When I was a young boy I often used to dream about Atlantis. Every time someone mentioned the word ' Atlantis' - or I read about Atlantis - a cold shiver would slowly travel up and down my spine.

Then thirty years ago I was first introduced to the books by Edgar Cayce - and I knew then that my quest had only just begun.

I have always believed in reincarnation - so when I read the books by and about Edgar Cayce, I immediately resonated with every word he wrote and spoke.

At the same time as I first made the acquaintance of Cayce's' books I was also in the process of expanding my knowledge and awareness of Crystal Healing. I remember being absolutely fascinated and enthralled whilst reading Cayce's information on the subject of Atlantean Crystals.

But when I began to read about the Atlantean Hall of Records - in Edgar Cayce on Atlantis - I 'knew' that I had made a profound connection with my destiny!

Countless thousands of books have been written about Atlantis - beginning with Plato - but not many - so far at any rate - have been exclusively about the 'lost' Hall of Records.

No web page on the subject of the Hall of Records will ever be complete without some reference to Edgar Cayce. And thus I make no excuse for devoting a whole section to his readings and the information derived therefrom.

But Edgar Cayce passed away in January 1945 - more than fifty years ago - and there have been many more mystics and psychics since then who have been able to add considerably to our storehouse of Hall of Records knowledge.

Indeed, my own personal experience with past-life regression has contributed greatly to that information which is available to me.

I know that the sceptic will say - and with a certain amount of justice - that there is no proof of the physical existence of the Hall of Records.

In recent times certain forward-thinking Egyptian archaeologists and other scientifically minded persons have started to try and prove the existence of the Hall of Records via astrology and the relationship of the stars.

But - and this is a really HUGE but - the Hall of Records Chamber - whenever it is discovered - will not be easily recognizable as such! The records/information contained therein will be of a multi-dimension nature and will therefore be 'invisible' to anyone who is not tuned to the correct vibration/frequency.

Edgar Cayce - in several of his readings - indicated that the Hall of Records would be opened from the year 1998 onwards.

As I write these words - in October 1997 - I am becoming very conscious that the next few months are going to prove extremely interesting……

I am in constant communication with a large number of people throughout the world - many of whom, I know, feel that they need to be present when the Hall of Records are finally 'accessed'. Indeed, many of these people have told me that it is necessary that they be present before the Hall of Records will be able to be opened!

In these web pages I have attempted to provide you - the reader - with an overview of the Hall of Records - from a historical perspective to the time (now!) just a few months before the period commences when Edgar Cayce suggested that the conditions would be 'right' for the Hall to be opened.

I hope you find the following pages as interesting as I found them when collating all the relevant material

Please send me a private email if you have received any information - via channelling etc - that you wish to share with me

Asclepius - October 1997

For further information please email me:-

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