Excuse the banner ads at the top of every page. But this is fortune city and I thought that the banners at the top were better than getting a pop up banner every time you changed pages.

Anyway, enjoy and email me with any suggestions or whatever.

Sams - Teach yourself database programming with vb4 in 21 days Sam's Teach Yourself Visual Basic 5 in 24 hours Sam's Teach Yourself C++ in 21 days Red Hat Linux Unleashed Linux System Administrators Survival Guide
Database with
VB4 in 21 days
Visual Basic 5 in 24 hours C++ in 21 days Red Hat Linux
Linux System
Administrators Survival Guide

The only problem with these books is that I didnt get the jpg files that go along with them. For example, when you are reading the text and it says "click here for a screen shot" or whatever, the link wont work. You can try but you will get a 404 error.