A Philosophical Rendition sure to make you rethink your views
after reading this~please do go to main homepages where a story awaits you that will change your mind about the world forever.
Hint: There are billions of stars in this one galaxy, and there are trillions of galaxies!
OOPS..You can't be sure? Hint: Pick the wrong sun, and you may encounter others living there quite different from anything you'd recognize on our planet! Still can't find your way home? Then trust in whatever God you believe in, and let's continue.
Question # 2
answer: Everywhere!
answer: All of them!
You are a Muslim? A Hindu? A Christian? A Buddhist? A Sikh? A Jew? Or you worship the Great Spirit? Mother Nature? Or do you not believe in God at all?
Whatever religion you use to focus on God is what works for you. I have seen the most extraodinary peace and connection with God within a simple Christian man. I have also seen extraodinary peace and connection with God within a Buddhist temple, and as a man gazed across the sea admiring a beautiful sunset, or a child resting under a tree after toiling in the fields. It seems not the religion, but the ability of each person to find a way to feel absorbed in total love, peace, and oneness with God, hence with the Universe. This is within yourself, not within your religion. It can come any time, any place, and take you quite by surprise! Religious books tell others the way they found peace. It changes from place to place, perhaps even planet to planet, yet it remains the same for all. This is what brings one as close as possible to Divine understanding and acceptance.
Religion on this planet has taken its own evolutionary course quite different from that which you might encounter nearer to a different planet or sun. Your personal religion doesn't apply to the Universe and will never spread throughout the Universe.
Just think about the image above, about being on another planet where camels and crosses and internal combustion engines might never have evolved. Life and religions there have taken a very different direction. Yet for certain they too have sensed and sought out God in their own way. What works for you locally in your own space is your way to God. Not everyone's. It's your personal way to focus all your energies towards God.
All living things "sense" being a part of a higher order, the great stream of electro-chemical force that permeates the Universe of which we are all made from, all a part of. We "sense" this force and are always drawn back to it. It is always a part of us, ready to manifest itself in many ways. Religion and worship, prayers and mantras, rituals are all human attempts to feel close again to this main "Force" by repeating over and over what has worked for yourself or another previously. And yet, after intense prayer, one is surprised to have a closer oneness with God whilst sipping a cup of tea at 4AM!
Is it God you sensed? I would call it that. I believe in God. I too sense His presence everywhere. A feeling of harmony and love and peace within ourselves and within the Universe. Everything flowing together and working together for the good of all mankind. Most of the great religions were founded by someone who experienced this "oneness" with God for a brief while, then spent a lifetime trying to explain it to others, help others get "there" too. Local languages, local customs, local intelligence, all helped determine a Holy "Book" on the subject, whether it be Bible or Buddha, Krishna or Koran.
They all contain much truth that is moving and beautiful. Hidden within each are common denominators, common themes of Universal love. That's the God inspired part of each great book.
If only mankind could live by the Best words from each Book! But each contain a heavy dose of hellfire, brimstone, warnings, retribution and revenge for those who can't/won't go to God in "their" exact prescribed way. By these very utterances, they negate all the beauty and Love they prescribed as the way to God!
There's still no final answer, no final religion. It's evolving as man evolves and as man is capable of understanding more. A stagnant religion is a dead religion. An evolving religion changes because as man matures he understands more, and he changes. Man is ever drawn to the higher spiritual plane he does not yet fully understand. As man's awareness and intelligence increases, so too his awe and wonder and love for God and the Universe. If we were made in His image, the highest form of worship is to use our greatest gifts from Him, our hearts and minds!
Question # 4 What is this picture of?
This is a star nursery in some far off galaxy known as Carina: but a nursery that resembles exactly how most life begins right here, within a mother's womb, or a dolphin's, within a flower or a coral reef, it all looks much like this when it begins. We are replicas in miniature of all that occurs in the Universe. An entire galaxy such as our Milky Way home would be a mere speck in the picture above, one of billions of such nurseries existing to infinity! We, and our home and our galaxy are born, die, and are recycled back into the greater Universe. There, whatever love we cultivated on earth becomes part of the greater whole, the biggest Love and wonder of all.
Question # 5
But all religions say we have a soul that will rise to Heaven and see God! All religions say that! Can that be true?
Yes. That is true. God is the Supreme intelligence, the Supreme creator. What we sense as our souls are His as well. It's the sense of total harmony and peace, at one with the world we live in and God's Universe.
Sadly, it appears no major religion was founded by a woman or in consultation with a woman. It isn't that women weren't capable, it's that they were too suppressed and kept in ignorance and fear. They weren't "equal" partners in the writing and expressing of spiritual feelings. Hence, most religions contain ancient male-dominated "territorial" inclinations that will not take men, or women very far, spiritually or otherwise! We need to grow as our spirituality grows. We cannot stagnate in ancient rituals. We must take our religions and go forward, remaking them, and ourselves closer to the true spirit of God and the Universe.
Why can't I feel God more often? I pray all the time. Where is God then?
We cannot find God without first sensing love and peace and harmony. Relax. Enjoy the very personal "alone" things that inspire you, whether a garden, a day at sea, music, art, creativity, friendships, nature, pets, family. This opens your mind to the higher Universe. A relaxed. peaceful mind is a very receptive mind to God's presence.
But the world is disruptive! My family! My Job! I can't go hide on a mountain forever and meditate!
Of course you can't, nor should you! But just think of the little ways things are allowed to disrupt the harmony of our personal space......and of our Universe.....
If we yell a lot, or if we strike, harm, or molest a child, if we deprive it of love and nurturing, education and good health through poverty or ignorance or over-breeding, , we have failed to find God~ If we intimidate and dominate a child, a woman, a co-worker, or a mate, or suppress their dignity and intelligence, we have deprived the Universe of half ITS intelligence~ If we deny a girl freedom of choice by refusing her birth control, something we provide to animals~ If we expect her to wear clothing based upon religious definitions, we restrict her abilities to excel in educational puruits of her choice, and if we limit or deny her full extended education, we have deprived the world of half ITS intelligence base!~ if we hate someone's color or religion, and feel "superior" thinking our religion or creed is "better" or the "only" way to God~ if we perform acts of cruelty or wanton lewdness or over-indulgance, or unfairness~if we seath with anger, jealousy, revenge~ if we gossip, ridicule, or slander others~ if we deny the basic moral codes of decency which are the building blocks of every religion and every advanced civilization~ if we hate, lie, cheat, steal, harm, and do things to upset peace and harmony in the world, yet call it "our" religion, then I suggest you go find a new religion if you want to find God! God is on a much higher level, and that higher level is what you should be striving for. As long as you wallow in the baser emotions, you do not rise above them to God. God is Intelligence. God is Love. There is no other way. That's the basis of every religion in the world. That's the way to finding God.
Intelligence applied equally to all living things is what He most respects and honors, loving, thoughtfully applied intelligence. God will survive intense scrutiny. Maybe your religion won't, maybe hundreds of religions won't! But ultimately it's all about the very same God, and He will survive the scrutiny and the changes! So don't be afraid to explore, challenge, question, change. That's a very good way to God.
Meditate. Pray. Relax. Enjoy and appreciate this wondrous Universe! Learn and grow. Act lovingly and kindly to all fellow creatures. God will reward you and inspire you further each step of the way. That's the way to Peace. That's the way to God.
Go to God! He's right here, flowing through you,waiting for you to relax and sense His presence!
Another Star Nursery Far Away.
I wrote this page because I travel the world and have seen saints and sinners in every religion. Each is a little right, and a little wrong. I take the middle road, seeking the best from each and rejecting what offends common sense and universal Love. I judge a man not by his religion but by his ability to live it lovingly and with grace and dignity. That is a reflection of his closeness to God. I abhor double standards and the ways in which man can justify his own stupidity in the name of religion.
I hope all mankind achieves the ultimate harmony with our shared God of the Universe, the God of Love for all.
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Jesus and UFO? If they're behaving as though this were a common event then why can't you accept it too? Anything is possible! Open your minds and explore!