December 1996, Newsletter # 4

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1996 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


     Welcome again to the Annwn Newsletter. As we close off 1996, let us all wish that the year to come will bring all that each deserves. As we bid farewell to 1996, we thank it for bringing us one year closer to the satisfactory resolution of everyone's problems once and for all. Is that not something to be thankful for, to cheer about and to celebrate on December 31?

A Causal Hour in a Bookstore?

     In the last week of September 1996, Amitakh and I and an American co-worker fought an intense battle on the subtle levels for almost one hour, in a nationally famous bookstore in Denver, Colorado. The struggle was against various evil factions which are responsible for the publication and distribution of New Age philosophy and other material throughout the world. It appears that this particular bookstore corresponds to the astral headquarters of the Archons responsible for the New Age Movement.
     Shortly after leaving the scene, I was informed that our battle had been successful and the infrastructure supporting the New Age Movement had been damaged, so much so that this action should result in eventual collapse of the New Age fraternity with evidence of discord, in-fighting and lack of support and progress for their factions, and all those ancillaries which support them.
     This victory should also allow beings to see through the sham of New Age material and grasp more clearly the actuality of what is going on at this level, if in fact they do want to see these things. In other words, it is hoped that this battle will have destroyed another layer sustaining the evil bubble of illusion and that the task of certain ones finding a meaningful path for themselves will have been facilitated.
     Whether this is all as has been described or whether it is another example of disinformation to fool the enemy and stir it into some form of action I cannot say. All we can do at this level is broadcast what we are given and wait to see the results.

Exploitation masked as Governmental concern!

     Do you think it is cynical to say the archons and demons in control are there to maximise suffering for as many people as possible in as many ways as possible or do you think they are just stupid? They appear to be stupid but in fact they are evil and are used to exploit us maximally. Consider:

1     The Drug Problem:
     Is drug trafficking in fact run by aspects of governments and police forces for the benefit of governments, police forces and banks? There is ample evidence that the CIA set up the drug cartels in Asia, South America and the USA. President Clinton is involved, according to evidence given by state troopers, as were Reagan and Bush. The CIA is being exposed as introducing crack into California. The Banks rely greatly on the illegal drug funds deposited into their vaults.
     The NSW Police have been exposed as selling drugs in Australia. Would you be really surprised to find other state police forces in Australia and other parts of the world were involved? Efforts to stamp out drug running are futile. Are you surprised? If you consider who profits most from drug funds, you will know why the efforts are futile.
     Many crimes today are due to drug addiction. It is said the majority of inmates in jails are there due to drug-related crimes. The incidences of crime would greatly decrease if the drugs were made legal and the huge profits of racketeers vanished. Why are they not legalized? Too many in charge make too much money!

2     Gun control:
     The Howard Government is implementing severe gun control measures in Australia. What it is really doing is making it easier for criminals to operate. Do you really think the criminals will give up their arms? Only those who want to obey the law will do so. Gun-related crime will increase in the future as a direct result of these ill-conceived measures. And the majority will suffer more. There will be less resistance in the community to outlaws. The police won't protect you. They are being exposed all over the place as the biggest crooks and the worst bullies, a law unto themselves.
     Why will they want to protect you? Naivety is what allows this sort of evil to prosper. All governments know, as do all police departments and all authoritative bodies, that in states within the USA and in countries where it is legal to carry concealed weapons, including handguns, gun related crimes are minimal. You do not have to be an Einstein to work out why. In places with severe gun control measures the criminals have the advantage and, knowing the law-abiding civilian population is unarmed, they are brazen and ruthless. They have no resistance.
     In places where anyone can legally carry a gun, the criminals are far more cautious, after all, they are criminals, not fools. There, they do not know who is armed and able to shoot back. Hence, as a result, they are far more cautious and the crime rate is low. If each household had a firearm and each individual was properly trained to use it and if this fact was known, crime would drop dramatically, as many examples in the territories with no restrictions on firearms have shown.
     No one will ever prevent demonic possession in this evil system which is run by evil for evil in evil ways. No one will ever prevent the slaughter that can result from violent demons because they are sponsored by the very system which is made to suffer. The reasons for this are metaphysical and beyond the scope of this article, however I have explained them extensively in the books of the Centre. Nonetheless, the damage caused by these demons can be lessened. If one of these demons becomes obvious in a situation and starts shooting to kill, other citizens with equal firepower could contain the demon more readily than those without arms.
     Measures are there to minimize the pain and suffering of this level caused by many mechanisms apart from drugs and firearms. But they will not be implemented because the demons in control are there to maximize suffering, not minimize it. They work for Jehovah, the evil demiurge, who needs the energy gained from the suffering of True Beings to run this HELL. This is the real reason for all the violence, exploitation, wars, misery and sorrow of the plane. And the only solution is the one being implemented. All other measures would simply fail.

3    Mad Cow Disease.
     On October 25, an article by F. Zeller in London appeared on the bottom left hand corner of page 19 of Queensland's Courier Mail newspaper. The heading is "Finding confirms BSE fears". It was the most significant article in the paper of this day, and probably of many days before it, yet it was buried geographically in the paper to have almost no importance. It is as if it was a space filler only. Nothing could be further from the truth. A similar story had been aired on the National Television News the previous day. The article states: "Scientists have found striking new evidence that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease has been passed to humans through contaminated beef. A biochemical test has shown that a new variant of Creutzfeld-Jacob disease diagnosed in 14 victims is almost identical to BSE. The discovery of the common molecular "marker" strongly backs claims that the disease - which riddles the victim's brain with holes - has crossed the species barrier between cattle and humans. It also has raised fears that consumers may be at risk from eating lamb. The findings published in the latest edition of the science journal Nature, were announced yesterday by scientists from the Imperial College School of Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital, London.
The leader of the research team said: `We need to start talking very seriously about developing therapeutic drugs for this disease in case the worst case scenario arises.' The British Government said the findings did not require any additional safety measures to protect the public because present measures already safeguarded consumers."
     My comments about the article are these:
1    The link was known as early as 1952 when cases of BSE occurred in Australia. British Prime Minister Thatcher ignored advice and allowed infected animal carcasses to be used as fodder, thus causing the current problem. The infected dead animals were then fed to other uninfected species to exacerbate the problem. This has insured the suffering of future generations. You can now guess her ontological status. Round one to the dollar (pound sterling in this case).
2    The leader of the research team is hinting at the development of a "worst case scenario". I had been given, and published, information to the effect that many millions of humans who eat meat will be affected by Mad Cow Disease and that governments will eventually resort to euthanasia on a grand scale to be rid of the "human vegetables" they have virtually created.
3    The article also demonstrates the hypocrisy and ego of governments. The last sentence is supposed to reassure readers that all is well. But it is dishonest and all who have seen the scenario develop know that it is dishonest. Only the robotic fools who are programmed to play the game will smilingly accept the false reassurance. They will suffer even more in the long run, believe me.
4    The research leader has also inadvertently revealed the state of allopathic medicine today. It is all about shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. It is about finding cures which will make doctors rich, rather than focusing on preventative measures. Why can doctors not simply tell people to stop eating dead animals and thus avoid the problem altogether? The reason is the same as why the government spokesman lied. First of all, the unholy dollar rules. They cannot allow a disease such as this, that may even destroy a major portion of humanity, interfere with income, profits and taxes. That is why Thatcher initiated it in the first place. Secondly, these representatives are Minions and Archons of the Mollock and as such are not there to tell it as it is. They are part of the grand illusion, part of the grand deception. It is their job, as it is for all minions and archons, to hide the truth and allow the exploitative mechanisms to the very end.
     This is certainly not a one-off case. Ozone depletion is potentially fatal for all living creatures on this earth, both aerobic and anaerobic. But, have the archons and minions who rule the world grasped this fact? Yes and no. They know it is dangerous and could be so in the extreme. It is definitely extremely dangerous. But they are programmed to ignore it really, for measures to fix the problem would interfere with profits. They would cost too much. And as they procrastinate, the earth is heading to a time when they cannot even survive because of such problems they ignored. Many of you may say these are mechanisms for destruction of the planet. Yes, they are that, but they have occurred because the evil ones are now allowed to get their way totally. Before this, counter- measures assured planetary survival for the benefit of trapped True Beings. But as most have now been lifted out, there is no need for these counter-measures. The destructiveness, greed, hypocrisy and lust of the evil ones can express unabated. And these things are expressing unabated. The end will be Terminal Madness for them in the hell of their own making. If it were not so, the place would not end as it is ending. And that, dear reader, is the real bottom line. The Mollock and his dollar do not count; they are redundant!



Just how nurturing is our society and "Mother Earth"?

     If you are the type who has placed all your faith in the power and miracles of modern science and medicine, think again. As a doctor I can tell you clearly the gaps in our knowledge of even the simplest disease processes, in aetiology, in therapeutics, etc., are so great that the situation is ridiculous. The greatest degree of ignorance is in psychiatry. Even lay people know, one day one thing is in vogue, the next day it is thrown out and another substituted. Sure, we can cut things out, sew them up, ventilate people, and more people are living longer due to better nutrition, better hygiene and diminished infective illnesses in early life.
     The robots and demons abuse those who awaken, who meditate, who try to isolate from the polluted, crowded conditions of modern cities and who generally are repulsed by, and reject, modern life. Anyone with any sense would try to escape an injurious environment and that is what such people are doing by avoiding contact with the crowds. The robots and demons resent this because, as this is their heaven, it reduces their chances of exploiting the True Beings who flee their traps. In the wild, a weak, trapped, diseased or injured animal is usually put out of its misery quickly by predators. But the more evil of society have developed cruelty into an art form. Those who suffer from lingering malignancies and other diseases, degenerative and otherwise, are made to suffer, by law, until the last drop of energy can be rung out from them and from the ever more apprehensive relatives who care for them. Where is the care, where is the compassion which would spare such drainage and sorrow? Society has none, for it is evil. If it was not, it would temper its intolerance and greed for energy with mercy, and allow those thus trapped and exploited to leave the plane and recharge and keep their inner energy stores less depleted so their awareness would not fall. But then that would be opposite to the aims of the evil essence.
     And that is why the evil society condemns euthanasia. It objects, not to the rights of any individual, but to interference to its evil process of energy exploitation. Whenever it suits the evil essence, it kills millions, with wars, with economic sanctions, etc. And these too, are in order to extract massive amounts of energy quickly. The evil society does nothing and has done nothing which does not favour itself.
     As I have said elsewhere, this is the same reason why all jails are such horrid places. They are not about rehabilitation of wrong doers. They are about inflicting further punishment and about extracting the maximum amount of energy in the cruellest possible ways from the beings trapped within them, many of whom are True Beings and aliens who have been easily programmed to defy the laws of society. And they have been easily programmed because of the confusion they suffer on this evil plane and because of their inability to cope in their search for their pathway back to their Source.
     And their internment, apart from extracting all the energy it can, inculcates them with a hatred for the cruel society so that the outcome is usually further criminality on their release. And this gives society more and more opportunities to exploit their energy. Within jail and prison walls are found the tools for easy energy exploitation -- drugs, violence, forced homosexuality. The system actively intervenes to destroy any love such beings may hold for the Divine and any hope they may have had of love, fairness, compassion and understanding. Most jailers are overt robots and demons whose sadism would not be believed by the general public the attitude of which appears to be that, having broken the laws, the inmates are getting what they deserve anyway. Do not take my word for this. Speak with people who have experienced jail. Persevere until you pass their fears and they are able to speak freely of their experiences. You will be amazed at the efficiently cruel system for energy extraction which exists in this world and about which most people know nothing. To its shame, the USA has the greatest number of jails of any country on earth and the highest percentage of its population in jails at any one time, according to United Nations statistics. And North Americans must ask themselves why is the USA the most criminally violent nation on earth? What is going on? Is the USA the land of freedom or the stronghold of Mammon, who is really the evil demiurge in one of his many guises? No True Beings with the slightest remnants of love, understanding and compassion could possibly remain in the environment of jails and not rebel against the system. Many have, but until this time, the system has been stronger.
     The day is not too far away when Divine Justice will prevail and the cycle will be reversed. Those evil ones who afflicted such cruelty will have to experience it, all of it, for themselves, in order to realize their own unworthiness and why they cannot remain in creation. They need to realize why they must undergo transmutation. Like all evil beings, they will need to make these realizations and then they will want to be transmuted. Regulatory processes, review committees, rehabilitation projects concerning jails are all part of the charade of this plane.
     Inspite of the best intentions of True Beings in them, such boards and processes are nearly always circumvented by the evil system so that the nett result is always zero improvement. The system is so cruel that it always appears able to find new ways to avoid regulation and reduction of its cruelty and energy exploitation. And if you think that is not so, just cast your mind to government projects similar to jail reform, etc. and examine the end results. Very little is usually accomplished. One is reminded of the many welfare agencies which operate around the world for sick children, waifs, cancer patients, the elderly, etc., etc. In most cases, people are exhorted by a plea for compassion, to give large sums generously. And many of these agencies have been exposed as being fronts for cruel, greedy, evil con-artists. It is not unusual to find that they give less than 1% of the proceeds (sometimes it is 0%) to the people and institutions for whom they solicited. How much more proof do you need of the evilness of human nature? If this were some isolated instance there would be doubt. But the fact is, the majority of humans cheat like this. And given the opportunities, the evil beings would all do so to a 100% level, 100% of the time. And that is why this system cannot be tolerated. It has to go!

Mammon does not share: Details of a survey conducted by a European Commission were released on October 16, 1996 and these show that of the industrialized nations, the USA has the most number of children living in poverty (just over 21% do so in fact). Australia had the second worst figures with 14% of its children living in poverty. Both these countries have practised and, in the views of many, continue to practise active genocide against the indigenes of their respective lands. It is truly nauseating to see young adults begging for food in the streets of San Francisco, one of the glamour cities of the world's most wealthy and powerful nation. And the conditions of some Aboriginal communities appear no better than third world refugee camps. Australia has been declared the potentially richest nation on earth (based on per capita national resources). These facts of child poverty are not just an embarrassment to the nations involved but they are also a clear indication of the hypocrisy of those who speak for, and rule, these nations.
     The shame is highlighted when one remembers that the USA claims the championship for human rights and attacks others such as China and Iraq, and when one remembers that Australian politicians are deceitful enough to want to call Australia the "clever country". Just who is fooling who? How many children would the cost of a Stealth bomber feed and educate? How many aborigines would be brought into the 20th century by the money squandered by corrupt, self-serving governments and their instrumentalities? These are rhetorical questions because the ruling evil archons would never consider improving the lot of the misfortunates in society, any society. That is why the system is a gross failure. It has always been a gross failure and had to go. Now is the time when it will go!"


Hints on learning to cope.


     It is easy to become discouraged in the face of overwhelming odds, especially when those around you do not understand you or even try. But you push on because you know deep within you that you are on the right path. Sometimes it feels that you take one step forward in your spiritual development and then fall 3 steps back. But you lift, make another effort and march forward once again so that eventually you find, not having given up, that the following occurs:
*    Little things you wanted to do become easier on the path;
*    The attacks on you are less effective;
*    You mind the scorn and ridicule of others less;
*    You find that acceptance of you by others is not so important any longer;
*    You find it easier to stick to the right food, to mediate, to cleanse.
*    These practices become a part of your nature.
*    Slowly you find that it takes you less time to pick yourself up after a fall and move on.
*    And as time passes the falls become less frequent.
*    Before you know it, your progress is smoother.
*    Often some attack or encounter comes out of the blue and you are set off course. But your mind has been through the whole process many times before and you do not even have to think of what to do, you simply get on with your daily tasks and, like a compass needle, get back on the right track very quickly. It is experience that allows you to handle yourself better under all sorts of situations.
*    Because you have persevered, you have learned to handle the attacks, the unwanted attention, the disadvantages, the negative reactions, the ridiculing people and the restrictive situations and you are now less unsettled by them.
*    You become more effective in your personal effort to align with that which you feel is for your greater good.
*    You are able to be of greater service to others who truly value you, value what you do, what you think, value how you help in a positive spiritual sense.
*    With perseverance, your spiritual acumen is sharpened;
*    You make less mistakes;
*    You see people more easily for what they are;
*    You are less easily fooled;
*    You know more quickly when they are lying, cheating and disguising their intentions;
*    The mundane world becomes less important to you;
*    You see more clearly what this world is all about and
*    you can control the anger at what the evil ones do;
*    You curb your impatience more easily and become less frustrated knowing that all will be well in good time;
*    You know that the best possible solution to everyone's problems is being implemented.
*    Your wanting to lash out, to seek vengeance, to destroy evil immediately is more easily controlled and
*    you are less emotionally exploited by the injustices and misery you see caused and enjoyed by the evil ones.
*    Your inner vision improves and you sense the connection to your Higher Mind, to your friends in Inner Levels.
*    You are more accurate in your assessment of situations and are able to see the faces of demons behind their physical charade.
*    And all these things come about because you persevered, and awakened to the evilness.
*    And when you are finally adequately cognisant of what is truly going on, the trauma of living here is replaced by the joy of the anticipated correction.


     I wish to share what I have found to be the most helpful points for me from the verbal and written words of Doctors Amitakh and Joseph chiappalone. There are countless other significant points that they have brought out which have been of tremendous benefit to me but I shall only mention a few.
1     Evil is real, it does exist. I had been very involved with the New Age philosophies, particularly "A Course in Miracles", Ramtha, and Edgar Cayce. I had accepted the New Age doctrines that purported there was no evil per se, that we are responsible for our own destiny and as "A Course in Miracles" emphasizes, "Forgiveness is the Key to Happiness". Yet as time wore on and I heard the same old words repeated over and over by the preachers of the New Age who failed to live up to their entreaties, those words became trite and banal platitudes to my ears. Something deep within me cried out that something was wrong here, something important was missing but I had no idea where to find that piece of the puzzle that eluded me. It would take lines and lines of space to enumerate all the books I had read, all the speakers I had listened to, all the courses I had taken. I did not know where next to turn as it seemed I had explored all that was available. But it was more than finding the missing puzzle piece that was needed. It was re-examining the "givens" in my life that was needed before I could make progress in my spiritual journey. I had accepted that evil was not real. Until I came to the realisation that evil IS real, that it DOES exist, I was stymied, I was firmly gripped in the trap of the New Age which had caught me in its web. In San Francisco, June 1986, I met Amitakh and Joseph who were lecturing and from there my awakening began. But my valid awakening had to start with acknowledging and accepting the existence of evil.
2     The god in charge is an evil god. The one absolute "given" in my life had always been that God is Good. God would never do anything to hurt you or me. The one thing you could count on was that God was on our side, always ready to help when help was needed, that He would never deliberately hurt us. There was always a reason for everything He did. It was unthinkable to believe otherwise. We might not understand that "help" but then "God works in mysterious ways", does He not? Inspite of all the evidence to the contrary, I accepted that concept totally. Without the knowledge shared by Amitakh and Joseph, I would be irretrievably stuck in a false and evil belief system. In order to get unstuck I needed to comprehend that not only is the "god" in charge of this universe NOT on our side, "he" is actively against us. Instead of being a benevolent god, he is malevolent -- a totally EVIL god. Suddenly it all made sense. Of course, that was the only explanation for all the pain, the suffering and the injustice that is endemic throughout the world.
3      Reincarnation and karma are evil traps. When I finally accepted that the concepts of reincarnation and karma must be valid, they seemed to offer an explanation for the injustices in the world. After all, one could always explain why someone was suffering so badly - he obviously was reaping the consequences of karma and undoubtedly had inflicted similar suffering onto others in a previous lifetime or lifetimes. Of course, one could not remember what one had done in that lifetime or lifetimes but if it was a just system, a fair system, then the reward or punishment must be just. That, of course, is dependent upon it being a "just" system presided over by a "just" administrator. I could not conceive of an evil administrator but it did seem as though the good people I knew reaped more punishments than rewards. What I learned from Amitakh and Joseph was that, far from being a just system, presided over by a just administrator, reincarnation and karma, are emphatically weighed against the True Beings and are part of the evil plot to exploit, drain and trap the True Beings in this polluted universe. Again, when I thought about it, it made a great deal of sense.
4     Seventy percent of the population is evil (including humans, animals, vegetation, minerals). This important piece of information was a real eye opener. I had tried very hard to "love" everyone and see everyone as a Divine Being and to "forgive" anyone who transgressed against me - as admonished by Ramtha, A Course in Miracles and others. If I could love enough, I could overcome any difficulty, or so I believed. I felt very guilty when I could not really love some beings, as hard as I would try. Why did I have negative feelings toward some acquaintances who seemed so "nice", who seemed to be so "helpful" and who were often involved in "spiritual" activities? The reason I was given was that "I was not good enough - I was spiritually lacking". Since everyone had a Divine spark, I should be able to ignite it in others if I could only love enough. I really suffered over this deficiency in myself and consequently allowed myself to be taken advantage of and even walked over by all sorts of people. If Amitakh and Joseph had not come into my life with the Gnostic Truth that not everyone has a Divine spark, I would probably still be exploited by one and all. The truth of this teaching pulled the veil from my eyes and revealed the true nature of those beings who had made such use of my ignorance.
5    There is an ongoing war of essences between the forces of good and the forces of evil and all have a role in it.
     Amitakh and Joseph's analogy of this cosmic war with the wars that take place on the physical dimension helped put this in some sort of personal perspective -- that one does not need to know the whole plan or what another's role is (in fact, it can be beneficial at times NOT to know too much as it helps one play one's role more effectively.) It could also be a bit daunting to know too much. Therefore information is given on a Need to Know basis. There is one General in charge, orders must be obeyed. No matter how small the role, each is important in the outcome of the war. I remember them saying something about "The driver of the vehicle (or the engine) may be important but without the wheels on the vehicle (or the mechanism that keeps them in place) the vehicle cannot move." It is also important to realise the importance of propaganda used in particular ways. Like the invasion of Normandy in which it was important to make the Nazis think the invasion would take place elsewhere on a different date, so the attack would catch them by surprise, the Light may also need to use this kind of tactic to catch evil off guard. If the "troops" do not know the actual date or plan, they cannot slip and reveal it inadvertently. If they do not know, they cannot be tortured or manipulated into revealing the information, if captured. Also, in warfare one may need at times to play (or appear to play, evil's game). Double agents may be needed. Secrecy is essential for success in many areas. One must trust that the Divine is in charge and is doing what is best for all concerned.
6    All evil will be destroyed including this planet; the worthy True Beings will be rescued, the evil beings transmuted.
     I cannot express the joy this message has brought to me, to know that there is a better place than this horrible, polluted plane where I have been trapped for so long. This is the basic teaching and it has changed me and my life in ways I could never have imagined. It has brought meaning and purpose into a life without meaning, without purpose, that was filled with lots of meaningless activities. It has helped me remember who I am and what I am REALLY here for as well as many other remembrances. It has awakened me from a long, nightmarish sleep. My search for the meaning of life has finally concluded. The only meaning this life here has is for evil to exploit the True Beings of their energy. Now the meaning of my life is to fight that evil until the end when it is actually destroyed forever.
7      The implantation of thoughts. This concept would never have occurred to me without Amitakh and Joseph's help. Without this knowledge I would never have understood "those thoughts that just are not me". I would just have felt more guilty whenever they occurred rather than knowing that they are not me and can, and must, be fought and cast aside, that I can actually control which thoughts I will accept and which I will reject. It truly is like the story of the "good" angel perched on one shoulder and telling you the "right" things to do while the "evil" angel perched on the other shoulder is implanting negativity and "wrong" thoughts hoping to entrap you further. They pointed out how both sides are working on us at all times and how important it is to be aware at all times and to choose carefully the thoughts to pay attention to.
8     The need to stay tuned to the correct frequency.
     The analogy of the radio needing to be tuned to certain energy bands in order to pick up certain transmissions certainly applies to us. We need to stay in tune by meditating and cleansing and turn to the Divine at all times.
9     Time is part of the evil trap of this dimension.
As Amitakh and Joseph have explained so well, time as we know it, is different on the other dimensions. I had wondered, along with so many others, why it has taken so long to correct the Celestial Error. It is understandable when one has the information about the tremendous difference in time.
10      This earth plane is not my home. I have never felt that I belonged here, in any state, any country, anywhere in this world. My feelings of homesickness was explained when they helped me realise that this was never my real home. I did not feel that I belonged here because I never did belong here.
11     Evil used trickery of all kinds to trap beings on this plane.
     When I read in the Centre's books that the evil force used trickery of all kinds to entrap True Beings on this plane, it struck a cord within me as I remembered a "memory-dream" in which I was being lured into an animal body and once there I was unable to leave. As I realised I was trapped in that body, I heard a malicious laugh. In my panic, my frantic pleas went unheeded. There was nothing but that menacing laugh that said as nothing else could have "I have got you now" and then darkness, nothingness, just outright terror.
12      Some animals may be fallen humans. Learning this explained why I had different feelings toward different animals, why I had very positive feelings toward some and feelings of negativity toward others.
13     Beings who have left the physical may be trapped in other dimensions. The fact that "ghosts" often were beings caught in some kind of trap was a new concept for me.
14     Never give up. There are so many more points, but I will conclude with this -- To never give up. The only real failure is giving up and staying down when you fall. "If you fall, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on." That has kept me going through many such "falls". Thank you for all your support and encouragement that has helped me keep picking myself up each time. Thank you, Amitakh and Joseph, for bringing us this spirit-saving message. Without it we would all be stuck in a no-win, no-way-out situation, doomed to spiritual annihilation. How can we ever give adequate thanks for those who lead us out of this pit of misery? Thank you for everything!
J. Rudd; Walnut Creek, California.


THE BRAIN: Scientists are excited about finding varying levels of various chemicals in the brain corresponding with various traits and brain functions. What they have not wanted to accept is that these chemicals are not necessarily the cause of the brain functions but the results, with something else, something they do not recognize, such as the spiritual component, being the trigger that causes the chemical responses in the brain.
     In other words, the chemicals could be (and are) the result of the action, not the cause. Hallucinogens, whose biochemical structures often mimic the naturally occurring chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline, etc, act by physically releasing various inhibitors at the anatomical end of the process and allowing more of the pathways to transmit, in an erratic fashion, information from other levels and dimensions which the brain can normally keep suppressed.
     Meditators can alter their brain function (without consciously knowing how or why) so that the inhibitors are released selectively and in an orderly fashion and so that other realms and dimensions can be accessed, provided those consciousnesses of the other dimensions are willing to participate. In the hallucinogen-induced experience, there is no control and the lower, demonic realms are usually contacted. From these realms, beings violate the rights of the individual who cannot control them and the demonic consciousnesses often cause damage even at a cellular level. They can invade, possess, alter brain function, etc.
     If the person cannot regain control or integrate the information, the appearance of mental dysfunction (temporary or permanent) or even symptoms of organic mental disease appear. These may be acute, recurrent or chronic. In the worst cases, the initial inhabiting consciousness is evicted from its own body and another or others take over. These possessive consciousnesses are always evil.
     This is the mechanism of body-snatching and evil possession which occurs under the influence of brain-altering substances such as alcohol and drugs. It can even occur in exercises such as rebirthing when the body is left unprotected. Possession may also occur when evil energy patterns are entertained on the mental plane for extended periods. This information stresses the importance of avoiding such things as alcohol, drugs, bad thoughts, bad company, places with "bad vibes", and it also stresses the need to consume relatively clean food, and the need to cleanse as meticulously as possible. Look after yourselves. No one else will. In this crazy world, going crazier by the minute, few are going to care what happens to you when their own world is crumbling. Smarten up. This is the info, the liberating "good oil" you need.


1     AWAKENING occurs in many ways, on many levels. This method of awakening, by receiving information on the external mind via books, newsletters and lectures is one way. The need to awaken can be summarized as the need to prepare for future eventualities, otherwise the changes to come could traumatize individuals so much that the damage could be beyond repair and they could be lost forever.

2     INSANITY: Who is insane in an insane world? He who views it as normal, healthy and a good place to be in, or he who sees it as it is, madly insane and heading for self-destruction? Who is mad, he who points this out or those who call such an awakener crazy? Think about it: a madman thinks the doctor who restrains him in order to help him, is mad, thus confirming his own craziness and the doctor's relatively normal behaviour in trying to help him. I have been called crazy for pointing out the craziness of the world and for wanting to awaken some to the inevitable changes. It is a compliment to be called crazy by the mad men and women of this mad, mad, soon-to-be-destroyed world.
     On this level no one fully understands all the aspects of their existence, the facets of the personal struggle in which they are engaged, or the complexities of the Great War of Essences. This lack of understanding can lead to disappointment in those who allow the evil programming, pollution and indoctrination to blackmail their emotional bodies with ideas of unawareness, stupidity, unworthiness, loneliness, failure and so on. Do not be one of these.
     We should know enough so that we can survive in this concrete jungle full of spiritual hazards. And we should know enough so we do not fail. If you have done your best you will be as aware as you need to be. If you have embraced the truthful knowledge, regardless of your ontological origins, you are on the path out of this mess.
     In their true nature, theomorphic beings have infinite knowledge and wisdom. Hence, they can hardly be called stupid, even if the bodies they use are handicapped in some way on this level. Their worth is greater than can be imagined and they can never be lonely, for within them is a pearl of Light, Love, and Wisdom which can provide them with all the companionship and worthwhile needs that are necessary for them to not only survive but also fulfil any role they may have on this level. Hence, next time thoughts are implanted in your mind to tell you that you do not know what is going on, that you are unworthy, lonely, unloved, stupid, etc., remember these points and rejoice by saying these implanted thoughts are false and evil. "Knowing this much, I know I am aware and that I am a winner!"
     This is as good a place as any to have a word about NIETZSCHE. Looking at the state of Humanity, Nietzsche said "I accept the truth of human affairs. Everything is tragic and the Will which sought to create a world according to its own wishes could only find true satisfaction finally in the dignity of being buried under its own ruins".
     Even without suspecting that the Will he referred to is evil, Nietzsche had been able to decipher the fact that such a will, in creating such an abomination that we see, which includes nature and humanity, is rightly condemned by its own inadequacy and its only joy must be in its own failing which, judging from the world, is a certain eventuality.
     He wrote this just after the publication of Carnot's prediction of the thermal death of the universe (more commonly known as the Second Law of Thermodynamics). But whether Nietzsche was aware of Carnot's writings is not certain. When he further examined the deterioration in humanity caused by the pseudo-Christian teachings and the consensus morality such pseudo-Christianity imposed on the West, he was forced to conclude "God is dead". Would anyone in all honesty reach any other decision as the world crumbles and decays into gross abandonment and evil, if the key to what is going on was not known?
     The horror of existence has been exposed since the earliest Greek writings. It was nothing new, but many accepted this as the state of the imperfect world, while others, labouring under the thought that this should not be the way existence was supposed to be, suffered mentally with the anguish of deception and ignorance imposed upon them by the evil illusion. The only escape appears to have been despair for those who truly wanted to know, and cynicism for those who gave up the quest. Such thinkers can certainly not be condemned in any sense for they strove to break the cycle of ignorance. Most failed trying. Their suffering was punishment enough. They were courageous to reject the mockery of this counterfeit system even though it meant loss of their own rationality. But for this they should be praised, unlike the New Age Movement and the pseudo-Buddhism and its Zen which deserve to be utterly condemned, for they, in contrast, ask for total acceptance of this evil abomination and surrender to the total exploitativeness of this spiritually-assassinating hell.
     No one is blamed for this mess. The Light acknowledges the Celestial Error and is in the process of rectification. Now that the situation has been made known to us, it would be irresponsible of us not to take action to prevent exacerbation of the problem. If we increase the mess or hinder its correction, then we can be held responsible to some extent and called to account. We have it better than Nietzsche and his lot. We know what is going on and are awaiting rectification. We should not be condemnatory. Rather we should assist in any way we can. It was not our fault this mess occurred, but it is now our responsibility to apply the solution in any way we can, if we want to see the problem solved and if we want to be part of the solution.
     The workers who reap the harvest will be invited and fed at the festival. Those who failed to assist will not be invited. Why should they be? They have done nothing to help themselves or the others.

3      "THE ROAD TO HELL", many have said, "is paved with good intentions". Why is that? It is because good intentions are simply not enough. When they are mixed with ignorance the combination is deadly. Many mothers poison their children with the best of intentions by giving them excessive vitamins and iron compounds. Many who think they know, but are really very ignorant, lead others astray, and when confronted, state they had the best of intentions. Do not be like sheep. Do not be led by the nose. Good intentions are certainly not enough. You need the right attitude and the right knowledge. My experience is that those with the least knowledge often think they can help others. Indeed, fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

4      LOUDMOUTHS: You will have noted the most ignorant ones are the most vocal in their judgemental condemnation of that which they do not understand. Why is that? It is because that is the nature of evil ignorance, bigotry and hypocrisy which grips them. There is no other explanation. If they are severely polluted True Beings it is the evil influence on them causing the same problems, hence, functionally until they awaken and cleanse sufficiently, they are just like evil beings.

5      HELP and the EGO: Many people have been entrapped and hurt after accepting "help" from the wrong people. In energetic and emotional terms, the price was great to re-escape from such help. This is a mechanism of set-up and programming by evil to prevent them from being assisted in the future by the ones of Light. Many often develop an aversion to offerings of assistance from fellow True Beings. Recognize this if it has happened to you. Discern quickly that which is genuine and that which is entrapment and exploitation. Often, the refusal of proper assistance comes down to the ego not allowing the individual to bow to the Light and accepting the fact that it is in a position needing assistance.
     This is another example of the ego working against the highest good of the individual. The ego is an enemy of the Light. Its role is to prevent spiritual progress. It was created by evil for evil and to block True Beings from awakening, from winning their personal war and from assisting in the General War of Essences. In other words, the ego is an evil enemy in the very bosom of True Beings. Is it any wonder that all true Masters have decreed: "Kill the ego"?



      The True Being has attained true vision when it sees itself as an eternal being created of non-material spirit, trapped in matter, and forced to use a disposable, physical shell which works against the trapped spirit.

     As circumstances would have it, Amitakh and I saw the movie "Independence Day" at Victorville in Southern California on the 4th of July, the very day it was released. We had a few hours to spare before catching our plane back to Australia. This movie has been described as one with a fifty cent script and a seventy-four million dollar special effects but it is more than that. I would like to give you my views.
     First of all, it is definitely a space age cowboy movie where the cowboys fight the "Indians" who in this case are aliens. The second half asserts that Jews saved the world in the ilk of the Einstein tradition and the stature of blacks in America is elevated as the pilot against the aliens is an Afro-American. The movie offers blatant and metaphysically untenable justification of basic and very exploitative human emotions.
     The exotic dancer-prostitute, who acts as a single mother, professes legitimacy for such behaviour by declaring that she is only doing it for her young son, who is about three or four years of age, and she declares rhetorically that "He is worth it!" Emotional ties of humanity are exploited throughout the movie. At the end of the movie, we observed the audience left in stunned silence. One needs to ask, why?
     Was the movie not just another great, mindless, harmless piece of entertainment or was it more? Indeed, it filled many with fear which could be read on their faces. One needs to ask, why this fear? The movie raised, more seriously than ever, the possibility of the existence of extra-terrestrials, the possibility of an extra-terrestrial invasion of Earth and of the defeat and extinction of humanity. It also demonstrated quite clearly that humans are basically quite corrupt and evil in their selfish ways. Faced with the invasion, in the movie, humanity panicked and affirmed that generally it was every man for himself.
     This movie exerted profound psychological effects on minds that watched it and it is here that the film's importance occurs. The superficial questions are accompanied by an awakening to the possibility of invasion in such a strong way that the thoughts are magnetic. Admittedly, it is my view that, since one billion people of this earth are aliens, they will lap it up whether they admit it or not. And this movie, more than any other, presents a reality with which they are familiar.
     They are not so much concerned about the dangers and conflicts as represented in the space age "cowboys and Indians" dilemma but they are concerned about the existence of other dimensions, the ones from which they come.
     The fear in people comes from the possibility of the need to confront a superior consciousness, to confront superior aliens, a superior power. The fear also comes from the possibility of the need to account. The urge to have a paradigm shift is thrust upon many and it can no longer be easily pushed aside, and as the expansion of psychic parameters occurs, people are forced to reappraise their own worth, the worth of human values and the worth of their religio-philosophical and metaphysical beliefs, regardless of the level to which they had developed these things.
     The audience was given the solution in the movie where the United States could win against such great odds and technology but they could see that was not a realistic outcome. It was an outcome to please but it did not fool anyone and, as portrayed in the movie, the alien culture had developed to far superior levels, apparently without the emotionalism which humans think is essential to existence.
     This exposë of super-development without emotions could also be applied to the emotional love used by humans to trap and exploit their own kind. To my mind, these subconscious and not-so-subconscious considerations then forced each individual who watched the movie to reassess internally the values of these basic and base human attributes which we call emotionalism. People who watched the movie then attained a hint of the realisation that perhaps humans are not the pinnacle of value in the universe and they are not, after all, containers of the great attributes which we have been fooled into accepting as being invaluable to our development and survival. Confronted with these thoughts, and being made to comprehend this sudden paradigm shift, confusion sets in. And with the confusion comes fear and, try as they might to show total control, people tend to want to push away the confusion and fear but they are unable. Some are elated at the expanded awareness and resolution of their own thoughts toward the possibility of the existence of extra-terrestrial consciousness but the majority are confounded. Their fears are compounded and what hurts them most is their inner inability to shrug off the fear and confusion. This reflects in their body and psyche.
     Paradoxically, most are drawn to the movie which shatters their belief system, shatters their thinking patterns and forces them to re-evaluate their basic animalistic humanity. They are forced to confront the need of a spiritual component for, as is amply demonstrated in the movie, the physical aspect could end ever so abruptly. I am certain the Hollywood producers and directors were, in the best Hollywood tradition, only after monetary profit when making this movie and did not bargain for these psychological and spiritual side-effects. The movie is an awakening agent and many who are awakened enough to look within and find nothing will be filled with fear and confusion. The separation of the wheat and the chaff is occurring even with such mundane measures as this movie. Unknowingly, as far as they are concerned, the Hollywood exploiters have had the tables turned on them. People are subconsciously compelled to see the movie in order to awaken somewhat and those responsible for the movie, on this mundane level, are programmed by various means to publicize it maximally, as they have done. See it by all means and reassess the effects it has on you internally. And then you can tell me whether you are one of those filled with fear or one whose further awakening leads them to new heights of understanding and elation.


     People will need to discern and identify who the various ones in the physical are. Many are not who they appear to be. We have all seen others who cannot seem to cope even slightly with life. They seem to be defenceless victims of all the stresses and knocks of everyday life which others seem to manage quite well. In these, who do not cope, the slightest pressure seems to compound their confusion and anxiety and they seem to be victims of all the exploitative schemes in existence. They seem to go from one person to another seeking a solution to their dilemmas. They often fall under the influence and guidance of various governmental, social and religious institutions, all to no avail. Worse still, some are caught by "gurus", cults, hucksters, tricksters, and con-men (and con-women) of all types.
     They do not seem to belong in the mainstream of society. And in fact they do not! Many have innumerable personal problems compounded by other traps which seem to lure them and ensnare them, traps such as alcoholism, drugs, homosexuality. In the past and even now, it has been and is easy to look down upon these people and call them social misfits, outcasts, lazy no-hopers, mental defectives and so on. But are they really? Many belong to minority groups whose added stress becomes unbearable.
     Hence, they may be coloured, handicapped, disadvantaged migrants, illiterates, etc. They are seen in hospital outpatients where no solution to their problems are ever found. They are seen in the dole queue, for they are unable to hold down any job for long. They are seen in old men's and women's homes, having been unable to relate on a personal level with anyone. They are seen as just not belonging. The Truth of the matter is that they do not belong here. Deep within, they also know they do not belong here. And this makes them even more confused because they are told by society that there is no life that we know of, outside earth.
     They are alien consciousnesses who have not integrated into this evil society and probably never will, although many others like them have. This fact, that they are alien consciousnesses, has never been fully revealed nor has it been publicized, except in this generation.
     Instead of looking down on such people with disdain, one should remember that they may be consciousnesses foreign to this planet, who are severely exploited by the fact that they cannot cope. Many of them know they do not belong here. Many remember, in vague terms, especially during dreams and in meditation, the time of their capture and enslavement. Many have recounted tales of the episodes of being forced into these human bodies and all of them remember a place called "Home", a place to which they want to return.
     As approximately 1 billion individuals on this planet are of consciousnesses which have been forcefully kidnapped and brought here, the chances of some of them remembering their ordeal are great. Only fools fail to concede that such a tragedy has been possible and, going against all the mathematical probabilities as well as all the spiritual knowledge available to all, declare that this earth is the only source of life and that earthlings are the supreme consciousnesses in all creation.
     Such assertions are the height of idiocy, especially when people actually remember that they come from other planets and remember that they have been criminally kidnapped and forced to reside in this dimension. Most were placed in these human bodies, but many others were placed into the bodies of Class 3 creatures such as dolphins, porpoises, whales, large birds, turtles, etc. Those who remember their capture, torture and imprisonment in this dimension, after being forced into these bodies, are not remembering some archetypal dream as some psychologists have erroneously suggested. They are remembering exactly what happened to them. Many experts, including psychiatrists, psychologists, scientists and especially religionists go to great lengths to give the most absurd and unacceptable explanations for these things, when, in fact, the Truth is obvious and stares them in the face.
     Such a case is the one of the large number of people who do not belong to this planet and who know it, who remember their capture and their forced submission on this plane. They will rejoice as the news of the correction of this abomination reaches their ears, for the Divine among them will be going home! People in other dimensions very close to our own (incorrectly called discarnates) have often been seen in rooms, halls, churches, at meetings, etc. Some have been accidentally, but nonetheless, successfully photographed. "Stand-ins" occur daily in bodies occupied by High Beings who leave the bodies for short or long periods during the day. "Walk-ins", who are permanent stand-ins, are replacing consciousnesses from the physical in great numbers for many reasons at present. They can be Divine or evil.
     These points from our volumes are repeated here to stimulate your awareness and for you to consider occurrences which do exist and have been deceitfully concealed, up to this point.
     All witnesses to spacecraft sightings and to psychic phenomenological manifestations cannot be classified as insane. The explanations given to cover up the sightings are often far more exaggerated than the simple Truth of the matter. Official investigations have been successful in the cover-up until now. As far as the controlling evil demigod is concerned, all UFO sightings are accidents to be prevented. It does not want awareness of them to be expanded. Cover-ups even occurred when UFOs with bodies in them were found. The USA government, the USSR and the Chinese government all have had experiences of these UFOs with aliens in them. Naturally, they officially deny that this is so.
     Once spacecrafts of other dimensions are no longer functional, the matter forming them loses its etheric covering and remains as physical matter trapped in this dimension. One may ask why do not beings in the UFOs just land and expose themselves to us? Up to this point in time, evil has controlled this plane. It does not want to reveal the Truth. It works for a fall in awareness, not for its restoration. Hence, those in control of this plane prevent such exposure at all costs. Many of the accidental sightings have been sponsored by the Rescuers of the Light. Many are also due to breakdowns and therefore, these breakdowns result in unwanted and unexplained exposure of crafts. As barriers are breaking down and evil is exposed, awareness will be gradually restored.
     Many of the dimensions closest to us are very evil. Beings from these dimensions have invaded this one, kidnapped humans and animals and/or experimented on them. Some of these experiments have even been conducted on earth. There have been many fights between UFOs because beings in them belong to both sides. Many crafts have been damaged or sabotaged and often they precipitated into or about this dimension. Many breakdowns have occurred. Some beings have been trapped in time-warps in and about this dimension and have needed rescuing.
     More and more sightings of UFOs will occur as the Light gains the upper hand in this realm and a state of full awareness is neared. Sudden radar disappearances of UFOs are explained by the sudden change of frequency of the matter of the craft and its contents. In other words, the craft changes vibration and enters another dimension. The etheric field of UFO spacecrafts is of an electromagnetic nature and affects engines of motor cars, electrical engines, radios, watches, transmitters, generators, etc., as has been reported very frequently in the literature.
     Those denying UFOs and other classes of consciousness and the existence of other realms and dimensions are really stating that they wish to continue to remain in a state of self-delusion, in a state of evil illusion where awareness is grossly restrained. Unfortunately, they try to influence others with their ignorance and to trap their awareness. They are the same ones who would insist that the world is flat if they could. Avoid them at all costs. Some are misguided fools, others are instruments of evil.
     Why do we not see beings on other planets? Why were the moon and Martian samples reported to be lifeless? (Of course, since the publication of our books, scientists and governments have come clean somewhat and claimed that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in meteors from Mars, etc., may be evidence of the possibility of organic life elsewhere. A case of too little too late?)
     The answer to why other beings are not seen is because the consciousness of any manifestation in these other heavenly spheres is in another dimension as are the manifestations. Those who have seen aliens know the aliens are in another dimension most of the time even as the aliens visit this one, but the radiation they, the humans, absorb, and the damage and pain that these alien beings can inflict is real enough.
     "Why is there no scientific communication?", you may well ask. Well, there is, and massive amounts of it, but it is our scientists who do not recognize that this is so. Most in the scientific field are sceptics. They will not allow their minds to expand for one second, to receive that which is available. Many who have done so have been converted to the Truth of things only to be scorned and ostracized by the collective scientific community. This is very much on purpose. It appears that evil always wins. It has been able to keep awareness locked up. But this will not last long. Already there are signs of scientific inter-dimensional communication with barriers being broken down. However, the sceptics will never accept any evidence as proof. They are programmed by evil to be this way. Most are programmed evil liars. Awareness of UFO activities which are less than friendly is elevating.
     Many sources are now cited which give accurate details of encounters with Aliens. Their exposure and incidences of contact will increase. I have repeatedly stated that the Celestial War is being waged also between other planets and dimensions from which these UFOs and ETs come. Some are of an Evil Essence and some are of the Light. Some of the Evil Ones are kidnapping people from this planet. These alien abductions are far more numerous than the public has been told or has suspected. This aspect of Reality has also been subject to official cover-up. The number of these abductions will greatly increase!!!
     These abductions have nothing to do with the evacuation of consciousnesses by the true Space Command. The latter process has commenced and it involves those who have been found fit to continue into the New Dimension. By the way, if you think the UFOs and UFO evacuation of beings from earth is something novel and peculiar to the last few generations, you are mistaken. References to such episodes occur in the writings of many historians including Josephus, Livy and Julius Obsequens; in the annals of the Egyptian Thutmose III; in the Book of Enoch; in the biblical Old Testament (Exodus, Daniel, Ezekiel, Elijah, et al.) and many, many other manuscripts, of all cultures, in all eras, including the Sanskrit Puranas and Vedas.
     Recently, more and more publicity has been given to the occurrence of UFOs, ET contact and the cover-ups by military and governments including the USA, USSR, China, South Africa and others. It is becoming more and more obvious that ET life exists. And this is in fulfilment of one of my prophecies made in 1985 which stated that inter-dimensional barriers would be removed. However, inspite of these episodes which increase awareness, the public is being fooled once again. It is always subject to evil conspiracies. On this occasion, being unable to cover-up the existence of UFOs and ET life, the evil essence is distorting the significance by releasing spurious information via these space "brothers".
     The message is the same false New Age garbage about humans joining the Galactic Federation, in due course, as their awareness elevates and as they learn to harness the technology which threatens to destroy them. This is nonsense. The ETs are also in the War of Essences. Most of them are evil. They are fooling people like the evil channellers and the evil New Agers, the evil Ramthas, evil Seths and so on. They are trying desperately to prevent the Truth from being known. But they will all fail. If you think this is impossible, that they could not be part of a conspiracy, just think of how well the religions have been able to bury the Truth, how well governments have been able to harness awareness and how effective propaganda about many things on this planet has been. When the time comes, all will retrospectively recognize the Truth of this information. But then, for many it will be too late. By then knowledge of the Truth will not help them. They will have cast their lot. Be aware of this point and do not fall into the trap they are laying. They too will be dealt with in the same way as all the others of an evil essence. They will be transmuted! All the physical dimension is subject to cleansing, not just this planet.

Gnostic view of "The Celestine Prophecy"

     "The Celestine Prophecy", a book by James Redfield is poorly disguised New Age rubbish sponsored by a being called Ramtha who is trying to fool beings once again. Basically it is the same old spurious message: There is no evil; there is no judgement; humanity as a whole is elevating to a higher plane of consciousness; each must surrender totally to the universe; do not think of evil; think only positive thoughts and all will be well; humanity is only learning; this is a classroom, etc. I will review this book in greater detail, in due course, for it is really doing even the demons and robots who support it a gross injustice, a gross disservice, for when they see that things are not going the way described in the book, they will be even more confused and terrified.
     It is easy to see why it is so popular and so well supported by the counterfeit creation. Its members are not called evil; it basically tells them that it does not matter what they have done or will do and it tells them that the whole of humanity is eventually moving up a scale, without assessment for injurious evil natures, without accountability, without responsibility. This is exactly what evil beings want to hear. They resent being told that they are accountable or need to be responsible for the evil that they have committed. If one believes the nonsense in this book "The Celestine Prophecy" and immerses oneself further in the illusion one will only increase one's suffering in the end.
     If this dimension is a purposeful evolution, why has it been cut off from the source? No explanation for this is given in the book. If humanity is cut off from the source, where does the universe get its energy to give to humanity? Where does the evil of the evil ones come from? None of these things are explained in the book which predicts that as humanity awakens it will see the beauty of this creation. The truth of the matter is that as True Beings awaken more and more, they see the ugliness of this false creation and they see the demons in all their ontological nakedness around them trying to exploit them in every way possible and trying to spiritually assassinate them. This is the truth of the matter, for many of us have experienced exactly this and in fact, as one awakens to the perception of the illusion of this plane, the evilness becomes even more obvious and one becomes impatient for the correction. One sees through the bluff of the evil systems and how unjust and exploitative they are and although one does perceive some of the beauty trapped within this system from the original creation, what is more clearly seen is the ugliness and hypocrisy of this vile creation which must be totally destroyed. How can anyone describe as beautiful the fact that 75% of the world's population goes to bed hungry, the fact that two children die every three seconds from abuse, neglect or starvation, the fact that so many rot in jails, so many are subjected to the injustices of the exploitative demons? How can one describe as beautiful those people languishing in hospitals rotting with cancer or degenerative disease? To the very last, the evil ones are trying to twist the truth and present the falsehood. "The Celestine Prophecy" suggests that the Concept of Good and Evil is somehow a poor idea of the Middle Ages about how the world functions and that this concept is now defunct. It claims that this concept is no longer valid in the age of scientific illumination. But is that really so? Could it be that science is an evil tool which has been used to obscure the battle of good and evil and lead us into a false direction?
     Most of what science produces has evil effects. Hence the answer appears to be yes. Science has obscured true knowledge and redefined knowledge in terms of destructive dead ends. Modern science has blurred our vision. For example, the Greeks knew of the atomic nature of the universe. They knew of other realms and dimensions. They knew of reincarnation. They knew of subtle energies and the subtle bodies. They knew of the classes of consciousness, each of which contains Good and Evil and they acquired their knowledge from the Egyptians who had acquired it from the Babylonians, Assyrians and Akkadians who had themselves acquired it from the Indus valley, from the Altaics, and so on.
      The Ramayana, the story of Rama, speaks of separation of the two creations with a reward for those of goodness and eternal damnation for those of evil. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the storybook of the Hindu god Krishna, are both esoteric accounts of the battle between Good and Evil. Hence, the notion put forth by "The Celestine Prophecy" that Good and Evil and the battle between them was simply a Dark or Middle Age concept is not valid. All cultures knew of it. Zoroaster and Manichaeus wrote about it. Jesus and the Biblical prophets spoke of it. Do not be fooled, "The Celestine Prophecy" is Ramtha in disguise once again, and Ramtha is an archon of the demiurge in disguise. Those who can truly discern energy will pick this up immediately on reading the book. I repeat once again that awakening on this level leads to being able to see the ugliness of the illusion. There is no beauty in deception. Whatever beauty is perceived is that part of the Divine Mother's creation which has been trapped and abused by those of evil.


You are responsible for your own emotions.

Blaming the past will not change the past or improve the present or enhance the future. Blaming others to avoid making change is not going to help you solve your problem. You need to solve your problem by making conscious change. You can make that change NOW. You do not need to wait till you feel better. You do not have to wait till you have solved the puzzle of the past before you make a change for the better.


Possession by entities is a reality.

     This is becoming more and more common throughout the whole world. People of all ages can be victims of a possession by various types of entities. Thus, even very young children can be possessed. Often, entities possess people and animals due to attachment to things of this world. Examples of attachments include the following: excessive emotional and mental attachment to a person, to an activity or to a thing.
     It is advisable to take time to cleanse your aura, your environment (particularly your immediate environment) daily, so that the risk of even a partial possession can be avoided.
Remember to make a supreme effort to smile even on days when it is hard to do so. See you next time round.


Psychic Education - by Amitakh
(continued from Newsletter No: 3)

2.    Psychic vision - clairvoyance.
     Clairvoyant ability is related to the ability to see or sense non-physical energy in visual images. Thus, when you see spirits, faces or events that are not physically visible to the naked eye, you are employing your psychic vision. One can have a clairvoyant vision with one's eyes closed or open.
One can use psychic vision for remote viewing of people, places and events from a distance at will.
     Clairvoyant visions are representations of possibilities which may or may not eventuate on the physical level due to various reasons. They can be related to past, present or future situations. Clairvoyant visions are not your own thinking. Clairvoyant functioning is associated with the brow chakra - the "third-eye". In other words, the area concerned with psychic vision is the area between the brows. The following exercise will help you to develop and enhance your clairvoyance.
Method: Relax. Then focus your attention on the brow centre. Breath deeply at your own pace without struggling. As you engage in breathing, continue to hold your attention in the area between the brows. Practise doing this ONCE ONLY for 1 min daily over a week then increase the duration to 2 or more minutes but NOT more than 5 minutes. At the end of the exercise breath in and out deeply 3 times.
Practise ONCE ONLY daily. After the two weeks you need only practice the exercise every alternate day.
Reminder: It is important to follow the instructions given carefully. Be patient. You cannot force your development. Practising longer than this could result in problems and could disadvantage you in your clairvoyance development. This warning applies to all the exercises I give you in the newsletter. Bye for now.
(to be continued).

has this little anecdote to share: When Babaji returned in the physical in 1992, He requested one of His devotees to ask Muniraj for the return of a pair of His clogs which He had during His "incarnation" at Haidakhan. When the clogs were returned, Babaji held them in His hands and smiled. Since His departure again in 1993, this pair of clogs have continued to emit a lovely scent. Some days the beautiful scent is so strong that it filled the whole area around them with fragrance and thus instantly remind us of His Presence.

This is an extract from my book "Thoughts of a Gnostic" which I intend publishing next year:
     "I am not evil, hence, I do not gain from the pain and suffering of others. I do not cause pain and suffering to anyone. I do not slaughter animals to eat them, or kill them for fun, for sport, for clothing. How anyone can see murder of the physical manifestations, of other consciousnesses, as fun I shall never understand. All have the right to exist and be liberated (if they are True Consciousnesses) just like all other consciousnesses in all other levels and dimensions, be they in animal, vegetable, fish, bird or human form. I am not evil for I do not set out to exploit any others. I am not evil for I honour Goodness and Peace and Harmony. But my life at times is affected by violence, untruth, deception and war. These things come from the evil environment, not from me or my nature, for I am not evil. Given a choice I would be rid of these evil things for I am not evil. But many others are and they prosper in evil, they breed evil and manifest evil at all times. They are not my brothers and sisters. They are foreign to my nature. They are immutably evil and serve no purpose but Evil. It is they from whom I seek Liberation. It is they who will be eradicated, for in their presence nothing of Light can exist uncontaminated.
     I am not evil, hence, I extend a warm hand to all who would travel the path I seek. I am not evil and am not put off by the ridicule of those who would do me harm, who have to resort to ridicule and abuse in order to try and stop me. They do not understand me but it is their very nature to attack and destroy that which is not evil like them. They are envious even as they misunderstand. They are jealous even as they know not of what it is they are jealous. They cannot understand the quest for something better. They believe Leibnitz's assertion that this is the best of all possible worlds. For them evil cannot be bettered.
     But I am not evil. I can conceive of a much better place. I can see a place of Light, of Love, of Peace, of Harmony, of Sharing, and of Godly Abundance. It is a place with no exploitation, no pain, no misery, no disease, no degeneration and no physical death. I know such a place exists and that it is my true abode. It is the true abode of all who are not evil.      Those of us who can conceive such a place are not fools, rather we are wise visionaries with a memory of what existence was, of what should have been here and of what shall be in the future. For this we are mocked, but the laughter of the evil ones cannot last long for they are laughing in ignorance and fear.
     I am not evil, hence, I do not live in fear. I have sought to conquer ignorance as well, and I respect the beliefs of others. I have seen through the evil charade. I do not fear death or disease or the burden of having to share this dimension with demons while I am still trapped here. The thought of liberation elates me sufficiently to grin and bear it for I know the ultimate solution is on the way. I am not evil, hence, I do not consider exploiting others. I share all my knowledge with those who truly appreciate it, willingly and freely. Not being an evil hypocrite, I practise what I believe.

If you have something to share with other readers you are welcome to submit it to the Newsletter. If you do not want your name printed please say so. Often times I have noted many of you have kept valuable anecdotes to yourselves and only reluctantly shared them at special occasions. Realize that this "shyness" can be a form of ego in reverse, or laziness, or a form of programmed unworthiness. Break the cycle if you are thus affected. Put pen to paper and break through the evil programming that wants to put you down. We cannot all be writers or doctors or lawyers. But we all have the ability. That you have to believe. We must all make an effort and use our talents to maximal effects. As they say in the classics "You will never know what you can do if you don't have a go!" Besides, I have noted that many are able to clarify their thoughts and see their blocks better when they sit down and try to express them so others can read them, even if they do not offer them to be read. Solutions are facilitated by this process which can also reveal your level of understanding on where you are. This leads me to another point I have made strongly to many. If you see injustices in the newspaper, on television, committed by local councils, police, government departments, speak up! What you are doing is exposing this corruption further and helping to bring the whole process to correction faster. Do your bit. See that it is important!

     On December 25: Happy Birthday Jesus. My love to You. I will ignore the evil exploitation of Your birthday by cynical commercial interests and the historical nonsense they have published about Your life. I am saddened that you had to be born in this realm of evil fools and were assassinated for telling the truth. Simultaneously I am gladdened you came to help the Liberation Process and that I had the opportunity to hear of You. I acknowledge You as a Liberating Christ and honour You in all Your earthly forms such as Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Manichaeus, Mohammed, Columbus, Galileo, Mozart, Nietzsche, and many, many others, etc.

Well, that's it for another short while. Until next time, try "looking within"; the view is better than television. Bye for now.
J S Chiappalone, Editor
Copyright 1996 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

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