September-October 1996, Newsletter # 2

Presented by:
Annwn Publications
P O Box 28 Malanda, QLD, Australia, 4885
Fax 070 965 620
Email address: [email protected]

Copyright 1996 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


HELLO to you all again.

     As I mentioned in the first Newsletter of this series, we have advanced plans for the establishment of sub-centres around the globe. Many have been started already in a small way and the plans for others are advanced. These have resulted for many reasons, not the least of which was the demand of many, many readers writing to us over the years requesting such Centres where they can meet like-minded people. We also have plans for a School of Metaphysics, but how and when this eventuates will depend on many factors including time availability (more able this time factor in subsequent Newsletters. By the time you read this newsletter it is hoped to have quite forward plans for Centres in Australia (Queensland, Victoria, WA, SA and NSW); the USA (California, Arizona, Washington State, Colorado and perhaps Montana) and New Zealand.
     It is hoped that the Centres will provide a meeting place where awakening individuals can go for further appropriate guidance. As the world deteriorates, such places will be havens for those who know what is going on and want to be with those who understand the situation. In time, seminars, lectures workshops, etc., will be conducted at selected Centres by Amitakh, myself and others. These will be advertised via the Newsletters and you will be kept informed.
     If any of you would like to assist in running such a Centre in your area, or be involved in any way in this work, please contact me directly. We have had a huge response to the first Newsletter of this series and we wish to welcome all the new readers. If others who are not on our mailing list wish to have the Newsletter directly sent to them they should write to us at the addresses below making some form of financial contribution for the newsletter to show they are genuine. Readers should address their letters to: Annwn Publications, Box 28, Malanda, Q 4885, Australia. I will give details of these Centres in due course.

     It is beautiful to look up on a clear night and see a sky full of stars. Many can appreciate a glorious night's sky. But how many people know that over 90% of the celestial structures have been destroyed as part of the Correction Process for this physical dimension and all that is seen by us is the remaining travelling light from those destroyed structures?

     Genetic engineering of crops, vegetation, animals and even humans is being hailed as the success story of the future. And yet side-effects of changing genes are unknown. Already fatal allergic proteins in transgenic foods are a reality. I think this will be a Pandora's box of the last days but, unlike the original, there will not occur a promise of HOPE!

Ah Love! Could thou and I with fate conspire
To grasp this sorry state of things entire;
Would we not shatter it to bits
And then remould it Nearer to the heart's desire?
Omar Khayyam



     Those who truly understand what this information is all about within their Inner Core do not require verbal explanations. Those who do not understand at their inner level would never be convinced or accept, regardless of what explanations are offered. For these no explanations are ever sufficient. It is their nature to reject truth and the greater reality for they have too much to lose. Be that as it may, whether you want to believe it or not, you and every other unit of consciousness, true or counterfeit, are immersed in a struggle to the spiritual death in a War of Essences which is directly affecting every aspect of everyone's existence, regardless of the degree of individual awareness.
     If True Beings relate everything, and I mean everything, they do, see, think, experience, etc., to this War of Essences, they will minimize their suffering on this plane and enhance their chances of success.
     And so it is that if you have understood the information we have published you will realize that the controlling Essence of Light and Goodness is allowing changes to occur on this level to reach the ultimate aim. The final result aimed for, intended and certainly to be attained, is total destruction of this planet, this physical dimension and all things which are ontologically evil, be they humans, animals, vegetation, minerals, spiritual manifestations, etc. The aim is NOT to change the world but to destroy it. Understanding this fundamental point will allow you to cope better with the changes you see around you.
     You will then not be surprised, shocked or panicked by world-wide catastrophes, the emergence of deadly diseases, the development of superweeds which will destroy crops and cause massive hunger, the occurrence of ever-increasing accidents, the spread of fatal AIDS, the daily loss of fauna and flora, the ecological and financial decay of the globe.
     You will understand that evil patterns are allowed to express unabated, and this results in the exposure of all evil around the world, be it in religion, politics, finance, medicine, the judiciary, etc., etc. These things of evil are allowed to occur for their exposure means their destruction.
     The planet is marching inexorable towards its destruction. As I have often asked readers, where does this leave the apparent do-gooders, the greenies, the save-the-planet-brigade, the save-the-planet hypocrites? These are either severely programmed, polluted and indoctrinated True Beings who as yet do not know what is going on or else they are the counterfeit robots and demons of the evil creation who are vainly attempting to resist the change the True Light (Godforce, Highest Good, call It what you wish) has ordered.
     There is no other explanation of this situation and if you cling to any other explanation you will be fooling yourself. Time will prove this to be so. If you are not actively assisting the exposure and destruction of evil energy patterns in whatever form they take, then you are upholding them. This is what many unawakened True Beings are fooled into doing by the evil opposition. Hence, once awakened, you should work hard at confronting all evil as best you can. You cannot sit on the fence once you are awakened.
     If you are not part of the solution, you remain part of the problem. If you are NOT of the Light, you must be Evil.
There are NO other alternatives.

     And so it is that those without this information will be severely traumatized in the Endtime. Their panic will manifest in all manner of abnormal behaviour and many will suffer the Terminal madness I have written about. The world will be plunged into the horror of its own making. The demons who have controlled the world thus far will see that they will be unable to control any aspect of what is occurring and they will panic more than the rest. Their gross, evil nature will manifest without reservation and their ontological wickedness will be exposed for all to see.
     Remain focused on the reason why all the changes are occurring around the globe, regardless of their apparent consequences and you will not join the panicked herd mentality of the evil throng who will become irrational from their very fear of the inevitable and unprecedented changes.
     In the midst of the world upheaval, many aliens will realize exactly who they are. Many have already, assisted by the spate of UFO sightings and the increasing Science-fiction movies about aliens. Those producing such features are being prompted even against their very nature, if they are evil and part of the illusion, to produce the films which are serving the role of awakening beings to the existence of aliens. These shows are not merely entertainment. They are priming humanity to the Endtime, the possibility of other lifeforms, to the possibility of destruction of the earth and the end of humanity. While one aspect of the evil industry is attempting to create a greater illusion, another aspect cannot help itself in producing these shows which are awakening those who need to be awakened. Their personal motives may be profit but the ultimate aim of the Higher Beings who are prompting the changes is to awaken and prepare humanity for what is to come.
     The year 2000 was used in my writing as a focal point for True Beings who were to prepare themselves for evacuation. They knew this and did not worry too much. It is only the evil ones who understand nothing of true spirituality (for they are of a counterfeit consciousness) who panicked or mocked or ridiculed. But, I ask you: For how much longer can they really laugh? Evil fools never win!
     And so it is that in very many ways, many, many people around the globe are intuitively picking up the possibility of the end of the world. The published explanations of this phenomenon by psychiatrists and psychologists are so ridiculous that anyone even remotely awakened can have a good laugh. Their spurious explanations are a pointer, not just to the ignorance of these professionals, but also to their evil nature.
     No one is going to escape being exposed in all their ontological nakedness in this period approaching the Endtime. And this has nothing to do with judging them. It is all about perception, true and simple. It is not a time of vengeance, pay back or getting even with the evil beings. For True Beings it is a time of awakening to what is going on, protecting, cleansing and preparing for eventual evacuation and re-establishment in the New Dimension I have written about.
     The evil beings will be dealt with in the manner they deserve in due course. Not one of them will escape. All routes out of the dimension have been blocked. They have nowhere to run or hide and that realization will send them insane. Hence, do not concern yourselves on a personal level about who did what to you or other beings of Light. All will be taken care of. All Justice will be dispensed truly. Evil beings who appear to temporarily escape have only the memory of a concentrated guilt to sustain them and the thoughts of final annihilation will torment them far greater than any punishment one can think of giving them. But always remember, they have brought this on themselves. No one has asked them to remain evil. They have squandered and rejected countless chances to embrace the Light, Love, Peace, Justice, Honesty, Wisdom and Truth. They have willingly chosen their own evil hypocrisy and eventual extermination.
     These facts could all be flung into a corner and called the product of profound psychotic paranoia if it was not for the fact that THESE THINGS WHICH I HAVE DESCRIBED ARE HAPPENING NOW !!! Paranoia is fear of the unreal. These things leading to planetary destruction are very, very real as all will soon witness.


     The value of these writings is not the description of what is happening on a superficial level but the reason given as to why all this is happening and the implications for all of us from a metaphysical and spiritual perspective. After all, these perspectives are the only ones of real importance for the physical will shortly no longer exist.
     These facts given to me which I pass on to you are invaluable for those who can truly appreciate them. Of course the robots and demons claim such things are valueless, but look at their reaction to such facts: They are very fearful even as they dismiss them and say they do not care, that it is all nonsense. Why do they fear? Because they know this information is true and it has the power which will deal with them. The True Beings are never frightened as such. They may be a little apprehensive as they awaken but they do not fear as the demons and counterfeit beings do. True Beings do not fear books produced by evil ones and that is because they intuitively know the power within them is far greater than the power of evil. But the counterfeit creation, in all its guises, fears the Light for it knows that, being evil, it is a treacherous, destructive deception, a cancer on the face of creation, one that will not exist if it cannot parasitically feed on the True Beings, destroying them in the process. Evil ones know they live the great lie and that they are doomed.
     Reactions to this information cannot be feigned. Sure, evil ones can hide behind words and mock laughter, but they are insincere cowards. Look at their countenances and their body language. They cannot hide their fear at all!


     Most, if not all, True Beings are subjected to pain, suffering, humiliation, ridicule at some time or other, and most are grossly disadvantaged by the evil system and the evil beings who run it. They may be even treated this way by fellow True Beings who are unawakened and are used by the evil system to attack their own kind. Some suffer far more than others. If you see yourself in this situation, grin and bear it. The suffering or any disadvantage you undergo may be necessary to expose the evil patterns and the evil beings further so that not only will they be eventually destroyed, but also so that in the process perhaps other beings of Light can be spared a similar fate to some extent. Understanding this, we would all be willing to help out, would we not? We would all be willing to carry our burden as we fight evil in the myriad of ways that life presents itself on this level.
     This does not mean that we passively accept all that is thrown at us by the evil system. We fight back as vigorously and as courageously as we can whenever we can. It simply means that when it appears we apparently cannot win under the prevailing circumstances, we simply accept the pain, suffering, ridicule, humiliation or whatever of the situation and accept that it must be a necessary price to pay for ultimate victory. Besides, the advantage of evil over True Beings is apparent only. It may well be that in your interactions with the evil system and its evil beings, their energy patterns were interfered sufficiently to allow more rapid deterioration and hasten the eventual collapse of evil. From this perspective therefore, your apparent defeat by the evil system and its evil beings is in fact a precious victory for you and all other True Beings. When viewed in this way it can be seen that all suffering on this level by True Beings inflicted on them in their struggle against evil is worthwhile. Besides, suffering in any war is unavoidable. Even the highest ranking officer who is nowhere near the front and danger is subjected to the suffering of separation from home, the anguish of losing battles, the death of troops, the possible harsh judgement of peers, etc. As this War of Essences is a war to end all wars, one can readily understand that the degree of suffering may be maximal. The most important thing you can do in your life is to play your role in the War of Essences.
     Hence, you should do everything possible to cleanse, protect and discipline in order to connect with your Higher Consciousness, to acquire the knowledge you need to perform your role and the strength to carry it out.
     All other activities are secondary and many of them are not only totally unnecessary but also may be traps to waste time and to deter you from your role. The information given by the Annwn Publications and the function of the Centre and all those associated with it is, among other things, to:
  1. awaken the True Beings,
  2. assist them to realigning in the best way for them,
  3. assist in the identification of evil programming, pollution and indoctrination,
  4. assist in the identification of traps,
  5. expose and break various evil energy patterns, thus hastening and assisting the eventual rectification,
  6. neutralize various evil beings around the globe,
  7. set up centres around the globe to disseminate this information,
  8. collect the True Beings together on the energy levels and on the physical where required,
  9. prepare the True Beings for evacuation,
  10. provide a focus for the encircling spacecrafts,
  11. ground energy to disable evil energy grids, and evil magnetic fields.

     Not all the functions are easily understood by readers at this level. Realize that this fact should not be of any concern. After all, you do not have to know and understand all the functions of the military high command to be a good soldier or citizen, do you? All the help is so you will cope better in the days ahead.


    Divine Justice will descend to eradicate all evil and all evil beings in this evil creation. And it will set the True Beings free!
    King Arthur (Babaji) had affirmed often that the Power of Excalibur would descend to destroy all injustices, all evil, and all the evil ones.

    The Best Plan for Correction of the Celestial Error and Liberation of the True Beings is being followed.
Who can dispute this?
No human can, for no human has enough
information to make an informed decision.


     The information that has been published since 1985 contains fundamental KEYS needed to understand what is going on in society and provide a means of making sense of the madness which has gripped our planet.
     The point that people should be free to believe what they like, however, is emphasized throughout the writings.
Readers are urged to think for themselves at all times and only accept that truth which resonates within them. It is stressed that such philosophical and spiritual discourses are for the individual alone to assess and should be a private matter at all times.
     The concept of personal accountability is prominent and many other realizations of what is happening are fostered by the facts presented. The writings point out that nothing is as it seems in this world of illusion and that there have been continuous efforts throughout history to prevent the truth from being known in its fullest. When one awakens sufficiently, one realizes that there has always been a well-orchestrated conspiracy against exposure of the controlling evil essence and revelation of truths. The aim of the writings is to stimulate certain people intellectually, philosophically and spiritually so that their process of awakening can be facilitated. Inspite of apparent scientific progress, this plane is run on ignorance, deception, confusion, stupidity, emotional exploitation and hatred which is the Maya or illusion of this world. The Basic Tenets of the Centre's "philosophy and teachings" are:

*     that there are 2 creations,
*     that consciousness and the physical body are two separate and distinct things, True Beings being trapped in matter,
*     that existence of consciousness is multi-dimensional and
*     that the physical mind is limited in its ability to comprehend all the factors that make up the reality in which we live, which is not always the reality we perceive and are aware of.

     All consciousnesses on this level, with the exception of a few, are trapped in a cocoon of Ignorance. The purpose of these teachings, without wanting to sound immodest, is to break through that ignorance and bring forth the Light of Knowledge. It was anticipated from the onset that many of the Dark side would fight to prevent this happening. The writings explain the reason for the presence on this planet of so much SUFFERING and pain which are really not consistent with an existence created by a loving, caring God.
     The crux of the teachings is that there are 2 feuding CREATIONS in this dimension. The Ancient Gnostics understood and professed some of the basic tenets of this philosophy. The uncensored texts of the Ancient Wisdom found in Hermetic texts, in the writings of Manichaeus, in the Apocryphal Gospels contained in The Nag Hammadi Library and the Dead Sea Scrolls all talk about the two feuding creations. Other evidence of the existence of two creations is found in the Christian Bible (Old Testament), Chaldean Cutha tablets, the Mesopotamian creation myth called the Enuma Elish, Hermetic mythology, Orphic myths, the Hindu sagas (the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, various Vedas and Puranas), doctrines of Zoroaster as contained in the Zend Avesta, Platonic writings and many other sources.

     Basic points of realization contained in the books published by the Centre include the following:

*     There are 2 Creations :
    i     the original Divine Creation and
    ii    the evil creation superimposed upon the beauty of the True Divine (Mother's) Creation. It is a parasite on the Divine creation.
     This physical dimension, as it now exists, is the creation of a demigod who came into being from an evolutionary aberration which has been termed a "Celestial Error". Evil is not part of the Divine plan. Evil is an aberration, and Evil definitely exists.

*     Since the TAKEOVER of this dimension by the evil essence, and up until this point, a loving, just God has NOT been in control for a number of reasons. This planet has been controlled by an evil usurper (called demiurgos by Plato). It has taken time for the Divine Essence to investigate the Error, formulate a Plan of Rectification and then execute it. We are in the phase of Rectification of the Error as far as this planet is concerned.

*     All those in the levels of consciousness in this universe (there are mineral, vegetable, animal, HUMAN, spiritual, galactic and universal levels) belong to one of the two creations, with the vast majority being part of the evil creation. Over 70% of humans are of an evil ontology. These are called ROBOTS and DEMONS and throughout time have exploited the energy of the True Beings (the ontologically Divinely-created beings) of the Divine Creation. Exploitation of the True Divine Race is their role.

*     There are basically two beings in society:
    a.   Permanent Atom Beings, (PA beings) created by the Divine Essence. These are the True Beings. Many of these have not remained faithful to the Light. They have accepted the polluted energy of the evil demigod.
    b.   Non-permanent atom beings, (non-PA beings) created by the evil usurper. They have been called Mock or Counterfeit beings. Some are demons. Very few of these have responded to the Divine Light and rejected their evil essence.

*    As the physical dimension developed over the last 18 billions years or so, it entrapped the consciousnesses of the True Beings. Evolution eventually imposed these physical structures and bodies onto the trapped consciousness of True Beings who were forced to use them by the changing conditions imposed by evil. The bodies are subjected to various programming factors and reflexes which distort the expression of the consciousnesses of the True Beings who reside within them.

*    The physical body is affected by the environment and the principle agents of programming which in today's world are: Oxygen, various Foodstuffs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Sex, Radiation, Talismans, Microbes, Wealth, or lack.

*    Thoughts can be the result of implantation from either the evil or the Divine force.

*    A Divine Consciousness is not the body or the so-called soul. It was originally created to experience, explore, express, evolve and enjoy in order to return to and enhance the Divine Mind which created it.

*    The major portion of the consciousness of True Beings exists within the bodies in 7 Centres of Consciousness (chakras) each of which has a nucleus containing: Divine awareness, the essences of the Creator, permanence, a Divine heritage and the blueprints for the Divine evolution of that individual centre of consciousness.

*    The metaphysical anatomical structure of beings on this planet includes: An astral body, an etheric body, an emotional body, a physical body with its physical mind and a filtering mechanism which prevents adequate recall of out of body experiences. All these structures have been imposed by the evil demigod. This body is programmed by the genes and the chromosomes, by the physical mind and the agents acting upon it, and by behaviourial patterns which are both congenital and acquired.

*    There are 10 classes of consciousness in human bodies and they are physically indistinguishable. These classes are as follows:

  1. Ancients,
  2. Ancients of Ancients,
  3. Earthling PA beings,
  4. Translocated PA beings from other planets (beings who have been kidnapped from other planets -- many of these are now spontaneously awakening to the fact that they are not earthlings),
  5. The counterfeit evil-created non-PA beings,
  6. Class 5 beings (called Walk-ins),
  7. Fallen Class 5 beings,
  8. Special Creations of the Supreme,
  9. Evil incomplete beings (called soulless beings)
  10. Rescuers.
*    True Beings are TRAPPED at this stage of their existence here. Every situation on this plane has been set up by the evil demiurge, his archons, minions and non-PA beings to attack, drain and pollute the True Beings. Traps within the trap often include cults, sects and religions, bad marriages, families run by evil beings, programming by excessive wealth, poverty, social responsibilities, effects of racism, the illusion of cultural superiority, social, career or financial status, peer pressure, elitist education, etc.

*    Almost everything we have been taught is wrong or distorted by evil. Until now there has been no escape from the endless cycle of birth and death. REINCARNATION and KARMA do occur, but they are evil mechanisms to exploit individuals in a closed system, for up to this time no one has been able to escape.

*    We are in the midst of a massive Celestial War; a battle of essences on all planes; of Good against Evil.

*    There are High Beings among us and on all other levels of consciousness who have come to Liberate the True Beings who have remained faithful. They are executing the Divine Plan of Liberation. We are never alone. There is a Spiritual Hierarchy and a Divine Being of Purity who IS Love (The True God) to whom each consciousness is responsible and accountable.

*    The more one awakens and sees through the Maya, the less is one satisfied or harmonious with this evil system because one becomes more and more aware of the exploitation of energy that occurs in this system, the pollution that occurs and the destruction of the Divinity within True Beings.

*    Awareness of what is going on can keep one from continuing to be a helpless, exploitable victim to the illusion of the plane.

*    It is important to Turn Within, to connect to the Divine spark that is within each True Being. Meditation, with proper protection and cleansing, is essential for this connection to occur. Help is given to all those who sincerely turn to the Light. In their pursuit of spiritual awakening and understanding, no one should be dictated to by religions, governments or anyone else.

*    True Beings need to purify and detach as much as possible. The physical mind, the emotional body, negative energy, the ego and evil programming all need to be overcome. Diet is important. Drugs and addictive foodstuffs such as caffeine, alcohol and tobacco must be avoided as they are spiritual poisons as well as pharmacological ones. Everyone is involved in this WAR in one way or the other. One cannot sit on the fence. One is either for or against the Light.

*    True Beings must be strong in this time of upheaval, stand up for their rights for they have been oppressed for a long, long time. They must speak up, not be fooled, AWAKEN to the Truth, and realize who they are.

*    In this final phase, more and more people are awakening to the fact that planetary destruction is a real possibility.

*    To consciously choose to serve the Divine by surrendering to the Divine Will (that is, to reject the whims and dictates of the evil personal ego) is the way to overcome evil.

*    Constant Protection and Cleansing are important to ward off the constant attacks from evil. Various entities can affect and even invade human consciousness if one is not protected. The evidence of such astral entities is growing and this was prophesied in the writings.

*    The evil essence has infiltrated everything on this plane and is so entwined within the Mother's trapped creation in this sector that the physical dimension needs to be totally destroyed after all the levels of consciousness associated with it are classified and judged. EARTH is too polluted to continue. It has been condemned.

*    The evil system will be totally destroyed: A finalization of the Celestial War on this planet will take place within the next few years. As timing can vary, however, due to many variable factors, the final destruction can be delayed, but only by a few years at the most.

*    The Clearing Process is going on now through many different means including natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, floods, etc.) by diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, TB, malaria, new diseases, etc., by starvation, accidents, wars, etc. This clearing process of the planet is taking place now before its total destruction. The planet is now in its death throes. All people are to leave the physical before the planet is destroyed. Hence no one on this level will witness the destruction.

*    The final stages involving clearing of the planet of all consciousnesses, the planet's destruction, the separation and Judgement, reward and Transmutation of consciousness will be supervised by the manifestation of the Superior Consciousness which will descend onto this plane.

*     ALL WILL BE JUDGED. No one will escape True Divine Justice. The evil ones will be punished by their own evilness, the trapped True Beings will be liberated and the Divine Order will be re-established. Those who are irretrievably evil will be judged as such and will undergo a process of transmutation.

*    Only those deemed fit to continue will do so in a New Dimension.

     Our books also discuss and answer questions about the following: The present situation on this planet today; the identity of the Evil Demiurge in relation to Christology and religions; the War of Essences in which we are caught and how it manifests; the concept of MAYA and why this world is called illusional; the effects of Evil programming; the major and minor Agents of Programming of humans, and all other consciousnesses; the process of thought implantation; the evilness of the majority of beings in the 7 classes of consciousness; the connection between the Divine beings such as Zeus, Hera, Athena, Horus, Isis, Osiris, Hermes Trismegistus, Moses, Plato, Orpheus, Socrates, Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Manichaeus, Buddha, Jesus, King Arthur, Gwenevere, Mohammed, Haidiyakhan Babaji, Sai Baba.
     The evil distortions in religious scripture, the Evilness of Religions and the reason behind this are in "Death of an Evil God". Elsewhere are discussed the innate EVILNESS of the material manifestation; the ORIGIN OF EVIL as the result of a Celestial Error of the `Pistis-Sophia'; Centres of Consciousness, Evil Possession, Channelling, Sleep-Dreams, Pollution, Prana; the Existence and structure of Permanent and Non-permanent atom beings; the anatomical, metaphysical structure of humans, animals, plants and even minerals; the intermingling of the Two Creations in this dimension and the number of evil consciousnesses.
     We also discuss the existence of kidnapped consciousnesses from other planets, solar systems, etc., and the existence of walk-ins, stand-ins; the evil exploitation of energy by all forms of suffering; Reincarnation and Karma; the explanation of the 10 different types of Consciousnesses in human shells; details of how, when and why this mess will be cleaned up; the Mechanism of Psychic Attack and the urgent need for protection at all times; the evilness of consciousness in some animals, vegetables, plants, and minerals; the mechanism of Energy Extraction by the evil system and regression of human consciousness into animals and plants; the condemnation of society as evil; the futility of those thinking they can "save" this evil dimension; greenies, New Agers, etc.; the identity and exposure of channellers and channelled material such as Lazaris, Ramtha, A Course in Miracles, Seth and others as Products of the Evil Consciousness. Other topics include:
*    The apparently mysterious ability of crystals.
*    The Breakdown of Inter-dimensional Barriers resulting in interaction with ghosts, astral beings, UFO's, etc.
*    The MYTH of the Brotherhood of Man and the evil Doctrine of Monotheism.
*    The connection between UFOs, Extraterrestrial consciousness, channelling, Clearing of the Planet, Evacuation of consciousnesses, Space Command and the prophets of old.
*    The identity of The (Dreaded) Judge as being none other than King Arthur who was recognized as the Liberator by the Gnostic Druids 1500 years ago. This was recorded in Celtic Mythology. Arthur was, and is, none other than Haidiyakhan Babaji, also known as Lord Shiva, the teacher and "father" of Jesus.
*    The connection between the consciousnesses of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, St. Malachy, Mother Shipton and others.
*    The prophecy of "The Generation Which Will Not Know Death".
*    The mechanism of, and need for, the Process of Transmutation.
*    The accurate and detailed description of the last days.
*    The facts with which one can make total sense of the madness which has gripped this planet.
*    Etheric and astral worlds, evil-created illusional worlds, visited when people die, and needing to be totally destroyed forever.
*    The consciousness of all the 4 lower classes which are trapped in by an astral ceiling of 400,000 km above the surface of the earth.
*    The distortion of the Doctrine of Eschatology by Jewish and Christian Fundamentalists.

     While the writings explain how and why society is generally evil, and explain the solution being applied to rectify the situation, readers are warned not to fall into the trap of taking the law into their own hands and then being punished by the evil system. All are responsible for their actions and are accountable at all times.
     Other topics discussed include Meditation, Abortion, Peer Pressure, the Ego, Doubt and Scepticism, the Media, Pornography, Channelling and Clairvoyance, the Mechanism and Value of Suffering, Health and Healing, the mechanism and value of Miracles, Homosexuality, Schizophrenia and other mental diseases, Near Death Syndromes, Out Of Body Experiences, Emotions and their exploitation, and the types of Love.
      HISTORICAL aspects are discussed where these are relevant. Many of the books are manuals to assist readers to awaken to their own truth within and also give exercises to assist them in the processes such as meditation, protection, cleansing, strengthening character, eradicating negative traits, recognizing shortcomings, limitations, etc. The books are to act merely as trigger mechanisms for certain ones to awaken to their own truth within.
      PROPHECY in general and specific terms is dealt with in the writings and many prophecies are given. It is important to understand the mechanism of prophecy which is a valid weapon in this celestial war. Prophecies may be accurate at the time they are given and then if circumstances change they can also. Secondly, prophecies may be given to fool the enemy and were never meant to happen. Thirdly, prophecies may be manifested on a varying time scale so that some occur before the time given and some after that time. People with a true inner understanding of these writings were and are able to appreciate these points. Those with no understanding whatsoever, and those of the Dark side have been dismissive of the validity of the whole "philosophy" and teachings because the prophecies which they did not understand in the first place did not occur when they thought they would occur.
     The Plan of Liberation of this plane did involve a number of prophecies which are being fulfilled, as a glance at the information under the heading of "A review of prophecies made by Annwn Publications and Dr Chiappalone" in our first Newsletter will show. Major geographical disasters predicted in 1985 have been postponed for various reasons and are due to occur in this second seven year phase of the Plan. Readers are warned to be prepared and to be flexible. We are caught in a War of Essences and all should expect the unexpected.
     Apart from the prophecies, the fact that this philosophy makes so much sense to some and is attacked so vehemently, without any obvious reason, by others is a validation of its accuracy.
     The ultimate confirmation of this information will come with the total destruction of the globe, but by then it will be far too late for those who would not listen or attempt to undergo even the slightest preparation for what is to come.
     It is abundantly evident that those who have been sincere and examined the information and themselves have been able to ELIMINATE FEAR AND PANIC in their lives with the understanding these writings bring.



1     Beware the Carl Sagans of this world. Sagan is the author of "A demon-haunted World". They peddle half-truths to make you accept complete lies. They try to restrict the reality of existence to fit into the narrow frame of reference they wish to dictate. Carl Sagan is not a doctor, or a psychiatrist, or a psychologist, or a metaphysician. He is just an old, rich fool who uses the ignorance of science to bolster the arrogance of science. All evil, hubristic archons vainly try to destroy the beliefs of others, thus adding to the confusion. As he writes against the beliefs of others, one is reminded of the massive attacks on Marconi by the physics professors of the most eminent universities of the United Kingdom which claimed that Marconi's beliefs and postulates could never be! How wrong they were. How wrong this Sagan is! Enjoy life Carl, hell awaits!

2     If Jesus the Christ called certain people liars and murderers, just like their father the Devil (the Demiurge) as recorded in the Eighth chapter of St. John's Gospel and other places, who are we to argue with Him? Does this not reinforce the concept of at least 2 ontological races, a Divine race and an Evil one? Of course it does. It also tends to confirm the evil beings' assertion that they are created in their evil demigod's image. As such, they are liars and murderers of the Truth and of the True Beings. My conclusion is that Judaism and Christianity are based on falsehood, the former predominantly on usurped and distorted Babylonian myths and rewritten history, the latter, predominantly on usurped and distorted Gnostic concepts as well as plagiarized Mithraism.

3     We all need to be on guard lest the programmed prejudices of our outer minds, provided by peers, religion, nationality, wealth, race, physical attributes, etc., cause us to reject fundamental truths in favour of the destructive and mind-numbing evil programming, pollution and indoctrination.

4      Scepticism is a healthy, temporary phase in everyone's learning curve. But to remain sceptical in the face of overwhelming evidence is no longer healthy or wise. To remain a sceptic under those circumstances is to become a fool as well. You will probably have noted the most ignorant ones are the most vocal in their judgemental condemnation of that which they do not understand. Why is that? It is because that is the nature of evil ignorance, bigotry and hypocrisy to which they belong. There is no other explanation. If they are severely polluted True Beings it is the evil influence on them causing the same problems, hence functionally, until they awaken and cleanse sufficiently, they are the same as evil beings.

5     Humans breed, kill and devour animals, claiming they are a lower form of life. Engaging in such outrageous evil, why then do humans become upset at the thought that aliens may do the same with humans whom they perceive as lower life forms? Some aliens do exactly this as is being revealed by certain alien abductees. Some aliens are as evil as humans and are doing things just as evil as humans do.

6     Look at how the robots and demons rush to paint themselves, have plastic surgery to reshape, cut off, enlarge, and straighten parts of their bodies, etc. They are never satisfied. Even their own evil creator cannot satisfy them. They are war-mongers, malcontents and trouble-makers. They are envious of those with the Inner Nous and Inner Peace.

7     Watch your thoughts at all times. They can be implanted rubbish. Your mental function can make or break you.

8     Some are already seeing the demonic countenance of demons in human bodies. More will do so in the future. If you do perceive such things rejoice, for your true perception is coming to the fore and with such awakening you will be less fooled. You will be better equipped to win your personal battle.

9     Science is flawed; its truths will be tomorrow's absurdities, just as yesterday's scientific truths are today's nonsense.

10     Even if you can accept the degree of moral and natural evil in the world and all its horrendous consequences as being part of some "natural process", surely the enormity and persistence of the dishonesty and hypocrisy of those in your life would make you suspect that all is not what it should be, that this is not a loving environment, that these dishonest hypocrites are not Divinely-created reflections of God at all, that evil is a reality. These dishonest hypocrites are, in fact, created in their "father's" image. Their "father" is the evil demiurge, a liar and murderer (New Testament, Bible, John 8:44) who is dishonest and hypocritical, and that explains their nature.



      Honesty vs dishonesty. A rather funny article written by Chicago's Miko Royko reflects the intention of this society about honesty. First of all he claims that politicians excuse their lying by saying the public could not stand the truth of things, that they would become nervous wrecks. Citing examples, it is claimed honesty leads to dumbness and failure, hence the leaders have to deceive to prevent social collapse. Without lies there would be chaos, rioting and economic collapse. Without lies no one would buy shares, for the brokers and sellers would put them off by telling the truth. Without lies the legal system and all its iniquities and exploitation would collapse. Is that a bad thing? Without lies, matrimonies would break up even faster than now. The article ends by urging readers to give lying a little respect for without it our social structure would collapse. This article, in humour, confirmed that this existence runs on corruption, deceit, dishonesty, hypocrisy and unrelenting exploitation. It is evil to the core. What chance has an honest man got? No wonder Diogenes could not find one. If honesty caused the collapse, is that necessarily a bad thing? It is for the evil ones. But it will collapse anyway as their corruption, dishonesty and deceit is being exposed daily in ways undreamed of.
     So, what is the New Dimension like? Think of a place without evil. There is no pain, no suffering, no misery, no death, no putrefaction, no rape, no energy exploitation, no shortages, starvation or disease, no physical or spiritual assassination, no gross confronting egos to deal with. Does it sound too good to be true? Believe it. It exists.

     One has attained the true vision when one sees oneself as an eternal spirit using a disposable, physical shell. All the labels, of race, gender, religion, society, standing, colour, etc., belong to the shell and not the spirit.
     All True Beings know consciously or subconsciously that this is a very evil system which subjects them to all forms of exploitative mechanisms in order to extract energy from them. They know that injustices and suffering are inevitable. Hence, in order to make the inevitable tolerable, True Beings must change their mental view of things. Accept these evil things for now, and do not react to them. Stay calm, buoyed by the knowledge that all this evil and all the evil beings who support it will soon be no more. Laugh at them if need be, for inspite of all their evil efforts, they have failed to destroy you!
     The more one lives in the Higher Mind and its dimensions, the less one cares about the lower dimensions, the less one relates to them, the less one functions in them, the less importance one gives to those things of the lower dimensions. This is not a bad thing at all. After all, the future for True Beings lies in the Higher Dimensions. The lower ones are to be destroyed completely. Do enough on this level to get by, to fulfil your role, and until you are liberated. Invest your energy, thoughts and time in your future which is in the Higher Mind, the Higher dimensions. Contact them as often as possible. Communicate effectively with them and project yourself within their reality. By doing this, the insignificance of these evil dimensions will become obvious. They will lose their grip on your mind and your liberation process will have begun. The events and effects of this level will be seen to be meaningless as the physical body will also be seen to be and one can then concentrate on truly worthy thoughts of the future. Pain, suffering, disease, physical death, relationships, wealth, exploitations, etc., can all then be placed in perspective and seen to be useless mechanisms to prevent one's awakening to the True Reality. Indeed, this reality, being exposed as an illusion, is being destroyed daily at an ever-accelerating rate. And that is obvious to those who can perceive truly.
     To truly understand this mad, mad world, one must see through the distortion of the evil illusion and perceive truly the effects and events in the dimensions beyond this evil one. This is no easy matter, for the physical bodies True Beings occupy are programmed to assert the evil lie. One must view and judge events with the spiritual mind, something the counterfeit beings and demons obviously cannot do for they have nothing but an evil make-up. The significance of any occurrence must always be analyzed in spiritual terms and the results or side-effects on this evil physical plane must always be viewed not only as suspicious but also irrelevant, for they can be false effects created to mask the true spiritual effects. That is why this evil existence has been called a deceptive illusion, an existence of the Great Lie. Do not be fooled.

     Belief in the Bible which is a mixed bag of truths, half-truths, myths, fables, legends, absurdities and grossly distorted history, as well as gross confabulation, is testimony to the effectiveness of evil programming, pollution and indoctrination. Not only are its fables represented in Mesopotamian, Peruvian and Mexican cultures, but there they are clearer and far older (from about 15, 000 BC). Biblical stories are NOT unique!

     Some True Beings, performing their roles as warriors, are used as bait to expose Archons and evil energy patterns which entrap the other True Beings en masse. By doing this, even though they may suffer terribly on a personal level physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, etc., they do break the power Archons have and they do dissipate the evil patterns. You may be one of these, so do not judge yourself too harshly. You have given your allegiance and loyalty to the Light to serve in just such a manner. Regardless of the amount and severity of the suffering you undergo, in spiritual terms it is ignorable, for you lose nothing of value by it and it enhances the spiritual well-being of other True Beings as well as yourself. Besides, no evil being will escape from this plan being followed. The suffering of the True Beings is coming to an end, that of the evil beings is just beginning and they will suffer horrendously, but they have only themselves to blame. They thought they could outsmart the True Beings forever. They do win many battles, but their end was only a matter of time. Evil beings cannot exist outside of their own dimensions whereas True Beings, although disadvantaged in the evil dimensions, can exist in both types.
     Hence, destruction of these evil dimensions means the end of the evil beings and liberation of the trapped True Beings. In the end, all the suffering True Beings and the Warriors have needed to undergo in order to complete the task will have been well and truly worth it.

Admitting weaknesses is the first step
in their eradication.
Kill your Ego before it kills you spiritually!


     Inter-dimensional barriers are being broken at an accelerated pace. That is why UFO sightings, alien abductions, Near Death Experiences, apparitions, etc., are being reported more and more. They are used as mechanisms to awaken all the people one way or another. It is indeed the end of an era and all must leave, for the earth is to be destroyed completely.
     This message is for those of an Alien Consciousness among our readers, for those who have had UFO experiences, alien contact, experienced alien abduction, etc:
     You are invited to write to us relating your experiences. A wide-spread contact group is in the process of being established via our network. If you know of anyone who would be interested, let them know of this venture which will form a separate and distinct entity apart from our other activities. All material will be kept confidential. If you wish to have any of your material published in the Newsletter, please advise us. Please address communications on this matter to ET FILE, c/o Amitakh Chiappalone at: PO Box 28 Malanda, Qld 4885, Australia. Fax 070 965079. If overseas, use 61 70 965079.

     Do not think that the Archons who affect you personally are your only enemies. All the evil beings are enemies of the True Beings. Some are known, most are not. To take their action and your struggle against them onto a personal level is to limit your own ability to fight them for it restricts you emotionally when taking it personally. Each represents an aspect of a larger evil entity.


     The brief introductory facts in this segment of the Newsletter are for readers who are not familiar with the Name, Essence or History of Babaji. I anticipate that this segment will become a permanent fixture and those who have known Babaji are invited to share their experiences here.
     Babaji means "Holy Father". I have written about Babaji in the various books of the Centre and "Haidiyakhandi, Path to Happiness" was written by Shakti Saraswathi Devi and Tinara Deva Gupta in honour of Babaji. Doug South was instructed to write the book "The True Divine Mother" by Babaji. I know many if you are familiar with these books. Babaji is an aspect of the Clearing Supramental Energy which often incarnates to perform particular tasks. I have published some of His past incarnations in which He has often been known as the Redeemer, the Judge, the Celtic Zeus, etc. Most who have met Him in the physical have an inkling of His Ontological nature and Divine Origins.
     He was last here for many months in the earlier 1990's as a walk-in and since that time has come for a few minutes or hours as a stand-in. He does this to accomplish on the physical that which requires His specific Energy. His imminent arrival is often announced by a number of things. One of these is the sudden appearance of an exquisite unique fragrance which many who have experienced before associate with Babaji's presence. At other times, apparently dead flowers instantaneously rejuvenate to announce His imminent arrival. Flowers which are dead or should die within 24-48 hours after being harvested often last for weeks before He comes and after His visit.
     Many of you may have experienced such things in your lives in the past or may do so in the future. If you are or have been a devotee of Babaji's, keep this fact in mind, for He may be paying you a quick visit for any number of reasons not the least of which could be to help you in some way, or heal you, elevate your mood, energy, etc. His energy may be coming close to this dimension and you and that is why the presence of the Essence is discernable. Such phenomenological manifestations ought not to be dismissed lightly. But of course, the more aware one is, the more likely that the significance will be grasped.

Your life is going to be full of disappointments in one way or another in this evil dimension, so why do you worry? See the disappointments, learn from the situations that gave them and move on. You cannot expect anything of true value or of happiness in this evil plane which exists solely to make True Beings suffer through countless mechanisms of exploitation.

Beware cultivated ignorance, bigotry and stupidity.
     Before delivering a lecture in San Francisco on one occasion, I chatted with some of those in the audience. When I asked one particular woman where she had heard about the lecture and why she had come, she stated that she was looking for intelligent answers to her questions about life. She did not look particularly intelligent and I found she had no higher qualifications, not that these are essential to understanding one's inner truth.
     But by her answer, it was obvious she was going to judge any information in the lecture on the frame of reference she established in her mind to label intelligent or otherwise. In other words, she had already closed her mind to information, for if it did not fit her ideas of intelligence she would reject it. Is this not the mechanism of prejudice, bigotry and intolerance? Of course it is. One can only use the outer mind to judge whether something is "intelligent" or not on this level.
     And where does the outer mind obtain its qualifications to do such a thing? It can only obtain them from the pollution and indoctrination of the evil external factors. Needless to say, the lecture was a waste of time for such a being and I knew it would be so when she gave the answer she did to my question.
     This mechanism of intellectual bigotry, arrogance and stupidity is far more common than you may wish to admit, even in your own lives. I gave the example of Marconi above. There are many others. One of my favourite examples is that of the French Academy of Sciences ridiculing one of its members so much, he was forced to resign, after suggesting meteors were rocks that fell out of the sky. The poor fellow had been asked by the Academy to investigate the origin of meteors and was hounded mercilessly for giving such an "unacceptably unintelligent answer" to the Academy.

     Who are these women and men who pose pornographically? They are demons who act as energy collectors for the evil demiurge. They cause emotional excitation which releases energy to the system and sustains it and them. They are unashamedly wicked.

     Democracy superficially appears as a great idea. But it fails because of the presence of evil. It panders to the lowest common denominator which is evil, hence democracy, as it is presented today, in all reality, serves the evil purpose.


     Rich nations are consuming the world's resources at such a rate, who is to say that they will not liberate fatal diseases on the populations of resources-rich countries in order to destroy them and take what they need? After all, many suspect that AIDS was a genetically engineered disease created in the laboratories of the West to devastate Africa, the blacks and other groups considered undesirable. The extent of the spread was perhaps not anticipated. But that is nothing new. How often have devastating scientific experiments been thought through properly and all unwanted side-effects considered?

WAR ??: More and more talk of disarmament in the media. But who really believes that the nations involved will disarm? Only a fool would believe such a thing. They are all evil-controlled and all dishonest. Only the very weak nations are forced to disarm by the stronger nations and they try to avoid compliance when this is possible. All know that one has to be of equal strength to stop a bully. The USA has become, not the world policeman but the world bully, and many nations are arming themselves to stand up to it when it is time. Instead of disarming, many are building nuclear arsenals. A nuclear World War III is well on the way.


     This evil system can make anyone look foolish, especially True Beings. Why worry about it? It is the evilness of the system, not the Goodness of the True Beings which is the cause.
     From our earthly perspective, it is easy to take this realm as the only reality and forget others, for often we have no adequate recall of other realities. Being so immersed in the illusion of this plane we cannot even comprehend other realities at times, especially when evil, limiting programming takes over and panders to the emotional body..


The unawares often do the following things:
*    Telling those who are wiser what to do;
*    Advising those more knowledgeable about things which they do not really know.
*    Giving opinions that are not theirs.
*    Telling their Teacher what to do and what not to do while all the time professing their obedience, humility, allegiance and love for their Teacher.
*    They express apparent love, kindness, knowledge and wisdom through their EGO.

     I am reminded of an episode with a devotee who had served Babaji closely while He was in the physical in Haidiyakhan. When this man read "Haidiyakhandi - Path to Happiness", he exclaimed that it was truly Babaji as he could recognize His Energy. He was fortunate to hear from Babaji who had expressed in the physical for a short time in the 1990s. He again expressed his love for Babaji and his willingness to serve. But when he heard what news Babaji had to give, this man was egotistical enough to proclaim that he would not allow Babaji or anyone else to destroy the world for whatever reason. He claimed he would develop his own ability to communicate with Babaji directly and when he is able to do that, he is going to tell Babaji himself that he would not allow Him or anyone to destroy this world. This was a man who was supposed to love and serve God unconditionally. This was a man who claimed he loves Babaji and had devoted his whole life to serving Him. Yet he was adamant he would do only what he wanted and not what was truly for the common Good. He saw himself more loving, more knowledgeable, more spiritual than Babaji.

     So, next time, before you tell your Higher-Self what to do, before you tell a teacher who knows infinitely more than you what to do or say, think of this story which is acceptance of the Divine Will on personal egotistical terms. Do not do what the unaware ones usually do. Avoiding this ego trap you will move forward. Bye, bye for now,



One Subscriber writes:
     "I wish to thank Dr and Mrs Chiappalone for making this knowledge available to us at this time. Having read countless books on philosophy, psychology and spirituality, I was quite unprepared for the startlingly different message I heard in one of their lectures I attended. It was unlike anything I had ever read or heard and yet it resonated deeply within me. Since that time I have read the Centre's books and found them very helpful in developing a true spiritual perspective on what is happening in this world. By "spiritual" I do not mean a better illusion as is found in various so-called spiritual paths, but a clear perception of the deeper spiritual meaning and significance of everything I see around me. Nothing has been the same since that first lecture.
     I have come to understand that all of the other "spiritual" knowledge had been distorted so as to make it unusable in this day and age. That's why they just do not have the real answers. Mixed with false teachings are illusions built upon illusions. Now it is as if a Light was revealing the truth of things to me and I have a much better relationship with my True God. The wisdom that comes from the Centre and all its publications seems to me to come from the purest Source, and that Source is further enlivened in all of us who have been fortunate to hear this message and who have within them to respond to it. I have found that people accept or reject this information based upon the value they find in it and, more importantly, what they find in themselves. To me this knowledge is priceless and I am eternally grateful to have come upon it."
M.S.; Palm Beach, Florida, USA.

Anthropomorphic: Ascription of human form and qualities to the Deity. Attributing human form or personality to a god or animal or object.

Regardless of your state of awareness, disappointments will occur in your life. It is unrealistic to expect to win every battle, every skirmish in your personal war against evil. But, the more you awaken, the more likely it is that you will avoid those situations which could disappoint. If they arise you are better prepared to accept the disappointment and make sense of it in spiritual terms. What may appear as failure on this level may not be so at all. In fact, it may allow situations to develop which will lead to greater victories for you personally and the Light in general in the future. The apparent failure may allow future exposure and destruction of far greater evil energy patterns than would have been possible if you had won the earlier skirmish clearly for your victory may have alerted the evil ones to hide even more carefully. Whereas, if you were apparently easily defeated they would be more tempted to come out of their lairs to beat you again and be more careless, allowing them to be caught and exposed. As a warrior, it does not matter how small your role may be, it must be important, otherwise you would not be here.
See you soon
J S Chiappalone, Editor
Copyright 1996 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone

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