May 1997, Newsletter # 9

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


Welcome again to the realm of the Annwn Newsletter.

    Books, Books, Books!!! Our new books are selling like hot cakes. Why? Well, judge from the comments other readers have sent us as I publish them! By the way, we have in Malanda, a few American Editions of the series "Making Sense of the Madness", Vol 1, 2, 3. They are $30 each posted. First come, first served. (to order)

    Thanks to all of you who have faxed in, sent messages on the Net, written and sent floppies telling me about the massive number of multi-witnessed UFO sightings around the world. This does indeed fulfil our prophecy that such a thing would happen. Whether you can believe, understand it or not, these sightings, exposures, are in small part due to the work we did in Mexico. This is what I wrote in Newsletter 8:

Aim of the Trip: Having been on many space-crafts to attend conferences and obtain information, our trip was certainly not to establish the existence of UFOs. Rather, it was to establish contact with like-minded workers, to expose frauds, and to set up a ring of energy to destroy opposition blocks to the Clearing Work. Along the way, it was hoped that the messages strangers had received in these distant areas would be shared to illuminate the state and fate of the planet. The revelations would prove to be timely bombshells for the majority of unprepared humanity in due course.



    Some of you will have noted that programming effects are far greater than previously with increasingly deleterious effects from negative programming. Of course if you are an oaf and are always totally negatively programmed you are going to have a hard time telling the difference. Seriously though, because of the changing energy patterns many of you will have noted the increased effects of programming. That is because each individual is becoming more honed to respond to the frequency of its side, and therefore is more susceptible to deleterious effects from opposing energy. What can you do about it if you are a being seeking Light? Cleanse more meticulously and pay more attention to the activities which will minimize pollution. Needless to say, you will make a special effort to avoid known polluting factors. IF you do not know what they are at this stage, and I guess there could be some who are casually reading this newsletter, I refer you to the series called "Making Sense of the Madness", published by the Annwn Publications which will clarify your queries.

    These effects are all part of the process of separating the 2 creations, of sifting the wheat from the chaff. There are further indications that the Endtime is here. Bizarre and unpredictable behaviour is affecting every aspect of existence on this planet. Of course it is difficult to read the signs. All one can do is trust that somehow one will be guided towards an eventual positive outcome. There are many sharks in the water and we have been trapped in all sorts of harassing situations. But, can any of us afford to stop now?



    As the world physically fractures with the massive geographical changes which we have predicted, many will physically perish. Animals will be involved in the process of death and clearing out, and the manner of their death, like that of humans, does matter, for their consciousnesses could be shattered and injured in a very traumatic process. That is why one of our activities near the very end, and especially as these catastrophes begin to occur, will be to establish areas around the world which we will call safe havens for both humans and animals. These will be located strategically around the world and those, both humans and animals, tame and wild, who are to continue into the next dimension will be directed to these safe havens. Some may come for a short time to die peacefully for the method of physically dying is important as to how quickly they will be rehabilitated for the next dimension. This goes for animals as well as humans. Some will need shelter, rest, food, medical attention, etc. These last days, last months will not be pretty and many will want to spend their last days with like-minded fellows.

     These safe havens are a reality. The massive expense for purchase of land, for construction of buildings, for fencing, supplies, etc., has been scheduled as part of the plan of the Third Phase and those who are to do this around the world, working in conjunction with us are already known to us. I will release details as they are required.

    I know that it is difficult to think in terms of last days, especially if one ignores the world changes andwatches the idiot box, or looks outside on a sunny day and thinks nothing at all. But, the TV does show a world that is fracturing. That nice sunny day is no longer nice. Cooking of your skin is now reported to commence in 6 minutes in Australia. If the sun does not kill people, the air will. 25% of the world's people will be killed by the polluted air they breathe.

    No seafood is really safe to eat any longer. Over 80% of meat is contaminated, and the outbreaks of food poisoning are now no laughing matter. I see the ambulance chasers (lawyers) are now advertising for clients who have contracted Hepatitis A to enlist in class action suits against oyster suppliers. Can you not see what is going on? In a short while you will have smokers uniting against all tobacco companies. And so they should. People who contract AIDS will sue sex partners, people who have stress from work will sue bosses, people who have religious intolerance will sue their clergy, people who hate will sue their communities for indoctrinating them, etc., etc. The whole world will fracture before our eyes as the people suffer Terminal Madness everywhere. And it will not be a Madness which they can enjoy. It will bring horrendous pain and suffering for they also realize they are doomed. And take it from me, the most devastated patients are those who are forlorn and have a sense of impending doom which they cannot shake off, whose origin they do not know and whose effects wreck their lives.

     The safe havens will be shelters to escape from the Madness of those affected in this way. But be warned, the robots and demons do not like having their "societies" rejected and become quite hostile when one seeks something better. Be prepared therefore for their abuse, misunderstanding and vituperations, even as their own world decays around them and they know not where to turn.


    Which is the real one?

    As you are well aware, there are 2 messages being dispersed by the 2 basic groups of aliens. They cannot both be correct. Already there is a great deal of confusion, as I said would occur, for people who appear authoritative are sometimes vacillating, often opting for the false message. Your job, if you are interested, is to decipher the correct message.

    I know some of you are confused, some even racing from one report to the other like chickens with their heads cut off trying to find the definite answers. Many of the items now presented on the Net have a little truth interlaced with mumbo-jumbo, false assertions, opinions and confabulations of those lost in the confusing darkness and void of their own ignorance. You are certainly NOT going to find the answers you seek out there! Grab a few rudimentary facts and then connect to your own "Inner Internet". Have you tried it? Cut your pollution down as much as possible, discipline your outer monkey mind, still it and allow your Inner Mind to communicate with you so that you will be in tune with the wavelength to which you belong and get the answers that are right for you. If you are of the Light and take precautions, you will eventually connect to the Light channel. If you are of Darkness, you will connect to Darkness and its information. This has been made abundantly clear by the change in various ones including the Carlos I mentioned in Newsletter #8; in Whitley Strieber, the author of "Communion" and other books about alien contact; in the Boston psychiatrist John Mack, who investigated many alien abduction cases; and in many abductees themselves, who went from being terrified victims of their assailants to complying, sycophantic robots who have been "programmed" to present their evil experiences as good ones.

    What has happened here? These beings have been taken over. They are either evil walk-in consciousnesses or robotic ones who now present the evil agenda.

    Before going further, let me elaborate on the 2 messages so that you are clear in your mind to what they are:


    This even includes the messages of the so-called "Virgin Mary" appearing as "she" is, in many locations around the world, and asking people to be more religious, even become Catholic as reported in Medjugorje, and do ecological penance to save this "wonderful" planet. Basically this evil message states that the evil aliens are our friends; that they have been supervising humanity for a long time and in response to the ecological suicidal conditions we are creating for ourselves, they have come to help save this planet.

    Now remember, these are the aliens whom I have no problem labelling evil. They are the ones which cause much distress to contactees and abductees, as I pointed out in the last newsletter. The information about them is important enough to repeat here. They are the evil Reptilians and Greys, the nasty ones, the baddies, the ones conducting illegal, immoral and unethical experiments. They are the ones conducting traumatizing, nocturnal abductions; terrorizing communities with their hybrid creations such as the Chupacabras; killing and/or experimenting on animals (as observed in animal mutilations); on humans (as reported by some who have had foetuses, ova, sperm stolen). They are the ones copulating with willing humans to increase evil energy on this level, as some evil witches are reporting, and raping innocent victims.

    The Reptilians are the masters, the Greys are stupid clones who do the mundane work. Many reptilians have taken over human bodies and are easy to spot when clairvoyant vision is restored. Theircrafts are the ones seen flying about as silver and bronze discs just about everywhere on the planet. These are the ones which crashed in New Mexico in 1947, and elsewhere such as the USSR, China, South Africa, Brazil, Puerto Rico, etc. They are not from higher realms at all but from dimensions close to this one which are also being cleared and they are attempting to escape the clearing process. Their efforts are futile. However, they are trying to develop hybrids to live in this dimension, refusing to accept that this dimension is being cleared also.

    These are the ones who have co-operated with Governments around the world, especially the US government, to form a One World Government and fight off the Good Aliens which I also described a little last week. These are the aliens who have interfered with the minds of many beings including Carlos Diaz, Dr. John Mack and other contactees/abductees who are now excusing their evil away. These are the evil aliens who are resisting correction of the Celestial Error for they are part of the evil error. They have given false information to many humans, claiming they have come to help humanity save the planet, etc., etc. In fact, they are here to destroy humanity and take over the globe if they can. But they will fail for the Divine Group is on their trail. These are the evil aliens who have built many bases over the globe, some known, some unknown, some with governmental co-operation, some without. These bases are within mountains and volcanoes, under the sea, under ice, in immediate dimensions very close to this one, etc. They use inter-dimensional portals the existence of which has become more and more apparent in recent years. These aliens have been here for a long, long time, interfering with humanity, not for its good but for theirs, and many historical texts mention them. References to such episodes occur in the writings of many historians including Josephus, Livy and Julius Obsequens; in the annals of the Egyptian Thutmose III; in the Book of Enoch; in the biblical Old Testament (Exodus, Daniel, Ezekiel, Elijah, et al.) and many, many other manuscripts, of all cultures, in all eras, including the Sanskrit Puranas and Vedas.

    These are the ones who have shot down airplanes and missiles, kidnapped crafts and pilots such as Valentich, and irradiated populations to cause disease, disharmony and wars.

    These are the evil alien beings who have a base within Mt. Popocateptl which was bombed, with no effect, many times by US and Mexican authorities. I repeat, they have bases everywhere. These are the evil aliens who have in times past presented as demons, as incubi, succubi, false angels, phantoms, apparitions, to mislead, abuse and taunt consciousnesses on this level. In this day and age they are spuriously presenting as benign angels giving disinformation to gullible victims and many who have Out-Of-Body experiences, Near Death Experiences, who Astral Travel, etc. They are co-operating with evil ones to write books of untruth which are misleading humanity.

    In their ranks can be included beings/publications such as Ramtha, Shirley McLaine, Oprah Winfrey, Eck, A Course in Miracles, Seth, The Celestine Prophecy, etc., etc. All these have one theme in common: They fly the flag of the New Age, spuriously promising a glorious Heaven in this Putrid Earth as long as we deny the existence of Evil!!

    Only Evil could or would do that. Millions of minions are devout followers of this nonsense simply because they are evil robots and demons themselves. That is why such simplistic, grossly misleading nonsense as represented in "The Celestine Prophecy" can sell 10 MILLION copies in a matter of weeks. Truthful facts, instead, have insurmountable hurdles to overcome just to get into print, and that is because evil runs this plane. If there was no evil, one would think that all would have an equal chance and there would be equal distribution of all facts for none would be Good or Evil. The fact that this does not occur confirms the existence of an evil, obstructing force. Besides, why else would there be a cover-up? Why else would there be so much secrecy and death threats to those who are attempting to reveal the Truth of it all?

    Within a very short time, these evil aliens and their crafts will be actively and forcefully engaged by the Divine Group who will destroy them everywhere they occur, in this dimension and in all those in which they find themselves. Such military action will become evident for all to see. When this happens, hang on to your hats, for the end, announced by such unprecedented celestial occurrences, is well and truly nigh!

    I have repeated these facts from last month because I think they are very important and they are facts upon which you can base your own judgement eventually of what is going on. If you are ignorant of these facts you will judge in ignorance. And seeing only fools do that, do you really want to judge without having the facts?

    Now, answer this question: "How are you going to trust what these evil aliens are saying when they are obviously evil, unscrupulous liars who are terrorizing humans and animals?" The answer is: "There is no way they can be trusted, no way they can be believed".

    They are misrepresenting their presence here. They are not here to help humanity at all. They are here to KILL OFF HUMANITY and take the planet for themselves for their own dimension is defunct. They are hastily experimenting to create hybrids which will live in these changing conditions and they are encouraging humanity to clean up the ecological mess as much as possible before they wipe out humanity and take the place over!

    These are the ones now scurrying to and fro and being seen as UFO spacecrafts everywhere. They arerunning out of time and have thrown precaution to the winds. These are the ones -there are many subgroups - who have connived with human military establishments and then reneged on their word. They are untrustworthy. But it is the military who are the fools and have been fooled for they have been used and exploited. So, these evil aliens are fighting among themselves, against some human military establishments and against the Divine aliens. They are doomed war-mongers. Many of them have made pacts, as I said, with groups of humans, particularly the Zionist controllers of this world, that is why you will discover that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are behind John Mack and others now. But these evil Zionist controllers and their minions are fooling themselves thinking the evil aliens will comply with details of their agreements and keep them as partners. Their evil agenda is to use them as slaves, in due course, for as long as it suits them, just like the rest of humanity, and then liquidate them when they are of no further use.

    These aliens, although evil, are far more advanced technologically than humanity, most of which is also evil, as I have explained in our publications. They too are spawns of the Celestial Error, but they have been on a differing time zone. Their own dimensions are all but corrected and they are attempting to escape correction by taking over this one. But, as I have said before, their attempts are futile. They have placed evil robotic consciousness in many of the contactees and abductees they have worked on and that is why these people who initially were terrorised and expressed all the human emotions of distress are now compliant, passive supporters of these evil aliens and their agenda. As they displace more and more human consciousnesses, more and more of these artificial alien consciousnesses will exist on this plane. This is a corollary of the principle of body-snatching which I mentioned previously. In other words, it is being done by demons from lower levels as well as evil aliens. They have stolen much human and animal material, including foetuses and blood, in order to experiment and develop hybrids. Consider the fact that over 33% of all human pregnancies result in spontaneous miscarriage. Many of the abductees report that they are having restored memory of having pregnancies terminated and the foetuses stolen. Of course their bodies evacuate the remnants of the pregnancy when the foetus is removed and to all intents and purposes they have had a miscarriage. I am NOT saying ALL first trimester miscarriages are due to evil aliens stealing the foetus. What I am saying is that a good percentage may be due to this. I knew this pilfery of human foetuses went on even before abductees reported their experiences, because I had been told directly by those who say they are the Goodies.

    I said there are many sub-groups of evil aliens. Some are using humans as food. When this was reported by an abductee who miraculously escaped this fate, and his story was told in the movie "Fire in the Sky", many thought it was gross, unrealistic sci-fi exaggeration. How wrong they were. Humans husband animals for consumption. These aliens see humanity as animalistic and they are simply doing to us what we are doing to animals. They are cultivating humans for consumption. If you like, consider it as inter-dimension karma gone mad in this mad, evil system.

    We now have definite proof of the hybrids that these evil aliens are creating, and these are the Chupacabras I referred to in the last newsletter. I will discuss them below.

    You have to use your brain and decide whether you want to believe these traumatizing, lying demons and accept their agenda, or else believe your own eyes and see that the world is deteriorating beyond a point of no return. If you believe these aliens, you will have to call the group who say they are the Goodies, liars. You cannot believe both. The choice is yours.

    We can classify these facts mythologically by recognizing these evil aliens as the Titans of Greek Mythology and the Satanic legions of Biblical stories and myths. The Goodies are represented by Zeus and his workers and the Elohim respectively. I will not elaborate on this at this stage. Just realize that the bible stories and mythology have been now reduced to worthless, senseless fables, as I pointed out in "Death of an Evil God".


    This is the message you are familiar with if you have read our publications. It is the Gnostic Message repeated throughout history, or what history remains for us to read, from the time of the Celestial Error. In this era it forms the basis of the pristine philosophy of Zoroaster, Manichaeus, Jesus, Moses, Plato, Buddha, Rama, Krishna, Mohammed, etc. Basically it is the story of the separation of the 2 creations, destruction of the spurious one and liberation of the trapped Divine consciousnesses. The message of destroying this dimension and placing viable consciousnesses in an evil-free zone will only make sense to those who have the Gnostic NOUS within them., for it is only they who will be aware of other precedent facts with which to make sense of all the madness around them. It is they who will accept readily that this temporary, exploitative abomination called the physical dimension is the flawed handiwork of an escaped Celestial Lunatic called the demiurge (Jehovah, Yaldabaoth) who was himself spawned by a Celestial Error which is undergoing correction. Those with this Nous have no qualms with the concept that creation and existence in it should not have been as miserable and depraved for the majority as it is on this level. They cannot accept that the hunger, misery, pain and suffering of this level is part of a Divine scheme. Nor do they accept that man is to blame for his abuse in a myriad of ways. They believe this is a plane ofDarkness and Deception, a prison from which they are being liberated, as promised by the true Divine Consciousness. If you have any doubt that Gnostics such as Jesus said this, I refer you to our books and also to the texts of the Nag Hammadi Library.

    In summary therefore, the message of these Divine Aliens whom I described in the last newsletter is this:

-     Evil aliens are presenting a false picture.

-     The planet is all but finished.

-    There will be a sorting out of consciousness. Those who are viable will go to a New Dimension which has been purposely prepared.

-    Those of an unacceptably evil consciousness will be transmuted in due course.

-     All on Earth are to be awakened to this fact now.

-    The Clearing Process can be devastating for those who do not prepare adequately or to those who refuse to accept the reality of this situation.

-     Selection will be automatic and no one will be able to feign a false response.

-    All evil will be eradicated, including the menacing, evil aliens.

-     All are to be ready for evacuation by the year 2000, even though delays may occur. The figure 2000 has no significance in itself. It is merely one of convenience.

-    No aspect of the physical can be conserved. Hence, no bodies will remain intact.

-     The Light does not punish anyone. Rather, all the destructive mechanisms which will occur will be due to evil's own supra and infra-structures collapsing on themselves.

-     Beware of the evil aliens. They will do all things possible to take as many consciousnesses as they can with them into their hell. They will irradiate the planet with mind-waves which will send the unprotected into a frenzy, causing many to become demonic assassins. Hence, Terminal Madness will result.


    Examples of Body-snatching and

    false consciousness implantation.

     Whitley Strieber's case is interesting to examine for in it we see the modus operandi of the evil aliens and also the process of takeover which can ensue. There is no doubt that Strieber, like many other contactees, was approached by both sides. The Goodies told him the planet was being destroyed and this fact was repeated in his book Communion. No one could read that book and not also feel that some aspects of the aliens he described were evil, even though Strieber did not discriminate. He demonstrated fear, anxiety, a sense of foreboding, etc., etc. Of late, this, like in many abductees/ contactees, has changed. Inspite of all the warnings given by the Goodies, he now promotes the evil agenda, claiming these traumatizing, lying, evil aliens are here to help humanity. Phew! What nonsense.

    What happened to Strieber was repeated in John Mack's case. When we first saw him he was perturbed and anxious because he felt he was dealing with some evil essence. Inspite of our confirmation that this was the case, he allowed himself to be taken over and now promotes the evil agenda stating there is no evil and these abducting, raping, pillaging, destroying aliens are here to save the planet and help humanity. The REAL John Mack is gone, for the time being at least.

     False memory implantation and false memory reconstruction are well known psychological mechanisms. Hence, what problem is there in saying thoughts can be implanted into a susceptible and/or unprotected mind by other minds belonging to parents, peers, guardians, teachers, psychic attackers, beings on other levels of consciousness and so forth? One of the first things the psychologist Carl Jung was shown, by other levels, was the falsehood of thinking one's thoughts all originate in the self.


    This is a convenient place to talk about timing. I was asked to advise people to prepare for total evacuation by the year 2000. If those to be evacuated are ready by that time well and good. If there are delays, they will at least be ready for lift-off at a moment's notice. Hence, even if that timing is inaccurate, the inaccuracy is to the advantage of those to be rescued. The timing of the total destruction of the globe is flexible and in real terms not very significant to evacuees, for they will have all been evacuated before the physical end. The time of the absolute end depends on many factors, some of which are ecological and some of which have to do with the war between the various alien forces which can be identified by their message, their activities and the type of spacecrafts they use, as discussed in Newsletter #8.

    There can be no doubt that the evil aliens have an agenda for this planet and for humanity, as do the Divine aliens. The evil aliens and their agenda need to be dealt with simultaneously so that the dimension can eventually be terminated. It is entirely up to you to choose the agenda you wish to believe and wish to follow. Indeed, this is a case finally where you will choose your own reality: New Dimension or obliteration?



    Take a good look at the disintegration of Albania, telecast every evening into our living rooms. It is the state of things to come everywhere on this doomed planet. Did you notice the extreme atavism in the population? Is not such regression into a primitive, destructive state a very telling, revealing point, highlighting the fact that the majority of people are harnessed into constrained moderation only by fear of punishment? In other words, is it not evidence that the majority have no innate goodness to speak of within their make-up? This reaction in individuals occurs everytime, everywhere where forces of social cohesion are fractured. It is too common an occurrence to call it an aberration. In fact, it is the preferred response of individuals, due to the dominant ontologically evil essence in communities all over the world. I am telling you directly: Left to level out according to the essence within them, the majority are demons and evil-programmed robots (shells as the esoteric Cabala calls them) of an evil essence. They are war-mongers, thieves and looters, despoilers and rapists, assassins and murderers, seekers of Darkness and Light-rejectors. I ask you once again: Can they really be included in a Brave New World, the New Dimension of Peace, Harmony, Beauty and Light?


     A call for evidence.

    Science is said to be empirical, that is, based on observation and experiences. Well, where have the scientists been hiding all this time? Let us look at the evidence which is available to anyone on the planet today to decipher the state and fate of things:

*    The evidence for the existence of UFO's and alien consciousnesses is overwhelming.

*    We have sufficient evidence to prove there has been a governmental and quasi-governmental cover-up about their existence all over the globe.

*    While many may not be able to discern types of alien consciousnesses, the variation in craft structures and the method of dealing with people suggests there are good and bad aliens, that is, those of a theomorphic nature and those of an evil nature.

*    The existence of 2 diametrically opposed messages about themselves, what they are doing and the fate of the planet confirms the 2 essences of aliens.

*    The case for the continuation of consciousness beyond death of the physical is sealed by empiricism arising from experiences of Out-of-Body Travel, Near Death Episodes, from Astral Travel, from the existence and witnessing of ghosts, apparitions, other states of consciousness, both spontaneously occurring or drug induced. By the way, never, never, try to induce such drug-effects. They can be spiritually fatal!

*    We have evidence of deleterious changes in the planet, physically, ecologically, biologically and psychically.

    - We have Global warming and the Greenhouse effect;

    - loss of ozone layer protection;

    - increased radiation and its side-effects of sterilization of plant, animal and human populations;

    - unprecedented accelerated loss of fauna and flora;

    - melting of polar ice caps;

    - failure of crops;

    - fatal chemical, psychic and radioactive pollution;

    - inexplicable mutant strains, etc.

    All these changes are measurable. Put them together and what do you have? A picture of physical decay and death!

*    The conclusion that the planet is dying cannot be avoided by any who perceive truly. It is dying inspite of the self-serving heroics the New Agers and save-the-planet ecologists claim they are engaging in. Their futility is only surpassed by their ignorance and stubbornness to see reality.

*    The mind of living things is changing. This is evidence of a mental plane undergoing some metamorphic convulsion.

-    People are manifesting Terminal Madness, as are animals. Both groups are becoming erratic.

-     The climate has gone mad as have populations, nations, ideologies, religions, scientists.

-     Microbes are fighting back and winning the war to eradicate humanity. Time will beat them for they too are being eradicated.

*     Road Rage and Racism are the two most obvious manifestations of such madness. Road rage is so bad that road deaths have increased dramatically for no other reason apart from the behaviour of road users!

*    The existence of Evil has never been plainer to see on this level, what with our problems of drug abuse, active practices of genocide, engulfing pornography and sexual perversity including paedophilia and sex with evil aliens.

*     The existence of demons in human bodies is being exposed, not by some teleological argument in universities but by behavioural observations and studies all over the glob. Exposed also are serial killers, child killers, pornographers, deviants of all types, satanic cult worshippers, and possessed beings whose consciousness declares openly and defiantly "I am evil, I come from Hell, I live to hate!" Call them individuals, call them deviants, call them neo-Nazis, call them what you like. They are demons all the same.

*     The Evil essence of others who hide their true nature is being exposed by their inability to cite the truth of things, by their inability to give up their hypocrisy, deceitfulness and exploitative ploys for those whom they have trapped and ensnared by their nefarious activities.

*     Restoration of psychic abilities to more and more is allowing the true vision to be restored and many are not only seeing the future, with death of the planet and the emergence of a New Dimension, but also the ontological evil nature of those who tried to hide and to deceive them.

*     Diseases old and new are not coincidental occurrences in this age of super-medicine. They are the precursors of the moribund state.

*     The phenomena of body-snatching and demonic possession of humans - which the psychiatrists and psychologists have euphemistically called the unprecedented increase in the occurrence of Dissociative Disorders - aver to the frantic attempt by evil minions to escape their own levels which are collapsing.

*    Previously we only had the accounts of contactees and abductees to extrapolate the fact that evil aliens were intending to create hybrids. These were to accommodate their consciousnesses on this level and their ultimate plan was to take over the earth, fix its ecology by using and abusing humanity and then eradicating the major portion of the human race. A few, with suitable controlling implants, would be retained as slave labour. Now we have proof of these hybrids. Chupacabras supply that proof.

*    The fact that evil aliens have interfered with and control humans, both mentally and mechanically, is obvious when one realizes the number who have been abducted and have had implants placed in their bodies.

*    The number of animal and human experiments performed by the aliens suggested previously that they were experimenting with DNA, blood, organs, etc., in order to cause mutations and also create hybrids.

*    Many now give evidence of having been shown artificially created foetuses, the zygotic precursors having been stolen from human guinea pigs!

*    The massive world-wide awakening to those phenomena is impossible to miss if you are in the least bit interested in perceiving what is happening around the world. Not only is this awakening occurring spontaneously, but it is also occurring as a result of:

-     visions and dreams people are having,

-     sightings of spacecraft,

-    direct personal contact some are having with Space Command, as witnessed by us in Mexico,

-    spontaneous episodes of psychic phenomenology such as clairvoyance, precognition, ESP, etc.,

-      Info-tainment as movies, TV shows and other publications of sci-fi material. These often trigger a memory within people and the sentinel signal is enough for them to awaken further to a reality purposely hidden by the depraved deceitfulness of this evil level.

    Having conducted surveys, given lectures, written books and spoken to many, many people around the globe, I know personally that these mechanisms are valid pathways for revelation, on a personal, individualistic level, of the evidence of what is truly going on.

*    Having the concrete results of personal empiricism in one's possession, and believing what those results mean in a true sense of awareness, one does not even have to rely on the Theories of Quantum Mechanics to stipulate the existence of multiple dimensions and the multiplicitous existence of extra-corporeal consciousness.

*    Freed from the paradigm of temporal finitude, one's awareness can soar into the infinite expanse of eternal beingness. Such realizations cannot be bought. They can only be attained by realizing, and cherishing, one's Pearl of Consciousness within the Grand mosaic and stuff of theomorphicity. Fools celebrate their creation from star-dust, the truly wise celebrate their birth from God-dust.

*    The minimalistic concessions by science of such things as the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in meteor material possibly coming from Mars, and the existence of planets around stars, are indications of cracks in the dyke wall of deceptive knowledge. In other words, even the archons and minions of evil who have been created to distort knowledge can no longer hold back the waves of truth swamping humanity. Their egotistical paranoia will not allow them to concede more than these morsels. But not all of them are evil and many scientists have, in fact, conceded that the Earth is beyond recall, that is, the ecological damage is beyond the point of no return. It cannot be saved and it can no longer sustain life.

*    With such scientific confessions, we have come full circle and indeed, the scientists are agreeing withempirical evidence, which knowing metaphysicians have stressed and maintained existed, long before it was fashionable to concede the truth in masked rhetoric.

*    In summary then, we have evidence of:

    -    aliens, Good and Evil;

    -    death of the planet;

    -    clearing out of all living things;

    -    survival of consciousness after physical death;

    -    communication from other levels of consciousness;

    -    multiple dimensionality;

    -    the destructiveness, and eventual destruction, of demons;

    -    commencement of the concessional defeat of evil scientific untruths.

    Wanting more information than is necessary at this stage could be interpreted as the reluctance of demons to concede defeat, as the stubbornness of evil ones, as the ignorance of Darkness, as the inertia of programmed evil, as the failure of evil liars and fools. Do not fall into these categories. They are traps leading to eventual spiritual annihilation!

    We have reached a stage on earth similar to that which existed in 1492 A.D. The majority laughed at Columbus and called him a fool who would fall off the edge of the earth and perish if he sailed to the horizon because "everybody knew the Earth was flat!" Well, we now know who the fools were. Similarly, in this scenario of Planetary destruction and Finalization of the War of Essences as far as this globe is concerned, we know the fools are the ones who deny all this. They are flat-earthers in the world of empirical metaphysics and ufology. Soon they will be laughed-at-fools and then spiritually eternal flat-liners!


    Once again I wish to thank all those who have helped us and the Centre in one way or another. Sometimes, what appears to be minor and insignificant assistance can be of major importance. Reflect on episodes in your own lives and you will know it is so. Have you ever considered the fact that by helping in some way you are helping yourselves, fulfilling your roles? Genuine ones are being separated from the hypocrites and from those who do things with a selfish ulterior motive. The latter will not get far.

    Well, the signs of Terminal Madness are unmistakeable all over the planet. Those who are assisting the Clearing, in a myriad of ways, are buoyed by events. Those who are going about complaining to others about everything under the sun are polluting the airwaves. Those who are bad-mouthing us, and others, to anyone who lends them an ear never lift a finger to help themselves or anyone else. They are useless failures. They are not causing us or the genuine ones any harm. They are merely exposing their own inadequacy and sliding inexorably into the Terminal Madness I have written so much about. They have been warned repeatedly, they have been shown the way out of their misery, they have been offered many methods, many times, to assist them. They have been given the how, when and why of things. One cannot do more for them. But, they are useless. They will make no effort to help themselves. What more can one do, go down with them? Certainly not! They have chosen. Let them be, to suffer the fate of their own choosing.

     Having information of what is going on does not guarantee success in your personal battle against evil. Knowing how to swim is no guarantee you will not drown in water, especially if you make no effort to help yourself. Those who are unjustifiably criticizing, bad-mouthing, shooting their mouths off, destabilizing others, claiming they are better, could perform better, etc., as if they know better, are really useless rejects of both sides. They are used by the evil essence to attack any making an effort, but they themselves will be discarded as useless as soon as they are of use no longer to the side using and abusing them. They will then have the worst of both sides. Harsh words? Indeed they are! But, they are necessary for no one has the time or energy to waste on time-wasters and losers.


    THE $64,000 QUESTION

    Someone is bound to complainingly ask "Why was all this stuff about aliens and UFOs not made known to us earlier? Why has all this information been hidden from view, made esoteric?"

    The answer is simple and yet extremely complex if you do not connect to the ancient Wisdom of the Celestial Error. "Why do you think it is called the plane of Deception and Illusion? The evil demigod who set up and runs the system would have it no other way!" True Beings, kept in Darkness and Ignorance, are much easier to exploit of their Divine energy and be eventually assassinated when they have nothing left to be stolen of value to the evil system.

    If you think you know of a more plausible, valid reason why many of these aliens have been deceitful, exploitative, raping, rampaging demons, and why we have been locked up in this ignorant hell to spiritually rot, returning under the horribly unjust laws of Karma, then stop fooling yourself. There is no other reason. The truth of the matter is that there is no other valid reason for the Problem of Evil and the existence of so much soul-destroying pain, suffering and misery.


    The Phenomenon of Chupacabras, American Gargoyles.

     A new species of predator has been reported by residents of Central American countries and its terrain appears to be spreading north as far as California where it has been reported and south, deep into the South American continent. There are remarkable and unusual features about this new, as yet, Unidentified Biological Entity which the locals have colloquially and appropriately named Chupacabras [literally: goat blood-suckers]. The features are pertinent to our discussions on aliens and the agenda some of them have for this planet. The unusual aspects of dealing with this, thus far mysterious, new creature have protected it in one sense, for based on the description of its features, habits, traits and modes of behaviour, many non-witnesses have not taken the witnesses seriously. Variously the creatures have been described as having humanoid facial features, having the ability to fly from trees onto their prey, having wings on their backs, having the ability to hop on the ground like kangaroos, having the ability to stalk their prey and seemingly being able to hypnotize a selected individual of a herd which then becomes the prey while the rest of the herd is totally unmolested, not even disturbed enough to make a noise and alert the farmer or owner. Needless to say these are not features we can associate with known predators such as cougars, stray dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, etc., etc.

    Other unusual features include the fact that there appear to be 2 distinct sizes of these creatures, large ones which attack goats, cattle and animals of that size, and small ones which attack chickens, rabbits, turkeys, etc. It is not until one speaks with professionals such as Doctor Soledad De La Pena of Puebla, as we did while in Mexico that a composite picture of this mysterious and significant creature is created. Dr. Soledad De La Pena is a paediatrician who has acted as a pathologist, performing autopsies on the animal victims of chupacabras. Building a mental picture of these creatures one can well imagine why Dr De La Pena called them gargoylean on public Mexican TV. As I stated in a previous newsletter, Dr Soledad has continued her investigation of these most unusual creatures, inspite of the demands that she not investigate further and inspite of persistent death threats, sabotage and ridicule, from known and unknown sources.

    Another remarkable feature pertinent to this new species is the fact that it demonstrates intelligence and dexterity well above animal levels. It has been able to open locked farm buildings and enclosures, kill the prey within and then lock the buildings on leaving. No animal can do that, not even a primate! There have been cases of initial attacks on humans but generally they keep away from people. They are nocturnal and have been seen to wait in bushes and trees until dark to attack their prey. They even avoid full moon nights.

    Autopsies reveal characteristic wounds on the prey which are exsanguinated. Aspects suggest near surgical procedures and not the bite and tear of ferocious predators. It appears the exsanguination takes a very short time and the prey appears to be both anaesthetized so it suffers minimally and possibly paralysed to prevent movement, screaming, fighting back, raising the alarm, etc. Puncture wounds in the back of the head suggest injection of neurological-blockers, relaxants, anaesthetics, in the meninges and spinal cord and the possible injection of an anticoagulant which allows the blood to flow easily and quickly while it is extracted from puncture wounds in the anterior chest wall. If this were not the case, signs of struggle and blood clots would be evident. No zoologist (or metaphysician for that matter) has yet met a coyote that knows anatomy, anaesthesiology or hypnosis!

     One remarkable lamb which Dr De La Pena found was totally exsanguinated and yet remained alive for some 12 hours without blood, pulse, cardiovascular activity. It communicated with her, at even a higher level than one could think possible between a doctor, zoologist, veterinarian and its patient. What have we here? This is technically, medically, common-sensically impossible! Or is it? I will discuss this amazing event in a subsequent newsletter as space does not permit elaboration now.

    Your question at this stage should be: "What is going on here?" And it is a very good question. Let us proceed further. Do you remember that I discussed the agenda of certain evil aliens which included the fact that, via the process of genetic engineering at a far superior level than human scientists are capable, they are attempting to create hybrids for this level of consciousness so that eventually they can take over the whole level? Well, these Unidentified Biological Entities (UBEs) are the proof!! They are hybrids created from human, animal and alien genetic material. They are in a sense experimental to see what adaptive features are required and how best to reconstruct genetic models to accommodate alien consciousness eventually. They are experimental precursors and prototypes. This ties in with human abductions and the stealing of sperm, ova, fertilized zygotes, etc. It ties in with animal mutilation experiments aliens have been conducting in which many times they took specific organs and material.

    The UBEs are seen to be under alien-programmed control, judging from their activities andmannerisms. They do not attack in the same place twice. And yet predators always return to a source of food. These are not just predators.

They are not an evolved animal species for the following reasons:

1     Biologically they have no precursors. They do not fit any branch of recognizable zoological family tree.

2    If they were developmental animals in the sense of representing Darwinian evolutionary mutation and/or adaptation, intermediatory examples of their kind would be seen. No such thing has occurred.

3    They are not animal-like in their behaviour, execution of strikes and attacks on prey.

4    Here are some clinchers: They have been seen by inhabitants of these areas to be dropped from low lying ubiquitous spacecraft, and also: They have been seen hatching out of the ground where aliens had been seen burying egg-like structures a short time previously.

Indeed truth is stranger than fiction!

    There are still unanswered questions in this topic. Why was Dr De La Soledad warned to stop, and threatened, if this was simply a biological evolutionary process? Why was she asked to stop her investigations after being asked to conduct autopsies in the first place? Why was pressure brought to bear on her when she presented her information to the public? Why have her specimens of tissues, sent by her for analysis at pathological and forensic laboratories, said to have been insufficient, or lost, or the results unavailable, etc., etc.

    Let me offer a suggestion which I know is not only plausible but also accurate: Some governments have had pacts to allow such hybrid experimentation by the aliens and they are protecting those pacts.

    I can now reveal the following, for it has been revealed to me by the Space Command: Being evil, these aliens have not kept their word and have experimented with human hybrids and not shared knowledge of their experiments, aims, experiences, and results, with their human partners.

    You may think that human hybrid experimentation is a bit exaggerated, in which case you would be wrong! So many people around the globe now have alien implants in their bodies that for all intents and purposes they are alien hybrids already in a programmed, functional sense.

    One estimate has it that something like 8 million Americans had been abducted. I know the figure is even higher. They were not abducted for their good looks or to watch TV on the evil alien spacecrafts. They were abducted to have interfering, intrusive procedures performed on their physical and subtle bodies against their wishes, without their knowledge and consent. That is evil! There is no other way of describing the process.

     Abductees (who now want to be called contactees, thus further proving my point) are now changing their minds and saying the aliens have done this for the good of the planet.      They are zombies who have mind-altering programs implanted within them to make them say these silly, untrue things, when previously, without the implants, they protested furiously. Why else would they, could they, change their tack 180 degrees?

    Readers may be capable of digesting all this information at once, then again they may not be able to do so. It does not matter. Just be aware that the situation is very complicated.

    A little bit more for you about genetic engineering: The aliens have been performing it for a long time and are able to accelerate the process. However as humans are at the cloning stage, it does not take a great deal of imagination to realize such accelerated genetic engineering, manipulation, interference, and consciousness implantation, which is a very easy procedure on other levels, are possible here, now.

    Why have the UBEs been set down in these Central American areas? The reasons are logistical and varied. The aliens have many bases there. By a series of continual exposures, the inhabitants of these areas have become accepting and almost indifferent to alien presence. They simply accept them as another spectrum of experiential existence. That being the case, non-interfering acceptance of the aliens and their experiments has occurred. The inhabitants who have accepted alien existence have been less programmed to be hostile. We probably could not say the same thing about Westerners and their aggressive ways!

    This is only the start of what the evil aliens have planned for this level. Those of us who know what is going on should be extremely grateful the Elohim intend preventing this hybrid absurdity and the takeover of the planet by these evil aliens who will be subjected to the terminating Corrective Process affecting all of an evil essence.

    As I have mentioned elsewhere, this is not the first time evil aliens have created bizarre, grotesque hybrids for evil purposes. They had experimented in such a way in the Atlantean Era and many were human-animal hybrids, used perversely for sex and for mundane slavery. Many suffered cruelly under these conditions. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, as he is known by some, gave some information about them in some of his regressions earlier this century. For readers who are fond of Edgar Cayce because they recognize his energy, know that he was also Nostradamus, and is back in the physical to play his role in the Endtime.

    As you may be by now suspecting, this phenomenon of the Chupacabras is the definitive, living, physical, tangible, scientifically examinable proof of alien intervention in human affairs and the missing link between intermediatories of different dimensions. The importance of this information cannot be exaggerated.

    Realize that you will not find it outside of the pages of the Annwn Newsletter. Like so many other facts and truthful data, it has been a function and a privilege of the Centre to reveal this information to a largely unsuspecting, and to a great degree, uncaring world.

    But for those who are aware, this is invaluable data, one aspect of proof which is undeniable. There will be many others in due course. Ambiguous information about the physicality of alien implants retrieved from various medical patients has emerged, but many pathologists have disputed the findings claiming the material consists of foreign bodies, fibrous nodules, artifacts, etc. In the case of the UBEs, the evidence of the inhabitants, the witnessing of their origins, the strange behaviour, their extraordinary predatory habits, their anatomical and suspected pharmacological skills and unprecedented intelligence all allow a conclusion to which I have drawn you. The quasi-governmental cover-ups and blunt threats and sloppy "loss" of forensic material do not auger well for the honesty of those in charge. They obviously do have something to hide as many of us suspected all along.

    What remains now is for capture and scientific analysis of a specimen and a genetic profile to be made by someone willing to divulge the results. These examinations HAVE been made by scientists, but have been covered up, not released to the general public. This is another reason why the human partners of the pact are upset. It is just one other example of experimentation which the evil aliens did NOT tell them about, even though they had agreed to share results. No, there is no honour among these evil despots, these evil war-mongers, these evil, arrogant, exploitative, deceptive, doomed hypocrites.

    You must never lose sight of who they are, what their ontology is and what damage they cause, regardless of how wonderful you think their interfering technology is. As you will read in the pages of our book "One World", technology in the hands of evil is always destructive, a tool of eventual abomination. And this is recognizable from the spiritual principle that power without True Love is destructive!

    As you gain more and more knowledge, refer it to the Inner Mind as I have instructed in the brief article on Knowledge, and never lose sight of what is truly going on. Never lose sight of the fact that evil beings always cheat and lie and do things to suit themselves. Hence, as these evil aliens deceive and rob humans, animals and other levels of consciousness of their energy, babies, time, organs, blood, etc., just realize they are doing it with a perilous, ulterior motive; dangerous for others that is. Their aim is annihilation of humanity and takeover of the globe. But, as I have said often enough, they will fail, for they themselves are being subjected to clearing out, sorting, judgement, replacement, and/or transmutation. These are the very processes they are trying to avoid.

    So, if they reveal themselves en masse, in the public forum, with, or without, human governmental and/or military support, claiming they are here to help humanity heal the planet, to deny the existence of evil, which they will surely do, to re-establish peace among nations, to teach us new ways, to unite man into a brotherhood as a preliminary step to joining some spurious Galactic Federation, you will know, from what I have revealed to you, that they are liars, thieves and murderers who cannot be trusted. They belong in the league to whom Jesus referred in John 8:44 of the extant Bible. Remembering these things you will not fall prey to alien evil, no matter how attractive the tinsel used to camouflage their untruths.    


    The Need to process Data Correctly.

    It may be stating the obvious, but unless the knowledge one acquires fulfils an immediate, as well as, a long term pragmatic role, it is more than useless. I say this because inappropriate or wrongful knowledge, data, information, can not only clutter up one's channels for acquiring, storing and retrieving useful knowledge, but it can also mislead deleteriously and cause a great deal of time and energy wastage. Opportunities to advance the individual can sometimes be missed. And incorrect knowledge and information can lead to dead-ends, even traps from which extrication is no easy matter, as many of you well know.

     Scrupulously examine all knowledge, regardless of classification and contents and ask of yourself these questions:
1    Is this knowledge with its data to my immediate and long-term advantage in that it will make me better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

2    Is the acquisition of this knowledge allowing me to understand myself better?

3    Is it allowing me to understand truthfully what is going on in the world or is it immersing me into a bubble of a greater illusion even if the process appears to be temporarily, sensually pleasing?

4    Is this information preparing me for future eventualities or is it disarming me, deluding me, weakening me, so that I will be less understanding of, less prepared for, future changes. Will I then, as a consequence be less able to cope, leading to disadvantages for my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing which I could have avoided?

This process may appear complicated and time-consuming, but really, it is almost a conditioned reflex, in amature adult, to subject new information to this analysis. We do it almost sub-consciously every day with information of much less relevance to our existence than knowledge of how to survive spiritually.

    You have done this many times with knowledge you have acquired along the journey of life. It is this process which has assisted you to reach this point. Thus, you have decided by this very process to stop smoking, to stop drinking alcohol, to stop taking drugs of addiction and so on. It is this process, whether you realize it or not, that made you decide to be a vegetarian. It is this process which allowed you to choose the people you want to associate with.

    The final decision of the worth of some information is based on empiricism. That is, you experience the fact that some information, and what it bestows on you, is no good. In other words, you know that what you gain from such knowledge and information is ultimately not in your best interest in any of the categories which matter. You have reached a point of maturation at which you value your health and wellbeing above any incidental or illusionary benefits of such information. An example is smoking: It gives you shortness of breath, halitosis, bronchitis, more fatigue, etc., and far more serious diseases with long-term use. You perceive that smoking is not in your best interest, so you stop, inspite of tobacco companies and their misleading propaganda.

     There is another process for analyzing data however, which is poorly recognized by unawakened people, be they health professionals, theologians, philosophers, psychologists, etc. This other process involves bypassing all the programming, pollution and indoctrination to which we are all subjected, and analyzing the data in the "Inner Nuclear Mind".

    If you are not connected to it, you cannot use it.

    If you have no Inner Nuclear Mind, you cannot use it.

    If you cannot bypass the programming pollution and indoctrination, you cannot use it.

    Hence, this leads us to a number of scenarios. Some cannot accept the worth of knowledge because of these reasons. If they are robots and demons, programmed totally by the Evil Essence, they can never access an Inner Nuclear Divine Mind. Hence, knowledge which the Divine Consciousness disperses to assist theomorphic True Beings (TBs) is of no value to evil ones. TBs who are so polluted and cut off are functionally in the same category. Applying the principles I discussed above, how can this knowledge I have just written here be of use?

1    In order to assess it, value it, we need to relay it to our Inner Nuclear Mind. Hence, doing this will tell you how adequate your channel is.

2    No matter how valuable this, or any other information is, you will now realize there are some people, because of their ontology, or pollution, who will never value it.

3    One can expect a populational division to occur in accordance with individual valuation of data.

4     A War of values on the globe is therefore inevitable.

5    Knowing this, one can prepare for the attacks, rejection, repulsion and friction on a personal and general level.

6     Fracturing of emotional bonds, be they sexual, familial, genetic, religious, vocational, etc., will be understood, by those who are aware, in terms of what value each places on the knowledge acquired in this crucial period.

7     Those who are not aware will be unable to evaluate the data, or give it its due importance. Therefore they will be subjected to confusion, anxiety, psychic trauma and the eventual madness of psychotics (the Terminal Madness of the Endtime) simply because they do not understand the changes occurring in their lives, in the world, in the environment, in attitudes, etc. They will be incapable of expanding the parameters of their reality-frame, their paradigm, sufficiently to accommodate an empiricism thrust upon them which they reject as impossible anyway because of inner deficiencies. And this inability to accommodate changing reality is the pathway, and definition, of Madness!

The world is suffering in many ways, one of which is an information overload. This is very much on purpose in some ways, sponsored by Evil, so that more and more True Beings will become confused and lose their way. By this process Evil hopes to trap and exploit more True Beings and also delay, even postpone the (inevitable) change to come.

    Your job entails sifting through the mountains of disinformation and misinformation as quickly as possible and retaining only the Seeds of Truth you find, so that your eventual evacuation and survival will be facilitated.

    How do you recognize the Seeds of Truth?

    By referring them to the Inner Mind and its Blueprint!!

    Like all acquired skills on this level, you will become more proficient with practice until eventually you will be able to read the energy of knowledge, of data, to elucidate its true worth. I know some of you can do this already, for you have cited experiencing the energy of the Newsletters, and our books, each uniquely different. The day is not far away when each of the TBs will be able to use this ability, long forgotten, to decipher the identity, energy, intention and fate of all others encountered. Such beings willthen be truly Divine and no longer weak, vulnerable! Knowing this, do not get caught up with robots and demons who will want to convert you to their ways, who will want to argue and save the planet, and tell you, in all their ignorant deceit, that they are "god".    


    Apart from the fact that this is the generation of the End Time, this era is unique because for the first time in recorded history, empiricism can be used to test the veracity of metaphysical assertions.

    In other words, you can judge the truthfulness of what anyone says, simply by looking, and perceiving truly (they are 2 different processes) the changes going on around us.

    Let me make it even easier for you. If you truly perceive that the world is getting better, becoming paradise, where everyone's health, wealth, wisdom, harmony and happiness are reaching celestial proportions, then what I say will be seen, by you, to be the result of a thinker who has missed the boat by a long, long margin. If you truly perceive the world becoming so loving and peaceful that swords and guns are truly melted and reformed into ploughs, then you would be justified in thinking I was wrong in what I say. If you truly perceive the end of hunger, poverty, disease, exploitation, degeneration, abuse, sexual exploitation, the misery of hatred, racism, patriotism, wealth disparity, then you would be entitled to write to me and say I am wrong.

    But, if, and they are an enormous but and if, you see what the media is now reporting daily and you truly perceive the significance of it all, you will know that the developments are in fact exactly as I have predicted. The world is in fact fracturing, convulsing tumultuously in painful death throes which mean its end. That, is the empirical lesson of the times. What this means in the philosophical sense is that you can now acquire all the knowledge you need from the experiences you are having and from the planetary changes in which you are immersed.

    The former who claims s/he sees, the increasing harmony, beauty, peace, etc., in the midst of this Terminal Madness and fracturing of the planet may insist on her/his views, even as the sky falls on our heads. But that is not because s/he is perceiving truly. It is because s/he is programmed by evil essences to present untruth, to try and fool others, to be a liar, menace, nuisance until the very end. Her/his claims are just another example of the Terminal Madness of such evil fools.

     Where does science fit into all of this? Surely some scientists suspect things are not what they should be? Of course they do. Many have even declared the earth has passed the point of no return. But they have been drowned out by the robots and demons among their ranks whose fear will simply not allow them to entertain the truth. That fear can manifest as ego which will simply not allow them to say they are not in control. Others who are working with the evil aliens, as I mentioned in the last newsletter also, are working desperately to build bases and the means of saving themselves in case of near or total planetary destruction. But their efforts are futile. The planet is ringed by a barrier - an all-inclusive cover - which will destroy all within it when it is time. Nothing but filtered consciousness can, will escape.

    Which consciousnesses will penetrate the filter placed around the planet? Only those who are viable, who have met the criterion to continue evolution, who have been modified to accept the New Green Energy will pass the filter. Any others which try will be instantly made inert by the New Green Energy. The ring of consciousness will be de-activated, as I explained in the books "Making Sense of the Madness", to await final terminal transmutation.

    Hence you see, when it all boils down to fundamentals, consciousness is consciousness, and it will not matter whether it resided in a donkey or deacon, pope or peasant, friend or foe, king or kingfisher, dictator or dolphin, fish or fowl, war-monger or worm, athlete or alien, reptile, grey, incubus or succubus, angel or demon. If consciousness can pass the filter, it will continue the journey of evolutionary cycles that consciousness was meant to travel. If it cannot, it is doomed for destruction regardless of where or how, it resided last.

    The fairness of this system cannot escape even the most blind. Countless times we have been told something like this was going to happen and countless times the ones who thought they knew better laughed it all off. They called they ones who gave the message fools and cretins, and ridiculed them for all they were worth. But now I ask you: "Just who is laughing for the last time? The reckless, uncaring, evil fools were really not so clever after all, were they?"


    Tit bits:

*    "Each year 5 million Americans get sick enough from meat contamination to require medical treatment."

*     Legionnaires Disease has been found to be spreading through public hot tubs, particularly those on cruise ships.

*    Some months ago, The US Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal of a former prison inmate who says he was disciplined just before the 1988 election to stifle his allegation that he once sold marijuana to Dan Quail.


A book called The Hot Zone by Richard Preston gives the true story of Philippine monkeys that died in quarantine in Reston Virginia, from human ebola virus. The virus is airborne, can spread quickly, grows in all cells of the body at once and causes a horrible death. Commenting on this, Dr. Scott Layne, associate professor of the UCLA Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, said there is an imminent danger of such a world-wide outbreak of this sort. It could easily happen and it would take less than 24 hours to be global.


A poem from Mary-Lou McCrohon of Scarborough, Qld.:

I witness myself, I shall come here no more.

I witnessed myself, Four score years and more.

I have gathered my wits, All about me.

I shall spread my wings, and explode duly outward

And recover myself once more, for sure.

Whilst consciousness goes far beyond

the barriers of time and space continue on.



Food Poisoning: Are you amazed at the degree of food poisoning happening around the world? We did say it would greatly increase and that meat eaters were most at risk, did we not? In mid-late March, an outbreak of salmonella in ham, pork, and other smallgoods began claiming lives in Victoria, Australia. One wonders just how much illness goes unreported and how much is not traced to the real source! The Victorian Chief Health Officer did say on public television that perhaps, at best, only 2% of illness cases are reported. As I wrote this, more and more reports of food poisoning are coming in from everywhere,: California with Hepatitis A infected strawberries, Victoria and meat again, New South Wales and oysters, etc. Public Health officials are worried. The reasons are complex, but can best be summed up by saying that the homeostatic balance of the planet has been fatally upset and every living organism is now at risk of pathological processes.



    Due to this urgent matter, other Columns have again been held over. This topic is also why I mailed out this Newsletter early. By now you will have been made aware of the mass suicide of the group associated with this "cult" in California. The most remarkable aspect of this incidence is not the actual eventuality but the REACTION of an ignorant, and therefore terrified, general humanity, led by the nose by the evil media. I want to explain a little in the context of what I have revealed in these Newsletters, in my lectures, in our books, tapes, etc. Read with the Higher Mind!

    The basis for what happened, and for the fear it evoked in many, is the answer to a fundamental existential question which all must answer for themselves in the quiet moments of their being, when all that is present is the consciousness and the infinite whatever! The question is the one you ask yourself? "Who am I?" If you believe that you are simply some aspect of materialism organized in such a way as to be self conscious while that physical material remains organized, then you will indeed react to the "Heaven's Gate" episode with profound fear. If you believe you are eternal consciousness residing (trapped, in the case of theomorphs) in a temporary (evil-created) physical body, then you have the fundamental basis for understanding more and for dispelling fear. You will not be one of the fools, threatened by Truth.

    Let me give you some data which you will probably not have about this "Heaven's Gate" group. They were a specialized group of aliens whose code we know. They had finished their work and were given permission to drop the shells and return home! I have written and spoken repeatedly about Evacuation, Liberation, Rescue, the Endtime, etc. They explained their behaviour and beliefs within a context which the human mind can understand. So, they took the opportunity of Hale-Bopp, a supposedly accompanying spacecraft, etc., etc. What does it matter if that information was not completely accurate in a physical sense? It matters nought. Having been on and off spacecraft repeatedly, sometimes physically, sometimes spiritually, I can tell you that what the physical mind thinks is largely irrelevant.

    Simply put, they were a group of aliens who had finished their work and were allowed to leave, being picked up by a scout ship to be returned to their own dimension. What is so strange about that when you realize aliens are here, spacecrafts are here, the End is here, many groups and sub-groups of aliens work independently of each other, etc., etc.?

    The philosophy of the group which you may or may not have read on their Web site is similar in many respects to the information we have published, but not as complete. This tends to verify the authenticity of the information, coming as it does from two totally independent sources. Those who are ignorant cannot grasp these concepts. Judging from the thousands upon thousands to whom this makes sense, there are manyworld-wide awakeners. The episode has allowed further separation of the TWO CREATIONS. If you awakened, grasped the Gnostic knowledge, and the message of Liberation from this evil-created dimension, all the facts make perfect sense. The media instead, presents disinformation, the result of vicious and evil attempts at ridicule due to fear within the robots and demons, from their lies, need to suppress and misinform. Also, there are evil cults which exist to trap seekers of truth, especially True Beings. You may have been caught by one or more yourself and escaped, a little worse for wear. Such evil is well known. But the media has focused on the "Heaven's Gate" group as being another Jonestown of 1978 or another Waco. Know then that this is malicious falsehood presented as frightening propaganda. Jim Jones and his followers were murdered by the CIA!!!. The eighty-odd martyrs of Waco were murdered by the FBI and its associated alphabet groups. The evidence for these assertions is overwhelming. If you do not want to believe that this is so, then you may as well stop reading, for you will not believe other material I present. Just think for one moment: If the CIA and FBI can run drugs, bomb buildings, train terrorists, assassinate heads of state, (including their own presidents), start wars, poison their own people, overthrow governments, etc., etc., why would they not be capable of killing a few people, Jim Jones and David Koresh? These examples are detailed a little more in our book "One World". Most of the media is frightening people to prevent awakening to Truth. The conspiracy continues. You must force yourself to perceive the Big Picture if you are to make any sense of what is going on. The fact that very few reacted to the group with love, forgiveness and understanding would not have escaped you if you read and watched the reports which consisted of nothing but hateful condemnation and ridicule. And yet repeatedly the hypocritical robots and demons call themselves "Christians". "Christian" my foot! They demonstrate the venom of demons. The "Heaven's Gate" group, their information, and our information, remind them of a reality they are trying to bury.

    You will have perhaps seen many psychologists and psychiatrists pontificating, in their ignorance, about this so-called tragedy. I will have a great deal more to say about such experts in subsequent Newsletters and much is written in general terms in "One World". For now just realized that, in general, psychologists and psychiatrists are bigoted, closed-minded fools of the first order. Most of them do not even believe in the existence of a separate consciousness. How are they going to explain something which they do not believe exists? Many of these experts, self-designated, say ufology, consciousness, astral travel, other dimensions, etc., are all nonsense. But where is their evidence for this condemnation? They have none! The only evidence in existence is that these things do exist. These people are puppets of the evil framework, placed there to uphold the Darkness, Ignorance and Illusion of the plane.

    I have personal experience of how the media lies and distorts in order to ridicule and vilify. This is exactly what they have been doing to this group. But the whole exercise has been worthwhile. The group chose this mode of exit to make a direct impact. You will notice that these deaths have brought the message of finality of this plane to the fore. The Message of Planetary Demise is being widespread and heard by all, just as we prophesied would happen. All have to awaken to the final hour of the Endtime. Those who can cope will perceive the existence of a greater reality and will be incorporated in it. Those who cannot will be dealt with accordingly. The Final Bell has been rung. Those with some Light within will respond automatically, reflexly, willingly, knowingly. Those of Darkness and those who have extinguished their Light within will rue the coming days, and as they react automatically to turn away from the Light, they will be engulfed by the Terminal Madness of those who have chosen to remain evil. There is no other way to explain what is going on and why the planet is dying. Ultimately it comes down to the War of Good against Evil and survival or otherwise of the consciousness residing in the shell you see reflected in your mirror. Alas, for the majority, awakening will come too late! I will discuss this phenomenon further in subsequent Newsletters. Till then, goodbye!

J S Chiappalone, Editor
Copyright 1997 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

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