A challenging full-time system administrator/software engineer/analyst
position fully utilizing my large computer programming experience.
1996 - present : Graduate Research Assistant, part-time, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (Metals & Ceramics), Oak Ridge, TN; using C/C++, visual C++ and
Fortran developed 10 times faster software than locally self-consistent
multiple scattering (LSMS) code (about 100,000 lines) along with debugging and
optimizing (at least 30% speed-up) LSMS code itself; numerically solved
Kohn-Sham equations for both canted and collinear magnetic arrangements to
high level of convergence(project involved up to 250 Paragon supercomputer
nodes); UNIX System Administration (technical support of more than 10 workstations)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, part-time, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
1994 - 1996 :
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
developed scientific simulation software using C/C++ and Fortran .
1992 - 1994 :
Software Developer, part-time, Bank MENATEP, Moscow;
developed asset inventory software using SQL and Clarion database system;
Graduate Research Assistant, part-time, Graduate School of Institute of
Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia;
developed scientific simulation software using C/C++ and Fortran.
1989 - 1992 :
Software Enginer, Research & Development, Moscow Institute of
Cybernetics, Moscow, Russia ; participated in development of educational
software using C/C++; developed asset inventory software using FoxBase
and DBase++.
1987 - 1989:
Software Enginer, Computer Administrative System of
Governmental Department for Local Industry, Main Bureau of Design
and Technology, Moscow, Russia; player of team for developing goods
inventory software (DBase++ development system, C and Assembly for
80x86 programming languages).
1986 - 1987 :
Software Enginer, Computer Administrative System "MOSCOW"
Bureau of Design and Technology , Moscow, Russia; player of team for
developing document automatization system (DBase development system,
Assembly for 80x86).
1985 - 1986 :
Physicist & Software Enginer, Research & Development, Moscow
Central Avia Institute, Moscow; participated in developing computer tomography
software for measuring combustion temperatures in aircraft engines
using C, Fortran and Assembly for 80x86 programming languages.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Ph.D. in Physics, Summer
1999(expected), GPA 3.90
Special training: 1996-98, several workshops on parallel programming and
message passing interfaces
M. S. in Applied Physics & Mathematics (Diploma of Engineer-Physicist),
1985, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, GPA 4.45 (out of 5.00)