In Remembrance of The Holocaust .....

    Students at St. Scholastica Academy inHolocaustclasses have compiled these web pages on the extermination and concentration camps that existed during the Holocaust.  Some of the many topics explained in the web pages include the history of Germany, reasons for the Holocaust, and the millions of people that were affected by the Holocaust.  The web pages also include pictures, maps and charts.  These web pages that depict the past, represent the hard work of three years of students, in hopes that nobody will ever forget the horrible events of the Holocaust in the future.

        Concentration Camps and Extermination Centers

Chelmno Majdanek

Auschwitz I
Dachau Mauthausen

Dachau I Plaszow

Belzec I
Dora-Mitteleau Ravensbrueck

Flossenburg Sobibor


Gross Rosen



E--mail John Harty, St. Scholastica Acadmeny
Social Studies Chair
[email protected]