April 1997, Newsletter # 8

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


WELCOME to the pages of our energy connection. It is indeed a pleasure to receive such wonderful letters from so many of you expressing your appreciation of this publication, our work, our other books, tapes, etc. It is a boon for us to see so many awakening so profoundly and so quickly now as time is at a premium. Many of you have written that many things which were not comprehendible to you 10, 5, 2 years ago are now crystallizing and truly allowing you to make "Sense of the Madness". We always knew this would happen to the viable Children of Light. Those of Darkness are experiencing the opposite. They are engulfed by the confusion, agitation and fear of the times, even as they begin to express Terminal Madness and suffer the Gloom of Doom. They have had countless chances to step into the Light, but they have rejected them all, believe me.

I wish to thank those of you who have expressed your appreciation by spontaneously increasing your contribution to the Newsletter. The Centre has always been a non-profit organization and has used all funds to assist as many as possible. If you would like to be a more active contributor and part of the team send your contribution to Annwn Publications.

If you have not written to us, do so and let us know how you are doing and what things are helping you most. This information is really only of value to those who want to see the illusion broken, who want real answers and want to better themselves with real knowledge. Those who wish to remain immersed in the destructive fantasy of the evil empire cannot, will not, appreciate what is written here.

Of course I could fool you and write about how wonderful things are and how wonderful things will be on Earth in the future as long as we all think everything will be OK. Of course I could write and say how wonderful you all are and how wonderful your life really is, how beautiful everything you do is, etc., etc. But I would be mendaciously fooling you and you would be fooling yourselves by believing such nonsense. But this is the exact thing most New Age publications write about. They spin yarns of untruth, interlaced with half-truths which as I have said often, form complete lies.

If you were to go to a doctor with a problem, would you want him/her to say to you all is well, that you will be OK regardless of what ails you? Would you want him or her say to you to keep smoking, drinking, having unsafe sex with any you want, to not worry about that bleeding mole on your back or the lump in your breast, etc., etc.? Some do want this. But the mature person would want the truth so that the necessary steps to better health could be taken.

These Newsletters are all about Truth and exposing Untruth. Sometimes learning the truth is painful. But it is a necessary step for spiritual progress, buried as we are in this dung-heap of a hell which does everything to distort the truth and prevent proper knowledge. Those who claim they are soaring high above all this pain in the heights of their self-created reality are evilfools and demons. No spiritual progress can be made by courting dishonesty, nor can one be truly buoyed on the wings of an illusion for long. The crash is inevitable and far more painful than these hypocrites and deceivers imagined. Just wait and see. I am not writing this because I want it to be so, but because I clairvoyantly see that it will be so; it is so!

The future has been written and, contrary to what they think, there is nothing pleasant in it for those of the illusion. Why am I saying this? I am saying it because the field of ufology which we will examine in detail here and in other publications is also an area of great Untruth as many of you suspect. Charlatans, con-men, hucksters and the unscrupulous all abound to trap the gullible, the unaware, the unprepared, and the genuine, sincere seeker alike. I will highlight such examples as I discuss the Mexico adventure.


Please note that the responsibility for the information contained in these Newsletters is entirely mine, J.S. Chiappalone, unless the contributions of others are acknowledged.


Many have asked me these questions: "Who are you to have such information? Where does the information come from?" My advice to you is this: the answer to these questions is not as important as the answer to these questions you should ask yourself: "Who am I? What relevance is this information to me?"

Regarding the first two questions, I could give any number of facts relating to who I think I am and what the Source of this information is. But on this level, at this time, I would be in no position whatsoever to prove anything I say. At the same time, no one is in any position to disprove what I say. So really the answers I could give are irrelevant.

But the questions you need to ask yourself and the answers you can supply are not only relevant, they are of paramount importance, for on them depends your eternal fate. This fate can in no way depend on the answers to the question of who I am and where I get my information.

Your answer to your own interrogation is going to be that you are Good or Evil. My identity has no bearing on that. This information is relevant to you or it is not. Again that has no bearing on where I got it.

So you see, your fate is in your hands and no one else's.

This information is relevant to you if it mirrors the knowledge within you. If it does, discussion of the source from which I obtained the facts to awaken you to your Inner Truth is irrelevant. If it does not mirror your Inner Truth then it does not matter who I am or where my information came from, does it? In this case you would pursue the path according to your own volition.

If the information I write does resonate with your internal truths, then you will follow that knowledge within you to prepare for the future, for you will believe in yourself. Then you can identify the source of the knowledge, your truth, as the God Consciousness within you. And that, after all, is the only truth you should acknowledge and follow, for did not Jesus Christ Himself say the Kingdom of Heaven is within you? Once a being is awakened by the Light within, s/he has no need for external agents. It has no need to ask my identity. The being knows that on some level it knows all and is not threatened by my identity, knowledge or message. But evil beings are threatened, even though they ask repeatedly who I might be. But being evil, no matter what answer is given, they are not going to believe any answer given. So why give them any answer? I don't.

You will find this discussion of empirical value, and I willdemonstrate that this is so when we discuss the internal messages and knowledge of the various contactees we met in Mexico.


PLEASE Note: All subscriptions will become due on June 1 If you have not contributed, please do so by that date.


    The effect on readers of One World and The Kingdom of Zion has been so immense and profound, all I can say is read them!! If you read only 2 books a year, well, these are the books for 1997!!

    You will see some extremely enthusiastic reviews in the pages of these Newsletters as readers offer their comments.

    Order your copies NOW!! $30 each. Includes p+h.   Ordering information.


    Julie Rudd reviewed " One World - Exposing the NEW WORLD ORDER" by Dr. J. S. Chiappalone thus:

    This book could be the most important document you have ever read. Its pages are ablaze with well documented evidence which exposes society and all its aspects to the glaring light of truth. It is a courageous and daring attempt to let you know what is really going on in the world. It tears away the veils of illusion in which the powers-that-be would have you languish.

    Nothing in this world is as it seems -- not Science, not Medicine, not Religion, not Finance, not Business, not Education not the Media, not Government, not the Justice system, not the United Nations and certainly not the New World Order, which is advancing ever so persistently and relentlessly in its goal to take over completely. There has been a huge cover-up to conceal the true agenda of the powers-that-be and to create the illusion we are living in "the best of all possible worlds".

    It is said that freedom begins with an end of ignorance. If you wish to escape the prison of ignorance in order to finally learn the Truth, to discover who is really running the show, this book is a "must-read". However, if you are content to continue wearing the blinders that prevent you from seeing things as they REALLY are, to stay deluded, to let others do your thinking for you, then this book is not for you - for after reading the information contained within, the blinders will have to come off. It will be impossible to view the world in the same way as before.

     Denying Truth does not make Truth less True. Denying that there is a conspiracy or that evil exists does not make them go away. Whom the Gods would destroy they first make ignorant. The book, "ONE WORLD, Exposing the New World Order" gives the Big Picture of what is going on in the world today. It unmasks the ongoing conflict between GOOD and EVIL that is taking place in all components of our society today. There are no sacred cows.

*    "Every system and institution on this earth has been moulded by the powers-that-be for the single purpose of maximizing exploitation and suffering of the innocent..."

*    "Leaders in politics, government, science, religion, the media and business today, are the most EVIL ones favoured by the archons."

*     "There is no such thing as "democracy", "justice", or equality in government, or in this world."

*    "Government and law are designed to protect the power and privilege of the most evil, at the expense of the most good."

*     "There is no salvation in religion.... Religion is designed to breed conflict and delusions of merit."

*    "There is no truth in the media; it is designed to be the voice of evil...."

    We are told what the powers-that-be want us to believe, not the truth. Harsh words you say. But truth can be harsh. First, read the evidence presented in Dr. J.S. Chiappalone's book, "OneWorld - Exposing the New World Order" and then judge for yourself!


    Each of the pillars that holds up the fabric of society is exposed for the evilness of which it is composed. One by one, the elements of religion, of science, of government, of the media, of politics, of education, of finance, of medicine, of the justice system are crumbling under the pressure of discovery. Before long, they will come crashing down upon our heads destroying the evil essence of society itself.

    Whether you believe it or not, it is happening even now. Prepare by becoming aware of what is truly going on around us. The book "One World - Exposing the New World Order" by Dr. J.S. Chiappalone gives us this awareness.

     "There is only ONE solution to the problem (of the world), and it surely is NOT the globalists' vision of "One world: one hope". It is not the perpetuation of a system of evil, by evil, for evil. It is not perfecting the oppression and exploitation of this world. Rather, it is a New World, a world of Purity, Divinity, Goodness, Grace, Freedom, Joy, Peace, and Truth, a world with absolutely no fear, doubt, oppression, exploitation, emotionalism, egotism, disease, death, or separation from God; a world of Light, with no Darkness anywhere ever again. That is what the True God has prepared for those who embrace and welcome the Light and the Truth. Those who cling to Evil, Darkness, and the lie until the very end, will surely die in their illusions, forever."


    CIA operatives have admitted that they steal about everything that they gather. And a huge amount of their work is to gather economic information overnight and have these summarized and printed in a one-inch thick secret report, ready for briefings and distribution at 5:30 am each day. One CIA person takes a copy of the report and briefs Vice President Gore as he rides to the White House at the beginning of each day; another CIA person goes to the White House and is usually the first person to brief the President each morning.



*    A side-effect of Global warming is more rain which will cause more flooding.

*    Aircraft crashes are increasing world-wide.

*    Terminal Madness: More people are going berserk everywhere; news of this is being covered up everywhere.

*    Racial tension and overt racism are increasing everywhere. Australia is not alone.

*    Pollution is everywhere and increasing. You will not escape it. eg: Salmonella poisoning from eggs is such a problem that public health authorities are urging that no one eat eggs "sunny-side up"

*     AIDS is now reported to be the #1 killer of Americans between age 25 and 44.

*     Jerry Brown on his radio talk show in California:
"Evil disinformation is disseminated over the airwaves and through the corridors of power in America by the greediest and most powerful operators the world has ever seen -- that's what you've got to focus on, otherwise you miss the issue entirely." He attacked Wal-Mart for working to destroy all small businesses "soeveryone will work - or slave - for large faceless international corporations." And he talked of Wal-Mart's greedy disregard for the suffering they cause.

*    Historical footnote: The supposedly historical feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys was hyped by the media in order to turn sympathy against Appalachian "hillbillies", as corporations were seizing land and natural resources.



AIM of the Trip

    Having been on many space-crafts to attend conferences and obtain information, our trip was certainly not to establish the existence of UFOs. Rather, it was to establish contact with like-minded workers, to expose frauds, and to set up a ring of energy to destroy opposition blocks to the Clearing Work. Along the way, it was hoped that the messages strangers had received in these distant areas would be shared to illuminate the state and fate of the planet. The revelations would prove to be timely bombshells for the majority of unprepared humanity in due course.

    If the information appears to be beyond what you can comprehend at present, do not be alarmed, just read on.


     A Time of Meeting, Greeting, Revelations, Exposures.

Mexico City, Saturday February 11:

    On this the first evening in Mexico, we met Ruben Castro, our Tour Guide, Interpreter and eventual very dear friend. Ruben is a UFO TV show host on nationwide Mexican TV. Fabulous videos of UFOs over Mexico City, during the Mexican Air Force's Air Show, in isolation, in groups, etc., were shown on this first evening. Many such videos are available in the West, but it is always exciting to receive information of the firsthand origin of the videos, the sights, the people involved, etc. We met many contactees and witnesses of UFOs that evening and were able to question them at length. It soon became apparent that a few are charlatans, some even trying to cash in on the action. Some, but only a few, seem to be oblivious to the fact that many Westerners see through them. They confabulate with the mock innocence of liars.

    Photos were passed around and we were to soon learn that it was the exception rather than the rule to find someone in Mexico who did not have genuine photos of UFOs in his/her possession. Sightings are so common they have lost shock value.

    The questions we set out to answer were these:

1    What type of UFOs existed?

2    Whose were they?

3    What did they want?

4    What unexplained phenomena were associated with them?

    After the initial evening's discussion, it was obvious there were 3 types of UFOs in Mexico's skies. Further investigation revealed that the basic 3 types were seen worldwide, so no one can accuse these occurrences to be aberrations of locality.

The Types of Spacecraft are these:

Group 1:

    Military Spacecraft.

    There is no shadow of doubt the US military, possibly in conjunction with Mexico's, and the military of other nations, has built such craft and kept them relatively secret. The secret bases such as Nevada's Area 51 and other areas, including Australia's own Pine Gap, are no doubt involved.

    This is a poorly kept secret, and as Stanton T. Friedman, the US nuclear physicist turned UFO investigator has publically pointed out, today's technology is sufficient to allow any craft to perform the way some UFOs are witnessed to perform, including right angle turns and complicated manoeuvres.

    It is my opinion that what appears to be crude ionized air-plasma formation around man-made crafts mimics the etheric covering of genuine plasma crafts.

    Those who persist with the defence that Military cover-up is a conspiracy theory are as stupid as they are ignorant!

Group 2:

    EVIL ALIEN CRAFTS of Reptilians, Greys.

    These are the nasty ones, the baddies, the ones conducting illegal, immoral and unethical experiments. They are:

a.    conducting traumatizing, nocturnal abductions;

b.    terrorizing communities with their hybrid creations such as the Chupacabras;

c.     Killing and/or experimenting on:

    i     animals (as observed in animal mutilations);

    ii    on humans (as reported by some who have had foetuses, ova, sperm stolen);

d.     copulating with willing humans to increase evil energy on this level, as some evil witches are reporting and

e.     raping innocent victims.

    The Reptilians are the masters, the Greys are stupid clones who do the mundane work. Many reptilians have taken over human bodies and are easy to spot when clairvoyant vision is restored. Their crafts are the ones seen flying about as silver and bronze discs just about everywhere on the planet.      These are the ones which crashed in New Mexico in 1947, and elsewhere such as the USSR, China, South Africa, Brazil, Puerto Rico, etc. They are not from higher realms at all but from dimensions close to this one which are also being cleared and they are attempting to escape the clearing process. Their efforts are futile. However, they are trying to develop hybrids to live in this dimension, refusing to accept that this dimension is being cleared also.

    These are the ones who have co-operated with Governments around the world, especially the US government, to form a One World Government and fight off Group 3 which I will describe below.     

    These are the aliens who have interfered with the minds of many beings including Carlos Diaz, Dr. John Mack and other contactees/abductees who are now excusing their evil away. These are the evil aliens who are resisting correction of the Celestial Error for they are part of the evil error. They have given false information to many humans, claiming they have come to help humanity save the planet etc., etc. In fact, they are here to destroy humanity and take over the globe if they can. But they will fail for Group 3 is on their trail.

    These are the evil aliens who have built many bases over the globe, some known, some unknown, some with governmental co-operation, some without. These bases are within mountains and volcanoes, under the sea, under ice, in immediate dimensions very close to this one, etc. They use inter-dimensional portals the existence of which has become more and more apparent in recent years.

    These aliens have been here for a long, long time and many historical texts mention them. References to such episodes occur inthe writings of many historians including Josephus, Livy and Julius Obsequens; in the annals of the Egyptian Thutmose III; in the Book of Enoch; in the biblical Old Testament (Exodus, Daniel, Ezekiel, Elijah, et al.) and many, many other manuscripts, of all cultures, in all eras, including the Sanskrit Puranas and Vedas.

    These are the ones who have shot down airplanes and missiles, kidnapped crafts and pilots such as Valentich, and irradiated populations to cause disease, disharmony and wars. If this information appears beyond your comprehension at this stage, simply keep you mind open to all possibilities. You may accept these facts I am revealing, in due course, when other occurrences lend further credence to this fantastic scenario.

    These are the evil alien beings who have a base within Mt. Popocateptl which was bombed, with no effect, many times by US and Mexican authorities. I repeat, they have bases everywhere.

    These are the evil aliens who have in times past presented as demons, as incubi, succubi, angels, phantoms, apparitions, to mislead, abuse and taunt consciousnesses on this level. In this day and age they are presenting as benign angels giving disinformation to gullible victims and many who have Out-Of-Body experiences, Near Death Experiences, who Astral Travel, etc. They are co-operating with evil ones to write books of untruth which are misleading humanity.

    In their ranks can be included beings/publications such as Ramtha, Shirley McLaine, Oprah Winfrey, Eck, A Course in Miracles, Seth, The Celestine Prophecy, etc., etc. All these have one theme in common: They fly the flag of the New Age, spuriously promising a glorious Heaven in this Putrid Earth as long as we deny the existence of Evil!!

    Only Evil could or would do that.

    Millions of minions are devout followers of this nonsense simply because they are evil robots and demons themselves. That is why such simplistic, grossly misleading nonsense as represented in "The Celestine Prophecy" can sell 10 MILLION copies in a matter of weeks. Truthful facts, instead, have insurmountable hurdles to overcome just to get into print, and that is because evil runs this plane. If there was no evil, one would think that all would have an equal chance and there would be equal distribution of all facts for none would be Good or Evil. The fact that this does not occur confirms the existence of an evil, obstructing force. Besides, why else would there be a cover-up? Why else would there be so much secrecy and death threats to those who are attempting to reveal the Truth of it all?

    Within a very short time, these evil aliens and their crafts will be actively and forcefully engaged by Group 3 who will destroy them everywhere they occur, in this dimension and in all those in which they find themselves. Such military action will become evident for all to see. When this happens, hang on to your hats, for the end, announced by such unprecedented celestial occurrences, is well and truly nigh!

    I will have more information about these aliens and other things related to them in our future books on UFOs.

Group 3:    


    These are holographic projections from other dimensions of crafts in which the True Beings of the True Space Command reside. They are ephemeral as many have noted and cannot be entered. Thisimmediately makes a liar of anyone who claims s/he has entered them or deposited material, videos, papers, etc., from this level into them. One cannot enter the projection but be lifted into the real crafts in spirit only, after leaving this dimension.

    These crafts are the advanced guard of Space Command which will engage in combat with Group 2, and also destroy all matter in this dimension including this planet in the very near future. This is the group to which Amitakh and I and many other workers with us belong. Some around the globe have now received direct information of my identity and code name in relation to these crafts.

     When these crafts appear physically in this dimension, the End Time will have arrived. These are the crafts evacuating viable beings from this dimension. The Aliens of these crafts are the High Beings of Light who have warned many about the dangers associated with Groups 1 and 2.

    These are the True Angels of "God" coming to deliver us from this Hell.

    The Plasma crafts as depicted by the holographic projections are actually scout ships. The Motherships are of immense proportion and that is why they stay out of the dimension. Occasionally the scout ships do precipitate themselves into this dimension, but when they do so, they invariably disguise themselves with clouds. We had written in earlier books that the ratio of their size is such, that if they did not reduce on entering this dimension, they would be bigger than the whole earth. Now you may consider why the ancient texts, even the Old Testament and Edgar Cayce, speak of (alien) giants.

    These are the crafts which send Golden Messenger- Spheres, as experienced by many, including Shri Aurobindo, and myself, to give information, directions, energy, etc.

    These are the containers of our Higher Consciousness, from Purer, Higher Realms into which the viable beings will go and be escorted into the prepared New Dimension.

    Many, many have now witnessed these plasma crafts and their different structure to the crude ones of the evil aliens cannot be missed. These are the true Messengers of the True God Consciousness. These are our deliverers from evil, the Units of Clearing Energy which will eradicate all evil.



    A common message was elucidated from all contactees who were interviewed by the writer with the assistance of Ruben Castro, apart from Carlos Diaz of Tepoztlan about whom I wrote below.

    Each of the others interviewed and asked about the message the aliens were giving to the people gave, to the amazement of Ruben and the others present, the exact same answer. Those interviewed included Mario Ramirez T. of Atlixco, an architect and archaeologist; Eloisa Garcia of Amatlan who runs the Hotel de Quetzalcoatl in an idyllic postcard setting; Adrian Lino Reyes, a lawyer, and his daughter Adriana, also of Atlixco, who have been visited many times by alien crafts which have left, as I said in the last Newsletter, still-visible markings on their lawns.

    When we interviewed Claudio, the young man from one of the little villages around the active volcano Mt. Popocateptl, he was extremely reluctant to give the message he had previously given. He had obviously been subjected to some ridicule and his parents had advised him not to repeat his information. Is this not a common cruel fate on this evil level of all who have valuable truthful information? I have first-hand experience that this is so. As fate would have it however, I have a copy of a television interview of Claudio, shown on "Strange Universe" in which he gives his message clearly.

    All the others were quite reluctant to give their message out and some required a great deal of prompting and reassurance that they would not be ridiculed, but that, in fact, they would be taken quite seriously.

    Simply stated they all said, as if reading from a common script, that:


    All those on the tour witnessed that this is what they said.

None of these people have ever read my books or those of Annwn Publications, or attended my lectures, to know of the existence of this message which we gave to the world in Melbourne in 1985 and which was conveniently ignored with great haste by the media. The media not only buried this profound message but actually set upon a great campaign to defame me in every way possible. But I won in every respect that mattered when I took them to court for such vile behaviour.

    Remarkably, Eloisa Garcia told us that hundreds that she knew, in and around the mountainous region of her area, had been given the message directly (telepathically) by the aliens. The majority of these are unsophisticated peasants living in third world conditions and wanting to keep to themselves. They are not after publicity or notoriety, money, fame or ridicule. They are simply reporting what they have been told by the "crafts". They prepare themselves for eventual evacuation and are preparing for the imminent destruction of this vile, evil world.

    The extent of this message throughout Central America is great and future trips will allow publication of the extent and a connection of those to be connected.

     The message is universal but has been suppressed in countries where suppressive measures are more extreme. Now perhaps you can understand why the Western Media, the evil moguls who run it, the governments, etc., all have this conspirational attitude to prevent this information becoming widespread. They have too much to lose and are working with the evil aliens to try and prevent the evacuation and global destruction. But attempts of suppression are futile. What will be, will be. Already many are being awakened all over the world by direct communication as in the Central American areas I have mentioned.

    Those who are not fully aware of the message know deep within that something very, very wrong exists on the planet and something totally unprecedented is about to occur on the planet. That is a good starting point for full realization. Of course, those to be evacuated are more advanced and have received a fuller briefing, even if they cannot fully reproduce it on the outer mind at present. But, they will do so when the time for it arrives.



     Carlos Diaz of Tepoztlan who claims he filmed plasma crafts as early as 1981 is a fraud. Certainly he, like the major portion ofthe population of Mexico has seen spacecrafts, including plasma crafts, but the story he presents, with his wife Margarita is a very well rehearsed attempt at cheating people of their money and truths.

    Having been seconded by Shirley Maclaine and then more recently by Dr John Mack to tread the New Age trail, as revealed by their own words, for these had visited them in recent times separately, Carlos and Margarita unashamedly spuriously pronounce that the beings of the plasma crafts have asked them to gather money and heal this wonderful planet, with all its wonderful creatures. They proposed to us that they will fix up their house with the money they receive and spend whatever is left on ecological projects. Have you ever heard such nonsense?

    In intense questioning I was able to conclusively prove, to my satisfaction at least, that Carlos was a confabulating con-man. I have been on crafts which the plasma hologram projections represent and could tell his answers about them were false. His prints appear to be double exposures of ubiquitous plasma crafts, the occupants of which could not have possibly told him the nonsense he relates to what he thinks is an unsuspecting audience. The fact that all other contactees eventually gave us the appropriate message from the plasma crafts highlights the fact that Carlos has decided to work for evil, to fool the people. In this way, he has no future. Maclaine and Mack obviously convinced him there was no money in giving people the truth, so they pander the false hope of the false god, Mammon!

    He is just another insincere, pre-packaged New Ager who should be avoided. My advice to you, if you travel that area is to avoid him totally. Why he chose to give a spurious message when hundreds of his compatriots from the same town and same area gave the true message is an indication of the ontological consciousness now within the being known as Carlos Diaz.

    Stories of how he made unreasonable demands for appearance money and how he cheated people of large sums for worthless prints were revealed after we left the area, confirming as they did, his unscrupulous character.

    Let this experience be an example to all our readers. Do not trust people just because they appear more knowledgeable or have had unusual experiences. Do not trust all who utter the words "Spiritual" or "Love" or "Goodness". And most of all, with the knowledge that is now available, you know that any who speak of healing Mother Earth and ask money to do so are evil cheats who are attempting to hinder the Divine Clearing Process.

    After his presentation, Amitakh and I met privately with Carlos and pointed out he was choosing the wrong path. He appeared to listen but the manner in which he spoke next morning left no doubt in any of our minds that he was not going to change his path! Goodbye, Carlos.

    Some two years ago we were instructed by Space Command to pay a similar visit to Dr. John Mack in Boston and warn him of the impending danger of his being possessed by evil archons. Initially he appeared to take the warning, but when we contacted him some months later, again when we were in Boston, it was obvious he had been taken over. He too is now a frontline New Ager attempting to convince the world that these evil aliens are trying to help us save the planet. Goodbye, John Mack!



    We were all on the bus going to the open area which served as Atlixco's general park, as its Football ground, and

the area of intersecting energy lines and grids. Then Ruben proposed a short detour. He wanted to show us an area where plasma crafts often parked.

    The bus strained, pitched, heaved and swayed, chugged and lugged as it fought for distance on the partly dirt, partly cobbled, partly non-existent tract which meandered past little houses and tiny yards. Indeed progress on it would have tested the most patient and persistent of mules, but we pushed on buoyed by the exuberance of perhaps strange encounters.

    Eventually we stopped at the edge of a small wooded vale. The bus' front protruded over the edge as the road swung sharply to the right. We alighted and gathered around Ruben who explained that on many occasions a large plasma craft, as depicted in the prints we had seen the previous evening, would appear in the vale level with the road. His discourse included an interesting anecdote which, while craving Ruben's indulgence, I will retell with (justifiable, I hope) poetic licence.

    It appears that the house at the very apex of the corner at which the bus came to rest belonged to the town's Chief of Police. On one of the evenings of the very earliest appearances of the craft, the Chief was disturbed from his slumber to come and witness the phenomenon. The story goes something like this:

    Half awake, or half asleep, (the peasants could not decide; well anyway it does not matter for most thought he was no different, having just woken from sleep, from what he was at midday on his better days in his office) the Chief set about conducting his own immensely inquisitive and accurate scientific investigation of the phenomenon in accordance with precedential Constabulary finesse and diplomacy, known and recognized as it is all over the world, with a trademark all its own.

    He peered at the craft and grunted menacingly at it! The peasants held their breath. No response!

    Again he repeated the manoeuvre, taking a pace forward, peering even more menacingly towards the craft, but still remaining on the balcony of his house, which formed the roof of his garage.

    The peasants grew apprehensive. One could sense it from their turbid faces and from the Chief's wrathful stare: "If the craft knew what was good for it, it would come to attention and respect the Chief's wishes whatever they may be." Alas, still no response!!

    And then, the stroke of instinctive, intuitive genius which seems to be the strictly exclusive property of Chiefs of Police the world over: With rapacious audacity in the face of absolutely no danger and with unflinching resolve, our Chief unsaddled his revolver, aimed unerringly, or so he thought, and emptied the whole barrel into the phantasmic plasma craft just to show it who was in control!

    The peasants did not allow the echoing noise of the crackling gunfire in the still of the night to distract them from their immediate debate, which was whether this opulent demonstration of buffoonery was more meritorious to conserve for posterity than the fact that the Chief had missed the craft with all his bullets from such close range that a six year old would have been ashamed of admitting.

    But, no one dared tell the Chief he missed. He instead waitedfor a reply to his authoritative declaration, even as his pyjamas pants began to descend precariously.

    Nothing happened!!!

    The Chief looked around trying to peer into the darkness at who exactly was laughing the loudest. Hidden by the velvety veil of the moonless night, the peasants vented their true feelings and bellowed heartily at the profound, authoritative and utterly useless gesture of their Chief to command respect of something he understood nothing about and could not bully.

    It was then that the intuitive alacrity and inferential training of flatfeet everywhere came to the fore. Undaunted as such Chiefs always are, he shrugged and grunted again, and then semi-turning, uttered: "I have no time for that which does not respect the law. Obviously this plasma thing is beyond my jurisdiction." With that he finished his turn, bade his people goodnight and was just in time to catch his pants which had slipped dangerously over the precipitous edge of his amply rotund belly.

    Thus ended the scientific investigation of plasma crafts by the Chief of Police. The quest for further scientific analysis and identification was left, as the Chief of Police will say if questioned, to less adventurous, less audacious, less authoritative and certainly, judging from the lack of a good belly, less salubrious, characters of the town.


    Of all the incidences in Mexico, I think my favourite is the video clip Ruben showed us of one of his TV shows. The camera was fixed on debaters arguing about the possible existence of UFOs. They were seated in an open amphitheatre. As they argued and gesticulated, the camera panned to an object in the sky. As some insisted no UFOs were possible, one flew across the screen. The audience abandoned the debaters and devoted its full interest to the UFO while some were still arguing they do not exist.


    As we drove up to the square of Atlimeyaya, a tiny village on Mt Popocateptl, dust swirled in the already hot mid-morning air. And it was still winter. I spotted him in the midst of two others, all three lying some distance from two adults eating as they sat on the small surrounding bluestone wall of the square, hoping, I guess, that some scraps would come their way. As the bus roared to a halt the commotion sought their attention and all three stray dogs looked up, rose slowly and ventured forth. Here perhaps were new sources of morsels to be gained. I had watched the behaviour of the ubiquitous unwanted, of the abandoned, unloved stray dogs everywhere we went in these villages of Mexico. I have seen them all over the world, mainly in the poorer third-world countries such as India, Egypt, China, Tibet, etc. In China they were more numerous on the hooks of the open-air butchers than on the ground. They, paradoxically called man's best friend, are a representation and a legacy of man's misery and poverty in these areas.

    The characteristic movements of these bundles of disease and misery, these reflections of human unkindness and neglect, are the same the world over. They are lethargic, apprehensive, fearful, despondent, and often moribund, scarred physically by the cruelty of their treatment by other dogs, by humans and by fate, mother nature at its cruellest; and no doubt scarred mentally, by the apparent absurdity of their depraved, futile existence. One cannot approach them for they fear man. They cower sideways, with tails between their legs, afraid to look away lest a stone is thrown at them and they do not see it, afraid lest a whipping ensues, afraid lest a swift kick catches them unawares. But they look intently at all who approach them for they cannot afford the luxury of running a great distance from their possible assailant. They cannot spare the energy.

    Their suspicious, unfriendly behaviour is not genetically determined, rather it is acquired through the nasty, tormenting, brutalizing process of living a dog's life. They have been mistreated for so long they trust no one - they reject the title spuriously thrown at them of "Man's best friend".

    For most of them, for most of their miserable lives, man is their enemy. And even as one leaves them be, they quiver with the fear and trepidation of past approaches, of past assaults, abuses and beatings. Indeed, they reflect the loveless, uncaring nature of humanity left to rot, of Mother Nature left to follow its rhythmic, disreputable cycles of "survival of the fittest".

    Where do these rejects fit in? From which pantheistic purpose have they been displaced, and why? What crime have these wonderful creatures committed that the cruel, ultra-sadistic mind which thought up this sickening scheme of things should punish, exploit and destroy them in such a way that brings tears to the eyes, and anguish to the hearts and minds of those who stop and think that this is unjust?

    But I digress; let me return to the little brown dog that I observed in the square. He rose unsteadily, head still hanging low, and staggered three paces towards the vehicle before collapsing in a heap. His other two companions ventured forth, perhaps oblivious to his plight, perhaps uncaring, perhaps out of reasoning that they could be of no assistance at all to their ailing companion.

    When I saw him collapse as he did, I immediately sensed trouble. Alighting from the bus I made straight for him. As I approached, I gently called out to him. He opened his eyes without lifting his head from his paws on which it rested, and in the vacant, limpid button-eyes I saw the shadow of death amidst the sorrowful misery of the forlorn.

    Indeed, he was dying. He had all but lost the battle for physical survival. He was all but gone. And yet he tried to lift himself as I offered a biscuit, one of many Amitakh and I carried with us to give to such lost souls. His body was full of scars, no doubt from attacks by other crazed, abandoned, starving strays, from flying rocks the semi-urchins would throw at the likes of him, and from the kicks of the odd disgruntled, uncaring peasant. I judged he was less than a year old, but in his eyes reflected the eternal misery of unjustifiable exploitation.

    His body was thinned out, his nose ran continuously, and he shivered even as he lay in the hot sun. No doubt he was running a temperature and his debilitated condition, from starvation, malnutrition, worms, various infections, etc., would have led to pneumonia or some such terminal condition. He was even too weak to cough as he moved a little. I intuitively knew he would not see Friday, and this was now Wednesday.

    The other two strays came closer, one on either side of me, and as I contemplated the fate of this little brown sack of misery, and my relationship to his fate - for such encounters are never, never accidental - I started feeding them. They cautiously approached the biscuits I dropped in front of them and with ever-cautious countenances, with one eye on me, and on everything else that moved, they started to chew away.

    I must have presented a picture of peace and contentment,there in the morning sunshine, busily feeding the doggies in the square of the lovely village, surrounded as it was by a Christian church and the kindergarten. But within me I felt the sadness of this little doggy I wanted to call my buddy. I looked at him and he at me and I could sense his questions.

    But, I had questions of my own. "Should I attempt to feed him just a little? Could such food prolong his agony? Would his sluggish, poorly-functioning digestive system reject the food and make him suffer more, make him even more miserable?" I had finished the biscuits and decided to venture to the little shop behind me to buy more. After all, the other two were still hungry. By the time I came back, having bought some toasted bread for them, I had decided to make today special for the little dying pup I had adopted as my "little buddy". I decided to offer him some toast.

    As I approached him, I heard his lament:

    "Why? Why have I suffered so? Why must I die like this? Lonely, alone, unwanted, unloved? What have I done to deserve this? I remember nothing but kicks, and stones, and fights and bites. Please help me. I have no food, no love, no one to care for me. I'm frightened, I don't want to die."

    For a few seconds I was lost in thought. Anger arose in me as a fulminating maelstrom containing the questions of why? why? such a thing could happen to a pup so lovable, so innocent. For all my knowledge I was temporarily swept away in a sea of sentimentality and rocked within by an emotional upheaval. And then the reality we so often forget flooded into my mind, anchoring me to the cruelty of this evil plane.

    "My dear friend, my buddy" I replied mentally, "my heart bleeds for you. The enormity of your suffering weighs heavily on my shoulders. And it reminds me of all the futile misery that is ours to witness and to bear. Many of your breed are even now butchered and cruelly tortured in laboratories around the world by demonic humans whose only interest is financial gain. Sadly as I share these moments with you and see your plight, I am reminded that every three seconds two human infants will die as you are dying - from neglect, malnutrition, disease, poverty, abuse. They too are victims of this evil empire, as you are. As the thought of your imminent death tears my heart asunder, I feel for the torn hearts of those faceless mothers who must weep for the loss of their infants. Each must surely die a little as their bundle of joy is reduced to a bundle of rags and their minds are numbed by the misery of death, by the emptiness of their unanswered question `Why?', which reverberates unceasingly in their uncomprehending minds.

    Already I can see your body, called a carcass, in some alley where you died lonely, alone, having called forth even mentally for someone of mercy, of love, to come and carry your spirit `home'. That body will be a bloated, rejected, smelly, worm-infested heap of rubbish, which boys will kick about for a while and then leave be, for the stench will be great.

    But that was not you. That was a trap in which you were placed to tease you, hurt you, exploit you, make your life a misery and make you lose Hope, lose sight of Love and Light, of Warmth and Peace. These things are truly yours, little buddy, for Liberation is at hand. You have been made to forget them, but you have not lost them. And I see you are not an animal consciousness at all, you are an alien, kidnapped and thrust into this vile body to be drained of all that is good within you."

    A pause ensued, during which I thought I caught a glimpse ofa momentary spark in his eyes. Was it perhaps just wishful thinking on my part to lessen the hurt I felt within that made me think he was better for a little while?

    He mentally replied: "I know what you say is true and I can feel the warmth of your love enveloping me even now. I die in peace today, perhaps tomorrow, knowing that someone cares, someone loves, someone knows what it's all about. Your presence has opened my mind to all the knowledge within me which I had forgotten. My thoughts were jumbled by the moribund state of my canine body. But now I see truly and look forward to the end of all this evil process and to the day of my Liberation."

    With that I shared the toast around and he made a valiant effort to eat a little. After a few mouthfuls his shrunken stomach would take no more. He closed his eyes and rested his head once again on his paws. I patted and stroked him gently on the head as I said goodbye, and then silently turned, a little sadder, a little wiser, to continue my journey in this cruel, damned "Valley of Tears."

    A little part of me lies somewhere in an alley in the village of Atlimeyaya, Mexico, accompanying the memory of the dead pup, my "Buddy".


In speaking of Jehovah, the evil demigod who set this hell up, Job said:
     "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

    Job, you can be nothing but an evil fool to utter what you did! How can you praise the name of someone who gives us such pain and diabolical misery? Such a ghoul deserves utter condemnation. He takes away our knowledge and Light, our energy and love, by deception and by relentless, mendacious exploitation.

    How can such a being be called "Lord"?

    Only the sycophantic demons he spawned, like yourself, have, could, would, call him that.


My intention in writing the above article about the dog was not to distress you but rather to remind you of the injustices of this cruel, evil system and also to remind you that humans are not alone in their sorrow. Remember the almost unbelievable pain and suffering our friends, the animals, have to bear. Often you will note that in cases of tragedy and natural disasters, hardly a second thought is given to the plight of animals, unless it's a selfish recounting by humans of financial loss of stock, etc. Always share your Love and Light with animals, and, whenever you are able, share also your food, shelter and welfare with them. Use your money to assist them if at all possible. Make time for animals everywhere, for you never know when the kind word of friendship, of encouragement, you utter to them may be just what they wanted to hear at that time. You never know when the Light within you is that precious beacon suffering beings in animal bodies have been patiently, longingly awaiting.

    All of us at Annwn in Far North Queensland share our lives with many animals for whom we care on the 200 odd acres. Twenty one of the animals are dogs, many clutched, as strays, from the jaws of death, to share in our adventure and await evacuation with the group as a family. We expect a great increase in the animal population on the property as resources are released to the Centre for Animal Welfare Projects.


    I realize that the last article is sad, and may make some cry a little perhaps, but the Truth can be distressing. Awakening to the Truth can be a painful process, even more painful than the labour of childbirth, for no epidural anaesthetic is available to quell the emotive turmoil of breaking the illusion of falsehood.

    But, let us not linger in sadness. Let us be light-hearted and joyous. Let's share some yarns, recount a few jokes; yea, let's have fun at the expense of everyone's favourite target - lawyers, especially now as Desmond (our son) will graduate soon from Law school. Following on all the experiences I have had recently of the legal fraternity, what with all their corrupt police and very ignorant judges, as well as grossly prejudiced magistrates, I am happy to include these jokes in these columns,

1    Q:    What do lawyers do after they die?

      A:    They lie still.

2    Q:    How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?

      A:    His lips are moving.

3    Q:    Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, an honest lawyer and an old drunk are walking down a street together when they simultaneously spot a hundred-dollar bill. Who gets it?

      A:    The old drunk, of course, the other three are mythological creatures.

4    Q:    Why have scientists begun to use lawyers instead of laboratory rats for research?

      A:    Three reasons: first, they are more plentiful than rats; second, the researchers don't get as attached to them; third, there are some tasks even rats won't do!
        One problem, though, is that no one has been able to extrapolate the test results from the lawyers to human beings.

    (More next newsletter, I promise - Editor)


    I will have more to report about the Mexico trip in subsequent Newsletters. I will include details of other interviews and a discussion on Chupacabras.


    Publications such as this Newsletter should serve as a warning to sceptics that their destructive ignorance will no longer be tolerated passively any longer. There is ample physical proof to satisfy the most feeble of minds. Sceptics can never be satisfied or convinced however because they are fools. They are evil programmed fools and liars. The onus is on them to provide proof that ET life does NOT exist! They are the ones to prove to the rest of us that people everywhere are hallucinating en masse, that still cameras, video cameras and TV cameras everywhere are hallucinating.

    It is they who have the burden of proof that millions of people all over the world are staying up at night and colluding, collating messages so that they will all say the same thing if anyone prods them sufficiently to reveal what they have schemed to say. Ah! Enough!! We know these sceptics are ignorant fools. Waste no time on them. They are deluded zombies of a doomed illusion.


    Healthy Habits?

Something some of you may not want to be reminded of: If you believe this information and are still smoking, or drinking alcohol, or taking non-medicinal drugs, then you are really asking for trouble. Sooner or later you will be programmed in a major wayby such weakness, by deleterious habits. Of course, if others on the same path found out they would be entitled to call you a hypocrite, and that would hurt, would it not?     Get smart; be serious; be sincere;

    Resolve NOW that there is no room in your life for substance abuse!!


Because of its relevance to a discussion on UFOs and because many readers will be new to our publication, I have included this short essay which I had previously published in Newsletters and books:


    People will need to discern and identify who the various ones in the physical are. Many are not who they appear to be. We have all seen others who cannot seem to cope even slightly with life. They seem to be defenceless victims of all the stresses and knocks of everyday life which others seem to manage quite well. In these, who do not cope, the slightest pressure seems to compound their confusion and anxiety and they seem to be victims of all the exploitative schemes in existence. They seem to go from one person to another seeking a solution to their dilemmas. They often fall under the influence and guidance of various governmental, social and religious institutions, all to no avail. Worse still, some are caught by "gurus", cults, hucksters, tricksters, and con-men (and con-women) of all types.

    They do not seem to belong in the mainstream of society. And in fact they do not! Many have innumerable personal problems compounded by other traps which seem to lure them and ensnare them, traps such as alcoholism, drugs, homosexuality. In the past and even now, it has been and is easy to look down upon these people and call them social misfits, outcasts, lazy no-hopers, mental defectives and so on. But are they really? Many belong to minority groups whose added stress becomes unbearable.

    Hence, they may be coloured, handicapped, disadvantaged migrants, illiterates, etc. They are seen in hospital outpatients where no solution to their problems are ever found. They are seen in the dole queue, for they are unable to hold down any job for long. They are seen in old men's and women's homes, having been unable to relate on a personal level with anyone. They are seen as just not belonging. The Truth of the matter is that they do not belong here. Deep within, they also know they do not belong here. And this makes them even more confused because they are told by society that there is no life that we know of, outside earth.

    They are alien consciousnesses who have not integrated into this evil society and probably never will, although many others like them have. This fact, that they are alien consciousnesses, has never been fully revealed nor has it been publicized, except in this generation.

    Instead of looking down on such people with disdain, one should remember that they may be consciousnesses foreign to this planet, who are severely exploited by the fact that they cannot cope. Many of them know they do not belong here. Many remember, in vague terms, especially during dreams and in meditation, the time of their capture and enslavement. Many have recounted tales of the episodes of being forced into these human bodies and all of them remember a place called "Home", a place to which they want to return.

    As approximately 1 billion individuals on this planet are of consciousnesses which have been forcefully kidnapped and brought here, the chances of some of them remembering their ordeal are great. Only fools fail to concede that such a tragedy has beenpossible and, going against all the mathematical probabilities as well as all the spiritual knowledge available to all, declare that this earth is the only source of life and that earthlings are the supreme consciousnesses in all creation.

    Such assertions are the height of idiocy, especially when people actually remember that they come from other planets and remember that they have been criminally kidnapped and forced to reside in this dimension. Most were placed in these human bodies, but many others were placed into the bodies of Class 3 creatures such as dolphins, porpoises, whales, large birds, turtles, etc. Those who remember their capture, torture and imprisonment in this dimension, after being forced into these bodies, are not remembering some archetypal dream as some psychologists have erroneously suggested. They are remembering exactly what happened to them. Many experts, including psychiatrists, psychologists, scientists and especially religionists go to great lengths to give the most absurd and unacceptable explanations for these things, when, in fact, the Truth is obvious and stares them in the face.

    Such a case is the one of the large number of people who do not belong to this planet and who know it, who remember their capture and their forced submission on this plane. They will rejoice as the news of the correction of this abomination reaches their ears, for the Divine among them will be going home! People in other dimensions very close to our own (incorrectly called discarnates) have often been seen in rooms, halls, churches, at meetings, etc. Some have been accidentally, but nonetheless, successfully photographed. "Stand-ins" occur daily in bodies occupied by High Beings who leave the bodies for short or long periods during the day. "Walk-ins", who are permanent stand-ins, are replacing consciousnesses from the physical in great numbers for many reasons at present. They can be Divine or evil.

    These points from our volumes are repeated here to stimulate your awareness and for you to consider occurrences which do exist and have been deceitfully concealed, up to this point.

    All witnesses to spacecraft sightings and to psychic phenomenological manifestations cannot be classified as insane. The explanations given to cover up the sightings are often far more exaggerated than the simple Truth of the matter. Official investigations have been successful in the cover-up until now. As far as the controlling evil demigod is concerned, all UFO sightings are accidents to be prevented. It does not want awareness of them to be expanded. Cover-ups even occurred when UFOs with bodies in them were found. The USA government, the USSR and the Chinese government all have had experiences of these UFOs with aliens in them. Naturally, they officially deny that this is so.

    Once spacecrafts of other dimensions are no longer functional, the matter forming them loses its etheric covering and remains as physical matter trapped in this dimension. One may ask why do not beings in the UFOs just land and expose themselves to us? Up to this point in time, evil has controlled this plane. It does not want to reveal the Truth. It works for a fall in awareness, not for its restoration. Hence, those in control of this plane prevent such exposure at all costs. Many of the accidental sightings have been sponsored by the Rescuers of the Light. Many are also due to breakdowns and therefore, these breakdowns result in unwanted and unexplained exposure of crafts. As barriers are breaking down and evil is exposed, awareness will be gradually restored.

     Many of the dimensions closest to us are very evil. Beingsfrom these dimensions have invaded this one, kidnapped humans and animals and/or experimented on them. Some of these experiments have even been conducted on earth. There have been many fights between UFOs because beings in them belong to both sides. Many crafts have been damaged or sabotaged and often they precipitated into or about this dimension. Many breakdowns have occurred. Some beings have been trapped in time-warps in and about this dimension and have needed rescuing.

    More and more sightings of UFOs will occur as the Light gains the upper hand in this realm and a state of full awareness is neared. Sudden radar disappearances of UFOs are explained by the sudden change of frequency of the matter of the craft and its contents. In other words, the craft changes vibration and enters another dimension. The etheric field of UFO spacecrafts is of an electromagnetic nature and affects engines of motor cars, electrical engines, radios, watches, transmitters, generators, etc., as has been reported very frequently in the literature.

    Those denying UFOs and other classes of consciousness and the existence of other realms and dimensions are really stating that they wish to continue to remain in a state of self-delusion, in a state of evil illusion where awareness is grossly restrained. Unfortunately, they try to influence others with their ignorance and to trap their awareness. They are the same ones who would insist that the world is flat if they could. Avoid them at all costs. Some are misguided fools, others are instruments of evil.

    Why do we not see beings on other planets? Why were the moon and Martian samples reported to be lifeless? (Of course, since the publication of our books, scientists and governments have come clean somewhat and claimed that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in meteors from Mars, etc., may be evidence of the possibility of organic life elsewhere. A case of too little too late?)

    The answer to why other beings are not seen is because the consciousness of any manifestation in these other heavenly spheres is in another dimension as are the manifestations. Those who have seen aliens know the aliens are in another dimension most of the time even as the aliens visit this one, but the radiation they, the humans, absorb, and the damage and pain that these alien beings can inflict is real enough.

    "Why is there no scientific communication?", you may well ask. Well, there is, and massive amounts of it, but it is our scientists who do not recognize that this is so. Most in the scientific field are sceptics. They will not allow their minds to expand for one second, to receive that which is available. Many who have done so have been converted to the Truth of things only to be scorned and ostracized by the collective scientific community. This is very much on purpose. It appears that evil always wins. It has been able to keep awareness locked up. But this will not last long. Already there are signs of scientific inter-dimensional communication with barriers being broken down. However, the sceptics will never accept any evidence as proof. They are programmed by evil to be this way. Most are programmed evil liars. Awareness of UFO activities which are less than friendly is elevating.

    Many sources are now cited which give accurate details of encounters with Aliens. Their exposure and incidences of contact will increase. I have repeatedly stated that the Celestial War is being waged also between other planets and dimensions from which these UFOs and ETs come. Some are of an Evil Essence and some are of the Light. Some of the Evil Ones are kidnapping people from this planet. These alien abductions are far more numerous than the public has been told or has suspected. This aspect of Reality has also been subject to official cover-up. The number of these abductions will greatly increase!!!

    These abductions have nothing to do with the evacuation of consciousnesses by the true Space Command. The latter process has commenced and it involves those who have been found fit to continue into the New Dimension. By the way, if you think the UFOs and UFO evacuation of beings from earth is something novel and peculiar to the last few generations, you are mistaken. References to such episodes occur in the writings of many historians including Josephus, Livy and Julius Obsequens; in the annals of the Egyptian Thutmose III; in the Book of Enoch; in the biblical Old Testament (Exodus, Daniel, Ezekiel, Elijah, et al.) and many, many other manuscripts, of all cultures, in all eras, including the Sanskrit Puranas and Vedas.

    Recently, more and more publicity has been given to the occurrence of UFOs, ET contact and the cover-ups by military and governments including the USA, USSR, China, South Africa and others. It is becoming more and more obvious that ET life exists. And this is in fulfilment of one of my prophecies made in 1985 which stated that inter-dimensional barriers would be removed. However, inspite of these episodes which increase awareness, the public is being fooled once again. It is always subject to evil conspiracies. On this occasion, being unable to cover-up the existence of UFOs and ET life, the evil essence is distorting the significance by releasing spurious information via these space "brothers".

    The message is the same false New Age garbage about humans joining the Galactic Federation, in due course, as their awareness elevates and as they learn to harness the technology which threatens to destroy them. This is nonsense. The ETs are also in the War of Essences. Most of them are evil. They are fooling people like the evil channellers and the evil New Agers, the evil Ramthas, evil Seths and so on. They are trying desperately to prevent the Truth from being known. But they will all fail. If you think this is impossible, that they could not be part of a conspiracy, just think of how well the religions have been able to bury the Truth, how well governments have been able to harness awareness and how effective propaganda about many things on this planet has been. When the time comes, all will retrospectively recognize the Truth of this information. But then, for many it will be too late. By then knowledge of the Truth will not help them. They will have cast their lot. Be aware of this point and do not fall into the trap they are laying. They too will be dealt with in the same way as all the others of an evil essence. They will be transmuted! All the physical dimension is subject to cleansing, not just this planet.


    Times, they are a'changing: For the first time ever, CNN reported a UFO sighting on December 17: "... a bright object travelling at approximately one-hundredth of the speed of light". The broadcast included a video picture.


     Because of the persistence of bigotry, racism, increasing violence and ignorance, even overt bellicosity in our communities, I want to include this short story here to highlight the devious indoctrination to which we are all subjected in the evil societies in which we live. Although this setting is Australian, I am sure the names, places and dates can be changed to make it fit anycountry on this doomed, hateful and hate-promoting planet.


    Bigotry in Uniform

Mid 1940s:

    A male child is born in Eastern Australia.

Age 7:

    "Bang, bang, you're dead. Don't move. I shot you dead."

    "Tis not fair. I wanna be the cowboy with the rifle."

    "No! I got it for my birthday. You got the Indian outfit."

    "Well, I wanna win next time."


    "Why not?"

    "Cowboys always win in the movies, that's why."

    "Why do they always win?"

    " 'Coz they do, that's why."


    " 'Coz the whiteman cowboys is better than the redskin Indians, that's why."

    "Not fair ... "

    "I know, but that's why there ain't no more Indians left ..."

Age 10:

    "... And now the eight o'clock news. ... Prime Minister Robert Menzies, forced to defend his government's budget which proposes massive increases in military spending, while cutting many social benefits, today warned in Parliament, once again, that we must be ever-vigilant against the Yellow Peril which could sweep from the North and engulf us all. ... In other news ... the Share Market.... "

    "Mum, what's a Yellow Peril, mum?

    "It's the Asians coming to take over Australia, dear."

    "That's not nice."

    "No dear, we don't want that to happen. We don't want them here. They're different, they're not nice."

    "How are they different? Why are they not nice?"

    "Hurry up or you'll be late for school ...."

Age 14:    School - Pacific History Class:

    "Some are of the opinion that in response to forceful closer of all its markets, and the cut-off of all supplies, it appears Japan was forced into a policy of aggressive, imperialistic expansionism which culminated in the formation of the Axis alliance and World War II ... "

    "You we're in the war, Sir. What is your opinion?"

    "Just because they were bullied a bit does not mean they should have done what they did. It shows they are war-mongers... Savages, ... ruthless, murderous bast... "

    "But, did they have any choice? Would they have survived otherwise, Sir?"

    "They had for over 1000 years without outside supplies."

    "Sir, does that not show they were not war-mongers and happy to keep to themselves until they were threatened and molested the way the West did to them for 100 years, forcing them to open up or else?"

    "Perhaps, uncle, ... gone... Let's ... Let's now talk about Krakatoa ... In 1883 ... "

Age 15:    

School Cadet Corp: "You must keep your weapons in spotless order and shoot to kill first.

    Never give the bastards a chance. Never let your guard down,never ... "


    "Yes what is it?"

    "I like being with the other boys and enjoy all the activities, but, ... but... I'm not sure I want to kill anyone."

    "What are you, some poofter bastard? Yu gotta hate and kill the bastards, yar hear? It's them or us and it's better we go there and get in first ... They're not Christian, they're not human ... They're not like us, .... Now sit down and shut up. Yar wanna be patriotic don't yar?"

    "Does that mean ... Are you saying ... we're better than ..?"

    "Yes we are! Now shut up and pay attention.... Your rifle must be spotless ..... "

Age 21:

    "I don't care what you want. If your birthday falls on those dates you're it! You're conscripted. And there ain't no thing you can do about it."

Age 22:

    "Welcome to these Military Barracks. If you're lucky you will be selected to go to Nam and fight the Cong.... Charlie."

    Six weeks later at a postprandial lecture at the barracks: "..... The bastards work in the field by day to grow rice to feed themselves, ... and at night they burrow into underground shelters to hide from us. We don't know who is Cong and who is not, .... but we'll get all the bastards, one way or other. If they're not in their huts, burn them down. ... Burn their crops and starve 'em out. If you come across holes in the ground just throw in grenades, doesn't matter who's in there .... Yu gotta hate them bastards .... They'll try and defend themselves, so shoot first .... Kill 'em, kill 'em all. ...."

    "Now go and have a smoke and a few beers... and don't forget to pack frangas (Australian slang for condoms) if ya gunna go into town on leave the weekend."

Age 28

    "What, and you bought it, preferring this ... this Toyota over the General Motors and Ford cars?"

    "Well, yes, I compared them all and for what I want, this Crown was the best over the rest."

    "But, but, ... It's Japanese, ... it's bound to be crap!"

Age 35:    Suburban Dinner Party:

    "We should always increase military spending. Those bastards won't stop at East Timor .... "

    "But our Government, of which you are a back-bencher, approved Indonesia's invasion...."

    "Yea, well, ... there's profit to be made in the long run, they reckon .... Ah, this wine is good ..."

Age 40:    Commerce Seminar:

    "After listening to all those presentations, I'd say we've got to take the initiative, we must market more aggressively. We must treat them as enemies, find all their faults and weaknesses and ... exploit them as far and as much as we can. We don't want the Nips and those Asian Tigers beating us again... we've gotta play it smarter and ... "

    "Yea, or they'll wreck it all again, like they did electronics and the car industry. We're gotta fight back, beat them any way we can, take back the initiative ... the position of superiority ... "

    "Have you ever considered the possibility they work harder, are smarter and more efficient with the opportunities they get?"

    "Nar, the bastards are robots, not human, ... they never sleep, they never stop, they ... "

Age 45:

    "Who the hell does the bastard think he is invading Kuwait like that?"

    "But it's ... it's his own land really ... , the British took it from Iraq in the 1920's ... and it appears the Americans gave approval for his move ... and Kuwait was cheating on their oil deals ... and ..... "

    "They ought to fix him good and proper ... take all his lands and oil .... "

    "Funny, but that's what Kissinger, his US hawks, and the Zionists have been saying for a long time ..... "

    "Those A-rabs don't deserve the oil. They're not human, not even Christian. We should nuke the lot of them. I agree with Bush, it's time to kick butt!"

    "But ... , but ... , that's wrong! Might doesn't make right."

    "What's wrong with you? Where's your patriotism? Let's all unite and really kick ass."

    "You mean gang up on Saddam and pursue a policy of active genocide?"

    "Whatever ... , who cares? ... Some reckon they're not even really human ... like Abos (Australian Aborigines) ... useless, worthless ... and their silly land claims ... "

    "How can you say or even think that when ... ?"

Age 48    

    "So what did you get the boy for his 21st birthday?"

    "We got him a new car, a Hyundai."

    "Why that one?"

    "Well, it's well made, goes well, has Antilock Brakes, the warranty is the best, it sells ... "

    "But, but, ... its Korean, its bound to be crap ... "

Age 50:    

    "This, ah, what's her name? .. Pauline Hanson (the David Duke of Australian politics), ... she's alright, what?"

    "No she's not. She is just an ignorant, incompetent, indoctrinated, trouble-making racist, you'll see."

    "What? There's no racism in Australia. This is not Russia; we don't indoctrinate anybody. We're not commies, we're good, peace-loving people. ... not prejudiced. We don't hate. We don't think we're better than others. Sure we're well educated and call ourselves the Clever Country, but we don't encourage patriotism to the point of feeling superior. We're a Christian community."

    "O yea? Well, from my experiences, I can tell you different. If I had the time or thought it was worth it, I'd dispute every point in detail. But I can see I'd be talking to a brickwall. However, the bottom line is obvious, really. Nonetheless, let me leave you with this thought: If what you say is correct, how come our society, so lucky, so clever, so well educated, can spawn the likes of Pauline Hanson, Bruce Ruxton (another racist bigot) and all those mindless, selfish supporters they have?"

        ..... to be continued

                    ... into W.W. III ??


Answers for the Mailbag:

Many have asked about my qualifications. I am a registered medical practitioner; I have a doctorate in Metaphysical science; I am also a qualified clinical hypno-therapist and am currently studying post-graduate psychology.


Babaji's, Amitakh's and Thomas' columns will all be back in the next Newsletter. Until then, keep well. So long. We'll meet again soon.

J S Chiappalone, Editor
Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

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