Author: Les Hill D.O.B: 15th December 1963 Marital Status: Married Location: Nr. Gloucester, UK
Did you realize you could be getting paid to view this webpage, or any other website!! Click on the image on the left and sign-up for an account, download a small piece of software, and just for viewing a few ads at the bottom of your monitor! You get paid monthly, the more friends you refer the more money you earn! Start making Money Today!! It's all FREE!!
Yeah! It's a bad picture! Soon I'll be using video streaming.....
Thanks for visiting our website. We hope you find it interesting!!. I will be updating this single webpage into a website, I just put this together for a taster!! Just an hour and a half to construct!!
I've been married now for 10yrs and have two boys aged 5 and 9. Would you believe they both have their own computers. They mostly play games or use it for educational purposes, unlike myself. I've not worked for the past 12yrs due to an accident that left me disabled, but I do voluntary work for a local organization, mostly DTP and I.T..
I'm very much interested in webpage design, and designed many sites. I recently designed a website for a school in Dallas, Tx....
I have alot of experience in the internet. I have extensive knowledge of the worldwide web, newsgroups, email, ftp, hotline, telnet, IRC, ICQ and much more, which is not very well known. I use a dial-up account through our local cable company, which gives me unmetered access to the net. With many years of experience of ISP's as well as OSP's, I've found that completely free ISP are a complete let down. I've been with many so-called free ISP's and you can guarantee there's always a clause, or certain service that they don't provide for. Technical Support must be at the top of that list, paying 25p, or upto £1.00 per minute is completely wrong, but this is how they generate their revenue.
So, you're probably wondering what I do in my spare time..... Well, I watch quite a bit of tv, not terrestrial but Sky Digital. Most of the day, the tv is tuned to "The Box", I like listening to all the latest singles. Evening time, well we watch movies...especially the action-packed, thrillers, etc.
We have 3 computers in the bungalow, 2 Apple Macs & a PC! I prefer using the Mac for design work, while Deb prefers the PC! ...and our oldest son Clayton uses a Mac for games, etc.
Our Dwelling
Situated near Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England.
Well, here's where I live with my family. Not a very good photo, but I intend to get a better one done soon. These pre-fabricated bungalows have aluminium walls on the outside, this will be changing in next 4yrs to brick. These bungalows were built temporary in the 1940's, but has you can see they are still around today. The're constructed from aluminium which is from re-cycled airplanes!! ....this is an old picture! We've since got rid of the darn weeds!
The car you can just see is a Ford Escort 1.6i, which we intend to change later in 2001.
My Wife (the crazy one!)
THE TOWER My wife, Deb is certainly the 'DareDevil' of the family. This photo was taken to show the actual size of the Gloucester Royal Hospital. The 'drop' from the roof is approximately 100ft.
This building is due to be pulled down within the next few years, to make room for a larger hospital to be built on the same site.
If you're wondering why I have taken a photo of the hospital. I'll explain...
Deb (my wife), did a sponsored abseil down the building from the roof, which was in aid of The Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Before this abseil, she had never done anything like this before....
DEB JUST STARTING!! Well, Here's Deb!! The person in a white top and a red helmet. She came off with a few bruises, rope burns and a bruised ass (which she landed on!!).
The woman on the right is a friend of ours, she had never abseiled before either. At one stage she did twist around on the rope to view of Gloucester from about 80ft....
ON THE GROUND Here Deb is, back on the ground! ...and already to do it all again. She now plans to do a sponsored 'skydive' next year.
So far the details are, jumping out of a plane at 10,000ft, plumeting at 120mph for 1 mile, before pulling the parachute out and landing about 5 minutes later!!
Would you do that??
Debs Cake Decorating!
Another one of Deb's talents!! Here's a photo of our 4yr old son's (Brandon), birthday cake. Deb attended a college course on Cake Decorating and passed the exam with no problems.... She's made many cakes for friends and family, including a 'Spice Girls' cake, TeleTubbies, Soccer Teams, etc.
Would you believe, she actually used the computer to make some of the designs! Scanning images in, a bit of touch-up work then scaled to fit the cake...
...And finally the Children!
Brandon Well, this one is the youngest. He's now 5yrs old, and hoping for a sister!!
Started school in September '99, and enjoys it. So, it's peaceful around the house while the children are at school. Already a fan of ToyBox and 5ive popgroups!! Also plays his Sega Megadrive everyday, without fail.....
Clayton The eldest of our two son's. Now, aged 9 - Loves school, Tv, playing on his Playstation and recently learning karate.
He also plays educational games on his Mac IIvx, after he's finished his homework from school. Like his brother, he also likes ToyBox.... And, the latest craze to the UK, collecting Pokemon cards!!
Coming Soon..... A brand new website, you'll be amazed!!
Email Les: [email protected]
Email Deb: [email protected]