Thor's Hammer Protection Charm
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 This talisman can be carved or painted on a disc and hung from an auto's mirror. On it are four Thor's hammers radiating protection to the four directions. Four Algiz are bound with these, enhancing spiritual warding and the guardianship of the personal Fylgja (protective spirit). In runes are the names Thor, Modi, Thrudr, and Magni: Thor and His Children: "Bravery", "Strength", and "Main Force". These names may be chanted to empower the charm and make it potent. Sing them this way: Modi! Thrudr! Magni! Thor! They form a line of old lore meter verse. The accent falls on the first syllable of Modi, and on the first syllable of Magni. Alternately, you may chant them this way: Thor! Modi! Thrudr! Magni! with the accent falling on Thor, and the first syllable of Thrudr (Thru-der). I have found this chant to be very calming, encouraging, and protective. While chanting it, visualise 4 glowing blue hammers surrounding your vehicle, one hammer at a time, in a clockwise direction. This charm and chant seem to help vehicles run better. If you don't believe me, try it for yourself! (It has been extensively road tested with good results in the Greater Los Angeles Metropolitan Area!)

It is good and proper to pour libations to Thor and His Children before crafting this charm, asking Them to help and protect you and your conveyance, as well as
before beginning any trip. It is always good to be grateful!

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