<<== ArC AnGeL's ReVeNaGe ==>>
<<-- ArC's BiO -->> THE KEY
It was there in my heart all along . . .
. . . The key to happiness.
It will be mine always.
Moments ago, I was filled with doubt;
Somehow, though,
I found the courage to go no.
Now, my fear melts away ---
As a joyful warmth floods my heart.
I understand now that,
Which I must have known all along;
But somehow had failed to see.
Even though our love has died,
Like a rose, whose beauty withers and fades;
Love's sweet memories find a path
To my heart ---
And thereby,
Fill it with strength . . .
With warmth and smiles,
To carry me on, to see me through;
Giving me light to seek love anew.
My heart gains strength from the love we knew.
And then, in the silence,
I softly whisper a tender "Thank you"
To my heart, and yes . . .
Sentimentally, to you . . .
For without you I would know . . .
. . . A little less warmth,
. . . A little less courage,
. . . A little less love.

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<<-- ArC's HeLp CeNtEr -->>
<<-- ArC's WoLd -->> I want to start off by letting U know that i have NO love for AOL. I was a memeber for 5 years. I was ArC AnGeL24 and wrote "DeAtH" for the Mac world on AOL. Proggies RULE AOL!! U can find 80+ Proggies for AOL 2.7,3.0,4.0 on my HOTLINE server called ArC AnGeL's HeAvEn.. HaCk ThE PlAnEt and start with AOL... more to Cum..


Visto Summer Sweepstakes

ArC's Mind Continues On......
As the Night gets Darker, one Looks into the Night, only to C one's DeAtH


ArCisGod or is it ArCisSatan???
As the Light crosses the Morning tree tops, is it the Light of God? or the Flames of Hell?


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