Are you tired of Novell at your school? well I am too! This here is a page dedicated to saying that I'm tired of takin that bullshit and I'm gonna stop it! so feel free to download or whatever just make sure you sign my book thanx.

Now that that's over feel free to download and do whatever you feel free you want to. besides if you realy wanted to, could I stop you? haha. Enjoy. Also if you need any help of need reference to certian things computer related feel free to contact me or my frinds on ICQ or yahoo messenger

!!PSYFER!! 57143887 [email protected] your here
no1bull 59981060 [email protected]
[VÕÕDÕÕ] 17687260   http:\\\LoHTDO

BINDERY -> a set of utilities for extracting, importing, an exporting bindery info. Best thing is passes can be extracted and dictionary cracked. For use with netware 3.X binderies.

NOVELBDF -> Brute force login attack proggy

NWPCRACK -> teiwaz' brute force log attack proggy that uses a wordlist instead or simple brute force.

REMOTE -> the ruiner's RConsole Decrypter. Useful for decrypting the encrypted RConsole pass stored in NCF files.

BURGLAR -> An NLM that will either create a Super user or make an existing user Super equivilant. For Netware 3.x.

HACK -> itsme's utility that forges Supe if Supe is logged in, and then makes every user Super equvilant. For Netware 3.x.

KNOCK -> For Netware 3.11, exploits bug in a Netware attach to log in without a password.

NW-HACK -> "other" hack file, similar to

NW1 -> Trojan LOGIN,EXE and utility for password retrival on Netware 3.x.

RCON -> after sniffing a netware 3.x RCONSOLE session, this utility by itsme decrypts the encrypted RCONSOLE pass.

BURN -> burn up drive space on SYS: volume by filling up the SYS$ERR.LOG. About 1MB per min. Exe and source code by jitsu disk.

YANG -> Yet another Netware Game. Floo the server and it's cliets with bogus broadcast packets.

CHKNULL -> Checks fro users that have no pass. For both Netware 3.x and 4.x.

DS_STRIP -> A new DSREPAIR.DIB stripping proggy. works on Netware 4.x and 5.x DSREPAIR.DIB files. Under 4.x, you can get login scripts as well as the liscense file. EXE for win32, includes source code.

FAQ -> NEW -- Zipped version 6 of the Netware Hack FAQ.

NLM -> utility fro looking inside an NLM to see what it does. For netware 3.x and 4.x.

NVPW -> example netware 3.x login code.

PANDORA3 -> Netware 4.x NDS attack utility.

PARAMOUNT -> Paramount for Linux with IPX support. Log into a Netware 4.x or 5.x server with a recovered hash of the password. Includes pre-complied Linx binary, and the full source code or ncpfs-

SERIAL -> from the folk t sic, a pdf file entitled "keep novellserialization packets from being Broadcasted". This allows you to (illegally) run more than one copy of Netware on a network and use Novell's own tools to prevent the OS from noticing.

Here are some special logins that do not need passes, they SHOULD be in the login directory because they are suposedly the defaults for certian add on's and such.

Print Attatching to a second server for printing
Laser Attatching to a second server for printing
Hplaser Attatching to a second server for printing
Printer Attatching to a second server for printing
Laser Writer Attatching to a second server for printing
Post Attatching to a second server for e-mail
Mail Attatching to a second server for e-mail
Gateway Attatching a gateway machine to server
Gate Attatching a gateway machine to server
Router Attatch an email to a router server
Backup Could have pass/station restrictions
Wangtek Could have pass/station restrictions
Fax Attatch a dedicated fax modem unit to the network
Faxuser Attatch a dedicated fax modem unit to the network
Faxworks Attatch a dedicated fax modem unit to the network
Test A temporary user account possibly with restrictions
Archivist A palindrome default backup for backup
Chey_archsvr An account for archserve to login to the server from the console for tape backup
Windows_passthru Needed for sharing files without a password
Root Login that may give more access than the technician who set up Novell

Some Novell log:passes that may work with novell at your school or local acces center with supervisor access. HOwever I'm not too sure if they work with all systems or not they're just passes that were mailed to me saying that they may work.

Var Account Password Purpose
STIN SABRE -none- Like a guest account
STIN WINSABRE WINSABRE Windows guest account for NW 2.15c
STIN WINSABRE SABRE Windows guest account for NW 3.x
HARRIS SUPERVISOR HARRIS Tricord reseller, ships NW preinstalled