November 1996, Newsletter # 3

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1996 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


Welcome again to the Annwn Newsletter.

     Amitakh and I have just returned from another trip to set up sub-centres and do other energy work in the USA as we are directed to do by those supervising from other levels. Every being on the planet is directed in some way by energies of its ontological source.
     Our public lectures, publications, etc., are secondary to the energy work we do on the planet and the nature of such work is difficult to explain. It is really unnecessary to do so, but many of you who have been with us on occasion are well aware of the fact that the energy work is paramount.
     In July we assisted in performing some energy work around an evil alien grid located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Within minutes of completing this work, massive blackouts in grids west of this location occurred in the USA. As there is no scientific explanation for the blackouts, many have suspected something to do with an alien connection and many of you have asked us directly if we were involved. This is all I am permitted to reveal at present. Other details may be included in a book Amitakh and I hope to publish in 1997 about our UFO experiences. In this new book will be details of a conference we attended on a Mother Spacecraft of the Space Command, at which details of evacuation of True Beings from the dimension and the final plans for the Final Destruction of the Planet were discussed. I mention Dakota as many of you have asked us about the blackout.

     These Newsletters are not just about how bad the world is or about how much you have suffered and have been exploited. They are a vehicle of communication linking people who have seen the Light, who want to be in the Light and who are aware of what is going on. You can perceive how bad things are in the world by reading the daily newspapers and watching TV. What I aim to do is explain selected events from a Gnostic, metaphysical perspective.

      The Gnosticism as espoused in the Annwn Publications is an attempt to explain the following:
1    Why the mess in this world has arisen.
2    What is being done about it.
3    How you will be affected personally.
4    How you will be affected generally.
5    How you can best prepare for the coming solution.
     The Newsletters act to bind various like-minded beings together as the last days approach and contain snippets of information to assist in these aims. Readers are referred to the books and tapes for more details.
     While Amitakh and I and all associated with the main Centre and the sub-centres feel we have an eclectic role, I wish to remind all of you that you should be your own teacher, guru, judge. Make up your own mind. Follow you own truth within and follow the Light within you. Do not follow a torch anyone else is carrying for, as has happened so often in the past, they may stumble and drop the torch on your head, burning you and perhaps blinding you.
     When the Centre began public activities some 12 years ago, very few were thinking of the end of the planet or any such possibility. My how things have changed in 10 years! Do you think that is a coincidence? It certainly is not. Information once released into the ether moves and fulfils its function.


One cannot receive the NEW (knowledge, energy, grace) until the old is discarded. Empty the worthless stuff out of your cup of "LIFE" in order to receive that which is of true value.


     The sub-centres serve a number of functions, not the least of which is to act as energy points for a grid that is being developed which will allow evacuation of those consciousnesses who are to be evacuated when the time comes. They will also act as a physical focal point for those who need such a focus.
     Their function will be determined to some degree by the amount of time left and by the need of those attending. Because much of the function will be on the subtle levels, their success should not be judged on number of attendances, activities, sales, etc.
     We will be contacting separately all who have volunteered to help us run the sub-centres. For now we wish to thank all those who offered their assistance.
     Be aware that the effort to fight your battle must come from within you. While we may share a path with others, we have to individually make the effort to awaken, progress, fight and assist ourselves and others. Spouses, relatives, friends and acquaintances can all be there to assist, but we as individuals need to make the effort. Of course, as many of you have experienced, many spouses, relatives, so-called friends and peers are there to stop you if you do attempt any effort to awaken and break out from the traps. They may be disastrous ridiculers or mockers. They may be false-light bearers who will attempt to entrap you in a spiritual cul-de-sac. Of these things you have to be aware. Not everyone who smiles at you and who appears to nod in agreement with what you say is your friend or is there to assist you.

     You should have the information of WHAT IS GOING ON foremost in your mind. Here are some points about the Plan of Correction affecting your life:
1    There is a Divinely-created Plan for the whole dimension as well as the Earth. It has been planned meticulously and is of proven performance, for other dimensions have been corrected with this plan.
2    Every particle of consciousness is involved in and affected by the Plan. Any particle can only be a very small part of the plan inspite of what its ego tries to tell it.
3    Developments will occur according to the Plan and not according to what any individual or the majority think. The questions of Popular Consensus, or pandering to the Lowest Common Denominator do not arise.
4    Individuals need to slot into the Plan to play its part. The Plan does not need changing to accommodate any individual or inflated egos.
5    To be maximally effective in a role in the Plan, an individual needs to be trained in warriorship maximally. It needs to know the enemy, its modus operandi, its programming, pollution, and indoctrination, how to connect to its Source, how to cleanse, protect, how to see and escape from traps, how to discern who is who, etc., etc.
6    Information is given to individuals in the ranks on a need to know basis. No one on this level needs to know or will know the whole Plan.
7    Although each individual consciousness needs to fight a personal war, attacks by evil are not on a personal basis even though they may appear to be. They are indiscriminate, wide-ranging, persistent and deadly if not avoided.
8    The success of the Plan is guaranteed and does not depend on the performance of any individual.


     Of great importance in your proper awakening process is the realization that you and all other consciousnesses sharing this dimension are engaged in a War of Essences and that this War has you involved in a general aspect and a personal aspect. Those without that realization have no chance of succeeding. The Battle is for spiritual survival and the enemy as far as true Beings are concerned is the Evil Essence in all its forms. Those of evil will deny the very existence of evil while others are more surreptitious and give the excuses for evil which I have discussed in the volumes of Making Sense of the Madness.
     I know many attack by saying Gnosticism (and what we have written) is too much about evil. But only evil beings say this, or those who are programmed, polluted and indoctrinated by evil to be stupefied.
     Let me attempt to place all this into some perspective. I practised medicine for many years and know, as most of you do, that when a person is confronted with life-threatening cancer, that person (and sometimes some of those who love him/her) often becomes obsessed with the fight against it. They want to beat it for it threatens their physical survival. No one points a finger at them and complains that they have become obsessed with the thought of wanting to live, with the thought of beating the cancer which is threatening to kill them. Many who suffer serious forms of cancer do spend most of their energy to combat it. Many undergo surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, practise meditation and curative creative visualization techniques, some try alternative health methods, and/or study the latest about the type of cancer affecting them, etc., etc. This is a wise thing to do and many of them, as a result of all these activities, do improve their chances of success. Their doctors, relatives, friends assist them in their battle; they are not condemnatory.
     In the spiritual sense, all True Beings are fighting a spiritual cancer. The Evil Essence and all its byproducts of the counterfeit creation are the cancer. Its effects are far more serious than a physical malady, for it can spiritually assassinate. Realizing this and the gravity of the consequences of failing to defeat it, can one really be accused of being obsessed with fighting evil? Of course not! If you really knew the damage it was doing to you and to all those you love, to all the systems you cherish, etc., would you not use all your resources maximally to fight it, 100% of the time? Of course you would. And why would you do that? Because you would know that not fighting would lead to total permanent destruction of all you hold to be of value. On the outcome would depend your spiritual survival.
     So, next time someone attempts to mock you about your obsession (or mine as seen in the writings) about fighting evil, remember these points and see them as either unawakened, ignorant True Beings, or else (as is more likely to be the case) as ignorant, malicious, evil beings who are trying to stop you fighting evil. After all, that is what evil beings are created for. If they can disarm you and neutralize you, they will have defeated you and steal your energy. Those who attack you in this way are really revealing in no uncertain terms exactly where they are in the war. Any spouse, relative, friend, peer or acquaintance who attacks you in this way is really not worth knowing. Reject them and you will have simplified your life and helped yourself to become a better warrior thus increasing your chances of spiritual success.
     Remember at all times that those who are there to attack you are there to prevent your awakening, to prevent you from escaping from the traps they have set, and to prevent you from being effective in your personal war and in your general war. If you find that hard to accept you are not as aware as you think you are.
     Of course the minute you attempt to break out from the confining evil traps you will be targeted all the more. That is where courage and strength come in. Ask for help if you are foundering. This place is going to get more hostile as time passes because more and more demons are rushing on this plane, they are getting more desperate and as they are being unmasked, sensing they have nothing to lose are acting more demonically and unrestrained as each day passes.
     It will not be a rose garden at all. The degree and frequency of injustices will escalate as will the attacks on True Beings. That is why as many of the True Beings who are not needed in the front line are being evacuated. It is also the reason why it has been prophesied that in the last days of the ENDTIME "the living will envy the dead".
     Alas, the Problem of Evil has plagued consciousness in this dimension since the time it became aware of itself. It is a serious problem indeed. Evil has scarred every single person I have met. No one has escaped unscathed. Those who claim they have and that they do not suffer are mendacious fools. Some of the life experiences many of us have had are horrendous. So, when it is all said and done, evil has affected all of us deleteriously, whether we admit it or not. Evil is the greatest problem confronting True Man. All problems need to be solved in order for us to grow. And yet many even deny that evil exists, inspite of what it does to them physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They have a problem like all have the problem of evil. Denial is no answer. When did you last solve a problem by denying it existed? Serious problems do not go away. They get bigger and more dangerous. Evil is a very serious problem. It will not go away by itself. Those who ignore it do so at their peril and the stakes could not be higher!

     Whether you want to believe it or not, it is the Evil Essence and all its mechanisms for exploitation which traumatizes every aspect of existence in this dimension. Such trauma was never meant to be and will certainly not exist in the New Dimension where no evil essence will be present.
     It is tautological nonsense to dismiss the trauma in our lives and say we need to accept it because things are as they are because they are as they are. We can do without the trauma. All who are to continue WILL do without the trauma.
     And just in case you think the thought of trauma in one's life is an exaggeration, think of these examples for a moment. I am sure that at least one will be part of your life at some time.
*    It is evil which causes the death of children at birth, in cot deaths, in pool drownings, in motor accidents, etc.
*    It is evil which causes teenagers and others to die from drug overdose, from suicide; from wars; from hunger.
*    It is evil which causes your body to rot with degenerative diseases such as arthritis, cancer and cardiovascular diseases as you age.
*    It is evil which causes the fears of many things in your existence which can drive you crazy as it has done many, many others.
*    It is evil which causes your spouse to be an unfaithful louse and emotionally traumatize you and thereby greatly disadvantage you if you are unaware of the spiritual significance of emotional exploitation.
*    It is evil which haunts the elderly with the fear of physical death.
*    It is evil which causes people to be corrupt, deceitful and dishonest so that others suffer and fail in business.
*    It is evil which causes governments to conduct biological and nuclear experiments on its people as has been revealed the Americans, the Russians, the Nazis and many others have done.
*    It is evil which causes such instrumentalities as the CIA to introduce dangerous drugs such as "crack" cocaine into American cities thus jeopardizing the lives of its citizens for profit to be used to kill others in other countries.
*    It is evil which causes you to have a motor accident, to have a stroke, to lose your sight due to cataracts or glaucoma or diabetes.
     The point is that none of these things should have occurred. They do not occur in the True Creation. They occur in this flawed creation because the evil essence has planned them to occur as forms of exploitation which cause suffering and allows it to gather energy from the exploited trapped True Beings with which to run the system. All these things are an expression of such evil. Other levels of consciousness are affected by similar mechanisms. Hence animals and plants live in constant fear of being devoured or dying from various effects, etc.
     The student of Metaphysics learns very early that NOTHING OCCURS BY ACCIDENT. The Gnostic awakens very early to the fact that all disadvantaging effects on this level are due to the exploitative mechanisms created by the usurping evil essence.
     Many will want to argue claiming disease is due to bad genes, stimuli which cause the body to deteriorate, etc. I have covered the causes of disease from an ontological perspective in the volumes of "Making sense of the Madness". All accidents and disease are due to the negative energies of these evil, exploitative mechanisms. The genes, chromosomes, agents of infection, of degeneration, of neoplasia are simply the mechanical means to translate the evil energy into physical change. They are not the cause at all. The implanted thoughts and the implanted fears are the result of negative energy bombardment as I have explained elsewhere.
     Your motor vehicle collision with the drunken driver is not coincidence. Like all "accidents", it is a carefully planned event by evil to cause suffering. Why did the drunk drink? He was programmed to do so. Who programmed him? It has to be negative energy for who would drink to destroy themselves if they were not affected by negativity (presented in the form of pleasure, escapism, self-pity, inherited trait, etc., etc.? And why did he have to run into you out of all the other vehicles he could have run into? Is it Murphy's Law? What is Murphy's Law? Is it not an expression that the most vulnerable will suffer? That the one with most to lose will lose? That the least deserving to be punished will be punished? Murphy's Law is a cynical reflection of the ridiculousness of this evil dimension.
     Do not think for one moment that those killed in episodes of mass murder are there randomly. Each has been drawn to the scene for a purpose which cannot be divorced from the simple explanation (detailed in our books) that this plane exists for the maximal exploitation of the greatest number of people at any one time. And if you think that is an exaggeration, just reflect on the fact tonight as you go to bed that 75% of the world's population will go to bed hungry. Would a True God allow that? Would a True Loving Father not provide his creation with even enough to sustain them? Of course He would. The fact is that evil is not a True God or a Loving essence. It is there to make trapped True Beings suffer for its own ultimate benefit. And in order to accomplish this aim it has created evil exploitative mechanisms which make all subject to the suffering they dispense indiscriminately.
     If there is a person whose life has not had accidents or fears, has not suffered from disease, is not going to die, has not been emotionally exploited at some stage in life, has not been victimized in any way, has not been disadvantaged in any way, such a person can validly reject all that I have written above. But I know such a person does not exist. Hence any who reject the above and are mentally competent to some degree are evil hypocrites and part of the Problem of Evil. They do not deserve to be Part of the Solution.
     The bottom line to all of this is the fact that the situation is as I have described it. This has nothing to do with my ego or lack of modesty. If the situation was not as I have described, this dimension would not have to be totally destroyed. You don't have to take my word about it being destroyed. Look critically at the degenerating biological, mechanical and ecological systems of this world and there can be only one conclusion drawn. We have crossed the threshold of no return!


     Realize that the evil beings will not pat on the back if you awaken to their hypocrisy. They will not thank you for breaking their bubble of illusion. They will not reward you for breaking out of the traps they have set for you. They will not stop their ridicule and abuse of you ever. They will become even more menacing when they realize you know what they are up to.
     The one who awakens and knows what is going on will appear to be the "Johnny out of step", but that is because the evil ones claim they are the "normal" ones. In fact they are the ones living the illusion, living the lie, living in self-deception and hypocrisy. Do not bend, do not give in to their attacks of ridicule, of slander, of threats, of molestation. They are really useless and totally ineffective. All they can do is taunt and make fun of awakened ones. But all their mockery will get them no where. They are doomed and know it. They will not be able to hide this fact forever.

     Once you have come to the realization that the part of you which will survive the death of your body is an independent entity which has reincarnated many times into many diverse bodies, you can then assign a proper perspective to the importance of the physical body and its properties, attributes, needs, wants, heritage and inheritance.
     Once you realize that your physical body is a disposable vehicle of expression, you will not panic at its loss nor at its suffering. You will not really care whether it is black or white or brown. You will not really care whether it is rich or poor, male of female, educated or not, Muslim or Christian, athletic or handicapped. And you will not care because you understand that these things are not important. They are part of the evil programmed and programming diversity to make things of the physical appear important and allow for the programming of ignorance, ego, conflict, hatred, self-pity, hubris, separateness and so on. These are the very things to make one forget one is not the body, and that the real substance, the real consciousness, that which survives, uses the body but is not the body.

     Most awakened beings realize that animals are capable of a purer form of Love than most humans. What is Love? It is not an emotional bond or attachment. It is the power of Liberation, of confluence, of caring enough to let go so that one can detach from bonds and be free to float in the Mind of the Highest Good and be part of the True Oneness.

Hints on Learning to Cope


     Because in philosophy, religion and metaphysics there is no absolute truth or proof of truth which is tangible, demonstrable and dissectible, any belief system which appears to fit facts one observes is just as valid as any other. Hence, to argue that one is ridiculous when another is not, is itself ridiculous nonsense.
     All belief systems are valid to a point and they need to be flexible for data upon which these belief systems are based may alter. Belief systems are based on history (culture), personal observation and personal preference leading to selection. These lead to individualism. Beliefs are therefore diverse. Without absolute proof one cannot say one belief system is more ridiculous than another.
     Beliefs held by an individual are usually not static. They vary throughout the life of the individual and change as many factors within him change. That is so because his appreciation of the facts of history and of his culture change. His personal observations change or become different, more or less meaningful, etc., and naturally his personal preference for certain beliefs will change. This is the reason why there are so many diverse systems. This is why a man at 50 will have different belief patterns to when he was 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 and so on.
     It is for these very reasons of diversity and changeability that thinking men have developed and adopted the UN charter for freedom of beliefs.
     Belief systems vary, not only in the individual because of the passage of time, but also in the same country, in the same culture. Historical facts are not static. They change as discoveries are made. Classical examples of the need for the reappraisal of established "dogma" are the facts given in this century by the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library, the Dead Sea Scrolls and pristine writings of the Manichees in China (Turfan) and Egypt. All three discoveries leave no doubt of the purposeful distortion of certain religio-philosophical and historical facts by the so-called Christian religion which is not a true reflection of the teachings of Jesus.
     Observations and their significance vary. The significance one gives the historical facts and other observations is a very vital ingredient in the make-up of one's belief system. What was accepted as Gospel truth on an earlier occasion may no longer be held as such when further investigations are undertaken. The changing individual changes his preferences and these affect his beliefs. One can only confidently say: "These are my conclusions at this time, hence these are my beliefs. I will definitely change due to changing circumstances by tomorrow and in all probability so will my belief systems in major and minor ways."
     This conditional basis of beliefs holds true for all knowledge, be it scientific, historical, philosophical, religious, social, theological, etc. If it were not so, there would be no progress in humanity. If it were not so there would be no epistemological advances.
     Not all people think to the same extent. Some do not want to think. Some settle into the mould created for them at birth and try not to change at all. They change only when they are forced to change. They let others do the thinking for them. Most members of major institutionalised religions are like this. Others reject everything and believe nothing. Another group convinces itself that it is right and that everyone else is wrong. The problem is compounded when people anywhere claim the high moral ground and engage in ridiculing the beliefs of others. This act is what has led to all the interracial and inter-religious wars with which this earth has been burdened. This is the reason why such people as Marx and Mao rightly called religion poison.
     It is the grossest act of criminality, barbarism and stupidity to consider another's believes as ridiculous. How can one label another's beliefs ridiculous just because it is different when no absolute proof can ever exist on this level to decide one way or another? Is that not why belief systems are all based on faith? One chooses a system by using both "a priori" knowledge and "a posteriori knowledge."
     Besides, no belief which improves one's understanding of life or increases one's happiness and wellbeing can be called ridiculous. If one believes in the theory of reincarnation and holds the belief that fears, phobias and problems in this life are unresolved problems of previous lives which need to be resolved by regressing back into those past lives, then such a practice will most likely be beneficial. Past life regression as therapy more often than not does work and proves to be of benefit to the patient, regardless of how ridiculous it appears to unbelievers.
     If one believes drinking a glass of lukewarm water at exactly 11 am, or repeating a sound for 10 minutes, or meditating daily, will make one healthier, then one will be healthier, regardless of how ridiculous these beliefs may appear to others. Such a mechanism of belief (Mind over Body) is the basis of the Psycho-Neuro-Immunological mechanism which can be described as a physiological response being used to treat diseases including cancer and other terminal illnesses. Such a mechanism is used by executives to perform better, by salesmen to sell more, by athletes to reach higher standards, etc. Do we call it ridiculous? No, we do not because it works. Besides the robots more readily accept practices which are of benefit to their bodies anyway.
     We teach children to see their good white blood cells as knights on horseback attacking the bad blood cells who appear as dragons in order to cure their leukaemia. Do we ridicule the process? No, we encourage it.
     Only the ignorant, the stupid, the profane, the evil individuals, ridicule the beliefs of others. Not all people are fools; many think. Any individual holds a certain belief at any one time because of the conclusions he/she can draw from his/her culture, history, observations and preference at that time. It is an automatic mechanism. One should be free to choose and should not be forced to hold other views against its will, for then such views would not be the natural conclusion of one's individual process at that time.
     Those who ridicule the beliefs of others are demonstrating their ignorance of the basis for establishment of belief patterns in individuals. Where is it written that we must all believe the same thing? We try to teach people to think, not to be clones. Even if all factors in two individuals were identical, that is, even if the culture, history, observations, indoctrinations, education, training to which they were subjected were identical, they would in most probability draw different conclusions from such inputs and have varying beliefs because of diverse genetic patterns and diverse preferences.
     The same observation in different individuals will have a different significance for each. Hence different conclusions will be drawn from the same observation. Therefore, even if all observations were identical, diverse belief patterns would still emerge from individuals because of variations of the significance placed on the observation by the individual.
     Let us examine individual beliefs. What is so ridiculous about the belief in survival of the consciousness beyond physical death and the mechanism of Reincarnation?
     Most religions outside of Judaism and the so-called Christian beliefs contain aspects of reincarnation. In "Death of an Evil God" I wrote that scientifically there is now much evidence to support reincarnation. Much work has been done by doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, hypno-therapists and others which demonstrates that people are able to regress their consciousness and connect their memory of different times when they manifested in various shells (physical bodies) at various times, as well as connect to the memory when they were out of the shells in astral and etheric settings. Many spontaneous regressions have also occurred to demonstrate this. At times, the details of these recalled memories, with their uncanny accuracy, have shocked the sceptics. This evidence greatly contradicts the theory of one consciousness/one life/one body and the myth of resurrection of that one body.
     It substantiates the belief of the continuation of consciousness, the need to enter and exit various physical bodies for recurrent manifestations on this plane and the non-physical attributes of consciousness in other realms.
     To say "Heaven" will accommodate any physical manifestation is a contradiction, for "Heaven" is a dimension beyond the physical. Why consciousness needs to repeatedly manifest in the physical, that is, reincarnate, has been dealt with by me in the earlier Volumes. People who insist that a physical manifestation is possible in a non-physical dimension, that is, that a physical body can exist in a dimension of spirit which some call "Heaven", are really expressing their own ignorance of metaphysical concepts.
     The usurping demigod's other untruthful philosophies try to tell us that we need to return to this plane via the process of Reincarnation because we need to learn more lessons and to pay for bad Karma. The evil philosophies try to tell us that the soul needs to refine and purify on this plane. It is not the "soul" but the lower vehicles which need to cleanse. But it is almost impossible to purify in this filth. How can one learn anything but evil in an evil environment? How can one learn anything when previous experiences are purposely erased from the memory?
     A mechanism which filters consciousness makes all forget past lives. This filtering mechanism is an evil implantation so that we do not remember who we are, where we came from, what happened before, and how badly we have been trapped and exploited. If we could remember, we would see the traps and stop this exploitation immediately. We would then connect to our True Inner Being and greatly assist in the overthrow of the Usurper. That is why the demiurge tries to prevent us from remembering and that is why it tried to prevent us having the fruits of the "Tree of Knowledge" which included the knowledge that the plane was evil, that its creator had betrayed the Divine Mother and had set up this evil dimension. The "fruits" also included knowledge of the Rescue Plan. The evil Rex Mundi wants to keep us ignorant, confused and trapped. We are drunk, cataleptic and moribund on the food and information (and all the other programming, pollution and indoctrination) he feeds us. Hence, the plagiarised Gnostic saying: "Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee Light". (Paul to the Ephesians.)
     I found ample evidence in my own personal life, in my medical practice, in the accounts of others and in the literature, for the belief that there was a problem in society caused by the ignorance of the true significance of physical death and I found that this caused much sorrow, pain and grief. I have also found ample evidence for the belief in the continuation of consciousness when the body dies in many general, religious, historical, and scientific sources.
     We have been blessed in this generation with a great deal of evidence which allows, those of us who wish to do so, to conclude that consciousness does, in fact, continue after physical death. This, in my view, fulfils the ancient prophecy that there would occur a "generation which would not know death". All true spiritual Masters have said that consciousness is distinct from the physical and survives death of the body. The Biblical Prophets of old said this, as did Jesus Himself. Hence, why do some doubt that it should be so, especially after an examination of the evidence which is available from medical research and other investigations of this generation?
     The fear of death which is the fear of permanent loss, of permanent separation, fear of the unknown, often caused by indoctrinated untruths, is a reality in people's lives. The first 4 stages in the death process as described by Kubler-Ross (1970) are all due to fear. It is my belief that they can be bypassed. We all know too well the fear of death and what it can do. No one would deny its existence and the havoc it can cause. Just as all ancient sacred texts talk about the survival of consciousness beyond physical death, all religions base their concept of the soul as that entity which outlives the body. All cultures have references to Near Death experiences and the consciousness' survival:
     The historian Frederick Holck has reported examples from South America, Russia, South Asia, China, India, from Jewish and Islamic literature and so on. He concludes they are part of the wealth of experiences of the human race in general.
      Neville Randall in Life After Death (Corgi 1980, London) exposes the similarity of Near Death Experiences world-wide. Psalm 23, taken from Egyptian mysticism (the cult of Osiris) avers to the eternal existence of consciousness for it ends thus: ".... I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
      The Bible has many lessons for us, but few are aware that in 553 AD the Council of Constantinople outlawed belief in Re-incarnation for Christians. References to Re-incarnation were removed by the church following this Second Council of Constantinople in 553 AD, a long, long time after the original gospels were supposed to have been written. The decree stated that: " Whosoever shall support the mythical doctrine of the pre-existence of the Soul and the consequent wonderful opinion of its return, let him be anathema." Hence the belief in Re-incarnation which was, and is, part of almost all other religious beliefs and mythologies around the world, and was included in the Gnostic writings of Plato, only became heretical 5 centuries after Jesus. Despite of the fact that reincarnation was outlawed in the Christian church by this Council, there are numerous passages in the extant bibles which not only suggest the continuation of consciousness after physical death but also suggest reincarnation of that consciousness.
i    Thus the apostles reported to Jesus that many thought that Jesus was Elijah, or Jeremiah or one of the other prophets (Matt 16:13).
ii    Even Jesus said that Elijah would reincarnate, (Matthew 17:11) that is, that the reincarnation of that consciousness would occur.
iii    In John 9:2 the apostles asked Jesus whether the man blind from birth was blind due to his previous sinning (obviously in a previous life or due to the sinning of his parents (karma for the parents also?)
iv    Jesus promised the Apostles he would go to prepare a place for them. He did not say "If there is a possibility that you will survive physical death I might see you." No. He was quite firm about what he said.
      The Koran describes astral states for the faithful ones. Such rewards are for the consciousness after physical death. Their survival is taken as an article of faith without dispute.
     Gnosticism is adamant about the soul surviving the physical death. Manichaeism speaks of the liberation of the soul from its physical prison as do Orphism and Zoroasterism.
      The Buddhist soul seeks Nirvana after surviving physical death and for the Tibetans the soul is guided in its after-life travels by the lessons of the Bardo Thodol (the Tibetan Book of the Dead) compiled and edited by W.,Y, Evans-Wentz (1960).
     Hinduism concerns itself with the journeys of the soul in and out of bodies. In the version of the Ramayana, also called "The Philosophy of Humanity", translated by Swami Chidbhavanabda (1982), fighting factions in humanity are described, with the wicked eventually going to damnation and the virtuous to eternal bliss. However they all survive physical death. Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita urges Arjuna to kill his enemy, for that was his duty as a soldier. He went further and explained the total insignificance of the physical expression. Krishna alludes to the insignificance of the physical in His discourse with Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita as these extracts demonstrate: " These bodies, which act as enveloping coverings for the souls occupying them, are but finite things of the moment...They perish as all finite things perish. He who in his ignorance thinketh: "I slay" or "I am slain" babbleth like an infant lacking knowledge...How can a man commit the folly of thinking that he can either kill; cause to kill; or be killed himself?....Be self-centred and uncontrolled by the illusions of the finite world. When thou shalt rise beyond the plane of illusion, then shalt thou cease to disturb thyself regarding doctrines, theology, disputations concerning rites or ceremonies, and other useless trimmings upon the cloth of spiritual thought.....You will be liberated from those who would interpret that which they fail themselves to understand; but instead, shalt thou fix thy mind in earnest contemplation of the Spirit, and thus reach the harmony with thy Real Self...That which seemeth real to the men of the sense-world is known to be illusion by the Sage. Knowing the whole Truth, thou shouldst beware of unsettling the minds of those not yet prepared to grasp it, as untimely teaching may drive from their work such as see only half-Truths, and become unsettled thereby." In another passage He says: "Many lives, Arjuna, you and I have lived, I remember them all, but thou dost not." Why would a divine Avatar want to lie?
     Plato, in his Republic recounts, through the eyes of a soldier called Er who experiences a prolonged episode of Near Death experience, how the souls in the astral planes are apportioned new life in new bodies and also suffer various rewards and admonitions.
      Swedenborg, threatened on his death bed by the local bishop with the fires of Hell, refused to recant the story of his astral visions which gave credence to consciousness existing outside the physical body. His refusal was based on faith and actual experience.
      The Apotheosis ritual of the Ancient Egyptians and other cultures, so mocked by the decadent churches of the Dark Ages, celebrated the flight of the soul of the deceased imminent personage to the astral plane. They had no doubt the soul survived physical death. Indeed, in the Egyptian Book of the dead, the surviving consciousness was given instructions for progress after the body died.
     And so it is that I think even Shakespeare, as well as many other writers, were trying to educate the masses with their entertaining plays. Shakespeare is a special example because he recalled Archetypal Syndromes (popularized by Jung this century) when he referred to after-life identities, the supernatural and psychic phenomena, as in Hamlet, in Macbeth, in The Tempest and other plays. It would be ungracious and demeaning to think he created these aspects of his plays just for entertainment. I think he was using the broadened reality within his psyche to assist in the expansion of our own awareness.
     The greatest body of evidence comes from the immensely fruitful thanatological work of our own generation. Modern medical researchers such as Moody, Wambach, Sabom and Stevenson have independently published results of investigations which allow one to conclude that the consciousness is a separate and capably-independent entity. It survives death of the physical body. Dr I. Stevenson (Twenty Cases suggestive of reincarnation; University Press, Virginia, USA.1974) demonstrated the history of consciousness away from the body, before and after death of the physical. Dr Raymond Moody, in Life after Life, (Bantam, NY, USA. 1975) published information on the travel of consciousness to other realms and dimensions in cases called Near Death experiences. Dr Michael Sabom (Recollections of Death, Harper and Row, NY, USA. 1981) did likewise and also noted the loss of fear in experiencers. The psychologist Helen Wambach (Life before life; Bantam, NY; 1979) published results of hypnotic inductions which allowed consciousnesses to reveal their existence, in many hundreds of patients at a time, during the time between different physical bodies in various lives. Dr Maurice Rawlings (Beyond Death's Door; 1978 and To Hell and Back, 1993; Thomas Nelson, Nashville, Tennessee, USA) a clinical cardiologist, writes on the traumatising and unexpected Near Death Experiences in his patients who then tell him of conditions of the consciousness once the body is left behind. He presents a different view of the eventual conditions experienced by many consciousnesses after death, but nonetheless these episodes, different as they may be, demonstrate the continuity of consciousness. Prof Kenneth Ring (Heading Towards Omega; Quill, NY, USA; 1985) accumulates data from many Near Death experiencers and they relate conditions in other planes and changes to occur on this one. His conclusions raise the possibility of other levels of consciousness having plans for the collective consciousness of humanity. This concept of other dimensions and levels of consciousness is now an established possibility in the minds of many people, including quantum physicists, as explained by Fred Wolf in his book "Parallel Universes" (Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, NY, USA; 1990). Dr Melvin Morse (A Near Death experience in a 7 year old child; American Journal of Diseases of Children, 137, 10, 959; 1983) confirms the occurrence of Near Death Experiences in toddlers and children.
     Most of these medical investigators have eliminated physical conditions such as anoxia, carbon dioxide accumulation, the effects of drugs, a degenerating brain etc., as being the reasons for the occurrence of the remarkable experiences of the consciousness. Physiological, pharmacological, neurological and psychological explanations have all been eliminated as the cause of Near Death Experiences which demonstrate the continuation of the consciousness after physical death.
     It is worth noting that those who experience Out Of Body episodes describe seeing articles and incidences that were out of the field of vision of their bodies, thus eliminating simple mechanical vision as being the reason for their extended sight.
     Those who awaken and relate their experiences in these Near Death Episodes often claim they have met dead people and have identified some whose existence they were not aware of and could not have been aware of in the physical. Examples abound. Hence, it is reported that, they meet siblings who died before the patient was born and had never been told about them.
     This contradicts the sceptical explanation that such experiences are a final pleasurable experience the brain treats itself to as it dies. How could the brain acquire information which it had never received to include in this final experience? It is impossible to be a function of the brain alone. Besides, the work of Dr Rawlings clearly demonstrates that this final brain replay may not be a pleasant experience in all cases. In many it is hellish. Hence, why would the brain want to frighten itself to death? The explanation is that the experiences are of the consciousness and not of the brain. And finally it may be added that if these experiences were the last fling of a brain in its final stages, why are people who experience them often perfect in their cerebration once resuscitated, and why do they even show increased awareness and brain function? (Sutherland, 1992) Surely if these experiences were of a dying brain it would show evidence of destruction and malfunction on resuscitation!
     The suggestion of similarity in those of similar culture and religion can be explain, I feel, by the fact that the brain interprets its experiences in the language which it has in that lifetime. Hence, a Christian would relate to Jesus and the Saints, a Muslim to Mohammed, a buddhist to Buddha, etc.
      Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (On Death and Dying; Collier, NY; USA; 1970) in her pioneering book exposes the paradox that as society has hidden death from general view by denying it, religions have lost their believers in a life after death. This has compounded humanity's fears, not lessened them. She then lists 5 stages in the process of dying such as Denial and Isolation; Anger; Bargaining; Depression and Acceptance. But it is my contention that, with proper knowledge and understanding of what physical life and death are about, these stages and their inherent fears and trauma do not have to be experienced.
      Carol Parrish-Harra (The New Age Handbook on Death and Dying; IBS Press, Santa Monica, Ca; 1989) and Cherie Sutherland (Transformed by the Light; Bantam; Sydney, Australia; 1992) and many, many others have demonstrated the obvious benefits to be derived from acceptance of the knowledge of life after physical death. They aver repeatedly to the tremendous improvement in the quality of life that occurs to many who accept this knowledge and those in their lives who are also touched by their faith and freedom from fears. Sutherland's title says it clearly: Transformed by the Light! Sabom (1981) writes about the marked decrease in the fear of death in Near Death Experiences. And Sutherland reports that in her series there was a universal believe of life after death and a movement towards the belief in reincarnation after the Near Death Experience. (1992, 230) Often there is a change of direction in life, for the better, and this improves the quality of life. People reassess their values, their lives, their priorities. They become less materialistic, more loving, more sharing, more giving, more tolerant and aware of the needs of others. These attributes can be taught without outside of traumatic and dramatic Near Death Experiences.
     Recent surveys reveal some 72% of Americans believe in reincarnation. More and more doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists believe and publicity has been given to groups of people who have regressed together to a past life. Such people have identified each other from past lives and given incredibly accurate accounts and details of such lives.
     Many experience spontaneous self regression and without adequate knowledge are unable to integrate the experience. Most have the feelings describes as deja vu. Others are affected by the intense ridicule of sceptics and bury their experiences. However, as the dimensional barriers are being broken, sceptics and the mockers are losing the battle.

     As there are approximately one billion consciousnesses who are of an extraterrestrial origin all awakening at this time to the fact that they are aliens, and as they are remembering the other worlds, other systems, their kidnap to this exploitative system etc., the evil ones who are trying to keep the illusion and are trying to prevent this awakening are fighting a losing battle. Many of these alien consciousnesses now are being awakened by the ubiquitous, almost pandemic, screening of alien movies. They respond to these shows and ones like the X-files, Star Trek and others, for these prompt an awakening within them. And they are remembering their own truth within, believe me. No one will be able to tell them this is not so. Not all of the one billion are beings of Light of course, many are evil beings of the counterfeit creation.
     Do not be confused, these aliens are alien consciousnesses residing in human bodies. The human bodies are a feature of earth. They have not been transported here physically. The consciousness has been transported and placed in human bodies and sometimes in animal and bird bodies by the mechanisms of re-incarnation into a foetus or as a walk-in into pre-existing bodies.
     In hypno-therapeutic regressive sessions, many have been able to recall their capture, kidnap, transportation to earth, placement in bodies of the lower classes, etc. If you are strongly attracted to this information, you are probably an alien consciousness.
     Meditate, if you do not do so yet, and ask to be connected to your original planet, provided it is in the best interest of your Highest Good.

     With any sort of spiritual awakening you will have dismissed as absurd the notion that we on Earth are probably the only form of life in the Universe. What is even more absurd a notion is the one many people hold and that is that there is no higher consciousness and that there cannot be organized life outside of our own awareness. To consider all the physical structures (and there are countless millions of them) in our dimension as inert matter hanging about to fill up the void left by the expanding frontiers of the universe, is very illogical and untenable. Have you ever thought of what is beyond the circumference of the universe? If it is expanding with the speed of Light, whose area is it going into? If it is expanding beyond its confines, then obviously there is a larger universe which contains it. And if that one is expanding, then it must do so in the territory of an even greater one, otherwise it could not expand.
     Even if we say the universe creates a space for itself as it expands, who provides the possibility for the space? It must be a greater universe. The idea of universes within universes would be never-ending, for, by the mere fact that our physical minds can conceive one with a border, it needs to create something outside that border. Our physical minds are incapable of reaching the last border in an unlimited concept, because our physical minds are themselves limited. There are many things our physical minds cannot comprehend. The concept of just one universe and nothing else is non-sensical and yet our concept of infinity is flawed. The moment we think of an infinite universe we define its limitations. Therefore, by definition, it is no longer infinite.
     Many have tried to overcome the problem by conceiving the possibility of multiple infinities. But this is even more absurd than the one universe concept. We need to be honest with ourselves and conclude that at this level of awareness, using the limited physical minds, we are not in a position to comprehend every aspect of creation.
     We need to let go of the constraining physical mind and use the Inner Mind which knows more and in which incomprehensible possibilities of the physical mind become facts of a greater reality. People who will only believe that which their physical minds will understand and only that which their physical senses will reveal are foolishly condemning themselves to a state of ignorance. And that is how the evil demigod wants them. Which of these people can guarantee that their senses are always reporting perfectly without distortion? Which of them can guarantee that their physical minds have not been adversely affected by the myriad of poisons which are inhaled and ingested by the body daily and have not then made inappropriate conclusions? Even one glass of beer or one cigarette alters the function of the physical mind. Imagine what a combination of factors including psychic pollution can do to one's physical acumen. It is the higher functions of our physical minds which are affected first, and most severely, by pollution, and it is these which are the very functions needed in subtle topics such as these.
     All physical manifestations have a consciousness. All consciousnesses are involved somewhere along an evolving hierarchy. Nonetheless, here I merely wish to point out that consciousness is present everywhere throughout creation and that there are countless numbers of civilisations in countless numbers of planets and dimensions outside of our own. It is because our awareness has been so restricted and the plot against us to isolate us has been so successful, that we have forgotten these facts and have forgotten the lines of communication with these other consciousnesses which have been severed. Re-establishment of the network of connection will occur as part of the rectification.
     Much has been written about UFOs and strange crafts, radar detections, the disappearance of people and animals, experiments on people and animals, various ground effects by unidentified flying vehicles, unaccountable radiation at landing sites, magnetic interference, crop circles, etc. These points will assist the expansion of awareness:
     We all travel astrally during naps, sleep, coma and often during meditation, regression, spontaneous projection and episodes similar to petit-mal epilepsy in which there appears to be a lapse of concentration. Even rebirthing can allow astral travel, although it is a dangerous practice and I do not recommend it. It is dangerous because unwanted, and often dangerous, and unsuspected possession of a poorly protected shell by discarnates or other entities can occur when the indigenous consciousness is absent.
     We visit other realms, levels and dimensions during these travels. We are all familiar with spacecraft. We have all been translocated between various galaxies in such crafts under the supervision of the evil network and as part of its plot to confuse. It is just that our memory of these occurrences has been filtered. But more and more people are now bypassing the filtering mechanism and remembering such journeys. Many have received training and worked in other planets, realms and dimensions as they reincarnated in these other places between lives on earth. Many demonstrate skills learned in other places when they reincarnate on earth. For example, many from the region of Orion, which is more evil, more advanced, have come to earth. They are very skilled with computers and electronic gadgets even at an early age and do not have to be taught. They have brought the memory of previous experience onto this plane. All have the ability to make connection with consciousnesses in spacecrafts and with consciousnesses in other dimensions by use of abilities described as psychic phenomenology (ESP, meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy.) Not all contacts with outside consciousnesses brought to fruition in the past have benefited man, for, as was explained in other parts of our publications, many connections have been to evil and destructive entities and realms.
      Accidental sightings of craft are just that, accidents. The evil demigod has controlled all movement in order to avoid exposure. The workers of Light have been trying to expose the Truth about these crafts and to stimulate awareness. The sightings are real enough, but until this time, massive official cover-ups have always succeeded in belittling the significance of such sightings. Some of the beings in such craft sighted in this dimension have needed help from beings in the physical. Rescue missions involving mainly energy work have often been successfully accomplished. UFOs travel within their own etheric covering and can enter other dimensions at will by changing their frequency of matter vibration and they can disappear almost instantly from our dimension.
      Inter-dimensional apertures and communications have often occurred spontaneously, accidentally and on purpose. Such apertures have given effects which have been extensively documented on occasion. These effects have included disappearances, resightings, time-warp experiences, etc. Such apertures have occurred most frequently in areas such as the Bermuda Triangle, around Tasmania, near the North Pole, around Ayers Rock in Australia, over the Japanese islands and over the mountain peaks of the Andes in Peru, in Mongolia, Tibet, and in Far North Queensland in Australia. Some faults in inter-dimensional partitions sometimes occur and these faults have caused the rain of fish, frogs and other matter which has been reported. These are from parallel dimensions whose matter is the same as ours. These occurrences are always glossed over and explained away in an absurd and untruthful manner.

I wish to thank all of you who have written to me for various reasons. I know you understand that often I cannot answer queries personally but I will include answers in the Newsletters, so watch out for them. I am always saddened when I hear of the horrible suffering imposed on the beings of the True Creation. Such episodes should strengthen our resolve to see this hell totally eradicated.

Gnostic knowledge LIBERATES! In order to spread and share Love, Peace, Light and Harmony, one needs to confront and reject evil from one's existence. Hence, one needs to become a warrior. Without the existence of Evil, no one would want to be or need to be a warrior. This role is a response to the emergence of Evil. While Evil exists, no Being of Light can relax for one moment. Evil must be fought at every instance for it is surreptitious in the extreme and takes advantage to invade, program, pollute, indoctrinate and destroy whenever an opportunity arises. Be aware of every weakness, every inattention, every carelessness, for it may allow a fatal dose of Evil to enter your life. Warriorship can be expressed in many ways, but ultimately it is expressed in the war against Evil. The greatest war is in the mental level. Win your mental war and pay meticulous attention to the mind, for it can make or break you. It can create a Hell out of Heaven or a Heaven out of Hell. Control your mind and you will have won your personal war. Then you can become an effective warrior in the General War against Evil. While you are still struggling to control your mind you cannot be effective in the greater war. In order to control your mind, you must eradicate, as much as possible, evil influences which affect it. Therefore, evil programming, pollution and indoctrination need to be minimized. This necessitates proper knowledge of diet, cleansing, protection, etc.


     We wish to thank all of you who have offered to assist in the running of these sub-centres. We are still in the process of setting them up in various areas and wish to utilize manpower and facilities as best as we can. We will communicate with individuals as the need arises. Please be patient as we cannot develop all areas simultaneously at present.
     These sub-centres are to act as "acupressure" energy points around the globe as well as physical meeting places.
     As I mentioned in the last Newsletter, many sub-centres are well under way. We will have more details of these in subsequent Newsletters. The list will be expanded as the sub-centres are developed in the various areas.


September 29: The Gulf War memories are stirred as the USA flexes its muscles in the Middle East. Who is the real aggressor? Why should might equal right? Was Saddam entrapped so he could be destroyed? The President of the USA repeatedly said the fight was not with the people of Iraq but with one individual, Saddam Hussein. But why has the USA and the UN, which it also bullies, sustained sanctions which have killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Kurds? The answer is simple in metaphysical terms. They are part of the exploitative mechanism of evil and they act to make as many people suffer as possible. Saddam has exposed them very clearly and the injustices are nauseating. Unfortunately, we in the West are subjected to constant indoctrination and demonising propaganda to make those who displease the USA look like Satan himself when in fact the opposite is true in most cases. Evil ones need someone to hate so that they can justify the violence they commit on this level. It is really all part of the charade to exploit people of their energy by making them suffer. If the USA was really all about world peace why would its Secretary of State say that it needs a major conflict every 5 years to keep its economy going? And why, if peace is its aim, does it proudly pronounce it produces over 80% of the world's arms, most of which are conveniently and very profitably sold to Third World countries that cannot even feed themselves? Hypocrisy such as this is a hallmark of EVIL.
     You must see interactions and relationships not in terms of social biology but as interactions and relationships between the 2 fundamental forces: the Essences of Good and Evil. In other words, anything you do or think, any interaction you have with anyone else is going to have one of two effects. It is either for your SPIRITUAL benefit or for your spiritual degradation and detriment. And you must see it as such. Anyone who interacts with you is either going to take energy from you or give you energy. The chances of anyone giving you energy are very, very small. Perceive this as reality. The problem arises when people are unawakened, do not see things this way and are then trapped and remain trapped.

     Rene Descartes said "Cogito ergo sum" (I think therefore I am). But for how long could this be so? One's existence is beyond one's control. One's existence can only be sustained and confined by the thought of one's Creator. It is only because He thinks that one is. If He stops thinking, one ceases to exist, regardless of how much one wants to believe one will continue to exist. It is not because one thinks that one exists but rather, one exists because of one's Creator has the beings in Its Primal thought. If the Creator is destroyed (transmuted) that which he created will be destroyed. The Divine Essence cannot be destroyed but the evil pseudo-creator (the evil demiurge, Jehovah) will be. And all its progeny will disappear.


Be detached from the fruits
of your labour and always
do your very best
in every situation.
Do not let criticism
(whether constructive or otherwise)
throw you out of balance.

(It is hoped to publish extracts from Babaji's
discourses in a new book about Him soon.)



     Often people mistake their own ego for their Higher-Self. Hence they proclaim that they are guided by their Higher-Self to do this or that. If one is sincere, one can distinguish between something that comes from one's ego or from the Divine within.
     If you are prepared to serve the Divine in the capacity that the Divine has planned, then you must trust that the Divine will guide you and provide the opportunity for you to acquire whatever skills you need to carry out your work. All that you need, all that is necessary will be provided. What you need to do is to make yourself available to Divine guidance and let the Divine do the planning. If you try to do the planning for the Divine (due to your own ego), then you are in for a lot of unnecessary confusion and much pain. Here is a story to illustrate my point:
     Once, there was a wise and caring king who had selected various subjects to carry out tasks in his kingdom. Amongst his subjects was a young man named Adam who was specially chosen to be the cook for the king's household. When Adam received the confirmation of his new role, he was simultaneously both excited and somewhat nervous. He wanted to do a good job but he was not confident of his own skills. So he went about looking throughout the country for famous chefs in the hope of learning some fanciful cooking skills from them. In doing so, he delayed taking up his new role as the king's personal cook.
     So the king summoned Adam. He knew that Adam was confused and unsure of himself. "Why are you so confused about your new role, Adam?" asked the kind king. "I chose you to be my personal cook because I know you have the potential to carry out what I want from you. If those others of whom you ask advice were more suitable, I would have chosen them. Therefore, why do you seek the skills of those whose skills are of no use to me in my plan? You must let your own potential come forth. If you need the assistance of others, I will direct you to seek that assistance. I know what I want and you must trust that this is so."


     Many have asked about involuntary possession. Realize it is the physical shell which is possessed, damaged or taken over. Often the True consciousness is pushed aside or ejected. The shell is not your spouse, parent, sibling, etc., nor are they the damage or the possessive consciousnesses. Possession is never a good sign. Would true consciousnesses take over or damage another? I will write more about this in subsequent Newsletters.
     Those of you who are being tested by the recalcitrance of those close to you and those for whom you care and wish they would listen should not be disappointed by the non-acceptance of others, no matter who they are.
     If enough listened perhaps they would change and this dimension would not have to be totally destroyed.


     Psychic energy exists in and around us. It is real. People, animals, plants, beings, objects, and places all have energies. Every day we are affected by all types of energies including the psychic energy regardless of whether we are aware of them or not. Everyone has psychic potentials. Even animals have them. We can all learn to apply our psychic abilities in practical ways to enhance our lives.
     There are various methods in which one can develop one's psychic abilities. Meditation can naturally help in the opening of our psychic faculties. The four most common psychic abilities in humans can be classified as the four senses of intuition (higher mind), vision (clairvoyance), hearing (clairaudience), and feeling (emotions). We can learn to develop all of these psychic senses and learn to recognize which are our dominant ones. Though most people are predominantly strong in one or two of the psychic faculties, there are exceptions. Very few people are equally strong in all the above four psychic senses. All the above psychic senses are future-orientated.

1.     Psychic intuition: This is responsible for the ability of prophetic knowing. It is that which allows us to have sudden insight into things. It is that which allows us to know of things before they occur. It is a knowing about the past, present, or future with no supporting evidence and it is devoid of rationality. Information simply enters our mind in a flash without us trying. Sometimes one can experience a prophetic knowing which involves clairvoyance, clairaudience and the sense of feeling. For example: When one intuitively knows that a certain plane is going to blow up in mid air, such knowing is accompanied by a clairvoyant vision of that event and the hearing of screams of people on the plane and feeling their violent emotions as the event unfolds. One may feel as though one is actually there and experiencing the event as it occurs. The crown centre (chakra) is predominantly associated with the power of intuition. The area involved with our ability to intuit is the area at the top of the head. We can learn to activate this ability to access our power of intuition. The following methods may be of help to those who might be interested in accessing their intuitive sense. It is important to relax sufficiently before attempting the following methods. With quality practice one can learn to refine one's psychic ability.

Method 1: Close your eyes and relax. Then mentally link your crown chakra with the area above the head by visualising a ball of light at the crown. Let the light spread above the head. You may visualise the light as bright yellow, golden, or bright violet light.

Method 2: Close your eye and relax. Then focus your awareness on the crown centre and extend it upward. One easy way is to think "up" and "above".

You can use the above methods to evaluate a situation (past, present or future), or scan a place, etc. With practice, you can become quick, efficient and accurate. You can also do it with ease with your eyes open once you become proficient.

This topic of psychic education by Amitakh will be continued in subsequent Newsletters.


Well, that's it for another short while. Until we meet again, remember: Avoid hypocrisy; expose it whenever, wherever you meet it and "To thy own self be true!"
J S Chiappalone, Editor
Copyright 1996 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

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