Hello, and welcome to my webpage. I am LunaP, an expert at websites, media, etc. and so forth.

This page is under major construction right now, so please put us in your favorites and check back every once in a while. Thank you, and have a nice day surfing the net!



  • finished the first fanfic on this page
  • Began the page diary
  • Tenchi MP3s w/ lyrics

  • many more fanfics

  • uploaded a few mp3s
  • uploaded two new waves
  • Began a message board! ^_^ My screen name on it is Washu, if you have any questions.
  • Began the Tenchi Poll page
  • Began the guestbook. Please Sign!
  • still working on getting more fanfics. Please send some in!
  • I've just discovered that some of my MP3s are missing from this server. I am currently trying to find out what went wrong, (although I think I've figured it out) and I will let you know when I've got them back up.
  • Thank you to everyone who has signed my guestbook! I hope everyone else does too!
  • While I am re-uploading the MP3s, I will be uploading some new ones that I've gotten recently, so please bear with me!