Halflife Cheats These are cheats for probably the greatest game of the 90's. There is a small amount of fiddling to do but it's worth it. To input the following cheats you have to enable the console interface in the single-player game. Here's how to make a shortcut that will enable the console. If you did a standard install, this will work; if you changed the program location, you have to modify these instructions accordingly Right-click on your desktop. Click on New / Shortcut. Type in: C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\hl.exe -dev -console When you put in the CD, exit from the menu that pops up automatically. Use the desktop shortcut to start the game. Now type in sv_cheats 1 at the console to enable cheat mode. Don't exit the program, but restart the game or reload your saved game. The console is now active in single-player mode and you can input the cheats. Press the (`,�)button. It's under the Esc button to bring down the console. You have to do this each time you start the game from your desktop. You can't turn on cheat mode if you start from the CD's autoplay menu, or from the Start menu items installed by the game. After you open the console with the tilde ~ key, type one of the following: /GOD God mode /IMPULSE 101 Gives you all weapons with ammunition /NOCLIP Walk thru walls, floors and ceilings Or, type /GIVE X where X is any of the following codes. For example, typing /GIVE WEAPON_SHOTGUN will give you a shotgun. (Your mileage may vary. I had trouble getting these to work at times.) Cheat Codes ITEM_AIRTANK ITEM_ANTIDOTE ITEM_BATTERY ITEM_HEALTHKIT ITEM_LONGJUMP ITEM_SECURITY ITEM_SODACAN ITEM_SUIT AMMO_357 AMMO_9MMAR AMMO_9MMBOX AMMO_9MMCLIP AMMO_ARGRENADES AMMO_BUCKSHOT AMMO_CROSSBOW AMMO_EGONCLIP AMMO_GAUSSCLIP AMMO_GLOCKCLIP AMMO_MP5CLIP AMMO_MP5GRENADES AMMO_RPGCLIP WEAPON_357 WEAPON_9MMAR WEAPON_9MMHANDGUN WEAPON_CROSSBOW WEAPON_CROWBAR WEAPON_EGON WEAPON_GAUSS WEAPON_GLOCK WEAPON_HANDGRENADE WEAPON_HORNETGUN WEAPON_MP5 WEAPON_PYTHON WEAPON_RPG WEAPON_SATCHEL WEAPON_SHOTGUN WEAPON_SNARK WEAPON_TRIPMINE Tips Tip: You're not the only one fighting aliens; the commandos are, too. If you find yourself in a situation that has both aliens and commandos in the same area, pick a nice hiding spot and watch them beat up on each other. When the fighting stops, jump in and finish off the weakened winner. Tip: Use security guards as backup. Get up real close to them, and press your "use" key until they say something to the effect of, "You're right, we'll have a better chance together." Once they're following you, they'll engage aliens and commandos at will. Tip: Commandos are very smart, and once your position has been compromised, it's on! Not only will they attack you in formation but they'll also lob grenades at you. So don't sit still. A veteran friend of mine once told me that the only way to survive an ambush is to run into it, and the same holds true in Half-Life. Sure, the odds will still suck, but they'll suck less. Tip: If you find yourself hurting and in desperate need of medical attention, seek out a scientist. Walk up to him and press your "use" key until he says, "Let me take care of that wound for you." This won't work every time, but when it does, it's a welcome surprise.