The Wazuh story was created back in 1999 around the month of September by a couple of bishes that reign from the KC area. We aren't copying the silly beer commercial. The fact of the matter is that they're copying us! We were way before that ridiculously cornah superbowl ad. We are simply a group of cizew bishes from back in the day that are out to cause some havoc in the era of computer technology. Da Wazuh crew can vary from day in and day out but usually regulates around ten powerful members, but truly is represented by eight loyal members. The only and I mean only purpose of this page is to entertain and spread the word of Wazuh.

The Eight Loyal Founding Fathers

Let's get to know these guys a little better

Handle  Age   Name          Location             IRC Nick                         Hobbies

BeaSte  20   Scott       Kansas City, Mo     Scottymac,an,Telly            basketball,computers,sleep,ARC
Box     20   Danny       Brooklyn, NY        speedzone,box                 house music,computers
Nizem   18   Kristopher  Edmonds, OK         nizem                         drums,music,ozarka water,ARC
Pist    21   Andrew      Santa Maria, CA     pist,am,pist`,forklift,drew   work,computers,driving his forklift,ARC   
Pistol  17   Matt        El Paso, TX         Arrogant                      school,music,sleep,picante sauce
Qizorn  20   Lindsey     Kansas City, MO     waffle                        work,skateboarding,everclear
TSA     17   Erik        Boston, MA          TSA                           school,basketball,computers,drugs
Xman    17   Xhevat      Cherry Roselle, NJ  Xman`,Xman-                   weightlifting,school,wwf wrestling,ARC 

The Rest of the Cornahz

Their info is soon to come!


Join us on IRC on Efnet in channel #WAZUH

Offical Game of Wazuh

email us