Welcome! I hope you find Cafe Bleu both entertaining and informative. Please take a look around, take what you will, and most of all have fun.
This site is intended to be a resource site for the needs and interests of women. There is so much useful information floating out there on the web, although sometimes just having a computer and using search engines isn't enough to find it. I started coming across sites I really enjoyed and found useful, often wanting to share them with my friends. The only problem was I couldn't remember how I found them, or I had bookmarked so many sites, I couldn't tell what was what. So I started emailing the sites to myself, printing them, and organizing them. Which brings us to Cafe Bleu, a collection of resources and ideas that I have collected and shared with my closest friends, and now you. Everything on this site has been tested and tried, by my girlfriends, my sisters, or myself. So please, look around, take what you will, and have fun!