Welcome to the Center For Music. Center For Music is designed with musicians in mind. Visitors can find FREE loops, FREE MIDI files, music from indie artists, music news, links to music equipment, links to software, and much more. If you would like to have your web site's URL posted on our site, go to Contact Us. NO OFFENSIVE, PORNOGRAPHIC, GENDER OR RACE DEMEANING MATERIAL MAY BE POSTED. If you are an artist or radio station, you must include your genre(s) or I can not post your URL. You may only post your URL one time per category. Center For Music reserves the right to remove any URL link from their site at anytime without notice.
Featured Music
One - One is a fusion of Rock and Reggae. The strong mix of Rock and Reggae rythm is complimented by the fluid and powerful guitar solo that takes the place of vocals in this song.
Bliss - This is a rave anthem style song. It has a solid beat and rythm and the effects and sweeps take you on a roller coaster ride to the dance floor.
Ambiance - Very tranquil song with an almost healing like quality to it. Pink Floyd style mellow song that can be enjoyed by just about anyone.
PM1 - This song starts off with an aprregio piano piece and begins to move with a solid drum track. It has a power mood swinging quality. Awesome new song breaking the mold of traditional music.
BMR - Classical music meets Hip Hop in a new twist on music. This isn't Hip Hop made with classical instruments, this is a fusion of the two very different styles.
Loops Provided by Center For Music
Dance Drums Dance Loops