The end is the beginning is the end and so on
(or something like that)

When I formed the current Anti-Steb (as there have been many before), it had only one objective: drive a few stupid grade sevens at Ellenvale Junior High School insane because we thought, and still think, they are a bunch of losers. At first it was fun to destroy their stupid scanned crayon pictures and post them for the world's entertainment, but then it started to lose its entertainment factor.

Soon after, they retaliated with enough swearing to kill or maim a small elephant. They also forged a few guestbook entries, which we identified through ip comparison.

Now here is where it gets weird. Our little grade seven friends decide to group up with some guy who thinks he is a collective of souls that lives between voids of destruction and fire who is probably actually a 37 year old man named Horace badly in need of a breath mint.

Now Horace here builds them a big 'ol webpage with fancy graphics and ugly frames where he compliments us more than insults or challenges us. He (or it, as it likes to be called) keeps preparing for "digital war" with us where we are to pit our computer and internet skills against each other. Now come on here, unless he means hacking each others passwords, what are we going to do, digitally beat the other person up with a web page?

So after all is said and done up to this point, I can't help but look back on our original goal: drive a few grade sevens insane. And now that they have affiliated themselves with Horace here who will only refer to itself in 3rd person, have I not achieved my goal?

And really, I have other things to do than play role playing games with a few grade sevens and a 37 year old man. Now After a few of the things I have said here, I should expect serious flaming, but don't even bother, because I won't reply or retaliate.

I do not know what will become of the webpage, and I don't really care, because I am leaving this waste of time now.

Former member of Anti-Steb Incorporated

So, now that we our out of the picture (so to speak) STEB is rejoycing...but I don't see why....they are HUGE losers and not ONE person above grade seven will have anything to do with them and their "Beanie Babies", frankly, I hope Mr.Watson, (one of the coolest teachers I know) burns those stupid things. And I also recently found out that "Horace" is just a piddly little 13yr old from Caledonia jr. High, and I bet he gets his ass kicked 30 times a day. And to STEB i say, we still have the means to get 3 different accounts cancelled so claim you won all you want but it's only cause we got bored.

-Hickboy(former member Anti-STEB)

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