Why are we brits paying rock high prices for our internet connection when we all could be using an ***0800*** number to dial into the server and get 2 hours worth of FREE internet calls, if you're not that keen on the internet then you could send your friends and family telephone calls via the internet, it will cost you absolutely nothing what-so-ever. This is the way it works; we will put a small advert on every website you visit and that's it. You know we do have to make some money so once you sign up to us you'll have a skin installed onto your browser and every minute afterwards you'll get a different advert. OK so you wanna sign up? then quickly click on the link below

Sign up    or     Contact me     or   Advertise here      or    Tell a friend

Free ISP calls

We are a free service with limited number of vacancies available; if we could afford it then maybe it would be possible for us to extend our service available for everyone. In other words WE have to pay for your bills while you're online and our sponsors aren't prepared to pay for every-single customer of ours. So of you want FREE internet access sign up now quickly before everyone reserves a place.

If you do manage to sign up successfully then please click on the link to my advertisers so that I have enough income to pay for you telephone bills and at the same time feed my family.