As you may already now, i am a young polish supporter of communsim or marxism as some people may prefer.

As you may all know. Communsim in the past has not worked out due to leaders more interested in their own interests. Or those who enjoy destruction. Theirs nothing worng with those things. But leaders in communist countries have forgoten what they stood for.Efficient resource control and equality of all men.

What i stand to do is after university to find a riding with party in the federal level.Then get elected and after a svereal years  become the head of the party. Then come to power

By that time canada should be in shambles or rescision.In anycase there are more poor people  and less rich. I that case i lead a vote to bring about communism. Sicne poor people like the idea of being  equal with the rich and they outnumber the rich. they would vote canada into system of communsim controll.

In which i could rule the country efficintly and without the constarints of the fuckin inneficent canadian government. Fuck them and their bueracracy.

I could make reforms such as strict enviormental programs,fitnes programs, higher living standards, better health care stronger millatary. Ohhh i like the sound the sound of that last one.

Anways if you agree please e-mail me. I will put you on a list on my site.

And if your wonderning no the febreeze hasnt clooted my brain and no i havent been licking the sidewalk outside mcdonalds for fallen ketchup.

                         E-Mail me At

                [email protected]


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Communism doesnt  have anything to do with  nuclear weapons. it is simply a coincedance that 90% of communist countries have them. Its just a by product.

Totaliarien rule = Weapons of mass-destruction