March 1997, # 7

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


Welcome again to our Newsletter.
We have two major items of news to report this month:


Hot off the Press!!!

Two new sensational books.

ONE WORLD, Exposing the New World Order, by Dr. Joseph Chiappalone (285 pages): A shattering expose of Science, the media, law, medicine and government. A book leading to the only solution possible to the woes of this world.
("Best book I've ever read!" - Bill Thomas)

> THE KINGDOM OF ZION, Exposing the Worldwide Conspiracy of Evil: by Dr. Joseph Chiappalone (231 pages): Exposing in factual detail the ultimate conspiracy behind every aspect of our existence.
(Wow! Hot! Unbelievable! I couldn't put it down." - Sean Rivis)
Now available, limited quantities. $30 each (includes p + h). (to order)

Please note: Because of high unit cost, these books are not available at a bulk discount at present.



     This is a brief initial report of a week of astounding revelations and the establishment of connections. I shall devote a major portion of Newsletter # 8 detailing every aspect of the trip and the extraordinary occurrences contained in those seven days.
     On the evening of February 14, 1997, Doctor Amitakh Chiappalone and the writer rendezvoused in Phoenix, Arizona, with six others to form a group personally invited by the Higher Echelon of Space Command to venture into Mexico with a secret agenda, aspects of which would be revealed, as usual, on a need to know basis.
     The following morning we flew into Mexico City and met up with Joyce Murphy of Beyond Boundary Tours with whom the writer had communicated from Australia after seeing a video clip of "Strange Universe" in which Joyce was featured as providing the tour we required. Australian readers, please note that this informative show is not available as far as I know on Australian TV, but I am fortunate in that many from the various American sub-centres send me clips, tapes, hard-copies, etc., of the latest up-to-date material available in the US. After our recent trip, I expect to receive similar material from Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Puerto Rico, etc., which I will pass on in these Newsletters. I feel it is important to have our own source of material, for the Internet is not always accurate and I know it is being sabotaged by various agencies.
     On the first evening we met a remarkable man, Ruben Castro, a UFO TV show host on nationwide Mexican TV. An avid, dedicated researcher and sincere seeker of truth, Ruben turned out to be indispensable both as a tour guide and as an interpreter. A close friendship was established and we will have much to do with him in the immediate future. The video clips and photos of UFO crafts, the contactees, etc., he provided that evening, and on many other occasions, and the appointments he set up with various other witnesses, journalists, contactees, etc., all made our trip a delight. A trip with Ruben into South America to connect with many others in the UFO field will be shortly undertaken.

     On subsequent days we met the following people:
1     Mario Ramirez T. of Atlixco, an architect and archaeologist who has remarkable information and messages which he shared briefly with us. Mario too is to play a role in this field in the future.
2     Carlos Diaz of Tepoztlan who filmed plasma crafts as early as 1981. We have prints of these photos and many other photos, as well as video clips which would dispel all doubt about the existence of UFOs. Carlos however, seems to have been overwhelmed and "lost the plot".
3     Eloisa Garcia of Amatlan who runs the Hotel de Quetzalcoatl in a picturesquely enchanting setting. Her information about what the aliens are saying to the villagers, consistent with all others we interviewed, was staggering for those who had not heard it before.
4     Claudio from one of the little villages around the active volcano Mt. Popocateptl, which by the way has alien bases within it. Nearby is a mountain upon which a huge alien mask, carved in the rockface appeared some 3 years ago. Claudio stumbled upon an alien craft and aliens on the mountainside when he was 12 years old. He too was given information about the reasons various aliens are here.
5     Hector Estrada Casas, an enthusiastic, vibrant journalist of Atlixco, Puebla, who, among other things, was asked by the Mexican Government to debunk the existence of UFOs. The story which unfolded when, as a resolute sceptic, he attempted to do this is fascinating and hilarious to retell. Needless to say, because of his many experiences, he is now a Knower of Truth, not just a believer!
6     Adrian Lino Reyes, a lawyer, and his daughter Adriana, also of Atlixco, who were visited frequently by alien crafts which left still visible markings on their lawns. Their story is also fascinating as they realized each member of the family, and immediate neighbours, were all given small snippets of information which made, as we found out soon enough, a commonly shared mosaic around Mexico, Central America and the world.
7     Dr. Soledad De La Pena of Puebla. This charming paediatrician was initially seconded to perform autopsies on the victims of Unidentified Biological Entities, colloquially called Chupacabras. In the midst of persistent death threats, sabotage and ridicule, Dr. La Pena continued her investigation of this strange creature, whom she described on Mexican TV as gargoylean. However, once you read what she has to say, all your thoughts of mediaeval superstition will be blown away by the reality of 20th century ufology. Dr. La Pena made us laugh heartily with this anecdote: On one occasion, being ridiculed by medical peers about her UFO sightings, and being told she was hallucinating, she produced her photos and said: "Look here, my camera hallucinated too!"
     Each of these people has had remarkable experiences, some similar to those Amitakh and I have had and will relate in our book on UFOs, to be published soon. I intend giving you a detailed description and analysis of the information received on the trip in the ensuing newsletters. Stay tuned!!


Marie Schleiter of Arizona who has read our new book "One World" writes: "Thank you for One World, it's incredible. The things revealed are so sickening, I'd almost have trouble believing it if it wasn't you saying it. It really reinforces for me that there is nothing of this world worth saving and total destruction is the only solution, and can't come soon enough. It makes detachment a lot easier.

     Most True Beings are aware of two states of consciousness in which they often find themselves. In one, when the Higher Consciousness is away, or connection to it by the physical body and its mind are poor, one feels less confident, less capable, more easily programmed and often less certain of what is going on. At these times it appears as if knowledge, memory and abilities are lost to us and we flounder in indecision. These are dangerous times, in fact, for the Higher Consciousness has temporarily left or disconnected for some reason. When it returns, depending on the degree of reconnection, we are again filled with an unmistakeable confidence, inner joy, appeasement, and calmness. We simply know what we are doing, what we are on about and can go quietly about performing both mundane tasks and complicated tasks without really thinking all that much.
     There is no physical, organic, anatomical, biochemical or hormonal explanation for such an occurrence. These effects do not respond to physical measures as you may or may not have experienced. You either recognize it to be so or you do not.
     What you cannot do is deny it occurs, for you have experienced it often. We often hear people say "I am just not with it today" or "I feel as if I am not here", etc. Little episodes that some call day-dreaming, that others label as petit-mal epilepsy, etc., are often an indication that the Higher Consciousness has left for various reasons, for varying periods.
     One should learn to recognize these periods for, as I said, they are dangerous interludes. It is the time when the physical body and its mind are at their weakest and can be programmed deleteriously by evil programming, pollution and indoctrination. At these times, the lower mind can take an imbalanced view of things due to many pressures, not the least of which is the pressure from unhelpful (even deceptively inimical) peers. They just seem to know the exact moment when you are at your lowest to burden or pressure you the most.
     Recognize these moments and these pressures and learn to postpone decisions until you feel better. Learn to say "Let me think about that." And ask them to go away. In other words, avoid making decisions at these times, even mundane decisions. Let your body run on "automatic pilot". Perform tasks which are repetitive and robotic, those you know well and do not require a great deal of decision-making. Do not make any mental conclusions or important decisions at this time of vulnerability, no matter how pressured you are. More likely than not, you will feel strongly emotional about something or other at this time.
     Do not act on decisions that your lower mind presents to you no matter how appealing they may seem. Again more likely than not, you will be experiencing implantation of thoughts, and decisions which will prove to be not in your best spiritual interest may be made. It is in these moments of mental weakness, when the protection is less, that implanted thoughts can lead to anxiety, depression, sorrow, anguish, even destructive behaviour and thoughts of suicide. Do not entertain such implanted thoughts. Their purpose is to emotionally exploit you maximally and destroy you if at all possible.
     Remember the vision of the imbiber whose lust increases with his/her blood alcohol level.
     These thoughts come from the pool of negativity around the lower planes of consciousness, as I have explained elsewhere. And they also come from thought projections of ourselves and others we have failed to clear from our aura. They have lain there awaiting their chance to cause disruption. Hence, do not entertain them at all.
     If you are aware of their existence, cleanse them away thoroughly as soon as possible. Of course, in many who are grossly polluted, there may be negative entities and discarnates, even demons, lurking in their auras waiting their chance to influence, program, even possess the lower being. Those with special clairvoyant vision can see such accumulated negativity. Hence, cleanse often.
     Moments of mental weakness when the Higher Consciousness has left can affect all lower beings. And so this knowledge can be used to explain the following which appear in the literature:
*    the dying body of Jesus was tormented by such an episode when the Higher Consciousness left. The Christ Light was the Higher Consciousness and It had left. And so the body languished in the death throes, affected somewhat by evil programmed self-pity, crying out "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Mark 15:34)
*    It was such a moment when the Higher Consciousness had left that Nietzsche, in his frustration, cried out despairingly "Whatever God was there, is now dead!"
*    Again it was such a moment that Galileo, burdened by the weight of the evil Catholic Inquisition, temporarily bowed to that evil, and wanting to seek peace, for he had accomplished his work and the Higher Consciousness had long left, retired saying " Yes, I was wrong, the bible is right after all. The sun revolves around the earth." But as he was dismissed, those around heard him softly whisper: "You fools, and yet it moves. It is the earth that revolves around the sun." For this he was blinded and placed under perpetual house arrest.
     Once you have experienced these episodes, when the Higher Consciousness is away, you will appreciate this information, and you will learn to identify the possibly weakened phases more and more, so that you can take steps to guard yourself and your aura even more closely. There are often physical symptoms that accompany the loss of the Higher Consciousness and its energy. Again there is no biochemical/physiological explanation for the phenomenon.      Some feel a heaviness in their bodies, others feel pain and/or weakness in certain muscle groups, some in bones, especially in the feet or shoulders. An individualistic pattern exists and you should learn to diagnose yours quickly. The quicker you do, the less involved you will become, in the weaker moments, with unwanted programming, pollution and indoctrination.
     The mental pattern changes characteristically and uniquely also, and the train of thought which begins often signifies the absence of the Higher Consciousness. Again you need to spot the change quickly and shut the mental process down if it is deleterious programming of the lower mind which becomes more pronounced due to the temporary absence of the influence of the Higher Mind.

     In these times of the Higher Consciousness' absence, a paradox occurs. Just when the individual requires more protection, cleansing and healing (best done and received in meditation) the less does the individual appear to want to perform them. That is because the lower mind has a greater influence, and being a part of the evil component of the evil physical, acts, whenever it can, against the Highest Good of the individual. Hence you see, you have an enemy within which you must conquer.
     With discipline one can switch the lower mind off as much as possible, give it less and less chance to broadcast its nonsense and thereby minimize its interfering thoughts while the Higher Consciousness is away. If you do this you will save yourself a great deal of valuable time and energy. Eventually, you will have subdued the monkey mind that so many spiritual philosophers have written about.
     If you fail to discipline, you will be waxing and waning like a reed in the wind whenever the Higher Consciousness leaves and your lower mind subjects you to all the useless and dangerous, evil-inspired programming, pollution and indoctrination that have you thinking in circles and getting no where. What could you expect? That mechanism of the lower mind has been purposely developed to do just that.
It has been purposely created to thwart any attempt to make sense of the madness of the illusional plane. You know that is so because whenever your mind impinges on the Higher Energy of your Higher Consciousness you are filled with an almost indescribable inner elation. You sense something you cannot put words to. You have connected to a Higher Mental Dimension. And that connection makes your mind work better. Your body feels lighter and stronger. Pain and weakness in it vanish and the problems which confront you seem to shrink. Is that not so? You know it is, because you have experienced it, often. You feel connected and are more productive in your work, more joyous, nicer to be with. You extrude an infectious confidence to the other True Beings around you and you elevate their mood also.
     The evil ones around you sense it too and although they harden their feeling towards you on such occasions, I can tell you for a fact that they sense the Higher Energy which they do not have and feel both threatened and frightened without understanding why. This they will never admit. Their feelings manifest as envy, jealousy, cattiness, rudeness and ridicule if they are given the chance to express. Watch out for such effects. When the Higher Energy is less, as a result of the Higher Consciousness being away, evil beings are affected differently and they change their modus operandi accordingly. They seem to sense an easier prey and go out of their way to ensnare. Hence, they are seemingly more pleasant, more interested in talking to you, more prone to advise and council and, in appropriate times, more mentally, emotionally and physically seductive. Why are they like this? - because they sense they can get somewhere with the weakened True Being. They sense their efforts will reward them and they exploit some energy from the weakened being in some way or other. This is what they exist for.
     Hence, beware, be warned. Minimize your interactions on these occasions if at all possible. If you fall into these subtle traps in times of weakness, you may be damaged. It may take a great deal of effort to extricate yourself. In fact, you may not be able to do it by yourself and will need other True Beings to help you. Have the vision of the movie "Fatal Attraction" clearly in your mind and always remember: There is no safe harbour in the sea of exploitative emotionalism.
     Hence you see, the concept of the Higher and Lower Consciousnesses is not simply an academic, philosophical one. Having very real, tangible and dangerous implications for the unwary, it is a concept well worth realizing and remembering always. Be mindful of the fact that if one suppresses the connection with the Higher Consciousness, the effects will be as if the Higher Consciousness has left. And it will do so in due course if the connection to it is not nurtured.
     Alternately, in robots and demons, the physical body can accommodate demonic consciousness. When it does, either temporarily or permanently, the effects are obvious. The being is more cunning, capable of great feats of exploitation and evil. However these need not be obvious; they may be quite hidden but still very effective.
     Many such beings present as caring, smiling, ever-mingling energy distributors or energy suckers as I have explained in my books. Often they are very easy to get along with and socialize a great deal. They may or may not have a big number of sexual partners. If they have, they are polluting as many as possible and collecting as much energy as possible. For this they are rewarded in the Black Brotherhood. The overtly evil ones often are exposed with excessive alcohol consumption, or when hard drugs are taken. They continue in a cycle of destructive behaviour which also often involves hard core pornography and sexual perversion which go together as a package because they are express modes of energy extraction. Most of us are aware of mild-mannered Clark Kents who become monsters in a flash. The connection to the demonic consciousness has been reinforced by the drugs and alcohol or else they have allowed effective possession.
     True Beings can be affected and possessed in the same way. When robots or True Beings force themselves out of these situations and cleanse sufficiently they can be rid of those demonic consciousnesses.
     Then they will appear as a lowly body with no particular evil programming to cause the problems demons cause. They appear almost pitiable and virtually harmless. But be wary of them. You will never know when they will be repossessed. Once they have allowed themselves to be injured in this way, the wounds can readily be opened and the body possessed.      Individuals who have been thus possessed and recognize the dangers should show their sincerity and desire for trustworthiness by doing all in their power to avoid further evil programming, pollution and indoctrination. If they do not do this, they are not worth trusting.      Do not give them a second chance. Let them prove their worthiness. Do not let them blackmail you into a trust they will not honour.
     Remember the stupid things, the embarrassing things and the dangerous things you did at some point in your life? They were all done by the programmed physical (and very rudimentary, animalistic) body when the Higher Consciousness was absent or cut off for any number of reasons which severed the connection between the Higher and lower consciousness.
     Forgive yourself and move on to a Higher Plane of thought. You are not the body or its deficiencies. You are the Higher nature temporarily trapped in a lower one and needing to express in it while you have to be on this level.


The Death Paradox

     Have you not often seen and heard people on the television being interviewed and saying, "God's grace saved me from that fire." Many other people may have been killed in an incident but survivors rejoice:
    "Oh, I was so lucky, God must really love me, He saved me, He has allowed me to keep living."
Wait a moment! If the reason for one's existence is to eventually die, leave this "Valley of Tears" and go to Heaven and be with God, is He not really punishing you by rejecting you and letting you stay here and sweating it out a lot longer?      So, is it a paradox or not? It is silly isn't it? We all want to go to heaven and be with God and here are people really saying: "Oh, thank God; He let me stay in this putrid hell, rather than be with Him in the midst of His Glory for eternity."
     Let us look at what is really happening: Many of those interviewed are demons and doomed beings. They know exactly where they are going after death. They are going to the lower hells. And since this cesspool to them is like a heaven in comparison, they are elated they have been spared a return to the hell of their origin or to where they are condemned to go. There they cannot deceive others. They are exploited as they exploit. Here, on this level, they can hide and fool many unsuspecting True Beings. I am not being cynical about this; far from it. This is exactly the rationale behind their joy at staying "alive".

On this evil level, wisdom without power
is as useless as power without love.


In answer to many questions readers have asked, I have set out the following points:
*    Sub-centre function: The sub-centres we have established have mainly an esoteric role and a minor physical one.
*    Speed of awakening: Many have found reading our books and listening to the taped lectures have accelerated the awakening to their own truth within.
*    Significance of UFOs: Ufology is a part of the mosaic of "What is Going On?", and I am sure many have a great interest in it, especially as 20% of the population are aliens and are awakening to that fact. Our future is with other dimensions which these ET consciousnesses represent; it is not in this doomed dimension at all.
*    Many people around the world have been collating data for some time from all facets of the media. This has helped them awaken further and remain focused. The situations are not always easy to decipher, especially the political ones around the world, as there are many "double agents" playing a double game in the War of Essences. But if you become aware of the general patterns developing around the globe, you will be left in no doubt that this place is doomed and reaching its end-point very, very quickly.
*    The relevance of History: The reading of history can only be ancillary. So much of it is so corrupted and distorted that it is virtually useless. People should pursue reading with this understanding. If the truth could be obtained from history books, everyone would have been awakened. The fact is, most books hide truth purposely.
*    Relating to others: It is important we do not impose our values, interests and pet subjects on others. Each will grow according to its nature. Many are not academic and there is no need for them to be. Many are not as interested in your awakening as you may think. Give them breathing space. Many are awakening but slowly. If they are friends or acquaintances, you must accommodate them at their pace, not yours.
*    If you are starting to put the pieces together and realize what is going on, continue, but be detached. You will find the truth about the battle of Good and Evil in many things, and revelations are not always pleasant. Be patient and realize many may not want to share your path, no matter how much you want them to.
*    People make discoveries within themselves, about themselves and the world when they are ready. One cannot rush them. Too much too soon can be counter-productive.
*    For every one who awakens a little, there are thousands who are programmed to fight against the truth.
*    Some degree of awakening is no guarantee the person will continue on the path to the end and succeed.

Heal yourself before it is too late

     Most people carry a personal hell around in their heads. Their mental plane is full of thoughts which torment them day and night. Unfortunately they have created most of these thoughts and give them strength as they entertain them. They enter cycles of self-pity and recrimination which are destructive emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically in that they can suicide or commit crimes for which they are punished. Spiritually too they suffer for the loss of energy in their mental battles against the monstrous thoughts can be great. All are subjected to unwanted thoughts, but some people cannot clear them and move on. They cannot forget the wrongs done to them or the wrongs they thought were done to them, intentionally or unintentionally, by fathers, mothers, siblings, peers, colleagues, strangers, whatever.
     If you are one of these victims, learn to forgive those trespassers, even by performing a mental exercise. If you cannot do this, forget the episodes. Forgive yourself. So, you suffered as a child. Who cares really? Can you point to any person who has not suffered, as a child, adolescent, adult? Who are you to say you suffered more? Why are you more deserving of compassion or self-pity, which in reality will weaken you and those who give it? So, you were raped, or were the victim of incest. Are you the only one to have ever suffered that? Besides, it was your body that was violated, not your mind or spirit. They can only be violated if you let them be violated.
     So your lover experimented with drugs and other partners, thus ridiculing you, or so you think. S/he did nothing of the sort. S/he ridiculed and debased her/himself. It is nothing to do with you. So, your spouse left you for another. Who cares? Now you can be far more productive in far more unrestricted ways. So, your mother or aunt was rude to you and very strict. Who cares really? You were in an accident and lost an arm. So what? Many get cancer and die in weeks; many lose both legs; many lose their memory. There is always someone worse off. Why are you carrying those burdens around with you? They probably did not even know they were affecting you. So why worry after all this time? Forgive them, forgive yourself. Get on with your life. Get rid of the tormenting hell inside your head once and for all. And if the train of thoughts about how you were mistreated begins again in your head, realize it is your useless ego that is reacting. Tell it you have suffered enough. Turn the train of thoughts off. It will diminish and you will have conquered the demons in your head. Entertain them and you run the risk of Terminal Madness, now that the Final Stage of the War of Essences has been reached. The unnecessary burden of guilt and of self-pity is a time bomb which destroys surely and absolutely every time. Unburden; heal yourself and live!

     Without the Higher Divine droplet of consciousness, any and every being is an evil shell. This is true even for theomorphic beings, for if the Divine component leaves, all that is left is the shell, the husk and its desire to be evil. The fact that the shell is comprised of a physical body, the emotional, astral, mental and etheric, and the filtering mechanism does not change the situation. In other words, you, and I, without the component which makes us Divine, are nothing more than the handiwork of the evil demiurge. We could have developed the will to be part of the Divine, something the counterfeit beings and demons cannot have developed, but the structures which compose us in the physical are our enemies, constructed to destroy us if at all possible by draining the energy from the occupying, trapped Divine Higher Consciousness. The only chance the lower being has of surviving the Correction which is upon us is to allow the Higher Being to be in full control at all times and follow every instruction meticulously. To be able to do this, the lower being needs to strengthen the communicative pathway so that nothing will interfere with instructions, especially during stressful times when most of the interference occurs. The Higher Consciousness is always there ready to communicate and assist. It is the lower being's responsibility to tune the lower vehicle to the frequency which will allow adequate communication and this entails proper regard to food and drink, decreasing the programming, pollution and indoctrination from whatever the source, and making adequate time available to nurture the connection and also allow transmission of information to occur.

On this evil level, the greater the demon, the greater the exultation s/he receives; the greater the Light-bearer, the greater the humiliation, abuse and ridicule s/he has to endure.

     Because of the karmic nature of the bonds between them, soul-mates (and Twin-rays) invariably, with very, very few exceptions incarnate within 36 months of each other. In this life I know of no exceptions that have occurred. If one is in the physical and the other's incarnation is delayed, the physical one dies off and a new time table is established.
If you have been convinced by someone 3 years older or younger than you to be a sexual partner on the grounds that you are soul-mates, you are being deceived. This sort of deception is always intentional, regardless of what the other partner may say. And such deception and dishonesty stem from the innate hypocrisy and selfishness of evil beings.
If the fact that you are supposed to be soul-mates is the reason for the relationship, my advice to you is to become celibate, for you are being sexually exploited. If it is a true loving relationship, it will survive on an asexual, platonic basis. If it is not a true loving relationship, and such ones are not, then it will shatter very quickly and you will have been liberated from an exploitative trap.
     This is a good time to warn you about exploitative relationships. There can never be any excuse to have a much older or a much younger sexual partner. Some we have met have partners older than their parents, others a partner younger than their children. This is wrong, regardless of any arguments you want to offer to the contrary. The younger partner is always the target of exploitation in these relationships. I stress: there are no exceptions. The younger one is giving away its youth to the older one. The energy content of each varies and the sharing is unequal. The young is sucked dry by the older who should be with one of its own age. The older one is usually much more polluted than the younger simply by reason of the longer years on this plane. Such pollution is transferred to the younger partner automatically as the younger one is drained of energy especially living in close proximity and when having sexual relationships. In these relationships it is remarkable how often the older partner has a ferocious sexual appetite. This should be a pointer to her/his true nature.
     Relationships with such an age disparity are invariably between a true being, who is the target for exploitation and a demon. Between two demons these relationships do not last. In those circumstances each is out to exploit the other and the partnership breaks up as each steals what it wants from it. It is usually seen as a young buxom, painted, tainted, femme fatale marrying a rich fool for a short while and then divorcing him to get a big share of the loot.
     Older female demons go with what are termed "toy boys" for the sex and to appease their ego, The toy boys are out for cash also. Let them fight it out. What is of concern to spiritual beings is the relationship between a true being and demons, for under these circumstances the true being is in grave danger.
     The older partners who are invariably demons are both deceitful and very cunning. They mask their real intent and beguile the unsuspecting target by pandering to his/her spiritual interests. Hence, they often use their knowledge to act as guides to the trusting true being, introducing him/her to groups, customs, practices, cults, books, philosophies, etc., to which they suspect their target will show interest. They do not have the greater spiritual interest of the target in mind at all. They have their own interest at heart, hiding behind the deception, for they know the target will think well of them if they demonstrate a supposedly genuine interest in their spiritual progress. What they are really doing is placing the target, the true being with all the energy they want, the being to be exploited, in a cul-de-sac which will be an emotive trap. The target will then be much easier to exploit, emotionally as well as sexually. That is why I warn you that if you think you are in such a relationship, become celibate and see the genuineness of those who appear to pander to your greater spiritual needs. Some evil partners are programmed to forego the sexual content of the relationship, if that is not a big issue for the target, and concentrate on controlling the target, controlling the mind, the creative output, the effectiveness for the greater good, etc.,etc. The relationship between Chopin and George Sand is a classical example of this. Chopin was an Avatar who, like Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Bizet, etc., (there are many others) was to sustain the true beings of the period with the energy contained in his music. Sand, a demon, seduced him and locked him away on her estate, away from those whom he was supposed to help, thus preventing the dissemination of that energy to nurture others. His effectiveness was reduced, as was the effectiveness of Mozart who was poisoned out of jealousy.
     Superficially it appears that Chopin fell in love and it makes a great romance novel, his life having been the subject of a few movies. But the reality is not romanticism at all, it is evil exploitation of a True Being, blockage of important rescue work and selfishness with deception by a demon. Inspite of what is written as history, Chopin was very unhappy locked away in the estate. His disadvantaged position and sexual, mental, energetic exploitation weakened his body also and he died relatively young of tuberculosis.
     If you are sincere about your spiritual progress you must ask yourself, if you are in a relationship with someone closer to your parents' or grandparents' age, what is going on here? I do not care who is offended by this article. Truth is truth, no matter how others view it.

     If you are with someone younger than your kids are (or would have been if you married in your twenties and had some) you need to question your motives, your conduct, your true nature in the light of what I have written.
     Some will find all sorts of excuses and objections for accepting this information. But that will not make them right; it will only make it more obvious to see they are mendacious, hypocritical, deceitful and evil!
     This information we publish, the books, newsletters, philosophical concepts, etc., are all about exposing evil, exposing demons, assisting the separation of the two creations in preparation for the Final Corrective destruction of the dimension and for placing each in the appropriate class, for the appropriate eventuality. You should not view this article in any other way. There is no personal aspect to it and I had no one especially in mind when writing it although I know many couples with disparate age differences do exist in our audiences around the world, particularly in the USA where relationships are worn like new clothes, treated just as importantly, changed just as frequently.


The Light promises to protect all who seek its protection. But on this level where dangers lurk everywhere, common-sense must apply. You simply cannot stupidly jump into shark-infested waters and expect the Hand of God to pluck you out when you yell "Help"! You cannot knowingly have sex with a demon and become grossly polluted and ask the Light to cleanse you afterwards. That is foolishness and hypocrisy. The Light helps all who genuinely ask, are sincere and prepared to help themselves.

The human mind is so easily programmed and tampered with by external agents and factors that you should be cautious of what your memory tells you. As a qualified clinical hypno-therapist I can tell you that there are very few recalled facts I have heard from patients which are indicative of past life memories. Most such memories are confabulated nonsense.


      It seems like only yesterday we were powerful youths striding into an endless sunset and a safe-haven, the horn of plenty, with the confidence and arrogance of innocence. We felt immortal, indestructible, as if the whole of creation belonged to us, as if all was truly the promise of Love and Goodness. We could almost see and touch the promise of fulfilment. Life was like a fragrance of happiness, a tantalizing pulsation of delight; a reward for just being. But now, where is that strength we felt long ago? Where are the confidence and promise of a glorious future? Alas, there are none. They have all vanished! But what has happened? Now in the blinking of an eye we are old, tired, about to be deformed by gravity; world-weary of the battles we needed to fight every day just to keep a place in the line of everyday existence, just to keep sane in a mad, mad world. Was it always going to be like this? Were we all blinded to the cruel reality of it by the ardour of youth? Why did we not see the pain and sorrow of those decaying around us then?
     What happened to the promises of fulfilment that we sensed, as our strength coursed like liquid steel through our veins, as our muscles strained like they would burst through the skin in unrestrained exuberance, as our bosoms heaved with breathless expectation, with exhilarating anticipation? Where are the love and glory, the fulfilment of a million desires we sensed as youths when we thought we looked at life and its promised future squarely in the eye and thought it was honestly looking back at us?
     Alas, many of us now realize it was all a bluff. This life, we now realize, never intended for us, or anyone else, to be thus fulfilled. It tricked us, as it does all others who are trapped here, with the nectar of false promises. It dazzled us with the reflections of a thousand spurious dreams, all unattainable. And before we had a chance to even take one stride towards the promise of fulfilment, the whole scene vanished before our very eyes as we were burdened by the mundane chores of a frayed existence. The scenes we longed for, and the promises, were ephemeral. They were never meant to be. The promises were false and the euphoria we felt as youths was the result of the biochemistry of deceitful programming and of exploitative hormones working robotically on naive brains, working their dark magic of false enchantment and eventual disillusionment and disappointment. It was the false hope of a false illusion which created the thoughts of false contentment, of happiness, of immortality. It is this programming that sets youths blindly on the path to false battle glory and eventual destruction. It blinds as it deceives, abuses as it uses. We are fools, the fooled, the victims of this exploitation, victims of the one who sets us up in this way.
     Alas, now the chemical-hormonal levels have dropped. The thoughts have exploited us to the last. The mind fades, the muscles weaken, the sight fails, the bones soften and that which races through our veins no longer spurs us to the thought of heroics. Rather it reminds us of the rust that has settled in. Those who cannot bear the pain, exaggerate the false glory of yesteryear with the confabulations of senility.
     Where is the glow of youth? Where is the promise of invincibility of the mind over weaknesses and earthly corruption? Where, indeed, is the fragrance of innocent planning for a future of Love and Light, of security, of honour, and of respect in this decrepit world? Where is the joie de vivre expressed by youth? Is it not in the buried wastes of the ubiquitous corruption and its deception?
     Alas, the dreams of yesteryear were all illusions. Soon we will be older and decayed, a sight of withering stature that few will want to see. We have been used by the maker of the plan that has trapped us and exploited us, as it has so many others. We know we are not alone in our lament, for a part deep within us still holds hope for a brighter future. But we can only hear that Song of the Pearl within by stilling the false hopes and aspirations of this decaying, moribund, bodily imperfection.
     Indeed we would have been better off without the false promises our bodies were given, for our bodies are not us. We know that now. But in all those years we were fooled to think that they were. And such deception led us, as it does all others, to seek a mechanism of reproduction. That, we now realize, was all that the plan was for.
     Physically the nature which abuses and taunts with false hopes sees our bodies as no more than as apples or as pears with the seeds within to reproduce more fruit and then wither, as all physical things must. That is the fulfilment it had in store for us. But in order to accomplish that task, it embellished our minds with thoughts of the unattainable, the falsehood of the Grand Deception of Evil, the illegally borrowed traits of a True Light and true Future. It has taken the shadow of a Great Substance and created the illusion, Darkness, empty promises, and the desires of unfulfillment.
     The imperfection of an evil scheme is deceptively used to recreate imperfection. And it takes us time to realize we have been fooled. And then it appears too late to take back the disappointment of our deception.
     Who has played such a trick on us? Why has it done so? What devious mind would design such devious biology, such a diabolical scheme to defraud? Does it deserve our respect? Of course it does not! As it condemns you and I to the physical suffering imposed by time and gravity, we, having awakened, must condemn it to the disrespect of its own imperfections. Are the fleeting, insubstantial and false joys of youth worth the sorrow and disillusionment of senility? Indeed not. But the evil scheme has been developed such that one can only compare at the end, not at the start or in the middle, of the physical life. At the start one is blinded by the rage of youthful exuberance. In middle ages one suspects the deception but is too bogged down by the mechanisms of the lie and the need to run the rat-race to be able to see clearly.
     It is only with the wisdom of the years that a True Being can see that this biological plan is a fraud and deserves utter condemnation. It deserves to be totally destroyed and if it truly reflects its creator then he too deserves to be totally destroyed for he exploits with false promises and cannot deliver anything but pain, sorrow and the misery of relentless exploitation. And at the end of it all he implants the fear of the final disappointment. But, those of us who have awakened somewhat, are wiser now, aware of his ploy, and are able to taunt him chanting in unison: "O death where is thy sting, O grave where is thy victory?"

Correction: In the item on Global Warming in Newsletter #6: 5 % in the following sentence should read 5 degrees:
... Academy of Science was convinced the earth was warming up and stated that in its opinion human life would be unsustainable with a rise of 5% Centigrade ...."

     Some hypocrites have nothing better to do than bad-mouth those they envy. If you happen to be caught by ones who want to pollute you with their calumny, tell them to buzz off, as you have no time for them. Without an audience these nitwits soon lose their power. As a rule of thumb, never believe what others say anyway. Check it out. You will find most people who like to spread yarns and rumours are liars and deceivers of the worst kind. Do you really want them as friends? Life is hard enough as it is without this type making it more confusing and difficult. What they are really doing is internally stirring you so that you will be destabilized and lose energy. And is that not what evil is all about?


     So, you like the concepts of Re-incarnation and Karma? Do you think this system is fair and just? Do you think all things run according to some grand, pantheistic design? Could someone be pulling the wool over our eyes? Are we being fleeced? Read this very brief piece and then think about the next visit to the butcher's. Being spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and near Easter, this seemed appropriate:
"Next pleasssse....!"
"That's me sir."
"Good.. Let's see .. Here tiz.. ye, you're going back to... Earth.
"Have I been there before?"
"What, you don't remember anything?"
"No Sir, ... Should I?"
"Well...., let me check your chart. Ah ha! They've wiped your memory clean again ... You won't remember anything."
"Tell me what it's like then, please sir."
"O, it's not so bad, .... once you get used to conditions."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, when the sun shines you will feel nice and warm....
"Sun? What's a sun?"
"Its a fiery red ball in the sky there. It gives heat and light needed there. But don't look directly at it otherwise you will go blind. And stay in the shade during the midday hours otherwise it will burn you, and keep your eyes shut during the glary times otherwise - cataracts - you could go blind, and ...."
"Oh.... !"
"But when it rains you will be cool. Unless the wind blows a lot or it's at night. Then you will be cold and wet and miserable and you will shiver in pain. But..., that's Earth!"
"Won't I be protected?"
"Not necessarily. You will be born a lamb."
"A lamb.... What's a lamb?"
"It's a cute baby form of one of the animal species there."
"What's an animal?"
"Don't you remember anything at all?"
"No sir, sorry sir."
"Ok, Ok, ... I guess it's not your fault. An animal is one of the physical manifestations to accommodate consciousness on that planet."
"Well what jobs do lambs do?"
"Usually lambs grow up and provide woo.... Wait a minute.... According to your chart, you don't... ah... you're due back here in .... equivalent of three earth-months or thereabouts."
"What? Back here real soon? Why? It hardly seems worth the effort of being born.... I wou....."
"I'm sorry, but that's your chart....., and it rarely changes.
"But what can I learn in three months there?
"Learnnn?? You think your going there to learn?"
"Isn't that the reason for going?"
"Oh yea, sure, that's it; your going there to learn."
"Why can't I stay there longer?"
"Because you can't, that's why!"
"But, but, .... there must be a reason. Please tell me, pleassse."
"Well, if you have to know .... you will be spring lamb."
"What does that mean?"
"You will be slaughtered ... killed and cooked ... and eaten by beings called humans shortly after you are born in spring, a season there."
"What? That's horrible! I don't want to go! I don't want to be slaughtered! I don't want to be eaten!! I won't go, no way!!"
"Afraid you hafta go. You've no choice. That's the system."
"I don't want to go I tell you. I will not go! I want no part of such a system. It's cruel! It's horrible! It's evil! I want to change it. We must change it... I..., you..., we ..., have to...."
"You can't change it. As far as I know it can't be changed. You are part of the system. You have supported it for a long, long time. That's how its been... that's how it stays."
"How? How do I support this horrible system? How could I support such a horrible system? I won't support it I tell you. I don't remember anything!"
"Well, its all here on the chart. You supported it when you were a human, in many, many, lives. You slaughtered and devoured many, many animals including lambs in all those lifetimes without a second thought."
"I didn't know! I was tricked I tell you. Its wrong! Its wrong to be like this! Let me be! ... I don't want to go... The system is wrong! It must be changed! It.... it... "
"I'm afraid you really have no say in this!"
"But,.... but... no... no, ... don't push me out... stop, please stop ... don't make me go, no... no.... plea...."
"Next pleasssse...."

Points to ponder

     Some deceitfully imply that humanity is becoming more civilized, more spiritual, far more deserving of Divine favour. My answer to that is: "Baloney!" Think of this example for a moment: The "savages" of a millennium ago, and even less, would sacrifice a young virgin to appropriate the volcanic gods and other deities in order to gain favour and to prosper. It was said to be an honour for the family chosen to have a daughter sacrificed thus. (We can well imagine the effects on the one to be thrown down a volcano!) Well, the price of one virgin annually seems almost (but never is) reasonable considering what civilized humans do today. Consider this:
     In order to secure its prosperity in oil, the USA and the West sacrificed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis whom they consider sub-human, if we really are honest about what they think. But the real human cost is realized when one adds as well the number of US soldiers sacrificed to appropriate the gods of war, of oil, of prosperity, of egotistical nationalism, of racial superiority, etc. The soldiers who were brain-washed to serve their country, to kill as many as was necessary of the other humans, who in turn had been effectively demonized by the propaganda of war, were injected with vaccines, the nature and effects of which they did not know. As it turns out, the vaccines have caused Gulf War Syndrome, affecting 500,000 of the 750,000 US soldiers thus far with a fatal AIDS-like virus which is more virulent, faster-acting and more contagious than AIDS. Many of the families and associates of the soldiers are already infected and millions are going to die from it. General Norman Schwarzkopf, otherwise known as Stormin' Norman, who was made an honourary Knight by the Queen of England shortly after the Gulf War, is said to have the malady also. Can you not see then, that the ones in control sacrificed, not one, but thousands upon thousands to gain the same advantage natives of long ago sought? I can.
     If you think the Gulf War action was unprecedented you are more naive than you think. What honour and glory could there have been for the Archons of the US (and Australia) to intoxicate their soldiers with LSD and other drugs and send them into the jungles of Vietnam to fight for a spurious cause? Are the 50,000 deaths that needlessly resulted not retribution to the gods of Mammon's Kingdom? And what of the millions of Vietnamese who were slaughtered? Who will pay for that toll? The major portion of humanity, and its Archons, have not learned to be more benign, more civilized at all. Indeed, they have become far more evil, more cunning, more unscrupulous, more deadly. They have learned only how to be more devious and hide their wickedness from those who appear to want to be blind anyway. But they cannot fool the True Divine. With each passing day they earn the right to be dealt with the way they deserve, and to me that means total annihilation, total removal of evil from the face of creation.



1    Sterilizing Humanity
Man made pollution and sterility. In previous publications I have mentioned the scientific side-effects on the planet which are killing all life. Scientists and their technology are not saving the world - they are destroying it. In Newsletter #6 I stated that chemical poisons organically mimic hormonal precursors and are sterilizing all creatures, even humans. News report on January 4, 1996 in Queensland's Courier Mail is headed "Sperm Counts Lower". The article which also made the TV news the previous day concludes that at the rate of sterilization, which is about 2% p.a., all males neonates, born in 60 years time will be sterile unless the trend is halted. Among the many theories put forward for this disaster is that man-made pollution has caused it.
     My comments:
*    The planet will not last 60 years.
*    There is a snow flake's chance in hell of this trend, as well as all other destructive trends, being halted or reversed.
*    Before complete male population sterility occurs, the number of birth defects, spontaneous abortions, genetic mutants, etc., will rise exponentially, because of abnormal sperms, as seen in all who have been poisoned one way or another. This is evident in victims of radiation poisoning (as in Chernobyl) and in Gulf War Syndrome sufferers.
Add to this problem the ones of other pollution, war, famine, climate change, ozone depletion, the Greenhouse effect, new diseases, salination, water shortage, etc., etc., and you would indeed be foolish to insist on believing the lying archons in control who say: "All is well"; "It will be alright mate!" and "Steady as she goes!"
It makes the New Agers who are promising us a New Golden Age in the very new future on this, their "Mother Earth" look like unbelievable liars and morons which they truly are. You would be unwise to take them seriously. "Mother Earth" herself is all but dead.
     My advice to you is unchanged: Realize this is the end of this dimension and prepare for the next phase in the manner I have described often in other sections.

2    The Miracle of Modern Medicine and its Magical Vaccines:

In a recent TV interview, Prof Dwyer, reputed to be one of Australia's vaccination experts claimed that the greatest advance in medicine this century has been the development of vaccines and the lives they saved. This statement is OK if you are ignorant of the modern medical scenario. I will not go into a discussion of childhood vaccinations here, I simply want to highlight the absurdity of the above claim. Balance it with this: HIV-AIDS is a vaccine-induced illness, having killed millions and which will kill BILLIONS. Some 2.2 billion around the world are infected. With this information, can we really believe the medical experts who maintain the greatest advance has been in medicine (and in saving lives, as a corollary) has been the development of vaccines?

3    Road Rage:
So, you think I may have been exaggerating the significance and incidence of road rage. Well, just take note of this: Headline in the Courier Mail January 9, 1996 "Thou shalt remain calm". Religion is hitting the road in the United Kingdom. The increase in road rage there has prompted the Christian Road Safety Association to offer 10 commandments for peace on the roads. In addition to the commandments, the association also provides hymns and prayers for cultivating a more spiritual approach to driving. To give you an idea of the commandments, number three says "Remember alcohol is for the radiator, not the operator".

4    An Irate Caller
An old American ex-serviceman whose daughter subscribes to the newsletter actually rang me a while back complaining about my having called the USA a bully. I reminded him of the countries in which the USA had "kicked butt" in living memory. They include Iraq, Panama, Libya, Grenada, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, Haiti, Guatemala and Cuba. Mexico can probably also be included. Excluding Iraq, which is a special case, these countries would make any list of the poorest nations, the weakest, the most illiterate, the most backward, the least capable, the most in need of help, the most disease-ridden, the most militarily harmless, the most miserable and the most pitiable. Just what honour and glory can there be to militarily destroy such countries? Surely there is none, and surely any who attack them, with the might of the US, must be classed as bullies! Although Iraq was impoverished by its 10 year war with Iran, it still had the will to fight back. So, in order to take no chances, the US blackmailed the rest of the world to support it in destroying every aspect of that country and make a monetary profit to boot. It is said the US collected over $84 billion US dollars from the allies for costs of the war which were far less in reality. Propaganda was used to grossly inflate the Iraqi military potential, so much so, that many who saw just how uneven the contest was were extremely embarrassed and began questioning the sincerity of the allies, when they had previously never done so.
     Since the Clearing Process has begun on this level, one of the axioms under which this level is now operating states that Evil beings are now cursed by their own evilness. And so it is that the US, the world's bully, is cursed. Already many of its people are dying from radiation poisoning and from various diseases the soldiers in the Gulf War acquired, including Gulf War Syndrome, which they have brought back to the North American Continent and which are spreading to their wives, children, families, relatives, friends, etc. One estimate has it that over 500,000 of the 750,000 US soldiers serving in the Gulf are infected with an AIDS-like virus which causes various cancers and is more virulent and more speedily fatal than AIDS. Experimental vaccines and drugs for soldiers are nothing new. Governments often experiment with the populations illegally and immorally. During the Vietnam war, Australian soldiers were given Dapsone, whose carcinogenicity is irrefutable, as an anti-malarial. Are those in charge incompetent to the point of criminality or are they, as Jesus pointed out in John 8:44, evil liars and murderers like their father Jehovah, who is the devil, the demiurge? Alas, victors are never charged with war crimes.

5    Food and water are less safe.
*    In Tulsa, Oklahoma, 3500 were affected with Hepatitis, all customers of the same restaurant.
*    E.coli poisoning in now running between 10,000 to 20,000 reports per year in the US. The U.S. Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta says it believes the outbreaks are caused by a nasty newly evolving E.coli called "O157:H7".
*    From San Francisco, October 11: Two and a half million candy bars made in the bay area were recalled due to worms in the candy. No one knows how they got there.
*    The drinking water of at least 4.7 million Californians contains unsafe levels of arsenic, radioactive radon and/or various methanes. This is according to a survey of water agencies in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento by the California Public Interest Research Group.

6     The Election of Madeleine Albright
     If you had any doubt that evil hypocrites run this world and that they rise to the positions of greatest power, then that doubt was surely expelled by the answers Madeleine Albright gave to a Senate Committee in her formal quest to the position of Secretary of State in the USA, for the first time by a female. Albright promised an aggressive foreign policy to fight against illegal drugs, terrorism, human rights abuses, and environmental threats, and for an expansion of NATO and trade agreements that would help US jobs. Let us consider these aspects in turn:
1    If you and I know that her boss, Bill Clinton, was part of the drug-running syndicate from the banana republics to Mesa Airport, Arkansas, as various state troopers have testified under oath, then she knows to. If you and I know, as does most of the world, that the CIA planted and distributed "crack" cocaine into the black hearts of American cities for profit and to destroy blacks, then she knows, too. To then say what she says makes her a hypocrite.
2    Terrorism: The CIA is the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world, inside and outside the USA. It even has schools for teaching terrorists on US soil. Just who is fooling whom?
3    Human rights abuses: Do you not think that the many, many inmates of prisons who have been framed in the US have had their human rights abused? Many are being proven to be innocent by advanced biological examinations. Does it not make you wonder? What about the Weavers, Waco, all the blacks, hispanics, wet-backs, who are treated like a malady, not like humans? What about their rights?
4    Environmental threats: If you and I know there are paid PR firms to hide the truth of environmental pollution with government sanction, do you not think Albright knows also? If you and I have seen those TV documentaries highlighting the poisoning of the land, air and water across the USA with government approval for big business, do you not think she know also, as do all the other Archons such as Clinton and Gingrich, who are trying to deceive us all the time?
5    Expansion of NATO: Is this not USA hegemony in its most obvious form? Where is the enemy? Where, where, where, is it written that it requires such a collection of warmongers, the greatest in human history? Do you not think they are capable of inventing an enemy and blowing it to kingdom-come when the time for them to do so is right? Iran, China, all of Africa look like prominent targets. One of the items of a hidden Zionist-Israeli-US agenda is the annexation of all oil-rich gulf states at some point in the future with total destruction of present states. Iraq was a sign of things they have in mind. Before you dismiss this as fanciful speculation, know that it was part of Kissinger's plan for the New World Order. Besides, how do you think World War III will commence and be waged?
6    Trade Agreements: Even the newspaper boy knows that such trade agreements enrich the rich and decimate the poor. The poor are forced to borrow from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in order to become competitive. The peasants who live by subsistence farming are pushed into high-yield cash crops, forgoing their own needs and being deluded into thinking they can buy their needs. Prices of what they produce are manipulated by the cartels, sending them lower for their primary production and increasing manufactured goods and processed food. Many cannot make enough to live, being far poorer than ever before, while the archons get richer. Where is the justice in that? The national debts of such places, as exemplified by Mexico and Brazil, increase as they are unable to sell at an adequate price and therefore cannot meet payments to the World Bank and IMF who end up owning them. This is the process as in pre-World War II in Germany all over again which allowed Hitler to rise to power. I am not saying another Hitler will come, but these countries will surely be pushed to collapsing point and anarchy. And when they have nothing else to lose they will become ruthless for they will see how they have been exploited. Even in Australia this process has impoverished us and is continuing to do so, with most oblivious to it and the politicians too sycophantic to protest. Most of Australia is now owned by foreign interests. Some estimate it is over 75% of all businesses. State owned assets are sold off to keep the place running. Sure we have Ford and General Motors, Coca-Cola, KFC, McDonald, Sizzler, Hungry Jack, etc., etc. Many parts of Australian cities are no different from the newer US cities. But the bottom line is that the profit from all these ventures is going to the US, not Australia! The invasion has been an economic one and very successful, even as we remember that the US has taken most of our long-established markets overseas, after promising not to do so. The excuse the US gave was "All is fair in love and trade!"

I repeat that if you and I know these things, then Madeleine Albright knows too. To then say what she says makes her a great, evil hypocrite. She is a noted little Lucifer who will start off the fire of World War III, along with the hothead Nazi-Israelite Benjamin Netanyahu. Just watch your TV screens. You will see that by her actions she will create havoc the likes of which we have not witnessed. If I was ever allowed a little leeway for exaggeration, I am sure I would say something like: "She will create so much suffering that the alleged antics of Hitler, Stalin, Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan combined will all seem mischievous Sunday School misdemeanours."


     True Beings should remember that, no matter how much they have suffered, time heals all wounds.
     Evil beings should remember that, no matter how much they deny accountability, time wounds all heels.


     Christopher Columbus (1446-1506) knew of the Greek astronomer Eratosthenes who had calculated the circumference of the Earth in 230 BC. In trying to teach the masses he was called crazy and a dangerous fool. What is the lesson here? My answer is this:
     Do what you believe to be correct and leave the barking fools in the darkness of their own ignorance. This is especially important as the world heads for destruction. Do not waste time or energy trying to convince the evil ones of anything. They will learn inevitably what the truth of things is, and they will do so the hardest way, not because any being of Light wishes it that way but because the evil ones are arrogant, ignorant fools, programmed to reject the Light and its Truth. But the time will arrive when they will be unable to do this any longer and they will be forced to admit not only that they were wrong, but that they are evil and have no place in a Divine Creation. It is at that point that they will judge themselves unworthy and seek self-destruction via transmutation. They will have had countless chances to change their nature and join the Light, but they will have refused every time.

If you do not believe in demons or the fact that their numbers are increasing exponentially on this plane, then force yourself to watch the Ricki Lake Show for 2-3 minutes. You will become a believer very quickly.



     Unless one is always on guard, familiarity does breed contempt. What is it that destroys respect? It is the same thing which promotes chaos. A cell that does not respect the rules of the environment in which it finds itself, which does not respect the functions and boundaries of other cells and structures, which does not respect the commands given to it, is called cancerous. Because of its lack of respect it invades, disrupts, destroys and eventually kills itself and all other cells around it which could have nurtured it properly. Disrespect, like self-pity, is spiritual as well as physical suicide.
     Beings who do not respect others are manifesting spiritual cancer for they are interfering with the proper function of others, no matter how much they claim they are not intending that, and no matter how much they apologize after the interference occurs.
     Labels such as spouse, sibling, relative, friend, colleague, etc., do not give any the authority to minimize respect towards any others and breed a contemptuous nature towards them. Such a nature is an indisputable indicator of evil programming, pollution and indoctrination. And thinking you can have such an outlook towards another and hide it is the height of stupidity as well as hypocrisy. Who do you think you are fooling?
     We have all been subjected so long to the unruly pressures of the concrete jungle that we reflexly assert our egos to show we are supposedly superior in a myriad of ways. While this may have been an evil mechanism for the survival of the fittest in a harsh physical environment, there should be no need for such mechanisms in a spiritual environment where the principles of proper function are sharing and loving. But one cannot do these things with disrespect in the heart.
     You may have, for a very long time, been able to get your way by abusing others, shouting, blackmailing them with sex, money, threats, with supposed positions of authority, etc., but that time is over. And you will realize it is over if you really have spiritually matured to any degree.
     While you should always be on guard against demons and their countless exploitative ploys, you should respect those who share your path and show appropriate respect at all times, even to the most venomous creature. This is for two reasons. Firstly, healthy respect will minimize your chance of being poisoned; the steps you take to effectively exercise the respect will protect you. Secondly, you do not know who is who or what is what. How do you know that a being playing a particular role is not a double agent in the War of Essences?
     You do not have to be a great philosopher to live wisely. Just remember the simple axioms such as "Familiarity breeds contempt". Finally, just think of the fact that if the mind emanating from the Celestial Error had had respect, it would not have developed the evil mentality which is so manifest now and which requires the drastic action to be taken.

Sure the world has many wonderful things. Many of these are the result of the efforts of the trapped True Beings. Many others are part of the Divine Mother's trapped creation.


Alan South of Stockton, California, writes how he found his path back: Until my mid-forties I was in pursuit of joy and satisfaction. I sought `the good life'. I got a university degree, a career, a wife and family, a nice home, two cars and a dog. I became a very active layman in my church. I worked in the community on social issues such as civil rights and better education for children. And throughout this I returned to my roots as a member of a large family and tried to have meaningful contact with the many relatives and friends. Over the years I became disillusioned with all of this, and I eventually left behind me the church, most of my family, the community, and the general rat race. I dropped out and sought personal growth through various therapeutic techniques and `New Age' philosophies. I built my own business. I sought happiness in deeper relationships, in more sharing ways of operating a business and in commercial activities that were more supportive of people. And yet nothing worked. At times, when it would seem that I had it all, I would stop to take account of my life and I would be depressed. Money, and the things it could buy, weren't the answer. A meaningful career or business wasn't the answer. Marriage and family wasn't the answer. Community involvement and service weren't answers. The church clearly didn't have answers. The New Age philosophies and methods were empty or incomplete; in fact, the New Age `gurus' didn't even live the way they taught others to live. Throughout my life, from time to time, I had been helped. Without this help I would have given up the search for any meaning, any truth. And, though I had a long list of things that didn't bring happiness, I continued the search. Finally, ten years ago, I came across one of the Centre's books. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I could see some of the traps that I had fallen into and I understood; the craziness of the world and of society finally made sense. I thank the Divine Message for coming to me by way of the Centre's books.
(Alan runs the Northern California sub-centre - Editor)


Kris Harman of New Zealand writes: Awakeners Beware!
     For years I questioned the meaning of life. Eventually I became aware of a "Guiding Hand", and felt directed to attend a lecture and workshop conducted by Dr and Mrs Chiappalone in New Zealand. I became aware of some of the traps. However, instead of turning within, I began to turn to those around me. I had also felt a bit uncomfortable about a New Age leader in NZ who began to boast. Foolishly, he falsely claimed criminal acts were necessary to speed up the end of this dimension, and I became involved. Before long the police became aware of what was going on, and several of us ended up facing very serious criminal charges. What a mess it all seemed to be! Nearly a year went by before the ringleader was brought to trial (the others of us had pleaded guilty and had already been dealt with). While he protested his innocence and tried to blame everyone else, the evidence that we were all able to give showed his true colours. He was exposed and stopped from harming others.
     The main things I learnt from the above experience were to turn within for guidance (being aware of the need to protect and to cleanse thoroughly). Don't trust other people just because they appear to be more knowledgable than you; to not use the emotions; to obey the law, no matter how silly it sometimes seems, for you will otherwise be caught and punished and will therefore suffer more. When a situation looks bleak, retain your faith in the Light.


Lisa Holden from Sydney writes:
     I found the Centre's message on a lecture tape in 1986 incredibly exciting. I then obtained a copy of one of the Centre's books and attended a workshop in Melbourne. My life had changed. Prior to 1986, I was unaware of these Gnostic Truths.
     I found my excitement difficult to contain. I took one book to work and shared some of its contents with colleagues. Being isolated from like minded people and being unable to share something that's so much a part of myself with anyone has been very difficult over the years.
     I have received much help and am grateful.
(Lisa runs the Sydney sub-centre - Editor)



Babaji's New Year's message

Start your new year by releasing all past negativity, so that your present and future have no place for your negative past.

Are you unhappy because your past is interfering with your present-day living?

You need to let go of your negative past instead of clinging to it. By clinging onto your negative past, you will certainly not avoid future pain and resentment.

You will only allow self-pity, resentment, and pain of the past to continue to exist by YOU giving the energy to sustain and nurture this condition in your mind.

You cannot afford to let the frustrations, confusion, disappointment, resentment, letdowns, misconceptions, exploitations, deceptions, errors, failures, hurts, etc., that you experienced in the past to exist in your present and future.

Those negative past experiences are of the past. You can stop your negative past from living on in your present life and in your future reality.

It is your responsibility to stop sustaining your negative past.

Living in the negative past is living in the utmost negative conditions of a living death!



The Concept of sin
     People like Augustine of Hippo believed that moral evil was the consequence of spiritual evil, and it was man's sinfulness which was the source of this spiritual evil. According to this view, to sin is to corrupt (to remove a good that should have been there). If evil is nothing (as Augustine maintained), it does not matter whether we sin, for it would seem that to sin is to do nothing. If sin is nothing, then we should not be punished by God for sinning, for no one should be punished for nothing. But then again, if Evil is nothing, how do we explain the fact that Evil can be such a powerful and horrible force in the world?

     The Christians and non-Gnostics maintained that sin was all due to man's own erroneous use of freewill. This was the position held by Augustine also. The absurdity of the Concept of Original Sin of each created consciousness, when the consciousness had not yet done anything to deserve such a stain, was explained away as collectively inherited sin, just as later the Church would erroneously argue a case for collectively inherited sin in the principle of Vicarious Satisfaction stemming from the murder of Jesus. Why would God stain His perfect creation just for one error supposedly committed by Adam? It is most unfair to blame everybody for the error of Adam.
     The Concept of Original Sin implies that God would create each new being perfectly and then spoil each being with the taint of evil because of the error of Adam. Such a concept denies the essence of Evil outside of man. It also implies that all humans are born with sin and all humans are born with Original Sin.
     If this is correct, God is convicted; guilty of injustice. Such a concept makes humans despair of perfection, for they can never eradicate their inborn fault.
     It is most unjust to condemn new-born infants or anyone else for Adam's sin.
     Some people may argue that the incoherence lies only in combining the idea of sin as a separation from God or as a desire not to conform to God's will with the idea of sin as wrong doing. But Original Sin is not our wrong doing. Whatever the problems with the theory of Original Sin, it could be said that for a start only God is perfect, so why should we worry about imperfection when God gives us what we cannot achieve for ourselves? Thus the defence of Original Sin is unjust.

     Indeed, the very notion that God would allow a flaw to remain in the nature of man as a result of Adam's sin shows God is not perfect. By asserting the existence of Original Sin, Augustine was saying that Satan or Adam was the creator of all humans who were born. By denying that in baptism all sins are forgiven, Augustine holds that there remains in baptised parents the evil by which their children are born with Original Sin. This implies that God continuously creates imperfection since all human beings have to pay for Adam's misdemeanour.

     The true Gnostic position on evil is that there is an independent source of Evil. The Gnostic account of sin exempted the self from moral agency in evil. There is a mixture of Good and Evil within the human due to the mixture of Good and Evil principles. All the good acts were ascribed to the Good principle and the bad ones to the Evil principle.

     Since the self is identified with the Good principle, the self is obviously exempted from being an agent in evil, or responsible for evil. The true Gnostics affirm unambiguously that directly or otherwise, the true God is not the originator of Evil. For them, Evil did not originate from God or within the realm that God ordered or controlled. Instead, it stemmed from the evil nature that opposed the Divine, arising as it did from an experimental aberration. In this view, neither God nor anything that came from God was evil or capable of evil.
     Never forget, the "god" in control of this world is the demi-god of the Evil principle.



As Amitakh has often stressed - never give your will over to evil. Whenever you fall or deviate from the Divine path, ask for spiritual strength to pick yourself up again and continue your journey in the Divine path.

On this level, there is an unwritten law of this evil dimension that whenever the victim asks for help, help comes to them easier and faster than when the situation is left to "chance" or "Divine intervention".

As long as one does not give over one's will to evil, evil can never win, even if it can hurt or torment one physically, emotionally and mentally.

Keep well and flowing with giggling bubbles.



     The fool, possessing a few facts, thinks he knows it all and, thinking he has mastered the world, closes his mind off to the light of reason. He seeks nothing new.
     But the wise man, with far greater knowledge, realizes that the more he learns, the less he really knows, and the more knowledge there is still to be acquired. He seeks knowledge anew, and also seeks the power to express his wisdom.

Other Letters From the Correspondence File

Please note that time and space do not allow publication of all letters. Many selected for publication have been edited for brevity.

Dear Dr Chiappalone
I wish to express my appreciation for your books and newsletters. I had spent the past fifty years of my life reading books, trying to find some meaning for life and a guide to living, all without success, until I read the Annwn Publications' books. These books gave me the Gnostic Key to understanding Reality. While each Newsletter is an amazing condensation of a few pages, it gives a wealth of information and insight into the broadest range of types and events from a Gnostic viewpoint. I am considerably impressed at the quality of each newsletter and the fact the next appears to be even better than the one before it. I am so thankful that there is a source of information, free from all media lies, distortion and misinformation, and from current prejudices. Looking forward to your future Newsletters,

Geoff Cahill, Qld, Australia.

I always feel there is someone who understands and loves us. What is encouraging is that even though we may forget this, that someone is always there. I believe we are helped when we need it, whether we are aware of it or not and only get into the messes we do through stupidity.
L. S., Lacey, USA.

J S Chiappalone, Editor
Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

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