Sarah Goes to Prom!!!

This is Sarah:

Sarah's going to Prom.

She's going with Brent...

She says he's normal and stuff, but according to Sarah's Dad, Brent looks like this:

If Brent doesn't show up, Sarah has backup. For example, there's always Luther (and I'm told Luther knows how to par-tay, too!):

And, well, Sarah's fickle, so there's always the raspberry pudding, too...

The good thing about raspberry pudding is that it doesn't say stupid things, it doesn't step on one's toes, and it doesn't bring you home past curfew so one's father doesn't meet one at the door like this:

However, raspberry pudding also doesn't kiss very well, so it's a trade-off, just like most things in life. Sigh.

Here's where a picture of Sarah's dress will go if she would ever e-mail it to me (me being the administrator, a.k.a. "The Most Annoying Near-Aunt in the World Who Thinks Sarah Won't Get Back At Her, Just You Wait!")

No, no, no...that's not it. Here's the real dress....

This is where updates will go about Sarah going to prom. That is, if Sarah ever speaks to me and tells me anything. (See above.)

Updates! With Photos! At least one of them possible blackmail material for the future, in fact! Woot woot!

So, here's Sarah IN the infamous dress, front and back view (and she's much, MUCH cuter than that manniquin earlier pictured, that's for sure...):

And, well...what's a dress without big hair?

And, well, what's big hair without prep work?

And, well, wht's prep work without a camera around just when you least expect it?!? I bring you...
...Sarah of the Big Curlers!!!

Here's hoping that her mother or grandmother will tell me things even if Sarah won't. Family works like that. Little is sacred, and opportunities for sharing information can always be found.
Uh...see...that's how I got the picture of the real dress, already...not to mention the *curler pic*...

Check back later!

Last Update: 24 April 2005
Bad Aunt's e-mail