Newsletter # 28 - November 1998,

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

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Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Annwn News

Hi to you all! Well, it has been a month of Clayton solutions, has it not? (Clayton's versions of things are, in this context, unreal, bogus, imitative.) It will be seen that as more things change in nature the more they remain the same in essence, but just in a worse degree. The degree of instability has deepened, and to go around the globe examining the decay confirms it is a case of repetition and of "I told you so". But, let that not stop us. Let's see what we can see.

These newsletters, while freely accessible, are written for students of metaphysics who are familiar with our previous publications, books and lectures. If you are not familiar with antecedent Gnostic information upon which we base these writings, and if you find these words difficult to understand, with concepts which stretch your indoctrinated minds to their limits, you are advised, if you are interested, and want to be fair to yourselves, to read the previous information carefully. If you do not, and want to remain in ignorance, perpetuating your own misunderstanding of what it is we write about, you can only blame yourselves for your own confusion.


STATING THE OBVIOUS: I have found that with few exceptions, those people who are very, very, anxious to know if Hell exists are the ones I am pretty sure are going there! Of course Hell exists - perhaps not in exactly the way it is described in myth and bibles, but it does exist. And vile, vile creatures of Darkness will go there, for that is their home!



I read an interesting article the other day, no doubt prepared by hate-promoting Zionists, which stated that Palestinians are adamant about establishing a Palestinian State - as is their right to do, by the way - and, the article continued, they will then declare war on Israel. Do you believe the conclusion of this nonsense about Palestinians declaring all out war? What are the facts? Palestinians are a starving rabble in the wealth bracket of Somalis. Collectively they have the weapons that the 5 worst equipped Israeli soldiers have at their disposal. Just how are they going to wage war in such poverty? Are they going to throw larger rocks? Don't you see the dizzying obfuscation of the spin-doctors in the article. They, Zionists, are preparing the West, via the media which they totally control, for their preemptive strike to destroy Palestinians further if ever they dare set up such a state, claiming, of course, that "Those terrorists were going to declare war on us anyway". The use of propaganda is a fine-tuned, evil art of the archons. Remember how, before the 1991 Gulf War, the media, including such notable magazines as "Time", published assessments of Iraqi's weaponry as being about 90% of the USA's, thus scaring the ignorant West into action? The reality was more like zero point 90% (0.90%) was it not? And that is exactly what it turned out to be in the greatest massacre ever witnessed by us in this era. Don't be fooled. See through the lies, even if you can do nothing about them at this stage. (For my definition of Zionism, see previous newsletters.)



D. Stone of Colorado sent me an interesting article about Ufology in which the author, even though he believes in Ufos, cover-ups, evil and government conspiracies, demands people use logic and commonsense to advance their awareness. Needless to say this author does not go far enough - he cannot - for he has no insight whatsoever and has no idea really of what is going on. "Commonsense" can be defined as the predominant programming, pollution and indoctrination which the majority suffer at any given time. Logic is the deficient process by which inadequate brains make a guesstimative mosaic on which to pin the insufficient data of a pseudo-reality onto the lower mind.

* Was it not commonsense of the day and basic logic in 1492 which told Columbus he would fall off the edge of a flat world if he sailed too far West? Indeed it was. And yet his supramental awareness (and ancient knowledge) told him the world was round!

* Didn't Einstein say his scientific logic told him the atom could not be split? Indeed he did.

* Using commonsense and logic of the latest theories of Physics, the most eminent Physics Professors of Marconi's day in the British Isles were able to convince the British Government that he was a dangerous charlatan whose ideas could not possibly work. Acting on this astute insight of the scientific pundits of the day, the Government condemned Marconi as a crazy Italian, and confiscated all his equipment. You know the truth from subsequent events.

* How does logic tell people the planet is being evacuated before total destruction?

* How did logic tell Westerners that Central Americans in great numbers were visited by aliens who told them to prepare for evacuation?

* How does logic tell us 15% of the human population are energy-sucking demons?

* How did logic and commonsense help Nostradamus, E. Cayce, Mother Shipton, and others, forecast accurately?

* How did they help me predict publicly in 1990 that Margaret Thatcher, Soviet Leader Gorbachev, US President George Bush and Australia's PM Bob Hawke would lose or be removed from office when at the time they were at the height of their popularity? As we all know, Bush lost re-election, the other 3 were stood down.

Logic does not work unless you have an adequate data base. Commonsense is the dominant programming of lower minds. Seeing the majority are of an evil essence, and seeing Evil controls this plane, can you not deduce clearly that such "commonsense" will be to the detriment of Truth?

No amount of logic and commonsense is going to allow anyone to diagnose cardiac failure from Mitral Incompetence unless one has the medical knowledge. The same goes for constructing a watch or building a rocket that will fly where the builder wants it to. Without the appropriate data, one is inadequate. What is happening to the world, examined from any and every perspective, has nothing to do with logic or commonsense, no matter what the spin-doctors and obfuscators say. Without knowledge from a supramental plane, and without guidance from a Higher Source, I am telling you now, no one can know what is going on. Amitakh and I, because of our Higher ontological natures, have attended numerous meetings in other dimensions and have been able to retain the knowledge there gained. One of our roles is to impart such knowledge to others prepared to receive it. The fact that all without this knowledge are groping in Darkness is evidence enough for me to accept the validity of all this. Whether you believe such assertions is, as always, your own business and no one else's.


The Extracted Toll

Those of you harassed by the memories of earlier years when spiritual ignorance and unawareness made you fall into many traps, and make numerous mistakes which are embarrassing perhaps, should consider that phase as the price for ultimately gaining the Joy of awakening, and proceeding to the point in your life where you really want to be.


Jerry Attrick writes on
High Culture for the 21st Century??

Hi Doc, Jerry here. As you and your readers all know, "Iron" Mike Tyson, after being disqualified in a fight for eating out of turn - he bit his opponent's ear off - applied for a renewed licence, to fight, to the relevant Sporting Body (the Nevada Boxing Commission, I think it is, which is dedicated to murder and mayhem, and some say is the Western Branch of the American Mafia - or so I am told by Louyee the Lip). I remember I was chewed out one time for chewing gum in church when I was a young'un, so I guess eating in a boxing ring is just as serious. As you also know, Mike has been sent for a psychiatric assessment to see if he is "sane" enough to box. This is how I read all this:

Boxing Commission Head: "Mike, Babeee, youse gotta go to the shrinks to sees if youse is sane enough to stop biting ears - why don't you eat before the fight, hey? - but insane enough to enter a ring, unencumbered by any thought process, full of drugs in your blood, to confront another hunk whose expressed poypose is to damage your brain enough so you will fall down, alone, on your own, without assistance, and hopefully die, or else, when the odds are big enough, to take a dive like we tells ya to, so wees can make a fiscal killen!" Anover fort, ... err thought, gees these second hand dentures just don't fit vell .. anofer tort just came to me -- why don't youse switch to Vegetarianism?

Iron Mike: Nar, I've already embwaced Muscle-ism!

Head: Shirley, you mean Muslinism?

Mike: Yea, Yea, just like much-hammered Ali. Any ways, eye'sa little confused here, Mr Boss man. Gees, if I canna have the right, no, the order, to try and crack my 'ponent skull and make his brain break and ooze out of his nose, I canna see whys I canna scratch him a little on parts that ain't vital. It's not like I hitted him in the "Family Jewels" or nofink like that. Besides, I realized he might have been a different blood group to me as soon as I bit him, and not wanting a hammerlogical reaction or go into Anna-Phil Axis, I spitted him out didern eye?

Head: You gottarse there Mike, me boy. 'ears your licence back. Keep it wiff your magnum, that way we will know it will be used often. (The Board licensed him to go into the ring and moider his 'ponet, the bum, on Oct 19, 1998.)

Love, Jerry.



The physical body, its brain and lower mind are made of evil-created matter. They can be, and are, programmed by innumerable factors, some of which I have tabulated in our other publications elsewhere, to act against the best interests of the consciousness using them. Many of you have been trapped this way - to be foolish, to commit crimes, to be used, abused and exploited by the system, to engage in perverted behaviour, to avidly believe false religious dogma, to be racist, to entertain prejudices, etc., etc.

Was that really you? Of course not. And you can confirm that it was not you by the fact that now, having woken to evil's schemes, having become aware of its methods of programming, pollution and indoctrination, having learned to cleanse and protect, having escaped the traps in which you were placed, having gleaned snippets of Light's Truth, you are able to modify yourselves, and act in the better interests of the real you, in the interest of the Higher Consciousness which uses that body, brain and lower mind.

If the former "persona" that you appeared to be, programmed to be so unwise and foolish, was the real you, you would never have changed so dramatically as you obviously have now. What has happened to allow this almost miraculous transformation, in many of you that I see, is that you have been able to discard the false shell's programming, pollution and indoctrination sufficiently to allow the Light Being trapped within to shine forth just a little. On evacuation from this horrible, and doomed, dimension, that part of you which will remain will be the Inner Higher consciousness, not the programmed, polluted and indoctrinated shell with its brain and lower mind which are created from this evil cesspool and were intended to serve the Evil Mind, the Evil Master of this condemned abomination.

Those who work for this Evil Mind want to validate its work and hide these facts. Hence the New Agers and the false religious all pay homage, in varying forms of Pantheism, to the supposed "godliness" of this cesspool and its products, denying the existence of Evil in great measure. To believe such foolishness is a destructive process for the consciousness which will survive the destruction of the cesspool, all its products and the Evil Mind who placed it into being from pilfered energy in the first place, after its emergence from the Celestial Error. As an added ploy, dangerous to the wellbeing of the Divine consciousness using the evil-created body, and its mechanisms, is the mental programming, so easily done by thought implantation, which says the body, and what it thinks and wants, are the real identity. In believing that, the individual is programmed to forgo any need to think of awakening to a Greater Reality. In other words s/he is programmed to think that all s/he sees and is presented with by physical senses and spurious rhetoric is all there is. Yet, every True Being knows, even in the darkest trap in which it is placed, that "there is more in life; there is more". It suspects this in a way which drives it to find more and connect to the Higher consciousness.

When connection is made, the importance of the physical diminishes proportionally. Of course, if it has completely snuffed out the Light within, no such thoughts will be entertained. For all practical purposes, that being will have become a robotic manifestation of the programming, pollution and indoctrination acting on the finite shell.


of the Existence of 2 Creations

As many of you have suspected, the growing anger in people is a manifestation of their many fears which are being exposed and intensified by events around the world which in turn they cannot control, let alone understand. I have often seen these fears expressed by some as anger in arguments when they hear this information which we are disseminating. Even when told they can accept or reject the information I deliver, depending on how they feel, they become angered by their inner fears, even as they vehemently and robotically reject these facts, saying they are all "rubbish". But, I must add, they are self-contradictory, for if this information was all "rubbish", they would not be so angry and fearful.

Those of the Illusion do not want to hear about the end of Evil, the end of misery, pain, suffering and exploitation. They do not want things to really get better. They want to maintain the status quo. That is for 2 very important reasons.

- Firstly, they prosper on the energy gained from the suffering of the True Beings trapped in this hell.

- Secondly, they know fully, in the inner levels, what Correction means for those of Evil - the end!

This leads me to the point of the existence of 2 creations in essence. The spurious ones continually shout about, and stress the oneness of it all. But I have revealed, as many others have in the past, others such as Zoroaster, Jesus, Manichaeus, etc., that there is, in fact, a parasitic and destructive, evil, counterfeit creation superimposed on a portion of the True Divine Creation.

These changes we are witnessing in the world are all about the separation of the individuals of the 2 creations, with destruction of the evil ones, and placement of the liberated ones elsewhere. Non-belief by some of this assertion will not change the slightest aspect of this Liberation Process and the transmutation of the counterfeits.

The reaction of people to this information however, provides ample proof that 2 basic, distinct, and ontologically opposed beings (consciousnesses) do exist in human bodies. The True Beings who have remained viable are buoyed by this information. The evil ones, and all who are failures, unviable, are angry and very, very fearful. They would not be that way if we were all the same in essence!


JOSEF V. STALIN of Gori, Georgia (1879-1953)

Many of you will have seen the movie "Stalin", produced by Hollywood, and would have been justifiably horrified at the monster created by it to portray the former Soviet Leader. What you should realize is that the Zionist controllers of Hollywood, in typical manner, have created a comic book villain and passed it off as the real Stalin. You should then really be horrified at the fact that such distortion and deception to program, pollute and indoctrinate, is so blatant and so easily accepted by the droning sheep!

The truth of the matter, of the life of Stalin and His ontology, are as far removed from what Hollywood invented as Light is from Darkness. The Zionists who created this demon were working to an agenda which we see repeated in many others demonized by them, and in their many attempts at re-writing history. You may disagree with my words of course, and that is your right. However, your disagreement will not alter the course of events which have been set into motion to ensure the total destruction of this system which allows such Evil to prosper in the guise of the essence of Zionism (which is from Jehovah - the Antichrist).

Who am I to dare classify consciousness the way I do? The answer I give to this question is not important. It is the answer you get from your own Inner Being which is of paramount importance, for in it is revealed your own nature in essence.

As I have stated many times now, reverse the facts presented as truth by Hollywood and the Zionist essence and you will be closer to the real thing. They lie continuously in fulfilment of an evil agenda, programming hate and intolerance while obfuscating truth. I have no doubt, no doubt whatsoever that is what they do, and that is why they will be transmuted, totally and forever. Whether you, at this stage, believe that assertion is now totally irrelevant. Look around this doomed planet; you know it is true!

Of fundamental importance is the question of why they demonize people such as Stalin, Castro, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, etc., whom they vilify with false rhetoric about the evilness of these so-called villains. These leaders opposed, in their way, capitalist exploitation of the masses by Zionist financial controllers. They were successful and hence were perceived as a danger to Capitalism. You see, Capitalism is the most virulent form of exploitation which benefits the archons. If they cannot exploit, they cannot grow richer. If a system exists in which they do not control, they feel a loss. Socialism and Communism, in essence, are anti-Capitalism in that they eradicate the need to abuse and exploit. All are cared for justly and equally - in essence, and in theory. The reason the socialist and communist states did not succeed is because of the evil ones present in the systems and the sabotage by them, and by the archons who worked to destroy the systems, at all costs. Stalin was successful in creating a greatly successful Soviet Bloc without finances from the Capitalists. For this he was never forgiven. He refused to allow capitalism to exploit his people. But many he could not control did sabotage much of his work and made the masses suffer.

The Zionist bolsheviks in his own party, acting under the direction of their evil essence and with support from Capitalists around the world (as we see with the works of Trotsky) worked for the destruction of the system, starving many groups around the bloc to death, with Stalin being blamed after the event of which he had little knowledge. What they did to Stalin - keeping him entrapped and blinded to their nefariousness, the Nazis of Zionist Essence were doing to Hitler - but that is another story.

Castro, Gaddafi and Hussein have wanted their respective countries to be for their people, free of the rapaciousness of the capitalist exploiters. For this they have paid, and are paying, a very high price, for the capitalists do not allow them to prosper. They know that if such systems work and are seen to work, their exploitation ends. I am not writing about some theoretical clash of ideologies. The fact that capitalism via the moneyed ruling archons exploits inexorably until it crushes its victims and sucks their economies dry, like an evil parasite does, can be seen today in the examples of Third World Countries which fell under the "guidance" of the IMF and the World Bank.



It is stating the obvious to say that whenever a US President has domestic problems, personal or otherwise, someone around the world is targeted and bombed in order to distract the frenzied sheep. The latest victim will be Serbia which, for all its atrocities, is no worse than many other ethnic and racial groups around this doomed planet. The incident cited as the last straw, and requiring the bombing as proposed this week by NATO, is minuscule in comparison to other genocidal and murderous events.

Why is a blind eye turned to many other atrocities; why is Rwanda not bombed for the genocide there; why is not Turkey, which uses the Kurds as target practice, bombed, or Israel, whose genocidal policies, accompanied by the black praises of the West, against the Palestinians, have decimated an entire people? What about the Taliban in Afghanistan, the old and new South African Regimes? And why does the US not bomb itself for the entrapment and murder it committed against Iraq, for its murderous violence against Grenada, Guatemala, Vietnam, Panama, Libya, and for its genocidal sanctions against North Korea, Libya, Cuba, Iraq, etc.?

I am writing this newsflash however, not to repeat the obvious, but to make a number of pertinent points for future developments, for what is happening in the Balkans will have immense repercussions to end humanity's suffering forever. This plan to bomb the latest Whipping Boy, Serbia, is one more focal point in the inexorable fragmentation process of this condemned planet.

As you may have well noted, solutions which worked previously to apparently temporarily solve many problems around the world, such as the health problems, the global warming problems, the financial problems, the socio-political-economic problems, have not worked as they once did. This will now be the case with the bombing of Serbia.

An escalation of hostilities is inevitable. And it will come as a surprise to many to see who joins which side in the conflict. Another consequence which is so obvious that it can be easily missed is the demise of the UN which has up until now respected its own Security Council intentions and resolutions. The intention to ignore Russian attempts at veto, and protests, does not augur well for the world.

While the Russians are threatening violence against Boris Yeltsin and his government for their life-threatening poverty, as they are now, they will tolerate even less this slight by NATO, the UN, and the West generally, which further minimizes any apparent self esteem that remained in their collective psyche.

Hence, this bombing will push them just a little further towards the brim of the Chasm of Desperation, where minds suffering the Terminal Madness of the Endtime, realizing they have nothing else to lose will do desperate things. Retaliative madness, even as they suffer the hunger and humiliation of doom, is not out of the question.

The NATO members can look forward to being confronted violently by the Russian Giant who, like a dying, wounded bear still carries enough clout to take many others with it. The USA and its spiritual 51st state, Israel, are not immune to such retaliatory action. To think they are, as they obviously do now, is a sure sign of the unavoidable Terminal Madness evil ones suffer.

So, where does this action of bombing the latest Whipping Boy, Serbia, leave us?

* It will definitely not have any beneficial effects on Clinton's fortunes. He is spiritually and politically dead, as dead can be, inspite of panegyric praise by sycophants such as Madeleine Albright.

* It will further weaken the UN and NATO.

* It will steel the resolve of Russia to see the West as its enemy.

* It will demand retaliation by Serbs, and their friends, against those they see as their enemy. Serbs are not Iraqis. They are even more vicious and fanatical fighters to the death. And, as any doctor who has had Slavs as patients, especially Yugoslavs, will tell you, racially and genetically these people are prone to extreme paranoia and violence.

This is a suicidal move by the Clinton administration born of his desire to distract the world from his impeachment process. But it will have consequences for the worse, for those evil ones, which they have not even dreamt as being possible. Rather than distracting from his personal woes, Clinton, as leader of the "Free World", is plunging the world into further chaos, anarchy, disaster and a doomsday scenario.

You may disagree, but you will do so only until these things which I describe come to fruition.


As we all know bombing has been postponed. The US and NATO claim they are winners. Milosevic (the leader of Serbia) claims he is a winner. The Albanians in Kosovo admit they are the losers, and they are as will be all 4 groups.

The two most important factors which demanded a settlement were

1 Republican Trent Lott's assertion in Congress that Russia would aggressively and militarily get involved if the bombing went ahead. On CBS "Face the Nation", that he expects the Russians to get involved and back the Serbs if/when NATO bombs them.

2 The picture of Boris Yeltsin's staggering on a public stage told the world he is not capable of being in any sort of control. This would make seizure of the Russian military easy for another more aggressive despot or ultranationalist. Yeltsin's condition can only be Chronic Brain Syndrome from alcohol abuse. In other words, he is an alcoholic running out of neurons. One can expect more abnormal behaviour from him before he is ousted, as he surely will be.

All the complications I wrote about have not dissolved.

They have simply been postponed to another day!! This energy pattern is still very much in existence and will precipitate eventually. All that is happening with postponement is an increase in scope and intensity for when it does precipitate onto this level. Those familiar with metaphysical concepts know exactly what I am describing. Those without expanded awareness may never fully know what is going on, but they will suffer the consequences just the same.


Worry not if moves such as the anticipated bombings are postponed a little or precipitate elsewhere after a while. Its all part of the same energy pattern which will eventually allow Evil's self-destruction.



I would not have written this piece except for the fact that many Jewish-Zionists attacked me vehemently for words I used in Newsflash 7. Many paranoid and self-centred Zionists objected to the example given of the Israeli genocide against the Palestinians in the above newsflash.

Consider that on the day US envoy Richard Holbrook spoke, after an agreement with Slobodan Milosevic, when he mentioned some 10-50,000 Albanian refugees were still camped outside their destroyed homes in the district, CBS news reported that the question of MILLIONS of Palestinian refugees, as identified by the Oslo accord had not even been considered. This refugee problem is supposed to be solved by May, 1999. Fat chance of that!!

Do these attacking Zionists think that the Palestinians abandoned Palestine because they did not like the brand of chocolates or the colour of the flowers the invaders greeted them with? Of course not. They were forced to flee for their lives. Millions were slaughtered and others disposed and tortured if they complained. In the perversity we have come to recognize well on this evil level, Zionists want to paint themselves as the victims for committing such atrocities and paint the terrorized Palestinians as terrorists. Non-Zionist Jews know this is so and that is why they complain bitterly, even in Israel, but they are silenced by the oppressive and very evil Zionist archons. If any are ignorant of such atrocities, I advise them to read earlier copies of these newsletters and other non-Zionist publications.


Even as the (mocking show piece) Middle East Peace Process continues in the USA, Palestinians are prepared to die for their cause. We must always ask "WHY?". It takes much courage and great desperation to become a suicide bomber. What drives these people to such extreme measures. If the question "Why?" were to be addressed, some peace could ultimately be found. But that will never happen for Brotherly Peace is not wanted by the Counterfeits in control of both sides. They prosper in hatred and violence. Hence they will perish in hatred and violence for he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword!


(After posting newsflash 7 on our website, I received this message from Jerry Attrick, whom most of you know. Jerry had gone to Europe to see the new Bugatti automobile and the Pope's Borgia mobile. "Hi Doc., things are really hotten' up, so Arm-ar-Geddin' out of here.")


NEWSFLASH #8 -- October 18, 1998


What, and Who, are you going to believe?

Indeed, Confusion reigns supreme as contradictory assertions reach our ears, more and more, daily.

Here are just some examples. I am sure you can think of many more yourselves:

In the same week scientists declared satellite data reveals that, if anything, the Antarctic ice mass is growing, and certainly not shrinking, other scientists report a chunk of Antarctica the size of Delaware broke off. Which fact is to be believed?

As scientists claim another breakthrough via gene identification for the possible cure of cancer, which they claim is all but under control, the incidence of cancer everywhere is rising inexorably. What is the truth of the situation?

One week after reports that some 80 million Indonesians face starvation with insufficient food in the country, a second report claims massive harvests in that country have reduced the price of rice and all is well. Remember the fires in Indonesia? They were partly due to the scorched earth and lack of rain. How can record harvests occur in such adverse conditions? What are you going to believe?

- The UN and NATO tell us the West has had a great victory over Serbia in bringing its leader to heel.

- The criminal Leader of the "Free World", Bill Clinton, gloats in the supposed reflected glory of "fixing" another international incident.

- The criminal Serbian Leader S. Milosevic, tells his people he has had a great victory in dealing with the West his way.

- The Albanian people of Kosovo, mainly distraught refugees, many of whose relatives had been slaughtered mercilessly and their dwellings destroyed, say they have been sold out and nothing has changed for the better for them. The problem there, as cited by the Albanians, is worse than ever. Who are you going to believe?

While Boris Yeltsin staggers, with Chronic Alcoholic Brain Syndrome, like a decerebrate Robot, but still claiming he is fit enough to rule the decaying nation, communist control grows. What is the truth there?

While Palestinian Leader Arafat and Israel's Netanyahu are harassed and pressured by Washington to reach an agreement by October 20, to make Clinton, teetering under the Damocletian Sword of impeachment look good, the reality is that none of the good intention expressed in previous accords has been worth the ink of signatures. No doubt Clinton will declare an historical peace milestone will have been reached under his auspices soon enough. Even as the two ravaged leaders, torn asunder by factionalism, pose and smile for the camera with Clinton, the hatred, friction, violence and bloodshed in their shared soil continue unabated. Where do you stand on this show of fraudulence and pseudo-peace?

Even as these two economic rapists squabble among themselves, in view of the world financial crisis, they still try to present themselves as saviours of Capitalism and Market Reform. Many others whose number swells daily, including Malaysia's Mahathir, Australia's Head of the Reserve Bank, Ian MacFarland, media mogul Rupert Murdock, and - wait for it - that arch capitalist Henry Kissinger, now openly agree that they, the rapacious International Monetary Fund and World Bank, are the cause of the financial problems, not the solutions which they try to portray themselves as being to the suspecting world. Choose! The choice of whom to believe is yours.

After repeatedly telling the world earlier this year, that the US economy is a giant and a miracle of Capitalism which will withstand anything, even the Asian economic meltdown, Greenspan, the spokesman for the Archons, shows that panic is the real feeling by dropping interest rates TWICE in seventeen days. The buffoons applaud and luxuriate in the thought that such meagre measures will save their bacon. Others sense the impending collapse of the system and the coming inflation which will, as usual, affect the poorest the most. I had previously described the Dow Jones Index as "Humpty-Dumpty on a yo-yo string". I have no reason to change that comic analogy.

As the Prime Minister and Treasurer declare Australia is nothing short of an economic miracle, and an example to the rest of the world, in being able to withstand its Asian neighbours' economic meltdown, they hide the fact that, in real terms, we in this country have lost 30% of our relative wealth, when compared to the world generally, in a few short months. Are you fooled by their rhetoric?

- Health reports claim infection numbers are falling in many places, yet whenever any group is tested truthfully, the percentage of the people infected reveals alarming increases.

- Claiming they have the problem of treatment almost solved with extremely toxic and expensive drugs which only the very rich can afford anyway, the deceitful archons have now discovered that the virus can mutate differently in different parts of the same host!

- While the "official spiel" is that the virus can only be passed on by sharing intimate bodily fluids, many question this and report cases of insect vectors and infection by polluted water and droplets in the air. What do you want to believe?

- Have you ever thought that published falling numbers of new cases in the West and elsewhere of HIV-AIDS are due to the fact that fewer and fewer are tested?

In contradiction to government assertions, many privately state the problem of prion infected cows, meats, byproducts, waterways etc., is being hidden, and that the situation is extremely dangerous. Not only have the Swiss revealed the estimates of cows infected in their herds were grossly deficient, but many also question the incidence of Alzheimer's Disease in places such as the USA claiming the increased numbers are due to brain infection by the prion which causes Mad Cow Disease.
What is the Truth here?

The more data is collected around the world about the existence of aliens and their spacecraft, and the more the numbers of witnesses and abductees swell, the more vehemently do governments and military departments deny any knowledge or the possibility of such "Virtual Reality"-breakers, as UFO's are. Where do you stand on this?

- New Agers tell us the whole world is undergoing a "benign cleansing" and that we are about to elevate to a higher dimension whereas some of us, aware of the stark reality, see the world turning into a depraved hell more and more by the minute. What are you going to believe?

- The Catholic Pope tells the world that the End of the World will not happen, inspite of all the physical indicators to the contrary, because his "Christ" has not told him yet. The manner in which he spoke this was an indication of his enormous ego, his self-delusion in his belief of his own Papal Infallibility, and the ability of demons to delude the trapped "sheep" who must blindly follow papal proclamations. Anyone truly spiritual would be concerned at the "pop-star, idol worship" which this Pope accepts and enjoys readily.

Be warned, more confusion will occur. One can almost bet, as a certainty, that as some relevant news is broadcast, other contradictory items will be released to obfuscate the particular discipline concerned.

It is for you to think your way out of this confusing maze. You know the answers really. You will have to rely on your own intuition to make sense of what is going on.

So-called facts, created from "scientific data" can be manipulated to fool any of us.

The questions you should be asking are "What have the archons got to hide? Why do they not want the truth of things revealed?" If you ask these questions you are more than half way to winning the truth stakes and gaining the jackpot!



* Free Trade? Fully Operable Scud B Missile Snared In Southern California By Customs - The Washington Times.

U.S. and British authorities are investigating how a Russian-design Scud missile was imported illegally by a weapons collector in California. The only thing missing is the warhead. Scud B missile and its mobile transporter-erector launcher minus the warhead -- were seized Sept. 2 by customs agents in Port Hueneme, Calif., about 35 miles north of Los Angeles. The missile system was licensed for importation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. But paperwork in the case was falsified, and the missile system was not "demilitarized" -- rendered inoperable -- as required by import rules. British customs officials are investigating the seller, a small firm outside London, and U.S. investigators are questioning an arms collector who bought the system. The missile transfer has raised fears about the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and missile-delivery systems. It also could be an embarrassment for the Clinton administration, which is engaged in a major international diplomatic effort to halt missile exports by Russia and China to the Middle East. The importation raises questions about U.S. national security controls. The false paperwork has raised questions about the deal and prompted the U.S. investigation. Investigators suspect the missile may have been bought in Europe on the black market. Terrorists or rogue states could use such collectors to acquire missiles illegally.

* Howard Stern and Rupert Murdock, media moguls are at it for all they are worth - a process of self-destruction for sure.


So you think Clinton is doing a "good job" for the USA. It looks like he is doing a good job ON the USA. Consider this:

Target USA From Oct 14, 1998.
Clinton's High Treason

"President Clinton wrote the waivers for Hughes, Loral and Motorola. President Clinton took money directly from COSTIND operations in the form of donations from the same American companies, and in some cases, donations directly from COSTIND related front companies." ... the Rosenburgs were EXECUTED for less.] In 1989 China faced a military crisis. China was about to become an ex-super power. In 1989, Major General Yang Huan, Chinese Deputy Commander of the Second Artillery (Strategic Rocket Forces), wrote a paper in the National Defense review. Yang admitted that China had to rapidly improve the red nuclear missile force or face third rank global status. General Yang outlined three areas absolutely necessary for China to "improve" its aging "first generation" of nuclear missiles. General Yang's three goals were to improve "the survivability ... the striking ability ... [And] the penetration technology of strategic weapons." According to Yang, "accuracy and power are chief factors used to judge weapon striking power." Yang wrote in 1989 that China's strategic missiles were cumbersome, inaccurate and unreliable. Yang predicted that in the near future American anti-missile defenses would halt any Chinese missile attack. According to Yang, "strategic weapons can be used in actual fighting only when they can penetrate enemy defenses and reach and strike the target a necessary condition to protect itself and destroy a target." Yang's fear was that America would deploy a "STAR WARS" system large enough to neutralize China's nuclear missile force but small enough to not threaten Russia. The U.S./Iraq Gulf war that followed Yang's article was filled with nightly battles between Patriot and SCUD. The results from the Iraq war accelerated the military view that anti-missile systems could neutralize Chinese rocket forces. In 1994, General Ding Henggao served as Chairman, Commission on Science, Technology and National Defense Industry (COSTIND). General Ding solved China's nuclear strategic problems. In 1994, General Ding wrote a small article titled "Reforming defense science, technology, and industry" that appeared in China Military Science. Ding wrote "in a future anti aggression war, our country will uphold the concept of active defense. It means that active defense is not just defensive, it is offensive as well. Our air-defense weapons system and even the whole weapons system should have two capabilities. It could greatly help overall quality and effectiveness if we possess one or two effective weapons that can assume the offensive."

In 1994 COSTIND took the offensive - target USA. COSTIND Vice Minister, Lt. General Shen met and consummated a series of satellite deals with Bernard Schwartz the CEO of Loral. The technology obtained from the COSTIND/Loral deals saved China billions in missile R&D and turned the Second Corps into a deadly force of thermonuclear war. The Loral operation led by General Shen revealed the many flaws in Chinese missile guidance and control systems. Improvements in rocket electronics design and guidance system assembly obtained directly from Loral were quickly applied to the Second Artillery's force of CSS strategic missiles. Loral engineers eagerly improved Chinese nuclear missile accuracy and reliability to near state of the art. Previous flight test results indicated that almost half of the CSS class missile force would fail due to bad guidance. Today, China operates with the verified results from Long March test flights funded by U.S. satellite launches. The Chinese missile force will perform flawlessly, dropping nuclear payloads within yards of any target on Earth. The Second Artillery has a reliable global reach with powerful accuracy thanks to the successful COSTIND operation with Loral. General Shen also led the successful penetration of Hughes in the purchase of ASIASAT satellites. Again, through a series of meetings with Brown and U.S. Commerce officials, Shen or his operatives in front companies secured whole satellites from Hughes. The Hughes satellites provide the Chinese Army with secure communications that are invulnerable to earth combat and highly accurate all weather navigation for strike bombers and missiles. In addition, the Hughes satellites provide direct TV and cable TV broadcasts to most of Asia. Thus, cable and pay-per-view services help pay for the Chinese Army satellites. The brilliant planning and logistics mean that Chinese military communications pay for themselves.

Another Hughes deal - the HS GEM satellite with a unique 40 foot antenna will provide COSTIND owned Asia Pacific mobile telecom with 16,000 secure voice channels, using man portable phones and radios. The APMT satellite can be used not only to provide secure military communications but the spacecraft also has "Passive ELINT interception capacity" - or the ability to listen in on wide variety of earth signals, including military communications. The COSTIND penetration of Hughes was so successful that General Shen managed to get his son, Shen Jun, a job at Hughes as the lead software engineer for all Chinese satellites. According to Hughes, Shen Jun had access to "proprietary" satellite source code. Shen's access made sure that no secret back doors or special computer virus traps were included inside the Hughes spacecraft by American intelligence services such as the NSA. COSTIND General Ding also spearheaded penetrations of American military technology, using his relatives. Ding's wife, Madam Nie Li, formed a "commercial" company called Galaxy New Technology. Madam Nie, using contacts with Commerce Secretary Brown and Defense Secretary Perry, purchased secure, real-time, fiber optic communications systems from American companies.

The Galaxy New Technology secure fiber optic network is invulnerable to interference from nuclear attack and currently serves at the communications backbone for the General Logistics Division of the Chinese Army. Madam Nie did have some technical assistance from other COSTIND officials. Colonel Deng Changru, director of PLA communications, and Colonel Xie Zhichao, director of PLA electronics, are also members of Galaxy New Technology. Other COSTIND units working with the Ministry of Posts, China Great Wall Industries and China Aerospace penetrated Motorola using satellite orbit contracts as paying bait for Iridium spacecraft. Motorola scientists eagerly modified, tested and verified a Long March satellite orbit bus that is capable of deploying two Iridium satellites.

In September 1998, the CIA testified before the Senate National Security Committee that the Motorola technology is being modified by China to double the number of nuclear warheads on the CSS strategic missile. The Motorola transfer also allowed China to upgrade their DF-15 (DONG FENG - Maoist slogan "East Wind") missile with maneuvering warheads that can avoid American anti-missile defenses such as Patriot and Standard. Motorola transfers significantly upgraded the nuclear firepower and accuracy of Chinese weapons. Motorola technology transfers mean that Chinese warheads can now "penetrate enemy defenses".

In all of this, President Bill Clinton

* wrote the waivers for Hughes, Loral and Motorola.

* took money directly from COSTIND operations in the form of donations from the same American companies, and in some cases, donations directly from COSTIND related front companies.

* paraded many of the projects as part of his golden era of economic expansion.

* personally arranged for Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz to meet COSTIND Vice Minister General Shen.

The spectacular success of this single Chinese army unit turned China into a regional power that dominates Asia and a world power capable of flexing military force anywhere on earth. It is no surprise that General Ding and COSTIND recently won the honors of the Chinese communist party. In early October 1998, Vice Premiere Zhu Rongji selected COSTIND over the Chinese Army Central Military Command (CMC) to run all space programs, including manned space flight. COSTIND won out over the older regular Army staff officers in the CMC for an obvious reason. General Ding is the most successful Chinese military commander since Mao. Mao took Mainland China in 1949 after fighting a twenty-year war against both the warlords and the Imperial Japanese Army. General Ding turned the second Artillery Corps - the Chinese strategic missile force - into a feared world power and defeated America without firing a shot in the short span of six years.

General Ding and COSTIND will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mao's revolution with a PLA space rocket. In July 1999, China will orbit a manned spacecraft. That craft will be under the command of COSTIND and a tribute to Ding. The new space powers granted to COSTIND are a reward to Vice Minister General Shen Rou-jun and Minister General Ding Ganghao for their brilliant and successful penetration of the Clinton White House.

(General Ding & COSTIND Source Document Index -


CHILD PROSTITUTION: We all know about young females being sold in India and China, and other countries, especially in Asia, for whatever purpose the buyer wants, which is usually sexual exploitation. But, before Western First World Countries start pointing the finger at the practice in impoverished Third World misery, they should be aware of what is happening in their own cities. I have no doubt that what I am able to write is a common practice in every country in the world, for demons are the same everywhere. Remember the paedophile rings in Belgium? In Colorado, In Sydney? Well, a national survey in Australia, as reported on the front page of the Courier Mail, Sept 30, 1998, reveals children are being traded for groceries and sexually exploited as prostitutes, often by their parents. Some are no more than 10 years old. Children's commissioner Norm Alford said figures of the practice are probably gross underestimates. In tourist locations such as Cairns, a Youth Service stated children are sexually servicing tourists. The very young ones are being exploited by parents and guardians in ever-increasing numbers. The teenagers who run away from home are caught in a cycle of exploitation, drugs and despair. Who would want to delay destruction of this vile system which caters for such demonic behaviour. Is any punishment enough for the evil rats who wreck such young lives?


Artful Bell Hop - Blackmail By Clinton Operatives ?? - By an Associated Press Writer, 10-15-98: Sources close to the Clinton White House are denying a report that late-night radio host Art Bell has been blackmailed by a group close to the president. The report asserts that Bell, a successful radio talk show host with a late-night audience of 20 Million listeners, was black-mailed in order to secure commentary favourable to Clinton. Sources said that materials connecting Bell and his cousin, new-age guru Frederick Lenz, were used to threaten Bell. Lenz, known as "RAMA" to a cult following, was deceased earlier this year in an apparent suicide. The incident remains under investigation. Of note in the report was Bell's rapid turnaround in his position regarding the Clinton issue. In his August 17th show, Bell called for Clinton's resignation following the President's now infamous apology. Bell now supports the President. Bell was reportedly so intimidated by the initial threat that he feigned an injury during a broadcast, and he remained off the air for days to consider options. He has since tightly controlled his broadcasts and limits open-line calling on the topic while remaining favourable to the Clinton Administration. The White House has denied all knowledge of the incident. Further reports suggest it was all a hoax to generate publicity!

* AIR RAGE: Yes. And, speaking of disintegration, in San Francisco the airport authorities are holding a special conference to see what can be done to stem the tide of "Air Rage" incidents. In the last 14 months, on flights in and out of the S.F.Bay area there have been 29 serious incidents of passengers interfering with the crew.

New Zealand scientists confirm fragmentation of this system is on track. They report the ozone depletion on September 29, 1998 was much worse than thought and occurring at a rate much faster than thought possible. Headlines read: Ozone Hole Above Antarctic largest Ever - 2 1/2 Times Size Of Europe. The hole in the ozone over Antarctica grew to its largest size ever in September, covering an area 2 1/2 times the size of the European continent, the World Meteorological Organization said. Scientists expect the hole in the ozone -- the protective layer that shields the earth from damaging ultraviolet rays -- to grow each September because of temperature fluctuations. But last month, it grew by more than 15 percent, exposing not only Antarctica but a huge swath of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, including the southern tip of South America, to harmful ultraviolet rays. Ozone, a gas in the stratosphere, protects Earth from harmful UV radiation. Its depletion, thought to be caused by manmade chemicals used in aerosols and refrigeration, is believed to expose humans and animals to increased risks of skin cancer and cataracts.

Because of temperature changes, ozone levels are expected to improve between now and the end of the year or early next year. A World Meteorological Organization base station in Tierra del Fuego, in southern Argentina, reported a "very unusually" low level of ozone in the atmosphere for the month. The ozone reduction was more severe than in previous years because a whirlpool-like atmospheric phenomenon that develops each year above the South Pole -- the polar vortex -- was larger than usual. The polar vortex is a moving cyclone with a low pressure, cold centre in which ozone is less likely to be present. An additional cause of ozone depletion is the chlorine and bromine released by manmade chemical compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons that are contained in some aerosol sprays. ("Scottie, beam us out of here!")


CATHOLICISM is Number One - in providing out-of-wedlockians. It seems being Catholic is a pregnancy hazard: Catholics make up an abnormally high percentage of single teenage mums as found in a recent Oz survey. The abortion rate is also thought to reflect these statistics.



The London Independent at in an article by R. Fisk, stated that US Depleted Uranium Shells have yielded a Leukaemia And Cancer Epidemic In Iraq. Here is the article for the benefit of those with no access to the web: "Oxygen, for God's sake get some oxygen -my son is dying." It is an almost animal wail from the man on the staircase of the Basra paediatric hospital, tears running from his eyes, shaking uncontrollably. In the small room at the top of the stairs, his son Yahyia Salman is crying, desperate to breathe.

A leukaemia relapse - especially in the sulphurous heat of southern Iraq - is a thing of panic. "Stop shouting, we have another oxygen bottle," Dr Djenane Khaleb admonishes the father, pursing her lips with a mixture of irritation and concern. But the man will not be consoled. "My God, what am I going to do?" he cries as a technician with a ratchet begins to unscrew the top of a massive battered black oxygen bottle. The little boy's eyes move across the room, towards the doctor, towards me and his father. This is not the moment to tell him that - thanks to readers of The Independent -his hospital now has all the drugs it needs for leukaemia.

The boxes of vincristine and vials of cefuroxine, ampoules of metaclopramide, of surgical gloves and syringes arrived less than 24 hours ago. But Yahyia Salman has gone a long way down the road towards death. So has two-year-old Youssef Qassem in the next room, and Hala Saleh, who - just 10 years old - is suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The doctors show me these children with a kind of infinite weariness, and I can understand why. They have received so many visitors and so many promises of help. At least ours was honoured. Dr Khaleb asks, very carefully, if the Basra hospital received the same amount of drugs as other hospitals in Baghdad and Mosul.

I think I understand the purpose of her question -it was the Shiites here in the south of Iraq who rose against the Iraqi government in 1991, and there are those in Baghdad who have never forgiven them. Dr Khaleb says nothing of this.

Yes, I insist, The Independent's medicines were packed before leaving Heathrow to ensure that every area of Iraq received - through the charity CARE - an equal share. And she smiles as she reads the drug manifest, which I have brought with me. "Yes, this is what we need," she says. It is the first smile I have seen this trip to Basra. For the doctors here are overwhelmed as much by the implications of their discoveries in the cancer clinics as they are by lack of medicine.

For the increase in child cancer in these southern provinces - site of the last battles of the 1991 Gulf war - is in places reaching ferocious heights. While in some areas, an average of 3.9 children in every 100,000 are suffering cancer, the districts of Harthe and Gurne now produce statistics of 71.8 and 41.8 respectively. There was heavy bombing in these suburbs and the words "depleted uranium" are heard in every ward; even the parents know the meaning of the phrase. Allied shells and rockets, they say, contaminated the fields around Basra - and indeed, in the Basra market, huge tomatoes are on sale, and outsize mushrooms. No Western scientist has visited to explain what this means; but the doctors have their suspicions. Take Dr Jawad Ali at the Basra paediatrics teaching hospital, a member of the Royal College of Physicians, who produced his own carefully recorded statistics for The Independent in March.

"I don't know how to explain the implications of this to you but I am seeing terrible things," he said. "One of our medical students who has just graduated, Zeineddin Kadam, has cancer and he will die in a few days. The wife of one of our orthopaedic surgeons died just a week after a diagnosis of acute leukaemia - she died less than a month ago when she thought she had an appendix problem. They found part of her small intestine was gangrenous."

Dr Ali opens a thick file of notes. "Of 15 cancer patients from one area, I have only two left. I am receiving children with cancer of the bone - this is incredible. I have just received a 15-year-old girl, Zeinab Manwar, with leukaemia - she will live only a year. My God, I have performed mastectomies on two girls with cancer of the breast - one of them was only 14 - this is unheard of!"

Dr Akram Hammoud, director of the paediatrics hospital, is no less appalled. "Almost all the children here will die in a few months," he said. "We have one family with three children, all of whom have Hodgkin's lymphoma. What can have done this? Before the war, we received in this hospital about one cancer patient a week - now I am getting an average of 40 a week. This is crazy. We are getting patients with carcinoma cancer below the age of 20 - one of my patients is 22, another 18. One of the symptoms of leukaemia is bleeding from the nose - now every child that has a nose-bleed is brought here by panic-stricken parents."

The Americans - along with their British allies - fired thousands of depleted uranium shells from tanks and aircraft into the fields around Basra in the last days of the 1991 war to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation, projectiles which burn up on impact and scatter radioactive dust around the target; dust that can be transported by wind or water and inhaled by breathing.

An American military report written in 1990 states that cancers, kidney problems and birth defects are among the health effects of uranium particle contamination.

"Even the common cold in Basra is changing its features," Dr Ali says. "It takes longer to cure here now and we get advanced cases, sometimes associated with encephalitis." He reopens his file. "In 1989, we received 116 cancer patients in the whole area; last year, the figure was 270. Already in the first 10 months of this year, it's 331. No one will give us the equipment to test the soil. Probably we are all polluted."

His story might be less convincing if it did not sound so similar to those of the American and British Gulf war veterans whose sudden illnesses - and deaths - have still not been explained by our governments. The medicines paid for by Independent readers have now reached the cancer children of southern Iraq and there were some painful, emotional handshakes from the doctors when they arrived.

But the questions remain, and one of them is all too ironic: are we helping to cure those whom we ourselves contaminated? NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. For more information go to:

My Comments could fill a book, as no doubt yours could. But let us leave this sad, tragic, but real, article with this question: How would the American people like to have China drop spent uranium shells on their cities, towns, villages and farms because of the way Americans treated the Chinese in the American gold rush period? The End for such a despicable humanity cannot come too soon as far as I am concerned.



September 1998 was the hottest September on record. The continuing warm readings add fuel to the debate over global warming. Many scientists and others are concerned that chemicals added to the atmosphere may be warming the planet somewhat like the glass heats a greenhouse. Others remain doubtful, however, noting the regular cycles of climate change over past years and pointing out that accurate temperature records go back only about a century. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported that the average worldwide temperature for the month was 59.98 degrees Fahrenheit, 1.08 degree above the 1880-1997 global average of 58.9.



From a Californian reader: Gathered from the news: Under California's new "welfare reform plan", payments will end for anyone on assistance for 2 years continuously, and payments will end permanently if one has a total of 5 years of assistance in their lifetime. At the same time the state government's own study shows that, under the best of conditions, job programs are only 20% effective in getting people off welfare. And the entry level jobs that are attained are mostly at minimum wage, with very few benefits, and often part-time, keeping a person well below the poverty line. So now the wealthiest state, in the wealthiest nation, will soon see a huge increase in the number of working poor, in homelessness, and in desperate crime. Certainly many will end up in one of California's many new jails, working for multinationals at 20 to 50 cents per hour -- while their housing and food is mostly paid for by California's rapidly diminishing middle class.

And this is occurring in the state known for its Silicon Valley millionaires and multimillion dollar-per-deal movie stars -- all of whom recently received a nice break in their state taxes. It is said that California leads the nation in new ideas and future trends. Aren't throwing people to the streets, slavery, and forced labour old ideas? Trends such as this prove that California and the U.S. are in severe decline.

* NATION OF ISLAM leader Louis Farrakhan is an archon of Darkness from deepest hell - make no mistake about it. And a thief he is too!

* BEEFING UP: The defence ministers of Russia and Belarus said on Friday they would beef up military ties in response to NATO's eastward expansion and its threats of military strikes against Yugoslavia. "We have the legal basis to pool our capabilities in the military-political sphere to work to counter the eastward expansion of NATO."

UN Releases Disturbing Facts

Every year, the United Nations Human Development Report looks for a new way to measure the lives of people. This year, the report takes its first look at what people have - from simple toilets to family cars - and what proportion of the world's goods and services are consumed, comparatively, by the rich and by the poor. The pie is huge - the world's consumption bill is $24 trillion a year - but some servings are very small indeed.

The Haves: The richest fifth of the world's people consumes 86% of all goods and services while the poorest fifth consumes just 1.3%. Indeed, the richest fifth consumes 45% of all meat and fish, 58% of all energy used and 84% of all paper, has 74% of all telephone lines and owns 87% of all vehicles.

The Super Rich: The world's 225 richest individuals, of whom 60 are Americans with total assets of $311 billion, have a combined wealth of over $1 trillion--equal to the annual income of the poorest 47% of the entire world's population.

The Have Nots: Of the 4.4 billion people in developing countries, nearly three-fifths lack access to safe sewers, a third have no access to clean water, a quarter do not have adequate housing, and a fifth have no access to modern health services of any kind.

Cosmetics And Education: Americans spend $8 billion a year on cosmetics - $2 billion more than the estimated annual total needed to provide basic education for everyone in the world.

Education: $40 billion a year - It is estimated that the additional cost of achieving and maintaining universal access to basic education for all, basic health care for all, reproductive health care for all women, adequate food for all, and clean water and safe sewers for all is roughly $40 billion a year--or less than 4% of the combined wealth of the 225 richest people in the world.



Russia is printing money, but that is no answer to its woes.

From Forbes Magazine: Russia is so cash-strapped that it hasn't paid its troops in three months. Its military computer infrastructure is decaying and its command and control structure is in disarray.

Its nuclear forces are on hair trigger alert and to top it off there is palpable fear that the Year 2000 problem--also called the "Y2K problem" or "millennium bug"--could cause the nation's early warning system to malfunction, which might lead to a nuclear accident. Such is the sorry state of Mother Russia, which, like its military computer network, is having trouble making the transition from 1900 to 2000.

The Pentagon is so concerned about the potential impact of this computer glitch to end all glitches on its former Cold War foe that it recently proposed sharing early warning information. "If the Russians go blank on Jan. 1, in the year 2000, they're going to be sitting right next to Americans who are looking at their systems and saying, 'Don't worry, you can look at ours,'" says Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre. That is, the honourable Hamre forgot to add, if Russia accepts America's help. It is almost beyond comprehension that something that is little more than a data entry problem--to save space, standard coding practice of the past relied on two digits instead of four to represent years--could bring about a taste of doomsday to a nation whose nuclear résumé includes Chernobyl.

"Russia is extremely vulnerable to the Year 2000
problem and an accidental launch is possible."

The big fear is that Y2K could cause Russia's early warning system to go on the fritz, leaving the nation blind as the clock ticks over to 2000. In fact, most experts agree that this is likely. But there are even more dire possibilities. The bug could lead Russia's military computers to spew bad data--"garbage in, garbage out"--tricking it into thinking it is under attack. The worst case scenario: the unintended launch of a nuclear missile, although this is only a remote possibility, since it would require multiple failures.

"Russia is extremely vulnerable to the Year 2000 problem and an accidental launch is possible," says Sergey Fradkov, a partner and chief technical officer for Wall Street software and database developer Unif/X. Because Fradkov was once assigned to the former Soviet Republic's satellite control service, he has first-hand knowledge of its military computer system. "If the date is used somewhere to track an incoming missile and the date shifts to 0000000 for a brief moment, there is a division by zero--an extremely high value--that fools the system into thinking there is a high probability of an attack in progress," Fradkov says. "This error in calculation might cause the computer to identify the blip on the screen as a rocket."

This problem is not limited to Russia. After the former Soviet Union went toes up, it held a military fire sale. This means the millennial problems that plague the Soviet system have been inherited by China and North Korea, both of which bought up much of the hardware on the cheap, as well as by Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, former Soviet Republics with nuclear missiles stowed within their borders. The nuclear inventories of India and Pakistan--new kids on the nuclear block--are less vulnerable to Y2K, since their software is more up-to-date. The U.S military, itself behind schedule, has budgeted almost $2 billion to repair 1,200 networks and replace an additional 800 out of 3,000 mission critical systems.

The U.S has fixed about 1,000 systems already--while Russia has barely begun to confront the problem, much less locate the necessary funds. In fact, its existing budget provides only 10% of the money it requires just to keep its computer network up and running, let alone addressing the added costs of responding to the millennium bug. "If the shortage of funds persists," promises Russia's Defense Minister, Igor Rodionov, "Russia may soon approach a threshold beyond which its missiles and nuclear systems become uncontrollable." The clock is ticking. There are only 14 months left to 2000.


Mahathir, this is what you want to hear:

Ian MacFarland, the head of Australia's Reserve Bank, criticizes the IMF and the OZ Treasury for our financial woes, claiming the whole world is in depression and this is due to mismanagement and the free movement of currencies. He advocates stringent currency controls. So, Dr Mahathir was right after all. More fragmentation is to come as the IMF and the World Bank attack each other.


Papua New Guinea: Unhappy with the economic mess in this Third World country, one of the poorest in the world, the IMF and World Bank is trying to increase the interest rate for PNG from 26% to 30%. And you thought the moneyed archons were trying to help the downtrodden and the poor!!


World finances cannot get better. The biggest factors still to come into play are:

- China's devaluation and its dumping of commodities onto a non-coping world market. On the Sightings on Radio Show in Sept. 1998, I said China would be forced to devalue its Yuan. On Oct 7, the Western Media reported the process was about to begin.

- Massive natural disasters scheduled for the US.

- Japan's imminent physical destruction by natural disasters.

* Also on the same show I had predicted that 80 million Indonesians would have insufficient food to feed themselves by years end. In fact, this has turned out to be the case even earlier than I had predicted for it was reported to be so by Australia's Radio National in the first week of October! see Newsflash 8 for further fudging of facts by archons.

* The IMF and World Bank are squabbling.


Disrupts Our Atmosphere

BBC Sci/Tech Science. On the night of 27 August the Earth's upper atmosphere was bathed briefly by an invisible burst of high energy radiation from deep space. The pulse of energy, the most powerful detected to strike the Earth from beyond the solar system, had a significant effect on the planet's upper atmosphere, scientists say.

It is the first time that a significant change in the Earth's atmosphere has been traced to a distant star. Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University in California, Umran Inan, said: "It was as if night was briefly turned to day in the ionosphere." The energy pulse came from a distant star designated SGR 1900+14. It lasted just five minutes but scientists estimate that the pulse contained enough energy to power all of human civilization for a billion, billion years.

The object 1900+14 is believed to be a superdense star called a neutron star whose gravity pulls material from a nearby star. This material comes crashing down onto the neutron star becoming superhot and finally exploding sending out a titanic burst of energy. Scientists at Stanford operate a string of radio receivers across North America designed to monitor the state of the ionosphere, the region between 60 and 80 kilometres high. It detected a severe, five-minute disturbance on 27 August.

During that time the ionosphere pulsed to a five-second rhythm. This is the orbital period for the 1900+14 neutron star to rotate. The burst was also picked up by the deep space Ulysses spaceprobe that is orbiting the Sun 600 million miles away. This is not the first time that a stellar burst from outside the solar system is believed to have affected the Earth. Other events may have been observed in 1983 and 1996. It is however the first time that there is definite evidence for such an effect.

Although there was no danger to life on Earth, the pulse was far too weak for that, scientists do believe that if a star exploded in our local cosmic neighbourhood its radiation could affect our atmosphere and sterilize the Earth's surface.



Dear Dr., I just wanted to write and say that your newsletter puts what is going on in the world in the most cogent, clear manner I have found. Peter McKeirnan, Stockton, Cal.


AJS of California writes: Subject: Re: nl 27.

Hello, Another great Newsletter! Sorry if I sound like a broken record, but it is true. I am glad you have identified Steven Hawking as the evil being he is. I never liked the egotistical little b., but was afraid to express my disdain since he is such a basket case physically, and many might think I was heartlessly picking on a cripple -- which was not the case at all. In fact, in the early eighties I was part of a group of software programmers that wanted to see that PCs were made accessible to the handicapped, to help them communicate beyond their disabilities and to give them a productive outlet for expression and employment.

We met formally at the major PC show in San Francisco in 1983 in a special session, which was very sparsely attended. It was discouraging how virtually none of the major hardware players showed any interest in or support of the handicapped. Non-participant manufacturers said they did "not find it feasible to address such a small market niche".

The one computer manufacturer who did participate, and who in fact sponsored the session, was shortly put out of business by the Microsoft/Intel monopolies, and the project floundered at that time for lack of support. Yet in that same time frame, support was given to Hawking in the form of a computer, hardware interfaces and special software -- and still what was done for him was not then generally available to others with similar disabilities.

And the direct support of Hawking continues today; recently, Intel engineers designed a new computer for Hawking, which he currently uses. To me this is just another example of what you have repeatedly stated, that this system always caters to the wishes and egos of the evil ones, and lets others remain stuck in their suffering. I look forward to the demise of this filthy, selfish, pit of suffering. And I look forward to the release of those have remained true. It couldn't come too soon!

Thank you for all your work in exposing the true nature of this existence and for the wonderful reminders of a far better existence just around the corner.

Highest Regards.

P.S. It is no surprise that at Hawking's website the first thing you see is a picture of him at the White House with Clinton. And he has a link on his website labelled "Our Friends at the White House", with a direct link to the White House website. "Birds of a feather..."


From Lowell: Subject: re Newsflash # 7: "Dr. Chiappalone, In reference to your article "Another Clinton Wag The Dog Ploy Coming," I could not agree more. Our country's actions against these countries, while ostensibly painted as proactive strikes against terrorist regimes or rogue states, will soon come full circle. Unfortunately, the frenzied sheep which you mention comprise 95% of our population, and in my opinion that's a conservative estimate. And much to the chagrin of the 'frenzied sheep,' the Wounded Bear is waking, if it was ever really asleep. And all we are doing by flatly ignoring Russian concerns about our rash actions is taunting this hungry, dangerous creature with a stick. Like you, sir, I fervently wish that as a people, we could collectively 'wake up.' There are times I wish that was blissfully naive again ... Thank you for your article - it was refreshing to read, albeit disturbing in nature."


From: W Hawk - Subject: Sightings Link;

"I found your website by a story that was posted on the Sightings website. I have to say that I smiled and laughed as I read many of the things that you have written in your October newsletter. It's is surprising to me just how much we think alike. I have felt for quite some time that part of my reason for being alive in this time frame was to be here when the "End Times" manifested itself. I currently work for an automobile transportation company in Colorado which employs about thirty people in it's main office and almost 200 drivers in the field.

I haven't talked to any of the drivers but I can tell you that if our office is any indication, the polls DO NOT reflect the true feelings of the American people. I know of no one out of those 30 who openly supports Clinton. The polls are an obvious manipulative attempt to sway the publics' opinion. They must be asking women (many of whom would like to go to be with him but won't openly admit it) and blacks - who ignorantly support the louse out of blind allegiance. Keep in mind, even though I voted against him in the previous two elections, many more people failed to vote thus allowing him to gain his position.

I knew the guy was lying about Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathline Wiley and Monica Lewinsky but --- his Cabinet (many of whom believe they are smarter than the "average joe" american) were too stupid to see he was using them. And these are the leaders? Ha! He might very well drag the world into a war --- but it will happen with or without him.

The CFR, Bilderbergers and others seem to pull the strings on many leaders and might well have an agenda of world domination and control which cannot come about until the worlds' population is "culled". I am not certain of how the changes will take place but your view of what is to happen in the near future does not frighten me in the least. After all, I've been waiting most of my life for these times!"


From: Philip and Kris Murrell:

Dear Sir, I noted in the Annwn Newsletter the copy of the "Trash" e-mail from P Mathews. I did not mention it to you at the time, but some weeks ago I too received that message along with two others (also from Mathews) and simply deleted them without wasting any further time replying to him. P Mathews knew I had filtered him out with the web browser facility that allows this, so he cunningly used a different e-mail address to send these three messages to myself and a number of others. The reason I am letting you know this information now is to highlight the cunningness employed in this instance by P Mathews. I am very happy to have this e-mail included in your newsletter, should you wish to publish it. Yours Sincerely, Kris Murrell.


To another I wrote: "Good to see you are thinking and growing. Personal experience is the best teacher. Yogananda's ultimate belief no evil exists condemns him as evil. For those who deny evil - think of evil in nature, in animals, in black holes, in decay, etc. Is that an internal human condition? The whole thrust of counterfeits is to suck energy and immerse minds in the Ignorance so no rescue is possible. It is good to see these facts scare the evil ones, for it identifies them as such. True beings are joyous on hearing this message, even after a little initial hesitation, because they know it is what they have been awaiting, and that it is the end of Evil. They do not mind being separated from the evil ones, whereas the evil ones know it means their end.


Absolutely the last about this Drongo - we all hope:

Dear Dr., I know you have said enough is enough with the cretin P Mathews (PM) but I just had to write and say he is just like a pervasive bad smell. In his latest email he now claims he never said "nothing is happening". I know you were paraphrasing when you wrote this. Below is the extract from his email of 19 Jul, 1998 to many of us, in which he says that what you say is all nonsense. Just like you, I took that to mean "nothing is happening" the way you say it is. I have never come across such a jerk. Are all Zionist-Jews such jerks? I have added my comments in brackets.

[[Subject: RE: Trash; Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998,

From:Phil Mathews <[email protected]>

PM: "You have been a pitiful failure in responding to the overwhelming power of truth and logic."

(If he is a representation of what he sees as truth and logic, God help us all)...

PM: It would explain why you are under the spell of someone like Chiappalone, seeking security in a philosophy which sees demons everywhere and whose adherents see themselves as victims."

(This "poor victim mentality" is a Jewish psychic trait, if ever there was one - used by the evil ones amongst them to gain pity and sympathy from those who are not awake to them.)

PM: "It would also explain why so many of his devotees seem to exhibit the symptoms of broken, incomplete or defective personalities - not quite whole persons seeking something to complete them and protect them from a world they do not understand and much fear."

(I don't know what qualifications he has - I suspect he has none - but, like you say, he is definitely judging in ignorance there. You urge people to think for themselves. You have never asked for devotees or members to anything. Besides, until I read your books, like most others I had no idea what was going on in the world. These Zionists know that they are keeping a lid on truth.)

PM: "You will continue to have issues dealing with a reality you do not understand, and as the years pass and Chiappalone's "metaphysics" reveals itself for what it is, nonsense, you will be defenseless."(sic)

(He is very, very wrong there. Like many people, it was not until I read your works that I began to understand the real reality and see through the virtual reality. To call your "metaphysics" nonsense shows he has not read it, that he understands nothing of it, that he admits "nothing is happening" as you say it is.

The slightest understanding of what you write would open a gateway to truly make sense of the world's madness, as you have described often. The slightest understanding of any aspect you have written about would alert him, like it does the rest of us, to the fact that something very, very serious is happening to us and the world. I would like to see him in 12 months, and 5 years down the road. I can just imagine what a mess he will be by then.)

My Comments: I remember this email very well as you had sent it fully to me. It is the one in which he also complains, if I remember correctly, that "My Metaphysics" exposes demons everywhere. Well, that is true. That is the case, because demons ARE everywhere. Only demons deny the existence of demons. They make up 15% of the human population, as I have explained in detail in our books, but they also exist in other levels of consciousness, a fact that seems to be beyond the comprehension of jerks like this Mathews. These beings do NOT know what is going on, they have a deficient data base, hence they are in no position to argue logically, truthfully. They are immersed in the shadows of the Ignorance. They are cells of the Ignorance. They are Children of the Lie and hence doomed. Let such jerks be. They see Darkness and that's all. As I have explained many times, there is nothing metaphysical about the world changes, about HIV-AIDS, about climatic deterioration, about famines, about alien crafts, about financial collapse, about ozone depletion, about Global warming, sterilization of all species, pollution of air, soil and water, new diseases, the ever-increasing evil in the world, etc., etc. Admittedly the metaphysical basis of the solution can only be realized by ones who understand. The doomed ones, by definition, do not understand, and therefore cannot possibly continue.


Barry Lake of Brisbane writes: Doctor, I have read a number of your books and listened to a few tapes of your lectures and I am impressed by the depth of your knowledge and your ability to explain many things in a way that seems to make some sense. But I don't think you have all the answers. No one knows everything, hence I will keep searching.

My Comments: Barry, you do that! It is not the volume of knowledge which counts but the energy conveyed. Some awaken with the energy of one word, one sentence, one book. Others who cannot recognize the energy will slumber on. By the way, I have never claimed I have all the answers or that I know everything. Being restricted to a physical brain, in a body, that would be an impossibility anyway. And I make mistakes, just like everyone else expressing through a body. But I know that I have enough of the facts to allow me to fulfil my role which is to find, awaken and gather for evacuation, those viables whom I recognize and who recognize me. That is all I need to know. Concerning mundane facts, I am, like all others are, limited in how much I can learn, retain and remember.


L. S. writes: Turkish and Israeli mischief

Dear Doctors, I have read a few articles today that have got me putting two and two together again. Ashkenazi Jews are the real anti-Semites,they are really Euro-Slavic Arab killers. Arabs are true Semites. Is this why the Israelis are now teaming up with the Turks against the Arabs?Are they brothers in Zionism under the skin?Is there a pincer movement under way to reconquer Syria-Lebanon? Turkey from the North and Israel from the South.

The Israelis want the waters of the Litani River that runs through Lebanon. The Turks want to dam the Euphrates River so they can control the waters to Syria and Iraq. The war over resources now escalates. There will be many such wars all over,given time. We'll probably have a war over the Colorado River here in the U.S., given time.

However I am praying there will be little time left for these horrors to eventuate. I'd be really angry over all this treachery and exploitation if I didn't know better! I really enjoyed the October Newsletter.Glad you could use my letter in it. Thank you all. Sincerely, L.S.


Aaron Silver of Sydney writes: "Dear Dr., I bless the day I came across your website. As a Jew I have had problems all my life reconciling the not-so-secret Jewish (Zionist) held belief that Jews are the Masters of the Universe with the fact that they are so grossly immoral, unscrupulous and greedy. I checked out Hatewatch and got your site from that listing. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You provide so many answers, I cannot bless the day I found your writings enough. I look forward to reading the books I have ordered on the accompanying printout ..."


T. Thomas wrote: Another Clinton Wag The Dog Ploy Coming: Rubbish! What a useless and senseless article, however, it is a useful tool for pointing out major fallacies in thinking. Such gross use of overgeneraliztion (sic) is almost humorous.../

My Reply: Is it really "rubbish"? Is it really? You would not think so if you were on the receiving end of the bombing! No one else who has contacted me thinks like you do. Your email reflects your rage from fear, and YOUR inability to think! Obviously you judge from a point of ignorance - and, as we both know, only fools do that! However, Time will tell - Time will tell!! And then .... Your fear can be smelled from 10,000 km away!


Mike B. writes: Here in the States, the World Financial Collapse has a lot of EVIL people worried that they will end up like their VICTIMS. I see stories in the editorial section of the local newspaper harping these same fears. I recently heard Clinton on a live broadcast claiming that America has a moral duty to protect the Global Economy from collapsing so as to alleviate the suffering of the poverty stricken masses. He said a mouthful there but what he really meant was, "We have to insure that our victims continue to prosper well below the poverty level so as we can continue our financially comfortable reign of horror".

I do agree that POLLS are manipulated to say what they want you to believe but I do not believe the Polls need to be manipulated to favor Clinton. The majority of people that I talk to do not really seem to care what Clinton did. That says a lot about how unviable most of the American people really are. I get called Radical by many for my talk about the Christian Antichrist and the Evil nature of this fraudulent creation.

Most people here just refuse to see it and just plain do not care. As long as they can have there comfortable life with all the mindless pollution that entertains them on television and the movies and such. The HYPE that surrounds GARBAGE Entertainment is truly astounding nowadays when I consider the way it used to be back in the 1960's where I grew up.

My Comments: To awaken to the nature of this "humanity" can be distressing, but still a blessing. That so many are programmed to be blind is very significant.

You can only go forward from here.


Y2K solved? No Way!!

Doug LENERTZ wrote: "I was led to it by pointer from, and found your arguments to be compelling and uplifting, as well as explaining many of the things I have felt and believed during my life. I am convinced of the near total corruption of this world, that this is a unique time in 'history', and that very soon we will all be asked to choose Evil or Good, as they differentiate and separate. My path to this belief was as follows:

I work as a Unix System Administrator, and have access to high speed internet connections for web browsing. I had assumed that Y2K repairs for the U.S. were progressing. When I found they were not, I was stunned. The obvious conclusion is that those at the helm are waiting only to lock us all down when it fails. Therefore, they are corrupt. Upon further investigation, it was demonstrated to me that ALL such structures are corrupt, and that the world is, in effect, upside down and inside out: a travesty of a Good creation. The extent of the lies, corruption, hatred, murder and fear were a great shock to me, but I am now convinced that the situation is essentially as you portray in your site's newsletters. I have travelled a great eschatological distance in the past three months, as this view has been developed and substantiated. As soon as I speak of any of this to friends, family or acquaintances I see that nearly all are blinded to these truths, and WILL NOT see them. As the endtime develops on this earth, I am curious about the message I named above, and whether you have any opinion or advice or connection with it. I am sure you are pressed for time, so any reply would be appreciated. In God we trust.


* OOPS: The London Times reported that a major Arab newspaper in London, Al-Hayat, said exiled-in-Afghanistan Saudi millionaire/Islamic fundamentalist terrorist leader Osama Bin Ladin has obtained tactical nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Central Asian states.

* Scientists say tropical forests are drying out, making them fire prone. Indonesia fires, in a few months, added as much carbon to the atmosphere as all of Europe's industrial/ vehicle activity does in a year thus warming the planet.



As you will note more and more especially with the reports, scientific and anecdotal, which I have included in this newsletter, reports reflect what is now happening around the world as we prophesied they would occur years ago when we were ridiculed as being "way out" and ridiculous". It is not sufficient however to observe that these things are happening. You need to know why they are happening and what the end point is to be. You need to be familiar with the Bottom Line and the meaning of surviving (spiritual - not physical) these inexorably destructive forces.

If you are well informed, all fears will be dispelled. IF you are not, your fears will be compounded no matter how much you try to hide them. You need to be honest with yourselves. Ultimately those who refuse to accept the valid reason why all this is happening will be forced at the very end, very traumatically to admit the truth of things which they rejected all along. I am stating this to give you fair warning of what you will see as the changes are reported. Those not coping will go mad as I have often said they would. Don't be one of them. Step into the Light and grasp the Truth of the Greater Reality. Why I can even say this is part of the solution being applied to this problem of Evil. AS always, you are free to accept or reject as you wish. No one is going to force you into any belief. It must be your belief and yours only because it is the truth you have within your being.

Much of this newsletter's news is from the web, reproduced here for the benefit of readers who do not have access. I know the expert web surfers among you will be understanding and patient.



Moscow, Oct 17, 1998: Two and a half million Russians are now suffering from tuberculosis, which has been spreading rapidly in Russia, a senior health ministry official said. The number of people with the disease increased by 8.5 percent in the first 10 months of 1998, according to Gennady Onishchenko, the first deputy health minister. Health authorities are losing the battle to strains of the disease which are resistant to medication, he said.

The problem is becoming widespread, alarming the World Health Organisation, but is particularly acute in Russia, where prisons are fertile breeding grounds for tuberculosis. The prevalence of tuberculosis rose from an average of 7.7 cases per 100,000 Russians in 1990 to 17.7 in 1998. But among prisoners it is 50 times higher than in the rest of the population, international bodies say.

Doctors are also at odds over the best way of tackling the disease, with some favoring imported western methods and others the national treatment developed under the Soviet Union, which is longer and more costly.


* LOBSTERS: Shellfish are in trouble, with dozens of lobsters hauled up each day dead or dying from an illness that has researchers baffled. The cause and extent of the deaths are unclear, though researchers say some kind of bacteria is the primary suspect. Such reports affect other fish and wildlife around the globe - it is all part of the clearing process which has begun in earnest.

* HIV-AIDS: A study has found that the AIDS virus can mutate into separate strains in a patient's semen and blood, suggesting the infection may be craftier and harder to treat than previously thought. The findings challenge the widely held belief that an individual can harbour only one strain of the AIDS virus.

* Pollution: Expect massive increases in respiratory diseases and lung cancer as a direct result of the forest fires in Indonesia, Mexico and South America.

* India is facing an acute water crisis with soaring costs to public health due to pollution and water-borne disease.

* Caution - Men at Work Demolishing Nature:
In a report it calls the 'Living Planet Index', conservation group World Wide Fund for Nature reveals that humans have destroyed more than 30% of the natural world since 1970 - a rate faster than previously thought.

* Trees: The number of trees damaged by air pollution, drought and other factors has doubled over the past decade, according to a report on Europe's forests. An unknown fungus is killing Los Angeles Palm trees.

* Kangaroos are dying in great numbers from unknown causes. A virus is suspected.


Rivers run dry, hobbling china's economy.

Throughout northern China, an estimated 550 million people - more than twice the population of the United States - do not have enough water. Four hundred of China's 600 cities live with water shortages. Rivers are running dry; lakes are parched bowls of earth. While reports about China's record floods this year captured international attention, experts say China's lack of water is actually a more serious threat to its economy, environment and society. During the 1990s, floods cost China an average of $10 billion a year, although this year's deluge destroyed $20 billion in property. By comparison, water shortages annually cost China $35 billion in lost crops and stunted industrial production, according to Daniel Gunaratnam, a water expert with the World Bank. Water deficits ruin more crops each year - an estimated 66 million tons or 17% of China's annual harvest - than floods, according to Niu Maosheng, minister of water resources. The Yellow River, the cradle of Chinese civilization, was once called "China's sorrow" because of its destructive high waters. But since 1985, it has been running dry every year. This year, even with high rainfall, it was dry for 126 days until July, and currently it is not flowing through Shandong province, the final province before the sea. Drought has little to do with China's water shortages. People, pricing and pollution do. Since its revolution in 1949, China's population has jumped by 700 million people. This population, moreover, has little room to expand. It cannot spread west because mountain ranges and deserts block its path. So most of the people are concentrated on farmland flanking China's rivers - from the Yangtze in the south to the Yellow River in the north.

* Mystery Illnesses seen in USA. People living near or working at nuclear weapons plants/ research plants reportedly are suffering unexplained illnesses. Electro magnetism and microwaves will take their toll everywhere. Cellular phone users beware. Many surveys paid for by nuclear/electricity companies find no evidence of damage. And they will tell you they have done nothing wrong - as they fatally poison all things! Wake up!


WHALES' REVENGE? Hungry Killer Whales Now Eating otters - Food Chain In Trouble; BBC Sci/Tech October 16, 1998: Researchers say the ocean's top predators have been forced to change their diet as a direct result of human induced ecological change. Killer whales in seas off the coast of Alaska are reported to be eating the world's smallest sea mammal, the sea otter, which they previously tended to ignore. Writing in the journal, Science, the researchers say this is because their usual prey, sea lions and harbour seals, are dying out through over-fishing and altered fish migration patterns caused by global warming. The researchers say the effect on sea otters is devastating: one killer whale can eat nearly 2,000 of them in a year. The population of sea otters through large areas of western Alaska has dropped by about 25% a year since the phenomenon was first noticed in 1991, according to the report. The killer whales' new eating habits are beginning to have a deeper - and potentially more dangerous impact on the environment - as their effects begin taking their toll on other levels of the food chain.

James Estes, a marine ecologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who led the study said: "A whole number of species are affected by what the sea otters do. Things that are rare can impact the ecosystem quite a bit." Crucially, sea otters control the population of sea urchin, which strips kelp forests that many marine species need to survive. With the number of sea otters dwindling, sea urchins have begun to flourish, in turn causing kelp forests of the western Alaska coastal ecosystem to disappear. I do think this is a huge conservation issue," said Mr Estes. "The whole concept is to maintain an ecosystem and that is not being done in this one." Killer whales - or orcas - are the largest member of the dolphin family.



Pope John Paul II assured listeners the end is not yet nigh: To the dismay of Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses and followers of Nostradamus, but to the relief of almost everyone else ( who is an unaware robot - ed.), Pope John Paul II declared that the world is not about to end. He said that it was doomed to end "at some point", but there was no fixed date, "nor can one be discerned from the Bible". At a weekly audience in mid-April of this year, the Pope assured his listeners that the end of the world was not nigh, or anywhere near nigh, and said widespread fears that the new millennium would usher in the Last Judgment were unfounded.

Italy has been gripped by pre-millennial anxiety since the earthquakes in Umbria last September 1997, which killed 11 people and damaged the Basilica of St Francis at Assisi. There are frequent rumours that Vesuvius, which destroyed Pompeii in AD79 and last erupted in 1944, is about to erupt again.

The Vatican has sought to reassure people that the mysterious Third Secret of Fatima - allegedly revealed by the Virgin Mary to three Portuguese children in 1917 and kept secret by the Pope - does not predict Doomsday. But books on Fatima and interpretations of the arcane predictions of Nostradamus, the 16th-century sage, remain sought-after in bookshops.

Speaking on "The Second Coming of Christ at the End of All Things", the Pope said that attempts to predict the end of the world were "illusory and misleading ... history is moving towards its conclusion, but Christ did not indicate any chronological deadline." Apocalyptic visions were to be taken "symbolically" as images of "the precarious position of humanity and the sovereign power of Christ".

Theological experts have said that biblical references to the Apocalypse were at best "open to interpretation", including the Revelation of St John, with its visions of plagues, earthquakes and "mountains of fire" ushering in "a new heaven and new earth".


* Sick, Sick, Sick: Police are taking seriously a 13-year-old student's "death list" targeting classmates who had teased him. Have you noted more children and women are becoming violent? Have you noted more mothers are abusing their children? Have you noted further disintegration of family, schools, workplaces, communities? The process of nurturing is becoming dangerous as more babies and children are abused and killed.Terminal Madness of the Endtime is indeed taking its toll.

* Soybean farmers are looking at a near-record crop this year, but some Illinois growers are seeing big losses from sudden death syndrome, a rotting fungus estimated to have caused $50 million worth of damage in this state alone.

* Meteors: A spectacular meteor storm will ignite the heavens in mid-November, possibly "sandblasting" satellites and threatening everyday services from cell phones to TV shows to data communications. The last great meteor barrage came in 1966, when space satellites were far less common and far less essential to everyday life. Back then, thousands of meteors per minute shot across the North American sky. Today, the skies are jammed with satellites that aid in weather forecasting, relay data communications and TV signals, and enable military surveillance. The world's satellite network is a juicy target for the blistering celestial rain. Although the meteors are smaller than grains of sand, they travel tremendously fast - more than 40 miles per second, equivalent to a 10-second flight from San Francisco to Los Angeles. As a result, they could knock out or disrupt some satellites' delicate electronics. "This meteoroid storm will be the largest such threat ever experienced by our critical orbiting satellite constellations," William H. Ailor, director of the Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies at the Aerospace Corp. in El Segundo, Los Angeles County, told the House Science Committee.

* Again with the BUGS:
Insects May be Spreading Radioactive Contamination: It sounds like the plot of a 1950s horror film: Bugs may be spreading radiation at the Hanford nuclear reservation. Thirteen spots on the former nuclear weapons production site have been contaminated. The source has not been determined, but fruit flies, gnats and ants are believed to be part of the problem.

What's more, 35 tons of trash must be taken from the Richland city landfill back to Hanford because it is contaminated with radiation. Any contamination outside a controlled radiation area is unacceptable.


Just by the way, how proud could US President Bill Clinton have been when he announced that the number of Welfare recipients is the lowest it has been in years, meaning that many destitutes are going without completely?


New Cornell Uni. Study Says life on earth killing us all

Human activity is killing us all concludes a Cornell University study of population trends, climate change, increasing pollution and emerging diseases. Life on earth is killing life on earth! An estimated 40 percent of deaths around the world can now be attributed to various environmental factors, especially organic and chemical pollutants, according to an article published in the October issue of the journal BioScience.

"More and more of us are living in crowded urban ecosystems that are ideal for the resurgence of old diseases and the development of new diseases," said David Pimentel, professor of ecology and agricultural sciences at Cornell and lead author of the report, titled "Ecology of Increasing Disease: Population Growth and Environmental Degradation."

"We humans are further stressed -- and disease prevalence is worsened -- by widespread malnutrition and the unprecedented increase in air, water and soil pollutants," he said. Global climate change will make matters even worse for humans and "better" for disease, the Cornell study predicts. Increased heat favours most human diseases, as well as the diseases and pests of food crops, and the coming century will see masses of weakened "environmental refugees" fleeing their home areas in a desperate search for food, the researchers said. The disease-ecology analysis was performed by a team of 11 graduate student researchers who gathered data from a variety of sources, such as the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as previous studies at Cornell and other universities. Their findings span a planet made less habitable by human habitation:

* Each year, air pollutants adversely affect the health of 4 to 5 billion people worldwide. An expanding world population is burning more fossil fuels, emitting more industrial chemicals and driving more automobiles. The number of automobiles is increasing three times faster than the rate of population growth.

* The snail-borne disease schistosomiasis causes an estimated 1 million deaths annually and is expanding its range as human activities provide more suitable habitats in contaminated fresh water. Following construction in 1968 of Egypt's Aswan High Dam and associated irrigation systems, prevalence of the Schistosoma mansoni organism in humans in the region increased from five percent to 77 percent.

* Of the 80,000 pesticides and other chemicals in use today, 10 percent are recognized as carcinogens. Cancer-related deaths in the United States increased from 331,000 in 1970 to 521,000 in 1992, with as estimated 30,000 deaths attributed to chemical exposure.

* Smoke from indoor cooking fires that burn fuelwood and dung is estimated to cause the death of 4 million children each year worldwide.

* Lack of sanitary conditions contributes each year to approximately 2 billion diarrhoea infections and 4 million deaths, mostly among infants and young children in developing countries. In the United States, inadequate sanitation accounts for 940,000 diarrhoea infections and about 900 deaths each year.

* Dengue fever, spread by mosquitoes that breed in old tires and other water-holding junk in crowded urban environments, infects an additional 30 million to 60 million people annually.

* Less than 1% of 500 Chinese cities have clean air where Respiratory disease is the leading cause of death.

* In China, where tobacco smoking increased from approximately 360 to nearly 1,800 cigarettes per person per year, males smoke 98 percent of the cigarettes. However, mortality due to lung cancer is approximately equal in males and females.

* Although the use of lead in U.S. gasoline declined since 1985, other sources inject about 2 billion kilograms of lead into the atmosphere in this country each year. An estimated 1.7 million children in the United States have unacceptably high levels of lead in their blood.

* Production of another gasoline component, the carcinogen benzene that causes leukaemia even at low dosages, rose from 0.5 billion kilograms in the United States in 1950 to current levels of about 7.5 kilograms per year.

* The global use of agricultural pesticides rose from about 50 million kilograms a year in 1945 to current application rates of approximately 2.5 billion kilograms per year. Most modern pesticides are more than 10 times as toxic to living organisms than those used in the 1950s. The only chance for relief, the researchers wrote in the BioScience report, comes from "comprehensive, fair population-control policies combined with effective environmental management programs. Without international cooperative efforts," they predicted, "disease prevalence will continue its rapid rise throughout the world and will diminish the quality of life for all humans." For more information, contact Roger Segelken, Cornell, (607)255-9736, email: [email protected]



No Pollution Free Places Left: New research suggests that there are no places on Earth that are free of pollution, a Canadian scientific team says. Scientists from the University of Alberta studied snow in some of Canada's most remote regions - and found high levels of industrial pollutants and agricultural pesticides. The team, writing in the journal Nature, say the pollutants were transported from developed areas and deposited on the ground as snow or rain when the air cooled. And they say that, since it is likely the same process is going on all over the world, food and water supplies need to be monitored in parts of the globe previously thought to be free of pollution. The chemicals concerned, organochlorides, tend to build up in the food chain, so although they might be harmless to a fish, they could be more toxic to humans who eat the fish. David Schindler, from Alberta University, says his team has shown for the first time the extent of organochloride pollution in mountain regions. Analysis of snow samples from mountains in western Canada showed that organochloride accumulation increased drastically between altitudes of 770 m and 3,100 m. Writing in Nature the researchers said: "There is reason to believe that levels of organochlorides in snow would continue to increase at higher elevations. "Cities like Denver and Mexico City derive their water supply from snow melted on mountains over 3,000 m high. They are also much closer to industrial/ agricultural sources of contaminants." There is likely to be a "more pronounced accumulation of toxic compounds" in such areas than in the snows.


Major US Prion Study Begun
175,000 BSE Cases In England To Date

Proteins that may cause "mad cow" disease, chronic wasting disease in mule deer and elk, and Creutzfeldt Jakob disease in humans, all of which are fatal neurological diseases, are the subject of two studies at Creighton funded by federal grants. Richard Bessen, assistant professor of medical microbiology and immunology, has received a five year $488,000 National Institutes of Health grant and a three year $250,000 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture to study prions.

Prions are proteins that all humans possess in their normal form. The disease forms are chemically identical but are configured in different shapes. "What makes prions unique is that these infectious agents do not appear to contain a nucleic acid molecule which is the genetic basis of all life forms," Bessen said. "Prion diseases are caused by the misfolding of normal prion proteins.

There is debate about how this misfolding occurs and how that pattern is replicated." It appears that "mad cow" disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), adapted from sheep scrapie. "If you eat processed foods, such as sausage or products with animal-derived food additives, you may have been exposed to sheep scrapie, with no effect," Bessen said.

"However, cattle apparently are susceptible upon oral exposure to scrapie-contaminated feed additives. Once they infected cattle, the prions may have adapted further to create an agent that posed danger to humans. "The BSE epidemic in the United Kingdom indicates that these agents, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies or TSEs, can adapt unpredictably to new hosts and potentially can cause widespread neurodegenerative disease," Bessen said. "There have been more than 175,000 cases of BSE in Europe, mainly in the United Kingdom."

Initially, the potential danger of BSE to humans was downplayed, but BSE now has been linked to 27 cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. The cattle industry has changed feeding and herd management approaches to avoid possible transmission of prion disease to humans and animals.

No cases of BSE have been confirmed in the United States (don't you believe it -ed.). Bessen is examining the molecular basis of prion strain diversity and how prions replicate. He also will investigate the ability of drugs to inhibit the conversion of normal prions into the disease forms. Creighton is an independent Catholic university operated by the Jesuits (- there goes the neighbourhood -ed.). It recently was ranked No. 1 for the third consecutive year among Midwestern universities in the U.S. News and World Report magazine's 1999 "America's Best Colleges" edition.

That the inter-species barrier is breaking down like predicted would occur and like I have since reported in previous newsletter, with viruses from horses and bats, and other animals affecting humans, the following article is another chink in the armour of human smugness:

* Man And His Cat Both Develop CJD.

Italian doctors said on Friday they had found an unusual case of a man and his cat who developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease simultaneously. The researchers said the strain of the degenerative brain disorder had never been found in a cat before and seems to be similar to the disease in its owner. "We do not know whether it had been transmitted between the man and the cat. What we have found in this case is that the man and the cat show almost the same pathology," Dr. Gianluigi Zanusso, of the University of Verona, said. Cases of spongiform encephalopathies, the group of brain wasting diseases that includes mad cow disease (BSE) and the human equivalent CJD, have been reported in cats before. But unlike all the other feline cases whose illness resembled BSE, the disease discovered in the Italian cat was similar to the sporadic form of CJD of its owner. The unidentified 60-year old man, who died three months after being admitted to hospital, had the most common form of the brain disorder that scientists believe is caused by a misshaped brain protein known as a prion. It was not a new variant CJD that strikes much younger people and which has been linked to eating beef contaminated with BSE. In a letter to The Lancet medical journal, Zanusso said the occurrence of the disease in the man and his cat could be pure coincidence, an infection from a common source, or a result of horizontal transmission between the owner and his pet. He and his colleagues are injecting mice with samples of brain tissue from the man and the cat to confirm it is the same strain of disease in both. Zanusso said the cat developed behaviourial changes and features that were also different from other reported cases of the feline disease. Researchers have ruled out food contamination as the source of the infection because they found a different strain of the prion protein from the ones usually transmitted through food. Zanusso said the cat died several months after the owner which could suggest the animal caught the disease from the man. Dr. Moria Bruce, a researcher at the Institute of Animal Health in Edinburgh who has done extensive research on prions, said the evidence that the man and the cat had the same strain of disease needs to be confirmed by transmission studies. "It could be coincidence and it is obviously very interesting," she told Reuters.


Dr. Len Horowitz Again Accuses Government
(A story by Eric R. Wright, Casper Star-Tribune).

The greatest lie ever told is that vaccines are safe and effective, according to author Dr. Len Horowitz. In his presentation, titled "Emerging Viruses and Vaccinations: Are The New Auto-Immune Diseases Putting You and Your Family At Risk?", Horowitz accused the federal government of spreading epidemics, including AIDS, through experimental and sometimes mandatory vaccinations.

"This is a genocidal agenda," Horowitz said of the Hepatitis-B and other vaccination programs. Children are being home-schooled as a result of their parents' refusal to have them inoculated with the Hepatitis-B vaccine. Horowitz, who holds a doctorate in dentistry and has training in internal medicine, began researching virus/vaccine-related health issues in 1990.

He began the slide show and lecture by referring to prophesies in the Bible, which he said foretold of a time when plagues will cover the world. That time has come, he said, and "It's time for the truth to be revealed." He then referred his listeners to government documents, reprinted in his book, "Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola--Nature, Accident, or Intentional?" that, he said, link several different epidemics in the United States and the world to military and civilian cancer and virus research directives-- begun as early as 1962.

He blamed these alleged man-made viruses, and the professional health-care community's lack of knowledge about them, on pharmaceutical companies, the government, the military and other world powers. One research, Dr. Maurice Hilleman -- the 1997 recipient of the Sabin Gold Medal of Honor Award by President Clinton -- admitted on tape, according to Horowitz, that the AIDS virus was brought to North America in contaminated monkeys to be used in viral research.

Vaccines produced from those studies most plausibly initiated the AIDS epidemic in New York City's homosexual males, Horowitz added. To further substantiate those claims, Horowitz turned again to government documents that he said proved the U.S. military administered an experimental AIDS vaccine to soldiers without their knowledge or consent in 1989-90.

Impurities in the vaccine caused what has become known as "The Gulf War Syndrome," he said. In the second half of his presentation, Horowitz answered audience questions -- including how parents can remain exempt from so-called "mandatory" vaccinations.

The Bible, he said, includes passages that tell its readers not to contaminate the blood or mix the seed. So, when asked by health-care providers "if your children have been vaccinated?," he said "tell them, thanks, they're all taken care of in that regard. "If that doesn't work, you can lie. Or, do what I do, (and use) spiritual or religious exemption," he said.

In reaction to the state Department of Health's mandatory Hepatitis-B vaccinations, state Sen. Bill Barton, R Upton, has introduced legislation that will allow parents to choose whether they want their children to receive the shots.

(My Comments on this article: I reproduced it for you to show how information we have written about, and which I gave in lectures and on the Sightings Radio shows in the USA is hitting the mainstream media. It also shows how people, without the Gnostic Keys, have no answers as to WHY these things are so. They focus on physical survival when that is really not the point. The point is to prepare for the inevitable, and to get out of here spiritually sane and well -- ed.)

There is more:

Wyoming Governor Faces Anti-Vaccine Activists: Health Lawmakers Charged with Civil Rights Violations.

GILLETTE, WY - The 1998 Wyoming gubernatorial race is heating up, as is the central political issue-citizens' rights to choose their health practices and practitioners. In recent weeks, a rapidly growing grassroots movement has captured bipartisan attention, and pressured legislators around the state, including Governor Geringer, and Democratic challenger John Vinich, to answer the peoples' demands for religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions; without persecution and threatened access to schools and workplaces. Also, restricted access to doctors whose treatments go beyond the traditional, even when traditional medicine has failed, is "deplorable" according to political activists leading the charge. Local groups, working with two national consumer advocacy organizations, have scheduled an upcoming "Town Hall Meeting" in Casper to discuss and debate the issues. Overwhelming evidence has shown that vaccine programs have spread epidemics such as AIDS and Gulf War Syndrome, said Dr. Leonard Horowitz- a central figure in the vaccine debate, and the National Health Federation's legislative committee chairperson-at a meeting in Gillette. Wyoming's Governor, meanwhile, has stood firmly by public health officials as they continue to force people against their wills and religious beliefs to get vaccinated. Even as hundreds of thousands have died from vaccine induced injuries in recent years, vaccine advocates, like state epidemiologist Dr. Gayle Miller, continue to claim the potential injury rate is "very, very, very, very, very, small."

"Public health 'authorities' have nothing to back up their vaccine safety claims. They still haven't done the research showing they're not killing and maiming more people than they are helping and saving with all the 'required' vaccines," Dr. Horowitz asserted. Countless vaccine injury related maladies such as autism, sudden infant death (SIDS), multiple sclerosis (MS), cancers and even cases of immune system related diabetes kill or maim hundreds of thousands of people annually in the United States alone. Vaccine advocates never stop to realize that these maladies are coming from the very vaccines they claim are beneficial. "The central issue continues to be the right to choose vaccines or not," said Jonathan Saturen, publisher of the Crook County Sentinel, and one of many parents forced to remove a child from school rather than submit to the hepatitis B vaccine program.

Also, citizens' rights to access alternative healthcare providers, and vitally important nutritional supplements, are being eliminated at the same time risky vaccines are given, consumer advocates object.

"Drs. Painter and Johnson are the latest victims being persecuted for their beliefs and use of simple detoxification therapies," Mr. Saturen added. In response to these issues, State Senator Bill Barton and Representative Carolyn Pasenquix are presently working on vaccine legislation to return the philosophical exemption right to state citizens. They also say they intend to limit, what citizens' groups say is "misplaced 'public health' authority." The legislators have been particularly concerned about recent vaccine-related news stories. Last week, France suspended mandatory hepatitis B vaccines as authorities learned they may be a primary cause of multiple sclerosis. The week before, the U.S. Army changed its forced anthrax vaccine policy allowing for religious and medical exemptions.

In spite of these headlines, Mr. Saturen added, "Governor Geringer and the Wyoming Medical Board continue to disregard facts, violate civil rights, and victimize innocent doctors and school children."

Now the other side of the coin:

Health Officials say Vaccinations Save Lives . Two Wyoming health officials said that, despite one author's assertions, vaccinations save lives and do a great deal more good than harm to public health. Dr. Gayle Miller, the state epidemiologist, and Natrona County Disease Prevention Clinic Director Tia Hansuld said vaccines have nearly eradicated diseases such as polio and have a direct impact on preventing outbreaks of other diseases.

"Anyone who says that vaccines do not have impact obviously does not understand the issue, or they have an agenda of their own," Miller said. "How can they possibly explain the fact that people in the field ... are vaccinating their own kids? Do they honestly believe that every physician in the country hates their children and they're going to do them harm?"

Miller and Hansuld discussed the benefits of vaccinations two days after about 50 people attended a speech in Gillette by the author of a book that claims the government is spreading disease through vaccine programs. Len Horowitz accused the federal government of having a "genocidal agenda" and urged people to boycott immunization programs.

Contrary to Horowitz' assertions, vaccinations have been proven to save lives and prevent diseases, according to Miller and Hansuld. "I think they (children) should be vaccinated," Hansuld said. "We're kind of living in an age where we've forgotten what these diseases do to people." Miller, who recently visited India, said she witnessed first hand what diseases do to people in countries that do not have effective vaccination programs like exist in the United States. "In India, you routinely see polio everywhere, or evidence of its effects," Miller said. "You don't see that in the U.S." She said she is concerned that people might take Horowitz seriously and refuse to let their children receive vaccinations, as parents of six children in Hulett have done.

In his speech, Horowitz asserted that vaccines are not and effective, but Hansuld said they are tremendously safe and effective but not perfect. "No vaccine is 100 percent safe and effective," she said. But she described the potential of a vaccine harming someone as "very, very, very, very, very small" compared to their potential for doing good.

"Two or three kids across the world have a serious reaction to a vaccine," Hansuld said. She said some people may experience minor, harmless reactions such as redness or swelling on their bodies where they received the shot. Other people may have allergies to certain vaccines, she said, but those people are screened prior to receiving the vaccinations. Miller said people who don't let their children receive vaccinations may be risking the lives of not only their children but the neighbours' children, too.


Letter to the Editor The Star-Tribune (e-mail [email protected]) by Dr Horowitz, October 8, 1998:

Dear Editor, I would like to respond to your article "Health officials: Vaccinations save lives" (Wed. Oct. 7) wherein public health officials, Dr. Gayle Miller, and Nurse Tia Hansuld, slandered me and deceived the public. I find it interesting that, according to this article, my official title is limited to "author". In fact, between 1990 and 1993 I trained doctors and nurses, including public health professionals like Dr. Miller and Ms. Hansuld, on OSHA regulations, including the benefits of vaccinations. My doctorate in medical dentistry from Tufts University and my Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University was omitted.

Dr. Miller is quoted as saying, "Anyone who says that vaccines do not have an impact obviously does not understand the issues, or they have an agenda of their own." My "agenda" is to tell the truth. Like the fact that, according to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics, as many as 800,000 vaccine induced injuries have occurred every year in the United States since 1990.

Thus, vaccines obviously have a negative impact far beyond Ms. Hansuld's statement that "Two or three kids across the world have a serious reaction to a vaccine." Miller and Hansuld also falsely claim that vaccines are good for the public's health. That is precisely what physicians learned and shared with their patients years ago regarding cigarette smoking.

Since the 1920s, virtually all continuing medical and public health education is funded by pharmaceutical companies. In fact, today, the FDA can't even tell health scientists the truth about vaccine contaminants and their likely effects. The agency is bound and gagged by proprietary laws and non-disclosure agreements forced upon them by the pharmaceutical industry. Let us not forget that the pharmaceutical industry, as a special interest group, is the number one contributor to politicians on Capitol Hill--where I spent last Monday educating legislators regarding these issues.

Ms. Hansuld said the likelihood of vaccine injury is "very, very, very, very, very small" compared to their potential for doing good. Hogwash.

Ask her to produce the supportive evidence. She won't be able to because CDC and FDA officials can't produce it either. My two previous meetings with top vaccine officials, from these agencies, proved that definitive risk/benefit analyses are lacking. In essence, vaccines may be killing and maiming far more people than they are helping and saving.

Miller and Hansuld alleged that vaccinations have been proven to save lives and prevent diseases. Again they lack definitive evidence to back up this claim. What they are referring to are limited studies, conducted by heavily-funded (paid off and biased) investigators, and limited cost/benefit analyses. Such "scientific" studies, for instance, claim that for thirty cents invested on a shot, the government might save as much as $1.50 in health care costs.

Closer scrutiny of the methods used to develop this conclusion shows not all the costs are considered. Nurse Hansuld claimed, "We're kind of living in an age where we've forgotten what these [infectious] diseases do to people [who are not vaccinated.]" What about the new autoimmune, neurological, and cancer epidemics, ravaging our family, friends and children today, Ms. Hansuld? Perhaps she hasn't read of the scientific articles linking vaccinations and illnesses including: multiple sclerosis (MS), Guillean Barré, fibromyalgia, lupus, ALS, type 1 diabetes in juveniles and adults, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, allergies, AIDS, autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, Gulf War Syndrome, and a variety of cancers including lymphomas, sarcomas, and leukemias. Furthermore, if vaccines are so effective, why would Dr. Miller caution that "people who don't let their children receive vaccinations may be risking the lives of not only their children, but their neighbours' children, too?" The fact is, that if vaccines, given en masse as they are, worked as well as Miller claims, then your neighbours' children shouldn't have to worry, now should they? Indeed, fear is a wonderful manipulative tool too often abused by "public health officials." Another reason for citizens to demand, and law makers to pass, philosophical and religious vaccine exemption legislation, to prevent threatened access to schools and workplaces, loss of jobs, or other persecution for refusing vaccines.

Finally, my statement that vaccinations "are not a public health agenda, they are a genocidal agenda" should not be taken out of context. Otherwise my message might be marginalized to what public health officials like to believe is a "foolish conspiracy theory."

Recently deceased (on Flight 111) Dr. Jonathan Mann left his World Health Organization post, as AIDS czar, in protest. Like me, he argued that far more than a medical/scientific issue, AIDS is a socio-political problem. Dr. Mann, a fellow Harvard faculty member, was well aware of my work. Genocide is defined in Webster's as "the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group."

Today, in America, 75 percent of AIDS cases are Black and Hispanic. AIDS, I prove in my book, "Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola" most plausibly evolved out of the Merck pharmaceutical company's hepatitis B vaccine trials on gay men in New York City and Blacks in Central Africa.

Today, the largest vaccine maker, Merck--a company with direct financial and administrative ties to Hitler's Third Reich and America's biological weapons industry--is also a leading proponent and principle funding source for world population reduction. Conflicts of interest aside, Merck's top vaccine developer, Dr. Maurice Hilleman's tape recorded admission of having brought the AIDS virus to North America in monkeys destined for vaccine research and development at Merck, should be investigated by scientists, citizens, and legislators alike. Sincerely yours,

Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D, M.A., M.P.H. President, Tetrahedron, Inc., Legislative Committee Chairperson, National Health Federation Director, National Health Education and Political Action Initiative.



Lawmakers Across US Finally Pursuing Important AIDS Laws: After nearly 20 years of being forced by special interest groups into often treating the deadly AIDS epidemic as if it were a socio-political problem, legislators are finally confronting the reality of the epidemic and the legal remedies available. A growing number of lawmakers across the US are pursuing laws aimed at protecting the public from the AIDS virus. At least 29 states have laws making it a crime to knowingly transmit or expose others to HIV. The legislation has been driven by recent HIV outbreaks in which people with the virus have intentionally infected others, the Times said. The laws seek to identify those with the virus, notify partners and punish those who put others at risk.

Public health officials say they are concerned such requirements may dissuade people with the disease from getting help. Experts say the laws reflect a shift in attitude toward people with the virus, the Times reported, and represent a departure from legislation that sought to protect the civil liberties of people with HIV. The advent of powerful AIDS treatment drugs also is contributing to the perception that the deadly disease is simply a chronic condition for many, experts said. "Clearly, there is a backlash," said Lawrence Gostin, a director of the Georgetown University-Johns Hopkins University Program on Law and Public Health and a member of the advisory committee of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He likened the change in attitudes to the repulsion and anger many felt from the 1930s to 1950s against women infected with venereal disease. "We have kind of returned to that era," Gostin said. "We are now treating the disease as more of a problem of criminal law and coercive state powers than one to do with health and medicine."


Entire Population At Risk

South Africa (AP) -- Lions at Kruger National Park are dying of tuberculosis so widespread and severe that the entire population is at risk, the Sunday Times reported. Lions catch the incurable disease, to which they have no natural resistance, from infected buffalo. It weakens and emaciates them, leading to death. "Lions are dying like flies" and every one could be dead within 10 years, Dr. Johan Krige, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture, was quoted as saying Sunday. Lions tested in the southern part of the 4,000-square-mile wild game park, located about four hours' drive from Johannesburg, showed an infection rate of 90 percent. Scientists said most of those would die. There are several hundred lions in the park. Park officials were considering isolating the lions by constructing a fence dividing the park in two -- or killing infected animals to try and protect healthy ones. Tests show that herds of buffalo are infected with TB, which also has been diagnosed in cheetah, baboons and kudu. A recent study of lions disclosed there are only about 12 left in a sprawling area of the park that was home to at least twice that many in 1995, and 67 in 1974. Scientists said the most likely cause of death was TB. In neighbouring parts of the park, 34 emaciated lions tested in 1995 showed that 29 were terminally ill with TB. In another area, 32 of 33 lions tested were infected.

* Paralysis tick in parts of Oz, especially Queensland, has reached plague proportions.

* The divorce rate has soared as we predicted - behaviourial madness will create further instability in all human endeavour and relationships.

* A Superbug (Vancomycin Resistant enterococcus) has forced the closure of wards in 2 hospitals in Victoria.

* More on Marine Life: A red tide of poisonous algae is devastating some of Japan's main oyster breeding grounds and threatening winter supplies of the shellfish.



* The UN's Richard Butler admitted he gave information, gained as chief inspector of Iraq's weaponry, to Israel. The charge that he too, like Ritter, is a Zionist spy, stands!

* Domestic US policy a mess, and US President under attack mean one thing only: Someone outside the US will be bombed. Looks like it could still be Serbia! Do you really believe the slaughter of 19 people by Serbs was the last straw. If the US (under the guise of the UN and NATO) was honest, why did it not bomb Serbia when its troops killed thousands? Why now? The answer is to distract from Clinton's woes at home. It is as obvious as that!


Experts Sound Alarm On Rapidly Increasing Alzheimer's Epidemic By Y.P. Rajesh: Alzheimer's, the "silent epidemic" that afflicts primarily elderly people, is causing increasing concern and spurring scientists to find the cause and a cure. There are now an estimated 18 million victims -- some 5 percent of the world's elderly population -- suffering from the progressive, degenerative disorder of the brain that affects memory, emotion and thought processes. Experts forecast that by 2020, Alzheimer's, which reduces victims to near vegetables before it takes their lives, will affect 30 million people, with some 75 percent in developing countries in Asia and Latin America. One of the reasons for the developing world's inability to focus attention on the relatively new Alzheimer's scare is its preoccupation with traditional health problems. For countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa, tuberculosis, cholera and malaria are still serious epidemics they need to battle. The focus in developing countries tends to be on child health care, maternal health and reproductive health. The West has had about 100 years to experience the transition of its young population to old age. But this is a transition India, Latin America and China in particular, are going to go through in only 20 to 30 years.

Perhaps another explanation for the relative neglect of Alzheimer's is the cruel reality that many societies care less for their citizens the older they become. The diseases of the elderly are not taken with the same degree of seriousness because older people are viewed by some as not as valuable.

Other diseases such as HIV/AIDS, have become a focus of global attention in a very short span of time because they affect younger people.

The United States and British health care schemes ration resources for any problem afflicting people above the age of 60. Problems like HIV/AIDS, heart diseases and cancer get much more funding because policy-makers know and relate to people who are afflicted by these diseases.

* Children Near Chernobyl Suffering Major Array of Deformities: Congenital deformities in children in Belarus have risen by 83 percent since the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.



Federal Reserve Orders: Be Careful On Clinton! By Sherman H. Skolnick Producer/moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides" Since 1963, Founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts; Oct 6-98

The world's largest bank, the Federal Reserve, has ordered the US Congress to be careful in dealing with President Clinton. An order from this financial dictator cannot be ignored, although dissidents in the US military vow at some point to go public with their views against their Commander-in Chief Clinton.

Privately owned and operated by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families, and masquerading as America's Central Bank, the Federal Reserve does not want a change of figureheads in the White House, at a time of imminent collapse of global finance. The clandestine command of the Federal Reserve comes at a time of near collapse, or actual collapse, of a huge hedge fund interlocked with many money center banks, including those headquartered in the US, and also those like in Switzerland with branches in the US. Amounting upwards to 200 billion dollars or more, the hedge fund disaster, based greatly on little-understood derivatives gambling, has wiped out the capital base of many supposedly "giant" banks.

Most of the alleged "profits" of major bank holding companies in recent years have been just book entries resulting from this gambling casino mentality. The public has almost no understanding of the link between banks and their parent holding firms. Among those with capital structure wipe-out are Rockefeller-owned Chase Manhattan Bank and the First National Bank of Chicago, as well as the Rothschild and Jesuit-owned Bank of America which took over the Vatican and British-royalty-owned Continental Bank Of Chicago. (There's your proof that Zionists can be Jews and/or Jesuits and/or any other race/creed - ed.)

Continental has been, since before the American Civil War, the mothership of the commodity and currency markets and trading in Chicago. (Continental laundered the funds for the murder of President Abraham Lincoln.) Now almost forgotten, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was set up in the 1930s to underwrite accounts, up to a specified amount as maximum, primarily of smaller or mid-size banks.

With the mega-mergers gobbling up the banks and their holding firms and conglomerating into huge bank chains, the deposit insurance has become a dead letter. Only a few tens of billions of dollars are in the deposit insurance reserve fund to supposedly safeguard bank monsters each with several hundred billion dollars in deposits owed to the public. The banking system has become over-run with bank monopolies, also engaging in non-bank services such as travel agencies, insurance, securities transactions, and such--enterprises supposedly part of a "bank" house too large to permit to fail. Embedded in the secret command to Congress from the Federal Reserve is that a prolonged trauma over removing or beheading America's King and Emperor would most likely cause to be exposed various dark secrets:

*         Such as that William Jefferson Clinton, a sexual predator suffering from priapism, was selected in 1991 by the secret society, the Bilderberg Group, to be anointed as the American President specifically because he was subject to blackmail by his psychiatric past. The presslords, members of Bilderberg whose annual meeting is in a different country, agreed to propagandize in 1992 and thereafter in favor of Clinton, insuring the so-called "election" of Clinton at the hands of a dumbed-down, brain-dead populace.

*          Such as, that the 1992 election, and the 1996 election, were arranged frauds: Part of a "CIA couple", with his CIA "wife" actually incompatible to him and a lesbian, Bill Clinton ran against his long-time crony and mentor, the former head of America's secret political police, George Herbert Walker Bush. Neither the CIA's separate grooming of Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham, both closet Republicans, each from an early age with separate CIA agenda, nor Bush's assassination ridden past, such as his complicity in the murder of President Kennedy nor Bush's criminal complicity in the Iran-Contra affair, were exposed in the 1992 election. Bush and Clinton agreed to shadow box. In the 1996 election, Clinton was paired against elderly, used-out Senator Robert Dole who agreed with Clinton: Dole would not mention Clinton's treasonous crimes and Clinton agreed not to mention Dole fronting for various oil companies, most of which use CIA worldwide as their oilfield security force against would-be dissident elements.

*          Such as, that by the 1990s, 25% of both houses of Congress were bribed of subject to blackmail as if having been bribed.

This graft done, by the worldwide espionage and gun and dope enterprise, the infamous Bank Of Credit and Commerce International. Although pronounced as defunct, BCCI continues through its successor and alter-ego, Pinnacle Bank Group, headquartered in Chicago, at the First National Bank of Cicero (a Mafia enclave), and dominated by the former head of the Vatican Bank, Bishop Paul Marcinkus. BCCI hoped to spread out in the US by buying laws and lawmakers.

BCCI's records, showing 108 members of the US House of Representatives and 28 US Senators as being receivers through a London unit of massive bribes, were actually an open record in the Bank of England for just 30 days. The details of this bribery of the American legislative branch were in 1991 an exclusive story by this writer which only one paper, a conservative one, dared to publish. As my article set forth, four major news organizations had the bribery list and had compiled the corroboration of same, but refused to broadcast or publish it.

Why? As told to this writer by a major prize-winning news correspondent who turned over the details to Skolnick, "The editor says we are not going to topple the American government."

*          Such as, the US Central Government has become riddled in all three branches with horrendous treason. For example, a Clinton White House intern, Mary Caitlin Mahoney, alter murdered in the District of Columbia by a foreign intelligence team, was an eyewitness to Clinton, as President and Commander-In -Chief, turning over US financial, industrial, and military secrets to Wang Jun, reputed head of the Red Chinese Secret Police. Supposed "Independent Counsel" Kenneth W. Starr has as a private law client the selfsame Wang Jun.

Also, Starr is the unregistered foreign lobbyist for the Red Chinese Government, thus Starr being himself subject to Federal Prison. The American CIA as well as the super-secret Division Five, Counter- Intelligence of FBI have long been aware of all this and have covered it up.

*          Such as that Bill Clinton has pledged to uphold the tenets of the Cecil Rhodes Trust that sent him to Oxford. Seldom mentioned is that the Rhodes Trust is dedicated to overthrowing the American Government and reverting this continent and land mass to again being a British Monarchy colony. Clinton's oath to the Rhodes Trust is in direct opposition to his oath as US President: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." US Constitution, Article II, Section 1.

In pledging to support the Rhodes Trust and the British monarchy's purposes for the US, Clinton has violated: "NO Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall without the Consent of Congress, except of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State." US Constitution, Article I, Section 9.

By the way, in 1991, at the close of the Persian Gulf War, President Bush accepted $30 million in gifts from the Emir of Kuwait; General Colin Powell accepted $10 million of jewels from the Emir of Kuwait; General Schwartzkopf accepted $15 million of gold form the Emir Kuwait. All in violation Article I, Section 9, and while knowing that the US troops were subjected to certain chemicals and Iraqi poison gas resulting in the "Gulf War Syndrome" deaths, injuries, and disabilities, and such illnesses passed along to the wives children of US military that served in that War. (The poison gas ingredients were by a US unit of a French firm, owned in part by Bush, and Hillary Clinton, a director.)

*          Such as, foreign secret police, some right in the White House, are operating on US soil to damage or murder, or arrange to murder, US citizens; all done with immunity from US authorities and without restraint or punishment by US authorities. Among those would have to be included Rahm Emanuel, who while Senior Advisor to President Clinton, had his desk closest to the Oval Office. Having dual citizenship, US and Israel, Rahm Emanuel is, in effect, the deputy director of Israeli intelligence, the Mossad, for North America. Rahm Emanuel is Clinton's link to the dope proceeds disguised as soybean and currency trading on the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange - Funds that paid, in part, for Clinton's two campaigns for President.

Described by some by some as simply a two-faced gangster, Rahm Emanuel reportedly worked both sides, bringing out Clinton's propensity as a sexual predator while purporting to be an outspoken Clinton loyalist at the same time. That some of these foreign secret police, operating with immunity in the US, are stealing US financial and industrial secrets (such as the French CIA), and assassinating eyewitnesses to treason by Clinton and other branches of the US government; with the complicity of some member of Congress, such as Cong. Henry Hyde who in violation of the US Constitution's mandate of Separation of Powers, is also the head of CIA's "black budget" with more actual authority than the Director of Central Intelligence.

According to a previous exclusive story by this writer, Hyde has reportedly been in the illegal gun silencer business supplying, among others, foreign secret police teams engaging in murders throughout the US.

Some consider the Federal Reserve as an on-going private and sinister enterprise, deciding by their actions how wars will be financed - they were set up to have the US finance Europe's World War One and to force US entry into the same - and when and how Depressions will enable the ultra-rich to gobble up smaller fish. The mainstream press, riddled with key people who are members of secret societies in opposition to the US Constitution and the American Republic, are in no position to report such items as the Federal Reserve ordering the US Congress what to do with servant of the US people, the President, and what to do with him as a treasonous Commander-in-Chief, subject to being arrested by the US Military pursuant to the Military Code.

Perhaps the biggest secret of all is that William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton are closet Republicans by their actions causing the destruction of the Democratic Party and making the US a weakened, discredited, one-party system paving the way for a Hitler-like dictatorship. Hound your local newsfakers. Demand, if that is possible, that they tell the truth. Stay Tuned. Sherman H. Skolnick,(773) 375-5741 9800. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617.

[Extracts from Hoffman will continue next issue]



So, here we are at the end of another newsletter. I hope I have lifted the veil of deceit, and exposed Evil's fraudulence, in this realm of Illusion, just a little more for you, allowing you to not only see the unreality but also to make sense of the processes affecting it, to realize the reasons why it all has to end, and to allow you to connect to that mental and spiritual pathway which will attach you in your unique way to the Greater Reality which is about to embrace those found worthy to continue. I have delved in depth this month on various reports which highlight the fragmentation from many aspects of existence on this plane. More and more such reports are being posted daily and many of you have contacted me with them. As time passes, the enormity and fatalism of the physical changes, along with psychic changes, namely Terminal Madness of the Endtime in the failed ones, and increasing Joy in Viables, will leave no one in doubt as to what is going on. These reports should also allow us to see that what is occurring is NOT in the hands of Humanity. These processes cannot now be turned off by a change in Government or impeachment of a US President, by bombing or not bombing various ethnic groups, by giving or taking away land from others, etc. Those things are merely modes of variability which may have a slight bearing on the speed of change in localities, and the degree of suffering, or otherwise, of those residing there. What you should be more aware of are the processes which are poisoning the atmosphere, destroying soil and water, causing sterilisation of all biological entities, causing genetic, mental and spiritual decay. These processes are proceeding at an accelerated pace regardless of the squabbles humans are engaged in which they foolishly think have a bearing on what is going on. Their egotistical stupidities, even in areas such as religion, science, education, philosophy, etc., are of no consequence whatsoever, for these are really part of the problem and are based on the false basis of the Illusion. The solution involves their eventual, total destruction. Place into perspective the spurious declarations of Pompous Popes and priapismic Presidents, petulant, parasitic Priests, and poisonous Prophets of the spurious New Age Movement.

Focus therefore on the Endpoint and the Bottom Line. To do less may expose you to unnecessary anxiety and gloom. What we witness, especially the death of animals and humans in fires, floods, famine, war, the evil through the savage acts of desperate demons suffering the Terminal Madness of the Endtime, and so on, is emotionally painful for all. We must all bear the pain of Correction, for on this level we are all caught up in it and must all exist via reactions of the emotional body. But, the interpretation of the significance of the emotional response can make or break us, just like the significance of any pain can. For example, if you have a deep seated pain and think it is cancer, that interpretation can more than spoil your day. But if you are aware the pain is from something minor and will soon pass, you give it no second thought. Hence, as we see the suffering of animals, children and others we care for, we should deal with the emotionalism in this way: Let yourself know that all must leave the physical anyway, and this is their time and their mode. If they are of Darkness, they shall be dealt with one way, and their fate is inevitable. If they are of Light, we should be joyous at their turn to be liberated. The Pain of Separation will still be there. But it will be accompanied by the joy of understanding what is going on which comes with the wisdom of truthful awakening. And is it not true that all of honest spirit seek wisdom and understanding, regardless of the pain of awakening? I know that is so in your case, and mine, at least, for if it was otherwise, I would not be writing this information and you would not really be reading it with sincerity.


Adios till the next letter...

J S Chiappalone. Copyright 1998 .

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