June-August 1996, Newsletter # 1

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620

Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1996 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

     A BIG HELLO to all our friends, old and new, and to our many acquaintances. Many ontologically opposed ones read our material also and to these we say "We have not forgotten you". It is some time since we produced a general Newsletter even though many of you requested that we do so. Amitakh and I, and others associated with us, have been extremely busy doing many things to expedite the changes for the better, which we are all expecting.
     When we published information to the general public in 1985 about coming world changes and the reasons they were to occur, it became obvious that the majority of people were still far too unawakened to appreciate the material. We then made a decision to get on with our work at the other levels and allow the changes on the surface of this planet to stimulate awareness in some people sufficiently so that they would be more ready to listen to the material. Judging from recent lectures I have given in the USA that time has arrived. Today, planetary destruction looms as such a big threat in the minds of aware ones that one need not even suggest this possibility. It is suggested by that which people see, and feel in their everyday existence. We have come a long way since 1985. The world has deteriorated massively and in a way that seemed almost impossible a mere ten years ago. Imagine, if you can or dare, what it will be like in another 10 years, if it is still in existence. Life will simply be unbearable. As has been said many times, the living, in those last days, will envy the dead!

We have been busily engaged in fighting court battles of one type or another in order to meet various beings on energy terms and making changes to energy patterns which are necessary for more physical changes to the globe. Much of this is beyond the understanding of many of the readers, however I know some have wanted to know what it was we were doing. There are still some 3 cases to go and I will give an explanation of them all in metaphysical terms in due course. We have also travelled extensively since the last newsletters were published, setting up various grids for descent of the New Green Energy. Meeting with so called "Aliens" and "UFOs" has been very much part of the work we have been doing. Our books are selling at an accelerating pace in the USA and, in fact, we have re-printed three of them there for the US market. In them I included a Preface which is relevant to this newsletter and explains the "Code" of the End of the World. The Preface is produced in its entirety below.



     The aim is to awaken True Beings, to enlighten, prepare them for the coming changes and to stimulate their awareness, their memory, etc. Forewarned is forearmed and preparedness will lessen the suffering on this level. As much as our writings contain information to assist the True Beings, they are aware that misinformation is also published to fool the evil beings. These evil beings have no Inner Nous with which to confirm any of the information hence they are more confused. They do not know what is truth and what is fiction.
     Be aware that we are in the midst of a War of Essences. Have this awareness with you at all times. The rapid world changes are making this point about a war more obvious daily for those with some sense of metaphysics. Those without this sense are both confused and frightened by the changes which they cannot understand and over which they have no control. The unprecedented turmoil, the exposures, the financial collapses, the acid racism, etc., are all dividing people and the two types, Good and Evil are becoming obvious.
     The veil between dimensions is being torn and astral discarnates are being seen and reported as never before. The fabric of the illusion is being ripped to shreds to reveal the evil deceit.
     Do not be discouraged. Humiliation and ridicule are unavoidable in this evil system, especially for True Beings. Ask yourself this: Once I have been ridiculed, for how long can the evil beings laugh?
     The answer is: Not very long at all. Always bear in mind that their fate is sealed. The end is so close it is the True Beings who should laugh and rejoice for it means evil will be totally eradicated forever!


     As there may be readers of these newsletters who are not familiar with our books and "The philosophy of What is Going On", I have included here in this first Newsletter of the new series, a synopsis of some of the information we have written about.
     The gist of the information we have released can be summarized as follows: A long time ago, this dimension was overrun by a minor subordinate of the Divine Hierarchy who then refused to obey the regulatory mechanisms of creation and opposed the established order. It actively contradicted the norm and manifested a destructive capability. This ability was called evil. It barricaded itself, created a physical dimension and resisted all attempts at rectification. A War of Essences ensued and finally, as far as this planet is concerned, the battle is to be resolved shortly with destruction of the physical planet, evacuation of all consciousness from it, sorting out of beings, placement of those to continue in a New Dimension and transmutation of those considered unfit to continue.
     From August 1986, the planet was to enter 2 and, at most, 3 seven year cycles which would culminate in its physical destruction. The reasons for this were given in the various books. Full explanations of all the absurdities of this plane, for the degrees of suffering and for the conspiracy against truthful knowledge were given and these were also explained in detail in the books. The reasons why conditions for the majority were deteriorating daily, inspite of technological advances, were also given. The information included these points:
*    The dimension was overrun by an evil consciousness.
*    There are 2 creations (a Divine one and an evil one) in conflict. Not all beings are ontologically the same.
*    Resolution of a WAR of essences between them was about to take place.
*    The planet was too physically and spiritually polluted to continue. There WAS and IS an active conspiracy to prevent the Truth being known on this plane.
*    Connection to other levels of consciousness would occur en masse in these cycles.

The planet has been purposely isolated from communication with other planets and levels of consciousness.
In the first seven year cycle it was written that the following would occur:

  1. changes in climate, for the worse,
  2. exposure of all evil practices,
  3. collapse of political frameworks,
  4. escalation of conflict worldwide,
  5. spread of AIDS and other diseases including new ones,
  6. worldwide financial collapse,
  7. worldwide awakening of the people, by various mechanisms, to the impending planetary destruction,
  8. increasing droughts, calamities, poverty, starvation, etc.,
  9. major continental destruction.

     Most of these things have happened or are in the process of happening! All these were planned mechanisms to move consciousnesses out of the physical. And the Clearing of the Planet involves animals, vegetation and mineral consciousnesses as well. Most of you know that many of these things happened exactly as described and as I wrote about them in 1986.
     The first cycle ended in the middle of 1992. We are now in the second cycle. Specific things which did not occur in the first cycle will occur in the second cycle and this second cycle will be far more devastating than the first. A Third World War in this cycle is now a strong probability. Previously it was a possibility. It is unlikely a third cycle is necessary, however I need to stress that the periodicity of the Final Plan is flexible to some extent. The reason massive geological changes did not occur in the first cycle is that, because of a number of obstructing mechanisms, insufficient numbers (of True Consciousnesses) were awakened enough to prepare for the changes. Massive geographical changes are scheduled for this second phase and will certainly occur in the next 7 years.



     It is easy to ridicule others and reject the occurrence of psychic phenomena and the existence of UFOs, aliens, other levels of consciousness, both above and below our own, other physical dimensions, etc. But those who do this act out of ignorance and indoctrinated prejudice and not out of any scientific or academic knowledge or intellectual superiority.
     Once one has personal experience, and/or sees a spacecraft or has communication with other levels of consciousness which may include aliens and others, and has situations, with present and future events, described in minute detail which turn out to be correct, the certainty of the existence of these "parapsychological phenomena", as they are labelled, is unshakeable.
     As a doctor, one of my greatest disappointments has been to realize how narrow-minded and therefore limited the psychological and psychiatric branches of medicine really are. The more highly "educated" a person is today, the more likely he/she is of falling prey to scientific ignorance and reductionism as far as awareness is concerned. But one of the events that has been promised for the last cycle is the re-establishment of communication between various dimensions, and their consciousnesses, and a complete breakdown of all barriers between such dimensions. This is happening now. When the process is completed no one will be left in any doubt of what has occurred and what is going on. In the meantime those who can make the jump and elevate their awareness are truly blessed for they will be able to avoid much anguish and suffering in these last days of the planet by simply knowing what is going on.
     To the very end most will deny that what I write is possible even as it occurs. But there are plenty of examples of the majority of people, and their firm beliefs in their status quo, being completely wrong. The belief of the shape of the earth before Columbus is one example. The geocentric theory before Copernicus and Galileo is another. The ridicule thrown at Pasteur turned out to be unjustified. All these were called crazy and persecuted one way or another. In recent times, the scientific world set out to ridicule the belief that plants respond to, and with, emotional energy. On reading the experimental evidence, no one is left in any doubt that they do, in fact, have emotional bodies influenced by hormones, stimuli, communication etc.
     The medical profession is a great one for gaffes. It was not so long ago that the various medical associations set out to destroy the myth that acupuncture and acupressure could actually be of benefit in treating various diseases. Instead of destroying the notion, investigations confirmed the very opposite, namely, that these practices are valid and do assist in treatment even though "modern medical science" does not know how.
     I appreciate the fact that these episodes are minor in comparison to what I am postulating. But in their time-frame they were just as extraordinary. Besides, there is more proof to substantiate what I am saying than was ever available for these examples at the time of their pronunciations.

The Mechanisms of Planetary Destruction have been
activated and are proceeding around the globe.

     It is just that most people do not want to accept their proper significance for various reasons, which include their ontological nature, and the fact that they are supporters of the evil side trying to prevent correction of this horror-filled dimension. But they will be forced to realize what is going on soon enough by the events in the world, much to their chagrin. How many before Columbus must have viewed a ship disappearing over the horizon and not understood the significance it had in relation to their erroneous belief that the earth was flat? How many would have looked at the sun and the stars and not realized the canopy they formed was relatively fixed while the earth moved? The majority did not understand. And so it is with today's mechanisms of planetary destruction which I have explained at length in my books.


     It is the ultimate, evil-inspired ego trip to refuse to accept that there can be a greater consciousness to which one may be accountable. That is what an atheist is saying when he/she states it has no belief in a deity.
     In this very day, many will not accept the existence of consciousness as a separate entity from the physical body even with all the evidence which has accumulated from:
*    past life regressions, which give information far beyond what is possibly "genetic memory",
*    from Near Death Syndromes,
*    from recalled Astral Travel,
*    from the various forms of "channelling" from other dimensions with differing times,
*    from the successful photography of the etheric component of the metaphysical anatomy,
*    from the sighting and photographing of apparitions and so on.
     Many still do not want to accept that what is called ET life exists inspite of the sighting and photographing of, and communication with, spacecraft and their occupants, inspite of the experiences by many people of being kidnapped, examined and operated on by evil aliens. Even animals have been dissected, as you well know. This latest phenomenon is about to shatter the medical world and tear it asunder as some accept the irrefutable proof while the majority defend their ignorance to the last.      But in the very last days of the human race these phenomena will not be seen as absurdities of crazy men but as monumental revelations of the real status quo which has been hidden by the evil-sponsored ignorance of this plane. But fear not, one way or another we ALL must know exactly what is going on before the very END in order to prepare us all for what is to happen after the physical destruction.


     The philosophy and teachings as espoused in the various books of the Centre are based on Gnosticism which concerns itself basically with the battle of Good against Evil and arrives at the conclusion that it is an unequal battle. In other words, Goodness is of greater magnitude than the strength of Evil, and therefore there will be a resolution of this battle which rages throughout all the levels of consciousness of which we can become aware.
     The books of the Centre give a timing for this resolution and that timing is to occur in this generation. The implications of the resolution are also discussed and the conclusion is that this particular planet in this solar system, in this galaxy, in this universe, which is one of many universes, at this time needs to be physically destroyed because it is both physically and spiritually polluted and the consciousnesses present on this planet are going to be displaced and taken elsewhere for separation, grading and further placement.
     The timing of the physical destruction of this planet, which is simply one of billions in our galaxy alone, and the timing of this judgemental process in this generation is not as ridiculous as it appears. Scientifically, there is evidence that the world could end from:
  1. the massive pollution the planet is suffering,
  2. the Greenhouse effect,
  3. the disastrous effect of excessive ultra-violet radiation reaching the surface of the planet because of depletion of the ozone layer,
  4. viruses such as AIDS which are affecting, not only humans, but animals and fish as well.
  5. And also from the very real possibility that the earth could be hit by a massive meteor, as occurred 65 million years ago and destroyed the dinosaurs.

     These are real possibilities.
     Fifty million Christian fundamentalists in the United States agree that this is the generation for the reappearance of Christ on the planet and for His introduction of a peaceful period before revealing the ultimate fate of this planet and evil (Satan).
     This theory and the occurrence of the final battle between Good and Evil (Armageddon) has not only been believed by these Christian fundamentalists but it has also been a firm conviction of Lord Balfour who in 1917 made the declaration for the establishment of Israel precisely because he thought it was the first step necessary for the return of Christ!      This has also been believed by a number of presidents of the United States who administered their office in the light of such beliefs. And these United States presidents included Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George Bush. There is ample documentation which reveals that they allowed their policies, especially their foreign policies, to be dictated by such beliefs.
     As many of you will know, the Liebevitch sect of Jews identified Rabbi Schneersen in New York as being their Messiah for this generation which will herald the end of an era. Many other people are being instructed through their dreams, by intuition, by recalled astral travel, by episodes of what may be termed psychic phenomenology and various other methods that the possibility of planetary destruction is very great. In particular and as a prime example, a survey of people who suffered Near Death Experiences in the United States in the last decade has revealed that many of them were shown visions of planetary destruction on a massive scale to occur in this generation while they were "clinically dead". Hence, the prophecy that the planet may be destroyed physically is not outrageous.
     The Problem of Evil, which is a major topic in any philosophical treatise, is discussed in detail in the books of the Centre. It is revealed in these books that evil affects all levels of consciousness, that is, that there is an evil essence in the mineral level of consciousness, in the vegetable level, in the animal level, in the human levels of consciousness as well as in higher levels which include the spiritual, the galactic and the universal levels.
     The origin of man, the physical man, as we know him on this planet, is discussed as is his fate and the fate of the earth. A great deal of the writings are taken up by explanation of programming of the physical body and mind by various evil factors on this planet which then control the body and have deleterious effect on the execution of freewill. Of course, a lucid definition of evil is given and that programming is then enunciated in the light of that definition.
     The various manifestations of evil are described, as are the destiny of the evil essence in all its levels and the destiny of evil humans.
     The myth of the Brotherhood of Man is exposed and it is shown that many of the beings in human bodies, in actual fact, are ontologically evil. It is shown that there are two feuding creations on this level. Psychiatrists have come to the conclusion that there are many people who are immutably evil and one can explain this when one accepts that there are two different types of human consciousness.
     It is a fundamental basis of the Centre's teaching that there is a duality in the nature of man, that is, that there is a physical body with its brain and nervous system and a distinct and separate consciousness which uses the physical body and brain but which contains a separate mind and outlives the death of the body.
     The book "Death of an Evil God", which I have now called "Making Sense of the Madness Volume 3", discusses the origin of religions, mainly the Christian religion, the role it has played over the last two thousand years, how it was hi-jacked by evil beings, and how an evil institution has resulted. And it also discusses the destiny of institutions such as religions.
     " The Revenge of Camelot" explains the basis of Celtic mythology about Arthur and Gwenevere and why Arthur was called the Celtic Christ. An explanation of the "Rex Quondam, Rex Futuris (The Once and Future King" label is given and the book sets out to demonstrate that the time of Camelot was an interacting time for the establishment of the pattern which would bring about the future resolution of this struggle between Good and Evil.
     The books "What's Going On?" (now called "Making Sense of the Madness Volume 1") and "Making Sense of the Madness" (now called Volume 2) also explain the philosophy in detail and also give an explanation of the rather confusing events in the world today. Such things as Reincarnation and Karma are discussed in detail and their significance given in the light of their creation by this evil essence.
     An explanation of Prophecy is given as are explanations about Out of Body episodes and Near Death Experiences that people have been reporting and writing about in the last two decades.
      ALIENS : Many people are identified as being consciousnesses that do not belong to the earth (in terms of ontological evolutionary pathways) as revealed by regressive experiences in hypno-therapeutic sessions and also in regressive psychiatric sessions. UFOs and alien consciousnesses, which are becoming a greater and greater topic of interest and which are now recognized as realistic by a majority of people, are also discussed.
     Healing is investigated and shown that there is a true type of healing and a mock type of healing. Psychic ability and psychic phenomenology in general are discussed at length as is mental illness and the possibility of demonic possession as it manifests in schizophrenics.
     A discussion associated with the New Age, particularly as it occurs in America, is also given and identification of the messages that are given by Eckankar, Ramtha, A Course in Miracles, and various other channellers, are also exposed as evil.
     The writings basically stress the fact that each individual is responsible for his or her own progress on a spiritual path and is accountable at all times.
     Evil is identified strongly, in marked contrast to New Age philosophies such as the above which tend to dismiss the existence of evil. The cause of suffering, degeneration and physical death is shown to be due to the evil set-up in this dimension. The writings also expose the significance of the prophecy of "The Generation which will not know Death".
     More esoteric, metaphysical concepts are discussed, mainly in the book "What is Going On?" This book discusses the 7 classes of consciousness, the structure of permanent Divine Beings as opposed to counterfeit beings, the various sectors in the Universe, the emergence of evil, the evil changes, the evil creation, the two beings in society, and the judgement that is to occur. It also goes into detail about consciousness, the soul, the units and levels of consciousness, the mind, how the mind is programmed, the Centres of Consciousness and so on.
     It discusses at length Maya as in religion, as in the concept of advancement and as in the illusion of social reform and technological advancement. This book discusses emotions, emotional love, sin, freewill and the energy in health and healing. A lucid discussion is given about sleep and astral travel, the significance of dreams, the prophecy of a Supramental Consciousness as discussed by Sri Aurobindo and the make-up of the earth's population. It also includes discussions on homosexuality and the mix-up that can occur between the programmed sexuality of a consciousness and the biological sexuality of a body.
     Prophecies have been a great part of the writings and as revealed elsewhere, a great number of them have come true since they were written about and it appears that the ones that have not occurred have either been delayed or their time has not yet arrived. Nonetheless, the way the planet is evolving, it appears that much of what is given in the books is accurate about the timing of this resolution of the battle between Good and Evil.
     The reaction of people to these writings is also discussed and it is obvious that the majority of people wouldn't care less what is written. Some strongly agree with what has been written because it resounds within them as the Truth they would like to identify with and some are antagonistic to what is written for their own personal reasons. Many people find it intolerable to think that they are personally responsible for their own lives and that there could be a Higher Consciousness who will judge how they have lived and how well they have progressed on this level in spiritual terms.
     Although the writings urge an intellectual and spiritual awakening and a personal search for more and more material with which to form a personal mosaic of Inner Truth, what they have elucidated from many people is, in actual fact, an exposure and revelation of them being intolerant, aggressive and hateful inspite of the fact that they want to represent themselves as New Age people who claim that there is total love on this level and no evil.
     From experience, it has been noted that readers respond involuntarily to the energy of the writings and they are polarized very quickly to react. They are either understanding and accepting of what is written or else they vehemently reject and forcefully fight against that which is written. Historically, it appears that gnostic writings have always had this effect on people, as exemplified by the massacre by the Catholic Church of the Cathars, Albigensians, Bogomils, and others, whom it labelled as heretics not worthy of living on the same planet. And yet when these people are examined historically it is seen that they were peaceful, law-abiding and loving communities who wanted nothing but to share their lives with those who would understand them.
     Some readers, in their enthusiasm to reject these writings, have unjustifiably and in ignorance labelled them negative and pessimistic. These people are horrified at the possibility of planetary destruction. Are these people rational in making judgements in their obvious ignorance of alternatives? I think not. First of all, it appears that they have forgotten that all physical things are finite. Secondly, is their fear of physical extinction making them myopic? I think so.
     What is so great about life on this planet? Are we to believe dogmatically Leibnitz's assertion that this is the best of all possible worlds? Is it not one's ignorance of alternatives that makes this earthly existence appealing? I think so! And yet many who have experienced other dimensions as reported in Near Death episodes are often angry in being resuscitated and called back into this cesspool of constant suffering which we call earth!
     What is so great about this existence on this earth where three quarters of the human population go to bed hungry; where 50,000 children die daily from disease, malnutrition or starvation; where people's lives are ruled by the fear of war, of injury, of disease, of hunger, of degeneration and of death; where evil exploitation of people has reached unprecedented proportions? This is a world where love has been displaced by hate, aggression, selfishness and ungodliness. This is a place run on the principle of dog eat dog; this is a place where one is forced to be a hunter or else is hunted as a prey. There are better places. This is a hell for those who know of these better places.
     In revealing the resolution of this horrible existence, of the end to such suffering, fear, exploitation, hopelessness and death which have been extreme enough for many to deny the existence of a caring, Divine deity and has led others to declare that whatever God once existed is now dead, the message of the writings is one of love, joy and liberation from all these evil effects of existence on this planet.
     The writings describe a solution to the physical and spiritual malady of this evil-created dimension. The solution given puts an end to all these evil things. It replaces despair, not just with hope, but with the certainty of joy and ecstasy. The solution provides an end to all the pain, suffering, humiliation and exploitation. Indeed, to many it sounds too good to be true! The solution provided puts an end to all the misery, disease, fear and death that have ravaged True Man. The writings promise a future without evil, without pain, without ignorance, without fear, and without darkness. And the promise is not for a time in the distant future, in the to-be-dreamed-of distant future. The promise is for this Generation, in fulfilment of an ancient prophecy, We are the Generation which will not know Death!!
     How can anyone who truly yearns for a just and righteous existence label such a message, containing such a joyous solution, as negative and pessimistic? It is beyond comprehension. Only an evil mind which wants to maintain this evil status quo would use such a label.
     The planetary turmoil necessary to proceed to the next stage is a very small and, in realistic terms, an insignificant price to pay for the future promised. Ultimately, we all need to physically die sooner or later. The only difference in this message is that we will all leave the physical in this generation, with each consciousness to proceed elsewhere.
     This is what I had written in the last few pages of "What's Going On?": "If you sense the joy in these writings, be proud, be exulted. You have won your personal battle for spiritual survival. You are to be congratulated. All faithful True Beings share the success. There can be no greater conquest than that in the personal war against evil and in the War of Essences against evil. Darkness will have been dispelled forever. The Light and Love will shine and shower us forever. Evil archons and minions in the guises of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, scientists, sceptics and so on, are labelling people, whose awareness is starting to expand to hitherto unexpected dimensions, as I had prophesied, in a derogatory and demeaning manner. Their futile attempt is trying to harness people's minds once again as in past days. But they will fail. More and more are awakening. It is as if a wave of enlightenment is sweeping over the world, opening the minds of those who are receptive to the stimulus, and of course, triggering those, as mentioned above, into subdued anger, as they try to maintain the status quo. They are the workers of Darkness trying to prevent elevation of awareness. I repeat, they will fail. Of that you can be certain. They are labelling people who are awakening as if they were diseased specimens manifesting characteristics of a novel malady. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Look through them. See their bluff.
     "One way of putting self-realizing people down is to say they are the types who cannot cope with reality and are trying to opt out of this plane. Who said this plane is reality? Even theoretical physicists and quantum mechanics experts are telling us reality is what we have not found fully yet. Of course, many people cannot cope with this plane. You have to be extremely evil to cope well with this evil plane. If you are not evil, chances are you will not cope well for you will be, and have been, forever struggling against the evil tide. But, so what if one copes badly in this evil environment? It is better to remain unpolluted than to cope by being evil. And what is wrong with wanting to escape to something better? Any truly rational person realizes there must be something better than this rotting time bomb. This planet is Hell for theomorphic beings! Only demons could enjoy this place of pain, suffering, degeneration, putrefaction, persistent exploitation and death. And they do enjoy it, because they gain from all those evil mechanisms which have been especially created for them and their evil systems.
     "Only an evil fool cannot conceive a better world, a better dimension, a brighter future. Only evil beings would call this stinking and polluted, soon-to-be-destroyed planet, their LOVING MOTHER. This place is as hostile as anyone can imagine (to the True nature of Divine Beings). How could anyone glorify it? Let us turn the tables on those evil priests of Jehovah who himself promises a heaven. And by evil priests, I mean all the doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, intellectuals, sceptics, false philosophers, etc., who attack the people exposing this Hell. Let us tell them to their face that it is unhealthy NOT to want to escape this hell-hole, this rotting dimension of cruelty and pestilence. Let us tell them that only evil counterfeit beings and demons could feel comfortable in its exploitative, energy-sucking illusion.
     "Let us tell them, for it is true, that it is healthy to want to put an end to all this filth, to want to find love, peace and happiness. These things can never exist here because of them! And it is healthy to want to see them removed forever so the Divine Garden of Plenty can be re-established. The evil-created beings, are the cause of all the woe and misery. It is they who represent the spiritual cancer of this dimension. It is they who are the abnormal part. It is they who are unhealthy and must be excised from the face of creation. I repeat, there is nothing wrong with not coping in this Hell. There is nothing wrong in rejecting this plane. It is spiritually healthy, in fact, to reject all evil. It is healthy to see the illusion. It is healthy to refuse to accept this existence as reality. It certainly is NOT reality. It is healthy to want to leave this evil mess. It is healthy to want to see it all destroyed. It is healthy to cast the vision forward to the day when this will happen. It is healthy to want to return to a Truly Divine, Loving, Harmonious existence. And it shall occur. It is a Divine gift and a great manifestation of spiritual health, which the evil beings do not have, to be able to conceive, not just a better place than this, but a Grand New Dimension of Love and Light."


     The revelation on this plane of what appears to be startling information is not unprecedented. The major point which can be called startling in my revelations is the timing of the physical end of this planet. Most of the other points in the philosophy have been revealed in the past and were known by gnostics and various initiates, illuminati and cognoscenti. It is also known that rapid progress is made on this level, not in an constant, orderly fashion, but rather, in dramatic cataclysmic cycles, and this appears so geophysically, biologically, genetically and epistemologically.
     As most of the facts in "my philosophy" have historical precedences, I can hardly be called a fool or irresponsible for repeating them, regardless of how I acquired knowledge of those facts. The only valid item upon which I could be called foolish or irresponsible is the timing of the physical end of this planet. But my condemnation can only be valid if that end fails to occur in the period I have forecast, or if, at any rate, there is absolutely no evidence that it will occur even with some slight delay. As my forecasts have been close to 100% accurate, except for those which have had their timing postponed by a short interval for various reasons, it can be validly assumed that my major prophecy of the final destruction of the planet stands a very good chance of being fulfilled.
     The fact that I was one of the first to receive this news more than 10 years ago is not such an extraordinary occurrence when other facts are known. To this phenomenon there are precedences also, as there are for the explosive entry of new information onto this level of consciousness through particular individuals at given times throughout history. All sections of human endeavour have examples, and here can be cited such people as Galileo, Christopher Columbus, Mozart, Edison, Einstein, etc., etc.
     Delay may increase the level of anxiety of some people who did not fully understand my writings. If I am right however, many will have been alerted to the necessity of preparing for this tumultuous step. But I already know most will never appreciate attempts to awaken and prepare them.
     Is it possible that I am correct on 99 other prophecies and wrong about this major one? Perhaps. But if I am not wrong, then all the other facts I have divulged stand as being accurate, and the many people who have tried to silence me and scorned me, ridiculed me, abused me, are then truly exposed as being rabble of an evil essence who will be dealt with in the manner described in my writings.


     As days pass and we are emersed in everyday chores and intermingling energy patterns, good and bad, and we are subjected to greater and lesser factors of pollution it is easy to become complacent or lose focus. This is understandable, for on this level, even the very air we breathe pollutes us, as does the water we drink and the food we need to consume. The strictest vigilance and cleansing is not enough, for all things are tainted on this level. As well as this, we have the unceasing bombardment from the ever-present negative energy pool, and its penetration can dent the best intentioned personal protective shield at times. And so it is that because of all these factors we need to cleanse ourselves daily. We need to refocus and re-dedicate ourselves as we discipline the lower vehicle. We must forcefully remind ourselves who we are and why we are here. We have come together to be of service to the Divine Energy which is in the process of correcting this horrible error.
     All steps we take are to make us better servants, are they not? We undergo all the discipline, cleansing, dieting, fasting, meditating, praying, surrendering, and sacrificing and endure all the suffering, in order to serve to our best ability. That is why we are here. That is why we have come together. As we do these things we become diligent and efficient to the extent that we can win our personal battle against negativity and be effective warriors in the great war.
     If we do not take the steps to be diligent and efficient we are not only in danger of succumbing in our personal battles but we also become useless for the Great War and even an obstruction to the other warriors around us. We all know in our Higher Minds we would never want this. Resolve daily therefore, to fight any negative energy regardless of how it presents and whence it comes from. Resolve to refocus for your own benefit as well as for the collective benefit. See everything you do, not only as your role for the Divine Energy, but also as your role for yourself.
     Whatever task you perform, perform it with enthusiasm and 100% commitment, with joy and courage. Do not harbour the negative energy in any way, be it resentment, malicious thoughts or self-pity. Even if you do not know the full extent of the role you are playing, and most of us do not know the role and its extent, you at least know that you are involved in some way and the war is obvious from many, many angles.
     Hence, strive to battle without doubt, with full commitment, ready to face all adversity, all pain, all attacks. Be ready to sacrifice everything on this level. Really, the sacrifices we have been asked to make by the Divine Energy have been minor considering the reward for completion of our roles. How could we place a value on our awakening, our nurturing, our protection, our involvement in the Work? How much are such things really worth? Are they not priceless? Of course they are and so, we should be fully committed and affirm that no sacrifice is too great to make. Inspite of any adversity, we should confront each stage cheerfully, confidently, courageously in the knowledge of our worth, our resolve, our surrender, our sacrifice, our diligence and our full dedication. There can be no greater realization or satisfaction than when one senses the full implication of who we are and how we are being used as warriors by the Divine Energy.
     We should be prepared to obey the Divine Energy, for no harm can ever come to us when we are truly surrendered totally to Its Will. What significance do human squabbles and whims have in the light of such thoughts? Do they not dissipate as useless? How can we repay the Light for Its love and protection? We cannot.
     Do we value enough those warriors who have assisted us and distributed to us that love and protection? If we do, the love will multiply greatly. If we do not, negative energy still grips us. Awaken! Arise! Appreciate! We have been offered an eternal treasure. In comparison, all else is useless. Let us be the best we can possibly be, today and every day, in every way.

Unfavourable situations will expose negativity and they are a good opportunity to see those negative energies clearly in order to eradicate them.

Apparent failures are good opportunities for refocusing and for further growth. Tests and trials which expose weaknesses should be viewed as opportunities to see those weaknesses clearly in order that they can be eradicated.


     ALL THESE CHANGES are leading toward the final destruction of this globe. Anyone who watched the documentary "Whom the Gods Would Destroy" and saw the "scientific" prophecies or who reads the newspaper or watches the news can have little doubt. There is nothing mystical or metaphysical about the world changes predicted. They are very concrete and are happening now.
     It is interesting how the "scientific" prophecies, which are finally being made public, are consistent with the predictions given by the Centre. The false prophets have tried to distort, confuse and draw attention away from the Truth.
     Many of the following predictions do not seem so implausible or improbable now as they may have in 1985 when most of them were first given. That is because they have steadily been coming to fruition.
     "Every degenerating aspect of this planet will accelerate in an unexplained manner so that its destruction and that of its inhabitants, vegetable and animal entities, as well as human, will occur very quickly. Scientists will have no real reasons as to why this is so, they will simply measure and observe that it is so. This will be true for the Greenhouse Effect, the loss of the Ozone layer, deforestation, as well as the spread of AIDS and other diseases. They all fit together so that one affects the other. The changes in weather and climate with record extremes will also continue unabated.
*    "There will be general deterioration of all aspects, and things such as accidents, violence, and general abnormal behaviour, which can be described as generalized madness, will continue to occur."
    These predictions can be compared with the following scientific facts:
*    One third of all agricultural land on the planet has been lost, polluted or turned into desert.
*    50% of all the world's forests have been destroyed in the last 50 years.
*    Only 3% of the world's water is fresh and all of it is polluted to a greater or lesser degree.
*    The rapid depletion of the ozone layer -- a 10% increase in the overall depletion from 1969 to 1991, leading to an increase in the Greenhouse effect.
*    The effects of global warming are already here with a 1/2 degree increase already in the last 30 years. At this rate scientists predict that by the year 2030 whole pacific island nations will disappear under water.
*    There will be more cyclones, blizzards, droughts and tidal waves, according to the scientists.
*    Skin cancer is increasing at an alarming rate.
*    The fish and plankton are disappearing.
*    35,000 people die each day of starvation.
*    Frogs are disappearing worldwide.
     Many scientists have in fact verbalized their concern by stating things such as "We may have limited time left on this earth!" In March 1996, many scientists were reported to have said we have crossed the point of no return and that the pollution of the earth is so severe it will not sustain life for much longer.
     Catastrophes are reported somewhere daily: the Mississippi River overflowing and creating massive flooding, devastation and havoc in the US; undersea earthquakes; hurricanes in Mexico; hailstorms in Australia, a volcanic eruption in the Philippines; a tornado in the Mid West; a hurricane devastating Florida, earthquakes in California, Iran, China, Armenia, Russia, the Philippines, New Zealand; droughts or massive deluges; floodings in Bangladesh, Nepal and India. We constantly hear these events being described as "the worst" -- "the worst flood ever" or the "worst drought", the "worst" earthquake , the "worst plague", such as the present "worst" plague of mice in South Australia and Victoria, etc. Famines are becoming an accepted phenomenon.
*    "The consequences of these massive disasters will be horrendous hunger, disease, further flooding, fires, fighting, looting, etc." # These are already taking place and will undoubtedly get worse.
*    "The apparently disastrous consequences of the many disasters will not make sense unless one views them as mechanisms for the clearing of this planet."
*    The following prediction is impossible to refute.
    :"Endemic viruses such as AIDS, more potent strains of influenza, viral pneumonia agents, etc. will appear as well as new diseases. There will be multifocal commencement and medical science will not keep pace with the spread let alone their origin, cause or treatment. More and more will die and even nursing facilities will be outstripped."
     In 1986 the Centre published that "AIDS would affect the life of every being on this planet in one way or another, that no cure would be found, that it would become a scourge and would decimate populations including the animals."
#    Daily we are seeing new outbreaks of diseases. In addition to those listed, there is malaria, hepatitis, tuberculosis, Legionnaire's Disease, even new outbreaks of measles and chickenpox and some diseases without labels yet. AIDS has reached world-wide epidemic proportions even though efforts have been made to conceal the real extent. Medical repercussions from Agent Orange used in Vietnam and the Gulf War are taking their toll. There have been plagues of mice, locusts, flying foxes, exotic snails, etc. Animals are being affected by ticks, foot and mouth disease and many other difficulties. There is the Blue Algae, Microbes and bacteria in Australia's water supply, and the Superbug in the US, killer bees, etc.
     This is very consistent with this prediction:
*    "Swarms of insects, rodents and bees and birds from disrupted areas will leave the sites of destruction and invade neighbouring lands. They cause further destruction to healthy crops, animals and humans. They cause disease and further famine.
*    " These rodents, insects and birds will introduce new unidentifiable viral diseases which cause plague like numbers of deaths."
     Elsewhere in the books we stated:
*    "The diseases will spread throughout the world unabated."
     In the writings of the Centre it has been stated that:
*    "Scientists, politicians and so-called know-alls will try to explain away every event as the planet fractures and we are seeing that take place. However, it is getting much more difficult for them to hide the fact that they have no true answers."
     It has been most enlightening to see each day how the following prediction, which was made before talk of corruption was fashionable, is being fulfilled:
*    "All corruptive practices will be exposed and evil will be exposed in all practices, institutions, government, religions, media, police, etc. Governments will lose power and leaders will make more and more ridiculous decisions."
     It is a rare day that does not see someone being cited for corruption or exposed for unethical, immoral and illegal behaviour. The seemingly endless list includes:
#    Police and government corruption in virtually all countries.
#    Almost the entire governments of Italy, India and Japan. Other countries will not be able to hide their corruption much longer. The recurrent exposé of the US's evilness in the Gulf War, even against its own soldiers, is educating populations on the total evilness of all governments, regardless of the images they try to portray through the unscrupulous and manipulated, evil-controlled media.
#    The indictment of former President Marcos of the Philippines was the start of a long process of indictments.
#    Fraudulent Insurance company practices are being exposed.
#    Activities of US Senate exposed by Ethics Committee
#    Customs officials, doctors dealing with illegal drugs.
#    Corrupt payments for casino licenses.
#    Drug use in athletics being exposed.
#    Bank official corruption is being exposed.
#    The legal system, including judges, is being exposed.
#    Gross misuse of pathology services has been exposed, with kickbacks to doctors who order testing -- deals made between doctors and big pathology companies, etc. (fee splitting, acting as false consultants, overbilling, fraud, etc.)
#    The Truth/Myth about the Jewish Holocaust of World War Two and the resultant rip-off is being exposed.
#    The Truth about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers is being exposed.
#    The Truth about many historical events and figures is being made known i.e. the JFK assassination, J. Edgar Hoover, the World Wars, the Federal Reserve, the Jewish Zionists, Nixon, Kissinger, the Rothchilds, Clinton, The Anti-Defamation League of B'nae B'rith (ADL), what really happened in Waco, Texas, etc. as well as many other "secrets".
#    The scandal of the child migration scheme involving 15,000 children from England to Australia during the war. The abuse of indigenes everywhere is exposed.
#    Maltreatment of animals, including using bear farms for their organs, bile, etc.
#    Activities of the C.I.A. are being exposed.
#    FBI corruption and fraud.
#    Police everywhere charged with criminal activity.
#    UN members skimming off funds.
#    Famous doctors struck off for fraud.
#    Priests convicted of corruption and sexual misconduct.
#    Governments ousted overnight.
    And the exposures go on and on. But, do not become anxious, no evil being will escape its fate!
     Other predictions included these:
*    "There will be more exposure of UFO's."
*    "As the veil between the astral and this dimension is torn, more communication will occur and stories of ghosts, lost souls and astral beings will greatly increase."
*    "Near Death Experiences and Out of Body Experiences will become more common and more publicized so that people will become more aware of existence of consciousness after physical death."
#     This is indeed the case with many publications, including films and TV programs pursuing the subject.
     "Massive collapses of very old institutions, traditions and customs will occur. Destruction of the old will occur daily, as more and more of the fabric of society is torn to shreds." Just look at the number of heads of government who have or are stepping down under pressure. The collapse of Eastern European regimes was unprecedented and can be cited.
     Look at the "stable" institutions that have collapsed or are close to collapse -- the Skase empire, the Adsteam Limited, the Bond empire, Elders, Bob Ansett, Compass Airlines, Tasmania TV network, TV channels 9 and 10, various State Banks, Bank of America, Lloyds of London and the list goes on and on. Notice how Media magnates and heads of vast financial corporations are being attacked and exposed. Scandals of one kind or another have become commonplace.
     "Institutions which people have regarded as hallowed in the past are being seen as exploitative vultures and vampires preying on the hitherto unsuspecting public." Nothing is as it seems or the way we have been told it was! One has only to watch the current affair programs on television to see a multitude of scams perpetrated on the public finally exposed i.e. car repair servicemen, appliance repairs, travel scams, insurance scams, medical scams, etc., etc.
     Other predictions made are as follows:
*    "Pornography and sexual perversion will become worse during the last days." Can anyone doubt that pornography has reached new heights?
*    "Accidents will increase everywhere."
*    "Inappropriate behaviour as a manifestation of TERMINAL MADNESS will affect individuals and masses alike."
*    "Very many minor and inexplicable accidents will occur and the frequency will increase more and more, causing loss of life. Accidents and disasters will increase in frequency and severity, culminating in massive world-wide clearing mechanisms." More and more accidents are hitting the news involving trucks, school buses, passenger buses.
*    Devastating oil spills.
*    "The airline accidents that will occur from now on will be more frequent, so much so that within a few short years airline travel will be greatly reduced."
*    There have been too many plane crashes to list, both commercial and private, even hot air balloons have been involved.
*    "There will be persistent smouldering minor wars with continual loss of civilian life as well as military life, increase in the number of wars, racial riots, even between long term friends."
*    "Racism will escalate in all countries particularly France, South Africa and India."
*    "Racial riots will increase everywhere, for they are no longer riots between groups of individuals of different creed, colour or race. They are between puppets controlled by either evil or Good."
*    "The divorce rate will soar."
*    "Friction, violence and wars between opposites will ensue, i.e. between rich and poor, black and white, male and female, military and civilian, young and old, educated and illiterate, police and public, parents and children, etc."
*    "Animals will attack humans; more and more species will disappear."
#    We have been inundated with news of the continuous fighting virtually everywhere. Then there are the constant outbreaks of fighting in Ireland, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, India, South America, China, Indonesia, Shri Lanka, France, Germany, The Balkans, Nicaragua, Israel's bombing of Lebanon, etc. in addition to the infamous Gulf War. There is more trouble between the Turks and the Greeks. In fact, there are few places where some kind of conflict is not taking place including civil unrest among the Aborigines (which the Centre also predicted).
#    Attacks on women are increasing.
#    Violence from Greenie groups against nuclear waste disposal centres, Malaysian timber, Brazilian timber, Australian lumber companies, mining and drilling efforts, etc., etc.
#    White supremists such as Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazis are re-emerging.
#    Conflict between native Indians in Canada and the US, aborigines and government in Australia.
#    Conflict between farmers and officials in France, Australia, England, etc.
#    Conflict between students and officials in many countries.
#    Revolts including The Bulgarian and Lithuanian revolts against the Soviet.
#    Riots in Russia and Poland, etc.
#    The trade wars going on, especially between Europe and the US, the US and China.
#    The Japanese protest at the coronation of their emperor.
#    Family violence affects 1 out of 3 Australian families.
#    Serial Killers are increasing.
#    Gang warfare going on in big cities everywhere. Innocent people are being killed.
#    Domestic violence has increased drastically.
#    Killing sprees by people stating they do not know what got into them.
#    Schools are no longer safe. Children are murdering people.
     In 1990 the Centre, through its spokesman Dr Chiappalone, stated: "Forget the Russian bear... It will be torn asunder by its own internal time bomb."
#     The Soviet Union as we knew it is no more and this prophecy has also been fulfilled.
     When it was made in 1989 at the height of their power, the prediction that Thatcher, Hawke, Bush and Gorbachev would all be removed from office seemed highly unlikely, yet as we see, each has been replaced.
     Of great concern today is the economic situation in just about every country of the world. This is what the Centre had predicted: "A breakdown in the economy of society at all levels will also occur". We see this in the admitted recessions affecting the world community.
     The prediction goes on: "These will collapse as the communications between nations and continents collapse. There will be a fall in the availability of raw materials, hence the factories and industries cannot be fed. Production of useless items termed luxury goods will fall first."     
     As one reads about the increasing erratic behaviour that is taking place everywhere -- with people going berserk and killing for no apparent reason, for example, one is reminded of something else that had been stated: "Evil is being exposed everywhere and people, as well as animals and nature, are becoming more and more erratic. This earth is starting to see the manifestations of madness which will result from the withdrawal of the salving Divine energy."
     Without being able to see through the sham of this worldly existence with all its pretences, injustices, suffering and just plain cruelties and without some understanding as to the real reason behind all this, for the horrible tragedies, the chaos, the confusion and the upheaval taking place daily, it would be difficult to remain calm and centred, and hopefully unemotional. The predictions up to now have been so accurate that there appears no reason not to believe that the other predictions will all come to pass in their own time.
     The prophecy which is the most disturbing for the unaware states: " Nuclear war is inevitable .... It will commence in the Middle East but many other areas will be bombed, for the fighting will spread without reason..... Israel will be destroyed in a flash. .... This war will not last long, but it will involve all nations on all continents and will kill between one quarter to one half of the world's population."
     This is what could be the climax leading up to the Centre's basic prophecy: " This planet will be totally destroyed".
     In explanation: "This planet is being cleared of all consciousnesses...It is being prepared for total disintegration... Every living thing is to die in the next few years. The planet itself has been condemned and is to be destroyed. The mechanisms for causing this are many and varied but basically include: Gross dramatic changes in climate, economies, politics, geography, populations, resources, relationships; Nuclear wars; Massive geographical catastrophes; Widespread diseases; Starvation on a world wide scale; Financial, political and social collapse on all continents. World economic depression from which there will be no recovery will occur."
     For many, this philosophy and its teachings are the only rational explanation of what is going on exactly, and what will go, on and why all this is occurring. The truth presented mirrors the truth within the individual so it is not a case of believing, but of KNOWING.
     It reassures those really seeking the truth. It states that finally there will be an end to all this inhumanity, all this pain and suffering, all this physical, mental, emotional and spiritual exploitation, all this degradation, degeneration, fear, injustice and death. This is True Divine Justice in Action. It tells us to await the Dimensional Liberation. But of course, when one is mentally free, one is almost totally liberated. If one sees the physical simply as a transient phase, the illusion can be broken.
     No amount of denial, wishful thinking, or positive thoughts will change the situation. The planet is going through its death pangs as it nears its end. It is only wishful thinking that makes people think they can save the planet at this point. It reached the point of no return a long time ago. Its destruction is inevitable and it is the only way evil can be destroyed once and for all so that liberation of the True Creation trapped here can occur. Those who think they can save the planet are obstructing the Divine Plan of Rectification. They are working against the True Light. They are either evil or unawakened True Beings led astray by the Darkness. Apart from the process of Clearing of consciousnesses from this plane, by which is meant that all living things will have to die, and apart from the process of physical destruction, what we are witnessing are:
i    The occurrence of spontaneous realization by many people on the planet (through a number of mechanisms including dreams, astral recall and clairvoyance) of the inevitable end to this planet and
ii    The separation of the ontological classes in human bodies. There are basically two groups now emerging, those who are acknowledging the truth of it all, and those who will deny what is occurring to the very end, much to their chagrin.
As you will appreciate, this is a brief summary of the contents of the Annwn Publications' books and tapes, and readers are referred to those publications for detailed explanations. Also, examples of the prophecies are simply that. There are many more given in the books and newsletters and many more examples of their fulfilment can be cited.


     "I have been asked to add these comments to the reprints of the various books. It was in 1985 that I had been asked to give this information, contained in the various books, to the world by a group of Extra-terrestrial consciousnesses. They form part of the Rescuers in the Space Command and more will be heard about them in the near future. As part of the Plan of Rescue, I also, with others who are part of the Rescue Team, made an open Declaration of the commencement of the Final Phase of the War of Essences. The significance of this you will have grasped if you have read my earlier books. The books contain news about the "End of the World" and, in fact, I was asked in 1985 to state that this would occur before the year 2000. Readers may have come across the prediction of the "End of the World" in many ancient books, including the sayings of Jesus Christ, Zoroaster and Manichaeus. Ontologically these Divine Messengers, and others such as Buddha, Mohammed, Rama, Krishna, and many, many others, have been the same Consciousness (Being) presenting onto this level at various times in differing manifestations. The "End of the World" as a message was a CODE for certain Beings of Light who were to prepare themselves for evacuation at those times, in their own generation. They were also given a general timing within their generation. The Messengers knew this and the Beings of Light subconsciously knew this also and prepared themselves accordingly. It appeared that these Divine Messengers were wrong in that the End of the World did not eventuate, but, in fact, they knew it was a special code and used it accordingly, much to the chagrin of the Evil Ones who were reminded by it of their own eventual outcome. I have been asked to explain this apparent anomaly in the ancient texts for a very good reason. This is the last time that the code will be used as the physical destruction of the planet is, in fact, going to occur and the special code will no longer be needed. When reviewing literature of cultures, modern and ancient, from around the globe, many of you may be amazed at the similarities of the historical concepts present in various cultures and these concepts are recognizably similar, inspite of the distortions and regional peculiarities. The reason for this is that the basic religio-philosophical history of this planet is that of Gnosticism. It has been distorted over time into the various myths, cults, religions and fables by inadequate minds and by those of evil who wanted such distortions for their own gain. From another perspective, the End of the World will have occurred by the year 2000 for the remaining True Beings of Light for none of them will be present on Earth by that date. Their consciousnesses will have all been transported out into other dimensions. Some Rescuers may remain to supervise the physical destruction.
     The globe may linger on without Beings of Light being present for perhaps 5, 10, 15, even 20 years beyond the year 2000. But for all intents and purposes, the End of the World will have occurred by the year 2000 when the last Being of Light will have been evacuated.
     Remember, the evacuation need not be a physical one and the body may linger on under the control of its own lower consciousness or it may even be taken over by a trapped evil consciousness. Lack of understanding of the process may cause anguish, hence do everything possible to connect to the Higher Spiritual Self for greater realizations. Between now and total evacuation we shall witness the active intervention of Extra-terrestrial consciousness in the affairs of this world and all will become aware of the earth's total destruction in due course, and the existence of the spiritual component of all consciousness. It is this component which the evil ones have been trying to deny for a very long time. But they have failed. The Rescue Plan has succeeded. The War is all but over.
     Inspite of the endless stream of data which bombards the world daily from TV, newspapers, magazines, the information Super-Highway, etc., people are becoming more confused and frightened just by living in ever-deteriorating conditions. The information in this book is to dispel such confusion and fears by providing a basis for the understanding of WHAT'S GOING ON from a metaphysical perspective, and as you will see, ultimately that is the only perspective worth having. The bombarding data of this world is as useless as yesterday's news.
     I am aware that a few people who think they know better call this information I am imparting Metaphysical Mumbo-jumbo. I am flattered. Let me explain. After practising General Medicine, I came to the conclusion that while modern medicine was good at the short-term alleviation of pain and making some feel better, it had no answers to life's mysteries. I then started reading philosophy and after much confusion about what the writers were on about and after some headaches trying to sort out what they were trying to say, I came to the conclusion that philosophy, as it is written, has no answers either. In fact, I came to the conclusion that most philosophy books are published so people will stop reading philosophy books.
     After writing all my books referred to here, I studied and acquired a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science and continued avid reading of general science and its technological advances. My conclusion has been that it is Metaphysics which provides meaningful answers as far as I am concerned. All other aspects of epistemology are dead ends. My reading has allowed me to categorize Mumbo-jumbo as follows:
     Philosophical Mumbo-jumbo is good for causing headaches and good heated debates, and that is about all. However it never killed anyone.
     Religious and theological Mumbo-jumbo is dangerous and has spawned the various religious Wars, Inquisitions, Crusades, etc., with much destruction and loss of life.
     Scientific Mumbo-jumbo is the most dangerous of all, for it has spawned a monster called Scientific Technology which will be the death of Humanity, the Earth and all living things. It is doing this via its ability to deplete the Ozone layer and poison all living things with excessive ultra-violet radiation, via its ability to cause the irreversible Greenhouse effect and global warming, via its ability to irreversibly pollute water and food so that life will soon be unsustainable on the planet, via its pollution of the environment with nuclear and chemical discharges so that everything is carcinogenic and incompatible with life, via its ability to cause nuclear holocausts, via its ability to infect everyone on the planet with death-dealing AIDS, and other totally resistant strains of microbes such as malaria, tuberculosis, staphylococci, pneumococci, the ebola virus, etc. Science has promised short-term gain but delivered long-term pain and destruction, even planetary annihilation. If you read any alien abduction reports, you will note that many of the aliens, in seeking other areas to invade, are lamenting to abductees that their advanced science and its technology have, or are in the process of, destroying their dimensions as well!
     Is this so? In support I turn to one of America's famous and favoured sons. In 1959, J. F. Kennedy was quoted as saying: "I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is extinct on other planets because their scientists were more advanced than ours."
     Metaphysical Mumbo-jumbo is the only one with the answers. It is a personal Mumbo-jumbo and it involves no one else. It does not interfere with the thought processes of any other individual. In fact, it encourages diverse, individualistic thinking in all beings. In contrast to the others above, it fosters harmony, love, peace, truth and respect for all aspects of creation. It promotes awareness and rightful knowledge with which to dispel all fears. Even if none of its mumbo-jumbo is true and it is all a self-deluding exercise, the fact that it heals so many in body, mind and emotions is reward enough. Surely the study and practice of metaphysics which promote understanding and tolerance are much more preferred to the programming of religious bigotry whose aim is to prove one religion is better than others. And surely it is better than wasting one's life making Science and its Technology the Modern Age "god" by which one can develop more innovative, more exploitative and more painful methods of global destruction and more complex sceptical arguments for the denial of the existence of God whose heel is about to descend and crush such evil.
     If one has to be fanatical in life, its better to be fanatical about loving "God" and "Truth", about studying metaphysics, rather than being a fanatical religious bigot or a fanatical sceptical scientific know-all who self-deludes in thinking he has all the answers when in fact he has none that matter! By the way, by "Truth" I mean the personal Inner Guiding Light, which varies and should vary for every True Being, for each was created as a purposeful, distinct individual with its own version of the Truth within its own creative, Divine Blueprint. I do not consider that there is a "Truth" consisting of a set of Dogmas and facts which all must adhere to, which are absolute and which must be fought for, or cause others to kill for. That is why I refer to the personal Inner Truth in these texts. And it is why I urge each True Being to search for its own Inner Truth and warn each that the search is a personal endeavour, the completion of which can favour no other individual in spiritual terms. What is right for one may not be Truth for another and this is another reason why we need to suspend judgement wherever possible in spiritual matters. Inner mental and spiritual experiences and Inner realizations are unique and will have interpretive connotations which will be as diverse as the experience and as unique as the individuals having them. That is why I stress that no influence should come between a True Being and the Source of his Light, Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth within. I am aware that this is directly opposite to all the extant religious teachings except the Gnostic ones. It is opposite to all the impositions and restrictions of this sorrow-filled plane.
     So, my advice to you is to read on and use whatever you find within these pages to assist you in awakening to your own Inner Truth. Feel free to choose and discard as you wish for only in that way can you destroy the fetters placed on your spirit by this moribund and deceptively ignorant, evil system. And having acquired such freedom, and having found your Inner Truth, learn to soar to greater and greater heights with an unbridled spirit and joy, knowing that all evil shortcomings of this miserable system will shortly be no more. Rejoice in the spiritual and mental freedom of the newly found Divine Presence within and reject forever the soul-destroying iniquities and shackles of this soon-to-be-no-more physical dimension. Enjoy yourselves, for only your Inner Spiritual Truth can give you the Freedom worth having. Your own personal Inner Truth will give those things you search for, those things which cannot rust, or be stolen, or be eaten by moths. It will give those things which are of inestimable value, those things which are eternal, as you are and shall be!
     Ignore your Inner Truth and you will continue to be a programmed robot of this pernicious system which is self-destructing and which spiritually assassinates unaware True Beings. I have been aware of Ockham's razor while writing and have tried to stick to the modern version of his axiom: K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid). But alas, complexity is part of the problem.


As the world deteriorates, many of you will want to be in contact with like-minded people and this is understandable.
I will have more information about world-wide Network just for this purpose
in future issues.


     Understanding in this evil, illusional reality will vary. It is important therefore to be not rigid but flexible. Do not view any idea or concept as absolute truth, but rather as a working hypothesis which will serve you well to move on to a higher plateau of understanding when the time is right. Be open to new concepts and new heights of understanding which will come from new realizations. Realize also that information to make new realizations will be fed to you when the time for you to make them is right and the information will come from your own Inner Source, aided if necessary by little inputs from the external which may act as stimuli to the inner connection. You therefore need to be flexible, open to new data and realizations and connected to an open pathway to that which will give you the information and realizations. You must spend time every day therefore nurturing the pathway and listening.
     FOR THOSE WHO DENY EVIL: The daily reports of exposures of evil practices are not simply the exposures of the inadequacies of this system. Rather, they are exposures of the basic evilness of humanity and they highlight, for those who can see truly, the urgent need to totally destroy the system, the dimension, and the cause of them all, and that component of the human consciousness which is counterfeit and evil.
     It is obvious that the major part of mankind has the seeds of its own destruction planted deep within its bosom. And that being so, it is obvious also that animals are capable of a purer form of Love than most humans. The systems in this dimension are doomed. Like so many other planets in this evil dimension, Earth is dying, taking with it all the things which belong to it. All the expressions of plants, animals and humans in their physical form are about to be destroyed and the consciousnesses residing in these structures will be dealt with in accordance with what was revealed in our earlier books. In the light of what is to occur, all will witness the inadequacies and the outright evilness of religions, of governments, of various scientists, of judicial systems, and of the snake oil salesmen and peddlers of half-truths found in the bowels of the New Age Movement.

     True respect is the basis of True Love in the True Creation. Respect and Love are complimentary. They are inseparable. If all respect each other, there would be no destructive interference in one by another in its progress to a higher spiritual plane. Evil would not then manifest. Evil is the destructive interference of another's progress. With respect one would not steal or rape, ridicule, attack, punish, constrict or suppress. And yet these are the very things that occur in this evil world. With respect one would not be selfish, jealous, or prejudiced. One would love freely for one would recognize any other form of life as an aspect of a greater consciousness in which all belong. There would be no ego to separate and create destructive differences. And this would hold true for each consciousness whether it be in the mineral, vegetable, animal, human or spiritual levels. But this is an evil system and even to exist we are forced to consume other beings. This should never have been so. Even the plants we eat are disadvantaged in their progress by being eaten. Correction of this Error cannot occur quickly enough.
      LOVE CREATED ME. Love will deliver me from all Evil and it will destroy all Evil. It is the love of my creator which sustains me, even in this evil trap. The evil demigod in charge of this dimension does not care for me. His only aim is to exploit me by whatever means he can think up, knowing full well that I will be spiritually assassinated in due course. He does not care for my well-being. It is he who causes me to suffer and rot in the body he created. It is he who sets me up and knocks me down. The True God creator of mine instead is the one who is working tirelessly to liberate me from this hell. It is His Love which guides me, protects me, nurtures me and will deliver me to my true abode. There is no love in this evil system, only relentless exploitation. The evil beings do not respond to love. I have experienced that first hand many times. They use True Beings, beguiling them with evil programming, pollution and indoctrination only to ensnare them and steal their energy. They are dishonest, hypocritical, and very, very dangerous. They are immutably evil. I am impatient for the day I will be out of their midst and in a true loving environment.
     All things including me, have a beginning and an end. I can only contemplate eternity if He who created me is eternal and connects me to His beingness and existence. I therefore offer myself up totally in body, mind and soul to my Creator, to do His will, to be part of His purpose and to join the eternal Flame. Without Him there is no eternity. I would not be eternal for I would not exist. My reason for existing is to know Him and be part of Him and His eternity. But right now I am separated by the effects of Evil which have purposely isolated me and all other Beings of Light from their Source. That which has separated us from our Source cannot be Good or part of Good or serve a Good purpose. It must be evil, it must be exploitative, it must be temporal, for once we were connected to the Source. I await the day of Liberation and reunion.
     Let my love for the Highest Good, for Truth, for Justice, be second to nothing. Let this Love destroy any evil which impinges on my life. Let it flatten all the obstacles and hurdles which confront me. Let this Love solve all my problems, be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, in the manner best suited to my Highest Good and in accordance with the will of the Highest Good.

     Knowledge of the world, of technology, of history, of all human skills and arts, is good to have but of limited value. It is in knowing the limitations that one can grow towards the True Knowledge. Much of outer mind knowledge is worthless spiritually and the knowledge paradox is such that the more one relies on it the less the spiritual knowledge will be valued.

     Scientist have recently admitted 11 cases of Mad Cow's Disease. Can they be trusted? Are there many more cases? Will millions of meat-eating humans become vegetables from this brain disease? The advice I have been given is yes, and governments will eventually engage in large scale euthanasia to be rid of these people for resources will be unable to cope with them. So much for the compassion of so-called Christian societies. The dollar and pound sterling will always rule supreme over all other considerations.

J S Chiappalone, Editor
Copyright 1996 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

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