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Avast! If ye be not runnin' an Alpha, you be not playin' with a full DEC! KitchenTable Radio

From our studios in Hope Arkansas, Kitchen Table Radio broadcasts on an irregular schedule on the short wave bands.

KTR is dedicated to the belief that free speech, AM plate modulation, and open electromagnetic propogation in a universe where the speed of light may not exceed 186,264 miles per second (unless it really wants to) will make the United States of America a much safer place for all of us to live. And isn't living the reason we're all here in the first place?

Here are some color pictures of our new Arkansas Facilities:

BACKSIDE of KTR's Control Console

Notice the exquisite electrical wiring and attention to Arkansas's detailed building safety codes in the picture above.

KTR's brand new 35watt Transmitter
- The finest in Arkansas! Note the new modulator upgrade on the right side!

Where it all comes togeather. KTR's command and control center

From Drive-time to latenight POP 40, the DJ's and other on-air talent enjoy working for Arkansas's premire Shortwave Station, especially when they can use comfortable facilties and state of the art equipment like this.