Newsletter # 26 - September 1998,

Presented by:
J S Chiappalone
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax: 07 40 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Internet Address:

Our Motto: Take it or Leave it!

Copyright 1998 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

Annwn News

Hello to all our genuine friends. How are you coping in the deteriorating conditions? Seemed that things would never move and yet - here we are - moving faster than most of you probably anticipated. So much is happening all over the globe, in so many spheres of endeavour, it is pointless trying to keep up with the detail, and really you should not try. If you have become aware, with the right perspective, as we have tried to give via our books, lectures, tapes and newsletters, etc., you will sense the general deterioration and the pattern of decay and no detail will take you by surprise. The Counterfeits, instead, are showing Terminal Madness of the Endtime more and more every day.


1 The Newsflash - has been added to our website. These are short essays on topical issues. They will be included in subsequent newsletters after they are posted. If you do not have a computer/web access, go to your public library and search our site.

2 Please note our additional new website address: (NB: no tilde ~ before annwn)

i A Guide to Meditation by Amitakh with daily exercises. $30 book + CD with exercises; $25 book + tape with exercises. Please specify book with CD or tape when you order.
ii Poetry Book 6 now available. $30
All prices include postage and handling.


While I have attempted to highlight the many manifestations of fragmentation, and the reasons why things are happening as they are, around the globe, in these newsletters from a Gnostic perspective, please realize that, although the newsletters are crammed with information - which by now you realize the fools cannot appreciate - the Gnostic Keys on which the revealing knowledge is based are explained most fully in our books, publications and lecture tapes. The newsletters, in fact, assume a degree of familiarity with the Gnostic Wisdom we are espousing.

If you are not too familiar with the concepts in the newsletters, rather than misunderstand them or remain ignorant of the relevant Gnostic axioms on which they are made, I suggest you read the books or obtain a CD-Rom which has all our publications. Otherwise it could be like a paperboy trying to learn medicine, not by doing the medical course and studying the books of that medical course, but by reading, with partial understanding, pages of the British Medical Journal every now and then that reports snippets of medical changes.

If this information is not for you, no one is forcing you to read it!! If you think it is for you, do not sell yourself short by remaining unaware of the triggers for the Gnostic Keys revealed in our publications.

By the way, I have heard so many say "No one has any answers!". The demons who say this are trying to lock True Beings into a state of Ignorance. Of course there are answers to what is happening. But, only True Beings accept True Answers!!

Do Not Be Fooled!

Some New Agers are doing a sideways shuffle: While the stage scenery is changed, the deception remains the same. Here is the explanation: Many are now claiming - after vigorously and vociferously claiming for many years that they are healing the planet - that the planet is beyond the point of redemption and all are being lifted to a higher plane of consciousness. How convenient! How very convenient! What utter gall! What utter rubbish! This new mendacious twist still allows them to deny Evil, deny accountability, deny Divine Correction of the Celestial Error, deny Terminal Madness of the Endtime, deny demons and robots, etc. They talk as if no one has ever suffered, no one has ever been disadvantaged, no one has ever been raped, assassinated, victimized, drained of energy, etc., by the Evil which is ubiquitous and of which they the New Agers are a part.



Let's take a spin around this putrid, decaying, misery- promoting cesspool which many still sing as being their wonderful world. But as we do so, realize that as time progresses, many things will appear repetitious or else it will seem to be a case of "I told you so!", hence be patient.

1 Fleecing the Flock

There is a commercial shown every now and then on Australian TV promoted by the so-called Christian Television Association which depicts a pastor speaking into the camera stating "God loves you. There is nothing you can do for Him to love you more! There is nothing you can do for Him to love you less!" He suggests that as a reward (I guess for God being so loving and magnanimous for letting so many be so evil) we should all go to a church on Sunday (and be part of the flock of sheep who are lobotomized!)

James Bond must be really, really envious. He only had a licence to kill. This pastor is telling us one can do anything one likes - that it's all, all, OK. Rape, plunder, murder, anything ..., you'll be OK. Now, is that not what the Robots and Demons love to hear - no responsibility, no judgement, no accountability? Evil is supposed to disappear in an expressed wish. They must think it's a pity that suffering and misery bring us back to reality and the real solution.

2 Demons in Childrens' Bodies

As we have observed, the age at which children commit murder keeps decreasing. It has now gone down to seven and eight. Yet society denies that there are demons in such young bodies. In this case, the defense attorney at their arraignment proudly placed the seven-year-old on a scale and declared, "50 pounds, he couldn't possibly have committed murder". The Chicago newspaper immediately declared "These are salvageable souls, with potential for long and productive lives". And people were reported to be more outraged that the children were charged with murder than they were outraged at what they had done!

KIDS AS KILLERS: Boys held in girl's murder. (Reuters) August 13, 1998: Chicago: Two boys aged seven and eight, charged with murdering an 11-year-old girl, were ordered to be kept in custody here pending psychiatric evaluation. Under Illinois law, children under the age of 10 convicted of crimes cannot be imprisoned, but can be kept away from their families under State-sponsored care until they are 21. The case has shocked child experts, and the United States legal system is struggling to deal with such young suspects. According to police, the younger boy hit the girl on the head with a rock as she rode her bike. The two boys dragged her into a wooded area and stuffed her panties in her mouth and foliage in her nostrils. She died from a fractured skull and asphyxiation, and was also sexually assaulted.

3 World changes

Personally, I feel that whatever I say now about world changes will either be repetitive and risk boring you, or else it will be a case of "I told you so!". Hence, if all that follows in this short essay sounds very familiar to you, with only dates, names and locations changed, realize you had been warned. Besides, as things are deteriorating so fast, one needs to change details of what is happening almost daily.


I had stated previously he was finished and said so on the USA program Sightings on Radio. He is a disgrace and has disgraced the US Presidency as no other President has ever done. Not only is he a "lame duck" now, but being the butt of so many jokes, he has ensured no one takes him seriously. The damage that he has done to the USA's standing in the world is inestimable. This further reduces its sphere of influence far more than illicit bombing of terrorized Arabs!

There are many sequelae to Clinton's downfall. You will remember I said many associated with him in his circle of metaphysical connection will fall with him:

* Hillary Clinton: Hillary comes off the Clinton Fiasco very damaged, especially after claiming a Right Wing Conspiracy was responsible for all of Clinton's supposed sexual escapades and "standing by her man" in the light of all the overwhelming evidence of illicit dealings by Bill which include, not just his lustful trysts, but his involvement in drug running, liquidation of witnesses, destruction of evidence, etc. She is now seen to be a liar/lawyer, a hypocrite and an obfuscator of truth. And she is all the more condemnable because she is a lawyer/liar. In the eyes of many people, she is no longer the better/bitter half, but a scheming vixen involved in all of Bill's nefarious activities up to her eyebrows! She has been exposed as a fraud. She is now obviously as compromised and neutralized as Bill Clinton is. She has lost her power. She has a dead puppet in her hands to manipulate. It is obvious she knew all along what Bill was doing and played along because it suited her. That makes her a puppet too, tied to zipper strings! It makes her a liar, denier and moral derelict.

* Al Gore is about to be gored by further investigations of his illicit fund-raising schemes. Chances are he will be neutralized and compromised so much he may not even be a candidate in 2000!

* Tony Blair: The boyhood smile and apparent charms will dissipate soon and leave the grin of a mocking deceiver. Remember, Blair was called Clinton's soul-mate, was he not?

* Boris Yeltsin: This puppet, suspended to jiggle at will by IMF funds while the USSR and Russia were carved up by the insatiable Zionist Barons of Business, has been brain dead for 3 years at least. Finally the illusion has been broken and people are starting to see this for themselves. The illusion fragmented with Clinton's downfall. Hence the enormous problems in Russia.

* Many others around the world, including the incumbent POPE, previously supported in the subtle levels by Clinton, will tumble. In fact if you look carefully at the TV images of the Pope, you will see a husk of a man, a shell. The evil consciousness has been made ineffective.



I had stated previously when discussing the fatal condition of the Financial Being of this world that Russia would crumble. Nothing can save it. The IMF has no more money to lend it and it would not do any good anyway. It is too far gone! The repercussions are almost unbelievable, but they will happen. Here is a preview:

Russians are seeing the ill-fated attempt by the IMF and World Bank, and the West to destroy them. Failure to provide is turning to paranoia. Vehemence will be directed at the West as never before. And with the vehemence go the tools of nuclear war. Russia is still a super power with all the knowledge and technology it had before.

Alliances with China are strengthened so when push comes to shove, a Sino-Russian-Islamic Giant will be more than a match for a Euro-USA.

Desperate people will do desperate things.

Russians will take starvation as a last option. While they have things to sell and live they will sell. What do they have? Technicians, warheads, nuclear material - you guessed it. Those who can pay will be well trained, well-stocked in nuclear weaponry and technology. Who can pay? Why those with the petro-dollars and the will to use such armaments will pay. And so, with the polarization of terrorized Muslims and Arabs everywhere - terrorized by US duplicity and iniquity, terrorism has been given a boost everywhere. No matter how much the Arabs wanted to take the peaceful path, they see they cannot win and must fight power with power, violence with violence, war with war. Especially with its most recent bombings in Sudan and Afghanistan, the US has shown it considers itself above the law and sees the terrorized Arabs and Muslims which it calls terrorists as expendables! The question in your mind should be "Why are these impoverished people terrorists? What anger and injustices have driven them to such desperation? You will know the answers if you have read our earlier newsletters. Now, with deteriorating conditions, with Terminal Madness of the Endtime, and with the most obvious US-ZIONIST bias, the "War of the Future" has entered the stage.



When Secretary of State Madeleine Albright used this expression to excuse away US murder by missile attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan, she was reflecting the thinking of the US administration and left no one guessing. She revealed that the US targets these impoverished people to destroy them. It is the US War for world domination. It has won the Western Nations with its Capitalism but must crush the Islamic ones who will NOT bow to its will readily. By stating this is how the future will be, Albright has revealed what is in store for those whom the US targets - namely the Arabs and Muslims. They are not fools and are readying themselves in a way Americans never would: They are ready to die for their cause! Thus far the balance of power is with the US. By the way, not for one moment do I concede that the US missile attacks were justified. If they had evidence of who did what - why did the US - the self appointed protector of Civil Liberties and Human Rights (what a joke, hey?) not present the evidence so all the world could condemn the culprits? Could it be the US bombed its own Embassies to initiate this action as the movie "Wag the Dog" suggests? You bet!

Forced, especially by British Members of Parliament to reveal the evidence on which it bombed the Sudanese aspirin factory, the US claims it has soil samples from around the factory contaminated with a VX gas precursor. The open invitation by Sudan for the UN, or any expert, to visit the site and do any test to verify such false claims blows the US evidence out of the realm!

The US has been shown, even in these pages, to be capable of murdering its own people and others for an ulterior gain. Remember Waco? Panama? Vietnam? Grenada? Nicaragua? Remember the Pan Am airliner which was bombed and fell on Lockerbie Scotland? Evidence there points to CIA and Mossad (Israeli Secret Service) involvement, not Libya at all.



Those of you not familiar with what I wrote about this should read the relevant sections in Newsletters #13, 16 and 19. In agreeing to Libyan demands that the 2 suspects whom the US and Britain claim are guilty of planting the bomb on the Pan Am jet can be tried by the World Court with Scottish Judges, Madeleine Albright said the US was in a win-win situation. She claimed they would prove the accused are guilty if handed over. It would prove Libya was guilty if they were not handed over. Since then, without reassurances of "NO dirty tricks" from the US, Col Gaddafi has refused to comply. Even before this impasse, I disagreed with Albright and the US administration. The US and Britain are in fact, in a no win-no win situation. If the court proceeds, the danger of exposing the CIA and Mossad dirty tricks to the world will harm the US-British credibility as nothing else could. If the US-Britain manipulate the "evidence" and win, it will be obvious to all who know, from the evidence supplied by independent British investigators which implicated the CIA and Mossad, that Injustice continues. If the US-Britain lose, chances are they will not comply with the decision. The US has ignored World Court decisions which have gone against it before. And if Libya does win the case, which realistically will probably never proceed, it will show the world how unjust the sanctions on Libya by the USA have been.



This giant is no longer a slumbering panda. Within a few short months we will see the fangs of a monster, created by the West and deteriorating World conditions. We will see a wounded beast ready to fight for survival. Why do I say this? The floods which in the last month have devastated 20% of China's population will now have an effect with incalculable damage. Not only will hunger and famine result, but disease will spread in epidemic proportions throughout China and then the world. The same conditions apply in Bangladesh, but this smaller, poorer country can be ignored for the moment for its impact on the world will not be anywhere near as fatalistic as China's.

In dire straits, with 200 to 250 million diseased, starving people in its borders, China will do what all the West, especially the USA, have dreaded: It will dump commodities onto the world market sending prices crashing through the basement floor, and it will devalue its currency in a desperate attempt to gain some way of feeding and treating its dying people. You can well imagine the effect - all countries will crash further, including the USA and the US dollar. It will be unavoidable. Madness will increase and war will be inevitable. There is just not enough money or supplies in the world to prevent this. Hence, World Depression as never before will signal in WW III. The fact that Asia, Japan, Russia, South America, and many other countries are in disguised depression even today will become painfully obvious as China succumbs. This will signify the NEXT PHASE:


You will have noted, no doubt, that confidence in financial markets is being lost inexplicably. Many are stating they feel there is a force beyond their ability to manipulate. What we are witnessing is the fragmentation of the illusion, of the virtual reality of this plane. There never was any value in most of the things held up as valuables in this illusion. So many goods, products, resources, commodities were inflated to appear of far greater value - so that a few could enrich themselves - that now as the illusion is fractured, the greater reality which is emerging leaves the exposed fragmenting minds of the manipulators and the empty-headed robots who were programmed to believe in the false confidence of the virtual reality. All things on this level have been counterfeit, fraudulent and mendacious. Now we are about to see the full effect of the collapse of this ephemeral virtual reality.

With the death of the Financial Being - its demise is unmistakeable in the monetary changes we see around the world - the balance of power in the world will change in a way many could not even contemplate. US-Zionist interests have controlled the world with money and the technology money can produce. With the death of the financial being, that control will vanish! No individual, community, government, terrorist or country can be bought with dollars or anything else. The desperation is for survival and without such corruptive protection which money can buy, the previous manipulators will become victims of their own greed and cupidity. Add to this the deteriorating conditions in the US brought on by climatic change, by geological disturbances such as earthquakes, by diseases such as HIV-AIDS, Gulf War Syndrome, Hepatitis, cholera, food poisoning, unsafe water, etc., etc., and this weakened US, which will desperately try to cure its own ills, instead of fulfilling its self-appointed role of World Bully, will become a much softer target for those whom it previously terrorized. The exposed US administration terrorists will pay the price as never before. With so many problems on its plate, the US, just like all other nations, will be reduced to rubble. Thus will the prophecy be fulfilled that "the living will envy the dead!".

Do you think I am exaggerating? Go back to what I have written in earlier newsletters and check their accuracy. Conditions are dastardly even now, but the media still plays its game of not disturbing the sleeping sheep. However, the illusion will crack ferociously and soon. Even now there are rice riots in Indonesia where people are murdering as a rule of thumb as they plunder food stores. Such scenes will be commonplace. The forecast is that in the New Year - 1999 - 75% of Indonesians will live below the poverty line. While being poor may mean struggling to run a second vehicle to some, in third world country terms, as it applies in Indonesia, below the Poverty Line means not getting enough food to stay alive. And, in such conditions, desperate people will do desperate things.

I am not writing just to frighten you or tell you how bad things are and will be. I have given you the explanation of the evil nature of this plane many times and I have given you the only solution which will apply - destruction of all this evil scenario. What I am giving you is a step by step analysis of the fragmentation of this evil system so that you will understand what is happening and will be less traumatized by changes. In that way, those of you who are still viable will be ready to leave when necessary and will need less time to recuperate from the horrors we are all witnessing at this unique time which previously I had labelled the Final Generation of the Planet Earth! The proof of the veracity and justification of such a label is now in your vision. Neither you nor any other resident of this doomed planet can validly rebut the truth of what is going on.

With the increasing desperation with the poverty, illnesses, violence and Terminal Madness of the Endtime will come increasing FEAR.

The Doom of Gloom will blanket fragmenting minds in a way saner minds cannot understand. And as the creatures of Darkness come to the realization, even as their madness grips them, that they are accountable to a Higher Order, their madness and desperation will increase to such a degree that they will destroy wantonly, seeking the self-destruction of their physical, regardless of who else they hurt, even as their spiritual sense realizes they are seeking spiritual self-destruction, which will eventually occur via the process of Transmutation. In some ways this explains the suicides we see everywhere, the destructiveness displayed by some women and children, the desperate actions of the hopeless and those who claim they have been terrorized enough!

* Just in case you have not been watching: Wall St. lost 9.8% from its July 17 peak of 9338 before the current round of topsy-turvy!

* From the mouth of the arch-demon Henry Kissinger (a malicious Zionist Jew): The International Monetary Fund aided instability in Asia. The daily newspaper "The Australian" reported him as saying that the IMF was to be criticized for forcing Asian governments to adopt politically disruptive reforms in return for financial rescues. He said this at the National Governors Association annual meeting. He added that the catalyst for the turmoil in places like Indonesia was speculation on the nation's currency!! So, Malaysian PM, M. Mahathir, was right after all!! The end of the world must be near for vicious demons like Kissinger to be exposed this way.



Read the following with the understanding that the rate of change now in every field of endeavour makes news stale at an accelerated rate. However, we can see the horizons of the Big Picture emerging and the colour of local variations.

Whether you look at the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burma, the Duma of Russia, the White House (now bordello-fied and the butt of over 1000 jokes), The Australian parliament with One Nation splicing it daily, or any other government, what you will see is fragmentation, moral decay, exposures and ruination.

The Congo: In the Congo it was obvious one dying butcher was being replaced by another - The new leader, Kabila, is a rogue and he will ensure a bloodbath.

Burma: Those who think Burma's opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is full of altruism are fooled. She is nothing but an agitating puppet, just like Ciller was in Turkey, for the USA, who will buy the country for peanuts when they gain, through her efforts, the full control they seek. (Then she will become an Unsung soocky). Note that all the news we get about Burma and its cruelty is from the Western Media which, to tell the truth, one should trust less than one would trust a wounded bull.

Russia: Hate will fuel the disintegration of this nation - and much blood will be spilled as paranoia grips starving bodies and minds affected by the Terminal Madness of the Endtime. More and more the West (the USA, the IMF and World Bank) and its puppets will be blamed, rightfully or wrongfully, and Russians will have the means to retaliate directly, or supply others, such as the 1 billion or so Muslims it is befriending more and more each day, to do the retaliating.

The USA: This country will never be the same. As its smelly head - much on the nose - is seen to be a joke, its influence is daily decreasing. Congress is already looking for scapegoats and it will find them - in violence! Clinton has managed to do what all the other Presidents combined would not dare do - turn the office of the President of the USA into a joke forum, ensuring the loss of all respect by other nations. Look at how ineffectual Clinton was in Russia and how ignored he was by Russian politicians and people!

The Kingdom of OZ - Australia, the unfair: Being in Federal Election mode, there is no need to watch cartoons or the Simpsons on TV - the banter of the politicians on the campaign trail is enough. The promises, the rhetoric, the twisting of statistics coming from aspirants are artful in themselves. Politicians use a GST (Great Stupid Talk) all of their own, even as the moronic Pauline Hanson tells "Stray yarns" (in her version of English - really she means "Australians" in official English) to vote for her party and return to the 18th century. Australian PM John Howard's face seems to have swiftly gone from the worried, irritated scowl of Yosemite Sam, of Bugs Bunny cartoons fame, to one with the supercilious grin of a dysfunctional Cheshire cat. It must be the power of Prozac! At the time of writing, the polls have the 2 major parties neck and neck - but really, it does not matter now who gets in for they will preside over an ever-faster degenerating system.

Be aware of the double talk: Costello and Howard tell us, using the rubbery figures which no one can confirm, that the OZ economy could not be stronger and could not have weathered the Asian Crisis better. Well then, why is the OZ dollar heading for 50 US cents?

How many Australians know that, compared to all the ailing Asian economies except Indonesia, which lost 80% of its value, the OZ dollar has lost between 4 and 15% of its value? The illusion may be that we are strong, but we are becoming poorer by the day!



The Art of stealing from the poor to give to the Rich.

Do you remember the great promises given to the people for urging and then excusing away Banking Privatization and Deregulation in Australia? Well, not only have those lies been exposed totally, but also we, the people, collectively ever so gullible, have paid grossly for the privilege. Official figures published in daily newspapers recently show the major banks in OZ have increased profits between 250% and 1000% over the last 10 years, in a decade when most people have become relatively poorer. We were lied to, were we not? The system did not become better for us, or cheaper, did it? It did not provide more jobs in banking or elsewhere, did it? It benefited the banks really, did it not? The increased "healthy" competition seems to have been between banks as to who could close the most "less-profitable" branches, dismiss the most staff and charge the most without the customers realizing it. Great banking and economic reforms, hey?

You can apply the same scheme to what the IMF and World Bank have done for poor and not-so-poor countries alike, and are now, even while going bankrupt, urging those nations whom they drowned with their schemes, to do. Their strategies have been for the benefit of their own pockets, not the peoples'. What else would you expect in the realm of lies and deception?

And this sort of fatuous promising also applies to Howard's proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Australia. Figures from countries in which a GST has been introduced contradict PM Howard's and Treasurer Costello's, claims:

* A GST does not benefit the people, especially the poor who are worse off because of it!

* It increases costs, inflation and taxes - why do you think the government is so enamoured of it?

* If it reduced taxes they would have no bar of it.

* If it simplified the system and more efficiently collected taxes, making redundant the army of public servants now in government employment, more people would be unemployed; hence the benefit would be to a few.

* It increases, percentage-wise, as time proceeds, inspite of promises by the government;

* It increases, not lowers, the black economy;

* It makes people and the country poorer, not better off as promised.

* Like any new tax, it creates new tax cheats, the old cheats find new ways to cheat;

* The system becomes more corrupt, not less, as claimed, as loopholes are used and abused;

* The bottom line: the Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If that was not so, why are social order, social security, services, roads, public utilities, less and less efficient, less able to cope, etc., even as taxes are forever increasing per capita?

Finally, when listening to the Prozac-inspired promises made by the PM, "Honest" John Howard, and his Coalition, for the forthcoming Australian Federal Election, remember this is the man who broke more electoral promises in record time than any other PM ever. And to surpass great liars such as former PMs Bob Hawke and Paul Keating has been some feat!

Governments are greedy Robbing Hoods who squander the people's money. They are always looking for ways to raise taxes, not lower them. That is why they are so easily blackmailed by money-making schemes such as the IMF, cartels, the internationals, etc.

Politicians are, in the main, only interested in protecting their jobs primarily. All benefits to the "People" are secondary. How many have ever stepped down for "the good of the country and the people"? Look at Yeltsin and Clinton, today. They are causing enormous damage to their respective countries by staying in office, but do they really seem to care? Their ego and its selfishness will not allow them. Most who go, like former crooks USA President Nixon, Oz's PM Bob Hawke, British PM Margaret Thatcher, and Queensland's Premier Bjelke-Petersen, have had to be pushed out, or threatened, or shoved. Worse has happened, of course, as with American Presidents Garfield, McKinley, Lincoln, JFK, etc. Let us not venture into the jungle politics of Banana Republics where elections of Heads of State seem to come with pre-signed promises, similar to pre-nuptial agreements, to assassinate or be assassinated, depending on the time of day and the way the wind is blowing. Kabila of the Congo is a classic example - if you need one!

* Politicians, most of whom are lawyers/liars, plead to be elected so they can do good for the people.

* They all seem to get a lot richer very quickly once in power. We do not have to restrict ourselves to the Philippines' Marcos and Indonesia's Suharto and their billions. With very few exceptions, politicians retire far more wealthy than their parliamentary stipends would have suggested.

* When caught rorting the system, stealing, or in acts of impropriety, they come up with the same lame excuses: "I did it for the people!" "I did it for my country!" "I did it in the interests of National security!"

Disguised Nazi types like One Nation's David Oldfield can no longer hide as they pull the strings of painted, tainted puppets like Pauline Hanson who claims, with her destructive divisiveness, to be doing her job for the good of "all Strayarns", meaning, of course, all Australians. Believe that and you have a cerebral disorder like her's too! One Nation, like all the other parties, is claiming it will save "the people", lotsa, lotsa, money. And yet it is obvious, Hanson and her cohorts grow richer by the day, if for now they are only fleecing the donating sheep lured into their political arenas - or should that be asylums?

No politician is magnanimous, generous to a fault or loving to you just because he pleads to be elected. Most are cunning liars and degenerates. If they are not at the beginning, they soon learn. They know this Rat Race runs on pressure, exploitation and dog eat dog, hence they are primed to take opponents out and steal "from the people", even as they lay awake at night scheming on how to tell bigger lies, for they know, the greater the lie, the more chance that it will be believed. History confirms that this is so in no uncertain terms. It is time to be rid of this evil system and all its Robbing Hoods, regardless of how they are dressed - be it as bankers, politicians, priests, popes or presidents.

* Prepare now for the Speed of Change in the world, for it will be unprecedented and very fast.



New Age shows about World Changes are being shown on TV. By now you will have seen so many, you can anticipate their script. They present distorted sayings of Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, Edgar Cayce, etc., etc. And they interview the odd geologist, the odd scientist, the oddest New Agers such as Scallion, etc. The show always ends up with the warning - "Human destiny is in the hands of humanity - we are being warned - we must change or else!" - or similar garbage! In a sense these shows are attempting to calm the sheep, creating false hope and telling them that even if changes do occur, the aftermath will be joy and peace on Earth. See this for the bunkum it is. Swallow the half-truths they spiel and you will digest complete lies. Humanity is not in control. The destruction of Earth and all its systems including humanity is on an unstoppable schedule. These so-called New Age gurus are frauds. They could not see past their nose with a telescope, let alone see visions of the future, and like the bible scripts which are stolen Gnostic scripts, the sayings of true prophets are twisted retrospectively to fit their present utterings.

All living things associated with Earth are scheduled for destruction, as is all matter in this universe eventually. The mechanisms and timing are variable. Elohim crafts are in para-dimensional positions for evacuation of the consciousnesses who are to continue elsewhere. All others will be transmuted. All are accountable for their actions; all will be judged worthy or unworthy to continue. Buy a lesser information package and you will be not only short changed, but possibly led to metaphysical oblivion as well!



Time for a little thought: A person walks in for a life reading. You note he is a Catholic priest. In his previous life he was a Hindu housewife. Before that he was a French doctor and before that a Jewish pawnbroker. What racial hatred should apply to him? What was he really? He was the same consciousness in different disguises was he not? Unless he was an ontological Zionist, he cannot be classified as a hated racial Jew, can he? This simple example explodes the myth of racial hatred as nothing else can. So, it's "up the kyber" for the Zionist hatemongers. If a consciousness was/is Zionist, s/he would always have been, will always be, Zionist! And s/he will be due for transmutation - end of story!!

It does not matter how much the rabid Jews of this life or the zealous Zionists argue against me on this point. The bottom line is what counts. If things end as I say they will - and every indication points to this being so - then I am right and they are wrong, wrong, wrong. Goodbye and good riddance to all evil Zionists!!! (Yes, I know, the word "evil" is superfluous, for all ontological Zionists are of the evil anti-Christ energy!)

Hence, to call metaphysicians who believe in reincarnation "racist", is stupidity in its most banal form. By the way, only ignorant fools do not believe in reincarnation. As a medical doctor I can tell you there is a welter of evidence for its existence. As a practising hypnotherapist, I can confirm it. And as a metaphysician, I can vouch for it. Don't let the spiritual donkeys tell you otherwise!

Why am I attacking the ontological (not racial) Zionists so forcefully? The reason is because "They ARE the antichrist energy!!!" They ARE the spiritual cancer which has infected parts of creation. They ARE the demons to be eradicated - no more and no less - and so they shall be eradicated!! And who can say that? Only the Christ energy can - no one else!!

Jesus Christ was a racial Jew.
Would any of us who recognize His Light
call Him a hateful, crazed Jew?
Of course not.
But the ontological Zionists called Him
a madman and assassinated Him.
That leaves no doubt of who they were/are.
They can try to hide all they like,
what with their ADL, their Hatewatch,
their Holocaust Myth
- I know who they are ontologically,
and they are doomed as doomed can be!!



Again I warn readers that developments are so swift, comments may be dated before the ink is dry!

Breakdown of biological homeostasis

1 Sydney's water supply has suffered contamination with Giardia L., and an organism called cryptosporidium. It has the potential to affect the health of 3 million people - and this is in the middle of winter! Imagine what the effect and concentration of these bugs will be in the heat of summer! The chemicals officials are using to clear the water will eventually lead to side-effects in consumers. Hence, water for most of Sydney residents is no longer safe to drink from the tap. How long do you think it will take for all the world to be thus affected?

2 Maggots in food have had a whole mining town in Western Australia go on strike. The cause of the contamination is unknown.

3 Poisonous algae are clogging rivers, streams and lakes even in winter. Imagine the effect in summer.

4 Cholera is out of control in Africa.

5 The most recent influenza virus to reach OZ has been described as vicious by medicos.

6 Here on the Atherton Tableland (about 700 metres above sea level) we are seeing house flies and blow flies in the middle of winter - an unprecedented occurrence.

7 Vets report the rate of sickness in farm animals and pets has escalated due to unknown causes.

8 Asthma is increasing alarmingly as is the death rate from severe attacks.

9 Birds and insects are attacking fruit trees as never before as their own food supply runs out.

10 It is obvious that pollution in soil, water and air is growing alarmingly.

* The Clever Country, Australia, wants you to think it's honest too! Ha! In a desperate attempt to gain paying Asian students, who have abandoned Australia as a result of Hanson-led racism, and to attend Australian universities, assessors of applicants in Asian countries are inflating the results of students to unreasonably high levels so that they will meet entrance qualifications. One Australian teacher who refused to be part of the scheme/scam was sacked. He retaliated by blowing the whistle.

* Cambodia's elections are false solutions.

* A fungus called smut is set to devastate the sugar cane industry in Australia.

* The area around Mt. St. Helen's registered over 435 earthquake shocks in July, 1998. The Seattle Fault, found 4 years ago, is being destabilized by the movement in faults found south of it.

* With the USA as our ally, who needs enemies? In the most blatant market stealing move yet, the US has stolen Australia's wheat markets in Indonesia, after repeatedly promising it would not do so. Add to this scenario the risk of sugar cane failure and the increasing likelihood of depression with eventual falling exports, and record level of imports. All of a sudden Australia's karma looks bad, real bad.

* No time to laugh at the US military sex scandals. A not so secret report reveals sex abuse in Australia's military academies is rampant. The evil basis of humanity does not vary because of race, nationality, colour, religion or geographical boundaries!

* Oh, how clever we were at casting stones at the Chinese athletes for alleged drug abuse in sport. The headline on July 30, 1998, in the daily "Courier Mail" newspaper read "Sport drug shame - tests nab 30 Aussies". Too clever for our own good?

* Floods in Australia, Bangladesh, and in China will add to the desperation and further precipitate fragmenting minds into the Terminal Madness of the Endtime and the ensuing violence of inevitable chaos.

* Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi is not what people think she is. What is she? She is a trouble making demon!

* Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch is not as big a fool as you may think. In saying drugs should be legalized, he is voicing the opinion that cheating is unstoppable and the best cheats are winning the gold. Notice how the holier than thou nations - OZ, US, etc., are giving a Judas performance? - "Who, me Master?" In claiming they are clean, they are only highlighting their hypocrisy.

* The fact that Scott Ritter resigned from the UN team investigating the weapons position in Iraq reveals many things. He was the one Iraq complained about most bitterly along with complaining about Richard Butler, for being a pushy, offensive cowboy. Ritter and Butler are vicious Zionists. IF Ritter was really interested in doing a good job, he would not spit the dummy and quit. Why did he do so? The answer lies in the FBI investigation of him passing on information illegally and covertly to Israel. Therefore, it appears that he has been exposed as a spy as Iraq accused all along. The FBI are not goody, goody do-gooders who would want to expose one of their US Citizens as a rat. So, why are they investigating? They are doing so because enough people know about Ritter' s illicit activities to require an investigation. You and I know the most probable result: a whitewash - and the excuses for doing nothing will go something like this: "There was no evidence of wrong-doing", or else "He acted in the interest of National Interest!" Justice will have appeared to have been done, another demon will have been exposed, the hypocrisy will have continued, and for those of us with eyes to see, the reason to end all this will have been greatly reinforced. Evil's silly games, very painful for the victims and the True witnesses, are being exposed daily as the whole system crumbles. Ritter's about face and attack of the US administration, of the British and of Madeleine Albright are a case of the Terminal Madness of the Endtime and a case of Evil versus Evil!



The following newsflashes were posted on our website during the past month and are reproduced here for the benefit of readers with no web access. Realize that later events may have altered or diminished the importance of what was written earlier in the Newsflashes.


Gnosticism is being hi-jacked
by Amitakh Chiappalone

For some time now we have been aware of the fact that various groups have been stealing our material, our information, our prophecies, our explanations of Gnosticism, etc., giving them a slight twist, and calling the result their own. What is most confusing for seekers of Truth is that they call these distortions "Gnosticism" when in fact it is not. It can only be distorted nonsense. The people who are doing this know who they are, and we know who they are. They cannot be genuine spiritual seekers of Truth, for such dishonesty and illicit plagiarism can only be an evil trait. Hence, rather than enriching themselves in some way, they are actually exposing their true nature, in preparation for their spiritual demise. They may fool a few adherents for a short while, but when these fooled ones wake up - and they will, unless they are evil sycophants placed there to support them - they will attack even more aggressively and forcefully those who mendaciously attempted to fool them once again.

A number of readers have confirmed what we already knew about J.Z. Knight and her "Ramtha" theatrics. The readers have sent us clippings which confirm how cunning and desperate this evil being Ramtha, and his medium, J.Z. Knight, really are. In a blatant attempt to win a few more followers, they are calling their information "Gnosticism". Their attempt is pathetic and their claim spurious. While using this label inappropriately, they are attempting to give out their message that all are god and there is no evil. This is the very opposite to True Gnosticism!! Evil has done this many times in the past with Zoroaster's work, with Buddha's, Jesus', and Manichaeus' Gnostic teachings, in order to corrupt Truth. This is a hallmark of Evil.

The irrefutable tenets of True Gnosticism are:

1 Evil emerged from a Celestial Error and created a Counterfeit Creation - the one we are in - in which theomorphic beings have been trapped by counterfeit beings created by the Evil Mind!

2 There is a War of Essences, about to be resolved on this plane on which the majority of consciousnesses, including those in human bodies, are evil!

3 The Theomorphs who are still viable are to be evacuated and relocated in a New Dimension.

4 Those of evil, and those theomorphs judged no longer viable, will be transmuted in a final Corrective process.

Hence, it is clear that "Gnosticism" means more than the obfuscating jargon of these evil liars like Ramtha who by the way is a holographic counterfeit consciousness, one of the many masks of Jehovah, the Devil, which itself is the last local incarnation of this Erroneous Evil Mind.

Do not be fooled.

Gnosticism means:

1 Two Creations - a True One, and a false one, which has parasitically taken over a portion of the True One.

2 A war between the 2 creations - 2 natures - 2 wills - 2 principles.

3 The reality of temporary, destructive Evil.

4 The Final Corrective Process.

5 Liberation of the viable theomorphs (True Beings).

6 Transmutation of the non-viable consciousnesses in all classes of consciousness: mineral, vegetable, animal, human, spiritual, galactic and universal.

Anyone who claims otherwise is attempting to deceive you!




The web is a massively weird beast in which one can become confused and lost easily. Many enticing sites are full of garbage and it seems to take forever to find some relevant fact in them. This is all very much on purpose so that true seekers of Truth will become confused and dejected, lost in the mire of untruth that is purposely planted out there. Apart from that, there is the ever-increasing pornographic component which will attempt to gain net-surfers' energy.

On occasion one receives circulars such as the one I am going to refer to now.

Subject: Re: Message from Drunvalo Melchizedek - "Time of Great Change".

I received this unsolicited bit of nonsense on Monday 27 July, 1998. The email stated:

[Drunvalo Melchizedek joins The Prophets Conference~Yucatan and its exceptional faculty coming together for an unparalleled gathering in Mexico, and at ancient Maya sites, taking place during this coming fall equinox, etc. Drunvalo will be presenting his insights, understandings and research in a workshop and in panel presentations. He will be joining Zecharia Sitchen, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men, Joan Phillips Ocean, Robert Ghost Wolf, Merilyn Tunneshende, and Miguel Angel Vergara to explore this time of unprecedented change that is upon us.

"Message from Drunvalo Melchizedek -"Time of Great Change -Love is the Answer for Every Question"

For me, this means that as we begin to seek to understand our existence in Nature and our purpose in Life, or as we move from one level of consciousness to another, Love always knows the answer to every question of the mind. If Love stays in our consciousness, we will not get lost. We will stay conscious, and not fall asleep when change begins to accelerate around us. We will know and feel the presence of Great Spirit/Nature with each breath. The Unity of Life will become obvious. We will trust Life. We will love Life. And our Purpose will become clear. We are gathered here at The Prophets Conference to proceed to the next level of Life consciously. Does that feel right to you? It is my belief that the world is ready. All the consciousness grids around the world are complete. Everything has been adjusted and tuned to a very high degree from a human point of view. Mother Earth is awake and conscious, and She knows exactly what we are thinking and feeling. She knows our deepest heart's desire. And I believe that Mother loves us beyond our knowing. I believe She will come to our aid to help us to understand who we truly are. And it will be us, as children, through living our own lives that will bring this world back into the Light. This is the time we have been all preparing for the last 13,000 years -1998 to 2012 - a fifteen year period. If everything all the prophets have said about that period of time come true, we are about to be truly changed into a new kind of human. Even science agrees that it does appear to be true; the children with the four extra codons turned on in their DNA are the buds of a new human race. So what is it about 1998 to 2012? All the prophets of the past have pointed to this time. The Indigenous People of the World; the Native Americans (The Hopi & the Taos Pueblo); the Hopi - The White Brother/Sister; the Zulu Tribe in Africa believe in the coming change. The Maya believe by the prophecy of their elders and the "Sixth Sun", that the Seventh Sun is coming. The Japanese believe with the prophecies of "Amaterasu" a returning to earth coming at this time. And then there is Nostradamus and his predictions and Edgar Casey and his prophecies. Edgar Casey is probably the most detailed and descriptive in his prophecies. He said there would be a new earth pole in the winter of 1998. Even the United Nations believes that within this period of time the earth will double it's population, and most of the earth will die. The message of the Flower of Life is that the "change" will happen during the next 15 years. We are ready now, but Life will decide when we will move. So now that the 'Time of Great Change' is here, what do we do? Prepare physically? Physically means finding a place that feels safe and storing food and necessary equipment for up to a two-year period. This may or may not be right for you. Understand the situation. First of all, this period of time you would be preparing for is before the change, not after. The idea that we are to prepare and wait, and then after to come out of the shelter and resume life after the change is misleading. Once the change has happened, the next world will not be visible to the old one.

"We will ascend into a New World on a different wavelength where any physical preparation made on earth will be useless there. Just as in death, you cannot bring it with you. So the reason for physical preparation is to give one a safe place to make the transition without violence and struggle - A calm place and time to meditate during the outer changes going on. If, however, you do not feel it is necessary. That is all right also. Spirit is forever. No matter what happens, you will survive. What is truly important here is your state of consciousness during this transition. Your consciousness can overcome any of the physical problems. See and Live the Unity of Life. If you know there is only one God and that all life is intimately connected together, and if you see this unity everywhere, and finally if you live this unity in your everyday life, Mother Earth will protect you and carefully lead you into the next world. This is the great secret of Life and the protection that Mother Nature will provide. How is this achieved? By dropping the old consciousness of Good and Evil, which we must do in order to enter the new higher consciousness. The old consciousness sees itself as being inside a body and everything and everyone else as outside of itself. This way of seeing is an illusion. The Hindus call it 'Maya'. Hermes of Ancient Greece once said, 'As above, so below'. This quote has become famous, and is just now being proven by science. The macrocosm and the microcosm reflect each other. In the same way, another quote is important. 'As within, so without'. The inside and the outside are connected. It is here, where the important work will be lived. To realize that what happens on the inside reflects to the outside- and the other way around. This relationship is effected by our feelings. Fear creates a contracted state of being. Love creates an expanded state of being. When we are in fear and contracted, the outer world controls our inner world. When we are in love and expanded, the inner world controls our outer world. What happens when you lose your job? You go into fear and contraction, and it feels like the whole world is crashing in on you. The more you are in fear, the more difficult it is to find a job. However, when you are in love and expanded, everything seems to naturally go right. People want you to work for them, because they want to be around you. There is a relationship. So the key to interdimensional survival is to remain positive and in love with life even when the outer world may seem hopeless. Know the perfection of Nature. At the same time and equally important, know and see that Great Spirit/Nature is alive and conscious of you. Develop communication within yourself with God. An example of indigenous understanding of this is that of the Kahunas in Hawaii: Their belief in nature as alive and conscious. The final key is to bring this 'connection' with Nature into yourself. Let your inner child self emerge and 'play' with Life. Marah Baba said it perfectly, 'Be happy, don't worry.' Bashar said it in another way, 'Be happy for no reason.' It is your childlike joy that will lead you home. "Do you REMEMBER?" In Love and Service - Drunvalo]

My comments:

1 This is evil hog-wash at its calamitous worst!!

2 Notice how UNITY is stressed? This then denies the existence of Evil, the existence of evil ones, the War of Essences and the need to fight the personal war against the evil and its evil ones. It is an attempt to obscure reality and disarm any who are awakening. This is how Satan has always won the battles: By pretending he, and his evil, do not exist!! When you see such New Age nonsense as this Drunvalo has written, the alarm bells should be ringing.

3 But even from a commonsense point of view we can readily see that what Drunvalo has written is poorly veiled drivel.

4 Nature is dying - how does he explain that?

5 How can a dying Nature nurture?

6 Who has had DNA mapping to confirm the nonsense about the codons - or should that be condoms? It might as well be, for all the sense his nonsense makes.

7 Why would anyone worry about DNA patterns if the next phase is non-material?

8 Why can he not spell Casey properly? It should be "Cayce".

9 How can he be an expert of this man's prophecies if he cannot even spell his name?

10 By asking readers to "Trust Life", he is asking susceptible ones to trust the nefariousness of this evil exploitative empire - a sure way of destroying True Beings!

11 Notice how he uses names and phrases illegitimately to suck seekers in?

12 How can the world be ready for a jump to a higher plane of consciousness when its people are regressing to a moral criminality that would make any true creator cringe with thoughts of failure at the abomination "he" had created?

13 If it was a joyous leap into bliss, why the hell is there so much pain, violence, misery and ungodliness?

14 Only evil ones can selfishly ignore, as Drunvalo does, the plight of suffering imposed on all levels of consciousness.

15 To suggest love will blind one to suffering and prevent suffering is an attack on those who see reality for what it is - and calls them unloving - the very opposite to what the true situation is. One can only truly love when one sees the obstacles to love - which are falsehood, the illusion, and Evil with all its banality, ignorance and stupidity as portrayed by this demon Drunvalo and his drivel.

16 None of the attendants mentioned above (Drunvalo, and the other panelists, Zecharia Sitchen, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men, Joan Phillips Ocean, Robert Ghost Wolf, Merilyn Tunneshende, and Miguel Angel Vergara) are Light bearers.

What is happening here, of course, is this:

Realizing that signs are irrefutable that the physical is finished, these obfuscators are now attempting to twist the message of Finality around and say it is all graduating to better things, taking all who are "god" to the higher dimension. Again this fools people and denies evil, the War of essences, the need to discern, the transmutation of evil ones, the accountability of spiritual criminals, etc.

I would have loved to have been able to go to their conference and exposed all the demons and their hypocrisy once and for all, but other engagements have priority.

But, they will soon know that they will be totally destroyed soon enough, for they are of the noxious, temporary, evil essence!!




The President, the Nation and Karma

In the second week of August, Monica Lewinsky began giving testimony against President Bill Clinton. The points important for students of metaphysics are these:

* Clinton, like the creep that he is - he has been described as that by Lewinsky herself - has used all means of obstruction available through his impressive and very forceful White House machinery to prevent giving testimony, even though he has repeatedly claimed he is innocent and wants to tell all to all the people.

* The evil White House machine is in full mode to destroy Lewinsky and save his neck - and all the jobs of those involved.

* By artificially inflating the economic performance, people's simple, greedy and rapacious minds have been kept focused on their bankbooks, not on Clinton's lies, deception and immorality.

* The fact that so many (65%+) can accept him as a "good guy" whose private morals are not of concern speaks volumes for the ontology of the consciousnesses making up these 65% + ; - they are just as unprincipled and evil.

* The fact that Clinton would use Lewinsky, as he obviously has done many other women, and then, as the most powerful man in the "free" world, set about to destroy her, and them, says a lot about such a "free world".

* The self-effacing twit Hillary Clinton who has now disappeared from sight, speaks volumes for her stupidity which was there all the time. She too is now exposed as a fool.

* Ah, yes, the bombing of US sites around the world: These are long overdue, for evil karma is part of the evil system and the US, just like the evil Zionists, must now, at the Endtime, pay its dues. There is no way these can escape. The climatic changes we see in the US are a small aspect of this. Expect more, much, much more!!

* This level of hypocrisy, abuse, deception, lies and bully-boy tactics are once and for all being exposed. Many are the stories that murders have been committed to protect Clinton's interests. Vincent Foster's and others spring immediately to mind. But, it does not matter how Clinton escapes on this level, he is finished spiritually as I have stated before.

* However, this level of evil is a very strong indication of what the nation has done in the past and what it will now suffer for what it has sown!

* This is the same sort of duplicity and evil which saw it murder and destroy many countries around the world including Nicaragua, Guatemala, San Salvador, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Libya, etc., directly with brutal force, and others such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, most of Africa, etc., etc., indirectly. Also, it has used its money and power to crush leaders, people and regimes, often when supporting both sides of a nation to self-destruct so it can go in and take control - usually of its resources and wealth - after all it has no interest in the indigenous people's benevolence. Are you starting to see why Saddam Hussein, Libya's Gaddafi and Iran call the US "the Big Satan"?

* That sort of Karma cannot go unpunished. I realize I run the risk of losing a few American acquaintances writing this way, but I am not here to win a popularity race, I am here to tell it as it is.

* I am here to tell you why things are developing as they are, and what is ultimately being done about this despicable situation to end all this evil, all this pain, all the suffering and all the misery.

* If you are evil, you have much to fear. If you are not, you will be elated at the final solution I bring!

* Hence we now see, as the evil system would have it, a revisit by the Fates who spin the web of human circumstances. If one used the web of deceit, one is repaid in deceit. If one used honesty and goodwill, honesty and goodwill will flow.

* But the USA has used evil anywhere and everywhere, and its Zionist leaders, whom I have amply identified in past newsletters, and who control the USA completely, are to blame, even more than sycophantic and very fooled people who support them.

* The last few newsletters have highlighted this, and so have the references I have given to the works of others which I have published in those newsletters, so you know this assertion is not spurious.

* What we now see is the Karmic genii calling to pay back the USA what is owed from its sowing:

i Climatic - geographical terror;
ii Attacks and bombing of American interests everywhere: These will escalate as surely as the sun rises tomorrow. Do not mistakenly take the two bombings in Africa of this week as isolated instances. Even if they are, as many have been in the past, US-CIA initiated actions to blame Iraq, Libya or Iran, and hence start another war, many others will join in to continue the bombings, believe me!
iii Diseases will hit the US population as never before - including Mad Cow Disease, Gulf War Syndrome, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis, etc. The list will grow and grow. And when a body is unwell, the mind fragments!
iv Financial collapse will ruin the country faster than people can count their pennies, even though at present it has been artificially maintained to keep the bubble of wealth illusion going for as long as possible, in part to save Clinton, and the whole administration, from their inexorably demise.

I am not stating these things to scare you, I am stating what is to be, and why it is to be. Had any bully such as the US sown more divine qualities, then the result would have been different, but as this is the Empire of Mammon, only evil has been planted, and now, by its own evil means, it is being allowed to self-destruct.

And to this short report I must add the headline of Aug 8: "World Financial Gloom Deepens" in response to Japan's lukewarm attempt to solve its insoluble financial problems. And in that you have verification of what I wrote a few months ago in the essay on "The Terminal Madness of the Endtime".

Finally, ask yourself this: "What sort of a nation - the USA - do we have, when it is run by an obvious liar, cheat, fornicator, pot-smoking (but according to him, non inhaler), draft dodger, and assassinator of any who stood in his way - even many women, including Lewinsky, whom he seduced to gratify his lust".

The answer cannot be at all complimentary!

Your understanding of these metaphysical notions is paramount if you are to remain sane in the little time that is left for this earth. If you do not comprehend, you will be another raging, raving statistic of the doomed masses.



As we all know, the USA has been champing at the bit to start a war somewhere away from its shores, against a weak, impoverished enemy who would offer little resistance, ever since it failed to bomb the daylights out of Iraq as it proposed to do again earlier this year. But its own people objected to that wholesale murder which it proposed.

It is well known stated US policy to engage in a major war every 5 years or so, for, as its Secretary of State said in this generation, "it is good for our economy".

The US has been good at initiating murderous action as we saw in Vietnam, in Panama, in Grenada, in Guatemala, in Iran, Iraq, in Afghanistan, etc., etc. And the British have not been far behind, what with their incitement of the Japanese-Russian war, and their inhumanity in the Boer War, in India, in the Biafran Civil War, etc.

That the Cia and / or Mossad, can, and do, perform murderous atrocities as we saw in Waco, Texas, in the Lockerbie air disaster, in the bombing of the German nightclub - for which Libya was blamed and bombed - , in the Randy Weaver fiasco, in the Oklahoma bombing, etc., etc., is irrefutable for those who know what there is to properly know.

When Madeleine Albright waddled out of the Federal Building on August 10, like a penguin with the painted, fatuous face of a Grecian actress, just who was she trying to fool when she said the USA has a long memory and its reach was long? And that it would bring the perpetrators to justice?

Will it be the same justice as the one to which US President Bill Clinton has been called to, for his fornicating, for his lying, for his perjury, for his perversion of justice, for his involvement in some 63 murders on behalf of his administration to "keep him clean"?

Will it be the same justice which absolved the USA of the murder of 2,000,000 Vietnamese and 50,000 of their own expendables, mostly black - "niggers" they still call them behind closed doors!

Will it be the same justice which allowed the CIA to investigate itself to see whether it was guilty of distributing "crack" cocaine to inner city black and hispanic "undesirables"? Who made them undesirables anyway?

Will it be the same justice that found the FBI, the ADL, BATF, and the other groups, innocent of the murder of the Waco residents?

What are the odds that the bombings in Tanzania and Kenya were either CIA and Mossad initiated, or funded, or executed? What better way to divert attention than to have the Israeli military, and Mossad, and the CIA, doing the investigation to find who was responsible?

Who destroyed all the evidence at Waco and at the Oklahoma bombing site? Why, it was the CIA, FBI and other government employees!!

If you think this is far-fetched, think back to how the US administration sacrificed the men and ships of Pearl Harbour; how they unnecessarily incinerated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, how Bomber Harris and his men, under US and British command, drowned thousands of innocent civilians, by blowing up dams in Germany, etc., then try to argue the US could not do this.

The USA has started revolutions by arming both sides of a conflict in a country and then they plunder, poison and murder at will to steal the resources they greedily lust for.

It is the enemies of the USA and such other rapacious nations who have a long memory.

KARMA, even though it is an evil instrument, is returning to pay back the USA, and Britain and others. Of that you can be certain. And there is no way they can escape their fate!

Just so that you do not think I am some Anti-American novice, let me remind you that the same Karmic Genii will visit all individuals, all peoples, all countries, whose atrocities are well documented in the "akashic records". Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Israel, etc., etc., are all culpable and will pay, for this is the Endtime when all scores shall be settled!




Now that the dust has settled just a little from the Clinton Circus, this newsflash could well be called the newsflash of headlines:

How to Lie when a President claims he will tell the Truth.
American voters and non-voters played for suckers.
A Clayton confession by a US President.
Lawyers confirm status as the most degenerate species.
Confirmation of Maximal Hypocrisy in Humanity.
World's most powerful man reveals condemnable basis of species.
Decision to erase Humanity vindicated.
Archons declare their hand and judgement of them made easy.

And thus I could go on and on.

Although this scenario of Clinton being caught lying, cheating, manipulating the facts, fornicating, being unfaithful, etc., etc., could superficially be dismissed as one man's lust and his personal, private affairs, it is really much more than that, and this situation has many lessons for metaphysical thinkers. I have explained in depth in my writings in books, newsletters and other publications.

Let me dismiss Lust, even though it is one of the deadly sins, in order to destroy any argument attempted by those who say this is simply one man's personal pursuit of a good time. And as we dismiss it, let us bear in mind there has been a well-established pattern, at least from the evidence provided by the media, to my satisfaction, that Clinton is a man who uses people, especially women for sexual gratification. At that level of operation, it is rape, or at the very least, gross intimidation.

But I am going to expand on this to show the evil basis of the system and humanity and show, once again, why the fraudulent consciousness within most of humanity is condemned for total destruction.

Clinton has made it all so much easier for us to see this, that he has inadvertently allowed awareness of corruption to expand in a way that even the O.J. Simpson fiasco did not.

For his Lawyers/Liars (is there any difference?) to spend so many months, so much money and energy trying to figure a way out of telling the truth in order to minimize damage says more than whatever came out of Clinton's mouth eventually. Who are they trying to fool? Who is fooled? Certainly not anyone who is conscious is fooled. To then elect a Chief Liar to tell us all President Clinton will tell the whole truth when you know they have been fudging the truth for months and months and have employed every means of deception to obfuscate the truth just hold us in contempt and calls us, quite clearly and unambiguously, gullible fools. But are all of the public like that? I think not. This case has shown the evil, mendacious, malicious nature of lawyers that they too have lost all credibility in the eyes of any who had a degree of such credibility left.

Al Gore, forced into a corner, spoke of the courage of Bill Clinton to come out with the truth. The fact that he did not makes Gore just as much a deceiver and liar. To say as he did that he was proud of what Clinton did, marks him of the same camp, the same ilk, and therefore he is a similar lying, deceiving con-man. What a choice for Vice President. Who else would Bill Clinton pick - an honest man? Of course all of you would be justified in claiming the phrase "honest politician" just like "honest lawyer" is an oxymoron and I would readily agree!

In Bill Clinton's promise to tell all and then angrily attacking the prosecutor for being caught out and held accountable for his actions tells us more about Clinton than Starr ever could. It tells how Clinton thinks, how he is a manipulator of facts, truth, and a creator of distortion, subterfuge and dishonest government. That is the basis of a Humanity Clinton wants to be believed on. On the foundation of such a basis is seen the validity for condemning it and destroying totally, for it is a self-destructive abomination!

If you have understood what I have explained previously and understood truthfully what is going on in this planet, you certainly did not need me to tell you that.



The USA, Australia, and other "First World" Countries, are quick to tell the so-called "Banana Republics" how to run their countries. And inspite of known atrocities committed by the USA, Oz, the British, French, Belgians, Italians, etc., etc., in and out of war, do these countries not like to think they are champions of Human Rights - especially the USA? Well, think again - and you will know why this plane is called the plane of Evil, of Deception, of Darkness, and must be totally eradicated - as it surely will be.

From an Article in the Sunday Mail by Michael McKenna of August 16, 1998: A former Navy seaman, seeking compensation for his service, has told a Brisbane court of American soldiers using peasant families for "target practice" during the Vietnam War! Gordon Spear told the Administrative Appeals Tribunal that he still suffered flashbacks of the incident which occurred while he was joyriding in a US helicopter. The 44 year old, suffering from post traumatic stress disorder claimed his naval services was at times like "hell on earth". Apart from the bastardization he had to endure in training, he described episodes of mowing down peasants for a laugh. While the article is horrible to read, it does expose the evilness of humanity, the hypocrisy of the US and OZ, and others, and the traumatizing training minds have to endure in order to enjoy senseless killing as we see in war. This is what the armed services are all about. How can peace exist when such savagery is made part of vulnerable psyches in youths? There is a basic evilness here, whether you want to admit it or not. And the fact that women are so keen to be equals, and join the services, where they can bully, hate and murder, is an indication of the evilness of the consciousnesses in those supposedly more tender, caring bodies. Goodbye, humanity, and good riddance. Understanding what the major portion of you contains, I have no regrets at your passing, no regrets whatsoever.



The U.S. prison population increases to new record (Reuters): The U.S. prison population increased by more than 61,000 inmates last year to a record of nearly 1.25 million state and federal prisoners, the Justice Department reported. The department's Bureau of Justice Statistics said in its regular report that the increase in the nation's adult prison population was 5.2 percent in 1997, slightly lower than the average annual growth rate of 7 percent earlier in the 1990s. During the last seven years, the nation's prison population has soared by more than 60 percent. Violent offenders accounted for about half of the increase, while drug offenders accounted for about 25 percent, according to the report. The numbers do not include the approximately 567,000 people who were held in mid-1997 in local jails. Local jails typically hold people who are awaiting trial and those with sentences of a year or less. At the end of 1997, state prisons operated at 15 to 24 percent over the capacity they were designed to handle, while the federal prison system held 19% more than the designed capacity, the report found. The trend of more prisoners nationwide dates to the 1980s. The report gave no reason for the increase, but experts have cited a number of factors, including tough new sentencing laws and more drug arrests.


Mega Moron of the Month Medal

This award goes to P Mathews who, with his recalcitrant ignorance and stupidity has been able to delude himself into thinking that, having been rejected by all correspondents that I know of, he has somehow gained a victory for the forces of Darkness and his ontologically based Zionist Self. Anyone who can turn such a crushing defeat into some sort of thought of spurious victory deserves more than this medal, however it will suffice until his proper award, in a cell in Hell, is manifested.



Am I therefore become your enemy,
because I tell you the truth?
Galatians 4:16

As many of you may have noticed, there are many "Pearls of Wisdom", priceless words of invaluable knowledge to be found in many works called "Holy Books" and "sacred texts" of all countries and cultures, all around the world, from all eras of time. This is no surprise, for they are the stolen Pearls of Wisdom from the words, and works, of the Messengers of the Light (Avatars) who visited this plane and spoke the Gnostic Truth. Thus the Bible, the Koran, the Ramayana, the Mahabarata, the texts of the Nag Hammadi Library, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc., etc., have such material, often plagiarized when the Gnostic source is not admitted. The tragedy has been that Evil has been able to use these stolen works to set individuals, countries and cultures against each other to cause dissention and violence, the very opposite of what the Avatars intended with their revealing material.

A classical example of the abuse of the truths of these texts is to be found in the Gospel of John, which forms part of the New Testament. I refer especially to chapter 8 in which Jesus, the same Light Energy as Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Moses, etc., etc., reveals the existence of the two creations, the origin of the Counterfeit Creation, the members of the counterfeit creation, the ontology of its creator, etc. This is plainly seen and read by those with Gnostic insight. Thus it is that Jesus accuses the Zionists, who argue with Him, of being creations of their father, the Devil. He cannot be meaning all Jews with His words, for He Himself was a Jew. He was meaning the Zionist consciousnesses who were implanted in that race of Jews.

Zionists have violently objected to this exposé and have wanted, for a long, long time, to remove this text from the New Testament section of the bible. They, of course, do not have the New Testament as part of their Bible. It is important to make this distinction between Zionist Jews and normal Jews, as Jesus did for us 2000 thousand years ago, in order to understand the two types of Jews one meets. Zionists are found in all races as I have revealed many, many times before, but they are predominantly in the Jewish and Japanese races.

Of course the non-Zionist Jews get swept along with the Racial Programming of the Zionist Jews and appear superficially to be very similar, in traits and thinking, as the Zionists, until something makes them wake up and reveal their non-Zionist nature.

The Zionists are the Children of the Lie. They are the ones who are liars and murderers of men and the Truth. These are the ones who have made a dishonest meal out of the Second World War "Holocaust", excluding the murder of many others such as the Gypsies, Poles and Russians from the atrocities. They are the ones who have exaggerated the numbers, used false evidence such as the postwar-built gas chambers, and used spurious stories and material to impose guilt on the rest, and blackmail them emotionally into submission. They have made quite a great deal of money out of the spurious stories as well. Money is always at the centre of what they are after. They are the ones who are objecting to Christian crosses being present at supposedly venerable Jewish sites.

This separation of the psyche of Jews, between maliciously evil Zionists and normal Jews, goes a long way in explaining the behaviour of the two main groups in Israel. Many non-Zionist Jews awaken to the evil Zionist mentality and dissociate quickly, whenever they can, from the evil rabble.

I shall give you 2 classical examples.

One is Alfred Liliental, whom I mentioned in the last newsletter, the author of "The Zionist Connection" which exposes, in detail and in no uncertain terms, the maliciousness and mendaciousness of Zionism. The other is Dr. Moshe Kroy who was a dear, personal friend of mine, and whom many of my acquaintances will remember, for he talked in some of the lectures I arranged in Melbourne in the 1980s. He had awakened to the existence of Zionist Jews whom he could not tolerate, while living in Israel. He attacked them for all he was worth. He spoke up about the Evil there and for his trouble was expelled from the country by the Zionist government, and threatened by its band of thugs who form its Secret Service - Mossad. The threat included the proviso that if he ever returned to Israel he would be assassinated. In fact, he did return there, and true to their evil words, they assassinated him and published the false story that he had suicided.

Many other non-Zionist Jews have seen through the falsehood, some assisted greatly by our material, and all who have been thus awakened have remained good friends with us. Many letters in these newsletters avow to this.

Those who are of the Lie, the evil essence of Jehovah's Zionism, are the vile, abusive, threatening Shadows of Doom who send hate and venom with no understanding at all of the Light and of their own exposure. They are but temporary blips on the screen of this virtual reality.

It is important to know of the existence of these facts and especially the meaning of finding "Pearls of Wisdom" in the various texts, for then one can gain a comprehensive view of the fragmentation of the Gnostic Truth which has occurred in various portions of spurious humanity, and not be fooled into thinking one aspect of it, or one religion, or one culture, is more worthy than another, thus falling into the traps of labels and divisions.

The one truth is the One truth. Droplets of its Essence have been stolen and scattered into the texts used by the Evil Ones to trap those who hunger for the Truth. They are pieces of the truth cut up to form the bait for the victims on this level who are searching for the Light and to make some sense in the madness that is existence on this plane. They, the Evil Ones, know what they are about - to trap their prey and exploit the energy they have - but they do not recognize the Truth as such, that is why they can mix it up with the perverse abandonment that we see in their texts. And when they come across new snippets, they are oblivious to the significance and obfuscate it with their lies.

* Hence, on attempting to read such discovered manuscripts as the Nad Hammadi Library, they butcher the meanings with the Arrogance and Ignorance of Darkness.

* Hence, when asked to accept the clear explanation of counterfeits, and True Beings, or the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness, they say "Oh, it does not mean that, it is a symbolic expression to describe the opposing political factions of the time". Have you ever heard such rubbish?

Of course, what they do sense is that they do not want truthful explanations of things, and that is why they object to True Gnosticism and True explanations of the status quo. In former times they have been extremely, violently, opposed to revelations of the One Truth and resorted to physical extermination of those who accepted or prophesied that truth. Now you know why they assassinated all True Messengers of Light who came onto this plane, why they were so intolerant to Gnostics and why they not only ridiculed but also destroyed, as best they could, any pristine works which revealed that Truth.

If nothing else exposes their evil nature, then surely their murderous ways do.

* After all, if they accepted their own doctrine that we are all progeny of the one God, why would they want to slaughter the ones who differed in their opinions about what is what?

* If they were genuine beings of Light, they would view those whose views opposed them as aberrant brothers and sisters who needed more tuition and understanding perhaps, not more abuse and death.

This is exactly how Gnostics treated unawakened ones. But the evil Zionists, robots and demons treated the Gnostics, those of Truth, with intolerance, and the wicked hate of which they are capable, of which they are made. Hence their destructiveness towards those of Truth.

Even their actions confirm the accuracy of

* the revelation of the existence of the two creations,

* the existence of the Children of Light and those of Darkness.

No matter how many they murder and how many Pearls of Wisdom they bury in their fraudulent texts, the Truth will be there, for the witnessing, in their actions, by those who recognize Truth.

The more True Beings awaken, the more will they recognize these plagiarized and abused Pearls of Wisdom which are found scattered in the world's texts, for they are of the same Truth of which the True Beings themselves are composed. Hence it is that many read but a few lines of what we have revealed and say "Hey, I know this is true. I have known it all my life and never expressed it as such."

Others have said to me "I could have written the books you wrote, for I just seem to know the material lives somewhere inside of me!" Indeed, they are reawakening to their own truth within. And, there being only One Valid Truth, they are recognizing It, no matter how It is presented or dressed. Conversely, those who have no Truth within will never accept these words, for they spell their doom, not because the words are threatening, but because they realize they, in their evil nature, being of Untruth, are ontologically opposed to the existence of the Truth. Hence, they are threatened by the very essence of Truth, and are driven by changing circumstances which will now only accommodate the Truth, into the Terminal Madness of the Endtime from which they cannot recover, for they are not prepared to change.

Recognition of aspects of the Truth on the outer mind (a concept I have explained in detail elsewhere in our books) does not necessarily mean that one understands all concepts of metaphysics expressed by others such as myself. Besides, there is no need for such depth of understanding really. All one needs is sufficient understanding to awaken sufficiently, connect to the Light, avoid traps on this level as much as possible and prepare for evacuation. This process will minimize the trauma, and allow a smoother process for Liberation. The purpose of Life for all True Beings of Light, of Truth, is to undergo this preparation. Indeed, that was why the Truth, presented as the aforementioned Pearls of Wisdom, was given repeatedly to various eras by the various Messengers of Light (which, I repeat, was the one and same consciousness). It, the Truth, and they, the Pearls were given to assist the trapped True Beings and allow them to prepare for eventual evacuation. What happened in between - pursuing careers, marrying and having progeny, fighting wars, accumulating wealth, seeking pleasure, being trapped in these and many other mechanisms of exploitations - were all evil diversions created to do just that on this plane by the master Counterfeit Consciousness, Jehovah, who had much to gain from such exploitation.

The world as we see it today is being reduced to the bare essentialism of this Truth: that those of Light who are still viable are being awakened, and prepared for evacuation out of the planet and dimension, and the rest, structures and beings, being of a fraudulent nature, and belonging to a Virtual Reality which has no place in the Real Creation, are being not only abandoned, but also being allowed to fragment and self-destruct, thus also revealing the valuelessness of their nature. Only those with Truth within them can accept willingly that this is so. Only those still viable will not only accept this explanation but also actively seek the path to evacuation. The others will languish in the Confusion and Terminal Madness of the Endtime until they are transmuted, having in the last moments realized and accepted the horribleness of the fate they chose repeatedly when the alternative was presented to them but which was vehemently rejected by them in their spiritual awareness.

It is my hope that these words also in some small measure prepare the viable ones among you and assist you in your quest to Make Sense of the Madness which is seen to be engulfing this doomed globe, and it is hoped these words will assist you in your preparation for evacuation in these the Final Days of the Planet Earth.



Axiom: Always remember that when you are dealing with Zionists, regardless of which race they are in, they are of the anti-Christ energy, and are first class liars. You would be very foolish, very foolish indeed, to believe anything they say. Even the evidence they proffer is more than likely manufactured falsehood!! I have given ample examples in these newsletters to alert you to these facts. The rest is up to you! And remember, if Jesus Christ, a racial Jew, can make the distinction between evil, hateful, doomed Zionist Jews and racial Jews, surely you can!


the other side of the coin.

These extracts from the Web show the hate and evil of the demons and robots of humanity as clearly as many other writings suppressed by the counterfeits. They provide ample evidence of the evil nature of the majority and the need for a definitive solution to the Problem of Evil:

"WE ARE ALL LOSERS!": The subject - that so well succeeded in selling books through the years - is eternally being rehashed, and looks like it will never rest. Do the authors of these books really have any intentions of solving problems, or are they writing with a certain purpose? Do we ever get to see the other side of the coin? I mean openly, frankly, without harassment? Are we finally getting to the real causes of the age-old problem? Of course, on the subject there is literature available from another point of view, but unfortunately these works are considered to be "politically incorrect." Why?...

Nations who lost the two wars are considered collectively guilty. But isn't this the reason why they lost the war in the first place? - ... or so our wise scholars argue. Setting the stage for more hatred, alleged war criminals are regularly brought to trials, however these almost one hundred years old men with one foot already in the grave do not bring in sufficient "dough with interest." On the other hand, those "criminal" nations, who fought for their own survival on the "wrong" side, ... and lost, must pay forever because of their "evil genes": those who are born and already dead, those living today, and, of course, last, but not least, the sons and daughters of future generations not even in the works yet...! And pay they must forever with whatever they have left over from the war reparations of two world wars, the carving up of their countries and, of course, 50 years of communism.


Daniel J. Goldhagen, the 35 year old professor at Harvard University has published his highly controversial book titled "Hitler's willing executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust." He contends that "ordinary Germans were Hitler's willing partners in the Holocaust." He also argues that "the German public possessed the lust (?) to destroy Jews, built up by eliminationist anti-semitic feelings and rhetoric, dating from the uncompromisingly Catholic medieval period through the Reformation and the religious wars. But it was only after Jan. 20, 1933, when the Nazis rose to power, that the German government officially provided the policies and political structures necessary to make the Holocaust a reality. If you want to explain the genesis of anti-semitism in Germany in the modern period, you have to know something about the medieval period."- Goldhagen said. - But was hatred exactly the way professor Goldhagen describes it or is there room for the other side of the coin too? And what about the real causes?

And oh, yes, there were the Zionists' interests: wasn't there a pact between Zionists and Hitler to solve "a common interest", turned tragic for so many innocents?

* And what about the Jewish inmates and camp-guards who committed atrocities against their brothers that the Jewish historian John Sacks writes about? Were they part of the whole German nation too?

* What about the Jewish financiers and industrialists who helped in bringing about Nazism in Germany?

* What about the collective sins of the world's Jewish leaders, to whom the Jewish historian Ben Hecht is referring? He writes: "In 1954, Chaim Cohen, Attorney General of Israel, declaims to Judge Halvei about the slaughtered Jews: 'For those and millions of Jews like them there came true the old curse, and lo, they were meant but to be taken like sheep for slaughter, for killing, for destruction, for crushing and shame. There was no spirit in them. The Jewish masses in Warsaw were in the same condition.'

* In 1937, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of World Zionism, said of Europe's six million Jews: 'They are dust... in a cruel world... They must meet their fate... Only a branch shall survive. They must accept it.'

* Itzchak Greenbaum, chief of the Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency, announced in Tel Aviv in 1943: "When they asked me, couldn't you give money out of United Jewish Appeal funds for the rescue of Jews in Europe, I said, 'No!' And I say again, 'No!' in my opinion one should resist this wave which pushes the Zionist activities to secondary importance."

Having thus turned their backs on the doomed Jews, the same leaders later utilized the extermination for raising millions on millions, and for collecting billions in reparations from the Germans. (Ben Hecht: PERFIDY, page 149 & 50. - Julian Messner, New York, 1961.) Now there is an interesting angle prof. Goldhagen missed...!



Trygve Lie, the Norwegian socialist politician who became first secretary general of the United Nations from 1946 to 1953, declared, shortly after World War II, that "an armistice could have been negotiated a number of times between the Allies and the Axis powers, but that nothing was allowed to interfere with the winning of a lasting victory. (T. L. "A World of Patience," New Republic, Oct 28, 1946).

That this "lasting" triumph lasted less than six months is perhaps peripheral to this account, but it suggests that terminating the war on a basis short of the obliteration of the enemy could hardly have become the prelude to a worse "peace" than has prevailed since 1945. While everything is blamed on those who lost the war, perhaps both the Germans and Japanese would have been willing to call the fighting to a halt, were some kind of acceptable conditions offered, even as early as the spring of 1943. The very largest part of the loss of life and property in the war would have been prevented had the war ended then. But the unconditional surrender dictum of President F. D. Roosevelt, acceded to by Prime Minister W.S. Churchill, made such an end impossible, and guaranteed the long, grinding struggle which left much of Western Europe and Eastern Asia a vast rubble strewn with corpses of millions, a mutual achievement of the various belligerents. (I have covered the reasons why the US refused to accept proposals of Japanese surrender before dropping the Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, elsewhere - editor.)

A hint as to the likely acceptability of terms occurred at about the time Churchill was about to leave London to meet with Roosevelt at a Conference at Quebec late in the summer of 1943. A reporter for TIME wrote: "Everybody laughed over a gag credited to Churchill before he left England: Interviewer: "Will you offer peace terms to Germany?" Churchill: "Heavens no! They would accept immediately." (TIME, August 30, 1943, p.18)



It is possible to argue that, after all, the massacre of civilians in Germany and Japan did not approach by a wide margin what civilian propagandists had called for as a proper fate for these lands. Bernadette E. Schmitt, professor of modern history at the University of Chicago, in a speech before the 21st annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies in Indianapolis on December 1, 1941, -- before the United States was even an official belligerent, -- advocated, among other things, for Germany, a reduction of its population by thirty million, method of disposal unspecified, but starvation indicated, since he also recommended the country's reduction and confinement to a strictly agricultural economy. "Since there are only 45 million Britons, 45 million Italians, 40 million Frenchmen and 30 million Poles, as opposed to 80 million Germans, the equilibrium of Europe would be more stable if there were only 50 million Germans." (TIME, December 1, 1941) - Schmitt concluded.

However, he did not disclose how many Russian communists were too many for Europe's welfare and stability! Few German-haters subsequently approached Schmitt's standard, though a few months before, it was exceeded by Theodore Newman Kaufman, who published a book: GERMANY MUST PERISH! (Newark, New Jersey: Argyle Press, 1941), a plea for sterilizing the entire adult German population, a project which he calculated might be achieved in about three years. Though privately published, this book received an amazing amount of attention in the spring of 1941, including a major uncritical review in so widely dispersed a journal as TIME. (Pray tell, is the great idea of "equilibrium" to be expected of these so-called scholars to develop and put to use in the short future for nations willing to fight for their freedom and survival? -ed.)

Strangely enough, two years earlier Kaufman, as chairman of the American Federation of Peace, had suggested "sterilization for all adult Americans should Congress permit the United States to become involved in another European war." ....(?)


FEEDING HATRED: Once American participation in the war (1939) became a reality, hate literature directed against the enemy became a major industry, and a large contingent became specialist in it. In the US, the sector of liberalism's spokesmen who advocated war-breeding policies for many years before they bloomed into reality led the field in zeal for the big bloodletting of 1942-1945. Their bellicose admonitions flamed from the pages of even the multi-million circulation family magazines and their voices were heard on the radio by tens of millions. It is worth noting, however, the amazing conversion to peace, coexistence, the beauties of negotiation and compromise, even pacifism, in the period from 1945 to this day, in the case of those who are still active merchants of the period and spoken word.

The editor of the Saturday Review of Literature, Norman Cousins' outstanding achievement was his famous defense of the necessity of deep, burning hatred of the enemy in order to fight effectively, in "THE TIME FOR HATRED IS NOW," published July 4, 1943. Would this great nation otherwise have ever agreed to enter the necessary war against evil nations, let alone finance it? Others came along who were somewhat more effective and frightening than Cousins, particularly Rex Stout and Clifton Fadiman of the WAR WRITERS BOARD, an adjunct of the Office of War Information, the wartime government's principal propaganda agency.

Fadiman was regarded by some as the most towering German-hater throughout the war, while others had as their outstanding figure in this field of action such as Lord Vansittart of England and such Americans as Shirer, Kaufman, Quentin Reynolds, Walter Winchell, Ben Hecht, Rex Stout, Louis Nizer, Henry Morgenthau, and others.

The most explosive incident involving exhortations for mass hatred occurred at the meeting of the famous literary organization, the P.E.N. Club, at the Ambassador Hotel in New York City on October 28, 1942. On this occasion Stout and Fadiman made spirited calls for indiscriminate hate of all Germans (for some reason the Italians and Japanese were slighted by neglect) .. Stout's insistence on "the need for a propaganda of hate" and Fadiman's "sweeping indictment of the German people." ("The only way to make a German understand is to kill him, and even then he doesn't get the point")- quotation in Saturday Review of literature -Nov.7,1942.)

Clifton Fadiman went on for years developing his thesis of the ageless criminality of the entire German ethnic stock! We even find during this same time a revival of the recommendation of mass sterilization of Germans, this time by no less than Ernest Hemingway in the preface to the collection of short stories titled MEN AT WAR: "Germany should be so effectively destroyed that we should not have to fight her again for a hundred years, or forever," said Hemingway, though his suggestion was specific compared to Kaufman's, confined just to the membership in Hitler's party organizations, most of whom were civilians even then. Rex Stout's famous article, "WE SHALL HATE OR WE SHALL FAIL," was given prodigious exploitation in the New York Times in 1943, and through the spring of 1944 he was pushing a vigorous hate-program in the pages of the TIMES through his organization. His main opposition by his latter date was largely furnished by clergymen, particularly those connected with the Commission on a Just and Durable Peace of the Federal Council of Churches! (Source: James J. Martin: Revisionist Viewpoints, US, 1971)



During the war several machanisms worked overtime to fuel the necessary hatred and one of these was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In June 1942, following the establishment of this spy-, and disinformation-agency in the USA, questions were raised as to whether foreign nationalities (mostly Eastern Europeans!) should continue their regular reporting activities within the OSS, or be transferred to the Department of State.

Reorganization followed in December 23, 1942 and the OSS's new assignment was defined as "contact with foreign nationality groups in the United States to aid in the collection of essential information (i.e. spying!-ed.) for the execution of psychological warfare (!) operations in consultation with the State Department."

In the early months of 1943, the Foreign Nationals Staff had reached a total of approximately fifty regular employees and one hundred volunteers - a number which was maintained throughout the OSS period. Activities of the volunteer readers, located at twenty universities throughout the country, were directed from Princeton. By the end of 1944, there were additional field representatives in Boston, Seattle, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and two cities in Wisconsin.

Beginning in April 1943 the "Specials" dealt with matters particularly secret or controversial subjects closely related to the formulation of policy. They were prepared by the Branch Chief, usually in the form of memoranda to the Director of OSS and the Secretary of State, and distribution was extremely limited. Often they included reports of interviews with such important figures as Count Sforza, Don Luigi Sturzo, Jacques Maritain, Archduke Otto of Habsburg, Tibor Eckhardt, Eduard Benes, Milan Hodza, and many others. (Source: A. C. Brown: The Secret War Report of The OSS, USA 1976.) Is it really necessary to introduce these informants who helped formulate US policy? ... And what about today's informants - those professional lobbyists - who are aiding to formulate policies not only in Washington but worldwide already? This shall be the theme of another article. Following this little politically incorrect writing it is only befitting to quote General William J. Donovan, Director of OSS: "The spearhead of the invasion of Europe will be secret intelligence and psychological warfare operations."

But let's get real! Today the Second World War's guns are silent, however the psychological warfare continues even after 51 years. And of course remain the human feelings and the problems (that shape those feelings) were previously there before, for which professor Goldhagen's new book --unfortunately -- offers no solutions.



* Terminal Madness of the Medical Kind: On August 27, the Australian Government approved Viagra as a prescription drug. One medical representation for Pfizer who makes the drug said on National Radio, the day of its approval, and Viagra the drug, were more important than the day Penicillin was introduced. You now know things have really flipped and the demons and robots are painting black as white and v.v. Penicillin saved lives - at least temporarily; Viagra, as you will see soon, will cost, many, many lives of the lustful.

* Students paid to eat pesticides: LONDON, July 30 (UPI) American and French chemical companies have been paying British students and others almost $1,000 to eat highly toxic pesticides usually tested on rats, according to Britain's Guardian newspaper. The report today says the California-based Amval Chemical Corp. of Commerce and the French Rhone-Poulenc chemical company each conducted tests of organo-phosphate poisons called dichlorvos on humans in Great Britain. The poison is sold in fly-strips and pet collars under the name "Doom", and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says the human tests may have been a way for pesticide makers to avoid more protective results from animal tests. Such tests can also indicate how much pesticide can be left in foods and still be safe to eat. In three tests for Amval conducted last year at Medeval Laboratories in Manchester, England, participants suffered drops in the levels of an enzyme crucial to the nervous system, and some reported nosebleeds and nausea. In a test for Rhone-Poulenc at Inveresk Research Laboratory in Scotland, nine women and 38 men were given orange juice spiked with the pesticide aldicard. Participants there reported heavy sweating, light- headedness and headaches. Denise Kearns, a spokeswoman for the EPA, told United Press International: "We are concerned that chemical companies would try to use human testing as a means to avoid more strict animal testing." Kearns said the EPA is asking its independent Science Advisory Board to apply the safety standards for human subjects in federally funded research to all pesticide data submitted by companies for review. In a statement, the EPA said no human test data has been used for any final decisions about acceptable levels of pesticide use under the new Food Quality Protection Act. The Guardian report said organo-phosphates are believed to have caused Gulf War syndrome and are known to cause brain cancer in British farmers who dip their sheep in them.



* Many of you have written congratulating us on the accuracy of our predictions. We are glad to have helped so many of you prepare for the Future!

* Some have asked about the split Permanent Atoms. Have no fear. If one half fails, compensatory mechanisms will ensure survival of the other half.

* Some wrote that the chapters on sexuality I included in the last newsletter could not have been published at a better time because of attacks in the US congress and other places on peoples' biological habits, sexual or otherwise.

* A warning that needs to be repeated: Unless your faxes, letters or emails have a proper name and legal address which can be verified, I will not even consider answering the questions therein. IF readers are really interested in getting answers we provide, they should start reading our books, and other publications.


Dear Drs Joseph & Amitakh Chiappalone

Thank you for your decision to continue sending us our `Spiritual Energy' fix - oops - the Newsletter - our `Lifeline'. And please continue to mail mine out to me as I very much look forward to receiving it each month and am elated when I find it sitting in my mail box. Like the gift that it is, it really `makes my day' - every other day for that matter. So please accept my contribution with many, many thanks. Besides, where else can we get quality, truthful and factual information on current issues from a Gnostic perspective? As always I become totally absorbed in reading it all.

Your on-going exposures of Zionism in all its ugly forms and guises running amuck on this evil plane of `virtual reality' is nothing short of SENSATIONAL. And your confrontations with these vile evil rats is exhilarating to read. You certainly have them mortified and running for cover. They're running scared like never before. Furthermore, I am not surprised to read that that evil moron Karl Williams has hooked up with the likes of those `spiteful and mentally deranged minds' from `Hatewatch' and that other stupid mob, etc. Typical! What else can one expect from Williams like `vultures of a feather' they flock together to do their worst. Same evil ilk of the `Zionist kind' I presume!

In a nasty piece by one of those evil galahs, I thought I perceived the same `poison pen' and arrogant manner as that of that `cockroach' Williams; (well he does seem to be scurrying about all over the place being a nuisance) naturally he would be right at home in that den of demons. Moreover, I am delighted to see that you have them all in a flap over the current `high profile' exposures of the evil antics of those Zionists and of Zionism in all its vile implications. Thank you for that - it's great to see `True Divine Justice' catching up with the likes of those rotten `Anti-christ' demons.

Now on a lighter note - please, please - more of your unique wit and humour - I love it! The likes of Jerry Attrick and friends has me in stitches. Besides, it helps soften the feeling of anger and indignation one feels at the antics of those incorrigible demons and their destructive fun. And please, please, Amitakh - more of your wonderful column. I very much enjoyed your essay on Extraterrestrials, UFOs, aliens and virtual reality. I could really relate to that and feel right at home with it. It was great. I never have felt at home in this awful world nor in harmony with its abominable humanity. And thank you so much for your column in the July Newsletter, I really felt like it spoke directly to me and was what I needed at the time. Thank you most sincerely.

My love to all. Diana

PS Please note that we will be leaving to head up north on Monday 17th and we expect to arrive sometime on Wednesday 19th. We look forward to seeing you. Bye for now.


Dear Doctor,

What a blessing to have 2 newsletters in August. They are full of the most interesting and profound information I have ever read. From them I realize why Jews (the Zionists) were so justifiably hated in my native Austria. Thank you, thank you, for opening up our eyes. Wolfgang Leitz.


Hello Dr C,

Newsflash 3 & 4 on the Web were a real opener for what is happening on the planet, in relation to the bombing and the U.S attitude. A great insight for those who want the truth! After finishing the August Newsletters, I must say that August and the recent Newsletters have been a great re-education for me. I was totally nauseated by the atrocities that have been perpetrated against the Palestinian people, and the teachings of the Talmud. Regards, J.F. (all names and addresses when not published are on our files).


Steve Reed wrote: It is so refreshing to find someone who tells things like he sees them. There is something very wonderful about your words that is like a drink of water to a thirsty soul. You fearlessly tell things that need to be told, that shine light into some very dark places: you have talked even about the Lockerbie Bombing ("Charles McKEE is the KEY to LOCKerbee!"). When I was studying some of the issues you have reported on, I was puzzled why people were not rising up and demanding Justice. People I have tried to tell about some of these things and government corruption just don't seem interested. Now thanks to your writing I am beginning to understand, this world is not about Justice, it is about causing the maximum amount of suffering. Many bible verses, in the book of John are making crystal clear sense now. This is a evil universe. The laws of nature are wicked. I look forward to the final judgement of all this corruption and the good news that there is a future existence that will be without all the evil of this plane. Where truth really will be universal, there will be no more suffering and no more darkness. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Steve Reed.

My Reply: Good to see it has all "clicked" for you, Steve, with the Gnostic Keys. Leave the fools alone - they'll never change!


In recent communication, in response to the value of other books available about this and that which many on the spiritual path may read, I wrote: The problem with other books - such as the Zionist version of history, or the Catholic church's version of events, of Christ, etc., of the New Age garbage about Near Death Experiences, of no Evil, of no need for accountability, of the reasons for existence, etc., etc., is that being full of half truths, these books program and pollute minds with disguised lies! For example, those indoctrinated with a diet of hate for Manichaeus, from the writings of Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas (the same being) would find it very hard, very hard indeed to accept that Manichaeus was the re-incarnated Christ energy, with Jesus as his paraclete.

Most are NOT aware enough then to see the pearls of Truth when they are presented by other books. Indoctrination is vicious and very dangerous. Just as well that the final score is the assessment of all lives, not just this one.

This brings me to a very important point: Many may appear as failures, when in fact they are not. We cannot judge on the physical level.


When asked why the Correction cannot proceed faster, I wrote: "The Correction, as an analogy, can be thought of as brain surgery - if it's rushed, there is greater chance of injury to True Beings who are being spiritually, surgically separated from parasitic evil ones. Also, the correction is being co-ordinated from a timeless plane. Thirdly - the correction is vast and involves many, many dimensions, hence each step has to fit into every other step. The suffering is inevitable, but it is also illusionary. Energy lost is being replaced in viables with a New energy which the evil ones cannot use. It is distressing for us to see the misery, but really, it is a virtual reality affecting phantoms.


Hello Doctor,

Wow! I just finished reading the second NL for August. Very powerful! Great exposure of those who teach hatred as they make laws -- supposedly against hatred -- but really to suppress the truthful exposure of their hatemongering. You have once again cut through the "crap" that is presented by the world media as the whole truth. It is very clear that the spiritual leaders of the Zionist religion are really teachers of hatred! And that alone proves that the spiritual basis, root, and nature of Zionism is Evil. And it would be bad enough if they just taught an attitude of hatred, but they are excusing and encouraging the corruption, violence, and carnage of hateful acts which have caused huge amounts of suffering! The information about the Sassoons and the F.D.Roosevelt connection was interesting.

In trying to find out certain truths about the events and times of WWII, it always seemed that Roosevelt was painted as an innocent bystander in all the awful events supposedly occurring around him and in spite of him -- in other words a decent man caught by world events. Yet something has always seemed wrong about that picture. Interesting, the bit about metzitza as part of circumcision ritual. Isn't sucking the blood a step towards cannibalism, as you pointed out being part of the nature of Evil? Perfect image of your phrase "blood-thirsty ghoul"!


Dear Dr., Your latest newsletter is very powerful, coherent, and inarguable. Your newsletter speaks for all of the abused, victimized, and oppressed everywhere. As I read it I could almost hear the voices of the innocents, the good beings, the targets of evil everywhere calling out to God for true justice. I could also hear the reply: Divine Justice will be done. Thank you for this invaluable information and your crystal clear insights.


Bill Cahill of Ryde, NSW, writes:

Dear Dr, I marvel at the quality and wisdom, and comprehensive nature of your monthly newsletter. It seems to improve month after month. Congratulations to ALL concerned. And could I add my voice, belatedly, to the chorus of Halleluyas that it's going to continue. That's CERTAINLY the best news I've had this year.


Dear Dr,

Your poetry books are fantastic. They describe everything the way it is. They give love, hope and joy.

W Beinke, Sunshine Coast, QLD.



Your spiritual importance
is inversely proportional
to the size of your ego!


Here is an interesting email full of errors which deserves comment. In it you will notice the same New Age Garbage of all is well, etc., etc. It reaffirms evil ones are immutable and hence the destruction is mandatory. I am not sure what this joker was ingesting, but it certainly is not something one buys legally from a pharmacist.: Subject: Re: Interesting Web Site you have here, from Advanced Research Projects: "I am Michael. I have had an experience with the creative forces of this universe which indicates a very similar path as what you describe. I don't teach the things I was shown when I was taken up. That is not my mission. I found your writing very similar to the things I have been shown, but I feel that any forces that must destroy completely the creation are not the true creator. Why start over when there is much here that is beautiful to be saved. Why is there not the sanctity of life in your message. We are life and love and we love our creator and our lives why must all our toil in our lives be for naught. Who would preach the destruction of the world but the Destroyer himself. What if it is all just to get us to accept our own death and we are to be willing to give up our lives for this correction you speek of. I have had the experience of meeting the Divine. It did require the destruction of all curruption (sic) within me in order to go there. But when I returned I looked just the same and still had a body and a life, I didn't have the scars of my old body for some time. then they came back.

My Reply: "The Arrogance of your Ignorance is peerless. Our works are certainly NOT similar!! From what you write you could not have possibly read and/or understood what we have written. Live your illusion if you wish - but only one of us can be right!"


From Mike Ballard:

I wanted to thank you for the wonderful newsletters that you publish on your web site. I know that it takes a lot of effort on your part to create this, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. I heard that the western ice shelf in the antartic region is in danger of collapse. This ice shelf measures about half the size of america. If it does collapse it will cause ocean levels to rise about 20+ feet worldwide. They discovered this calamity in the making by examining satellite photos of this region taken between 1993 and 1997. These photos show that the glaciers are rapidly shrinking. I also heard that the giesers of yellowstone national park are now spewing out more gases than all of the automobiles and factories in the united states in a year. Old faithful herself has even changed its eruption schedule. It is as though an unforseen force is controling this. Even scientists are perplexed. I relate very much to what you say about new agers claiming that all is fine and dandy. I just dont see the fine and dandy that they speak of. In fact, I am so sick of living in this sewer and wish it would hurry up and be destroyed. I listen to art bell and one of his new age callers claimed that she is helping to heal mother earth with her white light of healing power. But the stink of the sewer gets worse day by day. I do not understand how they can ignore the growing stench of a sewer they claim to be healing. I also heard whitley streiber, a ufo abductee, contradict himself during an art bell interview. He jumps back and forth between everything will get better to everything is heading towards disaster. He cant seem to make up his mind. He says the e.T.'S are our friends but says they will not swoop down and save our butts from the coming disasters. But one thing is for sure. A lot of art bells listeners are feeling something catastrophic about to happen to this globe and they are preparing to dig in for the worst. I also want to comment on the email that you got from that brain dead fella who made the negative comparison between you and heavens gate people. I am not surprised by the huge numbers of people who react negatively to the heavens gate evacuation. Christians kill 1000's of gay people yearly here and I never hear a peep from these low lifes but when the heavens gate souls evacuate from this hell hole, I hear crys of moral outrage at what these beautiful souls supposedly did. I just could never understand what was wrong with these hateful people until I heard you explain it so eloquently. You gave me the final piece of the puzzle that I have been searching for so long. Now I understand why these people act the way that they do. They are not being plain stupid. They are being intentionally outright evil. Incidentally, the christian coalition are now calling itself christian coalition worldwide. I have been calling them the antichrist for 15 years now and I have been met with extreme outrage from even non christians at my remarks concerning these evil ghouls. But I have always called it as I see it and shall continue to do so till the day I go home to a beautiful world free of the useless sewage of this sewer. God bless you, mike (america).


Greetings Dr. Chiappalonne,

Thank you for the extra newsletter this month. It was an extra treat for me. I particularly related to the explanations you gave concerning sexual matters and how sex can be used against me to affect my spirit in negative ways. This indeed has been my case. I am only just beginning to see how I have been manipulated in this way. Is it possible that some entity has been trying to program me to want unattainable sex with other men in order to destroy me spiritually? Being that I am rather timid and shy around most strangers. These are sexual desires that I would never seek out nor attain for myself on my own. This in turn caused me great mental anguish because I had no true means of getting these sexual desires fullfilled and as a result, did without sex and began to abuse drugs and alchohol as a way of coping with this. I in turn became angry and bitter and self destructive and blamed others. Hence, part of my bitterness towards Christians. They certainly did not help my plight and only succeded in pouring more salt in my already open wound. They intensified my suffering. It has been many years since I have used these negative stimulents and those sexual desires are nowhere near as important to me as I once thought them to be. And even at the time, they repulsed me and even more so now. Though the battle seems to still be there, however slightly, one thing is for sure. I am definately awakening to some kind of inner truth or whatever you may wish to call it. I am a good person and good is what you would end up with if you stripped me down to the bare single ingredient that makes up my whole being. The descriptions of the attrocities that this evil world commits daily that your newsletters describe, accurately corealate to how I have seen this world for most of my life now. It only gets clearer with each passing day ... Incidentally, when I first got on the Internet, I looked up both the Art Bell Show And Sightings. I reacted very negatively to Art Bell and very positively to Jeff Rense and Sightings. I had also searched out many web sites that dealt with the end of the world type messages and the Gurus or Prophets that seem to be running those shows. I reacted very negative to and rejected very quickly to their respective brand of HOGWASH. You are the only one who is different in so many ways. Your message is changing my life and the way I react to it. More and more, UFO Abductees are now claiming that the E.T.'S (greys) are now telling them that this planet is self destructing but to not fear because death is great. Whitley Streiber is only one of many UFO Abductees who are now preaching the opposite of what they started out preaching. Anyway, gotta go. Just wanted you to know how helpful the information you are sharing with me has been so been. It has much relevance to my life and is making a positive impact on it. Thank you. (Name and address on file.)


From Other correspondence: And the saga against Zionists - the Anti-Christ energy - continues: Boy, this PMathews is a glutton for punishment: In another inglorious attempt to paint himself as an even bigger idiot, PMathews, the Zionist, hate-mongering, troublemaker, wrote: "You may put my e-mails wherever you wish, ...." This is after I told him clearly his tripe belongs in the trash. "You have been a pitiful failure in responding to the overwhelming power of truth and logic." Can you believe an almost illiterate donkey being able in all his profound ignorance to write this? Where does truth and logic come from mendacious fools who are scheduled for eternal transmutation? How many books of mine has he read? The answer is zero. Hence, he is judging in complete and undiluted ignorance! This chap is a classical reason why the whole show has to go - the sooner the better!

"a philosophy which sees demons everywhere and whose adherents see themselves as victims ... It would also explain why so many ... devotees seem to exhibit the symptoms of broken, incomplete or defective personalities - not quite whole persons seeking something to complete them and protect them from a world they do not understand and much fear."

Whoa! As far as I know, he is not a doctor, or a psychologist or a psychiatrist, has never interviewed any of my non-existent, so-called "devotees" - I have none by the way. Those who recognize my energy and understand my work are full of the Joy, Love, Hope and Light, not like these greedy Zionist hate-mongers and trouble-makers! But he does make a fatal flaw in wanting them to see something to "protect them from a world they do not understand ...". So, there is need for protection, and there is fear out there!! Make no mistake about this demon, P Mathews. He is an evil babbler of humungous proportions. To Beihnn Norgbedzie he wrote:

"You will continue to have issues dealing with a reality you do not understand, and as the years pass Chiappalone's "metaphysics" reveals itself for what it is, nonsense, ... "

Well if I don't know what is happening on Earth, no one does!

As time passes, the metaphysics will reveal itself to be nonsense.

To another, Phil Mathews wrote: "The only future you have is as a continuing, mindless sycophant of Chiappalone's. As the years role on and the utter emptiness of your "metaphysics" and the hatred implicit in its practice become manifest, the tragic error you have made will become apparent. However, you will not be allowed to communicate your Jew hating without challenge, one you are powerless to answer."

Does that not infer that our information is spurious and that nothing will happen? Where, O where, is the Jew hating in any of the writing? What about all the world changes - pragmatic, not metaphysical, which we enumerated? Do they count for nothing?

We have you there, P. Mathews. Wriggle as much, as much as you like, just like the worm you are - you cannot escape!!

Then he denied he wrote these things by stating: In his August newsletter #2 (apparently he believes quantity will make up for quality) - many have told me the quality of the newsletters is peerless by the way - Chiappalone attributes the following quote to me: - it was actually a paraphrase - "nothing is happening in the world" . The context for this of course is his end of world prediction ...

"But the alleged quote is a complete lie. I challenge Chiappalone to post any communication from me which contains such a statement.

Well, the challenge has been met and this PMathews has been exposed repeatedly as a complete liar. End of story!! What a bloody hypocrite!!

But, for a final fling, let's turn things 180 degrees. Let us say he now believes what I say about the world changes. That makes him wrong about his holocaust Myth does it not? On both counts he is a doomed loser.

I have gone into this topic at length because these are the sort of people who harbour the anti-Christ energy and are marked for eternal extinction. But the process they are to undergo is not as painless as the words used to describe the process. They are very evil, and in time, they will wish they had never been born!!

Now that it is obvious the whole world is in trouble, P. Mathews wants to back off and save face - but too late, Phil - you have done your dash. You are on the list of the failures!!!

One last piece of advice: Do not forget the Bottom Line of all this: If things develop the way I say they will - and all indications show that this is so - then I am right and I must therefore be who I say I am. Therefore my description of these demons and their fate is accurate. If I am wrong - and that seems impossible in view of the obvious world changes - then I would be just a deluded fool - with a lot, a lot, of answers that make sense. Is that possible? Of course not. No fool has pertinent answers while being a fool. But, as always, you must be the final judge of all this!


Never forget the fact that I am here to assist people see the Light and to assist in the evacuation of "viables" out of the dimension before total destruction of the non-viable aspects. When it is done, I will repeat this till the doomed ones are sick of hearing it: "I warned you, but you would not listen, and thus was it so!!!" No one, no one else on earth can make that claim!!


How is this for overt demonism: Subject: Holocaust Museum Demands Removal of Crosses at Auschwitz; Holocaust Museum Demands Removal Of Christian Crosses at Auschwitz; August3, 98: JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel's Holocaust museum Sunday demanded that Polish authorities immediately remove dozens of wooden crosses put up by Catholics outside the former Auschwitz death camp. A statement from the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial called the erection of the Christian symbol a "provocative act" by "extreme groups." Yad Vashem said the act violated an agreement reached earlier this year by the Israeli memorial, the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington and Polish government and church authorities. The agreement said no religious, ideological or political symbols would be erected on the site. "The placing of the crosses, after special efforts have been made to reduce tensions, may aggravate the situation and may prevent further dialogue between the sides about the future of the site," the statement said. No response was available Sunday from Polish officials. Last week, several dozen Catholics from Silesia placed a three-metre cross and about 50 smaller ones outside the walls of the camp. The wooden crosses surround a eight-metre cross erected outside the camp to commemorate a 1979 papal mass. Jewish groups have said the large cross, visible from the former death camp, disturbs the memory of the 1.5 million Jews who died there. The agreement reached earlier this year between Polish authorities and Jewish groups did not resolve the dispute over whether the papal cross should be left at the site. Yad Vashem director Avner Shalev said Sunday that the placement of the new crosses was "a clear provocation" that was "very painful for any member of the Jewish people and many others." Shalev said he hoped government and church officials in Poland would act immediately to remove the crosses. "Everyone agrees and understands that Auschwitz should be kept in the authentic way that it was left," he said.

My Comments: How can thinking of Christ, by seeing a Christian Cross, disturb the memory of the dead? It can only do so if the ones viewing the Cross and, being reminded of the liberating Christ Energy are of the Anti-Christ energy. Reduced to its simplest form, away from the religio-political-racial-national labelism, what we have here is hatred from Zionists for Christ and what He represents.

Zionists see the Cross as a provocation because they are of Darkness and the Cross, in its true symbolism, represents the Light.

This is Terminal Madness of the Endtime, of the religious Zionist variety - nothing less!


More spiritual zombies (demons really) identified: This letter was sent to Jeff Rense of Sightings on Radio who kindly forwarded it to me.

Subject: Re: Chiappalone does NOT represent us - Gnosticism is NOT a form of metaphysical anti-semitism!!!!

Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998. From Alex Guldbeck <[email protected]> Gnostic Friends Network.

"Joseph Chiappalone states on his "ANNWN publications" website that the Jews are an "especially evil race" who forged a pact with an extraterrestrial energy parasite at the dawn of time. Many people see this and come away thinking that that's what modern gnostic Christianity ("true gnosticism," he calls it) is all about. However, this in no way represents the gnostic community of Australia, Norway, the United States or any other country, even the Mandaeans and Yezidi of Northern Iraq. Chiappolone may know a lot about the environment, etc., but he is definitely beyond the pale - not even on the fringe - of the religion he claims to represent. Which is unfortunate, as we have historically been persecuted, and it makes me sad to see him get so much press for literalizing our beautiful mythologies and tradition into a half- baked excuse for metaphysical anti-semitism.

Anyway, I'm sure his particular brand of xenophobic sensationalism is a lot more interesting than the truth of our beliefs and that this letter will fall on deaf ears. But gnosticism so misunderstood already that I felt I could not simply sit back and say nothing while our tradition was dragged through the mud by a self-styled avatar who doesn't even grasp the fact that the "evil god" is a metaphor for something a little more subtle than "Mein Kampf." The light of the divine mind dwells in ALL OF US, JEWS INCLUDED!!! Regards, Alex Guldbeck, V.P. Public Relations, Gnostic Friends Network.

P.S. I think some confusion may have arisen because gnostic mythology states that the Old Testament god is evil, or ignorant, or both. So it would be an easy step for someone to make the leap of logic and say that if the creator is evil, his "chosen people " (Chiappalone calls them "demons and robots") must be evil as well. The fact, however, is that Jewish gnosticism came before Christian gnosticism; and that it was the Catholic Church which tried so hard to wipe us out back in the day, not the Jews. Most modern gnostics are anthropologists, psychologists, linguists, etc., who understand, along w. Carl Jung that these are metaphors for interior spiritual dynamics and the "evil god" concept is something like the ego or unawareness, not a creature with a "chosen people" masquerading as humans. Man is a microcosm, of the universe, of course the universe is an evil dirty place as well as a good and beautiful one too - it's a mixture - but the responsibility lies with us as individuals to acheive our own enlightenment/transcendence from space-time, not to take the most primitive forms of the mythology LITERALLY and then attack other humans in the real world based on metaphors which were never meant to be understood this way!

Chiappalone has about as much relationship to gnosticism as the Aum supreme Truth movement has/had to Buddhism - he uses elements of our myths and twists them to suit his own agenda, it is because of people like this that the teachings have always been secret. If you want to do a report on TRUE gnosticism, the Yezidi of northern Iraq are currently being rounded up in concentration camps and sterilized en masse, their community will be gone very soon, there are almost no books on them in English and the ones that do exist all repeat the stereotype that the Yezidi are "devil-worshippers" because they acknowledge god's evil side, there's a story in there somewhere for you, perhaps ... For NONE have sinned."

My Comments: (I have modified these for the newsletter from the initial reply I sent by email, giving fully less personal explanations. As you well know, I do not tolerate fools at all. And whoever wrote this garbage is a fool - or more likely a collection of fools for they group together like demented monkeys. Whoever wrote this inaccuracy should do themselves a favour some time and read what I have written. Let me commence the rebuttal by saying that whoever wrote this nonsense and is grossly misquoting me to try and pass it off as my work is guilty of calumny and CRIMINAL DEFAMATION!!

1 Where, just where, did I say that "the Jews are an especially evil race who forged a pact with an extraterrestrial energy parasite at the dawn of time"? If they cannot show this in my work verbatim, it makes them malicious liars and trouble-makers, and I know they are.

2 Gnosticism is the enemy of Zionism (which is Judaism and the pseudo-Christianity that passes for Christianity today). How then can one have Gnostic Zionism and Gnostic pseudo-Christians? It is impossible. Do you see how they try to distort the whole meaning and hi-jack Gnosticism?

3 I am here to present undistorted True Gnosticism FOR THE LAST TIME and put an end to all these miscreants! Now can you guess who I might be?

If I was Satan - the anti-Christ - why would I want to destroy my own lot - those of the antichrist? That can only leave me to be of Light against Darkness! Read the poem I wrote in NL # 23, "AUTHOR OF THE CORRECTION".

4 And I (with all our other workers) cannot fail in our role, no matter how much these demons twist and turn!! In reality I have already won.

5 Mythologies and fables are all distortions of the one Truth (of Gnosticism) which I am representing on this level for the final time.

6 All Gnosticism as presented on this plane, outside of what I have written, is distorted nonsense. You can take that or leave it. I am not saying this out of ego. You know my answers on other matters are valid and unique. Why can this not be so also?

7 The fact of the matter is we are allowing the destruction of this level on that premise. If we were wrong, the scene certainly would not proceed as it is according to our plans!

8 The Gnostic communities of Australia, Norway, the US, and everywhere else are shams. They are nonsense, and I will argue against them anytime. Read the NL # 25 where I show up the Norwegians as fools.

9 Don't fall for the babble of the very ignorant and destructive, doomed demons. It's your choice - I know what I stand for and what I am on about!!


Subject: Why "Zionism"? Received on 28 Jul 1998, from Bradleys (full name and address supplied).

Dear Sir, Your July newsletter was attacked by B'nai B'rith and HateWatch as anti-semitic. I found your site via HateWatch as I am a studying anti-semitism in Australia, but it doesn't fit the bill .... Reading it and the advance August issue, it seems "Zionism" in your lexicon is a form of Evil, replicated in actions elsewhere. (I support a Jewish state, but not persecution of Palestinians or imperialist expansion of 'Revisionist' Zionism in Lebanon and elsewhere.) Why this particular term? Opposition to "Zionism" is often a code used by Neo-Nazis and other anti-semites when they mean they hate "Jews" (due to various conspiracy theories like the Elders of Zion). P.S. The opposing e-mail you posted calling you a Hanson fan obviously was sent by someone who hadn't read the newsletter!

My Reply: Thank you for your inquiry. I explain fully my meaning of the term "Zionism" repeatedly in my books and newsletters, and state clearly it is the "Anti-Christ" energy. Please read earlier editions of the newsletter and our books if you are interested.



Here is a continuation of extracts from The Jewish Mentality Book I by Michael A. Hoffman II.

"On October 8, 1990, the first day of Sukkoth, the Jewish feast of booths, the Israeli army opened fire on a crowd of Palestinians at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, killing 17 and wounding 150. At first the Sukkoth Day Massacre was presented by Israeli spokesman as the result of a vicious Arab stoning of Jewish pilgrims at the Western or "Wailing" wall. "In order to blunt criticism of the Temple Mount shooting .. the Shamir government launched an obstreperous public-relations campaign against U.S. media's 'biased' coverage of Israel. It's a time-honored strategy in Israel, where many government officials have come to believe that a problem hasn't been invented that a little hasbara, or propaganda can't fix ... The Jewish community's strong response seemed to intimidate the media, which, with few exceptions, followed Israel's interpretation of events. After the initial flurry of press coverage, the story seemed to die..." (Friedman, op. cit., p. 132).

17 Palestinian civilians had been shot to death by the Israeli army and police. The victims were blamed, even though no Jews were injured by any mass "rock-throwing" as Israeli magistrate Ezra Kama would admit in July, 1991. The official government view became the media's view. "The story seemed to die." The hasbara was having its effect as predicted.

What if 17 Jewish civilians had been shot to death by an Arab government, would the media accept the official Arab version as their own? After an initial flurry would the story have been left to die or would it have been made into the Movie of the Week from the Jewish victims' point of view?

As it turned out, to his credit, 60 Minutes' TV reporter Mike Wallace investigated the case and produced a truthful national network program on the atrocity the Jews committed. Wallace documented that the Israeli massacre of the Palestinians was an unprovoked, brutal crime. 60 Minutes was also inundated with complaints from mainstream American Jewish organizations and powerful, pro-Israel supporters. At a New York dinner party, 60 Minutes executive producer Don Hewitt got into a shouting match with ABC television's Barbara Walters, the real estate developer and publisher of U.S. News and World Report Mortimer Zuckerman and Mort Janklow, a literary agent, over the Temple Mount segment. A furious CBS chairman Laurence Tisch summoned Hewitt and Wallace. Tisch is an influential figure in the New York United Jewish Appeal-Federation. Tisch felt the piece was unfair .. (and) required more background reporting." (Friedman, p. 133).

* Rehavam Ze'evi, member of the Israeli Knesset stated, "Every Jew is worth a thousand Arabs." (Al-Fajr, Nov. 6, 1989.)

"...Prof. Dan Scheuftan of the Hebrew University told a Nov. 13 Jewish Student Federation Lecture on the chances for Middle East peace, that all Arabs are violent and all Arabs want to poison baby Jews." (Canadian Jewish News, Nov. 28, 1991).

"Commercial Hebrew children's literature published in Israel provides a portrayal of the Arab character that is a reflection of Zionist perceptions of Arabs in general, and Palestinians in particular. Such a portrayal of Arabs has not been limited to Israeli Jews alone but has also been transmitted to and accepted by, a large segment of world Jewry and international public opinion, especially in the West. As a colonial settler movement, Zionism realized the importance of portraying the Arab character in a negative light and of depreciating Arab rights in order to justify Zionist actions in Palestine ... "The characteristic image of Arabs in commercial Hebrew children's literature is a grim one. The Arab appears as a criminal. Arabs are also depicted as thieves, stealing because theft is part of their nature, especially from Jews because of 'envy.' Arabs are also shown as swindlers ... Arabs are base ... Arabs are cowards ... Arabs are idiots ... Arabs prefer that non-Arabs tell them what to do. Arabs are liars whose word cannot be trusted and whose promises should not be taken seriously. Arabs are dirty in mind...

"There are several reasons for this negative portrayal of Arabs. First is the need to eliminate any respect for Arabs among Jews ... Eradicating respect also dehumanizes, thereby rendering acceptable whatever befalls the dehumanized party, including exile, dispossession or even death." (F.E. Asmar, "Israeli Children Imbibe Racism," Guardian Special Edition, Spring, 1987,p. 21). "Forty percent of Israeli Jewish high school pupils hate all, or almost all, Arabs, according to the first comprehensive survey conducted since the outbreak ofthe intifada... "The present survey - completed over a period of two years - was conducted by Ofra Meizels, Reuven Gal and Eli Fishof of the Israeli Center for Military Studies in Zichron Ya'acov. In a country-wide poll, the researchers interviewed 5,400 pupils attending grades 10, 11 and 12 in state-secular and state-religious schools." ("40% of Israeli Youth Hate Most Arabs," Canadian Jewish News, August 17, 1989, p. 5).

The hatred of the Arabs does not raise the human rights shackles of the liberal and conservative Gentile apologists for Zionism because this hatred is supposedly a justifiable reaction on the part of Jews to Arab terrorism. By the same token, Jewish hatred for Christianity and Jesus Christ are excused on the basis of what the Christians have done to the Jews, making hatred of Christians permissible. One of the many confirmed anti-Christian bigots among the Jews is the writer Hyam Maccoby. His book falsifying the Gospels, Judas Iscariot and the Myth of Jewish Evil, is an excellent example of venomous hatred of Christians presented under the guise of promoting the welfare of the Jews. It seems that under this shibboleth, waved like the proverbial magic wand before the eyes of Gentiles, the most vitriolic anti-Christian prejudice is summoned up without protest from the target peoples. By this clever Jewish technique, "fighting racism" is invoked in order to spread racist hatred for Christians and Palestinians.

In Maccoby's book the existence of the Jewish Judas and his act of betrayal, for which Christ said it would have been better had Judas never been born, is denied. According to Maccoby, the whole Judas episode was a Christian plot concocted out of thin air in order to defame the Jews. Paul Johnson, writing in the London Sunday Telegraph (Feb. 23, 1992) states that Maccoby's book is not so much scholarly as an anti-Christian polemic and that, "... the book betrays a certain paranoid attitude to Christianity ... the book is not an open-minded inquiry into the reality of Judas. On the contrary it starts with a conclusion and then proceeds to amass the evidence to justify it. This leads him into all kinds of difficulties, notably in disposing of the name 'Iscariot,' where he is at his least plausible. It also obliges him to predicate that the Evangelists and the writer of Acts, were constantly engaged in unscrupulous propagandist inventions for base politico-ecclesiastical purposes. On other occasions however, when their evidence happens to fit in with his theory, they are reliable sources ... Maccoby, in short, is too obsessed ... to write an objective account of Judas."

In the Jewish mentality, opposing the stereotype of Judas as a cardboard "Jew devil," even to the extent of denying he existed, and attributing the accounts of his treachery to "propagandist inventions" by the Church, is a worthy and necessary endeavor on the part of Jewish writers. However, when Christians truthfully attempt to wade through the wild tales and exaggerations which attend the so-called "genocide" of Jews in World War Two, because they see in such exaggerations, the unmistakeable outline of a cardboard "Christian devil" being mounted by Zionist propaganda, such an endeavor raises a howl of protest from Jews and dark intimations about the motives of those who would seek to correct the record and defend Christianity from libel. Thus the equation is submitted to the old Jewish insistence on special privileges and status above mankind. They, the Master Race, have the right to investigate historical stories, like the tale of Judas, which create legends of Jewish deviltry. But for the mere goyim to do the same, to dare to investigate Jewish tales which foment legends of Christian deviltry--this becomes an unpardonable sin against the majesty of Jewish omniscience, infallibility and suzerainty.

In a similar manner the Jews have created for themselves a license to agitate for Jewish racial purity and apartheid for Palestinians, at a time in the modern era when talk of race purity and racial separation are grounds for imprisonment in Britian, France and Germany and expulsion from the politically correct universities of America.

It is only to the Jewish Master Race that such racial concerns are licensed and legitimated. For example, mainstream Jewish groups regularly run advertisements in national liberal newspapers such as the NY Times and in their own religious Jewish publications calling for Jewish racial purity. In the December, 1989 Jewish Chronicle a large ad appears, placed by the "Jewish Seminar Movement" (Chofetz Chayim Torah). The text of the ad asks, "An Urgent Call to World Jewry ... Do you realize we are in dire danger of losing millions of precious Jewish souls through intermarriage? ... That the children of intermarriage grow up with complexes and confusion? If you or your friends are on the verge of internarriage, we plead with you, do not allow a temporary infatuation to ruin your life, the lives of your dear children and help to destroy our cherished and beloved Jewish people."

Imagine if a White heritage group, distressed over the demographic fact that only one in twenty-six of the world's people are White, were to take out national ads arguing against Whites "inter-marrying" with other races, thereby "helping to destroy our cherished and belowed White race." The outrage, the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth would resound from the editorial pages of the Hoboken Cornstalk Trombone to the halls of the United Nations and media sattelites circling the globe in outer space. Leading the attack would be "Jewish service and humanitarian groups," because Jews reserve to themselves alone the right to racial purity and racial separation.

Jeffrey Kwintner, a Jew, writing in the Jewish Chronicle of Dec. 29, 1989 says: "Jews are the only exception. They were destined to be unique. The concept of racial purity within the Jewish nation is not a myth ... The only facts to determine Jewishness should be purely an hereditary one regardles of Jewish observance. A Jew is someone from Jewish stock. No one can make a gentile Jewish ... We must retain our own exclusivity in order to survive and not be infiltrated by outsiders..."

When the Aryan Nations group established a headquaters in the Idaho panhandle and announced that they intended it as a base for creating a separate nation for Whites in the Pacific Northwest, they were denounced universally in the Establishment media, schools and courts as foul hatemongers and racists.

Yet the option of racial separation for Jews is perfectly acceptable to such liberal organs as the NY Times.

(More in the next Newsletter.)


Poem 89 from my Poetry Book volume 2:


Thy limpid eyes reveal the Hope of an eternity

Where forever True Love enduring can truly be.

Such sight borne on Angelic heraldry

Can only a Divine Gift from Heaven be.

For only ones who yearn from this

Hell to be truly free,

Can dream of the Coming Dawn of True Liberty,

And leave this Hell forever with its ugliness,

pain, sorrow, misery, depravity and bigotry.

Beyond thy human substance that Hope I see,

It cannot, but of Quality Divine created be.

Of anything less, desirous it would not be for me.

I have known the crassness of the Counterfeits

In whose realm Hope and Love are killed maliciously.

There spurious dreams

are spun deceitfully,

To torment and drain emotionally,

While strength is sapped


Dear One, in your eyes exists

Hope for the loving eternity.

Hence, to that Hope and all

its promises I'll cling

forever, as I will to thee,

Harbinger of Greatness and Bliss

that pure hearts shall see.


See you soon ...

J S Chiappalone. Copyright 1998 .

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