The Magic Circles Of Xanth
Hello, this page is just an idea brough on by our little "click" of Xanth lovers in my school. Myself included. We never though any of us could actually get it up but's here. It is about one thing and one thing only; to share the love of Xanth. It is a basically a role playong game of sorts. When you join up, you get an identity and put in a circle (i.e. club, group, classification). These circles show how long you have been in the organization and how much you have contributed (money, time, ideas). There will be guilds and quests run in mud format (or even just in chat with a game master if none of us can figure out mud programing). You will be asked the preferences of you character and we will make it. There will be chat, the circles, Xanth info, book lists, overviews, message boards, emailing lists, and most of all, fun for all Xanth fans. So as you see, I, being the only one who knows html in the group, have much work to do to get this completed. So I will update as soon as posssible. Hope to see you in Xanth. --Dan Austin (TeenChatCenter AKA Frieza)(AKA MCOX(Magic Circles Of Xanth)Benetian Otharge)