*round of applause*

Well, this is it...the long awaited camp photos!

Sorry for the delay...I lost the camera, then I had to finish the roll of film, then my memory kept slipping...you know the usual...

Anyway, thanks to my new laptop, I have a free scanner! yay!

This page is sort of a testing ground for my webpage designing skills (considering I did this with Frontpage, virtually nil) and my ability to pass the time. I've spent about 4 hours on this thing, so please take time to look at all the nice little comments and titles....please?

feel free to take the photos, print them, edit them, use them for blackmail...just remember that

  1. You should ask my permission first!!
  2. I take 99% of all profits you may earn using these photos
  3. I hold no responsibility whatsoever for whatever damage caused using aforesaid graphic files (boy, am I getting cheem!)

please mail me back with your comments, kay? spelling errors, the photos should have little blinking hearts around a certain person, "This page is crap", whatever. However, the small caps in front of sentences are meant to be that way!

Have fun!

Jennifer ([email protected])


Wanna go see the photos? Come on, I know you wanna!

This page has been hit times. Arrgh, the abuse!! Someone should really report this...