CTF Plugin

What's in your mod?



CTF Plugin will put Capture the Flag into most any mod with minimal effort. Simply follow the simple instructions and enjoy.
Also included are 4 new CTF modes: Three-Team CTF, Rob The Nest, Protect The Nest, and Offensive-Defensive CTF.

Please read the readme for more info.


File Name

File Size




 16.4 KB


The CTF plugin souce code. Everything you need to put ctfplugin into your mod - source, instructions, and documentation on entities and the new CTF modes.

ctfprogs.zip 169 KB 1.0 CTF Plugin already put into the Frikbot souce code. Compiled with frikqcc to allow bronze lettering of words like "Red Team" and "the flag". Source not included.


Plugins to a plugin?

Yup, here's a list of tutorials written to teach you how to add even more to CTF Plugin. Rune powers for flags, random flag locations, whatever you desire.

Written a tutorial? Please send it to [email protected]

Tutorial Name Availability Description
Rune Flags Complete Give the flags rune powers and rune curses. Players carrying a flag can benefit from Quad Damage, or suffer from degrading health, 2x vulnerability, etc. Rune powers and curses can be combined to produce whatever effect you desire.
Random Spawn Locations Incomplete Create the option for the flag to spawn in one of several random locations, defined in the map by targeted entities (like a path_corner or info_notnull). Add an extra challenge to vanilla CTF and even Offensive-Defensive CTF by having multiple rooms the flag could be hiding in.
Rob The Nest
Incomplete Create a spinoff of Offensive-Defensive mode. Neutral Team tries to defend the flag while Red and Blue teams compete for it. Sort of a combination of Three-team, Rob The Nest, and Offensive-Defensive CTF.
Three-Team Protect
The Nest
Incomplete A combination of Three-Team CTF, Protect the Nest, and Offensive-Defensive CTF. Neutral Team must defend the flag from Red and Blue team as they compete to steal it.
CTF Support for ID1 maps Incomplete Puts CTF flags in all the original ID1 maps (e*m*.bsp, start.bsp, etc) so you won't need to download new maps.



Misc Files

Old mods & other useful things
The good stuff should never die

File Name File Size Version Description
bestvoid.zip 544KB 0.9 Best Of Void
VoidTF14.zip 1.13 MB 1.4 Void Team Fortess. Fun mod with intuitive classes and a nice balance. Frikbots included.
voidents.zip 31.0 KB 1.0 All the best new entities from VoidTF and Void mod (except the turrets) compiled together, waiting to be put into a mod and used. Lasergates, pits, eye_candys, triggerable explode boxes, radars, etc; all having a great number of their characteristics customizable to the user's needs. Overall an excellent arsenal for any mapper to command.
test1.zip 150 KB   Test map for voidents. Be sure to check out the fan room and the eye candy room! :)
mines.zip 379 KB   Test map for voidents. Though laggy and poorly made, it does a nice job of showing off the entities.
quake108.zip 205 KB 1.08 Quake version 1.08. You'll need this for mods that use the gamecfg option. If you don't have it already be sure to get it now.