Accept Credit Cards
Don't lose another sale because you don't take credit cards. Online and mail order businesses that don't offer shoppers a credit card payment option lose over 80% of their impulse sales. Accepting credit cards will give your customers the confidence to order without hesitation.
Merchant Accounts, processes all major credit cards. We make it easy for all kinds of business to obtain merchant accounts without the expenses and hidden fees charges by other credit card processors. We are Affordable too.
If you own a small business, new business, service business, or work-from-home business, you can increase sales by up to 40% or more by accepting major credit cards as payment for your goods or services. In fact, you really cannot afford to be in business and not adopt this customary method of receiving payment.
Over 99% of all our applicants are accepted for a Merchant Account even if they are new in business, lack credit, have poor credit, or deal in low volume. We can set up just about any business with just about any credit situation to receive credit cards from their customers.
With a merchant account from Merchant Account USA your can increase your profits tremendously. Your merchant account will be able to process Visa, MasterCard, Amex., Discover, Diners, Debit Cards, Electronic checks, etc. In addition, a merchant account will help give you an advantage over your competition. Even if you have bad, little or no credit we have a 99.8% merchant account approval rating. Its fast, its easy to apply for a merchant account. Merchant Application