The Stone of the Plough


By Ann Walker Published by Element books. ISBN 1-86204-802-6 or 1-85230-937-7


Ann is a clairvoyant and medium with a deep belief in God. She regards herself as an ordinary British housewife. Her previous book "Little One" provides proof of the existence of White Arrow her spirit guide. She slowly realises that he is an alien and once was Jesus. He also has other aliens who communicate with her.


During the time of this book Ann receives over 200 pages of writing and pictures, some of these are in the book. The writing itself is in greek ,coptic and demotic Egyptian; none of which Ann understands and she has to have help with the translation. The main mission of the book is to prove the existence of White Arrow so that Man will believe he has come, and he then will rebuild the rain forests to save the planet from a comet which will come in 2042.(this date may be 2012-I may be confusing 2 dates here) .The proof will be certain papers which will be in the Hall of Records in Egypt. Although Ann also has a mission to South America , which is only briefly mentioned in the book.


In the course of the book she receives instructions drawings and text, because she does not always understand their significance and  then often the flow of the book is lost and it becomes a sequence of events. Because of this I found this part very difficult to describe and so I mention it briefly and recommend you read it yourself. She encounters the spirits of Moses Mary and Imhotep and these are fascinating.


Ann visits Egypt several times and meets many people who help her. She visits the great pyramid and the step pyramid and other places .She learns that she is to find the book which is the writings of the Hall of Records. The people of the desert help her and accept her as a representative of their God. She meets Hakim who helps to translate many of the writings. Much of the writings tells how to enter the Hall of Records-where to stand, what to push etc. There is also a map of various rooms between the sphinx and the pyramid.


On her second visit she hears of a young girl who was found with a book in her arms. This book was written by an apostle and she wonders what the book she is to find will be like.


Before her final visit Ann learns more. White Arrow says, "Soon a visit will take place .It is a journey that no one on earth has ever taken. It has taken thousands of years to plan. The visit will prove my existence to the people on Earth, and it will give evidence of life on other worlds. I will return for a short period of time so that people will know I continue to exist, but most of the time will be spent with you bringing the proof of what is concealed in Egypt and South America".


The final visit begins on 21 July 1994.She takes some of the pages to Hakim who White Arrow calls the Keeper. He says that the paper tells how to open the Hall of Records. White Arrow tells Ann that there is a sign of a cross in the queen's chamber which she must see. As they enter a day or two later the word ARROW was written on the wall. It was there when the tomb was first opened to the public. She searches for the cross and finds it there. It was the sign that white arrow left during the Last Supper, he also left the english word. Ann is overwhelmed by this proof.


The next part deals with some of Hakims translations which are mind-blowing. Here are a few of them

"I, Ann Walker, am the keeper of the light. My work is to enter the primary time capsule which contains the emerald jade gemstone…………this capsule contains messages which have been hidden from man since the beginning of time."

"The hidden tomb of Imhotep is information on the way to the stars"

"Here at Ti in saqqara is the hidden body of Imhotep"

"In 2042 the comet is heading for earth. The five degrees difference puts our atmosphere in the pathway of the comet. In doing so it will pull the centre of the earth out."

"the key being in the hall of records, here we have in the translation the book hidden in the well, which is part of that key.

The second part of the key will be found in Imhoteps tomb, both of which give directions to the hall of records buried beneath Giza.

The third part of the key is Giza.

Once the keys are found, with the key that I Ann Walker, already have, joining the keys together makes it more possible to open the Hall of Records."


Hakim also tells her of the Bedouin legends about the origins of man. He says that the first-light matrix pyramid contains records of humanities pre-earth existence. It also contains the merkaba light vehicle used by the intelligences of Molona-a planet which once existed in our solar system. Some of its citizens escaped to earth. Ann was shocked to discover that man had not descended from apes. Human life had come from another planet.


Ann takes her papers to the government in Egypt so they have a copy. She also records a TV interview. Now then her papers are recorded as existing on that date. Slowly she realises that her papers are part of the records-the book she thought she had to find she had already!!


My review is slanted towards my own particular interests and there is a great deal more in the book than I have mentioned--The stone of the plough is a spaceship, the tomb of Jesus which is in the desert, the Virgin Mary and the tree to name a few. Anyone interested in the Hall of Records should read this. Ann I'm sure has never read Cayce or other works on the subject. This is a diary of events. Wether I believe it or not does not matter as time will provide proof if it's true. Remember all this is to show us that we have to save the rain forests.

Pauline Hampson - October 1997

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