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A time came before the destruction of Atlantis when the Atlantean Masters left the Temple on the Heights and went forth to found a new race of men in Khemu, the country we now call Egypt, for they, with the artificers and the workers in precious metal and the workers in wood and stone and the architects and designers, were sent forth to a barren desert long before the flood.

Those who have visited the Pyramids will know that round their base there have been discovered many seashells, proving that they were complete, at least outside, before the coming of the Flood which brought those great ships carrying the animals and the trees and the plants and the servants of the temple, who were ready and able to found a new kingdom in the name of God and to preserve their great teaching for the moment when God's hand alone would open the Recording Temple and give His wisdom to the world.

Among these high priests of Atlantis was the Master who is known to you as Thoth of the Egyptians. He was the scribe of the Gods, and when the command of our Father-mother God went forth from the Temple of Atlantis that these Masters should gather together and go forth into Egypt, or Khemu, it was Thoth who took down the commands of God in writing, who preserved those commands upon Papyrus, and who was responsible for that great and wonderful chamber in the centre at the top of the Pyramids where these sacred writings are preserved to this day. Heat cannot touch them, water cannot touch them, the hand of man cannot touch them: for they are the work of Thoth, the Scribe of the Gods.

King Solomon was a man of peace, gentle of disposition, with the vision of God within his soul, and his clairvoyant vision was attuned to the highest possible vibration of life. It was Solomon who commanded a Master, whose name in the time of King Solomon was Hiram Abiff, to build his Great Temple.

But it was Thoth, the scribe, who issued the measurements and the plans for the great temples of the Pyramids. There has been much conjecture as to how those stones were carried, how they were cut with the primitive tools in use in those days, how they were placed together so that the joins in them cannot be seen.

Many other questions rise to our lips when we stand before these gigantic buildings and realise, breathlessly almost, that they are the work of man guided by God, held by God in obedience, in service and in wisdom. For the great Atlantean Master, who was the Leader of the high priests of Atlantis, brought with him from that mighty Temple the great Stone Shamir; for the stone always forms the foundation of man's material life and the symbol of his spiritual life.

The plans which were drawn by Thoth were mirrored in the Stone Shamir, for the stone was softly and gently moved over the drawings which had been made under the guidance of God himself for the building of the Pyramid.

When the work of the Stone had been blessed in its service over the plans, the Stone was placed into position on the great granite rocks, which had been brought from a great distance for the building of the Pyramid. The Stone Shamir makes no mistake; patiently, and with success, the stones fell apart and they fell soundlessly at the information given by Thoth, as the Word of God was that the Temple should be built without sound of a hammer, chisel, or anvil, exactly the same way as you read of the building of the Temple of King Solomon.

No sound was heard. So the Great Pyramid was carven in stone by the sacred Stone Shamir, and two sets of staircases were set within it. The one staircase was the path of the novice down into the very bowels of the earth, to take his tests for initiation, and the other staircase led up, up, through the great Pyramid's Centre, to the secret chamber where the records of the wisdom of God and the building of the Temple of the glory of Atlantis, of the journey from Atlantis to found the work of God in a new land, were all held in sacred records till the moment that the voice of God shall bid the Pyramid to be opened and the records revealed to the sight and ears of those who are ready and able to accept the wisdom of God.

The three High Priests spent many hours in this hidden chamber. They climbed the great staircase on foot without fatigue, as all men climb in life who have the Spirit of God within them, and even Pharaoh, who could never be refused admittance, must climb that staircase blindfold, for he may not know the future of which God has prepared for man, nor may he know the past.

We journey towards that moment when those records will be opened and those with the eyes of the spirit ready, the ears of the spirit attuned and the heart of the spirit a sacred flame of love, shall have revealed to them the past, the present and the future.

Thoth reincarnated in Egypt in due course of incarnation as I-em-Hotep, the Healer high priest of the Temple of Isis.

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