacket. He was taken up the river in a canoe and basically pitched out." Goodyear's autopsy revealed traces of arsenic in his system. Although it was never proved, prosecutors believed his crippling illness resulted from her poisoning him. Buenoano's death sentence resulted from a 1985 conviction for killing her husband of nine years, Air Force Sgt. James Goodyear. The elder Goodyear, Michael's father, died of arsenic poisoning in 1971, just three months after returning from a year's tour of duty in Vietnam.

On June 13, 1983, Tucker and her then-boyfriend, Daniel Ryan Garrett, stabbed two sleeping victims -- a man and woman -- dozens of times with a two-foot pickaxe. (She has previously described the killings as an unbelievable sexual experience.) The killings were apparently motivated by revenge. One of the victims had dripped motor oil on Tucker's living room carpet and cut up photographs of Tucker's mother, published reports said. When she committed the murders, Tucker was a drug-addicted rock-band groupie and prostitute. The daughter of a prostitute, Tucker took heroin at age 12 and became a prostitute at age 14. By the time she was 18, Tucker had already had an abortion, was divorced, and had spent time in jail. But 14 years ago in prison, Tucker became a Christian. Since then, she married Protestant prison chaplain Dana Brown and has made videotapes for anti-drug programs. She sought to have her death sentence commuted to life in prison on the grounds that she was no longer a threat to society.

Many people have advocated Tucker's cause, standing up for her as character witnesses or sympathizers. They include prison guards, former prosecutors, the detective who arrested her, and the brother of the woman she murdered. Pope John Paul II, the United Nations, the European Parliament, United Church of Christ president Paul Sherry, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) president Richard Hamm, Joan Brown Campbell of the National Council of Churches, and television evangelist Pat Robertson all have asked Texas Gov. George W. Bush to commute Tucker's sentence to life in prison. As we noted, both women have been executed. These questions arise: what is "innocence" or purity of heart? What is the nature of these women's relationship to Jesus Christ? What is a "religious conversion" or being "born again"? What investment does the Christian Church have in declaring that it "saves souls"? In the case of Judy Buenoano, the "Black Widow," and in the case of Karla Faye Tucker, both women proved to be model demons in jail. Both believed that God would welcome them with open arms. In jail, they learned to play the game called "religion," which miraculously brings a totally clear conscience to the most vicious murderers. Why is that? Because they are cunning enough to realize that is their only way to gain sympathy, to wash away all of their sins in "Jesus's blood," to find acceptance in the arms of religious sympathizers and evangelists, to reduce their sentences, and to be seen as "good" and no longer "evil."

The Pope and Pat Robertson line up to plead for this person's life. Why is that? Because this will bring in untold millions of dollars from the brainwashed, indoctrinated, robotic population, who have also been sold "redemption" in absolutely false "born again" experiences. This is the Church's business. This is how it sells its product. This is how it claims the power to transform evil into good. This is how it claims the status as righteous and rightful intermediary between mankind and God. This is why they rush to elevate a "born again Christian" of the most ill repute to the level of "purity" and "sanctity" in God. But it is all a total lie. The Church does not have the true power, authority, or ability to save anyone's soul. Memorize the Bible and you are transformed into a "true believer" and "servant of God"? No way. The churches would soon collapse without their fallacious authority to sell salvation and redemption to the masses, convincing them that no matter what they do or have done, they too can go "straight to heaven." What else is the Church good for other than to make evil appear good, and to mock the True God of Purity and Justice?

The New Age Movement goes even further, does it not? and in fact rewards no matter what you have done, saying that there is no need for guilt and repentance, no need for remorse, for there is no evil, no judgement, no accountability and that whatever you did, even the most evil, gruesome, vile acts, were all for the good of the "universe". No wonder the robots and demons love to be part of it. They can carry on in any disgusting manner, energetically spiritually murdering True Beings without guilt. The smallest amount of common sense tells us this idiocy cannot be valid.



*       The virtual admission by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as reported in daily newspapers on April 16, 1998, that something had to be done to better regulate currency speculators (the likes of the demon George Soros) vindicates Malaysia's PM Mohammed Mahathir and his opinion that Zionist raiders had produced the Asian Currency collapses. Not often has such clear victory for a truthful one occurred on this level. But expect more everywhere, especially from this Source, as the illusion fractures inexorably in the Endtime. Although the Archons would like to continue being as nefariously devious as always, they are being exposed more and more as the systems collapse.

*       As regular readers are aware, I have asserted and affirmed that the consciousness of the "Financial Being" is fatally wounded. Massive collapses of economic structures around the world, particularly the "Asian Tiger economies" of late, and of Japan, but previously of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc., etc., lend credence to this assertion.

Against this we have the paradox of ever-increasing Stock Market Indices. What is going on? In the face of increasing poverty, increasing unemployment, financial collapse of many nations and growing anxiety and insecurity, the reason why the indices are climbing is that the demons and robots are buying HOPE - false hope. The markets are not worth what the indices say. There is not the equity in them, no parity. Watch how this artificial house of cards folds in the not-too-distant future!

Each month revisions are made to the economic forecasts of places such as the USA and Australia. Indeed, they will falter and then collapse. Of that there is no doubt. These short articles which follow are offered as an insight into the evilness of the "financial being's" workings and of the exploitative destructive nature of Capitalism in general.

1       The mighty gap between the world's rich and poor:

From various sources: The wealth of the world's 358 billionaires is greater than the combined annual incomes of nearly half the world's people, according to a United Nations report highlighting the growing gulf between rich and poor countries. Warning that the disparity threatens an instability that can only be tackled by a new international solidarity, the UN's human development report said 1.6 billion people in 100 countries had lower living standards now than in the 1980s. Richard Jolly, chief author of the study, called for a three-pronged strategy to reverse the trend: a target of 3% per capita growth in the poorest countries, an emphasis on making expansion sustainable and more equitable, and action to avoid the five forms of undesirable growth. The UN described these as jobless growth, ruthless growth where only the rich benefit, anti-democratic, voiceless growth, unsustainable futureless growth, and rootless growth, which tramples on cultural identities. The report said that whereas the richest 20% of the world's population were 30 times better off than the poorest 20% in 1960, they were now 61 times wealthier. "If present trends continue, economic disparities between industrial and developing nations will move from inequitable to inhuman," said James Gustave Speth, the American who heads the UN Development Programme. The UNDP commissioned the report, the seventh in a controversial annual series covering the world economy from a perspective that does not put economic growth top of the agenda. The report ranked the countries of the world according to a human development index - measuring life expectancy, education and real income - rather than by gross national product. Canada, the United States, Japan, the Netherlands and Norway were the top scorers, with Britain in 16th place, behind Finland, Spain and Australia. Barbados, Bahamas and South Korea were top scorers among developing countries. Economic growth had failed for a quarter of the world's people, leading to a global polarisation, the report said. Eighty-nine countries were now worse off than they were 15 years ago, while 15 countries, mainly in Asia, had experienced a dramatic surge in economic growth over the same period. Malaysia had grown by 3.5% and China and Korea by 8.2%. One of the most important findings of the report is that the east and south-east Asian countries which have grown fastest have also been the most fair in the division of income and assets such as land and credit. These countries invest heavily in education and social services, the report underlined. The high-performance Asian states are also among those that have successfully tackled the world wide problem of unemployment. (Mauritius, Japan and Sweden are other examples of government commitment to job protection.)

A study of 69 countries showed that of the 46 with economic growth, more than 40% experienced jobless growth. The Nobel economics prize winner Robert Solow, in a provocative essay in the report,described as a paradox the fashion for sustainable development and the lack of interest in the inequalities of today. "Those who are so urgent about not inflicting poverty on the future have to explain why they do not attach even higher priority to reducing poverty today."

2       Bankruptcies, in the USA,

These increased by 19% in 1997 to a Record High of 1.4 Million Filings; The record number of filings is driven by consumer filings, which comprised more than 96% of all filings in 1997. Last year, consumer or non-business filings rose to a record high of 1,350,118 filings, a 20% increase from 1996. By contrast, business filings rose only about 1% up from 1996. "The sustained growth in consumer bankruptcy filings correlates to rising levels of household debt," said Samuel J. Gerdano, executive director of the American Bankruptcy Institute. "The numbers have startled many in Congress, who intend to examine whether changes in current law are necessary." Congressional hearings on the state of bankruptcy and legislation aimed at reform of the bankruptcy laws were scheduled to start in March.

3       The Rich Get Richer .. And the working class strikes out.

According to a yearly study published by United for a Fair Economy (UFE), a Boston think tank, not only are the rich getting richer at the expense of the classes below them, but the pace is accelerating. The average net worth of the wealthiest 400 individuals increased by almost a third. An increasing number of Americans have stagnating incomes, declining savings and limited retirement options. "The reality is that the American economy has not worked that well for the average person in the last 20 years, certainly not like it has for the rich." The top 5% of the population holds 60% of the nation's net worth, while the rest split up the remainder.

The result of this increasing disparity is reported in another recent study, "Hunger in a Global Economy: Hunger 1998," released by the Washington, D.C.-based Bread for the World Institute, showing the U.S. with the highest wage inequality of any industrialized nation. According to David Beckmann, president of the food advocacy group, four million U.S. households suffer from moderate to severe hunger. "We sat by quietly," says Beckmann, referring to last year's budget debate, "while federal efforts to reduce poverty and hunger have been dramatically scaled back. The only thing that got cut were programs affecting poor people." (Now you know how Clinton balanced his budget! -ed.) Bread for the World is urging the U.S. Congress to pass the Hunger Has A Cure bill, which would fund nutrition programs that were previously cut or eliminated.

Collins' UFE also wants a change. "For the past 20 years," he says, "American workers have stepped up to the plate and hit sacrifice flies so our nation's rich can score.



1        Boys Held in Sexual Assault of 3-Year-Old

Dallas, via Reuters: 3 boys, 7, 8 and 11 years old, are being held for allegedly sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl, police said Tuesday. The boys are accused of hitting the girl with a brick and a shoe, then stripping her and sexually assaulting her, Dallas Police Department spokesman Ed Spencer said."It is the most unspeakable and horrible crime, and even veteran detectives who have investigated so many horrible crimes in the past are shocked over this," he said. The incident occurred on Thursday in a west Dallas neighbourhood. The victim was playing in her front yard when the boys allegedly grabbed her and took her to a nearby creek. After the assault, the girl was dragged across a concrete culvert and thrown into a shallow pool of water. She was found wandering the street, bruised and bleeding. Her mother said she was in good condition physically but was mentally traumatized by the attack. Spencer said the two younger boys were brothers and were in the custody of a state agency for children. Because they are under 10, they cannot, under Texas law, be charged with a criminal offense. But the 11-year-old can be prosecuted and could face up to 40 years in prison if convicted of the crime, Spencer said.

2        CEOs Reap Millions From Massive Lay-Offs

Downsizer Dozen Roll in Dough while Dumping Workers. A new survey of corporate downsizing and executive pay finds that the CEOs of lay-off leaders are enjoying multi-million dollar pay hikes while their workers suffer. Preliminary findings from the study, Executive Excess: CEOs Gain From Massive Downsizing, conducted by United for a Fair Economy and the Institute for Policy Studies, focus on the Downsizer Dozen. The Downsizer Dozen list spotlights CEOs who have enriched themselves enormously while presiding over the destruction of thousands of jobs. "For ordinary Americans, there is no greater symbol of betrayal by corporate America than CEOs cashing in as they lay off workers," said Chuck Collins, Co-Director of United for a Fair Economy. "The pain of corporate downsizing should not be someone else's gain." While CEO pay keeps heading skyward, workers still make less in real wages than they did in the 1970s. Highlights from the Downsizer Dozen:

- American Express Company announced layoffs of 3,300 workers in 1997. CEO Harvey Golub earned an incredible 229% increase in take-home pay over 1996, including $27 million in options gains. His annual compensation of $33.2 million equals the total annual pay of 1,500 employees earning the average 1997 weekly wage of $424.

- Eastman Kodak led the lay-off pack with announcements of over 20,100 workers in 1997. They have made additional lay-off announcements in 1998. CEO George Fisher didn't get a bonus in 1997, but he exercised stock option gains worth $8.7 million, increasing his total 1997 compensation by 96%. Fisher's total compensation of $10.7 million is equal to the pay of 487 average US workers.

- International Paper Company announced plans to lay-off 9,215 workers in 1997. They rewarded their CEO, John T. Dillon, with a 140% increase in salary and bonuses. Whirlpool Corporation announced 4,700 layoffs and gave CEO David Whitwam a 47% pay hike. Adding in longterm compensation and exercised stock options, Whitwam walked away with a whopping 133% pay hike.

- Barbie-maker Mattel announced over 3,174 job cuts, with 2,700 workers in Mount Laurel, PA taking the biggest hit. Chairwoman Jill Barad got a 29% increase in salary and bonuses from 1996. But her $9.1 million in long term compensation gave her a hefty 126% total pay hike.

3        The Financial Being IS dying!

Asian Tigers, then Japan, then China, then Europe, then the US will collapse, as I see it. Tokyo Woes - Japan is now economically dying. There are more and more homeless. People have not realised how really serious the current situation is. It is a threat to the world economy. As with the rest of Asia, Japan's problems stem from a crippled financial system. By some estimates, the sum of bad debts is greater than the entire Chinese economy. To make matters worse, Japanese banks have lent huge sums to the rest of Asia. They do not expect to get much of it back. More than 1 and 1/2 thousand companies went bankrupt in February. Japan's unemployment rate is at a record high and is set to go even higher. Safes have become a boom industry as banks, government and institutions are not trusted. Japan's public debt is the highest in the OECD and interest is rising.

I have reproduced these facts here to highlight the absurdity and obscenity of such inequality and the mechanism by which we will see increasing poverty, social unrest and eventual financial collapse. Greed for personal wealth and profits are behind these moves and greed is one of the deadly sins. No good can come from this trend. It is evil just like usury is and will result in another aspect of evil's self-destructiveness in the Endtime. Had this been a less evil system, the profits from efficiency and technology would have been shared more equitably with the robots and drones by the archons. But then it would be easier to teach pigs to fly than to get evil to change its ways. And this we conclude from bitter experience!

The following email letters I received demonstrate that not all is well with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the rapacious arm of the Financial Being:

Email 1

Subject: NWO plan is not working even for the NWO; Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 00:47:49 +0000; "I just received a phone call from the Lyndon LaRouche organization and they have very good news about an upcoming meeting in April hosted by Robert Rubin. So far, 22 nations are coming to Washington to discuss the failure of the IMF and a return to The Bretton Woods (gold standard...pre Nixon floating economy). It seems the NWO plan is not working even for the NWO. The strongest voices here so far, are Japan, Mexico, Russia (Boris Yeltsin fired his cabinet who are all pro IMF) and yes, Robert Rubin! It is too hard to believe, so, they are sending me some news articles from the mentioned countries. I guess what has happened in Asia is about ready to happen all over and they are trying to avoid this! La Rouche had a meeting last Wed (in 10 years he has never had any of his meetings attended by the White House or Congress. This meeting was attended by 12 people from the White House and 23 people from the Hill. Maybe it's catching on. SB 1769 has now had an amendment added on to have a Bretton Woods conference. When I get more info I'll fwd so we can let Congress know what we think of the Federal Reserve and the IMF."

Email 2

Subject: IP: Helms wants books opened on IMF; Date: Tuesday, February 10, 1998; Copyright c 1998 The Associated Press;

" Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms said Tuesday he would oppose new financing for the International Monetary Fund until it lets Congress look at its books. Helms also predicted the Clinton administration "will face an uphill battle" in securing support for the 182-nation organization. Although the agency has put together multibillion dollar rescue packages for troubled Asian economies, Helms, R-N.C., wondered whether its "deadly prescription of higher taxes and higher interest rates is a proper cure for what ails these failing economies." The Clinton administration has requested about $18 billion for the IMF, in part to help refill the IMF's depleted coffers after it contributed $32 billion to the bailout packages for Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea. In his opening statement at a committee hearing that focused largely on Iraq, Helms said the administration, "under the guise of the so-called Asian crisis," has asked Congress "to forgo its normal legislative process" and provide authorization for the additional money in a supplemental bill rather than the normal fiscal year 1999 budget. "Until and unless the IMF opens its own ledgers to congressional review, I, for one, will oppose giving one more penny to the IMF," he said. Stanley Fischer, the IMF's deputy director, contended in an interview in Tuesday's edition of The Wall Street Journal that the organization must keep information about its operations confidential. The IMF cannot go public with its concerns about a particular country's economy because it would "risk the crisis against which it is warning," he said. Some lawmakers are concerned about the lack of attention to fixing problems related to political corruption in Asia. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said that as the administration tries to deal with the region's financial problems, "we are talking to countries generally about the importance of the political reform where appropriate," she said. The countries, she said, include Indonesia. Relatives of its President Suharto hold prominent roles in several of the country's large businesses. On Thursday, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, his deputy Lawrence Summers and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan will testify before Helms' committee.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Liberty's Educational Advocacy Forum.


As most of you know, on May 1, President Suharto announced there would be NO reform in Indonesia during his reign - even as his students clash with the military in the streets of an impending revolution! Let the greater fireworks begin. The IMF of course wanted 2 conditions which even Suharto rejected vehemently. And they were:

1        Removal of subsidies for food to the Indonesian poor. In other words the IMF was happy to starve the poor to gain an efficient infrastructure for manufacturing industries which would guarantee profits for the cartels it really represents.

2        Indonesia was to guarantee payments of debts to cartels and foreigners as a priority.

These 2 points confirm that the IMF is only interested in profits for the IMF and its investors. It could not care less for the people. In the Light of reason, it is exposed to be the rapacious evil beast most of us suspected. Here because of its own words and actions is the proof!

Wherever the IMF has invested, the benefit has been to the few of a nation. The masses are exploited even more as the archons and their cartels make more profit. What you see is an efficient infrastructure created, low paying jobs and gross exploitation. Chile - the miracle country of the IMF and World Bank - is a classical example of the fraud perpetrated on the people of the country, as were South Korea and the like. Just like the Clinton Administration, the governments of these countries pride themselves at having balanced budgets which are even in surplus. But if you examine them closely they have achieved these results by cuts in social services, in health care, in food assistance to the people, in housing, in fair police forces, etc., etc. The cartels win, the people lose. Wake up to their evil trickery. Even in Australia, with the invasion by the cartels, we have massive malls and glittery shops, monopolies and financial subjugation. But, but, the indigenes, the Australian people, are becoming poorer and poorer as the profits gush out of the country which is 90% foreign owned now. The glittery malls are a sign the little shop-keepers and the little people have been crushed. And that is NOT a good thing. This goes a long way to explain the increasing poverty in a country as rich as Australia. We have been reduced to paupers in our own land! And, if the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) is accepted. things for the people can only get worse. The rich will definitely get richer and the rest will sink into destitution.


The USA and Its Wealth

Some information on the US debt.

The US economy is a pyramid scheme and grand deception of the highest order. This is the real US DEBT, which creates an ILLUSION of abundance and a high standard of living:

- the declared national or public debt is $5.4 trillion;

- unfunded debt liabilities in the form of U.S. debt held by foreigners is $18 trillion;

- unfunded federal government liabilities are more than $5.1 trillion;

- Social Security alone has an unfunded liability of $2.8 trillion in pensions and another $1.3 trillion in unfunded health care commitments;

- consumer debt is over $5 trillion, including home mortgages of $4 trillion;

- business debt is about $5 trillion;

- federal government contingent liabilities are over $6 trillion, including $5.2 trillion in insurance on bank accounts, pensions and other commitments; $639 billion in loan guarantees for housing, student loans and loans to small businesses; 53 billion in unadjudicated claims and $237 billion in miscellaneous contingencies for such things as environmental cleanups at government nuclear facilities;

- Total so far is $44.5 trillion;

- add to this state debt (municipal bonds etc), money provided to the IMF and World Bank, etc. and you have a real US debt of close to $50 trillion; this is where all the new homes, skyscrapers, shopping malls, and apparent material progress comes from: DEBT. It is all an illusion, like the apparent prosperity of a person using a dozen credit cards, until he realizes he has a negative financial worth and goes bankrupt.

The entire United States is bankrupt.

Only 2% of Americans actually own their homes; with economic difficulties, the banks can take the remaining 98%, similar to what was done in the Depression. The financiers and bankers profit from the debt, by taking their interest, and by essentially owning everything in the US which is mortgaged or owed to them in whole or in part. Since the debt is more than everyone can pay, and all persons are held liable for the entire US debt - even those who are personally "debt-free" -- the financiers own everything.

If the current situation were to go on, when the declared national debt hits $6.5 trillion, interest on the debt will gobble up 85% of all personal taxes. That would go straight to the international financiers. Everyone is essentially working in economic bondage or slavery to the financiers, who own everything. When did they take control of, and ownership of, everything? Since the Depression, when laws were passed removing the backing of gold or silver from the US currency. Hence, all money is now worthless; it is not backed by anything but faith and credit of the federal government. And, because the government is really bankrupt, there is no substance at all behind money. It is just an illusion. This is how the entire United States has been stolen from its people by the Zionist international financiers. They have not only stolen the wealth of Third World nations, they have done the exact same thing in the US. The false promise of salvation via debt is the means by which they have taken control of everything, globally.

Abraham Lincoln was awake to the financiers and their scheming, as were some of the founding fathers, including Jefferson. Lincoln was going to put a stop to them by introducing interest free government funding. The Rockefellers got wind of this and paid John Booth to do him in at the Ford Theatre. The rest is history. Any, like Henry Ford, who attempted to bring this out in the open were financially crippled! Evil rules this plane - but being self-destructive, it has killed its own financial being by its own greed as we are now witnessing. That is the reason why I have placed this emphasis of finances in this newsletter at this time!



*        The functions of the CIA do not get much dirtier than this report shows: In a court in Berlin, Musbah A. Eter, after recanting his alleged confession implicating Libya in a 1986 disco bombing, said the real mastermind was the CIA! He claimed the CIA had hired the hit team under the leadership of a Libyan opposition figure, Mohamed Aschur. This has the hallmarks of the modus operandi used in the Lockerbie Air bombing, in which the CIA and Mossad were the real culprits. You will remember that US President Reagan retaliated with deadly and murderous air strikes on two Libyan cities. Add to CIA activities such things as establishing the Golden triangle for drug production in Asia, distributing "crack" to the ghettos of American cities, organizing coups and take-overs around the globe, setting off bombs in airplanes as they did with Pan Am 101 over Lockerbie, setting off the Holocaust (with the FBI) at Waco, etc., etc., and one obtains a clearer picture of its nefariously malicious, demonic nature. No wonder many call it the Central Imbecilic Agency: But, as I have attempted to demonstrate it's a lot more vicious than that.

*        Well, well, well. Will you look at that! Annwn Publications has made the cut onto the Australian equivalent of "hatewatch", the hate promoting Zionist propaganda machine. Fear not. These scoundrels of untruth will receive, in full measure, what they fully deserve soon enough. The many truths we have been asked to share at this time will become self-evident, as all truths must, in the fullness of time. In the meantime, just realize that inspite of their attempts to obfuscate the issue by black-hearted evilness, this information may assist even just one non-Zionist Jew, that is a non-evil Jew, trapped in their ranks, to see the Light. And then all our effort, all the struggle, will have been worth it. All the vituperative abuse from these demons will have been worth tolerating just to get one more into the real Light. As a rule of thumb, realize that the more these evil cowards and mendacious fools object, the more the information to which they object will be close to the truth!!



*        Dingo attacks have increased.

*        Volcanoes are awakening: Since last September, there have been some 8000 tremors in central Italy.

*        And the Indonesian fires rage on!

*        North American endangered rivers:

- The Hanford reach of the Colombia River (Washington), from the threat of agricultural development.

- The lower Snake River (Washington).

- Apple River (near Chicago, IL), polluted by hog farms.

- Pocomoke River (Maryland). Runoff from farms have contaminated the water with harmful bacteria, including a Pfiesteria outbreak last summer.

- Potomac River (Virginia/D.C.), still recovering from decades of pollution caused by human sewage, remains threatened by animal sewage.

- Other listed rivers include the Missouri River, from dams & channelization, the Kern River, in California, due to six hydropower dams, and the Colorado River Delta, the result of water being diverted into cities.

*        Cool, clear, clean water? Due to blue-green algae blooms and deteriorating water-quality affecting a network of waterways, Australia's Department of Land and Water Conservation recently issued health warnings. The public is advised to avoid direct contact with the water and to keep pets from drinking or wading in the water system.

*        Passive smoking: Borneo air-quality has hovered at dangerous levels for weeks, as forest and peat fires burn out of control. Uncontrollable fires in Indonesia have scorched an estimated 379,650 acres since 1 January, compared to at least 5 million acres last year.

*        Premature celebration? The once nearly unstoppable gypsy moth that destroyed thousands of acres of trees and shrubs across New Jersey (US) is said to be under control and should pose little risk this spring, agricultural officials announced. A bacterial insecticide spraying program and a potent imported fungus have greatly reduced the insect's population, which is expected to defoliate between 2000 and 5000 acres this year, compared to 28,000 acres just two years ago. The gypsy moth was accidentally introduced in the U.S. in the 1860s, by scientists trying to mate it with the silk moth. It eventually became a major problem for foresters in the Northeast U.S. Reminds one of the poisonous toad introduced into OZ, myxomatosis, the Calisi virus, etc., etc. They, the scientists, never learn. And they never apologize. If the fungus causes fatal disease, and the spray fatal infections to animals and humans, they will look for another agent to kill these unwanted side-effects -and the mockery will go on!

*        Water vapour has been detected in the atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Water has also been found around dying stars, newborn stars, in interstellar space, in other galaxies and in the atmospheres around Mars and all the outer planets, as in Titan. Big deal. All elements arise from intrastellar action, so what is so amazing that some form molecules like CO2, H2O, SO2, etc.?

*        Shortage of water will be a future reason for war!

*        Fragmenting impoverished Russia will fight as never before and will target the West for causing its woes, when the time comes. Few have been fooled by the antics of Yeltsin and the former fool Gorbachev. Even as they fade in misery, most Russians rue the day these 2 clowns were born.

*        The deadly tornados are just some of the karmic mechanisms to hit the US in coming months.

*        Britain, recently hit by the worst storm in half a century, is to cop it too, for its gross evilness,

*        Famines in Africa and elsewhere will get worse. The famine in North Korea again prompts claims of cannibalism. The medical aid group, Medecins San Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders), claims that North Korea is racked by violence, with some people resorting to cannibalism, as famine ravages the country.

*        April 1998 was Britain's wettest April in 98 years.

*        Losses in the ozone layer over the Arctic will worsen as a result of greenhouse gas accumulation, and the amount of loss by 2020 will be about double what would occur without this accumulation, according to a study by a team of climate scientists at Columbia University and NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Ozone losses had increased greatly in the 1990s over the Arctic and in late 1997 were the greatest ever observed, according to NASA.

*        Avalanches have caused the deadliest season for skiers in Canada, with 19 deaths recorded as of April.

*        California we have you pegged: A fault running from Hollywood through east Los Angeles, just one of about a dozen in the area, could deliver an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 to 6.8, imperiling hundreds of thousands of buildings in older sections of the city, according to a California Institute of Technology study. The fault runs below the surface of the city, to a depth of 10 miles.

*        Toxic waste in fertilizer, is being spread on crops: According to the report, 'Factory Farming, Toxic Waste and Fertilizer in the United States', released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in Washington D.C., more than 270 million pounds of toxic wastes were sent to more than 450 farms and fertilizer companies from 1990 to 1995, to be used in fertilizers that go on crops. By U.S. law, fertilizer makers are free to use raw materials that contain toxic components without having to disclose that fact to customers. The EWG report lists lead, cadmium, arsenic, dioxins and "other high-risk toxics" as substances that ultimately end up in the fertilizer. In response, the Fertilizer Institute states that few of the substances are truly toxic and that only about 4% of total fertilizer used nationwide contains the nutrients provided by industrial waste, adding that the practice allows for many wastes to be safely recycled. The toxic waste is usually shipped along with some other substance that fertilizer makers covet, such as zinc, an important corn nutrient. There are no federal regulations or fertilizer labelling requirements on the non-beneficial/toxic substances, only for those deemed beneficial. The report contends that toxins find their way into fertilizers because of loopholes in hazardous waste laws, and that current federal and state reporting make it impossible to determine whether these chemicals are being used on food crops. However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was quick to reply, in a prepared statement, that "The American food supply is the safest in the world." Why do they sound so much like the Tobacco Lobby.

*        Deaths in custody for whites are increasing in OZ.

*        As the issue of abortion rages on and enrages many, readers are advised to reread the chapters on Abortion in "Journey into the World of Metaphysics" which we published earlier.

*        National Terminal Madness of the Endtime: "Algeria has gone mad." Daily up to 50 innocent civilians are being slaughtered. Terrorism is way out of control. Every other day 1 village or another is all but wiped out. No one comes to intervene. There have been 100,000 deaths in 6 years.

*        Bill Moyer, in discussing the murder rampage in the Arkansas school by two young boys: "We still don't understand why it is some kids do these freakish, extraordinary acts of violence." You, reader, with this knowledge of "What's Going On" now know the answer!

*        The UN suspended programs to remove land mines and repair war damage in Afghanistan's Kandahar province after attacks on its staff by officials of the Taleban Islamic militia.

*        Police Terminal Madness of the Endtime: Canada's leading aboriginal groups demanded an independent, native-led inquiry into the deaths of a mother and her nine-year-old son on a reserve. A Royal Canadian Mounted Police constable fired a shotgun blast at the woman after she refused to allow a social worker into her home to take her four children and two grandchildren into custody.

*        Sport's Terminal Madness of the Endtime: American sports agents are fighting over the right to represent four baseball players who defected from Cuba.

*        Road Rage el supremo: Colombia's main rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, laid siege to one of the main roads. In an 8 hour gun battle between government and the rebels, 3 guerrillas, 2 civilians and 1 soldier were killed and 32 people were taken hostage.

*        Money, money, money: US companies ship stun guns to countries that practice torture. Amnesty International says electric-shock torture or the abuse of prisoners with shock devices has occurred in at least 50 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia. "Torturers seem to be discovering that electroshock stun weapons are ideal for their evil purposes - cheap, easy to conceal and hard to trace", says Brian Wood, who tracks the weapons internationally for Amnesty. Stun guns from the US, Asia and Europe wind up in countries whose governments practice torture.Taiwan exports shock batons to Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia. German- and South African-made stun weapons have turned up in Angola and Egypt. Mexico is becoming a production and trans-shipment site for American and Asian stun devices. It has also begun attacking its own people with the weapons. Commerce Department documents show that Washington has approved a dozen shipments of stun guns and shock batons over the past decade to Saudi Arabia despite that country's long history of brutalising prisoners.Prison guards in California, Arizona and Texas have been accused of tormenting inmates with stun batons. Five states have banned the devices. "It's one of those toys that enterprising manufacturers have developed that sound real good, but their potential for abuse is so great. And in the hands of a torturer, the "toy" can produce cruel, even fatal, results.

*        Justice is really all about money, not justice: Attorney General Williams wants judges to continue hearing cases when the defendant cannot afford legal representation, the so-called Dietrich defence. He says he wants to stamp out abuse which provides a legal loophole for the guilty, who he says use extravagant defence tactics, to qualify for the loophole. The Judicial Conference of Australia says that Mr. Williams is out of order. The High Court had ruled that a trial could not proceed if the defendant could not afford legal representation.

*        100 Israeli soldiers opened fire with rubber bullets and tear gas on 300 unarmed Palestinians who were protesting the seizure of their land; 6 were hurt.

*        He just did not bribe enough people: The former head of the Federal State Police in Mexico has been arrested in connection with drug running.

*        Kidnapping - a growth industry in some parts of Mexico.

*        Busy Billy: Another woman has emerged from Clinton's sordid past. It is alleged that he raped and sexually assaulted a campaign worker (Broadrick) in Little Rock during the late 70s. Former Miss America 1982 admitted she had an affair with Clinton when he was Governor of Arkansas. And although an Arkansas Federal Court Judge has thrown out the Paula Jones law case against Clinton, busy Billy is nowhere near out of the woods yet. Wait and see.

*        A picture has also surfaced showing Clinton's hand on a flight attendant's leg. In defence, he may say he was an anatomy student at the time. Don't laugh, he did smoke dope without inhaling, did he not? Has anyone ever drawn on a joint without inhaling? The bigger the lie ...

*        2 little, 2 late: The Irish Christian Brothers have apologised for physical and sexual abuse that took place in their schools and took out an ad in the papers to do it.

*        Remember what I wrote about Rock stars and other beautiful people earlier in our books? Britain's Pop star Gary Glitter was arrested for possessing and putting on the Net at least 50 pornographic photos involving children.

*        British bigotry and hypocrisy: It is official British Policy not to invest in Burma, yet Britain is investing in Burma.

*        Israeli Hypocrisy: Israel does not want the US peace plan to be publicly announced.

*        One of the biggest environmental hazards in the US comes from giant underground storage tanks which are leaking highly radioactive waste in S.E. Washington, reaching ground water which can then reach to the Columbia River. There are 177 tanks filled with 54 million gallons of radioactive waste. 67 of those tanks leak. It is estimated that 1 million gallons have already leaked out. Once it is in the water it will be impossible to retrieve it. It is thought it will reach the river soon. The potential cleanup cost is $50 billion in a slow, complicated and expensive process.

*        OPEC will reduce oil production in order to keep prices from falling even more. The suspicion that prices were forced down so that Iraq could not gain from its increased oil sales is valid.

*        The Australian waterfront battle has further deteriorated, even generating death threats. It will greatly hurt the ailing economy as it spreads.

*        Desert Rats reach home? Sydney is plagued by beach rats invading the sand dunes.

*        Growing numbers of Indonesian student activists are being rounded up by security forces. They are accused of plotting against the state. Indonesia will explode!

*        With the sentencing of Lemrick Nelson, who, six years ago, was acquitted of the murder of Yankl Rosenbaum, during New York race riots, but has now been found guilty of violating Rosenbaum's civil rights, New York will pay $2 million to the Rosenbaums for failing to protect Yankl. Could it be money gain, not true justice, was the aim after all? It has happened before!

*        Black Day for the Black Budget: In the first audit ever, of the entire US Federal Government, Washington is unable to account for significant portions of the $1.6 trillion it costs to run the government. Record keeping and control is so poor they do not provide a reliable source for decision making by the government or the public. The General Accounting Office report shows a $23 billion over payment in Medicare, a $1 billion over payment in Social Security, a $900 million improper Federal Housing subsidy, etc. Most agencies do not know what they have, what they spend or what they owe. If you see mental pictures of pigs at a trough, as you read this, you are gaining the true vision of the political landscape!

*        Land of the Free: There have been 6 incidents of pipe bombs and fire bombs, some targeting city officials, in Fremont, California.

*        An increasing number of pilots are leaving the US Air Force. In the last year, 632 have quit the Air Force to go with commercial airlines.

*        Why, the US is almost as clever as OZ, the self-proclaimed Clever Country: There is a lack of skilled labour, a shortage of qualified workers, in some areas in the US, according to the response of 88% of manufacturers queried. There is a need of basic skills, i.e. maths and writing skills, in addition to greater technical skills. Illiteracy is said to be about 40% in both countries which matches the 40% poverty levels!

*        Advance Australia Unfair: (For our US readers: Our National Anthem is Advance Australia Fair.) The High Court has found that the Commonwealth does have the power to make laws detrimental to Aborigines.

*        Kosovo is a detonator point for WW3

*        A shipping disaster off Africa's coast: a boat sank and 180 Somalis drowned. Did it make the news? Hardly!

*        Honest John lives up to his own standards: The Australian Prime Minister, (Honest) John Howard, has been accused of breaking his own Standards of Ministerial Conduct.

*        Bombs away in Spain by ETA again.

*        Big Bird, no fly: Cambodian rebels take credit for downing of government helicopter carrying diplomats and journalists.

*        53 of the 512 W.A. police under investigation are being investigated for serious corruption.

*        Mimicking the US cousins: A husband and wife have alleged RAAF sexual harassment and coverup.

*        The Chernobyl nuclear plant is unsafe again as the concrete sarcophagus covering is weakening and could be close to collapse.

*        IRA activity? A massive bomb was discovered in a car about to be loaded on a cross Channel ferry to Britain.

*        2 Americans have taken out a patent on a form of cloning -crossing animals with humans. The technology exists to create forms that have never existed, like a human chimp. (Shades of times past!) It is said that the intention of the Americans is not to do it, but to prevent it from happening, to give a 20 year moratorium. Do you believe them?



The battle against the demons continues, as does the saga with "hatewatch": Phil Mathews of [email protected] (the one who objected and reported us to hatewatch) wrote: "Just read your latest drivel! The tortured logic and hysterical tone of your response to the hatewatch listing are beautiful to behold. (Talk about anacoluthons!- ed.) Your pathetically weak defense (attempting to attack hatewatch for not including all of your rantings) failed to note that they provided a jump link directly to your site. Anyone interested can read all your precious words, and assuming IQ's above 75, see for themselves what an anti-semite you really are. And that is the hope- that thousands of people will avail themselves of the opportunity and participate in your exposure. Apply a little heat, and the water boils!!"

My Reply:

"YOU are a Zionist demon, of that there is no doubt, and you are obviously suffering profound effects of the Terminal Madness of the Endtime. Why do I say that? Your persistent, unreasonable maliciousness is the hallmark of demons. The description of my writings, which are highlighted by clarity if by anything, as being "tortured logic and hysterical tone" can only spring from a dysfunctional mind, hence, my conclusions.

You obviously peddle intolerance and hatred, and as an ontological Zionist-Jew, it is the likes of you who give ALL Jews a bad name. In reality therefore, it is you who is the anti-semite and increasing hatred for that race. That is exactly what demons do.

Each word of Truth you read will drive you further into the demonic insanity and the suffering of the damned. If only you had the slightest hint of what is in store for you, you would not have the arrogance of such destructive ignorance. But then, you would not be the fool you obviously are.

Time to filter you out, you time-wasting demon. But let me advise you that I will reproduce this communication in my newsletter to highlight the maliciousness of Zionists such as yourself and to demonstrate the correctness of the Axiom not to throw "Pearls before Swine ... "

And I will terminate this by, once again, in all fairness, affirming that all will receive what they truly deserve. Now that should make you happy. Or does it?"


None of you should be irate that this type of inadequate personality attacks this way. In fact, we should all be thankful, for his ilk demonstrates clearly the unreasonableness of the Counterfeit Creation, and of its robots and demons, and demonstrates ever-so-clearly why this earth, this plane, this entire dimension, must, MUST, be destroyed totally, and forever, as quickly as possible. Really, apart from resorting to name-calling, threats and violence, what else can they do? Are they going to explain the deterioration of the planet from an ecological, economic, religious or social perspective? Of course not. If they understood those concepts they would have enough functioning neurons left to accept what truly is going on. Indeed, this is a classical case where one who walks in the knowledge of the Light could validly, truly say "There, but for the Grace of the Highest Mind, go I".

If you disagree with this [email protected] attack, attack with all legal means. Attack, by all means, for he and his ilk represent the energy which has kept True Beings trapped, suppressed and abusively exploited for eons and eons and eons. That, in a small way, will be a measure of your concern that these spiritual scoundrels have had control of this plane for so long. They cannot have their way, they will not have their way. Thank God they are finished forever. This is a fight of those of Truth to survive against the hypocrites, liars and deceivers such as this "pmathews", of the Untruth! By the way, they are extreme cowards also. This Mathews has sent mail but never a return address!!


Other correspondence:

Letter 1            Value of our Newsletter

I enjoyed Newsletter #20 very, very much. I appreciate the effort that you go to in providing us with such an excellent insight into world affairs and conditions. The world would be the darkest hell without the Annwn Newsletters.

Peter Conway, Perth, Aust.


Letter 2            About Hatewatch

Copy of an e-mail sent to Hate Watch; Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 07:23:23 +1000; by "Philip & Kris Murrell" <[email protected]>

Dear Joseph and Amitakh, Below is a copy of an e-mail that I've sent to the Hate Watch people after having looked at what they've put on their web site re: Annwn Publications.

"Having worked professionally as a business writer and editor for some years, I must say I was far from impressed by the way in which you have edited an essay entitled "Holocaust Fact and Fiction" from Annwn Publications. The excerpts that you have strung together on your web site have been taken out of context and grossly misrepresent the information presented by Annwn Publications.

I have read most - if not all - of the books and other material published by Annwn Publications over the years, and have consistently been impressed by the objectiveness and clarity of these writings. The label `bigot' cannot fairly be applied to Dr Chiappalone, author of the above essay. Rather than being "a person who is intolerant, especially regarding religion, politics, or race" (ie Collins dictionary's definition of "bigot"), Dr Chiappalone is, in my view, intolerant of one thing only - EVIL. The publication "The Kingdom of Zion" from which the essay was extracted is full of factual information that can readily be verified by the serious and honest researcher. It deals in FACTS, NOT HATE. One can only assume that you either have not read and understood the writings of Annwn Publications and have misrepresented them out of ignorance; OR you have deliberately misrepresented these writings through maliciousness on your part.

My challenge to you is to either:

- reproduce the "Holocaust Fact and Fiction" essay IN FULL on your web site so that people can make up their own minds about it (preferably also giving details of the relevant book to refer to for further information); or - remove Annwn Publications from your web site. Revelation of truthful facts cannot be equated in any way with hate, even if such facts are unpalatable to some people.

Kris Murrell."

Best wishes to you both,


Letter 3            A Legal Perspective

Subject: From the Bar; Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 14:47:53 -0800 From: "Steffan M. Bertsch" To: Joseph & Amitakh Chiappalone.

I wish to thank both of you for your caring responses to my inquiries. To address the main question for both of you, "How does anyone become enlightened practising law?" I am uncertain. I received a bachelors degree in business administration from a public university and a juris doctor from a Jesuit law school. The chances of my awakening would seem hopeless to many by those two facts. However, I have always been an idealist and I entered law in hopes of correcting injustices. I took my first attorney job as a public defender (a court-appointed lawyer for indigent criminal defendants). I was not long into my career when I realized that I could get child molesters, drug dealers and murderers off on procedural technicalities, but, those who were factually innocent stood little chance. I watched case after case where liars prevailed and truth was crushed. My belief in justice was altered, but I continued to practice about eight years, until I could stand the stench no longer, and I took a five-year hiatus from the practice. I re-entered law about five years ago because I discovered so much fraud in the system that I naively thought that I could expose it. I was wrong. Not the courts, nor the governor, the attorney general, or the bar association of Washington State cared as I accused the Internal Revenue Service of illegally seizing property in the state. I now conclude that the American legal system is so hopelessly corrupt that there is no repairing it. While I have not studied many other legal systems, I believe that American "justice" has to be one of, if not the worst system on earth. It drags on with endless appeals so that only those with enormously deep pockets can prevail, but, much worse, it encourages expert testimony loaded with lies, rewards perjury, and punishes the just. (Our experiences tell us Australia is no better - ed.)

As a public defender I was given a great deal of respect in the courts and with my colleagues even though I represented the lowest caliber of people in the community; murderers and child molesters were often on my case load. Now that I represent honest and principled people who are being abused by the government, those having their property and liberty seized by the Internal Revenue Service, I have become like a cancer in the courts. Many deem me untouchable, but, there are still a few lawyers who surreptitiously support me and my causes. They cannot openly support me unless they want to face the same ridicule and abuse that I now do. However, it is pre-destined who will prevail in the court cases where it is a citizen against the government. My clients are occasionally thrown a bone, but rarely a victory.

I began representing the oppressed after attending a lecture on the sad state of America which was given by a "patriot" group near my house. As the speakers discussed the closing of National Park roads, the confiscation of property, and the elimination of rights in twentieth-century America, a light went off in my head. I am a student of American Revolutionary history (the politics, not the military aspects) and I had my inner voice shouting to me "THIS ALL HAPPENED IN 1798!" I realized that I should step in and do what I could to try to correct it.

After several years of attempting, I have concluded that the entire political system in America, with its pretended two-party system of democrats and republicans is far too corrupt to save. The democrats take our property while the republicans take our liberty, and no honest third party could ever get into the entrenched system of "legalized" bribery called lobbying. Even when a legislator is accidentally elected who has the characteristics of a classic liberal (John Locke style), that person is either rendered ineffective or destroyed. As bad as the situation seems on the surface, it is worse because the House and Senate don't run America, that is just the window dressing. There is a group of unseen people who make the decisions and are supported by our media and government in their every move. Honest people have no chance, but butchers in the system get the spoils. Nobody has been tried for the murders that occurred at Waco, and Waco is only one of America's more publicized governmental killings. Truth has almost no chance in America as the unseen group plunders.

At a different level, I have been able to read a few more of your materials. I can independently verify many of your statements. I discovered that zionists have secretly controlled the world for many centuries after exploring some of the mysteries in the cabbala (which was plagiarized from Babylonian Gnostic - ed.). Zionists use numerology and astrology to make decisions on naming children, holding weddings, forming incorporations, starting wars, etc., yet they scorn anyone who explores these sciences. Zionists know that numbers and letters vibrate at certain frequencies and therefore affect behaviors of both animate and inanimate things on this planet, and they use this knowledge to control the wealth and nations of the planet.

I also discovered that the Catholic church uses masses and other chants to call upon the power of the disembodied realm to accomplish many goals, such as stirring up unrest in the former Yugoslavia. The more I discovered, the more ironic I found it that I had been trained to think at a Jesuit university.

I tried for the longest time to wake people up to the truth of things as I saw them, and have belatedly realized that the vast bulk of people are "herd" animals and seem to have no minds of their own. Your explanation of why these people are zombies or robots is the best explanation that I have heard, and the one that makes the most sense. Therefore, I must reluctantly agree with you, that this planet has reached the point of no return because the ruling elite has all of the resources to control these unthinking humans who apparently cannot be awakened. All gains for liberty are temporary, and when they are made, this mass of zombies will be motivated to obstruct positive change on the physical level long enough for the insane disembodied realm to retake control.

I do have one question regarding one of your materials. I read that oxygen and prana don't mix, that they are like water and oil. I can't confirm this with physical research, and have not gotten an answer to it in meditation. However, one thing about it bothers me. The oxygen level on earth is being depleted rapidly because of industrialization resulting in the atmosphere being loaded with solids and heavy metals. This putrefaction of the air has been done for the ruling elite who control the "fossil" fuels and the elite assure the foul air by crushing development of environmentally clean energy sources. Further, the multi-national corporations such as Weyerhaeuser are destroying rain forests at unprecedented rates, certainly with the blessings of the ruling elite. By destroying the forests, the oxygen level drops lower, giving prana a "breathing" space in the atmosphere, which will increase awareness. What do you have to say about this seeming anomaly? Did the rulers make an error, or are they finally showing the insanity that seems to prevail in the disembodied realm?


My Reply:

Many side-effects of destructive evil have unwanted effects as far as Evil is concerned, but welcome effects as far as True Beings are. E.g. the spate of Sci-fi films awoke aliens in human bodies quickly, even though Evil did not have that intention. Its archons were only out to make a buck from the trend. Likewise, oxygen depletion from pollution allowing prana to remain a little longer in the oxygenated atmosphere is not wanted by evil but a result anyway. Evil incidents in one's life often alert one to the presence of Evil which may not be suspected if the life is led in illusional happiness.

Crises often call for re-evaluation of life, even though the evil process did not intend this. Evil only intended to crush the person involved and extract the energy. By alerting it to the presence of evil, the individual has a chance to awaken.

It is obvious the "system" has awareness of individuals and their actions. Those whose activities enhance the illusion or increase suffering, those who abide by the evil rules, thereby augmenting it, prosper. The moment one moves against the system, to either expose it or try correction, the system becomes intolerable and destructive.

Having gone through a Jesuit grinding mill, it is a miracle you escaped! We have had many first hand experiences of the corruption of the legal systems in Australia and the USA. *

Purdue University Press Releases Major New Work on the Relationship between Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence. "Despite decades of scientific research, we are only beginning to understand the roots of violence that connect child maltreatment, spouse and partner abuse, and aggression in our neighbourhood and communities. Edited by Randall Lockwood, the vice president for training initiatives for the Humane Society, and Frank Ascione, a professor of psychology at Utah State University, `Cruelty to animals and interpersonal violence' presents in one convenient volume historical, philosophical, and research sources that explore the connection between maltreatment of animals and societal repercussions. Is it coincidence that serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer mutilate animals as youngsters before moving on to humans? Is it coincidence that child and spouse abusers display violent tendencies toward family pets? Is it coincidence that in homes where elders have been abused that pets have been too? Alan Beck, the co-author of Between pets and people, says it best. "In 1905, Sigmund Freud suggested that clinicians pay special attention to children who are especially cruel to animals. Today there is growing evidence that childhood cruelty toward animals is often a precursor to cruelty to other humans."


Some correspondents asked if the Nicholsons, working on Gulf War Syndrome in the USA, are telling the truth in stating that the disease responds to Doxycycline. My answer is no! Doxycycline appears to hamper the mycoplasma which is found in 45-50% of cases of Gulf War Syndrome and is only a concomitant.


This is what Nicolson, G.L. and Nicolson, N.L. published: Gulf War Illness (GWI) patients slowly present with chronic illnesses that have complex multiorgan signs and symptoms, such as polyarthralgia, chronic fatigue, short-term memory loss, sleep difficulties, headaches, intermittent fevers, skin rashes, diarrhea, vision problems, nausea, breathing and heart problems and other signs and symptoms. Although there is not yet a case definition for GWI, the chronic signs and symptoms loosely fit the signs and symptoms found in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS). Using the techniques of Nucleoprotein Gene Tracking (NGT) that utilizes isolated nucleoproteins for probing with unique cDNA sequences and Forensic Polymerase Chain Reaction - Hybridization (FPCR) slightly under one-half (~45%) of GWI patients and their immediate symptomatic family members (91/200) who have GWI signs and symptoms showed evidence of mycoplasmal infections in their blood leukocytes, but not in their blood plasma or serum.

The most common species found was M. fermentans. In contrast, in nondeployed, healthy adults the incidence of mycoplasma-positive tests were ~6% (4/62). Mycoplasma-positive cases of GWI have been successfully treated with multiple 6-week cycles of antibiotics: doxycycline (200-300 mg/d), ciprofloxacin (1500 mg/d), azithromycin (500 mg/d) or clarithromycin (800 mg/d) plus nutritional support. All patients on antibiotic therapy (n=87) relapsed within weeks after the first cycle of therapy, but after up to 6 cycles of therapy 69/87 recovered and 18/87 are still undergoing therapy. GWI patients who recovered from their illness after several (3-7) 6-week cycles of antibiotic therapy were retested for evidence of mycoplasmal infections and were found to have reverted to a mycoplasma-negative phenotype [4-5]. The results were compared to 203 patients with CFS or FMS. Using FPCR 144/203 CFS/FMS patients were positive for mycoplasmal infections (~71%), whereas only 3/32 healthy controls were positive. In mycoplasma-positive CFS/FMS patients we found a variety of mycoplasma species. We conclude that subsets of GWI and CFS/FMS patients have mycoplasmal and possibly other transmittable chronic bacterial and viral infections, and treatment of GWI patients with appropriate antibiotics can result in recovery from this chronic condition [4-5]. We propose that GWI is to a large degree due to multiple exposures to chemical, radiological and biological agents that cause multifactorial illnesses, some of which are transmittable to immediate family members.

(My contention is, that prionic proteins are responsible and these have properties similar to an infective organism as well as mechanisms suggesting genetic coupling - ed.)


Letter 4            About the Evacuation

ayOutIsIn wrote: Thank you for your reply Dr. Chiappalone. I do want to read your books. Perhaps the best thing to do is to order your CD, then I get almost all of them in one volume. I have another question for you. You say the (sic) viabel conciousnesses in the world will be rescued by a mother ship that is waiting. You also stated that about 30% of the population is of Divine origin....the other is evil. My question is, will all of the Light Beings be rescued or only those Light beings who have Gnosis? What is the requirements for our conciousness to be rescued? Thanks again, Richard.

My Reply: Hi. The CD Rom is the way to go. Most have been evacuated. The last evacuation will be soon. Many Light beings have sold out and are no longer viable. The ones to continue will do so, regardless of where they are and regardless of their outer mind awareness..


A Moment In History

The Magna Carta, the charter of English liberties granted by King John in 1215 under threat of civil war and reissued with alterations in 1216, 1217, and 1225 must have been more than a Big Sheet for the Papacy, judging by Pope Innocent's reaction which I have included below.

The charter meant less to contemporaries than it has to subsequent generations. The solemn circumstances of its first granting have given to Magna Carta of 1215 a unique place in popular imagination; quite early in its history it became a symbol and a battle cry against oppression, each successive generation reading into it a protection of its own threatened liberties. In England the Petition of Right (1628) and the Habeas Corpus Act (1679) looked directly back to clause 39 of the charter of 1215, which stated that "no free man shall be . . . imprisoned or disseised [dispossessed] . . . except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land." In the United States both the national and the state constitutions show ideas and even phrases directly traceable to Magna Carta. Earlier kings of England, Henry I, Stephen, and Henry II, had issued charters, making promises or concessions to their barons. But these were granted by, not exacted from, the king and were very generally phrased. Moreover, the steady growth of the administration during the 12th century weakened the barons' position vis-à-vis the crown. But the need for heavy taxation for the Third Crusade, and for the ransom of Richard I after his capture by the Holy Roman emperor Henry VI, increased his successor's difficulties. John's position was further weakened by a rival claim to the throne and the French attack upon John's Duchy of Normandy. In 1199, 1201, and 1205 John's barons had to be promised their "rights"; his financial exactions increased after his loss of Normandy (1204), and, during his quarrel (1208-13) with Pope Innocent III, he taxed the English church heavily. It is, therefore, not surprising that after 1213 Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury, directed baronial unrest into a demand for a solemn grant of liberties by the king. The document known as the Articles of the Barons was at last agreed upon and became the text from which the final version of the charter was drafted at Runnymede (beside the River Thames, between Windsor and Staines, now in the county of Surrey) and sealed by John on June 15, 1215.

Although written continuously, the charter has been traditionally discussed as consisting of a preamble and 63 clauses. Roughly, its contents may be divided into nine groups. The first concerned the church, asserting that it was to be "free." A second group provided statements of feudal law of particular concern to those holding lands directly from the crown, and the third assured similar rights to subtenants. A fourth group of clauses referred to towns, trade, and merchants. A particularly large group was concerned with the reform of the law and of justice, and another with control of the behaviour of royal officials. A seventh group concerned the royal forests, and another dealt with immediate issues, requiring, for instance, the dismissal of John's foreign mercenaries. The final clauses provided a form of security for the king's adherence to the charter, by which a council of 25 barons should have the ultimate right to levy war upon him should he seriously infringe it.

Councillors for John's young son Henry III reissued the charter in 1216 and 1217, omitting all matters relating only to the political situation of 1215. In 1217 clauses relating to the forests were transferred to a separate forest charter. The great reissue of 1225, given by Henry III himself after his coming of age, differed little from that of 1217, and it was probably already realized that efforts to keep the charter up to date were impracticable. Thus the charter of 1225, again reissued by Henry III in 1264 and "inspected" and enrolled on his new statute rolls by Edward I in 1297, gradually became less a statement of current law than a source book of basic principles. There are four extant "originals" of the charter of 1215, one each in Lincoln Cathedral and Salisbury Cathedral, and two in the British Museum. Durham Cathedral possesses the charters of 1216, 1217, and 1225.


In recent correspondence we have written that:

1        "Some words used by the archons of evil contain certain codes used for the purpose of mass programming. Amitakh, having done research in this area particularly, has detected certain sounds in the background of many so-called relaxation music tapes. The effects on one's physical, emotional and mental, not to mention spiritual body are devastating. She put herself through various relaxation tapes on the market after she had detected the effects for the first time. To her surprise 99% tested had that negative background sound. There must be an agenda to have those negative "invisible sounds" embedded in what appears to be relaxation music. We have always sensed the artificiality of money markets.

2        The Rockefeller family uses numerology to maintain its wealth through use of names, etc. Numerology has been abused by many.

3        Pythagoras was/is an Avatar!

4        As I stated in one of the Sightings shows, the Financial Being which is a consciousness - all things are run by a consciousness - is fatally wounded. Of course the Dow and other indices are artificial and reflect the illusional faith of the demons and robots in a decaying system. It has always been that way. There is nothing to sustain it. The USA is, in reality, bankrupt. The monetary system, being part of the illusion, has only one way to go as the illusion fractures.

5        Re Clinton: Inspite of the Jones case victory, if you look at him carefully and listen to his voice, you will see that the being overshadowing him is dying! As I said in Sightings Show 4, Clinton is spiritually finished. Will he go via "a la Lincoln, McKinley, JFK". Who knows?

6        Re Numerology and other psychic phenomena: Numbers are spiritual entities, and the information is transduced from their realm through the astral, unfortunately, where the information can be contaminated and distorted, as it can be in the outer mind with all its gross and evil programming, pollution and indoctrination.

We are bringing information from the purer planes onto this level as you may have gathered. As it travels through the astral and etheric levels, it is interesting how the archons grasp it and abuse it. For example, we often seed misinformation to fool the enemy - it's a war you know - and they grasp it for all it is worth. One example is Scallion (of the earth changes). He stole our material in 1985 which we put out to see who was who - he was, and is, stuck in that mode. Then when we said all the planet had to go, he could not make the jump. Thus it is that at times we give, as in the Sightings shows, purposeful misinformation to fool the enemy or elicit a wanted response from them. That is why wise ones respond to the energy we put out, not just to the words.

7        All things on this level have to work through the virtual reality mechanisms set up by evil. That is why the distortion rate of information is so high. The Bible and Koran and other so-called sacred texts are rewritten Gnostic ideas and distorted history and other nonsense, etc. Where else was evil going to get its information? Evil has stolen everything it has. It is a destroyer not a creator. One can see the seeds of truth and the distortions in various writings. For example, Augustine of Hippo rewrote Gnostic doctrine in such an absurd way, for the church, that it has become its valuable basis of faith. Can you believe it? His Predetermination doctrine is a distorted account of the Two ontological types - theomorphs and counterfeits - abused to suit. Revelation, Genesis, the Old prophets such as Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc., the Pentateuch, etc., etc., all suffered the same horrible fate. But those of Truth can discern the kernels of truth. Unfortunately, many are so polluted and/or brainwashed, they cannot tell truth from distortion and this is what the evil system counted on!

As you have probably gathered, the books we have written are energy packets. Some little old ladies with grade 3 education understand every word at first reading. Erudite professors have claimed they could not understand the concepts - a reflection of ontology. Whenever I am asked which book should one begin, I say "To which are you drawn?". The "Making Sense of the Madness" trio is not a bad place to start.

Our experience with books placed in libraries is interesting: They would simply disappear. We discovered that Zionist Jews have a set routine. They have people who regularly examine libraries for new books and remove anything which exposes them and their nefarious activities in any way! It appears from their actions, that those of the ADL, Hatewatch, Wiesenthal Centre, etc., are all connected.



For some of you, this article may be painful to read:
It exposes cruelty to animals.

So, you do not believe in demons in human form?

USDA "Inspector Claims Cattle, Pigs Brutalized" - a story of April 2, 1998, by Julie Vorman reproduced here to expose the evilness of the plane -for it appears it is not obvious enough to some who still wish to argue about the need to correct it definitively:

Some U.S. slaughterhouses routinely skin live cattle, immerse squealing pigs in scalding water and abuse still-conscious animals in other ways to keep production lines moving quickly, two current and former U.S. Agriculture Department employees said Thursday.

Federal law requiring slaughterhouses to kill animals humanely before dismembering them has been increasingly ignored as meat plants grow bigger, said Steve Cockerham, a USDA inspector at a Nebraska plant, and former USDA veterinarian Lester Friedlander, who worked at meat plants.

Cockerham told a news conference he often saw plant workers cut the feet, ears and udders off cattle that were conscious on the production line after stun guns failed to work properly. "They were still blinking and moving. It's a sickening thing to see," he said.

Cockerham and Friedlander blamed the alleged abuse on the economics of the meat industry. As the U.S. meat industry has consolidated in the past decade to cut costs, slaughterhouses have sped up production lines so that some are butchering an animal every three seconds. About half the beef processed in the United States is handled by a half-dozen companies. USDA inspectors are generally stationed at holding pens to check the health of arriving live animals, and at the end of the production line to examine carcasses. In between, plant workers stun the animals, cut their throats, skin them, cut off their heads and remove internal organs. Pigs are also dipped into 140-degree Fahrenheit (60-degree Celsius) rinses to remove their hair. But USDA and meat industry officials said animals were mostly treated humanely, not just due to the law but also for economic reasons."There is no incentive for the industry to treat animals other than the most humane way possible," said Janet Riley, a spokeswoman for the American Meat Institute. "Livestock are our raw materials and hurting them makes as much sense as Detroit auto workers putting dents in the cars they make." She said that animals that were stressed immediately before slaughter produced sub-standard meat because of adrenalin and muscular changes.

Friedlander, a Pennsylvania veterinarian who worked for the USDA until 1995, said that meat inspectors were discouraged by USDA officials from reporting any mistreatment of animals. Complaints made by inspectors were often ignored, he said. "It's a situation that put me at odds with the USDA and that's why I left," Friedlander said. "Sometimes the wheels of justice turn slowly, but the wheels of justice at USDA don't even turn."

Gail Eisnitz, an author of a new book about slaughterhouses and an employee of the Humane Farming Association, said the USDA should be able to slap meat firms with criminal penalties if plant workers abuse animals. "This kind of mistreatment is standard practice in the industry," she said. An animal with a leg caught in a holding pen is often dragged out with a hook and chain "while you hear bones breaking," Eisnitz said. Cattle and pigs transported to slaughter in sub-zero temperatures sometimes freeze to the side of trucks before they arrive, she said.

The U.S. meat industry last year urged members to adopt guidelines for handling animals, which were suggested by Temple Grandin, an internationally respected animal expert in Colorado. In a study commissioned by the USDA, Grandin recommended installing non-slip floor grating so animals move easily, daily maintenance of stun guns and minimal use of electric prods.

The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) recently completed a survey of 61 U.S. meat plants' treatment of animals before they were slaughtered. The report, which has not yet been made public, showed no significant problems, the USDA said. "Our survey showed the problems are not widespread," said Bonnie Buntain, a USDA official who prepared the survey. "And when we found any problem, it went directly to the district offices of FSIS and follow-up action was taken." The USDA hopes that slaughterhouses will adopt performance measures and record-keeping practices like those required for food safety. "The industry is now paying a lot more attention to food safety because of the need to have critical control points in the manufacturing process," Buntain said. "I think the same sort of philosophy is going to happen in the humane area, too."

Remember - if the demons lie about tobacco which kills humans, surely they will lie about cruelty to animals. It is possible that some take drugs, as I mentioned above, while working in such demonic environments to escape the psychic trauma. But the biggest fools are the meat eaters who then consume this meat in a form of spiritual cannibalism, thus propagating the very evil I am condemning.

(The Good News: These demons who act this way against animals will experience this treatment in Hell many times over, for they have brought such things upon themselves -ed.)


Received a letter from Jerry Attrick whom regular readers know well. Jerry has been on holidays and will soon return to these pages. He said to say hello to all the "pimples" out there, all the "lazy germs", (I am sure he meant all the "people", all the "ladies and gentlemen") and that he would soon grace us with some "scents and sensitivities with which we can return to shaving hirsutes". (I asked Beryl, his charming wife, what he really meant, and she said he meant "sense and sensibilities with which we can return to sharing pursuits!") Thanks Jerry, I know many are looking forward to your aunties, err ... antics.



This article follows the disclosure we made about Elizabeth Clare Prophet and her cult in an earlier newsletter. "Apocalyptic church struggling after Armageddon didn't happen. CORWIN SPRINGS, Mont. (AP) -- The bomb shelters were built, the food and clothing were gathered, the weapons were stockpiled, the fuel was stored. But Armageddon never came. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, spiritual leader of the Church Universal and Triumphant, had warned back in the 1980s that a nuclear holocaust was coming. But when March 1990 slipped by without the prophesied disaster, her apocalyptic sect went into a skid it is still struggling to halt. The church is selling two-thirds of its 12,000- acre Royal Teton Ranch on the northern edge of Yellowstone National Park. It is laying off staff members, selling equipment, closing businesses -- and losing members. Disillusioned after years of costly preparations for a calamity that never came, followers left in droves upon realizing the world would go on. As for Mrs. Prophet, the 58-year-old woman has a still-undiagnosed neurological disease that attacks her memory, the president of the church says. Also, her epilepsy is getting worse. Her fourth marriage ended in divorce last year after her husband left her for their nanny, and her four adult children have left the church, some with bitter words. Peter Arnone of Livingston, who was a member for 22 years and blames the church for the end of his marriage, predicts continued decline for the religious sect. He left in 1992. "Elizabeth Clare Prophet has been the magnet for this movement and she's running out of gas," he says. He adds: "America is not as naive as it used to be. People are more distrustful of cults with charismatic leaders." Gilbert Cleirbaut, a 51-year-old management consultant and church member, became church president in 1996. He says he is guiding it away from survivalism. "Let's move away from fear and the constant building of fear," he says. "I don't want to have fanaticism. In every organization where you have fanaticism, love is gone. "I want to have a church where our people are very well-balanced, who practice what we preach." Chris Kelly, church spokesman, estimates the church at its peak had 2,000 members living in Paradise Valley and the nearby cities of Livingston and Bozeman. He says the number has dropped to maybe 1,500. Cleirbaut says those members who were "more balanced" understood that a holocaust was averted through prayer and have stayed. Heeding Mrs. Prophet's warnings, the New Age sect moved its headquarters from California to Montana in 1986 and built a fallout shelter complex high in the Gallatin Range. The structures, with a capacity of 750, were buried under seven acres with stocks of food, water, vehicles and weapons for survival after nuclear war had laid waste to civilization. The shelter cost a fortune. Many church members helped pay for it, some by borrowing and mortgaging their homes in expectation that their debt would be obliterated by the coming holocaust. Cleirbaut admits that the church -- whose teachings involve karma, reincarnation, communal living and a blend of Eastern and Western religions -- had to change directions after what is delicately referred to as "the shelter cycle." Drawing on his business background, he insists that the means used to restructure corporations can be used to revitalize religion. Cleirbaut says the church is still making a modest profit - $54,000 in fiscal year 1996, down nearly two-thirds from the year before. And the church is rich in land, having bought what is now hot property among the movie star and Wall Street set. But in the last few years, it has chopped its staff from 750 to 172. It has shut down its construction department, printing shop, food processing plant, farm and ranching operations, cafeteria, medical office and book distribution center. The shelter is still there. But church officials say the weapons were sold long ago. "We're getting rid of everything that doesn't focus on our mission" of spreading the teachings of Mrs. Prophet, Cleirbaut says. The changing face of the religious sect has not gone unnoticed by its neighbors in Park County, many of whom were alarmed by the cache of weapons, the huge bomb shelter and a fuel spill from the sect's underground diesel tanks that threatened a creek. "You don't get the outcry you heard in the early days," says Jim Hunt, county commissioner since 1987. "The only activity we see is the downgrading of the church."

I have reproduced this article to highlight a number of points:

* The danger of cults and sects.

* The demon E.C. Prophet and her hypocrisy.

* The danger of believing what others tell you to believe rather than listening to your own heart.

* The danger of those who control by mental or monetary manipulation.

* How one demon will take over where another has left off.

* The danger of misunderstanding the significance of prophecy.


I have placed the following Book Review by J Szimhart here for your information as it is relevant to the section above. The book is called Lambs to Slaughter: My Fourteen Years with Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Church Universal Triumphant. by John Joseph Pietrangelo, Jr. Self-published (available from John Pietrangelo, 1039 E. Gifford Dr., Tucson, AZ 85719), 1994, 143 pages. Reviewer: Joseph Szimhart; Cultic Studies Journal; Psychological Manipulation and Society.

Lambs to Slaughter is a self-published book about the author's 14-year hiatus as a devotee of Elizabeth Clare Prophet and her Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT). This is a story about manipulated devotion and mind control from the perspective of a former true believer. It is also an intimate look at a prophet-guru during her formative years as the leader of her own marginal religious movement. As with nearly every notorious cult leader in recent decades, this story includes the misuse of power, sex, and money by a less-than-genuine, self-proclaimed spiritual leader of the planet.

Pietrangelo first met Elizabeth Prophet in 1969 when her group was called "The Summit Lighthouse" in Colorado. He was a young and spiritually ambitious college student from Mississippi who quickly fell under the allure of Elizabeth Prophet and her then-husband, Mark Prophet, who founded the church in the late 1950s. Mark and Elizabeth were spirit mediums who called themselves "messengers." After their marriage in 1961, they claimed to be the sole living messengers of the ascended masters of all the world's religions, including some whose names are idiosyncratic to the cult. In New Age parlance, they "channeled" beings like Saint Germaine, Jesus, Buddha, K-17, Morya, Quan Yin, Afra, Hercules, Mighty Victory, Astrea, Shiva, Pope John XXIII, and so on_more than 35 by my count. In actuality, today Elizabeth Prophet heads one of the more successful sects that stem from Rosicrucianism and, more specifically, from the Theosophical Society founded by Helena P. Blavatsky and others in 1875. Prophet's church has between 5,000 and 15,000- plus adherents, with diversified commitments worldwide. The core group of several hundred staff members is supported by an estimated one to three thousand devotees living in Montana, where the sect is headquartered. Such sects and channelers all claim to represent a Great White Brotherhood (GWB) of ascended masters who allegedly are guiding all of humanity into a new age of human and planetary advancement. This new era is variously called the New Age, the Aquarian Age, higher consciousness, a paradigm shift, or the seventh cycle or round. Other noteworthy GWB sects are the Ramtha group led by J.Z. Knight near Seattle, Washington, and the Order of the Solar Temple which performed a ritual murder/suicide in October 1994 (and again in 1995), when more than 60 devotees in Switzerland, Canada, and France died. CUT's parent group, the nearly defunct I AM Activity, founded in 1934, has experienced a minor revival since 1980.

Pietrangelo became a church staff member in Colorado in the early 1970s, when he took a position as a chef in the kitchen which served a staff of 70. "My salary was twenty dollars per month gross. So compensation for an assistant chef, who labored some four hundred hours per month, was a grand total of five cents an hour ... plus room and board," writes Pietrangelo (p.18). His room was a shared barracks in the attic of the church center. Throughout the history of CUT, staff members have been expected to make similar sacrifices. The leaders, however, have always lived well.

The author recounts the two most significant relationships in his life as a result of his initiation into the Summit Lighthouse, later renamed Church Universal and Triumphant as a tax shelter (p.84). He met his wife, Susan, during his early years as a devotee. They had five children and remain happily married despite their harried existence as cult members. He also met Randall (Kosp) King, the man who became Elizabeth Prophet's young, third husband after Mark Prophet died in 1973. Pietrangelo's first-person account exposes the reader to a very personal journey into what the author once believed was the most important position any human being could have -that of serving the one person who stood at the crux of human destiny. In order to establish herself, Elizabeth Prophet has claimed an incredible array of past lives including many queens and saints. Her devotees call her "Mother," and believe she wears the crown of the World Mother (p. xvi). Pietrangelo recounts his struggles with the Prophets, both of whom exhibited loose tempers and a highly manipulative style of leadership, using "crisis management" and deception: "Life in the organization, as in all cults, was a roller coaster ride with incredible highs and fearful lows. There is never a dull moment, never a let-down of emotional tension" (p. 72). For instance, just before Mark Prophet's untimely death and afterwards, the members were required to buy survival equipment, gold and silver, and guns because of a predicted collapse of the economy and the onset of a war. This activity was called "Operation Christ Command," and the Prophets maneuvered to profit from sales of supplies to the devout. Pietrangelo points out that the church sold products at inflated prices, 40% to 50% higher than retail, to the naïve "chelas" (literally, slaves) (p. 73). It took him 14 years of sometimes tortured belief before he and his wife finally made the break from CUT and Elizabeth Prophet in 1983. It may be difficult for some people to understand how an otherwise intelligent man could do this. What most people do not understand is the process that someone goes through before and after conversion to any extremist view and allegiance to that view. Pietrangelo intersperses his story with commentary about the persuasiveness of the leaders and how their subtle and not-so-subtle influences led to his mind control,or "brainwashing." Only too late did he realize how much his emotional investment in the group promise could be manipulated.

The promise included not only the ultimate opportunity for personal and planetary salvation, but also the power with which to subvert and conquer all evil. The two most important elements in the CUT formula for salvation are a strong allegiance to Mother and the practice of decreeing. Decreeing is a form of rapid chanting of a large collection of prayers, commands, and invocations used by CUT members for self-improvement, planetary purification, and self-defense. CUT teachings include identifying a host of "dark forces" in the guise of black magicians, spirit entities, and evil, colored rays that become pervasive in the consciousness of the believer. Pietrangelo was caught in this tangled web of forces, which only Mother Prophet could truly identify for him. He had unwittingly entered a psychic minefield with only one way out: through Mother's direction - that is, until 1983 when he had an intimate chat with his longtime friend Randall King. This is perhaps the most revealing and most controversial portion of Lambs to Slaughter. By 1980 Randall King had been divorced from Prophet and exiled from the cult. After many months of confused existence, King began to collect his wits and his self-esteem. He met with Gregory Mull, another former CUT member, who had been sued by CUT's leader for money. In order to protect himself, Mull initiated a countersuit claiming fraud, psychological slavery, and money owed him from six years of unpaid services as a church architect. Mull had been kicked out by Prophet after he learned that she was using the devotees' written confessions as references when they were supposed to have been burned. King became a star witness for Mull, who won his case against Prophet and CUT. In 1986 Mull was awarded approximately 1.5 million dollars.

Pietrangelo reports that Prophet tried to manipulate him into testifying against King in her behalf, but she made one too many errors. Prophet tried to convince Pietrangelo that King once had threatened her with a knife and drew blood. Pietrangelo confronted King with this information. It was then that King, shocked by the lie, opened up to his friend and told his bizarre tale, a tale that included months of erotic massages and mutual masturbation with Mother, even before Mark Prophet died. According to King, one week after Mark's death, Elizabeth brought forth (channeled) Mother Mary, like a personality puppet, to marry her and Randall in a very private ceremony, after which they had intercourse.

Sex among the Philistines or the unenlightened is one thing, but in CUT teachings, extramarital sexual contact has been strictly forbidden. It was not the sex, however, that bothered Pietrangelo; he was most angered by the ugly duplicity of the woman to whom he had submitted his soul's salvation, albeit a woman he had begun to dislike. He told his wife what he had learned. They both snapped out of their enchantment with CUT and left, never to return.

Prophet's staged grandiosity as well as her childish vulnerability come through strongly in Pietrangelo's portrayal of her. However, he often lapses into an old game that ex-cult members play: "my guru was better than your guru," meaning that ECP was more conniving, convincing, clever, and classy than other false prophets. He writes, "Elizabeth is unequaled .... A more skillful Sophist can not be found" (p. 38). The suggestion is: "It took the best to program me. I would not have fallen for just anybody." Of course, such claims are subjective because even the most committed seekers rarely submit to more than two or three gurus before they finally get the point. If anything, that is the point of the book: once a person is conned into the orbit of a manipulative leader and the system controlled by one, it could be a long time before one realizes how deep the deception and how sinister the manipulation had been. Lambs to Slaughter is the honest confession of one who now does.

The above comments were by Joseph P. Szimhart; Cult Information Specialist/Exit Counselor; Pottstown, Pennsylvania.


Beware the supercilious countenance of deceit,
no matter how wide the smile or
how apparently sweet the words.
Beware those who profess with the ardent
Arrogance of Ignorance.
Beware those who claim nothing but "good intentions",
for the road to Hell is paved with "good intentions".
Beware abusers of texts who quote distortions
to further distort reality.
They are fools who cannot discern in the least.
Beware the "know-alls",
They are nothing but closed-minded bigots



A US Colonel stated that "The likelihood of there being a biological attack some place in the US is fairly high - probably in the next 5 years". Russian defector, Ken Alibek, Former Soviet Biological Weapons Program member, stated there was a plan, as late as 1992, to aim different viruses at important US cities in case of war, for a biological first strike. 3, 4 or 5 different agents would be used from the 52 possibilities, including Small Pox, Anthrax, Plague and Ebola. When an inspection was made during that time, the material had been carefully hidden. The US reportedly cancelled its biological weapon program in 1969. (You would be crazy to believe that - ed.) 7th Day Adventists who refused to fight in WWII, but volunteered for exposure, were used as guinea pigs. For the alleged first time, TV cameras were allowed into a vast complex of buildings in the depths of Siberia to, what is called, the Heart of Black Biology, where nature's viruses are being harnessed as weapons - Vector. Even now, the Russians are trying to create new weapons such as a vaccine-proof Anthrax and the marriage of Small Pox and Ebola and of Small Pox and VEE (a brain virus). Of great concern is the poor security at the site, the fact that some scientists have not been paid for 4 months, that 2000 have left Vector. Where have they gone? The US is preparing for just such a biological attack and government agencies have been directed to begin preparing for this new and terrifying reality.

Robert Blitzer, Chief of FBI Domestic Terrorism and Counterterrorism in Planning Security, indicates that there are 50-60 investigations ongoing at any time and states, "If someone wanted to do it badly enough, I think they could do it". Michael Osterholine, Disease Epidemiologist, states, "I can tell you it is not a matter of if this will occur, it is a matter of when it occurs, where it occurs and how much panic and how much death are we willing to accept at the time it occurs".


For your interest and information I have included this data on deadly agents: Following are some of the biological and chemical agents in existence.

*       AFLAXTOXIN: Type: Biological agent: A toxic mould that grows on nuts and other crops and contaminates food. Effects: A carcinogenic linked to liver cancer and jaundice. Background: Believed to be responsible for a high incidence of liver cancer among people in tropical regions in Africa who consume mouldy grains and other foods contaminated with food molds.

*       ANTHRAX: Type: Biological agent. A bacterial disease that primarily affects cattle and sheep. Spores can remain active in soil and water for many years. Effects: Produces a deadly infection that kills its victim within days to weeks after exposure.; 10,000 spores, the size of a speck of dust, is considered a lethal dose.

Background: During World War II, the Allies manufactured bombs filled with anthrax and developed plans to drop them on Germany, but claim they never did. In April 1979, anthrax was accidentally released into the air from a Soviet military facility at Sverlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in the former Soviet Union. In 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin acknowledged that the accident occurred, killing at least 66 people. During the Gulf War, U.S. and British forces were immunized against anthrax. (The US HAS sent anthrax infested blankets etc., to various ethnic groups around the world! -ed.)

*        BOTULINUM TOXIN Type: Biological agent.

Description: Toxic substance produced by a microbe known as Clostridium botulinum, normally acquired by eating improperly canned food. Considered one of the most powerful poisons known to man. Effects: Produces acute muscular paralysis resulting in death. Symptoms appear within 12-72 hours. Death is within 2-3 days. Background: The Allies produced botulinum toxin during World War II but did not use it.

Do you not consider it strange that the so-called "GOODIES",the allies, produced all these evil biological agents, just as they produced and used the most evil nuclear bombs and vaccines?

*        RICIN Type: Biological agent; Description: Protein toxin derived from castor bean plants.

Effects: Produces a severe breakdown of lung tissue when inhaled, resulting in pneumonia and death. Symptoms within 18-24 hours. Background: Used in the assassination of a Bulgarian exile named Georgi Markov in London in 1978. Markov was attacked with a device disguised as an umbrella that injected a tiny pellet filled with ricin toxin into his leg and died several days later. Authorities suspect the communist Bulgarian government was behind the attack. (It was actually Mossad - the Israeli Secret Service -ed.)

*        SARIN Type: Chemical agent; Description: A colourless,odourless nerve gas.

Effects: Causes difficulty breathing, convulsions and coma. Can kill in minutes after skin or eye contact, or inhalation of vapour. Background: Developed in Germany in the late 1930s along with other nerve gases. Used in a Tokyo subway attack on March 20, 1995, by a terrorist group, killing 12 people and injuring 5,500.

*        VX Type: Chemical agent; Description: Colourless and odourless nerve gas.

Effects: Causes paralysis by poisoning the body's nervous system. A drop on the skin can kill within minutes. Background: Developed in 1950s during research for pesticides. Accidental release in Utah in 1968 caused the death of thousands of sheep. (A "controlled accident" -ed.)


A gas gangrene that causes flesh to rot.

*        TRICOTHECENE MYCOTOXINS: Toxins that produce nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and skin irritation.

*        WHEAT COVER SMUT: A contaminant that produces a black fungal growth on food grains.

*        HAEMORRHAGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS: A virus that causes extreme pain and temporary blindness.

*        ROTAVIRUS: A virus that causes acute diarrhoea that can result in death.

*        CAMEL POX VIRUS: A virus that causes fever and skin rashes in camels. (Watch your camels.)



Evil Beings always lie. They are incapable of telling the truth. If you suspect someone is evil or is totally programmed, polluted and indoctrinated by the evil essence, you would be wise to be suspicious of every word they utter. Do you find that a bit extreme? Next time you have a few moments to spare, cast your mind back to all the problems you had in various relationships, be they financial, familial, emotional, etc., and see the duplicity and deception which caused the problems. Where did they come from? Was it not from the lying and abuse of trust by evil beings? Alas, many of us suffered in silence in order to spare our egos or our feelings. And we were the worse for the experience. Do you not agree?

That time is well and truly over. Learn from the past and move on. Be on guard. Examine everything critically. Every True Being has been treated as a fool by this depraved, evil, doomed system for far too long. Of course, if it did not do this, it would be exposed in its mendaciousness and then it would have been destroyed, for the True Beings would have woken to its surreptitious and nefarious nature. The fact that it survived this long demonstrates that its nefariousness and maliciousness, its deception, are in-built mechanisms and the True Beings have been fooled by it up to now!

One of the most effective and malignant mechanisms by which this was done of recent times has been the doctrine of the pseudo-christianity spuriously passed off as the work of Jesus. It has used snippets of Truth in an evil setting to disarm True Beings. The Evil beings, being evil, do not take any notice. Hence, directives such as turn the other cheek, love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, forgive under all circumstance, suffer in silence without retaliation for your reward will be in heaven, etc., all weaken individuals who want to fight the evil beings. They are not only disarmed but also neutralized by this pernicious misrepresentation of the truth. Of course evil is recognized in pseudo-christianity, but it is placed at arms length in the role of a devil, out there, away from people and other living things, when, in fact, it is in those others and in other living things.

And if victims of this terrible so-called religious doctrine do not toe the line, they have a bigger stick with which to contend - punishment in Purgatory or the eternal fires of HELL. That is a very exploitative mechanism for Evil, for apart from reaping a great deal of wealth for the church through its extortional indulgences, it has mentally frightened and destroyed minds to the point of imbecility.

Do you really think an Avatar such as Jesus could think up such horror? Do you really think anyone capable of True Love could taint life with such destruction and hate? Such mechanisms can only come from the demonic realms, from the very darkest mind of Satan!


A Glimpse into Terminal Madness

When one is cut off from the Light, it can be like being in a dark, gloomy mental hole, where creativity does not exist and where one cannot even see beyond the harrowing thoughts of past and present demonic attacks. If that, in a small measure, is what the Terminal Madness will be like, failed ones will be tearing their brains out of their noses with spoons. It is horrible. In that state, it is easy to see how the richest or most talented, or most esteemed, person in the world in that mental state would be totally incapacitated in a state of hell - a doomed sense of futility and of being forlorn. Even physical death would be no escape, for the mind would exist in its own quandary of desolation.

As connection to the Light is reestablished and the Energy slowly seeps back into a mind emersed in Darkness for a time, the transformation is miraculous and one realizes without that Energy and Its awareness, there is nothing worth having. Live in Light if you still have a choice. There is no future in Darkness.


Evil Beings hypocritically, continually,
ask for Forgiveness.
But Forgiveness can only be of real value
to a sincerely contrite heart.
Although forever being demanded by the hypocritical
Counterfeits, forgiveness, in its true essence,
is of no value to them.
Even as they ask to be absolved for the wrongs
they committed, they plot their next bout of deception
in their evil, black hearts.



In presenting the information which I do present in these newsletters, I am not merely delving solely into ephemeral, metaphysical concepts of an esoteric philosophical discourse. I am giving facts and figures which you can confirm for yourselves. Those who deny what is obviously going on are the Liars of the Untruth. The reason why all this is happening may be open to speculative conjecture for a little while longer in the minds of those who as yet do not want to accept my explanations fully, but the facts demonstrating that the planet, and all physical life on it are, in fact, dying, are not.

*       As polluted air quality decreases, respiratory illnesses will increase accordingly. This has been noted to be so.

*       As food is contaminated and polluted by microorganisms, food poisoning will increase. This has been noted to be so.

*       As temperatures rise, the microbiological activity in all products will increase, reaching pathogenic levels where previously they did not. This has been noted to be so.

*       As radiation affecting biological entities increases, mutation rates will soar. Cancers, lymphomas, leukaemias will increase. This has been noted to be so. The reported 0.4% drop in USA cancer rates is NOT statistically significant nor is it a true reflection of the status quo. Do not believe the deceivers!

*       As the infrastructure (financial, religious, medical, social, ecological) holding the illusion fragments, unprotected and unaware minds will also fragment and enter the Terminal Madness of the Endtime. This has been noted to be so.

*       As water becomes more polluted, it will be less safe to consume, less able to carry normal water life such as fish, and it will act as a medium for pathogens. Cholera and poisonous algae infested rivers, lakes, ponds, seas, abound. Fish are dying as are all other sea creatures.

*       As soils are contaminated by industrial pollutants, their yields will decrease, and as the salination process continues, crops will fail. This has been noted to be so.


*       Animal Rage is becoming obvious. A woman was attacked in her backyard by a large red kangaroo - an unheard of attack. Dingoes are more ferocious. The annual snake-bite deaths in Australia has tripled. Animals are going mad suffering also the Terminal Madness of the Endtime, hence they no longer react in predictable ways. The main snake bites have been from brown snakes which normally go away when disturbed. Now, they are just as likely to aggressively attack an intruder.

*       As the illusion deteriorates, the archons lie even more bluntly. Do not believe them with their "falling cancer rates" jargon. Do not believe them with their "gene therapy cure-for-all". Do not believe them with their preventative anti-cancer regime as with tamoxifen and breast cancer. Even the $30,000 pa drug treatment for HIV-AIDS has been exposed as a pharmaceutical company scam like many doctors, including myself, thought it would be. It seems the barrage of drugs simply mask the virus which hides in various cells in the body to reemerge once the poisonous drugs are withdrawn. If you bear in mind that allopathic medicine and its promoting drug companies operate on illness and profit, not on health and health maintenance, it will all make more sense to you. The way the system is now, a doctor and the system want you ill and consuming drugs. Healthy people would mean the collapse of the system of hospitals, doctors, pharmacies and all the ancillaries, not the least of which are the massive drug profits. The system rewards incompetence, illness, disease, long-term treatment and chronic problems. In such a condition why would it want to treat anyone successfully? It does not of course, that is why hope is pandered out liberally but no breakthroughs are ever achieved. The drug companies want everyone on blood pressure tablets and cholesterol lowering medication. They want all, even children, on Ritalen and Prozac, valium and hypnotics, just as the breweries want everyone to drink themselves silly. Your doctor is not going to treat your mild hypertension by prescribing some weight reduction, some sodium dietary restriction and a half an hour walk daily. In that there is no gain for him. He would not be able to pay for his very expensive education or his mansion or his BMW or his excessive lifestyle. He needs to have you coming back and forward monthly, taking dangerous medication which will make you more ill so you will need more consultations, more investigations, more manipulation, more treatment, and lead to more anxiety, for you, more medication, more consultations. You get the picture. For this he is called caring and a pillar of the community. The drug companies love him. The Tax dept loves him and the patients who have not seen through the mockery love him and the system. It pays the doctor to find something wrong with you and start treating it. He peddles illness, not health. The community must share the blame. When I practised, most patients would not leave the consultation room unless one shoved a prescription in their face. I remember clearly on one of my first locum jobs, seeing a very healthy 75 year old man with a swelling on his tibia. After x-rays and blood tests, I informed him it was a harmless bone spur and in view of his good health, there was no need for him to come back. He then asked me when he should return. I said twice yearly was a reasonable time interval for him. He then said I cannot be much of a doctor, the principal whom I had replaced while he was on holidays, this patient informed me, wanted him back every fortnight to measure his blood pressure and listen to his heart! If you think that is an unusual arrangement, think again. Conversely, if there is something seriously the matter with you and you do not wish to pursue "conventional therapy" immediately, you become a mocked enemy of the establishment!

Our societies are so fragmented and many people so lonely, many pensioners and old people go to the doctors weekly just to socialize! Sure they get a prescription for laxatives or hypnotics which they may not even use while they are there, but the burden is of a social and mental nature, encouraged by this evil and very crazy system which has gone beyond redemption.

*       A calf, cloned from a muscle cell that came from a 60-day-old foetus, died from an infection it got after it tore a muscle trying to climb from its pen. The calf was cloned by France's National Institute of Agronomic Research.

*       Unidentified `pfiesteria-like' organisms found: A North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources response team has collected samples of eight additional strains of Pfiesteria-like micro-organisms from different parts of the Neuse River in that state.

*       Surely we are seeing the inexorable collapse of allopathic medicine inspite of its feats of heroics, including clowning and cloning.

*       Scientists still know very little about Cryptoperidiniopsis, the microscopic algae suspected as the cause of the fish lesions. No tests exist to see if the microbe affects humans.

*       About 1,000 of Hong Kong's 1,500 fish farms have been decimated by the worst "red tides" this decade. Red tides,which first hit the coastal waters in March, occur when water temperature increases and micro-organisms breed quickly, sapping the water of oxygen and releasing toxins that suffocate fish. These tides usually subside after a few days but, according to one official, this wave "has spread out like an infectious disease".

*       The environmental advocacy group, National Resources Defense Council, warned the U.S. fishermen that a growing number of the fish they take home for dinner may contain dangerous toxins that can lead to cancer and other health problems if eaten too often. Recent testing revealed all fish caught in Australian waters has toxic heavy metal levels.

*       Pill pushers beware: Adverse drug reactions appear to be a major cause of death among hospital patients in the United States, as they are in OZ. Researchers at the University of Toronto, who examined 39 studies, estimated that an average of 106,000 deaths at U.S. hospitals in 1994 were due to bad reactions to drugs. "Serious adverse drug reactions are frequent ... more so than generally recognized," the researchers said. "Fatal adverse drug reactions appear to be between the fourth and sixth leading cause of death." Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, followed by cancer and stroke. Other major causes are accidents, pulmonary disease. The report estimated the number of deaths in 1994 from adverse reactions at between 137,000 and 76,000 with 106,000 the mean. If the higher end is correct, drug reactions would be the fourth leading cause of death behind heart disease (743,460), cancer (529,904) and stroke (150,108), the study said. If the low end is accurate, drug reactions would be the sixth leading cause of death, behind the top three plus pulmonary disease (101,077) and accidents (90,523). The report, published in the JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, included patients admitted to hospitals with adverse drug reactions and those whose reactions occurred after they were admitted. The study excluded errors in administration, noncompliance with instructions and drug abuse.

*       The journal of the American College of Physicians warns that U.S. society is losing confidence in the ability of physicians to curb their appetite for money. The Annals of Internal Medicine, which the doctors' group publishes, said in its latest issue that a public loss of faith in medical ethics could be seen in efforts by Congress and the Clinton administration to crack down on physician fraud. A public debate over fraud in federal health insurance programs for the poor and elderly came to a head last year, when a government report showed that Medicare had overpaid providers by more than $23 billion in 1996. Federal officials since then have vigorously enforced ethics statutes, including those written into the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. "That society should see a need for such laws to protect patients from their physicians is disheartening," an editorial in the journal edition to be released Wednesday said. "Physicians should heed the sobering message the laws send -- that Americans have lost faith in their physicians' ability to restrain themselves when tempted by money."The editorial was written by Dr. M. Gregg Bloche, a medical doctor and legal expert at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington. Doctors face hefty criminal and civil penalties if found in violation of federal anti-kickback statutes and other laws that prohibit the trading of referrals for remuneration and lying to the government to obtain money.

In a report last week, the Federation of State Medical Boards said 1997 saw a slight increase in actions against physicians for misconduct such as insurance fraud, alcohol abuse and sexual misconduct. Loss of license or license privileges accounted for 44% of adverse disciplinary actions. "The high percentage of license revocation indicates that boards are willing to impose stringent penalties for physician misconduct," said Dr. James Winn, the federation's executive vice president.

The American College of Physicians, which represents more than 100,000 doctors, has joined the American Medical Association and other groups to seek new ways to root out abuse and punish fraud while reducing unnecessary burdens on doctors. The college journal's editorial also called on the medical community to recommit itself to the Hippocratic Oath, which embodies the essence of medical ethics. "Restoration of people's confidence in the medical profession's willingness to keep faith at the bedside should be a higher priority for physicians than criticism of the fraud and abuse laws," it said.

*       Students and teachers have fallen ill from mould in the walls in three different East Bay (SF, USA) schools.

*        Bon Appetite Meat eaters! Cases of food poisoning are increasing everywhere. Old and new bugs are causing problems: A type of bacteria that may sicken and sometimes kill people who eat undercooked chicken or turkey is becoming more common and is developing resistance to antibiotics. Estimates put the number of cases of the disease caused by the germ campylobacter at 2 million to 8 million a year in the United States and deaths at 200 to 80o. The illness usually lasts about a week and its symptoms include cramps, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea and fever. It can be as severe as the disease caused by salmonella, another germ found in undercooked poultry, but causes fewer fatalities. Recent research also suggests that campylobacter may lead to the severe and sometime fatal nerve damage caused by Guillain-Barre syndrome. About 20% to 40% of the 5,000 cases a year of Guillain-Barre syndrome follows a bout of campylobacter infection.Researchers say the campylobacter germ infects 70% to 90% of all chickens. That's a higher estimate than one six years ago by the Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which had said 30% to 70% of chickens carried it. The use of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones to treat the infection in chickens has created strains of drug-resistant campylobacter in humans. "Since 1995, with the licensing of fluoroquinolones for use in chickens, levels of drug- resistant campylobacter in humans has gone up dramatically," said Dr. Michael Osterholm of the Minnesota Health Department. (Another example of technological damage -ed.)His department randomly sampled poultry in Minnesota supermarkets and found 70% of chickens were contaminated with the germ; of those, 20% had the drug-resistant strain. For turkeys, 58% were contaminated and 84% of those had the drug-resistant strain. Scientists believe the public is more aware of salmonella than the more widespread campylobacter because the latter is hard to pronounce and spell and there is no simple laboratory test to detect it. For both germs, the safety advice is the same: Carefully wash anything that has come into contact with raw poultry or its juices.

*       Dioxin has been found in French milk.

*       Sealife is being decimated by a form of fish HIV-AIDS.

*       The ability to diagnose genetic disorders far outstrips the ability to treat them. None has been cured by any form of therapy.

*       Some of the food we eat has been genetically engineered whether we know it or not.

*       Surgeons who are allowed to continue working even though they carry a supposedly less infectious form of the hepatitis B virus are capable of infecting patients during surgery.

*       Doctors in Denmark have found that resistance to antibiotics can be passed on to humans in meat from animals that have been given the drugs.

*       Research shows that low tar cigarettes are no safer than other cigarettes, while smoking among US teenagers has risen 36% since 1991.

*       A tropical bug which lives in soil has killed 4 Queenslanders since the beginning of the year. It comes to the surface after heavy rains.

*       A group of British doctors has refuted evidence that suggested a combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine could cause bowel disease and autism in some children. You are surprised, are you not?

*       Not all military personnel are stupid: The U.S. Navy has punished 14 sailors for refusing to take an anthrax vaccine, which two airmen also refused. In December, Defense Secretary William Cohen ordered all 1.5 million men & women in the service to take the shots to protect them against a potential attack with the biological agent. More than 15,000 service men & women in the Persian Gulf, where 37,000 U.S. troops are stationed, have started taking the series of inoculations. I had mentioned previously that these vaccines are contaminated with prions which cause Gulf War Syndrome. These service personnel are being killed by their own ignorant archons! The U.S. Navy dismissed 2 sailors serving in the Persian Gulf for refusing to take the vaccine.

*       The archons in charge have always disregarded the rights of civilians and military personnel and experimented in ways that are immoral and criminal. We all know of mustard gas experiments on Australian troops, radiation experiments on soldiers, mentally retarded children, pregnant women, etc., of syphilitic experiments on coloured, etc. A report in Australia's Medical Observer of April 17 has a distressing report suggesting the US Military command may have used more than napalm and goodwill in Vietnam. Obviously soldiers, including Aussies, were poisoned by unknown agents, including Agent Orange. Hence, from this we see that infection of troops in the Gulf with Gulf War Syndrome is simply a continuation of evil practices. The Observer reports the following from a 1997 study of 76% of the Vietnam veterans still alive: Colon cancer is up 300%; male breast cancer is up 1700%; 33% of veterans suffer post anxiety attacks or panic attacks. Other unexpected results are excessive numbers suffering Motor Neuron disease,Multiple sclerosis and heart disease. But the findings that have caused the greatest shock concern the health and well-being of the veterans' children, Spina Bifida is present at 1000% the expected number and there are 138 cases of Down's Syndrome. Suicides among veterans' children are up more than 300%, while the accident death rate is twice that of the population. 50% of Vietnam Veterans are on disability pensions. To suggest some carcinogenic poison which also affects the gonads and neuronal tissue is not unreasonable. Ah, spoils of war!

*        Cancer cases in Canada on the rise: The mortality rate for cancer in Canada is dropping, but there has been a 30% increase in the number of new cancer cases in the last decade, according to Canadian cancer statistics released by the National Cancer Institute of Canada which show that the estimated new cases of cancer in 1998 will be 129,200 and there will be 62,700 deaths. In 1988, there were about 100,000 new cases of cancer and 50,600 deaths. Do not let statistics blind you to reality - they, like words, do falsify reality. Because the claim is that deaths due to cancer have decreased does not mean they have decreased. Let me explain: Many death certificates are written to show the wrong cause of death. On April 17, the Medical Observer concluded, after investigating the issue, that 27% of certificates are WRONG! Hence the rate of cancer deaths IS rising, but not being reflected truly by the figures issued. Why is that? Well, the researchers can gain far more grants if they can demonstrate some progress in the fight against cancer. Is that not so? If they can falsify 50% of research papers, don't you think they can lie when it comes to money?

*       Terminal Madness of the Endtime affects humans and animals as Crazy Humans poison animals: Zoos in Britain are prescribing Prozac and Valium for their animals for stress and unhappiness. 'The Sunday Times' says among the animals given the medication are lions, tigers, gorillas, killer whales & kangaroos. The paper says vets who work with zoo animals privately admit to prescribing these drugs to animals, and agree their use is widespread.

*       Four million Americans are believed to have Alzheimer's disease now, and according to projections by the Alzheimer's Association, 1 in 5 baby boomers - or up to 14 million people - could suffer it. What I have said before: So many will suffer from Mad Cow Disease, governments will practice mass scale euthanasia!

*       The Lomati & Komati rivers in the rural Nkomazi area of Mpumalanga, South Africa, are contaminated with cholera.

*       Alarm is growing in eastern Africa that the water hyacinth, which has already proven environmentally calamitous in Lake Victoria, will spread to numerous small bodies like rivers and wetlands.


Poem # 43 from my Poetry book volume One


My dearest One, as with Eros,

the God of Love, I did conspire,

Seeking dreams with which to fulfil

my heart's desire,

The purest thought of you,

on majestic wings, into my mind, flew,

Thus it was that the mischievous cherub's

arrow my heart slew.

But then my gain, a beautiful rebirth,

no one in history ever knew,

To rise like the Phoenix,

and live forever,

in the bliss of loving you.


A Late Entry from the MAILBAG

Carol Ann Johnston <[email protected]> wrote:

I am a member of Beyond Boundaries. I attended the gathering and enjoyed your lecture. I want to share with you a message from "my" higher self. (I have reproduced the email message with no editing or correction as is my practice - ed.)

THE CREATOR CREATING: Far beyond the darkness of the night sky, beyond this universe that seems so familiar to man, there exist forms and lights and energies beyond human design. This is the wonder of the Creator, this is the omniscience of IT'S MAJESTY. These are the infinite designs of God. Humans limit their God when they see only his expression here upon Mother Earth. Yes, these expressions are wondrous and so they were meant to be. But beyond humanity's eyes, lie realms as pure and creative as Earth. Stars signal their domains and energies pursue their evolution on countless spheres of expression, experiencing their unique lessons long before man experienced his and continuing to do so long after man leaves for other planes. It is this diversity of beingness that delights the Creator and gives IT pleasure. Such diversity gives souls opportunities to experience learning patterns of sound. The tonal atmosphere creates harmonies unknown to human ears. These patterns allow for the formation of balance and purity of being. Discord is eliminated from memory as groups discover the unifying qualities of sound. Celestial music filters through the Universe creating strands of harmonic blending, expanding the structure of the Universe. The realms of color are so grand that human eyes are unable to focus of the Universal Palette. Combinations and strokes help the soul increase its understanding of the Creator's desire to be.

Here energies ride the ever-changing kaleidoscope of Light as it allows them to create in crystalline harmony. Quiet realms where only serenity fills the experience, allowing souls to rest; a gathering place of experiences to be remembered, to be understood awaiting new encounters of being; there are the majestic thoughts of the Creator creating.

I do have something to add here. When talking with groups, especially those interested in UFO or similar topics, would it be useful to include the vibrational essence of the Creator residing in each soul, that the expansion of this vibration is the goal of meditation and cleansing? Many people can connect with the theory of vibration. Perhaps they would be more receptive. Surrounding ourselves in this Light Vibration will be our salvation. C. Johnston Glen Rose, TX

My Reply:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They are New Age nonsense and meaningless in the Light of Planetary Correction. The problem is the Counterfeit Creation - a concept obviously not familiar to you - but very familiar to all Gnostics including the Essenes and Jesus, etc. Why do you think Jesus said some were so evil it would have been better if they never had been born? Evil is a reality which must be eradicated! I suggest you research a little via True Gnosticism, The Nag Hammadi Library and the Dead Sea Scrolls, even our books, then break the barrier of deceit, and then reappraise what is going on. If you do not, you will remain in the darkness of Ignorance! If you do not want to do that - read my scientific assessments of this doomed globe in my newsletters and learn something! I shall not be corresponding with you further on a personal basis, due to the volume of correspondence, but may do so through our newsletter.


Dear Readers, while it may be superficially appropriate to give the authors of such New Age-ish material the benefit of the doubt and say they are basically ignorant, realize many others are evil consciousnesses in disguise. Those of you who have thought a little deeper about the Problem of Evil and the need for its correction can clearly see that the sounds from the wails of baby seals being clubbed to death, of children dying in hunger and misery, of women raped in wars, of men and women pleading for their lives, could never be glorifying sounds to a True Creator. They would only suit the Moloch Ghoul, creator of this hell who would be nourished by the pain and exploited energy.

What are we to make of the colour of blood spilt by the iniquitous hands of demons, the colour of holocausts sacrificing lives on the altar of the Ghoul, the colour of madness as minds fragment from the burden of evil they are forced to bear on this plane, the colour of spiritual annihilation in the Darkness of Ignorance.

Are these sounds and colours a True Creator would be proud of? Of course not. He would in true Love, Justice and Mercy set about correcting such a foul accident that would cause such a thing in His Pristine Creation. And that, dear readers, is what this information is all about - the final correction of Evil. That is what the activity on a physical, psychic and spiritual level is all about around the globe and its para-dimensions at this time. Those who are spiritually blind, living in ignorance, are just evil obfuscators who will argue for they are the doomed counterfeits of a lost illusion!



This is what the Palestinians call the forceful and brutal, murderous in fact, takeover of their land by militant Zionism. A report on May 3 on Australian National Radio, which is totally under the control of Zionism, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise, yielded a report on Israel's 50th anniversary celebrations which I had written a little about above in this newsletter. In a mockery, as a tribute to the injustice that has occurred in that Unholy Land, the 25 minutes, full of cliches and obvious errors about the Holocaust, which now, by the number of repetitions, appear to be presented as legitimate history, when in fact they are embellished lies, were ended by plaintive cries from exiled Palestinians, voicing weakly a call for reestablishment of their valid claims to the land from which they have been dispossessed. Alas, the cries appear to be in vain as many Zionist Jews claim heritage and privilege to Palestine, a land supposedly given to them by their "god" Jehovah.

The program reiterated lies about gas chambers in WW 2 when, in fact, they were built post war as propaganda memorials. It repeated false numbers of Jews who were said to have perished. Many Jews themselves believe the figure is probably something like one million, not six. As now depicted at the Auschwitz Museum, the number has been changed on its plaque there to read one million, not six. The program mentioned how despicable the British Foreign Secretary, Cook, had been for actually wanting to speak to aggrieved Palestinians on his recent visit to the Middle East. But the show also mentioned the miracle the Israelis managed by turning the desert into a garden and how powerful they had been in defeating their Arab enemies.

I have covered the first 2 points in detail in our book "The Kingdom of Zion" and here I wish to comment on the latter two points.

1       Money has flowed to Israel in unprecedented amounts from Jewry around the world. Many have been blackmailed into giving alms even as they balked at the ferocity of Zionism in the Middle East. We know this to be true for many Jews, liberated from other lands such as the former USSR states have preferred to go to the USA and not Israel. Many have spoken out against the Zionism and Judaism they see in the Middle East and do not agree to live under those conditions. Many other Jews in the Middle East have rejected Zionism as a valid basis for their existence and have tried to distance themselves from the cruelty and genocide practised by the Zionists. Much of the money pouring into Israel has been fraudulently gained by guilt-imposition on Germans who have been constrained by legalist Zionist takeover of their country since WW2 and are in no position to argue. But signs are emerging that enough is enough there, and militancy is growing, as we are beginning to see on our TV News reports. More is to come. US Zionist Foreign Policy has exploited money from the American people to be given to Israel which forms the spear head by which the US hopes in future to take over the Middle East and its oil fields. This is the Kissinger scheme of hegemony in the area - a poorly kept secret of US policy.

By using Israel in this way, Israel has gained much in resources, money, technology and armaments from the US, inspite of what US citizens wanted or knew!

In this regard, to the wealth flowing to Israel, the Palestinians have questioned why they have been starved to death and not given similar aid. They ask "Would we have not prospered given similar alms?" Of course they would have.

2       Because the existence of Israel has been a critical issue for eventual US expansionism in the area, the Israeli Might, including its nuclear capability, has been a reflection of American power in the area. No one can do anything without US approval. Even in the UN, the unreasonableness of the US in regards matters affecting Israel, which can do not wrong in US eyes, has harmed the US's character in the sight of many other nations who are now but biding their time. You will note that the wars Israel has won have been due to US power and preemptive strikes. Aggression and aggressive expansionism can always be disguised as self-defence, especially if you have the world bully in your corner. That is the truth of things.

So, where am I heading in this short essay? What I have tried to demonstrate is the duplicitous nature of Israel and the US, the ill-will created around the Middle East and the psychic resolve at least of many Arabs and Palestinians to actively right the wrongs if the opportunity ever comes. As things stand, the US and Israel are too powerful and too much in control. But, and it is a critical but which introduces this vital question: "Will the situation ever change?" My answer is "Yes, it will change and very soon!" Zionism is all about financial control. I have highlighted the fact that the Financial Being created by Jehovah the Mammon is fatally wounded and will soon - very soon in fact - collapse worldwide. This will draw the two sides, Zionism and Islam, closer in strength. And then, by a series of massive disasters, apart from financial collapse, the USA will be taken out of the picture. The country will be racked and wrecked by disaster after disaster, by earthquakes, by floods, by pestilence, by disease, by civil unrest, by terrorism both home-growing and imported, so much so that it will take it all its time to assist itself to some small extent.

Its hegemonic sphere will shrink to remain within its borders barely, and it will have no time to think of supporting others as it gasps in death throes. It is then that we shall see those responsible for the iniquitous actions in the Middle East pay for them in no uncertain terms. And as Terminal Madness of the Endtime affects all populations, humanity's unleashed malevolence in indiscriminate fashion will lash out all over the globe in a frenzy which will culminate in WW3.

In fulfilment of one of their own prophecies, Jews everywhere will be attacked, for the enraged populaces will be unable to discern between innocent Jews and malicious Zionists. This time the Zionists will not escape as they have so often before, leaving their racial brothers and sisters, in comparative innocence, to shoulder the burdens of their iniquities.

These times ahead will not be pretty. They will be grim and violent, again in fulfilment of the ancient prophecy that the living will envy the dead. Pray you will be spared these unlawful days and that you will have been evacuated as one of righteousness before that time. A few of the Light warriors will remain until very close to the very end to assist the last evacuee.



No, not organic farming - this concerns a scam of organ farming in a most nefarious way. You have probably heard of Argentinean and Brazilian, even Indian, street urchins being killed for their organs, and Chinese prisoners being executed for theirs.

Many stories of people voluntarily selling body parts around the world are also common, but this story I am about to relate takes the (sick) cake. And it is very scary because it can happen ANYWHERE and is happening in Australia, that land that is euphemistically and unbelievably called "the Clever Country", which by the way, from active and passive practices of both governments and the plebs is becoming dumber and dumber by the hour or so it seems.

Lonely travellers, often looking for a "good time", are being targeted in the bars of major cities by women who entice them and take them to a party where they are drugged, then have their KIDNEYS stolen. The victims awake in an icy tub with directions to not move but ring 000, if they want to live, by using the phone left by their side.

The emergency services know of the scam and immediately ask the caller to check to see whether he/she has a drain tube on either side of the small of the back. The callers invariably have and are then rushed to hospital to be placed on life support while they await a kidney donor. The Eacham Times, Malanda's local newspaper carried this story and asked that it be circulated.

The example they cited was of a young man obviously picked up at a party by a female who promised him whatever and took him to another location where he was drugged and later awoke to find he weighed less for reasons he did not at all like. The contact numbers for help published by the paper in Sydney have been checked and are genuine: Michelle Shafer -DML/Lab Administration, Medical Manager Research and Development, 99 Missenden Rd, Camperdown, Sydney, 2000. Tel 02 9515 6111; Fax 02 9462 1505.

One wonders if Australia's ex-Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, who awoke in a sleazy motel in the US after being picked up by a prostitute in a bar, and found he had no wallet and pants may have been a hit for such a gang until its members realized he was a VIP. The whole affair , as most of us clearly remember, was hushed up with fascinating speed after it was initially reported world-wide. Of course one needs to question why such a prominent person was alone in a sleazy bar where few would have known who he was, or cared, looking for prostitutes in the first place. What else do archons do?


Indeed this is the last page. Do not be too concerned if the financial facts and the medical ones in this newsletter have little meaning for you. You know by now that you do not have to understand everything - to know in general terms - in enough ways to help you - what is truly going on.

So many of you have expressed the desire for these Newsletters to continue that they will. If you still require a printed out copy, write and let me know please.


Poem # 247 from My Poetry Book Volume 5


Let me soar, on wings of Peace and

Love, high, beyond the galaxies and

the nebulae and their sparkling stars,

above the sad toil and trouble of this

world, above this sordid plane, to a

place of Eternal Bliss and Its ecstasy.

Let me soar, with my mind and spirit

free, even as my decaying body in this

Blight acts as a prison entrappingly.

Let me soar beyond recall, beyond this

pall, where there is fragrance Heavenly ,

for that is where I sincerely wish to be.

Let me soar, on Golden Wings and

Harmony, to a time that's truly fair,

where there are no Iniquities to bear,

where Love unimpeded we can share,

where to live purely we can dare,

where hearts nestle in a Godly Lair.

Let me soar, and as to do that I

prepare, come take my hand, and

together we will fly as Celestial sibs.

Surely if you are of Serenity, of

Goodness, and of a Heart Pure, you

would not pass the chance to be there?


Until next time,...

J S Chiappalone. Copyright 1998 .

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