Welcome to The Shell Grotto New Years Eve Party 2002

The party for those without a more interesting party to go to!

The Shell Grotto Challenge Cup 2002

How did you do?

"If I hit the side of the table, maybe that yellow will fall in"

"You play pool Ruth, I'll play air guitar"

"If I miss a few no one will think I've been practising for the last 72 hours"

"Bugger, it still went in"

"Just there Ruth"

"That's my bird through to the Quarters!"

"I've knocked one Colin out, now for the second"

"I wonder if Sarah will notice that Jasmine's tail is a bit shorter now?"

"I think I'll start with the black"

"I can't beat Pat, she cooks my dinner"

"I really wish I was in the final"

"I've got this beer glass stuck to my chin and I can't get it off"

"Let's pray that success doesn't go to her head"

"I was so close..."

"I've super glued my medal to my thumb"

"No, it won't come off!"

Any problems or comments then email either of us

