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September 1, 2000

I guess first and foremost I should try and explain what I want to accomplish here?.which seems like an easy mission. The only problem is, that I have no idea what it is, exactly that I want to accomplish. I'm just making this stuff up as I go along. So bear with me and we'll try to make this interesting together.

When I grow up I plan to blow the millions of dollars, that I will make by  undisclosed means, and blow them on neurotic extremities. These extremities will include millions and millions of filthy-bloodsucking cats and obsessive amounts of calls to every psychic network I can think of?..any money I have left over by the time I "kick the bucket" will be left to my cats along with instructions for Fluffy, the head feline, to gather his legions and start a cat army and ready themselves for the "revolution."